#yang started being in love with blake during their beacon days and you can't tell me otherwise!
misstef · 5 years
Movie Night
Based on this post of some great headcanons of @blake-belladonna-defence-force and @styx-writes. Thanks for letting me steal your ideas! 😁
I just had to write some cute Beacon bees and team bonding time. Hope y’all enjoy this! ^^
“So now,” the leader of team RWBY announced, “we only need to decide on a movie.”
The whole team groaned at the thought. This was the hardest part of their weekly movie night, since they were for the love of the two brothers not able to diminish a single one, they would all like to see.
Yang tried to lighten up the mood again, “Oh, come on, guys! This can’t be so hard.”, as she started to skip through the available pieces on the bigger hard light dust screen their scrolls projected into the air.
“Really? One time we didn’t start until midnight because we debated it for so long.” Weiss pinched the bridge of her nose while remembering that particular night. “Not to forget, that if we choose something remotely uninteresting for Blake, she will fall asleep against Yang in the first ten minutes of the movie!”
“I don’t mind.” That shot out of Yang’s mouth almost instantly, only for a blush to appear on her cheeks because that came out way happier than it had sounded in her head.
Blake chuckled beside her, putting a hand in front of her mouth.
“Yes,” Weiss deadpanned at Yang, “we noticed.”
With the growing heat on her cheeks Yang continued to switch through their options.
They all sat on the self-made sofa put together with their mattresses, pillows and blankets and stabilized against Blake’s bed frame. It was extremely comfortable, so how could Yang blame Blake for falling asleep on it (and against her).
“How about this one?”, she asked to the group, once she found something that looked rather interesting.
Blake read the title out loud, “The boy who fell from the sky? Is that an adaptation of the book I read?”
“The cover looks fine. Do you want to watch it?” Weiss sounded very hopeful thinking they already found something.
“If I’d like to see yet another good book butchered by the movie adaptation, sure.”
Yang quirked an eyebrow at her, “I can hear your sarcasm from a mile away. We can watch something else, if you’d like.”
As Blake smiled appreciative at her partner, she caught the pleading faces of both Ruby and Weiss behind her. “No, it’s fine.”, she said after a moment of consideration, trying to sound hopeful, “Maybe it isn’t all that bad.
She was wrong. So utterly wrong.
Though she tried to contain her anger as best as she could at everything the movie cut out or rewrote terribly, at one point she just couldn’t take it anymore and cried out load, “This makes no sense now! They cut out the essential part of his character development. Not to mention how they wrote the conversation between the protagonist and antagonist. This is the worst thing I’ve ever seen!” She put her head on Yang’s shoulder in agony.
After a short moment of surprise Yang’s first reflex was to put her arm around Blake, drawing soothing circles on her shoulder and whispering, “You almost made it through. It’s gonna be over soon.”
And somehow, she did. Maybe it was the little rant that calmed her down, or maybe it was the fact, that her head still rested against her partner’s shoulder, who pulled her closer with the arm she had put around her. Blake would have to lie, if she said, that she didn’t feel warm and secure right now. If the movie wasn’t so terrible infuriating, she for sure would’ve fallen asleep like this.
Sadly, as soon as the credits rolled, Yang put her arm back and stretched with a loud yawn. Then she looked at Blake, excited and smiling, “So, how bad was it?”
Blake had so many thoughts on it while watching the movie, none of them good. With it being over now, she had made her peace with most of it. But such a question lit up a whole new fire within her.
“You. Have. No. Idea.”, she punctuated. “They like...” she motioned her hands like she was holding something other than air with them, “took the idea behind the book and the characters and just through it out the window! I don’t understand how you can misinterpret something so BADLY!”
Yang was struggling not to laugh at how cute Blake looked, when she was angry and gesturing her arms wildly to make her points clear.
“I mean,” Blake continued her rant, “in the book it made total sense that the boy tried to approach the antagonist multiple times. He hoped to talk some sense into him, since they knew each other before all the bad stuff happened. Here, they just rewrote their entire relationship, so it makes NO SENSE, like AT ALL, that the boy tries to save him.”
Yang just kept staring at her in awe. She knew already that she loved it, when Blake went off about how the faunus were being mistreated and the rights they deserved. Her ranting about a bad adaptation would have to go on the list of things she loved about Blake, too. That list grew bigger constantly anyway.
I don’t have a crush on Blake, she had said a few weeks ago to Ruby, after a movie night where the faunus had fallen asleep in Yang’s lap. At that moment her concentration was fixated on Blake for the rest of the movie. Weiss had sided with Ruby back then, saying she was just in denial and would soon realize that they were right all along. Yang had simply rolled her eyes at the two.
“The whole point of the book was, that even when you’re trying your best, things don’t always go the way you want them to. And how you shouldn’t beat yourself up over that. How does that even work if the antagonist GETS REDEEMED IN THE END? DID THEY EVEN READ THE FUCKING BOOK, BEFORE WRITING THAT MESS OF A SCRIPT?”
Weiss and Ruby got up during the last bit of the rant and excused themselves to get some drinks. Blake’s whole demeanor changed as they left the room. She just now realized how loud she had gotten and immediately felt guilty, faunus ears pressing against her skull. “Sorry, if I ranted too much.”, she said apologetic to Yang, while keeping her eyes trained on the floor.
Of course, Yang noticed her changing body language and small, insecure voice. “No! No, please don’t be!”, she said as she put a reassuring hand on Blake’s shoulder and smiled at her warmly, trying her best to not let the faunus feel bad for something so minor. “I meant it, when I said that I love it when you’re feisty. It doesn’t matter, if it’s in a fight or you ranting about something. I adore that side of you.”
Blake’s ears peaked up at her sincere and soft tone again, as she found Yang’s eyes with her own. “Really?” She still sounded like she couldn’t believe the words Yang just told her and it broke Yang’s heart, that Blake sometimes thought so little about herself.
“Of course. You going off about something you’re passionate about, is great! I could listen to it all day.”
When Blake worked up a little smile, Yang smirked back as an idea came to her mind. “So, you wanna tell me how the book did everything better?”
The faunus’ eyes began to glow at that thought, like the gold in them was heated-up with passion and happiness. And at that sight Yang wished so badly, that her eyes would never go back to being dull due to sadness and regret again.
As Blake told her about the events in the book, being all excited and making sure her partner was able to follow everything, Yang knew that Ruby and Weiss had been right. Now she wasn’t in denial of her feelings anymore.
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danurso · 5 years
Into jauneverse
*during a bright day, RWBY and JNPR were walking back to beacon after watching a movie in the theaters*
Ruby: that movie was so awesome!
Weiss: it was...enjoyable.
Yang: having spruce willis in the cast is already guaranteed fun for me.
Blake: since you love explosions right?
Nora: what's wrong with explosions? I love explosions! They make me happy!
Ren: i don’t think she was talking to you nora.
Jaune: soo...did you liked the movie?
Pyrrha: yeah, it was really fun. I didn’t knew action movies could be so funny like that.
Jaune: that's because we’re huntsmans, we’re used to real danger so whatever we see in these action movies looks more like comedy, if you we’re in spruce willis’ role the movie would’ve ended by the first act.
Pyrrha: yeah...i mean, you saw how many guys he fought in only one scene by the middle of the movie, why was it so hard to deal with three of them at the beginning?
Jaune: i have no idea.
Pyrrha: neither i do.
Jaune: ...so, there’s a marathon of spruce willis marked for tonight, we could use one of the common rooms to make some popcorn and watch all night long, i don’t think it's going to be a problem since tomorrow is sunday.
Pyrrha: that sounds lovely, although i think the couches from the common rooms are to small for all of us.
Jaune: *blushing a bit* actually...i was thinking if we could watch alone...i mean...you and i.
Pyrrha: *blushing* o-oh...right…
Jaune: i-its too weird right? Forget it, forget that i said anythi-
Pyrrha: no! T-there’s no need for that, i really like the idea.
Jaune: really?
Pyrrha: *nods*
Jaune: *with a dumb smile* o-okay then, once we get back i’ll prepare the popcorn, the blankets and the-
RWBY/JNPR: *stops*
Jaune: ...wait, who said that?
Pyrrha: *looking around* i don’t knoOOHH!! *gets picked up*
Jaune: PYRRHA!!!
???: *tries to leap away*
Pyrrha: *breaks free falling back on her feet* who are you and what do you wa- *freezes staring at jaune, clad in a white armor with blue details and a blue cape* w-wha...jaune?
Knight jaune: *holds her hand with a charming smile* yes my lady? Tell me what do you want i’ll go through hell to make your wish come true.
Pyrrha: *blushing* w-what? Jaune, w-what happened to y-
Jaune: pyrrha!
Pyrrha: *looks back at jaune, standing besides her friends with his normal clothes* eh!? Wait. *looks back ahead to see jaune in armor* what? *looks back again to see normal jaune* w-what is going on? Why there is two jaunes?
Knight jaune: the explanation is simple my lady, that man is a faker using my appearance to try and steal you away from me. *now holding both of her hands with a determined expression* but i promise you my lady, i won’t let anyone get in the way of our love.
Pyrrha: *blushing again* l-love!?
Jaune: hey! I'm not a faker, let pyrrha go!
Knight jaune: i can’t do that faker! This lady has a place inside my heart, and i won’t let anyone steal her from me!
???: are you sure about that?
Pyrrha: AHH! *feels a rope wrap around her waist before getting yanked back* oof! *lands into something soft and looks up to see jaune, now wearing a large hat with a feather, an eyepatch and buccaneer clothes* w-what? Jaune?
Pirate jaune: hehehe, correct milady. I hope you don’t mind me stealing you for a bit, your heart is a treasure way too precious for me to let it in the hands of these bilge rats.
Pyrrha: *blushing again* m-my heart is what?
Pirate jaune: *with a charming smile* an treasure that not even all the gold in the sea could buy milady.
Pyrrha: *blushes deeply*
Pirate jaune: never! An true pirate will never let anyone take his treasure away so easily.
???: then you better think fast.
Pirate jaune: wha- *looks around trying to find pyrrha* where did she go!?
???: right here.
Pirate/Knight jaune: *looks back to another jaune, this one was composed by robotic parts until his jaw*
Cyborg jaune: hey there pyr, sorry i was late for the party.
Pyrrha: *really confused* j-jaune?
Cyborg jaune: of course it's me, i may have a metal heart, but it beats only for you, so of course i would be here.
Pyrrha: *blushing yet again*
Pirate jaune: *drawing his sword* you better give her back to me before i feed you to the sharks!
Knight jaune: *pulls out a golden sword* release my lady before i cut your head off metalic monster!
Cyborg jaune: not gonna happen. *pulls out a high frequency katana* you want her, you take her away from my dead body.
???: ENOUGH!!
Pyrrha: *flies up colliding with something* what is going o- *freezes staring at another jaune, this one with light amber triskele eyes, long white hair and four featherly wings on his back*
Angel jaune: don’t worry my dear, i won’t let this fight continue.
Pyrrha: w-who are you?
Angel jaune: *with a small smile* im your angel my dear, and you’re my goddess.
Pyrrha: *blushing once more* i-AAHHH *gets yanked again*
???: if she is anyone’s goddess, then she’s my goddess.
Pyrrha: *stares at another jaune, this one now wearing clothes made out of darkness, with dark purple eyes and a big black tattoo on his forehead*
Demon jaune: *holding her chin with a sultry grin* don’t worry my little maiden, i’ll be sure to finish this quickly so we can enjoy our time together.
Pyrrha: *blushing even more*
Angel jaune: *creating a small sun over his hand* i will not allow that to happen, you will stay away from my dear pyrrha.
Cyborg jaune: *with an red aura, scarlet eyes and a dark smirk* close your eyes pyr, i’ll have to teach them what happens when they stand between you and me.
Pirate jaune: out of my way you fools! This treasure belongs to me and me only! *raises his sword summoning a horde of ghost ships from the skies*
Knight jaune: *sword starts glowing* if you don’t get away from my lady, i will be forced to show you the power of my excalibur!
Demon jaune: *releases pyrrha, cracking his knuckles and with dark aura flaring like flames* bring it on, but be quick, i don’t want to waste my time here when i could be besides my little maiden.
Jaunes: *charging at each other and starting a devastating battle*
Pyrrha: oh my god, w-what is going oOON*gets yanked into an alley* not aga-
Jaune: *motions for her to stay quiet and whispers* look, i have no idea what's going on, i just know that we need to get out of here okay?
Pyrrha: nods.
Jaune: here, inside this building, they won’t find you here.
Pyrrha: *gets inside the building along with normal jaune and sighs* just what is going on now...where are these jaunes coming from?
Jaune: ...
Pyrrha: i mean, they can’t just be coming out of nowhere ri- *gets pressed against the wall* j-jaune?
Jaune: im sorry pyrrha...i can't hold back anymore.
Pyrrha: *red* w-what do you mean?
Jaune: ...i love you pyrrha...i love you more than anything in this world.
Pyrrha: *dark red* y-you do?
Jaune: yes...and i know im probably not as strong as the other jaunes out there, but i’ll do everything i can to make you happy pyrrha, so please, would you accept to be mine?
Pyrrha: i-i-i…
Jaune: *resting his head on her shoulder* please give me an answer...i’ll go crazy if you don’t give me one. *presses his face on her neck* i can feel your scent taking my reasoning away from me, i don’t think i can hold back for much longer. *wraps hands on her waist* so please tell me pyrrha. *raises his head, facing her and keeping his lips just a few centimeters from hers* do you love me as well?
Pyrrha: i...*slowly getting closer* love... *already feeling his warm breath* yo-
Nora: *barges in the dorm* HEY THERE PYRRHA!!
Pyrrha: KYAAA!!! *shuffling on her bed and quickly hiding a textbook below her pillow.* g-good afternoon nora. *sweating bullets* how are you today?
Nora: ...... *grins* you were writing fanfiction again weren't you?
Pyrrha: *dark red* w-wha-! I-i-i wasn’t wr-
Nora: aww it's okay pyrrha, i love your fanfictions, specially that one you wrote about jaune being a badass soul reaper.
Pyrrha: *atomic red* y-you read!?
Nora: yup, you probably shouldn’t store your fics bellow your bed, someone might find and read by accident.
Pyrrha: *mortified and speechless*
Nora: *we’re waiting for you in the dinner hall ‘kay? Bye pyrrha, good luck with the fics!
Pyrrha: *passes out by sheer embarrassment*
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