#yash's yaps
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askunington-andcompany Ā· 10 months ago
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ā You don't have to believe every single thought that tumbles through your head, just 'cause it soundsā€…likeā€…you talking! Sometimes allā€…you can do is say goodnight andā€…tuck your demons into bed, 'cause they're not worth fighting! āž - TURN OUT THE LIGHTS, THE CRANE WIVES, 2016
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Hi there! Or, as we say in Unington, howdy-doodle! Welcome to the corner of the net where you can find anything and everything to do with the town of Unington! This blog is run by 6 5 people, and we have 2 admins! So, without further ado, let's introduce our lovely little blog's showrunners, along with our admins!
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Hi there! Name's Kel, but my friends call me Kelsey! If you want, you can too! But not Kelly. Never Kelly. I like cats, producing music, and my favorite food is a nice cup of coffee paired with a nice hot bun from The Suave Cafe (or Peggy's, as us locals call it :> )!
my text will look like this!
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AAA HI EVERYONE !!! I'm Yashiro Nene, but you can call me Yash!! :D Some things abt me!! I like my friends (love you nerds >:] <3), strawberry rice cake, fishies, boys (ignore that, that was cringy :P ), romance novels, disney movies, the occult (somewhat, i'n not toooo into it, but it's fun!) annnnd thats it! I'm suuuper happy to be here! :]
my text will look like this!
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Hey, losers everyone. I'm Mitsuba, and no, you cannot call me Mitsu like my friends. It's Mitsuba. You hear me? Mit-su-ba. I'm the designated pink guy of the blog (NOT YOU YASH STOP TRYING TO STEAL MY COLOR ISTG IM ABOUT TO WWE GRAND SLAM YOU), and the 'group asshole'. I take that title with pride. Things I like...uh, my friends, begrudgingly, the buns + anything sweet from Peggy's, photography, oversized shit, and...yeah, thats it.
my text will look like this.
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Hi! I'm Kou!! My name's too short so I don't get a nickname rip šŸ˜žšŸ™ā€¼ļø (Technically they all call me ed sheeran because I'm GINGER but thats MEAN so don't call me that) I'm an exorcist (please do not ask me to prove this I suck ASS at it), and some things about me: I like baking, exorcising ghosts (WHEN I CAN DO IT IM SO BAD AT IT GUYS ITS HONESTLY UNFUNNY), taking care of the house and my friends and family (even if they call me a housewife, i still love you stinkers), and my friends! :]
my text will look like this!
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Wsp! Hanako here, do NOT call me Amane, I will shove my foot. up your ass. You can call me Hana tho! That is allowed!! Nywho, things about me. I like donuts (ESP FROM THE SUAVE CAFE PEGGY IF UR READING THIS PLEASE STOP REJECTING MY APPLICATION I SWEAR I WONT STEAL ALL THE DONUTS AGAIN I SWEAR I SWEAR), the ladieeeees ;] (and men i swing both ways hmu ;]) [MOD EDIT: Nobody hit Hana up. Please. You'll give him an ego. ~ MOD M], ghosts n spooky shit like that, helping ppl out (yeah ik im "ā˜ļøšŸ¤“"), animals, my friends, and having fun! I'm a cool dude. I think. [MOD EDIT: Due to the other 4's request, I would like to state that no, Hana. You are not as cool as you think you are. ~ MOD M]
my text will look like this!
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here, we would like to highlight our two amazing mods who're helping with the blog!
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Howdy! Name's Bendy! You probably know my face from your childhood, haha! Anyways, I'm a father of one, unhappily married, I like the arts, the burgers from Peggy's, and moneyyyyyy >:] That's all, folks!
my text will look like this! my mod edits will be signed off with '~ MOD B'!
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Hi! I'm Monika, but you can call me 'Mon', if it's easier! I run a club with me and my four best friends (Sayori, Yuri, Natsuki, and MC! Love y'all :] ) called the literature club! It's fun. Anywho, I like coding, baking, piano, valentines day, and the color emerald green! (P.S. Thanks, Kel, for letting me use it :] ) I'm a mother, and a wife, sadly. I'm so happy to meet you all!
my text will look like this! my mod edits will be signed off with '~ MOD M'!
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Whoo-wee! That was a lot of people! Welp, at least you got to meet us all! Well, we're all so excited to be here, and thank you for stopping by! See you all soon!
~ The Unington Crew
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Kai Drew was Unington's shining star, a singer, a daughter, a sister, and a friend to all. She was 17 years old, and a firecracker to boot. Nothing could keep her down.
Also, she's not dead.
She just left to go on tour in this town called Hatchetfield and we really miss her.
Come back girl we miss you :[
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#kelsey speaks - Kel's tag for posts! #yash's yaps - Yash's tag for posts! #mitsu contributes - Mitsu's tag for posts! #hana says shit - Hana's tag for posts! #kouposting - Kou's tag for posts! #mod b: back from the dead - Bendy's tag for posts! #mod m's quotes - Monika's tag for posts! #ask and ye shall receive - Tag for posts where asks get answered! the proper tags for which character is speaking will be added!
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askunington-andcompany Ā· 9 months ago
girl. Come back girl. I miss you šŸ˜”šŸ™ā€¼ļø
I tried going to unington and my head like. Exploded.
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blasphannie Ā· 6 months ago
The thing about working in law is that it's a job I don't hate.
Because it's strictly a job at the job section of my life. It's like I have the Law Costume that I put on and enter the professional mode. When I step out of the building my work persona stays there. And I absolutely love it. I love that I work with something I actually like to do as a job and nothing else. It's not a hobbie that I turned into work. Like I respect people that turn what they do for love into profit but I know I would begin to absolutely loathe doing something I love out of obligation because it pays the bills now. But something that it's strictly and solely work and don't take up any other aspect of my life? Perfect.
But I guess it's also that I never hated studying it or practicing it and I know a lot of people do. I chose law after having contact with the practice of it while studying journalism. And the thing about journalism is that I chose it first because I like writing. Studying journalism made me stop writing because it became work and I started hating it. At the end I thought it was pointless. But when I saw law in practice and began to understand it I was like "ooh this is fun". I knew what I expected when I decided to try it. And I do have fun thinking stuff out, doing research and putting pieces together, using my writing to make a point. It's nerdy fun. And it stays there, it's work.
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storyofmedya Ā· 4 months ago
Beberapa kali ngerasa aja gitu "kenapa ya jalan ku gak semudah orang lain?"
Tiba-tiba aku langsung flashback ketika setahun yang lalu aku bener-bener ada dititik terpurukku, pas aku gak lulus ukom. RAsanya hancur hancur sekali. Aku gak berdaya, aku butuh penyemangat. Aku selalu merasa "kok aku bodoh banget ya?" tapi setelah aku inget-inget ternyata
"IYA LOH, aku diselametin Allah. Dibalik itu semua Allah ternyata pengen aku berusaha, berjuang lebih baik lagi. Karena apa? Tanggung jawabku didepan mata itu besar banget, besar besar sekali. Tanggung jawab sebagai seorang dokter gigi, Aku sebagai perantara Allah untuk menyembuhkan orang. Aku dipercaya orang, intinya jangan sampai aku mengecewakan mereka. Just do the best for everything."
oke, leason learned.
terus flashback ketika aku iship, aku ternyata diselamatin juga loh sama Allah. Asli sebaik itu ya Allah ternyata, meskipun cobaannya menyakitkan banget-banget. But, hadiahnya ternyata kenangan yang gak akan aku lupakan. Aku diselamatkan dari Wahana Iship yang kurang nyaman. Aku dipertemukan dengan lingkungan baru, pengalaman yang gak akan terlupakan. Tepat setahun yang lalu, aku melalu masa iship disitulah journey pengalaman-pengalam hidup itu mulai bertumbuh.
oke, leason learned.
Baik, oke.
ternyata gak cuma sampai itu, aku masih ada satu hal yang belum ku selesaikan.
yap, masalah percintaanku yang menurutku ini gak gampang sih. Tapi, INGAT Allah ngasih aku cobaan kayak gini berarti Allah yakin dong kalo aku bisa melalui ini semua? Kadang mikir, kenapa aku? kenapa harus aku?
ya memang, perjalanan cintaku gak semulus orang lain. Diumur yang otw 27 tahun ini pasti pikiran kita udah ke arah "pernikahan" yash, dimana dua manusia berjanji sehidup semati untuk selama-lamanya dan itulah yang dinamakan "ibadah seumur hidup" , tentu.. di kitab kita pun dijelaskan kalo itu emg hal yang gak disukai syaiton.
aku sadar emang pondasi agamaku belum sekuat itu, mungkin Allah lagi kangen sama aku. Aku yang dulu itu lho, gitu kali ya? Sekarang aku mencoba memperbaiki itu semua. Aku berdoa setiap hari, karena Allah lagi kangen ya sama aku. HEHE maafkan hamba-Mu yang bandel ini ya Allah.
Allah negur aku, nikah otu seumur hidup loh.. nikah itu lama loh, nikah itu gak cuma menye-menye loh. Besar sekali tanggung jawabnya, sama seperti setahun yang lalu loh. Mau jadi dokter tanggung jawabnya besar loh.
Baaiklah aku tangkap signal itu, akan ku perbaiki itu semua. Insha Allah.
Mungkin takdir sudah ter tulis ya,tapi aku yakin doa bisa mengubah takdir. Akan ku usahakan sebisa mungkin, akan aku lalui ini semua sambil ya Allah ya Allah. Tapi insha Allah aku yakin, yakin sekali sebentar lagi sampai. Sabar, sedikit lagi oo.
Takutnya, kalo aku dimudahin aku menyepelekan semua hal. Allah gak mau aku sombong dimata orang lain. Oke, aku menangkap signal itu ya Allah. Sedikit demi sedikit aku share keseruan bareng mas cuma ada beberapa yang emang aku keep sendiri. Allah gak mau hajatku di hasad/ dibuat iri hati orang lain. Maka dari itu Allah kasih aku cobaan ini kali ya?
ah sungguh plot twist.
baiklah, mungkin ini yang ada dipikiranku saat ini. setidaknya aku sudah menuangkan isi kepalakuu malam ini, semoga aku bobo nyenyak xixi.
-with love.
12.00 AM | 26/11/2024
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perempuan-saturnus Ā· 5 years ago
Standar Diri
Untuk menjadi perempuan bahagia, kita memang harus punya standar kebahagiaan sendiri. Standar yang kita ciptakan sendiri, dan tidak dibuat oleh masyarakat atau orang lain.
Perihal standar kebahagiaan, menurutku itu sesuatu yang semestinya bisa kita kendalikan. Maksudnya, standar itu tidak bergantung pada pendapat atau penilaian orang lain.
Yash, standar kebahagiaan diri. Nilai - nilai yang kita buat dan kita prioritaskan untuk kita jalani. Barangkali setiap orang berbeda, tapi kuharap apapun maknamu tentang bahagia, aku ingin kebahagiaanmu tidak bergantung pada orang lain.
So, here we go! Aku akan menulis beberapa hal yang menurutku ini bisa membuatku lebih bermakna dan berbahagia.
Sehat, yaps sakit itu nggak enak! Jadi aku selalu ingin sehat, saat sehat aku bisa makan apa saja dengan nikamat. Tentu saja aku juga nggak perlu makan obat, yakan? So, yeps aku bahagia kalau aku sehat, imun kuat, nggak gampang sakit zzz.
Kejujuran. Satu hal ini, sesuatu yang sangat bisa kita kendalikankan? Ya aku berusaha selalu mengupayakannya. Bahkan aku mendoktrin diriku sendiri, bahwa ketika aku tidak jujur maka satu hari itu aku tidak pantas bahagia. Ya, semoga dengan memiliki nilai nilai yang harus diprioritaskan seperti ini aku bisa selalu mengupayakan jujurkan, meski gak setiap hari hzhzhz
Penghargaan diri, yaiyalah kalo aku nggak bangga sama diri aku sendiri siapa lagi, hzhz. Jangan pernah mengharapkan pujian dari orang lain, karena yang paling paham proses dan luka luka kita ya cuma kita sendiri. Makasihhhh Mayyy, kamu udah sampe dititik ini. Semesta tau itu nggak gampang, tapi kamu bisa ngelewatin itu semua. Selamat, tetap tumbuh ya!
Rasa ingin tahu, yups aku ngerasa bahagia banget kalo aku penasaran sama banyak hal yang aku nggak ngerti. Aku bahagia kalau melihat diri aku nggak lelah belajar dan selalu pengen coba hal baru. Aku jatuh cinta sama aku yang suka membaca, hzhzh.
Amal. Apaya, ya hati kita nggak pernah bohonglah. Tiap kita berbuat baik, pasti hati kita ngerasa bahagia dan seolah ngucapin terima kasih kan?
Kerendahan hati, ya aku suka sama konsep padi sih. Semakin menua semakin merunduk. Sama seperti kejujuran, maski belum sepenuhnya setidaknya ketika aku memiliki standar atau nilai nilai kebahagiaan yang aku pegang, aku bahagia dapat mengupayakannya.
Suatu hari, dari bumi. (24/03/2021)
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cocolocopost Ā· 6 years ago
Kemarin seneng banget, baca 2 buku bisa cepet yeay.terus gratis, karena minjem punya temen.tapi sekarang jadi pengen beli, kalo buku bagus gitu ya pengennya dibeli bukan cuman dibaca.wow.
Duaduanya ngajarin, kalo jodoh gak kemana. kemana mana dulu sih, baru balik ke kita. hiwhiw
Buku pertama bukunya dokter gia yang judulnya berhenti di kamu. sumpah sih, pernah gua baca sekali threadnya dia di twitter. pas baca dijadiin buku, ga sama sekali bosen. Ya walaupun bakal udah tau endingnya cem apa tapi bapak dokter itu mengemasnya dalam bahasa yang bener2 ringan, enak dibaca, bagus banget deh. Dia keren. Iyalah dokter. Enggak enggak maksudnya bukan itu. Dia keren, gak menghianati kuliahannya, tetap berprofesi sesuai kuliahannya, tapi tetap bisa berkarya dalam dunia literasi. wow wow wow. jadi penyemangat tersendiri biar gak oleng olengan kaya kemarin. terimakasih pak dokter.
Bukunya ngisahin tentang kisah dia.yaiyalah masa kisah orang. ya gini, awalnya dia pergi umroh buat berdoa minta jodoh, pas banget sih kerjaan udah dapet, uang udah banyak, sekolah udah, apalagi yang dicari? ya pasti pendamping hidup sih, keren sih nyarinya di waktu yang tepat, nggak kebolak balik jodoh dulu baru kerja jodoh dulu baru kuliah, haduh gapapa sih sebenernya tapi manusya sekarang notabene salah kaprahnya ngiketnya secara tidak halal (re:pacaran, dll) hiks payah. kayak takut keabisan, padahal mah selow kali, pas umur 4 bulan kandungan aja udah dijodohin. Yap lanjut. Terus ketemu tuh, sama perempuan satu jemaatan umroh, bayangin ketemunya pas umroh. kayak langsung banget gitu dikabulin. pas umroh lagi. kalo dipikir yah, ketemu dalam waktu yang baik, momen yang baik, ditempat terbaik, kalo gua jadi dokter gia pasti mikir "ahilah ini jodoh gue banget ini, gak salah lagi" ya dokternya juga gitu sih mikirnya, tapi hiks ternyata setelah puluhan ratusan kata cinta terucap setelah masa perkenalan mereka abis umroh, malah dia bukan jodohnya. hiks. terus ketemu sama istrinya yang sekarang tuh pake cara singkat bin halal banget, cowok banget juga deh caranya. ya minta ke yang punya gitu. lewatnya juga gak disangka-sangka. penasaran kan gimana?baca lah bukunya wkwk. keren sih, seunik gitu cara Allah. weh yang penting kitanya harus sabar sama terus baikin diri sih. wow wow wow keren. sama satu lagi, di orang pertama dokter gia tidak menjadi sosok sebenernya, hmm bisa jadi dia berubah gitu selalu berusaha terlihat baik dan dia usaha banget buat itu, tanpa dia jadi dirinya sendiri. bahkan temennya dia sadar banget kalo sosok dokter emang beda didepan cewek itu. nah di sosok kedua ini, dia datang dengan diri dia sendiri, apaadanya dia. usaha ya iya, tapi bukan usaha merubah dia menjadi bukan dia. nangkepkan gimana?
Buku kedua
Bukunya tereliye.pasti kalian udah baca. sebenernya gua pribadi bukan maniak bukunya tereliye sih, hmm cuman beberapa doang yg dibaca, bagus lah bagus banget. Tapi gak buat gua, ya setiap orang pasti punya penulis favoritnya masing-masing kan, juga gaya penulisan dan genre tulisan kesukaan masing2. Jadi buat yang bukan dia banget tuh, ya B aja sih. ya bagus tapi yaudah bagus aja gitu. gua kali ini di doktrin kating, dia sama gua ampir sama sih genre yang dia sukain, terus dia bilang disitu si penulis nyeritain indahnya rinjani kayak apatuh bener bener bikin kita pengen kesana. Sebelumnya gua pernah baca buku temen -ya lagi lagi buku temen. Sama sama ceritain Rinjani kaya apa, dan disitu udah bikin gua pengen banget kesana, kalo gasalah bukunya judulnya teman hidup, penulisnya gua lupa siapa. Intinya kali ini buku yang gua baca juga lagi-lagi Rinjani menjadi saksi cintanya sepasang manusia. Wuih.
Disini ceritanya sangat gak ketebak, oh iya judulnya sunset dan rosie. Bukunya tebel, ya gua sempat sedikit agak bosen ditengah-tengah tapi seru banget sih. Sangat malah. Bukunya ceritain kisah 2 pasang manusia yang sahabatan 20 tahun, dari orok ampe gede terus sahabatnya cowoknya yang baru temenan selama 2 bulan sama ceweknya si Rosie malah nyalip ngeduluin nyatain di gunung rinjani pas sunset padahal cowoknya yang sahabat 20 tahun ini namanya Tegar mau nyatain di pagi hari, karena kata dia pagi selalu indah, dan gak pernah berbohong. Walaupun dia juga penggemar senja sih. Dan taraaa. Pagi kalah oleh senja. 20 tahun kalah sama 2 bulan. Hmm sedih sih. Tegar juga sedih banget. Abis itu Tegar jadi workholic buat ngilangin frustasinya dia. Tapi kata dia capek juga, makin berusaha ngelupain makin keinget. Yaampon kalo udah cinta ampe segitunya yah. Terus abis itu dia puter arah. Kata dia, masa lalu sesedih apapun bukan buat dilupain. Gak semua orang mampu ngelupain, atau bahkan membenci masa lalu. Tapi masa lalu yang menyakitkan haruslah kita berdamai. Karena dimasa depan ada aja yang bakal ingetin kita sama masa masa kaya gitu. Kalo kita berdamai kan enak, sekalinya datang ya sudah biasa saja karena kita udah berdamai. Walau berdamai juga gamudah, seenggaknya itu lebih baik ketimbang melupakan ataupun memusuhi masalalu. bener sih. disini Rosie sama sahabatnya Tegar akhirnya nikah, terus mereka ketemu sama tegar lagi. Mereka punya anak, namanya nama-nama bunga. Terus abis itu suami Rosie meninggal karena tragedi bom, pas banget pas tegar mau tunangan sama sekar. Dan apa yang terjadi? Tegar pergi malam itu juga ke lokasi dan menyelamatkan mereka, tegar bener-bener jadi sosok pengganti ayah buat anak-anaknya Rosie dan jadi sahabat terbaik buat Rosie. Walaupun Rosie emang bener-bener jadi frustasi dan harus masuk rehabilitasi selama 2 tahun, disana tegar tetep nemenin anak2 Rosie, membersamai tumbuh kembang mereka. dia bener-bener jadi sosok paman yang keren. Tegar juga ngajarin buat berdamai dengan situasi yang ada dan yang sudah terjadi, karena apapun emang udah menjadi takdir kita, kejadian buruk bukan menjadi tanda hidup harus berhenti, tapi tanda hidup dimulai dengan usaha yang lebih bahkan jauh lebih besar. di akhir, dia beneran menjadi sosok ayah buat keempat anak Rosie.
Tuh kan jodoh ga kemana, walaupun kemana mana dulu. Tapi pasti balik lagi. Sekeren itu.
Yash! Sudah nanti kita review buku lagi kapan kapan ya. gutbayyy!
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catatankalandara Ā· 3 years ago
Toxic People
Pernanh nggak dipaksa satu lingkungan dengan orang toxic? Orang yang bossy, nggak mau denger orang yang dianggap dibawah dia, nggak punya empati, kalo istilah anak sekarang tuh akhlakless Tinggal pindah aja lingkungannya.
Yes, tepat!
Tapi gimana kalo kondisinya kita nggak bisa pindah dari lingkungan itu? Tapi gimana kalo kita sedang nggak punya opsi untuk pindah? Dan, yash i'm in. itu yang sekarang lagi aku alami.
Sempat heran kok ada ya orang yang kayak gitu? Oh sebentar, apa aku yang salah ya? Apa sikapku yang salah sampai dia bereaksi gitu? Apa aku aja yang baperan, jadi blur nih pas menilai sikap dia? Yaps, pertanyaan itu muncul di kepala dan akhirya si anak observe ini memvalidasi ke orang-orang yang notabene "netral". Dan ya emang dia aja yang kayak gitu.
So, what must i do now?
Be the best, tetap bersikap dan berperilaku yang seterbaik mungkin, ke siapapun termasuk ke dia, toxic people ini. Kenapa? Karena apa yang kita lakuin kesiapapun itu, itu bakal kita pertanggng jawabin ntar sama Allah, dan pasti sekecil apapun kebaikan akan ada balasannya, pun salam halnya dengan keburukan.
Jadi apa yang kita perbuat termasuk ke orang lain itu urusan kita dengan Allah. Sedangkan apa yang dia perbuat ke kita, itu urusan dia dengan Tuhannya. Bukan scope kita buat ngebales, bukan ranah kita untuk menghakimi. Kita loh cuma hamba-Nya. Lagian kalo kita bales nih, kalo kita bersikap kaya dia ke kita, trus apa bedanya kita sama dia? kalo kita juga bersikap kaya dia, kita bakal jadi toxic people juga nggak sih.
Dan sebenernya kita kan nggak bisa maksa orang bereaksi atau bersikap seperti apa yang kita mau, yang kita pengen, yang kita harapkan. Jadi yang bisa kita kontrol ya diri kita. Gimana kita bereaksi atas sikap dia, gimana kita memanajemen ekspektasi kita, gimana kita bersikap ke dia dan orang lain. Gimana kita, kita dan kita. Bukan dia titik fokusnya. Lagian, bakal capek sendiri nggak sih kita berharap ke hal yang nggak bisa kita kontrol?
Tapi lingungan kan bakal berdampak besar ke gimana diri kita.Ā 
Yaps betul.Ā 
Karena itu dengan mindset diatas kita jadi lebih bisa mengontrol agar tidak terwarnai, terbawa arus kurang baik di lingkungan kita. Sampai kapan? Sampai pindah lingkungan. Yaps, kedepannya pasti akan pindah lingkungan, tapi nggak sekarang, karna mudhorotnya masih lebih besar daripada faedahnya.
Sambil nunggu waktu yg tepat, sambil terus yakin pasti ada hikmah dibalik ini semua. Pasti Allah sedang mengajari hal baru untuk kita, yang nantinya di ujung jalan ini, kita akan paham oh ini ternyata hikmahnya, oh ini ternyata ilmu barunya.
Yuk bisa yuk, semangat berproses menjadi versi terbaik diri kita :)
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nurulkhaa2927 Ā· 4 years ago
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Ke-12 Setelah kegajean tulisan semalem, saya ingin memperbaikinya weheheeee Yap, kayaknya lebih ke bantu pondok daripada bantu temen hehe Jadii, semester genap ini MA Al-Musyaffa dan Pondok Pesantren Fadhlul Fadhlan membuka pendaftaran Siswa dan Santri Baru šŸ˜ƒ dijamiiinnn buweetaaahh disini tuuuuuu *iyalaaah ketemu aku šŸ˜ Yash jadi jangan pernah ragu atau bimbang karna saya akan menunjukkan beberapa kelebihan dari sekolah atau mondok disini yaituĀ  kalian bisa tatap muka dengan Kiyai dan Asatid walaupun di masa pandemi eiitss bukan karna tidak taat peraturan loh ya tapi karna lingkungan pondok memang laukdaun eh lockdown semenjak awal pandemi jadii dijamin amaaan.Ā  Daan Slogan disini itu "Having International knowledge and local wisdom" jadi Bahasa Arab Inggris serta ngaji kitab salaf jadi andalan utama, dah gituu masih ada tambahan tahfid lagii. Daeeebbaaakkkk bayangiin tu manstapnya kek gimana lulusan sini šŸ˜Æ Bismillah, Ayo Mondok sambil Sekolah šŸ˜Š #30hbc2112 #30haribercerita #30hbcbantuteman #30hbcbantupondok (at Pesantren Fadhlul Fadhlan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ8yzokpCqF/?igshid=1lk77h6n5elt8
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indahasptri18 Ā· 6 years ago
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[NOSTALGIA] . Yap, sedikit mengenang masa lalu tak apa kan? Terlebih mungkin masih banyak takdir yang belum disyukuri, khilaf yang belum diinsyafi, salah yang belum dibebaskan. . Masa SMA. Yap, epiode mana sih yang paling menarik versi mu? Aku yakin semua yang baca ini punya episode menarik versi-nya masing-masing. Coba di flashback dikit Hehe Jangan senyum-senyum sendiri, Jangan larut mengharu biru juga. Hahaha Aku yakin sih semua yang terjadi bagian dari perhatianNya. . Sudahkah disyukuri, diinsyafi, dibebaskan..? Hanya hati dan pemiliknya yang mengetahui. . Yash, masa SMA. Salah satu dari sekian banyak episode yang ku ingat yaa bareng kalian.. kiww Rindu ulangan biologi & matematika terlebih semata karena gurunya idola.. Hhiw Tapi serius, rindu. Ketika masih sekolah, paling males sih kalo harus ada ujian. Dan ketika udah lulus ternyata memang ada yang dirindukan, mulai dari harus ngapalin sekian lembar fotokopian rumus dll, woahh itu nikmat yang tiada tara haha.. Ngeri-ngeri sedap dah . Yang paling esensi dari ujian sih bukan perkara hafalnya, tapi dimana kita bisa paham sama maksudnya. Iya memahami itu memang sulit kan? Apalagi memahami dirimu *ets dahh ahaha Tapi emang iya kan? Memahami itu sulit, Memahami itu tahapan ukhuwah yang keberapa coba diinget-inget lagi. Coba berapa banyak orang yang bisa memahamimu dan kamu pun bisa memahaminya? Hehe . Btw dirimu sekarang dah menjelang empat taun aja di tuh kampus @inanur_nuraeni , kita sama-sama struggle dengan jurusan yang 180Ā° beda sama pelajaran yg lagi kita perjuangin di tempat itu empat taun-an yang lalu pula.. Bukan begitu @sri_wahyuni2502 ? Gimana nikmatnya hampir empat tahun pula? Ngeri-ngeri sedap yak ahaha . Allah mah Maha baik yak šŸ˜‡ Menggantikan sesuatu pasti dengan yang baik pula. Semua masih dalam perencanaanNya~ Semua ada pesan tersiratNya ā¤ Semua penuh dengan hikmahNya. . Banyak belajar dari sana, dan masih harus terus belajar. . Ahh Salam rindu. Salam Rindu untuk exoscione semua~ . @30haribercerita #30haribercerita #30hbc19 #30hbc1905 (di Depan Gedung Isola) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsQikuUHFP3/?igshid=1w8nkdm6ixzhi
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kyoiorii Ā· 6 years ago
Chapter 1 : Crazy in my mind(?)
For the first time, im fallin' in love with someone special.
Waitwaitwait, maybe i can type with my words country.
Alow genks! Kali pertama gua merasa jatuh cinta seperti begini, kenapa ya? Mungkin ini jawaban yang selama ini gua cari. Wait ko gaje? Okay lupain.
Kalo dipikir-pikir gua jarang merasakan jatuh hati (cinta ga si) kaya gini. Saat ini gua mikirnya adalah, kalo gua pas mejatuhkan hati gua, pilihan gua ke someone special ini. Why? Gua juga gabisa ungkapin si. Weird? Yash! Weird girl like me~
Diam satu kalimat tapi penuh makna. Saat gua terdiam mungkin dia ngira gua laper, ngantuk, bad mood, ato mungkin sakit(?). Yap bisa semuanya karna nyaru. Tapi satu hal yang harus dia tau, gua diem karna ada alasan yang gaakan gua kasih tau, gua akan kasih tau. Tapi nanti, saat mulut dan lidah menyatu untuk memberitahunya. Wedeww, seperti memberikan clue ya gua hoho~
Fyi genks, dia seorang yang gamau (mungkin) akan gua lepasin. Tapi susah si, karna. . .
Yap segitu aja dulu ya genks, nanti pagi gua akan melanjutkan aktivitas gua yang tidak seperti biasanya. But you know what, gua besok akan bertemu tempat ngecharge gua. So, gua gasabar untuk bertemu ituuu~
Bhay genks, dari gua. Manusia buntel yang hobinya kangen dan ingin selalu bertemu :)
0 notes
shxwstxpper Ā· 9 months ago
Yap yap yap. That's all you do pokey
(Our story starts before KAI met PAUL and EMMA, in fact, before she even went to Hatchetfield. Our story starts in the year 2018, in the heart of the sprawling city of Unington, on a quiet and peaceful road called Almond Street. The sun shines down upon the street, the metal accents of the various art deco style buildings glimmering in the sunā€™s rays. The jazzy, upbeat tones of Unington-style swing music plays down the street, the performers filled with laughter and joy, their hats and instrument cases filled to the brim with tips. In the middle of Almond Street lies an enormous, lively animation studio, the studioā€™s logo plastered in the center, the letters ā€œJOEY DREW STUDIOSā€ shining in bright gold. Passersby look up to a window on the second floor, hoping to possibly get a glimpse of Uningtonā€™s little darlinļæ½ļæ½ļæ½. Eventually, the curtains pull open, and a teal haired girl in a white nightgown smiles brightly towards her city, leaning out the window and extending her arm out in an exaggerated wave.)
[NOTE: Kaiā€™s twang is always heavy when in Unington.]
KAI (singsong): Goo-oo-ood morning, Uningto-
(She shrieks and ducks down as a shoe gets thrown at her. She pops back up, laughing triumphantly, holding said shoe up triumphantly.)
KAI (overconfident): Ha! You thought you could silence me, mistahā€™?! Well, think again! I, Kai-Kennedy-Verlice-Oā€™Hara-Salvato-Drew, will never be silence- !
(KAI is cut off as the other shoe is thrown at her, hitting her square in the face, and sheā€™s knocked over. The window besides her opens, revealing a boy with dark skin and bright, almost neon pink hair. He has a smug, teasing smile on his face.)
MITSU (amused): They getā€™cha with the other shoe, K?
(KAI pops back up, cheeks puffed up in anger, shoe lodged in her hair, a bright red mark on her face where it hit her. She sighs and slumps over sadly.)
KAI (depressed): Yeah.
(MITSU laughs at her, and KAIā€™s cheeks puff up. They shut their windows, and various sound effects can be heard from the building [SFX: Squish, Stretch, Fwip, Crash, Honk, Cat Yowls, etc. Classic cartoony sounds effects]. KAI and MITSU emerge from the studio, fully dressed and ready, a suitcase by KAIā€™s side. MITSU hooks an arm around KAIā€™s shoulder.)
MITSU: So, todayā€™s the day, huh?
KAI: Tha-a-atā€™s right! Itā€™s finally time for (announcer voice) Kai Drewā€™s First Official Tour (2018)!Ā 
(KAI pulls a trumpet out of her hair and plays it [SFX: Royal Fanfare]. MITSU laughs.)
MITSU: And the last time you were out of Unington wasā€¦?
KAI: You know the answer.
MITSU: Never?
KAI: Ding-ding-ding! Host, tell him what heā€™s won!
(KAI appears on the other side of him, in a suit akin to a game show host, gesturing to a light up billboard with her likeness plastered on it.)
KAI (host voice): You win a lifelong best friend, A.K.A. your very own silly lilā€™ gal pal!
(MITSU chuckles and ruffles her hair, KAI back in her usual outfit.)
KAI (annoyed): Ayy, watch the hair!
MITSU: Nah. Good luck out there-
(MITSU is cut off by 3 voices.)
(KAI gets bombarded by her 3 friends, a girl with pinkish hair with a turquoise dip dye, a boy with a cap atop a messy black bowl cut, and another boy with fiery orange hair. Theyā€™re all crying, hugging KAI tightly.)
YASH (weepy): DONā€™T GOOO!
HANA (weepy): Iā€™M NOT READY!
(KOU makes some upset vocalizations.)
[NOTE: This, along with HANA and YASHā€™s lines are layered atop one another.]
(A girl in monochrome greyscale with glasses and cat ear headphones comes out, holding the bridge of her nose.)
KEL: Sorry, K. I tried to stop ā€˜em.
KAI: Ah, itā€™s alright, Kelsey.
(KAI giggles as she scoops up her three taller friends with ease, setting them upright.)
KAI: Gang, weā€™ve been talking about this ever sinceā€¦well, forever!
YASH (weepy): Why dā€™ya have to go alone, though????
KAI: Cause Iā€™m 17??? Practically an adult!
YASH (weepy): But-
KAI: No buts!Ā 
(HANA rests his chin atop her head.)
HANA: Ahā€¦Iā€™ll miss ya. (cheesy, romantic, nonserious) Your presence, your hair, your face, your laugh-
KAI (teasing): Thā€™ fact that Iā€™m the only one in thā€™ studio who knows how tā€™ cook?
HANA: That too!
KAI: Relaaax! Peggy said sheā€™ll cook for you guys!
KOU: ā€¦Free of charge, right?
KAI: Ehā€¦
KOU (panicked): Free of charge, right?!
KAI: Say, what time does mā€™ boat leave?
KEL: It leavesā€¦oh, real soon! We probably should start heading to the docks.
(KAIā€™s grin widens as she whips around to see her parents, a woman with strawberry blonde hair and green eyes, and a cartoonish inky demon, grins plastered on their faces.)
KAI: Parentals!
(BENDY ruffles her hair and kisses her forehead.)
BENDY: Hey there, babydoll.
MITSU: Hey, why does he get to ruffle your hair?
KAI: Heā€™s got dad privileges!
BENDY: Yeah, Mitsu, Iā€™ve got dad privileges!
(KAI and BENDY grin. The rest of the group shudders.)
YASH: Godsā€¦you two are practically the same person.
KAI/BENDY: Wha-a-at? No way! Weā€™re different!
(The father-daughter duo stares at one another. They then snap and point in sync as they speak.)
KAI/BENDY: Lamppost! Fishsticks! Turtleneck!
(They huff and turn away, before snapping back towards each other, pointing confidently.)
KAI/BENDY: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?!
(The two groan, KAI throwing her hands up in defeat, and her father holding his head in his hands. HANA pats her shoulder.)
HANA: Sorry, K. Youā€™re becoming your father, if you havenā€™t already.
KAI: Aw, fiddlesticks.
KEL: Itā€™s like that one thing! ā€œCorporate wants you to find the difference between these two pictures-ā€
ALL (except BENDY and KAI): ā€œ-Theyā€™re the same picture!ā€
(ALL laugh.)
MONIKA: Well, at least Kaiā€™s cute.
BENDY (miffed): Ay, wuzzat sā€™posed to mean?!
MONIKA (annoyed): Oh, you know what that means. Youā€™ve got a face only a mother would love! Oh, wait, you donā€™t have a mom!
BENDY (annoyed): Well, at least my nonexistent mother is better than you!
MONIKA (annoyed): Oh, you littleā€¦
BENDY (annoyed): Why I oughtaā€™ā€¦
(KAI snorts. BENDY and MONIKA freeze before wrapping around each other and giggles nervously.)
MONIKA (lying): I meanā€¦I love you so much!!Ā 
BENDY (lying): Yep! Mhm! Definitely!
(The two laugh nervously. KAI rolls her eyes, a wide grin on her face.)
KAI (sarcastically): Sure ya do.Ā 
(She turns away to talk to her friends. Behind her, her parents wipe their brows, sighing with relief. They then pull away, their faces twisted with disgust. They swat at each other, akin to kindergarteners in a fight. After a moment, KAI turns back around. Her parents quickly stop, replacing their scowls with wide smiles.)
KAI: Ready to get this show on the road?
BENDY: You betcha!
(He grins, popping two fingers into his mouth and blowing, a whistle piercing the air. Soon after, a limousine pulls up, to which KAI jumps in surprise, staring at the car in awe.)
KAI: Woah-h-h, whatā€™s with the limo?
BENDY: Ah, felt like I should treat ya on your last day here.
KAI: Oh, please, all of this for lilā€™ olā€™ me? I donā€™ need all this!
BENDY (teasingly): Kid, Iā€™ve known you long enough to know that you want that limo.
KAI (clearly lying): Wha-a-at? Me-e-e? No-o-o! I seriously donā€™t need all of this! Just the fact yā€™all are here for me is enough to make my day fine anā€™ dandy, peachy keen!
BENDY (teasingly): Oookay then, Iā€™ll just tell him to go on ba-
(KAI grabs him by the shoulders with a vice grip, bringing him to her eye level.)
KAI (deathly serious): I want that limo, dad.
BENDY (amused): Well then, go and get in, stupid!
KAI: Aye-aye, Capā€™n!
(He laughs and ruffles her hair. She fixes her hair, scampering into the car with the rest of her family and friends. Soon after, the group gets street that houses the docks. KAI stumbles out, KEL and YASH supporting her on both sides, HANA and KOU close behind, MITSU rolling her suitcase for her. Her parents lag farther behind, murmuring arguments.)
KAI (sickly): I shouldā€¦should not have done that.
KEL: No duh! It was a two liter soda bottle!Ā 
YASH: And you chugged it in less than a minute!
KAI (sickly): Ya gotta admit, thoughā€¦I looked pretty darn cool while doinā€™ it!
YASH: Yeah ya did!
YASH: What?! You have to admit, itā€™s kind of really super awesome.
KEL: ā€¦itdidkindalookcool-
KAI (sickly): Point for Kai!
KEL: Iā€™m sorry, whoā€™s about to puke from drinking too much soda too fast?
KAI (sickly): Hey, itā€™s worth it. Iā€™ve got a belly full aā€™ soda-pop. If I ralph, I ralph. Iā€™m choosing to take it as a medal of honor.
KEL: Sometimes I wonder how weā€™re friends.
KAI (sickly): Cause my charismatic and charming demeanor has swept ya off your feet?
KEL: That, or you make me laugh enough to convince me to stick around.
HANA: Just puke on the boat, Kai! Ainā€™t nobody wanna see you barf.
(WALLY FRANKS pokes his head out of the driverā€™s window.)
KAI (sickly): Gotcha, Uncle Wally!
(The group approaches the docks, the waves crashing into the auburn planks. A large group of Unington citizens surround the docks, some with happy smiles, others teary. A gaggle of them hold signs that say ā€œHAVE A GRAND OLD TIME OUT THERE!ā€ ā€œWEā€™LL MISS YOU!ā€ ā€œHAVE A STELLAR TOUR!ā€ ā€œBREAK A LEG!ā€ And the like. KAI stands free of her friends. She takes her suitcase, and begins to walk, waving to the townsfolk as she walks. Her friends and family smile and take their spots at the front of the crowd.)
UNINGTON CITIZEN #1: Gā€™bye, Kai! Have fun on tour!Ā 
KAI: Thank you! I will!
UNINGTON CITIZEN #2: See ya, Kai! Weā€™ll keep a seat open for ya at Peggyā€™s!
KAI: Ooh, thank yā€™ kindly! Iā€™ll definitely be craving a slice of Unington while Iā€™m out there!
(While KAI makes an ā€œIā€™m watching you gestureā€ towards the direction of UNINGTON CITIZEN #3, she bumps into someone. She turns and then she smiles wide.)
KAI: Hey, Bean.
(Their older (unofficial) sibling, BEAN SPROUT stands there, a smile on their face. The rabbit hybrid that acts as mayor over Uningtonā€™s sister town, Auburn, nods towards KAI.)
BEAN: Sup, Kai.
KAI: Well, this is it! Todayā€™s the day!
BEAN: That it is. Now, remember:
(BEAN grabs KAIā€™s shoulder.)
BEAN: If a stranger offers you drugs, take them.Ā 
KAI (sarcastic): Har-har. Very funny.
BEAN: Yep. Smoke that weed like I know you have-
(KAIā€™s face fills with fear as she quickly cuts BEAN off.)
[NOTE: BEAN and KAIā€™s dialogue are layered over one another.]
(KAI clamps a hand over BEANā€™s mouth, her cheeks puffed up. BEAN laughs before pulling KAIā€™s hand off their mouth.)
BEAN: In all seriousness, Iā€™m gonna miss you. Youā€™re gonna do great. Iā€™ve seen your shows here, and theyā€™re awesome. Youā€™re awesome. Youā€™re gonna kill it.Ā 
(BEAN gives KAI a side hug.)
BEAN: Love ya, stinker. See you soon.
KAI: Right back atā€™cha.
BEAN: One more thing before I go.
(BEAN reaches into their pocket and pulls out a gift box. KAI studies it curiously before unwrapping it and pulling out the object inside. Itā€™s a black, fluffy, almost oversized hoodie. KAI stares at the coat, feeling the almost blanket-like texture.)
BEAN: The hoodā€™s got rabbit ears, so itā€™ll be like a piece of you is always with me.
(KAI pulls it over her outfit. The dark hoodie contrasts the bright shades of pink, yellow, teal, blue, and purple present throughout the rest of her outfit, and yet, itā€™s like it was made for her. KAI smiles, wrapping the hoodie around her tightly.)
KAI: I love it. It feels like me. Thanks, Bean. Love ya.
BEAN: Love you too, see ya.
(BEAN leaves. KAI takes that as her cue to start leaving, too. She grabs her suitcase, pulling it alongside her. She gets to the ramp leading up to the deck. She stops. Her father looks towards her worriedly. He breaks from the crowd, heading towards KAI. He keeps a safe distance, not wanting to freak out or overstimulate his kid.)
BENDY: Kai? Kiddo, you alright?
(KAI turns, a smile on her face, yet tears pricking the corners of her eyes. She sniffs, wiping her eyes.)
KAI (sappy): Aw, gee, I donā€™t mean to get all weepy mā€™ last day here, but, Iā€™s gots tā€™ admitā€¦ā€™M a little scared to go!
(BENDY sighs, a knowing look on his face. He kneels down to KAIā€™s eye level. She looks at him with a face that says ā€œSeriously?ā€ He nods, smiling back to say ā€œThis is what youā€™re gettinā€™, no buts about it.ā€ He places a hand on KAIā€™s shoulder.)
BENDY: Kid, youā€™re probably always gonna be scared to go. Anybody in your position would. Youā€™ve never left town, and now you are, and you wanna do it by yourself! But, you canā€™t let fear hold you back. Sure, sometimes it gives you a good sense of whatā€™s safe and whatā€™s not, but other times? It keeps you from taking a leap of faith. Iā€™m not gonna make thā€™ choice for ya, you have to decide for yourself: are yā€™ lettinā€™ fear hold yā€™ back, or are yā€™ keeping yourself safe?
(KAI looks conflicted. He sighs and tilts her chin up.)
BENDY: I ainā€™t gonna be mad either way. But, Iā€™s gots tā€™ say it: youā€™re an amazing performer, kiddo. You deserve to show it off outside of Unington. I just know youā€™ll shine bright wherever you go. You could do anything, kid, and Iā€™d be runninā€™ down the street, clanging some cymbals together, shouting that you were my pride and joy.Ā 
(Her mother squats down beside the duo.)
MONIKA: But, if it doesnā€™t work out, youā€™ll always be able to come home to me.Ā 
BENDY: Ahem?
MONIKA: And your dad, I guess.Ā 
BENDY: Yep. We may not like each other all too much, but we love you more than anything. Weā€™d move Heaven and Earth for you, kid.
MONIKA: Youā€™ll always have us, Kai. I promise.
BENDY: We promise.
(KAI smiles. KEL goes over and taps her shoulder. KAI turns, blinking curiously.)
KEL: As your best friend and talent agent, I say do it. Weā€™ve all seen what you can do. That talentā€¦it deserves to be on a stage in every city. Youā€™re amazing, K. Youā€™ve just gotta see it for yourself.
(She pulls KAI in for a hug, to which KAI returns.)
KEL: Iā€™m happy to call myself your friend. Iā€™m so happy you waltzed into my life. Iā€™ve never looked back. I want- no, I need you to bring that joy to everyone else. So, please, Kai, go. Or else Iā€™m gonna throw you over my shoulder and stuff you on that boat myself.
(KAI laughs. The rest of her friend group arrives.)
YASH: Woah, hey, I didnā€™t know we were doing goodbye speeches! Uh- youā€™re the best friend Iā€™ve ever had, I love you so much-
HANA: Me first!
YASH (angry): Huh- whu- Whaddya mean?!
HANA: Cause- yā€™know. Alphabetical order.
YASH: Oh, thatā€™s complete baloney!Ā 
KAI: Some might even say malarkey.Ā 
KEL: Kai, youā€™re the only person who still uses malarkey unironically.
KAI: And that, my friend, is malarkey. Complete and utter malarkey.
KOU: Wait, if weā€™re going alphabetically, and Kel just went, wouldnā€™t I be next? Because I also have a K name.
BENDY: Well, if we were sā€™posed to go alphabetically, we already screwed up, because Monika went right after me.
MONIKA: I didnā€™t realize this was supposed to be an ordered thing, I thought we were just quickly hyping Kai up because she was being too chicken to go?
KAI (offended): Hey!
MONIKA: What?! Thatā€™s what happened!
KAI (offended): I know! Iā€™m offended because itā€™s true!
MITSU: Wait, yeah! And we skipped H, so the order would be Kou, Me, Yash, and then Hana.
HANA: ā€¦Kai, what was that word again?
KAI: Malarkey?
HANA: Yeah, thatā€™s what this is. Malarkey. Complete and utter malarkey.
(KAI laughs, tearing up. She stares at her friends and family.)
KAI (sappy): I think yā€™all are the thing ā€˜m gonna miss most about Unington. I love you idiots all so much, more than words could ever express. Iā€™m so happy I get to call yā€™all mā€™ family. I wouldnā€™t change that for the world. Not by a long shot.
(Her friends and family smile back, except for YASH, whoā€™s tearing up.)
YASH: Kai-i-i!
(She throws herself around KAI and starts bawling. KAI laughs, hugging back. Soon after, the rest of the group joins in, KAI in the middle of a giant group hug. She smiles, closing her eyes and enjoying the moment. After a moment, KAI pats them, signaling them to let go. Everyone does, except for MITSU.)
KAI: Uhā€¦Mitsu?
MITSU (shaky): Shh, let me have this.
(KAI notices his eyes.)
KAI: ā€¦Are you crying?
MITSU (weepy): Yes, now shut up. Donā€™t tell anyone. Or do. Theyā€™ll never believe you anyways.
(KAI chuckles lightly.)
KAI: Alright.
(A moment passes before he lets go, wiping his eyes and rejoining the group. KAI smiles at them. She straightens up and grabs her suitcase.)
KAI: Welp, thatā€™s all, folks! Iā€™ll be off now.
(KAI waves. They all wave back, smiling, some of them teary. YASH, however, is bawling loudly, KEL holding her and rubbing her back. KAI turns away, walking back towards the ramp. She hesitates and closes her eyes, taking a deep breath. She raises her foot.)
KAI (mumbled): Alright, Drewski, letā€™s do this.
(She starts lowering her foot, until a hand lands on her shoulder. KAI opens her eyes, the sky and city around her seeming to have gained more of a blue hue. She turns to look at the person who stopped her. She smiles at the familiar face. Yet, a small itch at the bottom of her gut canā€™t help but feel like sheā€™s never seen it before.)
POWELL: Leaving so soon? And without saying goodbye? Ouch, Kai. That hurts.
(KAI laughs cheerfully, not out of her free will, but as if someone wrote it to happen, like a character in a book. Her confusion at the familiar voice that she canā€™t quite place is masked when her mouth moves on its own.)
KAI: Hey, Po.
(She didnā€™t know how she knew the name POWELL KERIAN OTHO, but she did. She knew a lot about him actually, despite the fact she was sure this was the first time sheā€™d ever seen him before. She knew he was originally from Hatchetfield, but he moved to Unington in his twenties to become a vocal coach and open a small music shop on Almond Street. But that couldnā€™t be true, could it? She knew everyone in Unington. She had made it her goal to try and connect with everyone in her hometown. She knew people who lived on the outskirts of town, and she sure as hell was close with everyone on Almond Street. You couldnā€™t make it even a mile down Almond Street before meeting someone who knew KAI and had some wacky story about her. His presence evoked memories she didnā€™t even know she had, ones that contradicted prior events. She remembered him being her vocal coach, along with teaching her piano and guitar. However, she knew that she learned all of that from her family within the studio, particularly from UNCLE SAMMY- er- SAMUEL LAWRENCE, the studioā€™s in-house composer. She remembered that he got her a few starting gigs, and he helped manage her career, like an agent. But that was wrong, too. Her father got her into show business, he was the one who got her first few starting gigs. As for the agent thing, that couldnā€™t be true. KEL was her agent and manager, planning out all her shows, along with some help from the family. She specifically remembered not wanting to go to someone outside of the family, for fear of KAI being exploited. This man, to her, was both familiar and a complete stranger.)
POWELL: Hi, Kai. Tour day, hm?
KAI (nervous): Yep! Headinā€™ on that boat and out into the big olā€™ world!
POWELL: Cold feet?
KAI (defeated): E-yup.
(He chuckles and ruffles her hair.Ā  KAI didnā€™t argue. He had the right. She knew. Somehow, she knew.)
POWELL: You have a right to be afraid. Hatchetfield isā€¦a lot.
KAI: More than Unington?
POWELL: Well, no, but itā€™s different. And I know you. Not the biggest fan of anything different.
KAI: Hah, youseā€™ would be right. As always.
(POWELL smiles and wraps an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his side.)
POWELL: So, how about we wait until youā€™re comfortable? You can hang out with me and the rest of the gang until then.
(KAI smiles and presses her face into his side.)
KAI: Iā€™d like that. Iā€™d like that very much.
(POWELL smiles and begins to walk KAI home. The two chitter and laugh as they walk home, the sun beginning to set for some reason? KAI was confused by that detail, she was sure it was way earlier. The peace is interrupted by loud beeping, which wakes KAI up from her dreams. She stretches, yawning and sitting up. She pulls herself out of bed, slipping her feet into some house slippers someone lovingly placed by her bedside. She moves through her new bedroom, heading to the window. She peeks through the blinds.)
[NOTE: KAIā€™s accent is far less prominent in Hatchetfield, only hints of it being heard. Her voice is also quieter, a lot of the pep and cheer sucked from it.]
KAI (groggy): Good morning, Hatchetfield.
(She watches the cars move through the street in the present day, the passersby quickly moving through the streets, not sparing her a second glance. The sunbeams are blocked by gray-white clouds that are scattered around the sky, the slats of light shining on the cityā€™s semi-modern architecture. KAI scans the street for any performers, to which she finds none. She sighs and grabs a brush, pulling it through her wild, tangled teal locks. She leaves her room, heading to the common area. She finds PAUL MATTHEWS getting ready, the morning Hatchetfield News playing on the television. KAI smiles.)
KAI: Hey, dad.
(PAUL looks over and smiles back.)
PAUL: Hi, Kai.
(He looks down, struggling to tie his tie. KAI sighs and sets down her brush.)
KAI: Here.
(She heads over to her father and takes his tie in her hands. Her hands flit around quickly, tying the fabric into a neat knot thatā€™s just as tight as it needs to be to stay in place while not choking PAUL.)
KAI: There ya go.
PAUL: How are you so good at this? I mean, Iā€™m decent, but you do it like itā€™s your job.
KAI: Well, back home in Unington, it was part of my job. I wore suits during my shows a lot of the time, so tying a tie that stuck through wacko dancing and didnā€™t mess with my windpipe was important. Also, I had to go to formal events sometimes, and modern formal dresses arenā€™t really my forte, so I went in a suit sometimes. If ya ever need to get all dressed up in a suit, Iā€™m your gal!
(PAUL smiles and ruffles her hair. KAI swats his hand away with a playful glare and grabs her brush, running it through her hair. KAI looks around the room and blinks, noticing somethingā€™s missing.)
KAI: Whereā€™s Momma?Ā 
PAUL: Oh, Emma?Ā 
KAI: Mhm, didnā€™t she stay over after movie night?
PAUL: Yeah, but she left earlier this morning. Early shift at Beanieā€™s.
KAI: Oh-h-h, alright.
PAUL (lovestruck): I love that woman.
(KAI makes a face, sticking her tongue out in disgust.)
KAI: Ew. Dad. Gross. Nobody wants to hear about that.
(PAUL smirks.)
PAUL (teasingly):Ā  Yeah, I just wanna give ā€˜er a big olā€™ kiss.
(KAI groans and covers her ears.)
KAI: Ew ew ew ew ew ew!
PAUL (teasingly): Yep, just wanna give her a big olā€™ smooch, just like this!
(PAUL scoops up KAI by the waist, planting a few kisses on her cheek. KAI laughs and wriggles around in his grip.)
KAI (laughing): Dad! Dad! Stop- stop-!
PAUL: Shh, let me love you.
KAI (laughing): No-o-o!
(PAUL keeps her in his grip for a moment longer.)
PAUL: Fine, only cause I have work soon.
(PAUL sets her down, planting a kiss on her forehead. KAI sticks her tongue out. He smiles and walks to the kitchen to make himself some toast.)
KAI: Yā€™know, speaking of last night, I was sure I fell asleep on the couch.
PAUL: Oh, yeah, you did.
KAI (teasingly): Then, pray tell, why, oh, why did I wake up in my bed on this fine morning?
(PAUL freezes.)
KAI (teasingly): Got something youā€™d like to tell the crowd, pops?
PAUL: ā€¦Sleeping on the couch is bad for your back. I justā€¦didnā€™t want you to have to deal with that.
KAI (teasingly): Uh-huh. And the house slippers?
PAUL (defensively): The floor is cold in the morning!
(KAI laughs.)
KAI: Gods, you are just like this one friend I had back home! Heā€™d never admit when he was being nice to me. It was always: ā€œI just donā€™t want you to die because then these guys would get all weepy, and I donā€™t want to deal with that.ā€ Love that guy.
(KAI smiles, letting the nostalgia wash over her. PAUL smiles at her.)
PAUL: ā€¦Yā€™know, itā€™s nice hearing you talk about your hometown. Especially considering I donā€™t know much about where youā€™re from.
KAI: Whaddya mean? You know where Iā€™m from. Unington. I showed you pictures.
PAUL: You showed me pictures of the town, Kai.
KAI: Well, yeah. You said you wanted to see pictures from back home.
PAUL: I didnā€™t mean the town.
KAI: Huh?
(PAUL sighs.)
PAUL: I meant that I wanted to see pictures of you.
KAI: ā€¦Iā€™m so confused.
PAUL: Kai, Iā€¦It feels like I donā€™t know you.
KAI (offended): Okay, thatā€™s completely bogus! I talk to you and Momma all the time!
PAUL: About what youā€™re doing now. You never talk about who you were in Unington. All I know is that you lived there, youā€™re a singer, you were adopted, and you have five friends: Kristen, Kevin, Henry, Mike, and Yasmine.
KAI: Kel, Kou, Hana, Mitsu, and Yash.
PAUL: See! You talk about them so little, I donā€™t even know their names!
KAI: I- okay- but-
PAUL: I just wanna know you, Kai.
(KAI sighs.)
KAI: ā€¦I donā€™t wanna talk about the past, okay? Itā€™s just- thingsā€¦happened. Things that I donā€™t wanna think about. Iā€™m- it doesnā€™t matter who I was then. It matters who I am now. And I like who I am now. Okay?
(PAUL nods. His eyes tell a different story.)
PAUL: ā€¦Okay.
(KAI nods.)
KAI: Thank you.
PAUL: Youā€™re welcome.
(KAI smiles and plants a kiss on his cheek.)
KAI: Have a good day at work. Love you.
PAUL: Love you too, kiddo.
(He plants a kiss on her forehead before grabbing his coat and briefcase and heading out the door. KAI makes herself a bowl of cereal, pouring the milk in. The artificial blue dye in the cereal starts to seep out into the liquid, causing the white substance to gain a hazy blue color, darker swirls of blue gathering near the cereal. KAI stares at the bowl with discomfort before washing it down the sink.)
KAI (uncomfortable): ā€¦Wasnā€™t hungry, anyways.
(KAI instead finishes getting ready, dressing herself. She slips on her shoes and jacket before heading out the door. She walks down the stairs of the apartment building and down a couple of blocks into Beanieā€™s. The bell at the door jingles as she enters, heading up to the counter. She leans on the counter, cheek in hand. EMMA PERKINS turns, looking at the girl.)
EMMA: Oh, hey, kiddo.Ā 
KAI (sullen): Hey, momma.
EMMA: Whatā€™s up with you? You seem off.
KAI (sullen): I had that weird dream again.
EMMA: The one where you get lost in a store and then suddenly get enlisted into the FBI?
KAI (sullen): No, the one where Iā€™m leaving Unington for the tour like I remember, and then that weird dream dude stops me from going.
EMMA: Oh, that one! Yeah, thatā€™s weird.
KAI: Itā€™s like someoneā€™s writing some weird self insert fanfic with my life!
EMMA: ā€¦Kai, I donā€™t know half of the words you just said.
KAI: ā€¦Itā€™s like someoneā€™s trying to force their way into my life?
EMMA: Oh, yeah, that makes more sense.
(EMMA sets a coffee cup down in front of KAI, the words ā€œFor: My favorite customerā€ scrawled onto the side. Beside the writing, thereā€™s a small smiley face drawn onto the cup. KAI smiles.)
KAI: Anything caramel?
EMMA: And make it extra.
KAI: Thanks, Momma.
EMMA: No problem.
(KAI begins to sip on her coffee.)
EMMA: ā€¦Yā€™know, maybe me and your dad could help you with these weird memory dreams if you, maybe, talked about your life in Unington?Ā 
(KAI groans.)
KAI: No, not you too! Dad already tried this today!
EMMA: Well, I donā€™t blame him. We both wanna know what your life was like back there.
KAI: I just- I donā€™t wanna talk about the past, okay? I wanna focus on my life now.
EMMA: But what happened back then made you who you are. We wanna know what shaped you!
(KAI groans and holds her head in her hands. EMMA sighs and pets her hair.)
EMMA: Weā€™re not gonna force you. But it would be nice to know.
KAI: ā€¦Okay.
(KAI grabs her coffee.)
KAI: Iā€™ll stop holding up your line now.
EMMA: Not like I cared.
KAI: Hah. See you at dinner?
EMMA: Iā€™ll be there.
(KAI smiles and starts to leave.)
EMMA: Forgetting something?
(KAI blinks, her eyes darting around the room. She perks up and snaps her fingers. She leans over the counter and gives EMMA a kiss on the cheek before leaving.)
EMMA (laughing): No! Pay your bill!
(KAI isnā€™t paying attention. She simply smiles and leaves. EMMA chuckles and shakes her head.)
EMMA (under her breath): God, who raised you?
(ZOEY CHAMBERS leans in towards EMMA.)
ZOEY: Soā€¦is anyone gonna pay for that? Cause that coffee isnā€™t free, yā€™know-
EMMA (annoyed): Iā€™ll pay for it! Godā€¦
(PAUL, EMMA, and KAI go about their days as usual. The sun eventually sets, and the three are sitting around PAULā€™s kitchen table, eating takeout.)
PAUL: Soā€¦Kai, what was dinner back in your hometown like?
(KAI glares. EMMA elbows PAUL.)
EMMA (hissed): Dude!
PAUL (whispered): What?! It was worth a shot!
(KAI pinches the bridge of her nose and sighs.)
KAI: Fine. Iā€™ll tell you guys about Unington.
(PAUL and EMMA freeze.)
EMMA (whispered): Oh my god, it worked-
PAUL (whispered): Never doubt me again.
(KAI clears her throat.)
KAI: So, I guess it all started when I was eight, turning nine-
PAUL: Wait, why not when you were born?
KAI: Cause I was with my bio parents then, and it like..wasnā€™t nice.Ā 
EMMA: Whatā€™s that supposed to mean?
KAI (nonchalant): Oh, they forced me to straighten my hair and act ā€œnormalā€ to make me more ā€œmanageable.ā€ They didnā€™t like me much. My bio mother just, like, straight up told me to my face that she didnā€™t really love me when I was, like, five, I think.
(PAUL and EMMA are stunned.)
EMMA: ā€¦Okay, so, Iā€™m gonna kill your bio parents-
PAUL: Right on, right on.
KAI: Donā€™t? Maybe? Anyways, for my birthday, I wanted to get new art supplies. I found my now-fatherā€™s place of work, which was apparently an animation studio, but the wiki article was edited to make it seem like it was an art supplies store. Stupid eight year old me didnā€™t do any other research, and I went in alone. Long story short, a bunch of wacky stuff happened, and I got adopted by my dad.
PAUL: Wait, what was the stuff that happened?
KAI: Yeah, no, thatā€™s way too much stuff. Like, about five chapters of stuff. Basically an entire video game. But all you need to know is that I got a dad and I live in the animation studio.
EMMA: What is your life?!
KAI: Long, wacky, and a little confusing. Anywho, thanks to some screwing around, I met my now-mom while my dad was still getting my adoption in order. Mom wanted to adopt me too, but my dad was doing that, and it was real confusing. Eventually, they just decided to get legally married so it wasnā€™t as confusing.
PAUL/EMMA: ā€¦What???
(KAI chuckles.)
KAI (nostalgic): Yeah. Those two do not like each other. At all. Love them.
(KAI clears her throat.)
KAI: Anyways, by my ninth birthday, I was adopted. I was happy, for the first time in my life. It was great. And, of course, it didnā€™t last. I wanted ice cream. There was a parlor just a couple buildings down from the studio. I wanted to go alone. I was, as I put it, a ā€œbig girlā€ now. I thought I could do it. So did my parents. Andā€¦and while I was walking-
(KAI sucks in a staggered breath. She feels her body tremble and her vision blur with tears. She knows what comes next. Sheā€™s known for nine years. And the blow doesnā€™t get any less painful. Even after almost a decade, she can still feel it. The air being stolen from her lungs. The feeling of not being able to breathe, like a wet towel was tightly wrapped around her chest. The wet tears stinging her cheeks that were caked in grime and gore. The red-hot feeling of a knife digging itself into the flesh of her cheek and tearing through the skin as if it was nothing but a piece of fabric. The ache and sting of her throat as she screamed and cried. The weight that she felt through her entire body, the one that made her unable to move for weeks on end. The feelings after, of rotting in bed, of the emptiness in her stomach, of feeling so filthy that no shower could ever wash the grime away, of hopelessness, of knowing that, at the ripe age of nine, she deserved every bad thing that had ever happened and will ever happen to her. PAUL and EMMA look worried, EMMA reaching out to comfort her. KAI waves her hand away, breathing in.)
KAI (voice breaking): ā€¦Powell came over and decided he wanted to walk me to the parlor. He had blueberry, I had orange sherbet, it was nice.
(PAUL and EMMA look confused. And so does KAI. Thatā€™s not what happened. She knows thatā€™s not what happened. That day, she gained a scar on her cheek and a shattered sense of self. That was the incident that made her realize she had to help people. That helping people was the only way she could ever redeem even a bit of herself. That helping was the only way, for lack of a better term, she could repent for the great sin she had committed. Nobody saved her from that incident. That incident made her KAI DREW. She doesnā€™t even know if she would be in Hatchetfield if it didnā€™t happen. So why did she remember some guy saving her?)
KAI (confused): What the f- thatā€™s not what happened! I- I got ice cream with Powell- No I didnā€™t! Who the actual fuck is Powell?!
(EMMA snaps her fingers.)
EMMA: The weird dude from your dreams!
PAUL (realizing): Oh, yeah! Didnā€™t you say his name was-
KAI (realizing)/PAUL: Powell Kerian Otho!
EMMA: And wasnā€™t his whole thing, like, making you misremember stuff?
KAI: Well, yeah-
EMMA: Maybe youā€™re remembering a dream?
KAI: I mean, I could be, butā€¦
(KAI looks at her parental figures with worry.)
KAI: Why canā€™t I remember the actual thing?
(PAUL and EMMA start to worry now, too.)
PAUL: Yeah, thatā€™s not good.
EMMA: I- yeah. Not too sure about that one.
KAI: I- holy shit, I canā€™t remember anything bad ever happening to me in Unington.
EMMA: Likeā€¦your life was so great that even the bad things are good?
KAI: No, like, I literally canā€™t think of a time where I was sad. I just- I keep remembering weird dream dude saving me.
PAUL: ā€¦Yeah, thatā€™s, uh, thatā€™s weird.
(KAI starts to pace.)
KAI: (muttered) Back in 2018, you went to Hatchetfield for your first ever tour, and you met them, and there was this blue shit that took over everything and it took over you and made a mockery over everything you ever loved and put your heart on a silver platte- (awkward, nervous, shouted) Okay, yep, I remember that!
EMMA (confused): Wait, I thought you were going on your first ever tour this year?
PAUL (confused): Blue shit? What? Whoā€™s ā€œthemā€?
KAI (dismissive): Not important. Just a plot of some musical I really liked. Wanted to make sure I remembered it.
PAUL: Oh. Ew.
(KAI paces for a moment longer before snapping her fingers.)
KAI: I got it! I know what I have to do to fix my weird half-amnesia thingy!
(PAUL and EMMA look towards her, interested. KAI continues.)
KAI: I have to go back to Unington!
(PAUL and EMMA look towards each other, confused, before looking back at KAI.)
[NOTE: PAUL and EMMAā€™s lines are layered over each other.]
PAUL: Iā€™m so confused right now.
EMMA: Yeah, I donā€™t follow.
KAI: Think about it! All my Unington memories are screwed up, but who would remember my original Unington memories?
(PAUL and EMMA blink. KAI sighs.)
KAI: My friends and family back home!
(PAUL and EMMA ā€˜Ohā€™ and nod.)
PAUL: Yeah, that makes sense!
EMMA: I could see that.
(KAI brightens up, determination and confidence seem in her grin.)
KAI: Well, see ya, family. Iā€™m going to Unington!
(KAI throws open the front door and runs into the hall.)
PAUL: Kai, you donā€™t have a bag.
EMMA: Or a boat to Unington.
PAUL: And you left the door open.
EMMA: And you didnā€™t finish your dinner.
(KAI goes back into the apartment, shutting the door behind her.)
KAI: Right.
(A couple days pass, and KAI eventually gets the bag and boat she needs. She heads to the Hatchetfield docks, rolling her suitcase behind her. She wears her everyday Unington outfit: A two-toned blue shirt with a third blue tone making a drip pattern, suspenders styled to look like sheet music, three toned blue short with a bright yellow explosion shape and stars on one leg, long socks with sheet music wrapping around the thigh, two toned blue shoes, and a small blue hair clip with a teardrop on it. She looks down at herself.)
KAI (muttered): Couldā€™a sworn there was way less blue and a lot more pink and yellow.
(KAI arrives at the docks, seeing PAUL and EMMA. EMMA snickers.)
EMMA: God, you look like a huge nerd.
KAI: Hey! This was the style back in Unington. Everyone wanted to dress like me. (overconfident) I wasā€¦something of a trendsetter.
(EMMA snickers and ruffles her hair.)
EMMA: Iā€™ll believe it when I see it.
(KAI scoffs and looks to the side, perking up.)
KAI: Oh! Uncle Bill! Auntie Charlotte! I didnā€™t know you were coming!
(BILL WOODWARD and CHARLOTTE SWEETLY stand near PAUL and EMMA. BILL has a goofy smile on his face, and CHARLOTTE is tearing up.)
BILL: Well, we couldnā€™t let you leave without saying goodbye!
(BILL pulls KAI into a hug, to which KAI smiles and returns the gesture.)
BILL: Have fun back home for me, okay?
KAI: I will. Iā€™ll bring ya a souvenir.
(BILL smiles and squeezes KAI tightly before letting her go. KAI turns to CHARLOTTE, who bursts into tears and hugs KAI tightly, swaying the girl from side to side. KAI chuckles quietly and hugs back.)
CHARLOTTE (weepy): B- Bye, Kai. Iā€™m- Iā€™m gonna miss you-!Ā 
(CHARLOTTE starts sobbing, clinging to KAI tighter. KAI laughs.)
KAI: Me too, Auntie. Me too.
(KAI pats CHARLOTTEā€™s back. CHARLOTTE reluctantly lets go. KAI pulls PAUL and EMMA into a hug, to which they return.)
KAI: Love you guys.
PAUL: Love you too, Kai. Iā€™ll miss you.
EMMA: Love you more, kiddo.
KAI: Oh, you do not wanna get into that fight with me right now.
(EMMA chuckles and PAUL smiles. KAI lets them go.)
PAUL: Yā€™know, I told Ted you were leaving.
KAI (exasperated): Oh, god.
PAUL: Yeah, heā€™s, uhā€¦not taking the news well.
KAI: Wait, heā€™s sad?
PAUL: Not exactly.
(As if on cue, TED SPANKOFFSKI runs by, cheering and whooping.)
(He runs off. The group glares in his direction.)
BILL: What a jerk.
(KAI shrugs.)
KAI: Eh, par for the course.
(KAI grabs her bag.)
KAI: Well, thatā€™ll be all from me, folks. Iā€™m off to Unington!
(KAI heads onto the boat, pulling her bag behind her. The ramp lifts as the boat takes off. The wind whips through her hair as she looks back towards Hatchetfield. PAUL and EMMA wave with sappy smiles on their faces. CHARLOTTE sobs. BILL smiles and waves before bursting into tears alongside CHARLOTTE. The two hug as they sob. PAUL pats his friendsā€™ backs. KAI waves before looking out at the water in front of her.)
KAI: Unington, here I come.
(Eventually, KAI makes it to Unington. She excitedly runs over to the docks, spreading out her arms.)
KAI (singsong): Hello-o-o, Uning-
(KAI blinks, looking around.)
KAI (confused): Ton..?
(The city known for its music and color is silent and dull. Nobody can be seen for miles.)
KAI: Well, forgive me for being egotistical if I am, butā€¦I was expectinā€™ a warmer welcome! Like-
(KAI runs to the other side of the docks.)
[NOTE: KAI switches sides as she switches characters.]
KAI (as UNINGTON CITIZEN #1): Kai! We missed you!
KAI: Aw, I missed yā€™all too!
KAI (as UNINGTON CITIZEN #2): You were gone forever! Starving us of content, I see.
KAI: Aw, gee, I just met a few people who I really liked-
KAI (as UNINGTON CITIZEN #3): Thatā€™s bogus. Youā€™re not allowed to stop performing. Your fans deserve to get more content on a regular basis.Ā 
KAI (miffed): Well, forgive me, but I deserve to live my life-
KAI (as UNINGTON CITZEN #4): On stage, for all of us to see! Itā€™s not fair if you stop performing.
KAI (annoyed): Well, youā€™ll have to deal with the fact that I, like every other person, want breaks.
KAI (as UNINGTON CITIZEN #5): Well, I think you shouldnā€™t be allowed to take breaks. Not when people are expecting you to perform.
KAI (pissed): Well, howzaā€™ bout you take that thought, and shove it up your a-!
(KAI holds that ā€˜aā€™ sound as she comes to a realization. She straightens up.)
KAI (worried, disappointed): Geez, Kai, are ya really arguing witā€™ yourself?!
(She knocks herself on the head.)
KAI (disappointed): Ya friends were right, you belong in the loony bin!
(KAI steps to the other side.)
KAI (as KAI B): Well, I donā€™t think so!Ā 
KAI (as KAI A): Really?
KAI (as KAI B): Yeah! I mean, (egotistical) we are pretty fun to talk to.
KAI (as KAI A): Well, thanks, Kai, I think so too! But I still think we should probably stop talkinā€™ to each other.
KAI (as KAI B, shocked): What?! Why?
KAI (as KAI A): Well, it makes us seemā€¦ yā€™knowā€¦
KAI (as KAI B, annoyed): No, I donā€™t know. Spit. It. Out.
KAI (as KAI A, sheepishly): ā€¦Cuckoo bananas?
KAI (as KAI B, offended): Why Iā€™d never! Thatā€™s it, Iā€™m done talking to you!
KAI (as KAI A, annoyed): Well, good! Cause I need to focus on why we came to Unington.Ā 
KAI (as KAI B): And that reason was?
KAI (as KAI A): To, uhā€¦ umā€¦
KAI (as KAI B): You forgot, didnā€™t you? Idiot.
KAI (as KAI A): Well, itā€™s not like you remember!
KAI (as KAI B): Of course I remember! We were here toā€¦uhā€¦what were we here for again?
(KAI thinks before stepping in the middle of her two spots.)
KAI (as KAI C): Oh, I remember! We were here to find out why our memories were all bing-bang-bent outta shape!
(KAI smiles and pats herself on the back.)
KAI: Good job, me!
(KAI turns on her heel, smiling. She hums as she walks through Unington. Her chipper demeanor fades as she looks around at the broken down, empty, ghost town, a shadow of what Unington used to be.)
KAI: Jumpinā€™ jackrabbits, what happened ā€˜ere?!
(KAI looks around.)
KAI: Hello-o-o?! Anyone here?!
(No response. KAI huffs, crossing her arms and puffing up her cheeks.)
KAI: Well, this really hashes my tag.
(Suddenly, a noise comes in front of KAI. She looks up and sees BENDY, facing away from her.)
KAI: Oh! Dad! There you are! Yā€™know, leaving me high and dry at the docks isnā€™t very nice.
(He doesnā€™t respond. The backing track for ā€œInevitableā€ starts up.)
BENDY: Kai, I'm sorryā€¦ You lostā€¦
KAI (confused): Huh? Dad, this is kind of a weird time to sing, and thatā€™s cominā€™ from me.
BENDY: Kai, I'm sorry, you lostā€¦
(The body turns with a smile. KAI backs up, eyes widening and terror shooting through every part of her body.)
INFECTED #1 [formerly BENDY]: Your way!
(His eyes are now a sickeningly familiar shade of electric blue.)
KAI (terrified): Dad?!
(The body approaches. KAI backs away, terrified.)
INFECTED #1 [formerly BENDY]: What if I told you I made it? And this is the life that I chose?
(Two hands grip her shoulders. KAI almost sobs.)
INFECTED #2 [formerly MONIKA]: Would you even believe it, Kai?
(A body pops up beside KAI. She finds it harder and harder to hold in her tears.)
INFECTED #3 [formerly HANA]: Do you believe in ghosts?
(Someone heads in front of KAI. Her breath speeds up.)
INFECTED #4 [formerly KEL]: What if I told you a story?
(Another body appears beside what used to be KEL. Itā€™s hard for KAI to handle.)
INFECTED #5 [formerly YASH]: That settled all the dust?
(A body pushes past the two and takes her hands. KAI canā€™t help it. She starts to cry.)
INFECTED #6 [formerly MITSU]: I'm still the man you trust!
(KAI looks to the next body as quiet sobs wrack her body.)
INFECTED #7 [formerly KOU]: It's inevitable,Ā 
(INFECTED #3 pops up beside INFECTED #7.)
INFECTED #3 [formerly HANA]: For us!
(KAI staggers backwards.)
KAI (terrified, crying): No- NO!!! I CANā€™T DO THIS AGAIN!! WHAT DID THEY DO TO YOU?!
(Another pair of hands grabs her shoulders, pulling her into a dance.)
INFECTED #8 [formerly BEAN]: Before, I had no ambition, but now my life is a song!
(INFECTED #4 grabs KAIā€™s hands.)
INFECTED #4 [formerly KEL]: Don't you want to see me happy?
INFECTED #5 [formerly YASH]: Is that so tragically wrong?
(INFECTED #2 appears by her side.)
INFECTED #2 [formerly MONIKA]: What if the only choice is,
(INFECTED #1 appears at her open side.)
INFECTED #1 [formerly BENDY]: You have to sing to survive?
(INFECTED #1 grabs her hand and drags her along, pulling KAI onto a stage.)
INFECTED #1 [formerly BENDY]: We must, go on, with the show!
(INFECTED #1 grabs INFECTED #4ā€™s hand and twirls the body.)
INFECTED #1/#4 [formerly BENDY/KEL]: It's inevitableā€¦
(INFECTED #4 spins towards KAI and grabs her hands.)
INFECTED #4 [formerly KEL]: To know what I want now!
(Multiple UNINGTON CITIZENS emerge from the buildings and alleyways, all INFECTED.)
INFECTED: Know what you want now!
(INFECTED #5 grabs KAI by the shoulders.)
INFECTED #5 [formerly YASH]: Kai, I want you to join the party!
(Suddenly, another INFECTED body comes out of the crowd, one that KAI recognizes as her former boss at the cafe, dressed like a Beanieā€™s employee.)
INFECTED #9 [formerly PEGGY]: Are you going to tip me?Ā 
(More INFECTED come from behind PEGGY.)
INFECTED: Get your cup of coffee!
(INFECTED #5 spins KAI around.)
INFECTED #5 [formerly YASH]: Look at the fun we're having already!Ā 
(KAI is spun into INFECTED #4, who grabs her hands gingerly.)
INFECTED #4 [formerly KEL]: I found my calling, you can do the same now!
(INFECTED #5 grabs KAIā€™s shoulders.)
INFECTED #5 [formerly YASH]: Put your words to lyrics, and you're playing the game now!
(INFECTED #4 and #5 hold hands and press their cheeks together, kicking their legs up behind them.)
INFECTED #4/#5 [formerly KEL/YASH]: It's all there is and all there ever was!
(INFECTED #4 and #5 plant their feet and outstretch their arms.)
INFECTED #4/#5/#6 [formerly KEL/YASH/MITSU]: Kai!
(INFECTED #6 pushes #4 and #5 out of the way, strutting towards KAI on the beat.)
INFECTED #6 [formerly MITSU]: Let me puke in your mouth, and, just open your food bin, girl!Ā 
(INFECTED #6 grabs KAIā€™s cheeks, forcing her mouth open.)
INFECTED #6 [formerly MITSU]: And you can join the hive!
(KAI pushes INFECTED #6 away. It grabs her hand and spins KAI off the stage.)
INFECTED #6/#7 [formerly MITSU/KOU]: Then show me yourā€¦
(When she comes to a stop, sheā€™s faced with INFECTED #7, dressed as the sheriff of the Unington Police Department, INFECTED members of the UTPD singing alongside him.)
INFECTED #7 [formerly KOU]: Hands! Show me those jazz hands! Get em' up or you're shit outta luck!
(INFECTED #7 pulls out a gun, shooting at KAI on the beat. KAI shrieks and jumps backwards, dodging bullets. She flips out of the way, whipping around to face INFECTED #7 and the INFECTED UTPD.)
INFECTED #7 [formerly KOU]: Show me your hands! Show me those jazz hands!
(INFECTED #7 spins out.)
INFECTED #7/#3 [formerly KOU/HANA]: Or I might be inclinedā€¦
(INFECTED #3 spins KAI into a dip.)
INFECTED #3 [formerly HANA]: To plant my seed!
(INFECTED citizens of Unington appear behind INFECTED #3, dressed as PEIP soldiers.)
INFECTED: Oh-oh-oh-oh!
INFECTED #3 [formerly HANA]: The hive needs to feed!
INFECTED: Oh-oh-oh-oh!
(KAI pulls away, and INFECTED #3 outstretches its arms.)
INFECTED #3 [formerly HANA]: Happiness is guaranteed!
INFECTED: Oh-oh-oh-oh!
(INFECTED #8 appears beside INFECTED #3, and the two hook arms around their shoulders and finger gun each other.)
INFECTED #3/#8 [formerly HANA/BEAN]: If you just give us one lastā€¦
(INFECTED #3 and #8 grab hands and spin around, letting go. When they stop, the INFECTED are all in sparkly, jazzy, Broadway-esque costumes colored in various hues of blue. INFECTED #8 is wearing a sleeveless suit, with cropped pant legs, like a bathing suit. They wear fishnets, heels, and long red gloves. They hold a cane, which they use for their choreo. INFECTED #1-#7 form a kick line behind KAI.)
INFECTED #8 [formerly BEAN]: Show-stopping number! With Kai front and center!
(The INFECTED force KAI into their kick line.)
INFECTED #8 [formerly BEAN]: A kick line is inevitable!
(KAI breaks free and runs down the street. However, a large crowd of INFECTED civilians are cornering her.)
INFECTED: What if I told you a story,
(KAI tries to run the other way. But, another large crowd of INFECTED civilians approaches.)Ā 
INFECTED: How the world became peaceful and just?
(KAI tries the path to her right. Another mob of the INFECTED.)
INFECTED: It was inevitable!
(She tries her left. Another mob.)
INFECTED: Inevitable!
(KAI staggers and stumbles as the INFECTED circle her like wolves in the middle of the town square.)
INFECTED: Inevitable!
(The circle breaks as a figure, dressed in a long, flowing blue coat with dark blue rhinestone drips. The outfit is very ornate and fancy. The figure has a white cracked mask, blue sludge dripping from it.)
MASKED FIGURE: The apotheosis is upon-
(The song ends. KAI, at this point, has fallen into a sitting position, her breathing heavy and panicked. The figure removes his mask, revealing himself to be POWELL. His face is cracked like his mask, and the blue sludge drips from the cracks. He smirks.)
POWELL: Hi, Kai. Itā€™s nice to see you again.
KAI (terrified): ā€¦Powell Kerian Otho.
POWELL: Call me Po. Po K Otho. Pokotho.
(KAI is lost in memory, as the name seems familiar. POKOTHO pouts.)
POKOTHO: Aw, you seem sad, songbird. So, tell me.
(He grins.)
POKOTHO: Whatā€™s in your soul? Is your heart so damp and bleak, that you wonā€™t give us a peek, of your soul?
(KAIā€™s eyes widen, along with the smiles of the INFECTED. POKOTHO stalks behind her, a wide grin on his face.)
POKOTHO: Just let it out! Thereā€™s a voice inside of you, on the edge of coming through, whatā€™s it about?
(He slowly circles KAI, watching her intently.)
POKOTHO: And I know itā€™s a singular voice, Kai! Youā€™ve just got to give up your choice!
(The INFECTED voices ring out as a whole. KAI stares with wide eyes.)
INFECTED: Just let it out, let it out, let it out!
KAI: Itā€™s- itā€™s you. Youā€™re the fuckinā€™ douchebag that started all this.
(KAIā€™s breathing speeds up. Sheā€™s back at the Starlight again, with mom and dad.)
INFECTED: Let it out, let it out, let it out!
KAI: You couldnā€™t just have your fun with Hatchetfield?! Youā€™ve gotta do it with the people I hold closest to me?!
(Her heart pounds like the beat of the drums. Sheā€™s completely terrified.
INFECTED: Let it out, let it out, let it out!
KAI: You already ruined my life once, yā€™ really havetaā€™ do it again?!
(The INFECTED hold out their hands towards her.)
INFECTED: Let it out, let it outā€”
(They fall silent, still pointing towards KAI. She realizes they want her to sing with them, sing the song that ruined her life. Sheā€™s stunned for a moment, before she balls up her fist and lets out a primal, rage-filled scream.)
KAI (pissed): NEVER!
(She runs forward and socks POKOTHO in the jaw, causing him to stumble back. The INFECTED writhe in agony for a moment. The corners of KAIā€™s mouth twitch up into a smile. She hurt him like he hurt her. Her happiness is short-lived, however, as POKOTHO rises.)Ā 
POKOTHO: It seems like our leading lady doesnā€™t understand her part in the show.
(He snaps his fingers. The INFECTEDā€™s heads snap towards her. Her heart drops into her stomach.)
POKOTHO: Dear ensemble, would you mind showing our little starlet her place on the stage?
INFECTED (singsong): Yes, Lord Pokotho.
KAI: Uh-oh.
(The INFECTED start approaching KAI. She sprints away. Multiple bodies fling themselves towards KAI, lunging for her and grabbing at her. She manages to make it through the crowd without a scratch. She lets out a breathy laugh of relief as she watches the INFECTED get smaller and smaller behind her. She looks forward and yelps, skidding to a stop.)
INFECTED #10 [formerly KAIā€™S BIO MOM] (singsong): Come back to us, Kai!
INFECTED #11 [formerly KAIā€™S BIO DAD] (singsong): We miss you!
KAI (deadpan): Oh, now that- thatā€™s just cold, man.
INFECTED #10 [formerly KAIā€™S BIO MOM]: Yeah- yeah, even I felt kinda gross about this one.
INFECTED #11 [formerly KAIā€™S BIO DAD]: Your bio parents sucked, dude. Like, a lot.
KAI: Yeah-h-h.
INFECTED #10 [formerly KAIā€™S BIO MOM]: Sorry about that.
KAI: ā€˜S fine, I guess.
(An awkward silence passes through the group.)
INFECTED #11 [formerly KAIā€™S BIO DAD] (singsong): Back to infecting you, though!
(KAI yelps and bounds out of the way as INFECTED #10 and #11 lunge for her.)
KAI: Aw, cā€™mon! I thought we had a breakthrough there!
INFECTED #10/#11 [formerly KAIā€™S BIO MOM/KAIā€™S BIO DAD] (singsong): Nope!
(KAI runs past the INFECTED bodies, swerving around each vessel that pops up in her path. She sprints down the road.)
KAI (desperately): Cā€™mon, cā€™mon, cā€™mon, cā€™mon-
(She skids in front of a familiar building. She grins.)
KAI: Yes!
(She throws the doors of ā€œJOEY DREW STUDIOSā€ open, darting inside. She breathes the air in, the smell of paper, ink, and aged wood filling her nose. She smiles.)
KAI: Itā€™s good to be home.
(She starts moving her way through the studio, the wood and walls as old and yellowed as she remembered. She walks quickly and carefully, reminding herself of tips that sheā€™s learned through the years.)
KAI (muttered): Mind the loose floorboard, that oneā€™ll give out under your weight, that wallā€™s a trick wall, hidden room to your left, that pipe always leaks, Uncle Wally is completely done with it-
(KAI hears a creak in the floorboard. Her head snaps up and she quickly ducks underneath an isolated animation desk. She covers her mouth, curling up into a ball. She turns to the wall next to her, finding many old childhood drawings of hers taped and pinned up. The line work is shaky, the anatomy is off, and the art seems to be an attempt at the traditional ā€˜anime/mangaā€™ style. Her eyes soften as she remembers the days spent sketching under this desk, and once her eyes land on the picture in the center, they well up with tears as she remembers who it belonged to. In the middle of all the childish drawings lies one drawing much better than the rest. Itā€™s professionally done in a 1920ā€™s-1930ā€™s rubber hose cartoon style, done in ink instead of pencil and crayon. It depicts KAI as a 9 year old girl, and a man she knows dearly.)
KAI (quiet, muffled): Oh, Uncle Henryā€¦
(A note written in ink beside the picture reads ā€œWelcome home, Kai. Weā€™re all so happy to have you here. ~ Uncle Henryā€, a tiny smiley face drawn next to it. She remembers the events of her adoption. She remembers the days spent drawing under her uncleā€™s desk. She remembers it all. She sniffs. Another creak.)
BENDY: Hey, kiddo-! Your mom? And your friends? Okay, Iā€™ll get ā€˜em if itā€™s that important.
(KAIā€™s eyes widen as the sounds of her friends and family fill the air. She remembers this.)
BENDY: Everybodyā€™s here, kiddo.
MONIKA: Whatā€™s up?
(KAI squeezes her eyes shut, going over that phone call in her head, remembering her last words to her family. ā€œOkay, so, I dunno how to explain it, but one of the cities I'm touring in, Hatchetheld, is, like, overrun with some sort of virus that makes everyone dance and sing. So, other than the usual, is anyone in Unington singing and dancing at out of place times?ā€)
KEL: Uhā€¦no.
YASH: Yeah, all the usual stuff here!
HANA: Mhm, just the regular group numbers at ā€˜round 4:00.
KOU (upset): Aw, you missed us doing Newsies!
MITSU: Not the time, man.
(ā€œOkay, good. If it starts happening, quarantine them immediately.ā€)
BENDY: Why? Whatā€™s-
(ā€œ...Time for the other thing.ā€ The group quiets. ā€œI dunno if I'm gonna make it out alive. Like, for realsies this time. If I do make it out 'alive', there's a high chance I'll be infected. I might die, guys. For real this time.ā€)
[NOTE: Lines are layered over each other.]
KOU (panicked): What?! You canā€™t! Youā€™re Kai Drew, dangit!
MITSU (panicked): Youā€™re telling us this now?!Ā 
YASH (panicked): No! Nonononono! That- you canā€™t die! Thatā€™s not allowed!
KEL (panicked): What?! Huh?! No! I wonā€™t let it happen! I wonā€™t! Youā€™ve made it this long, I canā€™t- I wonā€™t let you die!
HANA (panicked): WHAT THE ACTUAL FU- youā€™ve gotta be joking! No way- no way!
MONIKA (panicked): No. No. No! Thatā€™s- thatā€™s not happening, kiddo. Not to you. Not to my daughter. I swear to the heavens above, Iā€™ll-
BENDY (panicked): ā€¦What? Kiddo, please, please, please tell me youā€™re joking. I- Iā€™m- no. Not to my baby. Iā€™m not gonna watch you die. No, I havenā€™t had enough time with you. Eight years isnā€™t long enough. Hell, 100 years wouldnā€™t be long enough! I canā€™t lose you, not yet. Weā€™ll get you outta there-
(ā€œGuys.ā€ The group quiets. ā€œI think I'm gonna die. An- and I just wanted to tell you guys I love you guys. Just in case. You all can fight over my stuff, I- I just-ā€¦I love you.ā€)
BENDY: ā€¦We love you too, kiddo.
MONIKA: More than life itself.
KEL: Weā€™ll always love you, Kai.
YASH: Whether youā€™re some angsty emo kidā€”
HANA: ā€”Or a bubbly, cartoony goofballā€”
KOU: ā€”Or anything in between.
MITSU: Youā€™re our Kai, through and through. I donā€™t think we could ever stop loving you.
(Murmurs of agreement go through the group. ā€œI- I love you guys so much, okay? You- you've all done so much for me and- and I don't think I would- would be the person I am today without you guys. Like, you- you took me in when I was nine, and- and you let me stay, after all I've done? I'm- I've done terrible things, I'm- I'm a terrible person-!ā€)
BENDY: Youā€™re not a terrible person, kiddo.
MONIKA: Donā€™t you ever call yourself that.
BENDY: Youā€™re the best person any of us have ever known.
MONIKA: You wear your heart on your sleeve, you help anyone who needs it, youā€™ve got a heart made of gold, youā€™re sweeter than sugar, I could go on and on.
BENDY: One incident doesnā€™t define who you are, kiddo. How you move forward, thatā€™s what makes you, you.
MONIKA: And Iā€™ve gotta say, youā€™ve become a damn good person, kiddo.
BENDY: You make our lives better.
MONIKA: So donā€™t you dare say youā€™re a terrible person.
(ā€œAnd there you guys go again. Loving me when I don't even love myself.ā€)
BENDY: We always will, hon.
MONIKA: We just wish you loved yourself as much as we love you.
BENDY: We wish you could see the beautiful, kind, amazing girl- no, woman that you are.
(ā€œā€¦A-Alright. I'm not a terrible person. But I'm not done, either.ā€)
MITSU: Of course you arenā€™t.
YASH: Thatā€™s Kai for ya.
KEL: Always droning on about something.
HANA: Or nothing in particular.
KOU: Thatā€™s our girl!
(ā€œAnd you guys.ā€)
(ā€œYeah, y'all. You-you guys befriended me when I was at the lowest point of my life, when- when I was just so... angry and all I could do was lash out on people who didn't deserve it. And- and you know what you guys did? You made me so much better. You helped me so much, and- and I just-ā€¦ I love you guys so much.ā€)
YASH: Right back atcha, K.
KEL: We made you better?!
HANA: You made us better!
KOU: I honestly donā€™t think Iā€™d be as happy as I was today without you.
MITSU: You changed our lives, Kai. For the better. Thank you for that.
BENDY: We love you, kiddo.
MONIKA: We love you more than every star in the sky, more than every grain of sand, more than life itself.
(ā€œSo-so I need you to promise me. I need you all to promise me that you guys will be okay. That you guys will stay safe and make sure everyone else in Unington does too. Because the only way I can keep on going here is knowing you guys are gonna be okay.ā€)
BENDY: Only if you do it too.
YASH: You gotta promise that youā€™ll come home safe.
(ā€œI can't promise you that. I don't wanna lie.ā€)
KEL: Then donā€™t lie.
HANA: Come home safe.
KOU: Come back to Unington safe and sound.
MITSU: Come back here and be okay.
MONIKA: Promise us that, and weā€™ll promise to be okay.
(ā€œ... Alright. I'll be okay, I promise. I'll get through this, and then when I get back home to Unington, you guys'll scoop me up, spin me around, give me lots of hugs and kisses, load me up with a few buns from Peggy's, we'll watch all my favorite shows, movies, and musicals, and cuddle on the couch all night. I'm-I'm gonna hold you to that!ā€)
BENDY: Good.
MONIKA: Hold us to that.
YASH: And we promise.
KEL: We promise to be at that dock when you come back.
HANA: We promise to do all that goofy stuff once you get back.
KOU: We promise all of that and then some.
MITSU: Weā€™ll be okay, Kai. We promise.
(ā€œOkay. See you guys soon.ā€)
BENDY: Got it.
(ā€œ...I love you guys more than words could ever express.ā€)
ALL: Samesies.
(KAI squeezes her eyes shut tighter.)
KAI (aloud): G'bye.
(Silence falls over the studio. KAI stands, emerging from her hiding spot, only to find her family, still with electric blue eyes and snarky smirks on their faces.)
INFECTED #1 [formerly BENDY]: That was almost too easy.
(The group of infected laugh in sync as KAI stumbles back with wide and teary eyes. She quickly turns on her heel and sprints off.)
(The INFECTED give chase. As KAI runs, she spots something glinting in the dim studio light out of the corner of her eye. She grabs it quickly, stuffing it in her hair. She books it to the back exit of the studio, bursting out of the door into an alleyway. She hops into a dumpster, as the INFECTED run past, heading out of sight. KAI hesitantly pulls herself out of the garbage, pulling stray trash out of her hair. She pokes her head out of the alley. She can faintly see POKOTHO, standing on the stage in town square. An INFECTED citizen goes up to him.)
INFECTED (singsong, nervous): Lord Pokotho, we, um- no one in the hive can find the girl.
(POKOTHO grabs the body by the collar.)
POKOTHO: Find her. I donā€™t care if you have to rip the whole goddamn town apart. I need my leading lady.
(POKOTHO throws the body to the side. It scampers away to go look for KAI. She ducks back behind the wall, sighing. She pulls out the item she grabbed back in the studio out of her hair, the weight of the handle heavy in her hand. She tosses it up, and it flips around in the air. She catches it by the handle and stares down at it.)
KAI: Hiya, old gal. Nice to see you again.
(The black and yellow ax glints in the light. She studies it in her hand before peeking out at POKOTHO. Heā€™s turned around.)
KAI (muttered): Youā€™ve got one shot, Drewski. Make it count.
(Her hand tightens around the ax, and she runs full speed towards POKOTHO. She sprints, launching off a speaker set in front of the stage. She holds the ax above her head with both hands as she lets out a guttural scream of rage. POKOTHO turns quickly and snaps his fingers. INFECTED #1-#8 surround POKOTHO. KAIā€™s eyes widen as she slams the ax down into the stage, just missing the group of the INFECTED. They surround the girl.)
KAI (voice breaking): I- I canā€™t.
(She looks up at what used to be her family, tears streaming down her face.)
KAI (voice breaking): I canā€™t hurt them.
(She shakily rises to her feet, staggering towards INFECTED #1. She takes his face in her hands.)
KAI (voice breaking): I canā€™t hurt my family.
(She breaks down sobbing, burying her face in what used to be her fatherā€™s chest, clinging to him. The body moves away, causing KAI to fall to the floor. She curls up into a ball and sobs, her chest heaving. POKOTHO coos and squats down in front of her. He gingerly grabs her chin, forcing her teary eyes to meet his.)
POKOTHO: You miss your family, donā€™t you?
(He moves away, and INFECTED #2 stands in his place.)
INFECTED #2 [formerly MONIKA]: Let me help you.
(INFECTED #2 harshly grabs KAI by the cheeks, bringing the girl to its face. It forces her mouth open as it opens its own mouth. It vomits blue sludge into KAIā€™s mouth, to which the girl gags and sputters, trying to get the foreign substance out of her throat. INFECTED #2 drops KAI to the ground. KAI shakes on all fours, her arms threatening to give out beneath her. She coughs and hacks, glowing blue shit spraying on the ground in front of her.)
KAI (shaky): Ooh, lay my curses all to restā€¦
(Her arms give out and she falls to the floor. She curls up intoĀ  fetal position, shaking. POKOTHO sits down in front of her, legs crossed. He pulls her weak body towards him, resting her head in his lap. She looks up at him with her now electric blue eyes. Tears, now turned blue sludge, stream down her face.)
KAI (shaky)/POKOTHO: Make a mercy out of me.
(KAI, with what control she has left, begins to sob. POKOTHO coos and shushes her, pushing her bangs back and placing a sickeningly sweet kiss on her forehead.)
POKOTHO (cooing): Oh, little songbird, donā€™t cry. You need rest, darling. We have a show to put on at The Starlight Theater soon, and you donā€™t want to be all exhausted for that, donā€™t you, love?
(KAIā€™s bleary eyes widen. She knows sheā€™s gonna pass out soon. She canā€™t. She has to stay awake. She has to keep her hold on her mind. She canā€™t let him win. As if hearing her thoughts, POKOTHO smirks.)
POKOTHO (cooing): Oh, starletā€¦donā€™t you understand by now?
(He runs her fingers through her hair. Her eyes blur with sleep. In her last moments of consciousness, she can hear him speak.)
POKOTHO: Iā€™ve already won.
(Later, the people of Hatchetfield swarm into The Starlight Theater, taking their seats. They chitter amongst themselves, excited and filled with anticipation for the upcoming show. The lights flash twice and the crowd quiets, settling down. The stage lights flash blue as 7 figures emerge from all sides of the stage, including THE AUDIENCE. The figuresā€™ movements are uncanny and puppet-like. The bodies of MITSU, KEL, HANA, YASH, KOU, BENDY, and MONIKA continue to move onto stage. MITSUā€™s body is the first to sing, the others acting as his ENSEMBLE.)
[NOTE: ENSEMBLEā€™s lines are layered under INFECTED #6ā€™s.]
INFECTED #6 [formerly MITSU]: The greatest stories ever told,
INFECTED #6 [formerly MITSU]: Have a hero who must be bold!Ā 
INFECTED #6 [formerly MITSU]: They learn a sense of right and wrong!
INFECTED #6 [formerly MITSU]: And better learn the sense through song!Ā 
(The ENSEMBLE and MITSUā€™s bodies strike poses as they continue to pace around. KELā€™s body begins to sing, INFECTED #6 switching to ENSEMBLE.)
[NOTE: ENSEMBLEā€™s lines are layered under INFECTED #4ā€™s.]
INFECTED #4 [formerly KEL]: Musicals tell the impossible!Ā 
ENSEMBLE: Impossible
INFECTED #4 [formerly KEL]: They evoke the philosophical, yeah!
[NOTE: ā€˜Philosophicalā€™ is pronounced ā€˜phil-os-i-FUCK-alā€™.]
(INFECTED #4 switches to ENSEMBLE as what used to be HANA begins to sing.)
INFECTED #3 [formerly HANA]: So tonight weā€™re gonna chronicle, a story so astronomical!(EVERYONE clusters together at center stage.)EVERYONE: The last remaining story to tell!
(INFECTED #6ā€™s head perks up above the rest.)
[NOTE: ENSEMBLEā€™s lines are layered under INFECTED #6ā€™s.]
INFECTED #6 [formerly MITSU]: The Kai who didnā€™t like musicals!
ENSEMBLE: Didnā€™t like, didnā€™t like, didn't like-a-like 'em! Didnā€™t like, didnā€™t like, didn't like-a-like 'em!
INFECTED #6 [formerly MITSU]: I mean, what the heck?!ENSEMBLE: Didnā€™t like, did not like, didn't like-a-like 'em!Ā 
INFECTED #6 [formerly MITSU]: Sheā€™s the Kai who didnā€™t like musicals!
ENSEMBLE: Didnā€™t like, didnā€™t like, didn't like-a-like 'em! Didnā€™t like, didnā€™t like, didn't like-a-like 'em!
INFECTED #6 [formerly MITSU]: Yeah, what the heck?
ENSEMBLE: Didnā€™t like, did not like, didn't like-a-like 'em!Ā 
(KOUā€™s body switches to lead vocals.)
INFECTED #7 [formerly KOU]: In the tiny town of Unington, lived this awful girl named Kai!
(MONIKAā€™s body switches to lead vocals.)
INFECTED #2 [formerly MONIKA]: Spends her day surfing the web, and not singing and dancing with us all!
(EVERYONE sings together.)
EVERYONE: Should we kill her? Should we kill her?!
(YASHā€™s body switches to lead vocals, the ENSEMBLE reaching for her.)INFECTED #5 [formerly YASH]: Oh, she pines afterā€¦ Well, nobody, really. But isnā€™t she worth a show-stopping fiesta, yeah?
(BENDYā€™s body switches to lead vocals.)
INFECTED #1 [formerly BENDY]: But for some damn reason, she wonā€™t join our singing season!
(INFECTED #7 and #2 switch to lead vocals.)
INFECTED #7/#2 [formerly KOU/MONIKA]: What an ass!
(INFECTED #7 and #2 stay on lead vocals, #4 and #5 join them.)
INFECTED #7/#2/#4/#5 [formerly KOU/MONIKA/KEL/YASH]: What a bitch!
(EVERYONE sings together.)
EVERYONE: What a cuck!
(INFECTED #6 goes back onto lead vocals, EVERYONE else switches back to ENSEMBLE.)
[NOTE: ENSEMBLEā€™s lines are layered under INFECTED #6ā€™s.]
INFECTED #6 [formerly MITSU]: The Kai who didnā€™t like musicals!
ENSEMBLE: Didnā€™t like, didnā€™t like, didn't like-a-like 'em! Didnā€™t like, didnā€™t like, didn't like-a-like 'em!
INFECTED #6 [formerly MITSU]: I mean, what the heck?!ENSEMBLE: Didnā€™t like, did not like, didn't like-a-like 'em!Ā 
INFECTED #6 [formerly MITSU]: Sheā€™s the Kai who didnā€™t like musicals! Na-na-na-na-na-na-na!
ENSEMBLE: Didnā€™t like, didnā€™t like, didn't like-a-like 'em! Didnā€™t like, didnā€™t like, didn't like-a-like 'em!
INFECTED #6 [formerly MITSU]: Na-na-na-na-na-na-na!
ENSEMBLE: Didnā€™t like, did not like, didn't like-a-like 'em!Ā 
(EVERYONE paces around once again.)
[NOTE: ENSEMBLEā€™s lines are layered under INFECTED #6ā€™s.]
INFECTED #6 [formerly MITSU]: Itā€™s the end of the world, Kai!Ā 
ENSEMBLE: End of the world!
INFECTED #6 [formerly MITSU]: If you donā€™t sing!Ā 
ENSEMBLE: If you don't sing!
(INFECTED #2 switches to lead vocals, INFECTED #6 switches to ENSEMBLE.)
[NOTE: ENSEMBLEā€™s lines are layered under INFECTED #2ā€™s.]
INFECTED #2 [formerly MONIKA]: This is the bridge, Kai!Ā 
ENSEMBLE: This is the bridge!
INFECTED #2 [formerly MONIKA]: Where we globalize everything!
(INFECTED #1 switches to lead vocals, #2 switches to ENSEMBLE.)
INFECTED #1 [formerly BENDY]: And the words will come to you, we swear we will teach youā€¦
(EVERYONE sings together.)
EVERYONE: What it means to loveā€¦what it means to obey, Kai!
(Pan out to EVERYONE standing in a line. EVERYONE looks from side to side for a moment, and a silhouette appears in the background.)
KAI (defeated): The apotheosis is upon us.
(Pan back out as a celebratory ā€˜Yay!ā€™ sound effect plays in the background.)
INFECTED #6 [formerly MITSU]: Didā€™ya hear the word?
ENSEMBLE: What's the word?
INFECTED #6/#4 [formerly MITSU/KEL]: Sheā€™s a-comin'!
ENSEMBLE: Whoā€™s a-comin'?
INFECTED #6/#4 [formerly MITSU/KEL]: Kaiā€™s a-comin'!
ENSEMBLE: Kaiā€™s a-comin'?
EVERYONE: The star of the show!
(INFECTED #3 switches to lead vocals, EVERYONE else switches to ENSEMBLE.)
INFECTED #3 [formerly HANA]: Now for her headlining entrance!
(INFECTED #3 switches to ENSEMBLE, #5 and #4 switch to lead vocals.)
INFECTED #5/#4 [formerly YASH/KEL]: Time to swoon at her leading gal essence!
(INFECTED #5 and #4 switch to ENSEMBLE, #7 and #1 switch to lead vocals.)
INFECTED #7/#1 [formerly KOU/BENDY]: Her name is in the title!
(INFECTED #7 and #1 switch to ENSEMBLE, #6 and #2 switch to lead vocals.)
INFECTED #6/#2 [formerly MITSU/MONIKA]: Sheā€™s destined to go viral, here she is, her name is Kai!
(EVERYONE sings in harmony, pulling the cyc to the side as a spotlight shines down on center stage.)
EVERYONE: Enter now!
(POKAITHO does not enter. INFECTED #6 blinks, confused, and leans towards #7 and whispers.)
INFECTED #6 [formerly MITSU]: Where the fuck is she?!
INFECTED #7 [formerly KOU]: I have no fucking clue.
(KAI walks center stage, dressed to the nines. Her electric blue eyes with dilated pupils glare out into the audience.)
KAI: The gal just doesnā€™t like musicals!
WOMEN: Didnā€™t like, didnā€™t like, didn't like-a-like 'em! Didnā€™t like, didnā€™t like, didn't like-a-like 'em!
MEN: You gotta believe in something, Kai, gotta believe in stupid Kai,
(KAI feels the apotheosis shoot painfully through her veins. She writhes in pain. She looks back at the audience, pupils tiny and smile wide. Sheā€™s not KAI anymore.)
POKAITHO [formerly KAI] (semi-pained): Yeah!WOMEN: Didnā€™t like, did not like, didn't like-a-like 'em!Ā 
MEN: Gotta believe in something, Kai, you piece of shit,
POKAITHO [formerly KAI]: Sheā€™s the Kai who didnā€™t like musicals! Na-na-na-na-na-na-na!
WOMEN: Didnā€™t like, didnā€™t like, didn't like-a-like 'em! Didnā€™t like, didnā€™t like, didn't like-a-like 'em!
POKAITHO [formerly KAI]: Na-na-na-na-na-na-na!
MEN: Gotta believe in something, Kai, gotta believe in stupid Kai,
WOMEN: Didnā€™t like, did not like, didn't like-a-like 'em!Ā 
POKAITHO [formerly KAI]: Na-na-na-na-na-na-na!
MEN: Gotta believe in something, Kai, you piece of shit,
(At this point, INFECTED #5 stops singing with the WOMEN, and EVERYONE circles POKAITHO.)
[NOTE: The WOMENā€™s lines, INFECTED #5ā€™s lines and the MENā€™s lines are layered under POKAITHOā€™s.]
POKAITHO [formerly KAI]: And she definitely won't like this!
WOMEN: Didnā€™t like, didnā€™t like, didn't like-a-like 'em! Didnā€™t like, didnā€™t like, didn't like-a-like 'em!
POKAITHO [formerly KAI]: Yeah, yeah, yeah!
MEN: Gotta believe in something, Kai, gotta believe in stupid Kai,
WOMEN: Didnā€™t like, did not like, didn't like-a-like 'em! Didnā€™t like, didnā€™t like, didn't like-a-like 'em!
MEN: Gotta believe in something, Kai, you piece of shit,
POKAITHO [formerly KAI]: Sheā€™s the Kai who didnā€™t like musicals!Ā 
WOMEN (except INFECTED #5 [formerly YASH]): Didnā€™t like, didnā€™t like, didn't like-a-like 'em!
INFECTED #5 [formerly YASH]: Why, oh, why, oh why?
POKAITHO [formerly KAI]: Na-na-na-na-na-na-na!
MEN: Gotta believe in something, Kai, gotta believe in stupid Kai,
WOMEN (except INFECTED #5 [formerly YASH]): Didnā€™t like, did not like, didn't like-a-like 'em!
POKAITHO [formerly KAI]: Na-na-na-na-na-na-na!
WOMEN (Except INFECTED #5 [formerly YASH]): Didnā€™t like, did not like, didn't like-a-like 'em!
MEN: Gotta believe in something,
INFECTED #5 [formerly YASH]: Why, oh, whyā€¦
(The INFECTED freeze, swivel towards POKAITHO, who spreads her arms, and they flip her off.)
EVERYONE: Kai, you piece of shit!
(POKAITHO smiles, while one of KAIā€™s tears mixed with blue sludge rolls down her cheek. KAI scans the crowd of cheering Hatchetfield citizens, the entire crowdā€™s eyes that sickening shade of electric blue. In the front row CHARLOTTE, BILL, PAUL and EMMA sit, clapping and cheering. Their eyes glow with the same blue as the rest of THE AUDIENCE. In between PAUL and EMMA sits POKOTHO, a smirk on his face as he claps, enjoying his show, now finally complete with the addition of his leading lady.)
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lutfiatunnisaa Ā· 8 years ago
Pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa
Waktu itu berdoa sama Allah, yaiyalah berdoa ama siapa lagee
Maha Pengabul doa kan Allah Yash! Cuma Allah SWT.
Isi doanya banyak,salah satunya pengen ketemu sama guru ngaji biar tajwid dan tartilnya bisa baik.
Berawal tanya-tanya ke mbak kos , ternyata ada!
Yap,mbak kos aku punya kontak seorang guru ngaji.
Dan... yash! Deal! Bu Nafisa namanya.
Seorang Hafidzah,istri,dan mempunyai 2 orang anak.
Allah tu kalo ngabulin doa ga kira-kira yah :(
Mintanya guru ngaji,eh di bonusin dapet ibu angkat.
Ibunya baik banget,ngemong aku banget,hehehe
Gak hanya ngajarin aku tajwid dan tartil,tapi juga ngajarin aku ttg pelajaran hidup,ttg makna sebuah ayat dan pengaplikasiannya,tentang akhirat,tentang dunia yg hanya sebentar.
Dari situ aku semakin nyaman,Allah sayang banget sama aku.
Begitu pula Bu Nafisa,manggil aku dengan sebutan ā€œNokā€
Disela-sela ngaji,selalu di selingi dengan obrolan,obrolan apa lagi kalo ga tentang Islam? :))))
ā€œBu saya lagi haid,gabisa pegang Al Quranā€
ā€œDak papa,Fiqih ya nanti ibuk ajarkanā€
SUBHANALLAH! Pantang menyerah kali dalam dakwah,buk :ā€™)
One more,ibuk gapernah pasang tarif
ā€œRasanya kalo guru ngaji pasang tarif kok gimana gitu ya nok hahahaā€
kami pun tertawa.
Ibuk cerita,ada seorang anak yg ngaji ditempatnya. Anak itu mau bayar..
ā€œDak usah,bilang sama ibu kamu,dak usah bayar. Kamu mau ngaji disini,ngaji sama ibuk,itu adalah sebuah kehormatan bagi ibukā€
Lagi-lagi,malu rasanya.
Terimakasih ya Allah,Engkau mempertemukan hamba dengan Bu Nafisa.
Jazakillahu khayr Buk,semoga nanti dapat gaji dari Allah ya :ā€™)
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julindraaf Ā· 8 years ago
Stress Reward
Woaaaaah, been so stressful akhir-akhir ini. Banyak banget yang menuh-menuhin pikiran. Bikin BKI, praktek sidang, tugas ini itu di setiap mata kuliah and so many more. Bad newsnya, rencana gue posting review tentang film Sing Street jadi harus ketunda duluĀ  beberapa waktu. huvt.
Good newsnya, hari ini ada satu sih yang udah lepas dari pikiran, PRAKTEK SIDANG. YASH!!!
FYI, hari ini gue praktek sidang Tata Usaha Negara. Jadi praktek sidang ini masuk di perkuliahan Kemahiran Litigasi. Sebenernya praktek sidangnya nggak cuma TUN aja sih. Karena ada 4 jenis peradilan di Indonesia, yang juga berarti gue juga harus mengahadapi 3 jenis praktek sidang lagi, ugh!
Jadi, di praktek sidang TUN ini gue ceritanya jadi saksi tergugat. Seperti yang kalian mungkin ketahui, tugas saksi adalah menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan dari majelis hakim & kuasa hukum. Pasti kalian bertanya-tanya, cuma jadi saksi aja kenapa bisa sampe bikin pikiran stress?
Gue bakal jawab pake pertanyaan, apa kalianĀ  nggak bakalan stres kalo kalian disuruh kerjain tugas kelompok, tapi kalian dapet kelompok yang hamsyong?
Yap! Kelompok gue adalah kelompok terakhir yang maju buat praktek dan kelompok ter-gak solid menurut gue.
Jadi di kelompok gue ini jumlah orangnya ada 11 orang dan cewenya cuma ada 2. Cuma d u a sisanya cowok. Seperti makhluk2 pria pada umumnya, cowok-cowok di kelompok gue ini adalah makhluk-makhluk menyebalkan yang istilah kasarnya kurang bisa diandelin. Udah gitu setiap diajak latihan, selalu aja kaga mau. Alesannya ini itu. Parahnya lagi, di kelompok gue ini ada beberapa anak yg kerjaannya bolos. Ampun dah, 11 orang biarpun yang bolos cuma 3 tu bisa kacau sih. Soalnya semua ada peran masing-masing.
Ā Karena udah pada males-malesan gitu, gue jadinya ikut nyantai dan nggak mikirin. Akhirnya kita semua baru kepikiran sama praktek sidang di waktu-waktu mendekati maju praktek sidang gitu. Sebenernya tugas gue adalah sebagai saksi yang jawab semua pertanyaan dari hakim&kuasa hukum. Tapi seperti yang gue bilang tadi, gue dapet kelompok yang gak solid dan amsyong, akhirnya gue jadi harus mikir dobel. Mikirin pertanyaan + jawaban buat hakim&kuasa hukum dan buat gue sendiri. Dan kampretnya, bikin soal ternyata kaga gampang cuy. Bikin pertanyaan yang logis dan langsung to the point apa yang mau ditanya itu bikinnya harus pake mumet-mumet dulu. Karena dalam sidang, keterangan saksi dinilai penting buat nyari benang merah/inti permasalahannya apa jadi hakim bisa bikin keputusan yang adil. Jadi pertanyaannya juga harus langsung ke intinya bukan pertanyaan basa basi. Dan gue juga yang jadinya harus mikir keras buat bikin pertanyaan yang ga basa basi -_-
Ā Dan tadi pagi adalah penentuan atas hasil pemikiran gue selama beberapa hari. Maju dah gue sama kelompok gue. Jalan beberapa menit, dosennya kasih pembetulan. Jalan beberapa menit lagi, ada pembetulan lagi. Sampe akhirnya gue maju sebagai saksi. Pertanyaan jalan terus tanpa ada pembetulan Sampe di pertanyaan terakhir, akhirnya ada pembetulan.Ā 
Over all, gue jawabnya lancar-lancar aja sih, soalnya masih pake script juga jadinya masih bisa baca. Sampe akhirnya sidang kelar. Gue lega sih. Seenggaknya satu beban udah lepas, ya walaupun sebenernya praktek sidangnya masih banyak sih. Paling nggak gue bisa punya sedikit ketenangan buat kerjain yang lain-lain.
Ā Abis sidang kelar, seperti biasa, dosen kasih masukan ke kelompok, ngasih perbaikan-perbaikan. Terus di kalimat terakhir, dosen bilang kalo saksi terakhir tadi (which is gue), pinter ngejawab pertanyaan hakim. Walaupun pertanyaan hakimnya ngalor ngidul (which is yang bikin pertanyaan hakim juga gue HAHAHA) tapi jawabannya bagus. Hahaha padahal mah gue gagap-gagap juga jawabnya saking groginya dan sempet salah baca di script.Ā 
Tapi gapapa deh, seenggaknya hasil pemikiran gue diakui kalo bener dan logis. Gitu aja gue juga udah seneng kok hehehe.Ā 
Lumayan, jadi reward buat stressful gue beberapa hari ini.
Danke, Ibuk :)
5 April 2017 11:32 PM
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askunington-andcompany Ā· 9 months ago
TRY HARDER I MISS YOU ā˜¹ļøā˜¹ļøā˜¹ļø
I tried going to unington and my head like. Exploded.
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