#yandere sukuna one shot
emotionalmessss · 1 year
A/N: sukuna one-shot after my small hiatus from writing. I'll be looking over my requests and changing up my rules a bit, but enjoy!
Synopsis: studying with Yuji doesn't go as planned when sukuna decides to make a surprise appearance.
Warnings: heavy non-con, humiliation, slight yandere, slight violence, all sorts of bodily fluids, angst I guess, forced, size difference, sukuna is an ass. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Word count: 6.7K
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“Yuji!” I called out from the living room. “Yuji!” 
I fiddled with the pen that was tucked between my fingers as I waited for any sort of answer. I couldn’t think of a worse person to teach than Yuji. He could barely sit still for more than a few minutes before his mind wandered and he grew fidgety. I was previously enjoying my Friday afternoon at home, and alone, before Gojo called to inform me that my plans were going to change. 
Not that I entirely cared, I could use the company from- 
My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a slam coming from the adjoined room of my apartment.
“Fuck.” I groaned and caught the pen in my palm, giving it a tight squeeze before glancing up at the doorway.   
“Get your ass out of the kitchen now!” I demanded, raising my voice since my previous call to him was ineffective. 
My legs folded awkwardly beneath my body as Yuji came rushing out of the doorway - a bag of chips and cookies tucked under his arms as he watched me with widened eyes. My eyes glided over his face with a look of disapproval, my lips pulled straight as he jumbled the contents in his hands. 
“Are you done raiding my pantry?” My lips shifted into a sarcastic smile. “Food can wait.” 
“Training was hard! Maki had us working overtime today.” He pouted as he began walking towards the couch. He dropped the cookies onto the table, but gripped the chips like he thought it was going to be his last meal. 
I reached down for the papers and shook them in his face. “That doesn’t mean you can slack off on your school work!” 
He flinched, his hands shooting up to block his head from my banter. “I can’t think on an empty stomach!” Yuji gave me a nervous smile, his eyes closing as he chuckled. 
I tossed the papers onto the table. “You can’t think regardless.” I poked playfully at him. 
“Hey!” Yuji pouted as he ripped open the bag of chips. I watched as he fished a handful out and shoved them into his mouth. Crumbs fell from his lips and onto his black slacks - I guess he changed back into his uniform after working with Maki and Panda.  
“It’s true.” I fully turned to look at him, adjusting myself on the couch. “Not all your learning can be done in the field.” I watched as he dug his hand into the bag again and leaned over towards the textbooks and papers in front of us. 
“Yeah, yeah. I know.” He grumbled, his lips pulled back into a frown as he looked down at the work he fell behind on. He squinted for a moment before looking back up at me. “Oh! You know what would be great?” Yuji quipped, seemingly attempting at stalling. 
“What would that be?” Another heavy sigh came out. 
“Some tea! It could help us relax and -” 
I cut him off with a laugh, swatting the back of his head gently. “I’ll make some tea after we finish the first page.”
Yuji let out a small groan of annoyance, his mouth pulling down into a frown. I watched patiently as his head tilted down in acknowledgement. Another smile pulled at my lips as he situated himself on the couch, hunching over slightly as he read over the pages. I had met Yuji a few months back, along with Nobara and Megumi. We all got along well, and had frequent missions all together. But I grew closer to Yuji than I did with everyone else. His mannerisms were often like a child, always smiling and giddy. I found it difficult to remind myself that he is the vessel of a thousand year old curse that has a taste for blood and chaos. 
Ryoumen Sukuna. The King of Curses.   
I glanced over at Yuji slowly, watching as he worked through the readings and questions at a decent pace. He’d be faster if he didn’t second guess himself so much. He was smarter than he let on. He hadn’t even asked me for help yet - too stubborn to seek help from others. 
Yuji trained almost every day with Gojo and Maki, upping his strength and keeping Sukuna at bay. I was astonished at his drive to succeed and rid the world of curses. He seemed to be unfazed by the monster hidden deep within his subconscious. 
Megumi told me about the first time he met Sukuna, through Yuji’s body of course. He told me that he felt like he couldn’t even breathe, like all of the air was suddenly sucked out of the air by just being in his presence. His cursed energy was on a whole other level, even when he wasn’t in his true form. Megumi explained that it was one of the few times where he didn’t know what to do. Should he exercise the boy who impulsively consumed one of those wretched fingers? Should he call for help? Should he run? I couldn’t even begin to imagine what that must’ve been like. I didn’t even want to. 
Thinking about it made my stomach churn and my mouth dry up-  
“Y/N?” I heard his voice call out. 
My vision came back into focus as I turned to glance at the salmon hair coloured boy. “Hm?” 
“You kinda zoned out there, are you okay?” 
Oh, nothing really. Just lost in thought about the blood thirsty curse hidden deep in your body that liked to come out at the worst of times. Nothing much, you know. I monologued to myself, keeping my expression blank. 
“I was just thinking of making us some tea now.” I forced a small smile and brushed a stray hair out of my eyes. I didn’t want to concern Yuji with my own paranoia, he faced enough of it from the Elders and everyone else that came into contact with him. 
He watched me, carefully studying my facial expressions to see if I was hiding anything. 
“I have this new one that I just bought, I think you’d like it.” I pushed myself up from the couch, not wanting to cause Yuji to worry more than he already did. I carried myself over to the doorway and paused for a moment to look back at him, “you’re doing great with your work. I was watching the entire time.” I flashed another smile, which caused Yuji’s expression to mirror my own from the praise. 
“Thanks, y/n.” 
I gave a small nod before disappearing into the kitchen. I needed a minute to myself, and couldn’t understand the sudden anxiety creeping up inside my subconscious. It’s not like I was in any danger being around him. I spent more time with Yuji than I did with anyone else, he almost spent more time at my apartment than his own dorm. 
Still, with all the reassurance that I engraved into my head, I couldn’t help but feel a gnawing anxiety in the back of my head. Christ, what was going on with me?  
As I waited for the tea to brew, I peeked into the living room. 
Yuji leaned over the table, pen in hand, and his free hand coming up to scratch the back of his head. His brows furrowed in concentration as he worked through his readings and questions silently. He huffed slightly and I realized that he was probably stuck somewhere and that I would need to guide him. 
My attention focused back on the tea, which I now poured into two glass mugs. The liquid steamed and smelt wonderful. I balanced them both in my hands and made my way back over to the living room. Yuji still sat in the same position, frowning deeper. 
“Stuck?” I asked, placing down the mug beside him and plopping back onto the couch. 
“Yeah, I don’t understand this.” He pointed down. 
I leaned over beside him, pulling my skirt further down my legs as I did so. “Oh, that’s easy.” I began walking him through the readings and explaining the questions a little deeper. He seemed to be getting a hang of it pretty quickly. He was definitely smarter than he let on.      
“You’re smarter than you give yourself credit for.” I muttered, sipping at my tea. 
Yuji turned to look at me, a small blush creeping up at his cheeks as he let out a nervous chuckle. “You’re just saying that. Besides, there’s no way that I could get this done without your help.” He reached for his mug, taking a small gulp before grimacing. 
“What is it?” I asked before it dawned on me. “Oh right. You like honey in your tea.” I jumped off the couch before he could say another word, rushing off to grab the jar from the cupboard. 
I reached up for the little jar that was tucked away behind the other cans and nonperishables. As soon as I grabbed it, my ears caught the noise of a small clattering coming from the other room. I dropped flat on my feet and glanced over in the same direction. 
“Yuji?” I called out, walking towards the noise. “Are you okay?” 
I peered around the corner slowly, sticking just my head out. “Yuji?” I looked over at the now empty couch. His papers and snacks were sprawled out everywhere and his cup of tea was knocked over, dripping onto the floor. 
My attention drifted over to the front door, which was still shut and locked from earlier. 
“Yuji, quit messing around.” I stood in the doorway now, my eyes searching for any sign of him. Was he trying to freak me out? He usually fooled around like this, but he was so engaged in his work; jumping out and scaring me seemed like it would be the last thing on his mind. 
My fingers tightened around the jar of honey, frowning as I saw the mess left behind. It almost looked like there was a - oh god. My legs started to move towards the front door, before I even had time to process everything. I couldn’t explain the feeling, but whatever this was, it was telling me to get the fuck out, and fast. 
The tips of my fingers grazed the cool metal of the handle, shaking heavily as I fumbled with the lock. 
My body froze completely when the sound of a throaty, deep chuckle reached my ears. Much to my dismay, my movements halted and I could no longer control my body. My back was turned away from the eerie sound, my heart trying to convince me that it was all in my head. 
Heavy footsteps followed when I made no attempt to react. The beating in my chest amplified, my hands loosening just enough for the jar that I still held to fall and shatter against the flooring beneath me. 
“Leaving so soon?” The deep voice asked, still sounding like they were behind me, only a few feet back
A small squeak slipped from my lips as I finally managed to gain control over my body. Although, I did not turn to face that ominous voice. Instead, I glanced down to the broken jar at my feet; the sticky honey pooled at my toes, pieces of glass reflected back up at me. 
My hand was still wrapped around the doorknob, debating on my options. Could I unlock the door, open it, and run down the hallway and outside before they reached me? Would I have time to scream for help? Would anyone actually come? My thoughts were running a million miles per second and I couldn’t keep up. 
Another laugh echoed behind me, this time it sounded amused. I twisted my head back to finally make eye contact, only to feel my last shred of hope disappear when I noticed who - no what, was behind me. 
A shaky breath fell from my lips as my eyes focused on His face. The black markings spread down from beneath Yuji’s bright eyes, reaching all the way to his chin. Another two marks stretched across his nose and on his forehead, solidifying my previous fears. While it was technically Yuji’s body, it didn’t really look like him anymore. He seemed to grow a foot taller, while his training outfit strained under new muscle mass. 
Sukuna. Fucking Sukuna.  
The expression on his face almost sent me into a panic attack. He watched me like a predator stalking its prey, head tilted ever so slightly while his lips pulled back into a smirk. He knew. He fucking knew. My pupils were blown wide as I gripped the handle tighter, attempting to use my thumb to unlock it as I maintained eye contact with the curse that adorned my best friend's face and body. 
The air in the room felt thick like glue, wrapping around my chest and choking me out. Was this what Megumi felt? Constricting and suffocating? 
Sukuna’s eyes moved from mine and floated down my body, lingering slightly on my chest and waist before shooting back up to read my expression. As much as I wanted to cringe at his prying eyes, I managed to keep a straight face. I wanted nothing more than to run down the hallway and find Gojo, but I knew that was exactly what he wanted. 
His wandering eyes caused a rush of heat to flow through me, unsettling my already flipped stomach. No. He couldn’t possibly-
Megumi’s stories lingered in the back of my head. He’s on a whole other level, Y/N. You can’t take him on yourself. If he ever switches with Yuji, you run and find Gojo or me. He would tell me whenever Yuji wasn’t around. I guess he didn’t want to make Yuji feel even worse than he already did, as he was the vessel. 
“Well?” Sukuna spoke again, the deepest of his voice startling me to jolt straighter. “Aren’t you going to run?” He sounded bored, almost like he was annoyed that I wasn’t reacting. I knew that he wanted me to react, whether it was to run, scream, cry, or beg him to switch back with Yuji.  
I swallowed hard. “No. That’s exactly what you want and I don’t want to give you the satisfaction.” I fully turned to face him, letting my hand drop from the handle. 
My body buzzed with adrenaline to escape, but I knew there was no way that I could outrun him. I had to play this smart. Yuji was almost certainly fighting for control, but he must be exhausted and weak from all of his training. It was going to take him longer. I just had to stall a little bit.  Despite the pep talk that I mentally gave myself, I still felt horrified. My breathing stunted unconsciously, restricting the access of air into my lungs. 
Sukuna’s arms crossed over his chest and he grinned, flashing me his unnaturally sharp canines. 
“Have it your way then.” 
Before I could fully process his words, he dove towards me. I gasped and leaped out of the doorway, narrowly escaping his sudden attack. Fuck. So much for stalling. I stumbled over my own feet as I threw myself over the back of the couch, landing on my unsteady feet. My body spun around in an instant, focused on keeping him within my sight. Sukuna watched me as I took a small step backwards, but remained on the other side of the couch. 
“Stay the fuck away from me.” I took another hesitant step back, eyes darting back to the door. No more stalling. Yuji wasn’t going to come back out for a while. It was time to get the fuck out of here and fast. I had limited options on where I could go. Getting to the front door meant that I would have to run by him, which certainly meant he would capture me. Running to my bedroom wasn’t smart either, as there was nothing to barricade myself in with. Instead, I focused on keeping the distance between our bodies.  
Sukuna’s eyes brightened when he watched me stumble back, enjoying the fear that he was pulling from me. It was sick. My every move was being studied by his crimson eyes, anticipating what I would do next. 
“You’re just as annoying as that brat.” He laughed, referring to Yuji. 
Once again, the unnerving sound of his laugh startled me into stepping backwards at a quicker pace. It was silly. I knew that retreating would not allow me an escape from the sickening sound of it. But I stepped away all the same, hoping that some distance from the Curse would grant me freedom. 
My eyes left him for only a moment, and when I looked back, he was out of my line of sight. I snapped my head from side to side, remaining on edge while I looked around the small room. Where did he go?! I bit down on my lip, and without thinking, I dove forward towards the front door again, only to be stopped. I felt a pair of hands grab my shoulders and yank me backwards. Behind? How?!  
I expected to land on the ground, but my back hit something just as hard and knocked the wind out of my lungs all the same. I let out a sharp groan at the feeling, kicking and throwing my elbows back and in attempts to get free from his hold. My attacks did very little as his large hands moved from my shoulders and down to my waist. His grip was strong and sharp, digging into the soft flesh of my torso. 
“Let me go!” I trashed about, screaming and fighting furiously. 
I felt the rumble of his chest as he laughed, planting my back harder against his chest. The sudden movement surprised me, and I gasped before resuming my fight. He hummed in satisfaction, sending another wave of vibrations down my spine. 
“That’s the spirit, slut.” He growled, giving me another tight squeeze. 
I huffed, stalling my fighting. “What the fuck do you want?” My voice was low and hoarse. 
“Isn’t that a stupid question coming from a sorcerer?” He mocked, leering down towards me. His body was oddly warm, warmer than I ever thought it would be. 
I opened my mouth to respond but before I could, I felt my body being slung forward to the ground. My hands shot out and I let out another surprised cry, bracing myself for the hard fall. My knees and hands slammed against the ground, landing on all fours. Before I could stand up again, Sukuna’s foot planted on my back and pushed me onto my stomach. I let out a gasp of strangled air as I collided with the hard floor, Sukuna’s foot grinding me harder against the cool surface before retreating. 
I gritted my teeth in anger and flipped myself over clumsily. Sukuna glared down at me, his smug expression taunting me into fighting back. Instead, I started to crawl backwards, attempting to distance myself. He matched my movements and followed me backwards at a slowed pace, until he dropped over top of me. I screeched, half expecting his full weight to crush me, but he caught himself, hovering just above me. 
His red eyes focused down on mine, drinking up my quivering form. My heart felt like it was going to explode from anticipation, fearing his next movements. A sob of both fear and helplessness left my lungs as I watched those red eyes drift over my body. 
“Yuji…” I muttered softly, turning my head to the side. 
Sukuna must’ve heard me because he snorted, but chose not to respond to my helpless plea for Yuji to return. He had control in this situation, and there was no way that he was going to willingly switch back at this moment.   
The tears I fought back pooled at my lower lash line, slipping down the sides of my flushed cheeks as Sukuna gleaned over me, lowering himself closer to my face. I shut my eyes tightly and cringed back. This was it. I thought. He’s going to tear my throat out with his sharp teeth. I was going to die, choking and sputtering in my own blood. I braced myself for the pain, preparing myself for death that awaited me for open arms. Yuji…Nobara…Megumi…
I felt nothing but warmth. Was this death? My eyes snapped open when I realized that this feeling was not my blood seeping out of my throat; it was his tongue. My shriek of fear turned into disgust when I felt his tongue press flat against my jawline and lick up my cheek and over my eye. 
“Urgh… wha-” My cheek damp with his spit as I looked up at him. He wasn’t going to- no. He wouldn’t… No.    
His face retreated back from mine, a feral look of satisfaction painted across his features. My face twisted back up in disgust when I realized, causing him to chuckle. Before I could scramble away from his intentions, his arms wrapped around the back of my thighs and he pulled me against him, draping them over his own. My skirt rode up around my hips as he placed himself flush against my core, grinding against the thin fabric of my panties. 
My gaze widened and I shook my head, squirming against his grip. “No! Not this! Just kill me!” 
Sukuna laughed again, “You sorcerers really are stupid, huh?” His nails dug into the soft flesh of my thighs, parting me further open for him. 
My hands flew to meet his, scratching and pounding against them with a new sense of urgency. Shock took over my expression as I fought with a newfound strength, but it proved to be fruitless.   
“You can’t!” I cried, kicking and twisting my body. 
Sukuna bellowed out from a laugh, my frantic eyes meeting his half lidded ones, his head cocked ever so slightly to the side as he watched me. He looked as if he wanted to devour me, his tongue darted out again as he licked his lips. Sukuna felt an overwhelming sense of pleasure as I struggled in his grip. There was a deep, dark primal instinct embedded deep within him that made him enjoy forcing submission.   
“I can and I will, slut. No one is coming to save you. You’re all mine.” His hands moved faster than I ever thought as he ripped the shirt of my uniform, the cool air hitting against my already erect nipples and eliciting a sharp gasp from my lips. My chest heaved up and down as my hands flew from his and over my chest, trying to shield my body from his lustful gaze.  
Sukuna grinned, prying my hands away. He groaned, staring at my tits that were on full display. He looked hungry, as if he hadn’t eaten in years and I was the perfect meal for him, served up on a silver platter. My mouth parted when I felt something wet and slimy fall on the swell of my breasts. My eyes blew wide when I saw the glimmer of saliva slide down to my collarbone, pooling there. Drool. He drooled. 
“Oh god. You’re sick.” I cried, wanting the feeling of his skin off of mine. 
“Your God can’t save you now. Take it like the good little slut I know you are.” He wiped his chin with the back of his hand before lowering it down to my cunt, which clenched around nothing. With my skirt bunched around my hips, it provided an ease of access. Sukuna looped his finger through my panties and tore them off in one swipe. 
“No!” I tried to push his palm away futilely. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure Yuji can see everything.” He oozed, his voice hitting me like a ton of bricks. “Maybe then that brat will stop jerking his cock to the thought of you.” He snickered, his fingers prodding against my dry folds. 
I squeezed my eyes shut, somehow hoping that his words would be blocked out by this. “Stop, this isn’t right.” I didn’t want to believe the things he was saying, but his taunting would not let up. 
“What’s not right? That you’re a little cock tease or that Yuji fucks his fist picturing you bent over and screaming for him?” He sneers, his fingers make work on my cunt, spreading open my folds but never reaching for my clit. 
His words felt like a vice, tightening inch by inch with every mocking word that dripped from his mouth. Despite looking like my best friend on the outside, there were no similarities on the inside. Sukuna was sadistic, cruel, and demeaning. He enjoyed the chaos he caused, having zero regard for the lives of anyone but himself. 
My reaction must’ve drawn out some pleasure from the monster above me because he spoke up again, suddenly. “You know how many times I had to listen to that brat moaning out your name?” He taunted, glimmering teeth on full display. “It’s only fair that I get a taste.” 
I felt his fingers pull away for a moment, while another shaky sigh came from my parted lips. That loss of contact only lasted for a few seconds, and then came the sense of familiarity when that warm wetness returned. My breathing stuttered as my eyes shot down to my core, immediately noticing the second mouth that formed on the palm of his hand. My mouth slacked open as I watched the thin muscle poke out and lick a stripe up my cunt. 
“Urgh-” My head fell back against the floorboards, feeling the heat begin to accumulate between my legs. 
Sukuna hummed in satisfaction, his free hand moving towards my face. I flinched when I felt his surprisingly soft hands grab my chin and turn my attention back towards him. “Eyes on me or I’ll rip them out of your pretty head.” His nails dug into the sides of my cheeks as he pinched them together. 
His tongue dragged down, gathering up the slick that quickly bloomed at my entrance before pulling back up and drawing out slow circles on the tender nub. He repeated this movement a few times, licking up and down at an agonizingly slow pace. I could hear the lewd noises that my cunt was making, his spit and my own slick mixing together into a sticky mess. As much as I fought against the feelings he was providing me, I could not fight the soft mewl of desperation when his tongue slipped into me. 
“So wet already, pathetic.” As much as I wanted to look away, I enjoyed having my eyes still in their sockets. 
Sukuna groaned at the sensation of my cunt clenching down on his appendage. He had not tasted something so good in over a century, so sweet and warm, dripping out all for him. It felt even better since he could hear Yuji crying out in the background of his mind, shouting obscenities and begging the Curse to stop his assault. Sukuna did not. His tongue dove deeper, licking and slurping like a wild animal at a feast. This was a feast. 
My reactions only spurred him on more, watching gleefully as my legs twitched and toes curled at the sensation. He watched as my eyes rolled back lazily and my hips swayed against his palm. I could feel my eyebrows pull together in a frown, desperately fighting against the feelings he was giving me. 
His tongue curled upwards and my body spasmed. Sukuna chuckled and slammed his palm on my hip, pinning me to the floor to stop my writhing. “Desperate little bitch.” 
My eyes rolled back and I felt my hips jerk involuntarily forward, seeking pressure against my unsatisfied clit. My thighs squeezed together as I tried to drown out the pulsating that grew into a gnawing feeling of pain, wanting a release. 
“Ah, ah, ah.” Sukuna tutted, retracting his tongue and pulling away. “Did I say you could come yet?” 
Another whine came from my lips from the loss of contact. While I fell down from my built up high, so did my pride. Lazy lidded eyes met mine, hints of annoyance lingered behind them as he watched my paled face twitch, snapping back to reality. My hands slammed against the floor and I tried to scoot out of his hold; reality hitting me like a fucking truck. Sukuna followed closely as I scampered backwards, making quick work to grab onto my ankle and tug me back in place. 
“Where do you think you’re going? We’re not finished here.” He growled down at my shivering form, legs turning to mush from a single glare. He enjoyed watching me try to retreat away, but also felt a pinch of annoyance at the back of his head. I watched as his eyes squinted and he smirked, an expression that could only be described as terrifying in this moment. I returned with a look of pure fear as I stared into the eyes of the beast. 
“Please! Don’t! I can’t do this any-” I cried when Sukuna flipped me onto my stomach, my chin knocking against the ground before I could finish my sentence. 
“You’re right. I’m getting bored of this.” Before I had a chance to crawl away again, his hands were pulling at my hips, angling me so that my ass was perched up and pressed into his groin. He must’ve guessed my next moves because his hand moved to hold my back down, keeping my chest pinned to the floor. 
A puff of strangled air left my mouth and I craned my head to look back at him, my eyes pleading for any sense of mercy hidden within him. I felt regret seep into my nerves as I watched Sukuna lick his lips at the sight of my ass, which was on full display for him. His hand pressed harder against my clammy skin, his gaze finally reaching my own. 
“Don’t panic, I’m not fucking that hole.” He traced soft patterns against the globe of my ass. “Not today, anyways.” He chuckled, pleased with himself as he shuffled around with Yuji’s shorts. My throat tightened when his cock sprung free, large and thick, dripping with precum at the tip. 
I bit down hard on my lip and tried to scurry forwards, my blunt nails digging into anything that I could catch. “No. You can’t. You’ll rip me apart-” Sukuna let out a groan of annoyance and pulled me back down. His fingers raked through my hair and tugged it back, guiding my head back towards his direction. 
“I’m going to fuck you whether you want it or not. Fighting back will only hurt you worse.” He grunted, his hand moving back and forth down his shaft, smearing his precum all over until it glistened. He positioned himself at my entrance, slowly guiding himself inch by inch inside of me. My jaw slacked open and my eyes squeezed shut at the burning sensation that shot up my entire stomach. 
“Sukuna, please. Get off.” My hands tried to pry his out of my hair. “It hurts.” 
He said nothing when he slammed himself completely inside me, his nails digging painfully into my skin. I had not been prepared nor adjusted for his size, so when his cock was fully seated inside me, I screamed. The searing pain erupted and traveled up to my throat, making me feel like I was going to throw up. 
“Fuck.” Was all Sukuna could say, still frozen still. He felt like he was being suffocated by the tightness of my cunt, which clenched tighter when I screamed. His eyes closed for a moment, savoring the terrified expression on my face. “You’re so tight.” His hips moved slowly, dragging himself out before slamming back in. 
I screamed again, back bowing down to the ground and clawing harder at his hand. “Too much! I can’t-” Sukuna dragged my head up and slammed it down onto the ground, silencing me immediately. 
“Shut up. I could care less if it hurts. I’ve satisfied you enough.” He spoke low and with no regard for my well being. 
Sukuna’s hips began to move at a steady pace, while the pain of his cock buried inside me still lingered, it was overshadowed by the throbbing at my temple. My vision was spotty and I felt myself swaying, struggling to remain in this position. Sukuna must have noticed this because he let go of my hair and grabbed my hips, whether it was to steady me or to get better leverage, I didn’t know. 
With my slumped form pressed tightly against his groin, it became easier for Sukuna to plow into my cunt, which clenched tightly as a last resort to fight off the intrusion. This only seemed to please him further and he let out a dark laugh, relishing in the feeling. 
With my arms pinned awkwardly beneath my body, I had very little range of motion, which only made it easier for Sukuna. His hips snapped against my ass, filling me up to the brim as his cock slammed into my cervix. My mouth hung open in a silent scream, eyes wide but only able to see dark patches. 
I managed to tilt my head towards him, noticing that he kept his gaze on his cock stuffing me full. My breathing was sporadic, unable to get air in without hiccuping and sobbing. The dark spots in my vision only grew bigger and my head swayed. 
“I’m gonna pa-” 
Sukuna slowed his pace, but it wasn’t for my own mercy. “Tch. Stay conscious. I’m not going to fuck a corpse.” 
My teeth gritted at his words, but his slowed pace allowed me to control my breathing.  
“I’m going to kill you.” I mumbled, eyes watering with fresh tears, clumping my thick lashes together. 
Another booming laugh filled the room again, and this time Sukuna paused. “Oh yeah? The big bad sorcerer acting all tough now?” I was yanked upwards, my back slammed against his chest as he leered down to my ear. With this new angle, his cock reached a whole new depth inside me. My teeth caught my bottom lip, not wanting to let out a sound. 
Sukuna trailed his hands along my waist before squeezing my clammy skin. “You’ve got more balls than that brat.” He whispered, his breath hitting the shell of my ear. “Want to know what he’s doing right now?” He asked, which seemed more rhetorical than anything, his tone hinting at something much more sinister than I expected. 
“What are you talking about?” I hissed back, jerking my head away from the heat of his mouth. 
His hand wrapped around my throat, not enough to cut off air but enough for me to shift back closer to him. “Ah,” his hips jerked upwards, causing me to suck in a sharp breath. “He’s watching.” Sukuna taunted, making sure that I was balanced on top of him before reaching round and grabbing my tit. “Jerking himself like a fucking pubesent child.” 
A wave of nausea hit me in my throat, his words cutting deep. Was this true? Was Yuji enjoying this…? How much could he see? Sukuna tweaked my nipple hard, marveling in the pliable flesh between his fingers. 
“Let’s give him a good show, yeah?” He chuckled, flipping me round so that my legs were on either side of his waist and I was now facing him directly. I straddled him awkwardly, perched upon his legs. My hands flew up to his shoulders so that I wouldn’t fall backwards. Something told me that he wouldn’t care if I fell and slammed my head into the ground again. 
“Don’t say that.” I snarled, glaring up at him while he watched me with half-lidded eyes, too concentrated on the feeling of my walls squeezing around him. “You’re repulsive.” 
“Don’t be all coy with me now. I don’t mind sharing my playthings.” He sneered, his hips snapping upwards while I was caught off guard. My head snapped back and I gasped, feeling the pleasure as he hit a spot hidden deep within me. “That’s it. Let the brat hear you scream for me.” He hit that same spot that made me see stars, my eyes fluttering shut at the sensation. 
I lost control of my emotions, and now was beginning to lose control of my own body. My nerves sent off waves of pleasure as my cunt milked him, clenching tightly every time he buried himself inside me. 
 This was wrong. So so wrong.   
Over and over, Sukuna hit that spongy spot. I could hear just how wet I was everytime Sukuna thrusted his hips. So much so that it gathered at the base of his cock and seeped onto his thighs, making him grin ear to ear. “What a good little sorcerer.” He cooed, edging me on. “Look at you now.” A dribble of drool slid down my chin, soft moans coming from the back of my throat. 
“Ah- there!” I squealed, my nails surely breaking skin and drawing blood, but Sukuna didn’t seem to mind. He was enjoying seeing me like this. As much as he loved hearing me scream and beg for mercy - this, this was something else. Seeing my will break and take his cock like this drove him mad. Seeing my eyes roll back and pouty lips open wide for him made him want to stuff it. 
Sukuna’s hand quickly covered my opened mouth, his mouth returning on his palm to shove his tongue deep into my throat. “Hmmph!” I gagged slightly, not expecting the sudden intrusion. 
“Don’t bite me.” He warned, keeping his pace as he glared down at me. 
His tongue swirled around my mouth, invading my senses and driving me even closer to the edge. With his palm flat against my mouth and tongue shoving against my own, it was harder to breathe. My breaths come in short sporadic gasps and mewls. Excess saliva spilled out of my mouth and coated his hand, but he didn’t seem to mind. “Swallow it all and I’ll let you come.” He ordered. “I’m feeling generous.” I eagerly swallowed every last bit of his spit, knowing that I was close to coming any second now. 
“What a desperate little slut.” His eyes narrowed down on my frame, watching my tits bounce at his quickened pace. 
I moaned against his tongue when I came, squeezing his cock harder than ever. My eyes were wide open but I could barely see a thing, only focused on the feeling on release. “Fuck, you’re gonna push me out.” Sukuna groaned, gritting his teeth as he realized that he was about to come too.
“N-not inside…” I moaned, slowly coming back down from my high. 
Sukuna must’ve heard me but chose to ignore me, because his hands moved back to my waist and he pushed me down on his twitching cock, making sure that I couldn’t jump off. He let out a deep moan as he filled me up, heating me up from the inside out. 
I squeaked at the feeling, trying to pull away. “No!” 
His cock was still buried deep inside me while his come leaked out of my overstimulated cunt, the aftershocks of my orgasm clenching around him. He shuddered before releasing my hips, allowing me to skitter off and away from him. The feeling of his come inside me made my body convulse, my body trying to squeeze it all out. I watched as it dripped onto the floorboards and slid between my asscheeks. 
Sukuna sighed, his head raising up to meet my petrified gaze. His chest rose and fell quickly as he watched me. “I’ll see you again, Y/N.”  
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👀 angst
🦷 fluff
🧠 hurt/comfort
💋 smut (of varying degrees)
🩸 violence (implied and/or explicit)
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Modern!Husband!Yandere!Sukuna Ryomen 🦷
Random Yandere!Sukuna Ryomen Headcanons 🦷🩸
Sukuna as the rich!playboy secretly in love with his best friend 👀
a petty wife (original form!sukuna x reader) 🦷🩸
Young!Human!Sukuna whose heart is stolen by a isekai’d scientist reader 👀🩸
healthy (yandere!sukuna)
Multi-chaptered/Multiple parts
Sukuna's Wife and Yuuji's Onee-chan (Sukuna x Reincarnated!Y/N) Part 1 🦷, Part 2, Part 3👀🦷 🧠, Part 4🧠🩸 headcanons: "The world according to you", headcanons: "Swift waters parted by the jagged rocks are joined at river’s end", scenario: "Yuuji does not like his teacher hitting on Onee-chan" scenario: "Heian era Sukuna and Reader as childhood friends"🧠🩸 random: Sukuna's masochism
Yakuza x Cinderella AU Part 1 (Yakuza!Sukuna x Poor!Reader) Part 1 🦷
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rowiewritesstuff · 5 months
I just watched Jujutsu Kaisen
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It's straight bussin and now I'm taking requests from it. I haven't read the manga but know a little about it.
Also should I make a Yan Alphabet? Not just for JJK
Matchups Open for Hazbin Hotel and JJK
Characters (Some Platonic):
Sukuna (True Form)
Other Characters (maybe)
College AU
Gang AU (like mafia n stuff)
Other suggestions (maybe)
Sorry I disappeared my autism demands my hyperfixations take over my entire life and interest
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samaraxmorgan · 11 days
Your Roommate Sukuna
“That Time He Sabotaged My Date”
Modern no curse AU, Sukuna X Reader
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Synopsis: This housing crisis sure is no joke huh? Rent is just too expensive to live alone, so you put out a listing for a roommate and ended up living with none other than the tattooed bad boy Ryomen Sukuna! This is part of a series of drabbles and oneshots showing glimpses into you and Sukuna’s living situation!!
Contains: yandere(ish)!Sukuna, fluff but he’s kinda very toxic, stalking, fem implied reader (wearing a dress and heels), brief mention of a bomb (there aren’t any bombs present), narration is from Sukuna’s POV
Word Count: 1.78k
Series Masterlist - My Full Masterlist
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Whoever decided this dingy shithole is a decent place to take you on a date should be fucking shot.
Maybe it was wrong of Sukuna to eavesdrop on your private conversation this morning, but in his defense you were talking on the phone loud as hell in the middle of the living room. Should’ve been quieter when you were telling your friend about the date you had planned for tonight.
And maybe it’s weird that Sukuna secretly followed you here to keep an eye on you, but it’s not like he has nefarious intentions. He’s heard of this place and one, it’s fucking gross, and two, it’s got one hell of a reputation to say the least. Definitely the kind of place for someone to get murdered, he’s just watching out for your safety!
Oh christs sake, who is he fooling? No, he followed you here because he’ll be damned if you get a boyfriend.
He feels like a creep, sitting at the bar behind your table in a black hoodie and an old baseball cap, eyes fixed on the back of your head. The guy sitting across from you is so bland, yet for some reason you’re still giggling and twirling your hair around your finger as if you don’t know that you can do so much better.
There was no need for you to doll yourself up for this fuckin’ loser; you’ve got on a pretty red dress and stiletto heels, probably anticipating him to take you somewhere nice, decent, at least. But he brought you to some run down shithole restaurant that hasn’t been renovated since the 70’s and is definitely bearing several health code violations. It’s honestly embarrassing, Sukuna would take you somewhere so much nicer than this, he knows what you deserve.
He’s been sitting at the bar sipping on his drink for the last half hour, watching the way you prop your elbow onto the table, cross your legs in your seat, tap your heel against the leg of your chair, listening to you laugh and chat about your job. Meanwhile, mister nobody in front of you is chewing with his mouth open like some kind of ape, not realizing how much of a privilege he has by being able to treat you to dinner. Un-fucking-believable.
Finally the moment he’s been waiting for happens. Bland And Boring stands up from his seat and leaves you at the table to go use the restroom, so now it’s time for Sukuna to get this fool away from you. His eyes follow the man as he walks past the bar, not even trying to be discreet. He gives Sukuna a quick glance and nods his head politely, making his way towards the bathrooms near the front of the restaurant.
There’s no time to waste.
Sukuna stands from his seat at the bar, trailing behind your date and following him into the bathroom. As the door clicks shut behind him he realizes that it’s just the two of them. Perfect, no interruptions.
He walks up behind the man, watching him through the large mirror above the sinks. Now that he’s up close he can really see how pathetic this guy is, nervously looking up towards Sukuna as he absolutely towers above him, his stature menacing and the look in his eyes bordering on deadly.
“D-do you need some-”
“You should leave.” Your date jumps at the sound of Sukuna’s voice; dark, deep, and serious.
“Um… why?” His eyes flicker around the room, definitely praying to whatever god he believes in to come save him.
Sukuna is surprised he isn’t immediately obeying. Has he grown soft? Surely not, this guy just needs a little extra push.
So Sukuna says the first thing that comes into mind.
“I have a bomb.”
Maybe that’s a little dramatic, but god damn does it do the trick. The guy looks like he’s about to fucking piss himself, eyes widening in terror as he quickly nods his head and runs out of the restaurant.
Sukuna keeps a keen eye on him through the windows, watching him nearly leap into his car and hearing the tires screech as he speeds out of the parking lot. It seems you also had an eye on your date, your jaw nearly dropping to the floor as you assumed that he just ditched you with the bill.
Now’s his time to shine.
He stuffs his hat into the front pocket of his hoodie and strides up behind you to your table, bending down to be eye level with you in the booth and putting on his best mildly surprised and kind of amused expression, “Well look at that.”
“Ugh, god.” You bury your face into your hands, “And here I thought my day couldn’t get any worse.”
He can’t help the smirk that grows on his face. It is his fault you’re in this situation, but I mean come on, that guy was no good for you anyway. “You sample the whole fuckin’ menu or something?”
You groan and roll your eyes, perfect, you took the bait, “I just got dine and dashed, asshole.”
Sukuna lets out a laugh as he flops down into the seat across from you, god if only you knew. A man would have to be a real idiot to stand you up, but he has to try and keep his act together, “Yeah? Guys are fuckin’ assholes, surprise.”
The pout on your face is too sweet, makes it hard for him to really feel bad, “I was really liking him too.”
Oh, he definitely doesn’t feel bad now. He pulls his card out of his wallet as the waitress approaches the table, handing it off to her nonchalantly as he continues the conversation, “Don’t know why you bother going on dates with these guys.”
You try to interject the waitress but she walks away before you can stop her, a defeated frown pulling down your lips, “What are you doing here anyway?”
He plops his elbow onto the table, shrugging his shoulders casually, “What? Am I not allowed to go to my favorite shitty restaurant?”
You perk up slightly, “Right? I saw a roach on the way in, I can’t believe he recommended this place.”
The waitress comes back and hands Sukuna his card, he quickly scribbles his signature on the receipt and stands from his seat at the booth, “Let’s get you out of here before you get ringworm or some shit, nasty fuckin’ place.”
Finally a smile creeps onto your face, lighting up the dreary atmosphere. You adjust your dress as you stand up and he can’t help but smirk at how good you look all dolled up, dark red dress hugging your figure as if you wore it for him. He leads you out of the restaurant, making sure to hold the door open for you since he noticed that your loser date let it slam in your face on your way in.
Droplets of rain were starting to sprinkle down, which is pretty unlucky considering it’s a ten minute walk back to the apartment. But that’s not a problem for Sukuna, if anything it’s a perfect opportunity. He catches the frown curling down your pouty lips as you fix your fingers through your nicely styled hair, probably trying to keep it from getting messed up, and without missing a beat he pulls his hoodie off, sliding it over your head and down your arms.
“I’m sure you spent hours dolling yourself up, would hate to ruin it.” His voice is smooth as butter, leaning down to eye level with you as he adjusts the hood to make sure your hair is covered.
A blush creeps onto your face, mumbling a quiet “Thank you” as you pull your arms through the sleeves. It honestly looks like you’re drowning in his massive hoodie, the sleeves too long for your arms that your fingers can’t even peek out and the hem at the bottom falling at your upper thighs.
Sukuna thought you looked good in that red dress, but god damn you look heavenly wearing his clothes. Why didn’t he do this sooner?
You both start to walk down the sidewalk to the apartment, the evening is quiet save for the muffled sounds of music and chatter coming from the bars and restaurants that you pass by. You’re walking right up against his side, your arm occasionally brushing against his and he can’t help but wonder if you’re getting closer on purpose.
Sukuna breaks the peaceful silence, “So was the food good at least?”
You look up towards him quizzically, squinting your eyes in a way that’s too fucking cute for him to handle, “Shouldn’t you be the expert?”
“Why t’fuck would I know? Never been there.”
“I thought that was your favorite shitty restaurant?”
He got way too distracted looking into your pretty eyes. Lucky for him, he didn’t need to come up with an excuse to cover him because a loud snap rings through the air as you stumble forward. His arm quickly wraps around your waist to steady you before you can fall, holding you flush against him.
You look down at your feet and let out a loud groan of frustration, “Fucks sake, really?” You lift your foot up to inspect your shoe, your stiletto heel barely dangling by a thread as it snapped off from the sole.
Sukuna didn’t mean to laugh, but there was no containing it. You look up at him with an adorable angry face, cheeks burning red as you curse him out and it only makes him smile more. You’re just too damn cute when you’re pissed off.
“It’s not funny! These were expensive!”
“Yeah yeah, c’mere.” His arm stays wrapped around your waist as he leans down and hooks his other arm behind your knees, lifting you off the ground with ease as you squeal in surprise and wrap your arms around his neck to cling onto him.
Now he could bet that other guy wouldn’t do this for you, not just was he scrawny as all hell but he wouldn’t be nearly enough of a gentleman. Your arms tighten around the back of Sukuna’s neck as he starts walking to the apartment again, your cheek nuzzled against his shoulder as you slowly relax into his hold. He’s actually liking this a lot, silently considering purposely taking a wrong turn on the way home so he can hold you longer.
Hopefully after this you’ll stop going on stupid dates with worthless men, you’ve already got everything you could ever want right at home after all. Soon enough you’ll realize that you don’t need anyone but him.
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A/N: This was SO FUN to write!! I love him he’s such an asshole askakksksk, I rlly liked the idea of doing a light hearted yandere part (even tho NOBODY asked for this skaksksk) Dividers by @adornedwithlight
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!!
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@jisooxxi @lessthanimperfect @gigiiiiislife @vynwan-cbq @lovely-ficsfor-me
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jonathansthickthighs · 5 months
𝐀/𝐍: 𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞! 𝐈’𝐯𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐳𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬. 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 :)
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐈’𝐦 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲:
♡︎ 𝐅𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐣𝐢 ♡︎
My Sweetest Heart: Yandere! Fushiguro Toji Mini Series
Description: You have a one night stand with Toji and now he won’t leave you alone.
Part One here
Part Two here
Part Three here
Part Four here
Part Five (Final Part) here
♡︎ 𝐆𝐨𝐣𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮 ♡︎
Yandere! Gojo Satoru One Shot - Coming Soon
Description: Gojo is your secret lover and he will do everything in his power to make you leave your husband for him.
♡︎ 𝐍𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢 𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐨 ♡︎
Yandere! Nanami Kento One Shot - Coming Soon
Description: You were once happily married to Nanami until it all fell into crumbles. Nanami will stop at nothing to win his dear wife back.
♡︎ 𝐑𝐲𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐒𝐮𝐤𝐮𝐧𝐚 ♡︎
Yandere! Ryomen Sukuna One Shot - Coming Soon
Description: You catch the eye of the notorious serial killer, Ryomen Sukuna and suddenly people start disappearing around you.
♡︎ 𝐆𝐞𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨 ♡︎
Yandere! Geto Suguro One Shot - Coming Soon
Description: Geto wants you to worship him the way he worships you.
♡︎ 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐨 𝐊𝐚𝐦𝐨 ♡︎
Love Notes: Yandere! Choso Kamo One Shot - Here
Description: You start receiving sweet, anonymous love notes from a secret admirer which start turning perverted over time.
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getodrools · 9 months
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ಇ. ns fw = (🌷) | risque = (gg) | sfw = (s) | fluff = (f) | angst = (a) | yandere = (yan) | dark content = (🌟)
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request. DICK APPOINTMENT –> 🌷 | “size kink toji and reader that have been sexting and calling nonstop online finally meet up.” ᡣ 𐭩 | f! reader | ( wc. 3.6k + )
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hcs. DRUNK IN LOVE –> 🌷 | getting tipsy with your boyfriend is fun! especially when your eyes glaze over with a little need. ft gojo, geto, nanami, and choso. ᡣ 𐭩 | f! reader |
request. ANAL WITH TOJI + SUKUNA –> 🌷 | f! reader |
request. NOCTURNAL EMISSIONS –> 🌷 | “jjk men having wet dreams about you and waking up needy and pants soaked.” ft gojo, getō, nanami, sukuna, choso. ᡣ 𐭩 | f! reader |
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COMPARABLE FANTASIES –> 🌷 | toji proves even with new, cold attachments, he could still make you feel good regardless. ᡣ 𐭩 | f! reader |
GIVE ME A “D” –> 🌷 | cheer coach! toji has to teach the cute bimbo of the team how to arch and stretch better. ᡣ 𐭩 | f! bimbo! reader | hcs + pov.
TOYS R US –> 🌷 | toji accidentally slips your vibrator onto himself and turns his dick like one instead. ᡣ 𐭩 | f! reader |
DIFFERENT POLES –> 🌷 | step dad! toji was snooping around and found your stripping items! and blackmails you for shameful lap dances in return to keeping your little secret. ᡣ 𐭩 | f! stripper! reader | dub con. step cest.
HARD HATS –> 🌷 | construction worker! toji who is working hard rails you in his excavator. ᡣ 𐭩 | f! reader |
GIRLS NIGHT OUT –> 🌷 | pervy older bf! toji takes care of you after a girls night out. ᡣ 𐭩 | f! reader | dub con ( somno )
request. PUSSY DRUNK! TOJI –> 🌷 | “after reading 'drunk in love' i can now only think about drunk toji, sloppy makeouts and pussy kisses”. ᡣ 𐭩 | f! reader | dub con.
request. CURSORY –> 🌷 | “a reader that's lowk inexperienced but also kind of a freak !! like she asks for pussy slaps and/or wants to ride him while playing with his nipples. maybe even wanting to rub both of their nipples together while making out and riding him and she's just so cockdrunk!!” ᡣ 𐭩 | f! reader |
request. NEVER BETTER –> 🌷 | “what's your take when possessive-ish (and slightly insecure) bf toji found out you're using sex toys whenever he's not around” ᡣ 𐭩 | f! reader |
request. CONFESSIONS –> 🌷 | “a year ago or so i made a lil joke saying i want toji to fuck me with his gun but like.. what if he actually did?” ᡣ 𐭩 | f! reader | dub con.
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blurb. DAD BOD! TOJI –> sfw + f | gn! reader |
thirst. PERVY GYM COACH! TOJI –> 🌷
blurb. 20 MINS BEFORE WORK –> 🌷 | ft nanami, gojo, shiu, hiromi, and yuta. ᡣ 𐭩 | f! reader |
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672 notes · View notes
mrs-hatake · 1 month
How JJK Men Hold Your Chin
Warnings: MDI!!! yandere behavior, obsessiveness, manipulation, dacryphilia, over protectiveness, human sacrifice, mentioned assassination, foul language, female reader, HUMAN!sukuna
A/N: i kinda went overboard with sukuna lmao. credits are in the pics! also, shoutout to my soulmate who encouraged me to write and publish this luv u 🥹
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Toji’s eyes shoot open when the soft rattle of the window opening fills the bedroom. Whoever decided to ambush Toji, in own home no less, is doing a piss poor job at it. The number rule of breaking and entering is that you need to be as quiet as the dead…Or make sure you aren’t breaking into a room where the occupants of the house are in. 
He doesn’t move, makes sure to keep his breathing deep and even as his ears focus on the soft thud across from his bed. The gentle rustle of feet on carpet is thundering. It makes Toji wonder which sorry idiot decided to attack him. He lies still. Waiting.
Toji senses a presence behind his back. The stare of the invader doesn’t feel oppressive but more hesitant. Big mistake. Waiting a heartbeat before striking, Toji quickly has the criminal pinned under him on the bed. A terrified screech stabs sharply in his ears, ringing like an alarm clock.
Leaning over, Toji harshly tugs on the string of the desk lamp on the nightstand. Dim yellow light floods the corner of the room where Toji’s bed is placed. 
With the darkness gone, Toji’s eyebrow quirks at the sight below him. A pair of eyes stare at him in a vacuous stupor, their lips formed into a silent ‘o’ shape. 
Toji blinks down at the frightened woman. 
She blinks back. 
Whoever sent her his way is a freaking dumbass. Aside from the fear drowning in her eyes, incompetence screamed at him. How did his enemies expect to dispose of him with someone as weak as her?
Lost in his thought, the woman raises her leg and tries to kick Toji off of her. Luckily, Toji’s reflexes are as sharp as a cat's and dodges the attack. He yanks her leg down before pressing all of his weight on it, trapping her.
“Don’t kill me.” The woman pleads and it forces Toji’s head to tilt to the side in confusion.
“You’re here to kill me.” He says, as if it’s the most obvious thing, “It’s only fair I defend myself.”
His words strike a nerve. The woman begins to frantically shake her head, jostling Toji with her movement. “Please.” She whispers repeatedly like a broken record. 
Having had enough, and with the exhaustion from today’s mission catching up to him, Toji’s large and calloused hand grabs the woman’s chin, successfully suspending her thrashes. 
The tip of his thumb is brushing the edge of the woman’s chapped lip. The two, caught in a daze, are silent. 
“Tell me why I shouldn’t kill you?” Toji’s voice drops to a murmur, his already deep voice growing deeper.
The woman continues to stare at him but there’s something calculative in her eyes, as if she’s determined the best course of action. Whatever she finds, melts the tension from her. Her form relaxes under Toji but he still maintains his weight on her. It could be a trap after all. Waiting for him to drop his guard down before she strikes. Toji has been in the business for so long that such a childish trick is insulting.
“I’ll tell you who hired me.” The woman's breath comes out shaken, broken.
Toji contemplates her answer before shaking his head, “Not enough.” 
His response doesn’t deter the woman. In fact, it strengthened her resolve.  “Not just the organization I work with but several of them. It’s like a betting ring.” She explains, her eyes hard, unafraid to meet him. 
Toji thinks. People wanting him dead isn’t something new but that doesn’t mean he has the free time to hunt down every single one of them. However, what the woman says next sends a chill down his spine.
“They’re coming after your son.”
Her statement is a bullet shot straight to his heart. If what this woman is saying is true, then he needs to take her word for it.
“If you’re lying,” Toji’s grip on the woman’s chin is unforgivable, “I will kill you and your pathetic family.” he spits before letting go. 
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The woman is panting harshly as she leans against the metal pillar at the underground train station. The ruckus of the coming and goings of the people blend into the background until it’s nothing but a gentle hum. She swallows her dried throat, thick and heavy, gathering whatever moisture to nourish the muscle. The woman’s back presses against the pillar as her eyes close shut. Greedily, she sucks air into her lungs. 
Weakly, her eye opens and it darts frantically across the station until it lands on the departure board. The orange LED lights glaring harshly at her. Still, the woman squints as she reads the list and the corresponding time. Her train leaves in less than half an hour. She’s exhausted. Her legs are screaming at her from her earlier run and throat is begging for water. But the woman pushes through.
With one final deep inhale, the woman pushes herself and makes her way to the platform where her train will arrive in ten minutes. 
The woman hasn’t taken a single step forward when a voice wells up a wave of acid deep from within her belly. 
“Found you.”  A voice she once associated with reverence has her recoiling in horror.
Inchmeal, the woman turned.
Gojo Satoru is standing in front of her. Despite the gentle smile on his lips, Satoru’s blue eyes are as wild as a stormy sea, raging and fervent.
A blink and Satoru’s hand is cupping the woman’s cheek in a tight embrace. She winces at the pain, reaches her hand to wrap around Satoru’s wrist and tugs it away to no avail. 
“Oh, Y/N,” Satoru sighs as if she is some naughty child, “It’s cute that you think you can run away from me.” 
The woman’s eyes pleads Satoru, begs him to let her go, set her free, but Satoru is blind. 
With a powerful pull, Satoru yanks the woman into an embrace. His muscled arms trapped her in an unbreakable cage. 
“Let’s go home.” Instead of Satoru’s whisper resembling a kitten’s soothing licks, it feels like a spider crawling up her throat.
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Warm hues of orange and pink spreading across the sky is the last thing the woman sees before her eyes shut close. She doesn’t scream as she falls to her death. Her descent is calm, freeing in a morbid sense. Though the curse is still rampaging the abandoned hospital, terrorizing the second year students, the woman accepts her demise with a serene smile. 
The impact she has been embracing for doesn’t come to her. Well, not in the way she had imagined numerous times whenever the woman is sent off on a mission. Instead, a firm but pliable object breaks her fall. 
Cinnamon and black coffee invades her senses. A roaring heartbeat echoes in her ears but before the woman can open her eyes, she is gently put on her feet.
“How can you be so careless?” A voice growling in her direction forces the woman’s eyes to open.
Blinking the black spots from her vision, the woman lifts her gaze from the ground to where Nanami Kento is standing just a few feet away from her. His muscles are stiff and his lips are pressed together in anger.
Oh shit.
“What were you thinking?” Kento continues, uncaring of how his voice is increasing in volume but the woman is shell shocked. Not from the fall but from the fact that, in the years she has known Nanami Kento, is losing his cool.
“I’m fine.” The woman sighs in exhaustion as her hands dusts her outfit free of dirt. She notices in her peripheral vision the second year students delivering the final blow to the curse spirit, their cheer turning into horrified groans when the curse exploded into tiny little pieces and it covered them with neon green goo. “I had it under control.”
Kento rolls his eyes, “Like hell you were.”
Worn out and oddly hungry, the woman turns away from her livid colleague. “I don’t have time for this.” she mutters.
“We’re not done talking.” Kento calls after her but the woman doesn’t meet his dark eyes, raging with an uncontrollable fire.
Just as the woman is turning to leave, Kento’s massive hand cups her chin and forcefully pulls her to face him.
“Look at me when I’m talking to you.” Kento seethes through clenched teeth. His thumb on the apple of her left cheek presses deeply into the supple skin, almost bruising.
The woman’s jaw clenches, the muscles flexing underneath Kento’s fingers on her right cheek. Her piercing gaze is unyielding but Nanami Kento doesn’t back down.
“Don’t you dare do that again.” Though Kento’s tone is cold and disapproving, the woman hears the concern loud and clear. 
“Answer me.” He barks with the authority of a man who should not be challenged. 
“I won’t.” The woman responds in a strained voice. 
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The woman’s eyes are large and rimmed with tears as she meets irises colored in vibrant amethyst.
The man returns her gaze with feigned kindness and condescending pity. His hands cupping her cheeks are warm and they light a fire in her belly. His thumbs are slightly rough with callouses but they are gentle as they wipe away stray tears. Soft lips kiss the woman’s forehead, their velvety touch is soothing, imbued with a delicate tenderness that has the woman melting like putty in his arms. 
“Now, be a good little girl and do as you’re told.” Geto Suguru’s voice is rich with sweetness and has a velvety timbre, resembling a bitter drink with traces of sugar. It has a propitiating quality to it that embraces the woman in a sense of tranquility.
“Suguru.” The woman hiccups, vision blurred with unshed tears. 
Suguru coos, the sound echoing that of a mother worrying over her child after waking up from a nightmare. He leans in, slowly and tenderly as if to not frighten her off, and licks each tear trail from each cheek.
“Suguru?” The woman sputters, her eyebrows furrowing in bewilderment as she tries to process what just happened. 
Though the soft smile Suguru gives her radiates warmth, there’s a subtle glimmer in his eyes that hints at something the woman can’t recognize but it fills her with dread. 
“There, there.” Suguru whispers gently, his hands still cupping her cheeks. His fingers are wet with tears but the fact doesn’t bother him.
“This will all be over soon.”
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Sukuna’s hibernation is interrupted by cacophonous ceremonial chants reverberating from the forest below.
Year after year, Sukuna has reprimanded the villagers for their never ending harassment. They mistake his cursed lineage as an entity to protect his village when, in reality, the Ryomen clan was cursed by the Gojo clan three hundred years ago for violating the peace treaty because one member from the branch family decided to be a cocky little shit and terrorize humans and now Sukuna has to suffer the consequences. 
Every first day of spring, the villagers leave animal caracases at the mouth of his cave to satiate his hunger. When that didn’t work, the villagers sent wooden crates filled to the brim with glimmering gold coins and a crown decorated in sparkling diamonds to persuade Sukuna in blessing their harvest. Stupid villagers and their stupid myths. If they had bothered to open a history book, they would have discovered that Ryomen Sukuna is just as human as any of them. The only difference is that part of the Gojo clan’s punishment was to inject every member of the Ryomen clan with poison into their bloodstream that altered their genetic composition. Instead of having two arms and two eyes like everyone else, the Ryomens now have four arms and four eyes. Oh, and an additional mouth on their belly.
A satisfied moan falls from his mouths when his muscles pop as he stretches his four arms high into heaven. Scratching his side with one of his hands, Sukuna trudges to the mouth of the caves and watches with complete boredom as those fools travel the winding path leading to his habitat. Glancing at the sun, Sukuna figures it’ll take them another hour before they arrive. 
When the villagers do arrive, they wordlessly leave their sacrifice at the cave entrance and leave, just as silent and unnerving. 
With nothing better to do, Sukuna humors the villagers and steps out of his stifling home.
Despite it being early spring, the weather is still warm but the air has a certain bite to it. Not enough to warrant thicker garment but enough to appreciate the cool breeze caressing Sukuna’s skin.
Stepping outside, Sukuna comes to a sudden halt. His four eyes blink before they glance around the forest, searching for a glimpse of the villagers who will explain what this year’s present is. 
Below him, just a few meters away from his feet, is a woman lying on her side. She is dressed in all white and her hair is fixed in a complicated updo. Gems dangle with each blow from the wind and Sukuna’s nose picks up the hints of honey and vanilla.
Sukuna’s thick fingers massage the spot between his eyes while his two arms cross in front of his stomach, pressing against his mouth.
Great, just great. Those idiots brought him a human sacrifice this year for whatever fucked up reason. Sighing, long and heavily, he picks up the unconscious woman and carries her into his cave.
It’s around nightfall when Sukuna hears soft groans coming from his bed. His upper right arm is stroking the fire to life while his lower right arm throws wood into the fire pit. His stomach has been growling for the past hour and his tongue keeps licking the curve of his belly button. If Sukuna will ever have the chance to fight the infamous Gojo Satoru, he wants to inject him with the same poison just so he can understand the hell Sukuna’s been through. 
“You’re awake.” Sukuna’s voice cuts into the night air, deep and smooth. 
The woman freezes on the bed and takes a moment to gather her thoughts before pushing herself into a sitting position. 
When the woman turns to face him, Sukuna’s two pairs of red eyes roam over the woman’s face that’s painted with soft makeup to enhance her beauty. 
“Greetings, Sukuna-sama.” The woman greets him in a luscious voice, no doubt a skill taught to her by the elderly women of the village. Sukuna resists rolling his eyes at their stupidity. Instead, he tosses the iron rod aside and saunters to his bed. 
Though the woman bows her head in submission, her form lowered in a beautiful arch, Sukuna can see her trembling in her place. After all, Sukuna cuts an intimidating figure. Not just with his additional limbs and eyes but also with his height; totaling at two hundred centimeters. It's a small wonder she is frightened. 
An index finger that is as long and slender as the iron rod hooks under the woman’s chin and tilts it upward to face him. 
A soft hum emits from Sukuna, “The villagers have outdone themselves with this year’s sacrifice," his finger glides down her neck, "heh, they must be desperate to please me.”
The woman says nothing. Her eyes are lidded and they are clouded in something that Sukuna cannot discern but they add to her charm. Flames flicker to life in Sukuna, sparking intense desire that burns through him like wildfire.
“I’ll take good care of you.” Sukuna vows, his voice lowering into a hummed whisper, each word heavy with yearning and licentiousness.
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ur-mousey · 8 months
Time Moves ~
Yandere!God! True Form! Sukuna x Disciple! F!Reader! Prt 2.
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Part One
summary Sukuna reminds you that your only purpose is to worship his cock. 1.6k. warning mature, smut, possessive themes, blowjob and pussy-eating, lesbian orgy?, praise, dub-con.
"Pet, admit it already." Sukuna peered down at your naked form. "Tell me you're mad. Never once have I wanted you to bite your tongue."
You weren't in a state to be where you were. You scrambled from the edge of the steps. Your instinct could only register the idea of a drop. 
Your throat constricted around itself. And your skin brimmed all over with goosebumps. You had little strength to reply. Instead, you found yourself pressing your lips tight together. Scared of even your breath coming out into the frigid air. Your right side ached. Scrapes marred your skin from the earlier fall. You folded in, knees to breast, which felt too heavy. "I suggest you respond to me. Quick." Sukuna twirled the black rose pin's tip, embedded in his skin. 
The skin remained taut against the curve of the metal, raising slightly with the direction of the pin.
You wanted to scoff. The breeze carried your hair through its fingers. It pulled the mass forward. No longer could you view the clear image of your God, Sukuna. Wisps of hair clung to the tears and snot drying on your face. Your jaw remained clenched, glued together via mucus. And you struggled to release the tension. You couldn't breathe. Your airways felt constricted. Nothing could pass into it or out of it.
You weren't always the only disciple of your God. 
You remembered that time vaguely. When the temple was filled with other concubines. Some claimed the mantle of favorite pet. The first few days up on the mountain were rough. You were strapped to a wooden chair, forced into a corner where you'd slept. You had only seen your God once before when he discovered you along his nightly stroll. Time before then didn't exist. Who you were or how you got there didn't matter. 
You felt humiliated. Clothes felt miles away when not on your body. Or anyone, for that matter. Yet, you watched the concubines ignore your presence. They seldom paid you attention until your stomach growls obnoxiously. 
On the third day, they gave you more food. You ate the white rice and drank the warm chrysanthemum tea gleefully. And, the concubine of the hour prayed with you. You both recited the words of your God. 
She touched you differently than the others who attended you. Your pussy throbbed at her ministration. "This won't do at all," She huffed against your virgin hole. "Our God means to claim you soon. But I'm afraid you're still too tight." Her delicate fist prodded inside you. You ground your hips forward, kneading your puffy clit on her nose. She moved her head, eyes locking onto you. "Do relax for me. Breathe in and out." She gestured for you to follow along. 
Breathe in. The concubine's fingers circled your entrance. Tingles shot up into your core. "You're so wet. That's a good girl, now, breathe out for me." Your pussy lips swelled at her praise. You tried to focus solely on her, but the others dutifully laid out their futons. Laughter sparked from the petite concubines who suckled on each other's breasts.
There was a kinship there that you felt you would never be a part of.
Lips were being kissed. Cunts were played with and ate up. You had stared at a pair of girls at the center of it all. They slotted their legs together, their pink flushed pussies rubbed against each other. Their moans sent shivers down your front. "Aah, ah ah, pretty girl, focus on me. Breathe out." You nodded, tearing your eyes away. "Good girl, we will have so much fun together after Lord Sukuna fucks you tonight. Your pussy will feel so sweet against mine. Just be my good girl..."
The concubine purred into your folds. "Breathe..." You released the air trapped within your pounding chest. The concubine's fist dove inside your sopping mess. The intruding object pumped your G-spot rapidly. Her tongue ghosted over your clit, whispering sweet nothings. "Cum, pretty girl, we're all waiting."
Indeed, they were, and your God awaited for your finish. You couldn't tell when your eyes shut to the room around you. The noises climbed into the pores of your skin. It mixed with your mewls of pleasure, and it encouraged you to release. "She's ready for you."
"Clean her." Your eyes widen to meet your God. His four eyes raked over your body. "Take her to my chambers."
"Of Course. Shall I accompany you two during her deflowering?" The concubine kneeled perfectly. She spent the next month teaching you before she departed from the temple. "Sample, Lord Sukuna." She raised, her fingers covered in your slick. Your breath hitched as the sly smile on her face grew. "She tastes absolutely splendid."
"You aren't needed." Sukuna gripped her wrist. "I would rather taste it from the source. But, if you insist." You never had a choice.
Strapped. Stripped. Humiliated. What did your word matter?
You didn't want this. But, you bit your tongue.
What to do with a pet dumb like you? You break too damn easy when you are allowed thoughts. Were you dense? You short-circuit at the sight of low-ranked curses. Yet, you had the gall to demand stuff of him. 
You remained frozen while fireworks began to crackle in the air. They were bright and far. And colors danced on your pale skin. None of it caught your attention. Wasn't this what you wanted? Fireworks with your God. Yet, you worked yourself up again after mild teasing. What a boring pet you were? He's afraid. You would be dead in front of any other predator less benevolent than he. However, he couldn't kill you.
In fact, he tended to overreact when it came to you.
Sukuna plucked the pin from his chest. He held it above your head. It gleamed with each spark of color in the air. Yellows and green swirled atop the black metallic. His blood dripped down along his arm. You're nothing but a hindrance. You made him weak. He neglected his urge to pillage and rape. His budding army of curses was forsaken of his commands. His birthright as God seeped through his fingers like sand. 
You were the only one who prayed to him.
Sukuna fought the idea of a new harem. They would take care of you and him. "Tsk, pet." He sighed, it wouldn't do. "Caused trouble again. I have to say, it's quite bold of you." A long time ago, you were merely a mouse under his feline gaze, meek and incredibly disposable.
"There's fireworks," Nevertheless, he'd sought out your inexperienced pussy for his cock's satisfaction. His infatuation grew too big for him to rationalize. "I've waited too looong." Sukuna drawled his words. He had killed those skanks one by one. You were none the wiser. He had started with the bitch who loosened you up. Your first time withering under a mouth was stolen from him.
"I think I need to rip out a response from you." Sukuna tossed around the black rose pin in his four different palms. "Let's see. Eenie meenie miney mo." His bottom right hand caught the pin. He brought his fist down onto your thigh. Your hoarse throat let out a shrill. The boom of his laughter rivaled the fireworks that drowned out your screams. He taunted and cackled. "There, there, shush, my pet."
"I- um... I'm mah-ad," The words hiccuped in the back of your throat. You struggled to remain in a kneel. Your posture slouched. Your heart couldn't handle the barrage of noises. Heat coursed through your leg at the slightest change of pressure. "I hate you," You whispered under your breath. "I never wanted to be here." Your tears flowed freely. Light rain splashed your checks and tickled your nose.
The mouth on your God's stomach licked from your ear to the edge of your cupid's bow. "Want to continue your tantrum, girl. I suggest that you think carefully. You're starting to piss me off."
Your upcoming tangent was muffled. Sukuna's hands tied your hair in a knot close to the nape. "Take it back," A mouth grew on the palm of your God's hand. The voice breathed sultry against your ear. "I trained you better. An obedient pet should only be concerned with her master's cock." His fingertips grazed the flats of your ear, tugging your mouth further down his erection.
He guided you vertically. Pounding your beaten throat softly. Sukuna grunted as he allowed you to take the lead. You flattened your tongue at his swollen head. Your chapped lips puckered as you spit a wade of saliva down his girth. Both your hands pumped his length. You dared to make eye contact as you said:
"Why can't you be normal? I hate that you had other concubines." You pouted before hollowing your cheeks. You sucked him in. Your tongue cushioned his base, and your teeth playfully nicked his head. Just the way he likes it. You massaged his balls with your slime-ridden hands. Smearing a concoction of pre-cum and salvia on his skin.
"Brat. I only have you now." Sukuna bucked his hips. His head rolled back onto his shoulders. You flattened your tongue against Sukuna's swollen head. "I wouldn't dare to have anyone else.
"You're my perfect little pet. A stupid little thing. Your God will think for you. You won't have to worry about a thing. Food. Sleep. Sex. As long as you continue to worship me. I'll bring you back from wherever you go, even if it's mental. And I assure you, your hate is the truest form of love. So again. Say it around my dick."
.............................. Thank you for reading! And thanks for all the support on the last part! I wasn't going to make a part three buuuut, idk. Request rules are here!
>>> NEXT JJK POST: Reader's Secret Request ~ ft. Geto Suguru >>>> Edited Part 1! Reread if you feel inclined.
I was in a little slump writing this #period-problems. I decided to just write, and this is what you got. Fyi, I would love to write some more female x female fics, so more coming in the future.
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nellielsss · 2 months
ɬɧɛ ცơყ ıʂ ɱıŋɛ… ℘ɬ ıı
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Summary: A part two to The Boy Is Mine! Due to its massive success (over 400 likes!!), I decided to add two more chars who I thought could fit this trope w/ a yandere reader. I was also inspired to add more because of a lovely commenter on my pt. 1! (@ahoeindeedinneed) Note: I've been seeing sm heian era Sukuna fics and they're all so yummy... still hate Sukuna tho 💋 I also didn't proofread this so it might have a fewwwww grammatical errors Incl: cult leader!Suguru Geto & heian era!Ryomen Sukuna x fem!reader CW: death, reader is a highly flawed person, mentions of sex, stockholm syndrome (esp. with Sukuna)
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Sυɠυɾυ Gҽƚσ
╰┈➤ There comes a part in every parent's life when they must let their dear daughter spread their wings and fly out of the nest, so naturally your parents had some fears when they let you fly into the future. To make their fears even worse, you were rather naïve to the intentions of others, and your beauty made you all the more susceptible to the manipulations of other, dangerous people. One of those fears, although quite bizarre, is that their dearest daughter would somehow get wrapped up in a deadly & dangerous cult and end up beyond all salvation.
What they couldn't have predicted, though, was that their daughter would end up enamored with the leader of a cult who went by the name of Suguru Geto.
You still remember the first time you walked into the monk's temple.
You, much like him, were a Jujutsu sorcerer, only you were pretty weak, barely a 3rd-grade sorcerer. Your parents also never allowed you to explore the world of Jujutsu, saying that it only led to pain and suffering. Even the strongest of sorcerers were susceptible to falling victim to these curses. As a 3rd-grade sorcerer, you had enough power to defend yourself from curses that you could potentially encounter in your daily life, so, in their minds, that was all you needed to get by with.
That poor cat--if only it was able to withstand curiosity and go on to live a happy life... some would consider you a cat in this case, and they weren't wrong.
You had heard of a monk by the name of Suguru Geto who had a vast knowledge of curses and all things Jujutsu. So, when your friend had fallen victim to a pretty serious curse that left them in bad shape, and you weren't able to heal her, you set out for the monk's temple that was located just outside of Tokyo, hoping that this mysterious and enigmatic man would be able to help you somehow.
He also remembers the day in which you and him first met. He remembers the door opening and the sight of your frantic, borderline hysterical state of duress, as well as the woman who you were holding up.
"Are you Suguru Geto?!" your honeyed voice asked the moment you were able to catch your breath. He remembers catching a glimpse of your beautiful face for the very first time, and he also remembers the intensity of his heartbeat when he fully took in your appearance.
You were wearing a pink sweater on that day, and a few drops of blood that came from your friend's injuries had stained part of your sleeve.
You were in dire need of some assistance, and who was he to deny a beautiful woman such as yourself what you needed?
"Why yes, I am Suguru Geto," he said, sitting up from where he lounged. "Your friend looks to be in bad shape. Might I ask why you came to me instead of a hospital?"
"I went to a hospital yesterday, but all they could do was patch up her wounds on the outside--she won't stop bleeding!" You said, the panic evident in your normally sweet voice. Tears had already stained your face, and your relaxed eyes were shot open in worry. "A curse attacked her the day before yesterday, but I haven't been able to find anyone who could properly treat her, and I don't know how to treat her wounds with my own power! Please, sir, please just help her! I was told that you could do amazing things to those who were affected by curses, and I'm worried she's not gonna make it!!"
Oh? So you knew about & could see curses? This was perfect for him. A pretty lady who wasn't a filthy monkey... even though you were weak in terms of ability, it was better than nothing.
"Those bastards in jujutsu society were never good for anything, were they?" Geto muttered under his breath. He beckoned you closer with a hand and asked you to come closer. "Please, let me take a look, miss."
With a shaky, weak grip, you brought your friend over to where he laid, and he took a closer look at her. "I haven't eaten much since she was injured, so it took me a while to get up here."
"All that matters is that she's here, no?" he asked, still looking at your friend. "Hm... she is in pretty bad shape. Looks like the doing of a first grade curse... She was lucky to have survived this attack in her current condition."
With shaky hands clasped together, you looked up at him again. "So can you help her?"
"Of course I can, Miss...?"
"Of course I can, Miss (L/N). It's nothing a quick technique can't patch up," he said, offering you a reassuring smile. If you weren't in such a panicked state, you would've thought that he was flirting with you. "I can keep her here for a couple of days while she heals. Rest assured that she'll be good as new by the time you return."
"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, sir!" you exclaimed, a smile returning to your gorgeous features. "I can't thank you enough!"
He gave you a humble smile and nodded. "It's my duty to help those in need."
"So, is there gonna be some kind of payment required or...?"
"Hm?" he hummed. "What kind of a sorcerer would I be if I charged for my services? No, miss, this is free-of-charge."
"Really?!" you asked again, getting excited. "Oh my god, thank you so much! You really are a blessing, Mr. Geto!"
"Well, as a jujutsu sorcerer, it's my duty to ensure that our society is free of pain, and that includes curses." He stood up again, and so did you. While you were wearing heels in that moment, he was quite tall in comparison to you. His long, bountiful hair and the monk robes that he wore only added to his presence, and you couldn't help but feel a little small next to him. "She'll be able to go home within only 3 days time at the latest. You're welcome to stop by and check in on how she's doing in the meanwhile."
You nodded and continued to smile at Geto. "Okay, sounds good. Thank you so much again--she probably would've died without your help."
Because she's a monkey.
"Again, it's no problem," he reassured you kindly. "Have a good afternoon, Miss (L/N)."
"You too," you said, beginning to walk away from the monk.
He didn't know what possessed him to ask you this next question, but he thanks whoever's watching him for making him do so. "Miss (L/N)," he called out to you. "If you don't mind, there is something you could do in return for me."
You stopped in your tracks and looked behind at him. "What can I do for you?"
"You said you didn't have much power in you, correct?" he asked, making your happy expression turn into one of puzzle.
"Um... yeah. Why do you ask?"
He thought about how he could word this without coming across as weird. "How would you like to raise that power of yours?"
"What do you mean?"
"Become my protégé, (L/N)," he said, now extending his arms towards you. "With my help, I can make sure you're equipped to handle any future battles or curses with confidence. I'm told I'm a miracle worker, and I'm sure I could make something strong out of you, miss."
You were both starstruck and confused at the same time. Here you were, asking this man to heal your friend, and now he wanted you to become a student of his? "You wanna... mentor me?"
"Is that not what I asked?" he opened his eyes this time, his dark brown pupils staring right at you. "You have the capacity to do amazing things in the future, Miss (L/N). Although you may not think you do, there's a great power inside of you, and I think that I could help you unlock it. Would you do me the honor of letting me mentor you?"
Words couldn't describe how you were feeling in this very moment. All you've ever wanted was to be a strong, capable woman without the help of others, and your parents never let you do so growing up. In came a strong, handsome, capable & humble man who was asking to help better you? Although every part of you was telling you to leave and to forget about it, the pull you felt towards this charismatic man was trumping the logical part of you, and your feet began to move towards him.
His smile grew once he saw you coming towards you, and he said: "that's it, there we go." Once he had you in arm's reach, he pulled you into his arms and gave you a reassuring embrace.
"You won't regret this, Miss (L/N)."
You didn't expect that choice to make you the lover and right-hand woman of a cult leader, but you were glad you did--the new you was, anyway.
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Honestly, you didn't even see the cult part coming. Sure, Geto was a monk who healed people with spiritual abilities (and taught you how to better yours), but by then you didn't even flinch when he told you he was a cult leader. He didn't outright say it until it was time for your initiation, anyway--he said that joining his "group" would only better your abilities.
It's not like you were some low-ranking member; you were actually Suguru's right-hand woman. Well, more like his pet, but he made you believe that you were his equal (even when you were a measly grade 2 & he was a special grade). Suguru made you believe that you were stronger, that you were better than everyone else in this filthy, disgusting, monkey-ridden world.
Like when you had your head in his lap & he was playing with your silky soft hair (one of the perks of being Suguru's girlfriend was you getting access to his incredible hair!). "You have such nice hair, y'know, (Y/N)?" he murmured, running his long fingers through your tresses. "It's so soft, so shiny--probably better than mine, if we're being honest."
"Now you know that that's a lie, Sugu," you prodded him, making him chuckle deeply in his chest.
"It's not a lie--at least, not a lie to me, and we both know that my opinion reigns supreme." Even when the two of you were just playing around, he always managed to slip in some of his ego every now and then. "Better than all those monkeys out there... such dirty, disgusting creatures, most of them probably have the greasiest and filthiest hair imaginable."
"Sugu..." you trailed off. Part of you wanted to defend those monkeys, but the other part of you agreed with him. Maybe it was all the sermons that he preached to his Jujutsu sorcerer followers, or maybe it was the conditioning that he'd put you through all these months, but you couldn't exactly refute his sentiment. While yes, there were some people with nice hair, the majority of the people out there had shitty, unwashed hair. Bleached, dead-ends, greasy strands, all kinds of hair existed in the "regular" world, the one that you were kept safe from by Suguru. What more could you need when you lived in his forest temple & had servants doing all your errands for you? What more could you need when you had the most loving, attentive & handsome boyfriend in the entire world?
"You're such a treat, (Y/N)," he remarked, now scratching your scalp. "I don't know what I'd do without you, not when I have to deal with all these disgusting monkeys praying at my feet & begging me for help. Can't they just learn how to get by on their own? The world would be-"
"Suguru," you said a bit firmly, planting your finger on his lips. "You're rambling again."
His slightly irritated expression softened up a bit & he smiled at you again. "My apologies, sweetheart," he said, reaching down to kiss your forehead. "You know how I get."
He was so grateful to have you there by his side, keeping him calm & grounding him. When he has to deal with so many monkeys, it's no wonder he can get ticked off by the slightest issue.
And those monkeys were no slight issue.
Which is why you deemed it alright to kill so many of his followers.
It's not like you wanted to kill those people... actually, no, you did. It's no secret that Suguru was one of the handsomest, most charismatic people out there. Not only did he possess formidable strength & intellect, but he also blessed with a kind of male beauty & a silver tongue to go along with it. Many of his followers joined his cult just so they could catch a glimpse of the infamous monk's graceful, elegant features and the shiny, silky, midnight hair that seemed to reflect the light of the lamps in his temple.
Not only that, but he was also quite good in bed. He made you feel so seen, so loved, so adored & worshipped like you were the cult leader that he couldn't get enough of. His strong, muscled form contrasted against your soft, squishy one was delicious, and it had you squirming all night long. Everything about him was just incredible!
Except for those stupidly horny followers.
Did they really think that they had a chance with him? That the very same man who called them trash (behind their backs) would tear his eyes from you & look their way?
If only they could all hear just how vile he speaks of them... well, if they did, then he wouldn't have a cult following.
Which is why you, the ever-loyal and ever-present girlfriend, had to do the dirty work for him. Did he ask you to kill them off? No, but it sure felt good to do something for him without needing to be asked.
None of them were memorable enough anyway. If they died or were maimed in a terrible accident, then he wouldn't bat an eyelash; he'd probably crack a smile and say "one less monkey in this world."
But, ugh, even the monkeys had their own beauty... sometimes.
Like the monkey whose beauty was so captivating that the other monkeys looked at her for a second before looking back at Suguru. How dare she disrupt his sermons like that; how dare she be such an annoying nuisance! Did she not know that she was in the presence of the great Suguru Geto?! The monk who they sought out in the first place?!
Monkeys really could be tainted by the most stupid of things. So what if she had red hair and a nice chest? Suguru was infinitely times more beautiful than her--that cretin was lucky to even be here when she should really be in a body bag off a shady highway!
It's not like Suguru even cared about the woman. If she had any cursed energy--which she didn't, then maybe he'd acknowledge her as one of his own, one of the chosen ones. But as long as she was a lowly monkey, none of that shit mattered. No amount of beauty or boobs could change what she was.
A monkey.
A monkey who needed to be disposed of.
As long as Suguru stood by your side, you'd do anything for him. Even if he didn't ask you to, you'd still do what was best for you both. How else was he supposed to recruit people to his great cause?
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"Master Geto, that was truly a wonderful service," that redheaded monkey said once she finally had an opening. "I can't express how grateful I am to have become a member of your sect... you truly are a wonderful man--everything you stand for is just amazing!"
"You're just too kind," Geto replied in a fake-sincere tone. You could see the repulsion in his face & his body language, the way he stood slightly off to the side from her like he'd get a disease if he came too close. You were busy polishing a bowl that he used for his ceremonies, and you swore that if it wasn't fine china, you would've broken it into shards minutes ago.
'How dare that cunt come close to the great Suguru Geto--how dare she overstep her boundaries! Doesn't she know her place as a follower of his? A minion? She should speak when spoken to-'
"And you, miss, were also quite nice," the monkey said to you, breaking you out of your thoughts. Your grip on the bowl tightened, and a crack could be seen from where your thumb & index finger gripped it.
"Oh... well, thank you!" You replied in an equally fake tone. You were probably more disgusted at this moment than Geto, and that sure was a remarkable feat.
It was hard not to be disgusted when an ill-natured monkey made obvious advances towards your man.
"She sure is great, isn't she?" Geto said suddenly, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. "She volunteered to help me with my ceremonies, and who was I to say no? Things couldn't run so smoothly if not for her!"
"What a remarkable act of kindness!" She exclaimed, clapping her hands together. "Perhaps one day I'll be so lucky."
No she won't.
"Perhaps..." Geto trailed off, clearly trying to get out of this conversation quicker. The sooner you and him could get to his girls and take them out for crepes, the better--but monkeys like her have the audacity to ruin your planned days.
Maybe... maybe it'd be best to get rid of her today. That way, she wouldn't even have the chance to disrupt your outing.
"Come now, beloved," Geto said to you. "Mimiko and Nanako have been dying to try them out, even more so with their beloved surrogate mother."
"Suguru, don't call me that! We've only been together for a year, I couldn't possibly be their mother!"
"It's much too late for that, sweetheart. Mimi and Nana already view you as such--they're just begging me to make things official already. Would you be so cruel as to deny them what they want?"
You shook your head and leaned into his shoulder, letting him plant a kiss on the top of your head. "Well, they sure are well-behaved girls. Anyone would be lucky to be their mother."
Geto moved his hand to the small of your back and started guiding you out of the room. "Come now, dear, let's change out of these robes and into something more comfortable, hm?"
"Actually, I think I need to do something first. Don't wait up for me, though; I'll catch up with the three of you later."
"Hm? What do you-" for some reason, Geto stopped talking and instead let a knowing look pass over his face. "Alright, then. Don't be too long--the crepes will be eaten up before you know it."
"Okay, I won't! I promise," you giggled, reaching up to plant a kiss on his cheek. You patted his chest and he let you go, walking out of the room while smiling to himself.
Now, it was your turn to smile.
"Oh, miss!" You called out to the monkey before she left the room. "You said you wanted to become a ceremony helper one day, correct?"
Her face lit up with a big smile and she nodded enthusiastically. "I would love to!" You didn't even have to do any convincing, she was just that stupid. Your smiled grew in malice and you waved her over.
"Well, your training starts today," you said, guiding her over to where the bowl was. "Today, you're going to learn how to properly wash a ceremony bowl. Now, these things are quite delicate, and the things we put in them are difficult to wash out, but we must do so in order for the ceremony to be properly carried out."
You grabbed a thing of soap (it was some cheap shit you bought at the Konbini), poured some out into the fine china, and you washed it. It really wasn't difficult--there was nothing to pray for here--but it gave you an opening.
"Do you know what we worship here at this temple, miss?" You asked suddenly, breaking the silence.
"Of course I do! I.... uh, we worship..."
You sighed, shaking your head and tch-ing your tongue. "Bad little monkey," you said, your voice just dripping with mock sincerity.
"... what did you just call me?"
"Did your monkey ears fail you? I called you a bad little monkey," you spat, no longer feeling the need to put up a front. "I'll tell you what we believe in since we're so stupid: we believe in the eradication of monkeys like YOU!!"
Suddenly, you grabbed the bowl with both hands & smashed it over her head with enough force to make her fall to the floor. "P-Please, someone-" you had already made her cough up blood when she fell to the floor, the red liquid splashing and staining the paper walls.
"Nobody's gonna help you, you stupid chimp," you spat, grabbing her hair and throwing her around the room. "All the other monkeys have gone home, and you're the only one who stayed! Just your luck, huh? Well, this only makes it easier for me to do--less monkeys to kill!!"
She attempted to crawl away, only for you to kick her with your sandal, effectively breaking her nose. "I simply don't get it--why are you so stupid? Master Geto would never let you be in his ceremonies, you're much too disgusting and tainted to be in them. All you monkeys do is slaughter, taint, and ruin everything! At least, that's what Master Geto taught me." You shook your head and watched her crawl away with a sinister smile on her face. She was holding her broken nose with one hand and crawling with the other, the fear etched into her face like a scripture.
"Aren't monkeys supposed to swing and jump around? Why aren't you swinging--are you so weak that you can't even do what you were born to do?" You grabbed her arm and twisted it, making her screech in pain. You could already see the bone sticking out, and that delighted you to no end. You forcefully turned her over and got a good look at her face, the unbridled fear and terror in her gaze like a delicious dessert.
"I'm going to show you what happens when monkeys fly too close to the sun," you said ominously, bending down to her level. "You may be pretty for a monkey, but you're still nothing but an animal, a primitive thing that needs to be eradicated and put in its place. We already have enough of you running around and destroying shit; Master Geto certainly doesn't need you destroying his place."
"Please... I'll..."
"What, do anything?" You let out a cackle, throwing your head back and laughing. "Whatever you're offering, we're not interested. You got that? You got that through your silly little pea brain?" You then grabbed her hair and bent her head back, allowing you access to her neck and chest.
"It's too bad, you couldn't just do as you were told and stay away from him... the only way you'll learn is by an example, so this better be exemplary enough."
You grabbed the bowl shards from the floor and held it up in the air, a sadistic smile the last thing she saw before the porcelain struck her neck. You dug a deep gash into her neck & trailed it all the way down to her neck, the blood spewing everywhere and ruining your kimono. You didn't care, though; you were just having so much fun killing this stupid monkey!
With each stab, each thrust of your makeshift weapon, your smile grew in size & your laughs became more deranged. "Die... die... die, die, die, die, DIE, YOU STUPID MONKEY!!!" You screamed, leaving her body nothing but a bloodied, gash-ridden corpse. She was practically unrecognizable now, and if you continued, her entrails probably would've come out. Once you were sure she was bloodied enough, you stepped back, letting out a relieved sigh.
"One less annoying monkey in this world..."
"My apologies, I seem to have interrupted something," Geto's voice suddenly said from the hallway.
Your heart dropped into your stomach when you realized that he'd just watched you tear apart one of his followers. You were sure that he wouldn't care, that he'd reward you with a kiss and a hug...
... but right now, you were afraid that he'd toss you out as well.
After all, she was his follower, so he should've been the one to kill her. And... and you--you were supposed to be the untainted, pure-hearted girlfriend;
You were supposed to be the loving and motherly mother to his daughters;
You weren't supposed to be the one shedding blood for that was his job, not yours;
You were supposed to know where you stood.
"No... just ignore her, just-" your voice suddenly caught in your throat & you crawled away, a part of you fearing that he'd cast you out once again & leave you to the wolves.
You curled up into a ball and hid your bloodied hands & face from his eyes to see. After all, a man like him shouldn't bear witness to such carnage.
"(Y/N), you really can be quite silly sometimes... although, now you smell a bit." He reached into his pocket and took out monkey repellent, spraying you a little bit.
You looked at him in confusion as he sprayed you, your brow furrowed in how taken aback you were instead of how scared you were.
"Did you not hear me? I said you smell like a monkey--you have its blood on you, after all." He took off your outer robe and threw it to the side of the room, covering her mangled corpse, further shielding the both of you from the sight of her. "And now we have to burn it... Couldn't you have at least worn something disposable?" the entire time, he was walking you over to the sink in order to rinse you of monkey blood.
You just stood there in silence, looking at him like he had now turned into a gorilla.
"What's with the look, darling?" he asked, "isn't it obvious?"
"... no, not really."
"Oh, my precious angel," he said, cradling you to his chest suddenly. "Don't you know that a being as precious as you shouldn't be so close to monkeys like her, much less touching her? I wouldn't want you to get infected with monkey-disease!" He exclaimed, acting like you had stage 4 brain cancer.
"But... aren't you mad at me for killing one of your followers?"
"Mad?" he scoffed, shaking his head at the notion of getting mad at you over getting rid of a monkey. "The only thing I'm mad about, dearest, is the fact that you felt the need to kill her with your own bare hands. You could've asked me to do it; I could've just killed her with a curse and went on my way."
"So, you're upset at me for touching her when you could've done it yourself."
"Bingo! My, you're such a smart girl," he exclaimed, a smiling returning to his features. "You're a sacred treasure, dear, a gift from whatever being sent you to me." He leaned down, nuzzling his nose against your neck in a display of affection. "I'll be damned if any of those monkeys taint you. From now on, if you ever feel the need to kill a monkey, I want you to come directly to me. No stalling or dilly-dallying; if anyone's going to be infected with monkey disease, I'd want it to be me."
"Suguru..." you burst out into laughter, shaking your head in amusement. "You really are something else!"
"I can't help it that I hate those monkeys."
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╰┈➤ Your entire life was filled with pity from the moment you were born, and probably to the moment you'd take your last breath, too. From the older courtesans of the pleasure house that you stayed in since your toddlerhood, to the moment you were taken away from them, everyone looked at you with nothing but pity. Even if people looked at you with disgust, they'd still somehow find a way to pity you.
'It's a pity that she has to resort to being such trash; she doesn't belong in a place like this,' one of the pedestrians of the Shibata Pleasure District said when she saw you posing for the pleasure house in which you resided in.
It truly was a pity how beautiful you looked, all dolled up with pins in your hair... only for some disgusting, wretched man to tear them out of your head & force you to do his bidding in one of the many rooms that the house had to offer. And what's worse is that you'd be forced to do the same task over & over again until you were deemed too old or sold off to some Samurai who'd no doubt make you do more disgusting, vile acts for his pleasure.
Every single day was the same. Every single day you'd wake up, get ready for your work (with one of your "sisters" helping you out), pose for the passersby, let them spend a couple hours making you do whatever lewd activities they were in the mood for, then rinse & repeat.
Every day was like dreaded clockwork. The only thing worse than this was homelessness & starvation which was your future if you ran away from the pleasure house.
Every night was spent dreaming over a handsome, noble Samurai who would swoop in and save you from this hellish nightmare. You knew that honorable noblemen were few and far in between--you'd heard the horrid tales of so-called "sorcerers" who did nothing but kill and maim each other--but was a girl not allowed to dream? Was a girl supposed to repeat this cycle without something to hold onto?
Who you didn't expect to be your savior, though, was the most horrid one of them all.
You still remember the look of pity your fellow courtesans gave you when you were taken, by carriage, to the most notorious warlord's compound for his own entertainment.
You still remember the fear in the eyes of the other girls who were chosen to attend this event.
You still remember the impending sense of doom you felt when you arrived at Ryomen Sukuna's estate.
You didn't remember the names of most of the warlords of your time, but the one that stuck out to you was the man who now had the ability to buy you off. Ryomen Sukuna was especially famous for his unabashed, unadulterated methods of killing. According to legend, the four-eyed, four-armed man would tear the heads of his enemies off their bodies & drink their blood like it was green tea. He had a throne of bones, and he was proud of who he was.
According to your sisters, if a concubine upset or made Sukuna mad, he'd kill them & drink their blood, much like how he treated his opponents on the battlefield. He wasn't a forgiving man, and he didn't pity those who showed signs of weakness.
But he'd be damned if he'd ever change his ways. He was Ryomen Sukuna, after all--who did he take orders from? The Emperor? That man should be lucky that he was even allowed to live.
You remembered the way you shook in fear when you saw the warlord for the very first time. He was as terrifying & menacing as the legends described him, but, you weren't allowed to leave or go home; no, you were expected to sing, dance & entertain the people at his party.
Unfortunately for you, when all four of Sukuna's eyes landed on you, you were now expected to directly entertain him.
He remembered the sense of intrigue he felt when he laid his eyes on you. You weren't one of the Oiran that usually served him--you were a mid-ranking courtesan, but to him, you might as well have been the madame herself.
The way you stood so composed despite the overwhelming sense of fear & nervousness that made you slightly tremble with each step you took; the way your kimono so perfectly complimented your appearance; that deliciously naïve and innocent demeanor of yours...
You were like a flower waiting to be plucked and thrown into a pit of debauchery. He'd be damned if any of his ignorant fellows got to do it first--he had to be the one to savor each drop of you.
It was a pity that you were only a mid-ranking courtesan, where had you been all this time? You should've already been made one of his personal concubines.
"That one," Sukuna's deep, rumbling voice said to Uraume, his right-hand person.
"The one in the red and pink kimono?"
"Yes, her. Bring her over to me at once, Uraume." Uraume was probably the only person he ever addressed by name.
"As you wish, Master Sukuna," they said with a bow. They got up from their seat and walked over to you, and now you could feel the dull feeling of fear expanding into a panicked alarm. The other courtesans there knew that Uraume did whatever Sukuna bid of them, so for them to approach you could only mean one thing: Sukuna had requested you.
Again, they all looked at you in pity as Uraume guided you to where the warlord sat.
The next morning, they watched in pity as the madame delivered the news that Sukuna had purchased you and was requesting you at once. Even the Oirans, the unfeeling, unforgiving bunch that they were, couldn't help but pity you in that moment.
"Please.... no, please--you can't let him take me!!" You screeched inside of your room, already in complete fear of what could potentially happen to you.
"It's too late. Lord Sukuna has already bought off your contract, and he's even paid handsomely so--he paid as much as he would've for an Oiran! I'm sorry, (L/N), but you need to go. The deal is already done."
All the fight left your body once she turned to walk away from you, and you felt the hot, silent tears stream down your face. There was no point in fighting when the deal was finalized, right?
The next morning, all of your sisters helped you pack up your belongings. Out of all 20 courtesans who had gone to the estate, you were the only one personally chosen by him. You were the only one who he felt was captivating enough to become one of his concubines, and you felt like the unluckiest girl in the entire world.
You sobbed the entire time you packed your belongings; you sobbed the entire carriage ride there; and you sobbed when his servants unloaded your things.
You had always dreamed of being rescued from this place, so why did it feel like you were being transferred to maximum security?
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It might've been your need to please everyone around you and act as a doormat, and it also might've been the fact that you'd been trapped here for so long that you couldn't remember what life was like, but you were actually starting to like being one of Sukuna's concubines.
No... it wasn't either of the aforementioned reasons; it was the fact that when he looked at you, he didn't see pity. For the first time in your life, you weren't pitied for stuff that was beyond your control. All the other estate workers, the generals, and even Sukuna's righthand person, Uraume, they had all looked upon you in pity, pity that this bloodthirsty barbarian of a warlord had chosen you to be his concubine.
Make no mistake--Sukuna wasn't a nice person at all, nor did he treat you with a normal sense of decency, but he didn't look at you as some pitiful creature that needed saving. No; he looked at you and saw what he could turn your pretty face into: his own personal plaything.
Little by little, Sukuna started breaking you in. He had you dressed in the finest of kimonos, had you and the other girls attend Kabuki theatre shows, and put on the grandest of parties just for the fun of it. Though he only had 5 concubines at a time, you 5 were spoiled and fed more than enough to keep yourselves satisfied.
But there was something about you that made him personally notice you. The other 4 concubines were just toys that were kept around because they were able to take what he dished out, girls that he could just interchange with other girls. He made no effort to remember their names, only calling them by different types of flowers. To him, they were literally property, ornaments to be displayed whenever he had guests. Truth be told, that very same treatment and classification was why he was so feared, especially considering the fact that he didn't care about getting rid of property that didn't suit his needs anymore.
For instance, one of the girls, Suzuran, had been caught sleeping with one of his generals. His solution? Cutting off their heads and feeding them to the wolves, and making sure that the four remaining girls watched the entire spectacle so as to remind you that you were all just as disposable as she was. By next week, he had a replacement already lined up to take her place.
You lived those first few months in his grand estate in nothing but fear, making extra sure that you didn't piss him off enough to end up like Suzuran. Sukuna's estate might've been hell, but you didn't actually wanna go to Hell itself.
But when Sukuna started showing you special treatment, that was when you lived your life with less fear.
"(Y/N)," Uraume, Sukuna's righthand person, called out to you when you were in the garden. You were watching the koi fish when you heard the white-haired person say your name, and you immediately stood up. "Master Sukuna requests your presence at once."
This was bad, you thought. Uraume was only ever sent out when things were important, so for them to do this? It could only spell trouble.
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you nodded. "Lead me to Master Sukuna."
With you following close behind, Uraume led you all the way to his living quarters on the other side of his palatial estate, your wooden sandals clicking on the floor. The entire time, you were going through the motions of what could possibly happen to you. Maybe you'd slipped up when you dropped your bowl of soup the other day & embarrassed yourself, or maybe he was just tired of your presence and wanted to get rid of you.
It wouldn't be the first time or the last time.
Finally, Uraume knocked on the grand doors of Sukuna's room, and he ordered for the two of you to enter. Funnily enough, you've never actually been inside of his room, due to the fact that he's never once had sex with you or touched you in any sexual manner. He's never personally called for you like this, either--you didn't know why he chose you to be his concubine if you never made any sort of contact with the man.
"Leave," he said simply, telling whichever concubine was in his lap to go, along with Uraume. His four eyes watched the two of them leave, and as the door shut behind you, you felt as though your fate was sealed.
Sukuna's room was nothing short of grand. There was a huge set of armor set up against one of the paper walls, and there were lanterns all over his room. His silk bedsheets were red and pink, and that color scheme was spread throughout the room as well. There was also a huge painting depicting a rather brutal scene of a town being dragged to hell, one that you had to tear your eyes from.
"Come closer, (Y/N)." Now this was an odd request. He only ever referred to the others by their respective flowers, not by their first names (he didn't see any reason for attaching names to his property).
With a few, shaky steps, you made your way towards him. Even on the huge bed that was personally made for him, he still filled up half the mattress, his immense size commanding authority.
"Sit on the bed," he added to which you did. You felt his four eyes take in the sight of your beautiful form in that pink kimono. You were supposed to be the Chrysanthemum of Sukuna's collection, and as such you and your handmaidens dressed in shades of pink and yellow. "Must you avoid looking at me?"
Your eyes shot up when he asked that, and you, again, swallowed the lump in your throat. "A-Apologies, Master Sukuna," you said nervously, the sweat beading down your face.
He didn't say anything, instead reaching out to caress your hair, the long, silky locks like butter to his calloused hands. "All this time spent in my estate, and you still act as though you're a little fawn," he bemused, his finger now moving to your face. He ran one sharp, black fingernail across your cheek, now taking in your face. After some more silence, he asked: "do you know why I chose you to be my Chrysanthemum, (Y/N)?"
"N-No, Master Sukuna, but I assume it was for a wonderful reason," you replied shakily.
"Indeed it was," he hummed, not saying anything else. "Your performance skills. I took a liking to them," he said, now touching your chin with his fingernails.
"You did?"
"None of those other sad sacks of meat can play the Biwa nor dance as well as you do," he replied with a grin. "To me, they're just flowers I can put on display in pretty little vases until they wither and die. Now, answer me this: do you know why I chose you to be my Chrysanthemum?"
You looked at him in confusion, wondering why he put emphasis on the flower, and you furrowed your brow. "Unfortunately, I do not, Master Sukuna."
"It's because..." his finger trailed down to your neck, "chrysanthemums last the longest." His eyes suddenly flickered up to yours. "And I plan on keeping you here for a very, very long time."
The rest of that encounter was spent with you playing the Biwa for a couple hours before he ordered you to go to dinner. Not once did he ask you for a sexual favor, not once did he defile you; he simply wanted to listen to your playing the Biwa.
Perhaps Sukuna wasn't as bad as the stories made him out to be... perhaps, perhaps he was more than just a bloodthirsty barbarian.
He certainly looked at you as more than a mere flower for display.
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As the months flew by and the seasons changed, and the girls were replaced as they withered and died, you remained the only constant thing in the estate outside of its employees. Even then, some of the servants were executed and disposed of. When one of the chefs cooked your fish incorrectly, Sukuna had him gutted like one.
Speaking of, the special treatment that Sukuna gave you increased in frequency. He was always giving you the best kimonos out of all the other girls, the hairpins that you received were made out of the shiniest jewels and silver, and the way he looked at you made you feel like the brightest flower in all the garden.
In exchange for his treatment, you were expected to play the Biwa for him whenever he was bored. Sometimes it'd be several hours during the day, other times it'd be for merely an hour. Usually, those were the days he spent planning attacks or wartime efforts.
In all these months of special treatment, he never once had sex or demanded that you perform any favors for him. It was merely the playing of the Biwa that he wanted. Sometimes, he'd even have you dance for him and a few of his generals.
"Lord Sukuna, I hear that you've never once had her in your bed," one of his drunken generals said to the warlord. "If it's not too much to ask, would you mind if I?-"
"Uraume, dispose of this man at once," Sukuna commanded of them, and they did as they were told. They hauled the man out of there and chopped off his arms before feeding him to the wolves.
A small smile cracked on your features when he performed that little act of kindness for you.
The other girls, the jealous flowers that they were, took note of your special treatment as well. They knew their places, and they knew that all they were good for was for decoration and getting him off, and the fact that you were Sukuna's precious little chrysanthemum pissed them off to no end.
It was never more than petty little squabbles or snide comments behind your back, and as a result you never paid them any mind.
Why would you when you're the only one who hasn't been executed in all the months you've spent time at the estate?
Whenever you walked by them beside Sukuna, you couldn't help the sly little smirk that etched itself onto your normally calm face. It felt so good to be envied after being pitied for so much time.
The downside of this inflated ego of yours was the resentment that the other girls harbored towards you. If they were to be executed so quickly and disposed of within mere months of their arrival, then they might as well act on their anger, right?
It was after the arrival of the newest concubine that things took a turn for the worse. The latest addition to his floral collection, the Orchid was a girl who hailed from the very city of Tokyo itself. She was dubbed the Queen of Pleasure, rumored to have serviced the Emperor himself on numerous occasions.
Rumor also had it that Sukuna was highly interested in her and her ways of pleasure. The other girls were also quite irritated by all the time he spent fucking her brains out in his quarters, meaning that not only did they have to compete with your skills of entertaining and playing the Biwa, but they also had to compete with her bedroom skills.
But, when it came down to picking someone to hate on, they still picked you.
"Well, at least it's not her getting every ounce of his attention. I mean, all we'd really have to do is play some kind of instrument, and then we'd be able to one-up her."
It seemed as though any concubine who set foot in Sukuna's estate was destined to hate you, and this Orchid girl was no different. She knew that nobody else derived the same sexual satisfaction from your beloved warlord that she did, and she made sure to rub it in your face. She didn't even refer to you by your flower name; she called you Biwa for the instrument that you played for Sukuna!
Still, you never let it get to you. Just because she was good in bed doesn't mean that she'd become his prized flower that easily; if he found a girl who was better at pleasuring him than she was, she'd no doubt be cast aside and executed.
Being seen as the flower you were and not a piece of meat was more important anyway, right?
But you couldn't help but worry when the staff, themselves, began to gossip amongst one another. Rumors fluttered about that she was going to become the heir to Sukuna's children, the one who would help carry on his bloodline.
When you heard that, you almost snapped the neck of your Biwa off. You had to get a replacement ordered ASAP.
But all hope wasn't lost, for the next time you ran into the Orchid was the last time you'd ever see her.
It was when you were delivering a bowl of soup to Uraume's room that you ran into her. Uraume had fallen ill, and you personally took it upon yourself to look after them in exchange for all the things they'd done for you in the past. She was with her servant, and the smirk on her face when she saw you meant trouble.
"Oh? What is this: the pure and chaste Chrysanthemum carrying a tray of food? Don't tell me you've been demoted to maidservant that quickly," she sneered, blocking your path.
"I'm no maidservant, you barbaric whore; I'm merely delivering some food to Uraume. They've fallen ill recently, and I wanted to show my gratitude by bringing this soup to them," you replied, turning your nose to her. "A brainless wonder like you wouldn't know the meaning of gratitude, anyway."
"How dare you speak so nastily towards me! I should have your head on a platter," she sneered, pointing a finger at you. Her servant also sneered in similar fashion, but the glare you gave her was enough to put her in her place. "My, if I didn't know any better, I'd assumed you were some sort of harlot meant to entertain one of the generals just by the way you speak."
"It's because I can't stand you, you village slut. Everyone knows that the only reason you're here is because you had oral sex with the Emperor, and everyone also knows that you did so by slipping sleeping medication into his tea."
She didn't know how to talk back to that, so she merely scrunched her nose in anger and seethed where she stood.
"Now, if you don't mind me, this soup's getting cold, and Uraume doesn't like their food cold."
Just as you were about to walk away from her, you felt a harsh push from behind, sending you toppling onto the ground, the soup flying out of the bowl and getting all over your kimono.
"Awww, oopsie! You must've slipped and fallen, how terrible!" the Orchid said with a sneer.
The look on your face was nothing short of diabolical and full of vitriol. How dare you be pushed around by sad sacks of meat, whores that got by using their bodies as forms of payment. Come to think of it... maybe this could be some sort of present for Sukuna, like a favor. Sure, she was pretty, but there were plenty of pretty girls who were only good for having sex; you were willing to bet that you could go into a pleasure district and find girls prettier than her. All she was known for was fucking the emperor, and if anyone could find their way into his estate, then it would've been easy for them to take advantage of him as well. It's not like she'd last in this damned estate anyway--the Emperor certainly wasn't Sukuna in any likeness.
Sad sacks of meat didn't have brains, nor did they have talent. They were just fresh meat that would turn rotten and wither away while the bugs and the maggots infested it.
"Maybe I should speed up the execution process," you muttered, grabbing the metal tray with enough force to turn your knuckles white. Just as the girl turned around to face you, you lunged at her with the bowl of soup in your hand, hitting her square in the jaw with the harsh porcelain. She was stunned for a second, allowing you to grab a nearby katana from the wall and unsheathe it. You then reached for the girl and grabbed her by the hair & threw her to the ground, your vision going red as you raised the blade above your head.
"All that meat's good for is cutting, isn't it?" You asked before sinking the blade into her chest. Her eyes widened, the blade falling right into the valley of her bosom. You raised it again & again, stabbing her with the katana as if you were a samurai on the battlefield. Again & again & again, you slashed the living shit out of that bitch, her face fading from your vision as you destroyed her body. By the time you were done with her, her jugular had been torn out & her breasts were hanging on by a thread. You could see the broken ribs protruding from how intensely you splintered them with the cold silver.
Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted the girl's servant who was standing there frozen in fear from the whole ordeal. When your serpentine gaze landed on her, she broke into a run, trying to go get help, so you grabbed the katana and drove it back into her skull. You didn't know what possessed you, but you lifted her up by the head, ramming her face into the walls repeatedly until her skull was fractured and her face was demolished beyond all recognition. You then grabbed the katana again and sunk it bck into her spine, paralyzing her, and she coughed up blood the entire time you stabbed her.
"Sacks of meat... like you... don't deserve to be in Lord Sukuna's presence!!" you shouted, stabbing her until her spinal cord severed. Once you were sure that the two were dead, you stepped back, looking at the dead bodies of the two girls. The servant was slaughtered beyond all recognition, the only giveaway being the color of her kimono, and the tarnished appearance of the Orchid was like a scene painted straight from the battlefield. You made a huge mess in the middle of the hallway, but the murderous side of you didn't give a shit.
You wouldn't let anyone, much less worthless meat be around your Sukuna for as long as you stayed in this estate.
But just as quickly as you'd killed the two girls, you heard a chuckle from behind you. You whipped your head around, seeing none other than Sukuna himself standing there with his arms crossed over his bulky chest. He studied the scene for a few seconds, taking in the red stains on your pink kimono, and he found the color rather fitting of you.
Even though he was a man of carnage, you couldn't help but feel the tiniest hint of fear coursing through your veins. You knew the consequences of acting out of line, and a beheading was probably the best course of action. You had just destroyed his property, and the ramifications of this act of hatred and malice would be devastating to you. You might as well have sunk the katana into your chest and bled out onto the floor right about now.
Getting onto your knees and bowing before his feet, you pleaded with him to show mercy. "Forgive me, master, for I have made a huge mess. Allow me to... allow me to fix it. I humbly beg of you."
Sukuna stood there silently for a few seconds, his red eyes studying your bowing form still.
"Why would you fix it when you have servants at your disposal?"
Now this question made your head perk up in shock and confusion. Was he seriously not about to kill you? Why wasn't he yelling, why wasn't he dragging you out by the hair to end your life himself?
"Master, I... I don't understand. I laid a hand on your property, and that's unacceptable-"
"Would you be quiet already?" he asked, making you bow your head again in fear. "I must say, (Y/N), I didn't know you had such an act within that pretty head of yours," he remarked, still looking at the dead bodies. "Perhaps you're not so innocent after all. Rise, (Y/N)."
You did as you were told, raising your head to see him. He crouched down to your level, one of his big hands caressing your blood soaked face and your hair as well.
"Just look at you, a little pink Chrysanthemum stained red by the blood of her foes. Quite a fearsome look, (Y/N)," he hummed, still looking at you. Suddenly, a wide grin spread on his face, one that could only spell both trouble and excitement for you.
He had broken you at long last. After so many months of waiting for you to show your true side, to show that you could stand alongside Sukuna, you had finally shown your true potential. Your innocent, pitiful self had been cracked, and in its place stood a dark, evil thing that he couldn't get enough of.
Maybe now he could finally make you his bride, his queen of the dead & the future matriarch of the Sukuna clan.
"How would you like to be my Spider Lily? It's been a while since I've had one."
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I suck at writing Sukuna omfg (I hate his ass regardless) also it's not proofread 🤞 I MIGHTTT do a Choso special but IDK how to write him either
© ʙʀᴜɴᴇᴛᴛᴇ-ʙɪᴛᴄʜ77 on tumblr - get your own shit bitches | ca. 7/18/2024
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kel-lance · 6 months
Most are nsfw so in general NO MINORS but I’ve got a lot planned out and seemed I work best when ovulating 😭 so updates may be hectic but I would encourage donations as I got fired for protesting and boycotting bc my job was invisibly helping 🇮🇱 so I’m glad I’m out of there but finding a job where I’m at is hella hard. I’m just tryna keep my 4 cats comfy. Anything helps thank you for reading!
Here are my socials:
Written and Posted:
Mafia AU (up to 19 ch planned out) TW: Dead dove dont read (DDDR) Minors do not interact (MDNI): SA, Physical Assault, DubCon, NonCon, Mindbreak, Public Humiliation, Breeding, Ownership, Gaslighting, Multiple manipulation, RWORD, PTSD, a lot more toxic sh.
Premise: You’re a floater, just loving life as free as you want, until you decided to rob the wrong person. Now there’s confusion after Sukuna takes u back to his place after taking u in that alleyway. After that you just start moving through the gangs due to internal disputes. Shit just gets wild. (Almost everyone has a turn)
Ch3 (NEW)
Ch4 (NEW)
Team bonding (up to 5 ch planned out) - TW: Dead dove dont read (DDDR) Minors do not interact (MDNI): SA, Physical Assault, DubCon, NonCon, Mindbreak, Public Humiliation, Multiple manipulation, RWORD, PTSD, a lot more———-
Premise: Sukuna takes over Yuuji’s body, takes u in front of everyone, and threatens them that if they don’t do their homework with you, he’s gonna show u how he wants it. (He instructs everyone to play w u and keep it away from yuuji as his little game.)
Ch 1
Movie night (up to 9 ch planned out) Warnings: MDNI, Group sex, camera use, teasing, humiliation, mmfmm, everyone’s bi/pan, overstimulation, worship,
Premise: u host a movie night with Megumi Toge Yuuji and yuta. You’ve already been seeing them all but never had them altogether like this before. No one’s gonna be watching the movie.
Ch 1
Ch 2
Yandere Gojo (3/3 parts) TW ——-MDNI—-DDDR——- kidnapping, dc/nc, abuse, cream pie, ownership, etc. ————
Premise: I forgot but he’s mean
Ch 1
Ch 2
Ch 3
Eyeless Gojo: TW ———Warnings: mention of death, blood, killing, morally grey, slight mind control, Gojo just reacting to his cptsd in this universe, slight grooming (adults ideals on Gojo and their children), mindbreak, yandere(?)———————-
Premise: Going back to the start of their first year, meeting, processing, feeling, learning, loving, it’s all new and too much for Gojo. He’s more pathetic and lost and needs Geto, and Geto is even more frayed from the ideals surrounding his best friend. Geto gets into gojos head, so he takes out what people think make him Gojo and not himself.
Part 1
One shots: (TW)
Stepdad Nanami: ——MDNI——GROOMING, not really incest, Age gap, manipulation, broken home, slut shaming (at ur mom lol), drug mention
Premise: Your mom starts dating this guy and he’s nicer than anyone she’s ever kept around, really nice. The best even, sucks how they’re getting married. (Until they split for part 2.)
Divorce Lawyer Hiromi: Warnings: MDNI, Age Gap, StepDad mention, Public, exhibitionism, idk have fun. (Pt 2^^)
Premise: Your stepdads too busy for u but he brought his lawyer home. For work right? Or for you?
Quickie w Yuta: -- Warnings: MDNI!! DC/NC, exhibitionism, cream pie, humiliation, manipulation, ownership, etc...
Premise: Yuta’s some boyfriend.
Tutor Gojo: ——MDNI——WARNINGS: DUBCON/NONCON, implied prof/student relationship, bullying, degradation, blackmail, a few more ——MDNI——
Premise: Gojo overhears that you need a tutor
Sub!Choso: MDNI——collars leashes whip’s edging stomping humiliation blindfolds restraints gags overstimulation pegging taunting slapping blood play period sex {all mentioned}
Premise: He walks in on your date (sub!Nanami) and begs for his own collar.
Yandere?!Yuta: Wrote this months ago and don’t want to reread or fix it up but I feel there should be some warnings though I wouldn’t really know what they’d be other than lying? (NEW)
You decide: (finished)
Poll 1
Poll 2
Poll 3
Poll 4
Writing currently:
- Toge x reader: Toxic!Dom!Toge bein a classic ♏️
- How the JJK Men React to you Waking Up From a REALLY BAD injury
- 1 request
Requests are: OPEN. Updated 06.11.24
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My Navigation and Masterlist
My Geto Suguru Masterlist
My Geto "Cult Leader" Suguru Masterlist
Pairing(s): Slightly Yandere Cult Leader!Geto Suguru x Single Mother!Fem!Reader Summary: After losing your son in the street after bringing him to visit the annual light show that happened in your town, you find him crying in the arms of a handsome - yet strangely unsettling - stranger with two girls standing beside him. Warnings: No manga (or really any anime) spoilers, Suguru is just a tad obsessive and whatever, Suguru being prejudiced against humans as normal, Suguru is a sly and smooth motherfucker (almost literally 😏) (maybe it will be literally if i write a part 2 😏😏) Word Count: 2,355 Extra Notes: In this story, Suguru is 23, Nananko and Mimiko are 9, the reader is 23 as well, and her son is 3 years old
While Geto Suguru wasn’t one for Monkey festivities any time of the year, he couldn’t bear to deny his two adoptive daughters, Nanako and Mimiko. Not when they shot him puppy dog eyes soft enough to melt the heart of the infamous Sukuna Ryomen. 
Well… maybe not him, but you get the idea. 
The light show they begged him to take them to, although still run by and flooded with monkeys, was, admittedly, beautiful. The lights reflected off the glass windows of the homes they passed by; they wrapped around the trees and bushes lining the street and were worn as bracelets on the wrists of the smaller monkeys that ran through the crowds, uncaring of the legs they crashed into. 
Now, of course, Suguru would never allow anything to happen to his daughters, especially since they were still not even ten years old, so he designated a cursed spirit to reside on each of their shoulders, one for each girl. He allowed them to wander off if they desired - and told them as such - but he was glad they didn’t want to separate from him in such a crowded place. 
He cursed himself for jinxing it with that thought real soon, though, when they decided to venture off without him to watch the dragon dancers. 
With a sigh, he shook his head at the desire to go after them and decided to only keep an eye on them from his spot. 
He didn’t move as they ran to the side of the road, holding each other’s hands in excitement with gleaming grins on their faces. 
He didn’t move when they ran into a young boy, knocking him onto his hands and knees.
He didn’t move when they stopped in their tracks and glanced at each other before hesitantly apologizing, an act that made Suguru smile despite himself. He knew he was raising them right - despite the boy being a monkey. 
However, he did move when he realized that statement wasn’t true.
The boy wasn’t a monkey. 
If he was, why did he start screaming in horror at the cursed spirits propped on the shoulders of the girls as soon as he looked up at them for the first time?
Nanako - although momentarily shocked - dropped to her knees to console the boy on instinct but was surprised further when he scrambled away from her, scraping up his already torn and bleeding hands and knees even more. Mimiko helped her twin sister back to her feet and looked at the boy with confused eyes before following his line of sight to the grotesque figure sitting on her shoulder. Her gaze flickered back and forth between the curse and the boy with growing confusion until it clicked in her head. 
He could se-
“Are you alright?”
The familiar voice of the man she grew to see as her father interrupted her silent revelation and she looked to see him kneeling in front of her, blocking the sight of the cursed spirit and the girls from the boy’s eyes and offering him a smile that was quite similar to the ones he gave Nanako and Mimiko. 
The young boy in front of him whimpered, trying to peer around Suguru’s head to see if the monster was still there only to scream and cry more when it hadn’t disappeared. 
In an action that was nearly entirely instinctive, Suguru picked the boy up and wrapped his arms around him, holding him against his chest as he cried. The long sleeves of his traditional kimono blocked the crisp wind and soothed the gentle shivering that had unknowingly overcome the younger boy’s body.
“Where are your parents, hm?” The cult leader asked, silently and selfishly hoping he didn’t have any so he could get him out of a place so overrun by the stench of monkeys and the bodies that always follow. 
As if reminded that he had any, the boy started to cry even harder. “M-mama!”
‘Damnit,’ Suguru cursed to himself, keeping the smile on his face unmoving while he gently caressed the boy’s back. From behind him, Nanako - who was still oblivious to the boy’s sorcerer abilities and confused as to why her dad was holding the, presumed, monkey - walked up to him and scowled at him. Just as his eyes widened at the new proximity of the monster and a scream built up in his throat, 3 things happened: Nanako’s eyes widened in final realization, Mimiko wrapped a hand around her sister’s upper arm to yank her back, and an unfamiliar voice started frantically shouting a name in the distance. 
Or, at least, the voice was unfamiliar to the family of three. It was more than familiar to the boy whose eyes widened in a mix of fear and relief - fear at the monster and relief at the voice - and he started struggling to get out of the 23-year-old cult leader’s gentle grasp. Reluctantly, Suguru let the boy go and watched as he started running towards the woman screaming his name.
When your eyes finally caught sight of your son after minutes of frantic searching and being unable to find him even when trying to use your cursed energy technique, you were overjoyed. The unshed tears that built in your eyes finally fell down your cheeks and you fell to your knees in front of him, wrapping your arms around him in a secure hold. 
“Ryōsuke! How many times have I told you not to run off!” You scolded him, cursing yourself when your voice cracked and rubbing his back as he sobbed into your shoulder. He gave no response and just weakly held onto your shirt, most likely ruining it with his tears and snot but you didn’t care. You’d had plenty of shirts ruined by his tears and snot before, and this most likely wouldn’t be the last one. 
Your eyes flickered over his shoulder to where he had run over from and you saw three people standing there watching you. One was a man who looked to be around the same age as you wearing a dark purple and green kimono along with two girls, one blond and wearing a light pink dress with hearts scattered across the fabric while the other was a brunette and was wearing a black t-shirt with a Minecraft sheep on it and blue shorts. The man, who hadn’t torn his eyes away from you and the boy for a second, had a kind yet slightly unnerving smile on his face. It made you want to walk up to him and express your gratitude for watching your son as much as turn in the opposite direction and ignore him entirely. 
With a sigh, you decided to do your duty as a good and polite person and thank him for his kindness. Besides, it wasn’t every day you met someone in this town who wasn’t immediately put off by you and your son’s presence. Of course, the average person wouldn’t be able to tell it was your cursed energy that made them feel uncertain about being around you but they could sense something off. You wondered if the somewhat unnerving feeling you got from this stranger was the one your neighbors got from you. 
Or maybe it was because of the two hideous creatures that sat on the two girls’ shoulders.
With a forced smile, you picked Ryōsuke up and placed him on your hip before standing up and walking over to the group with him, smiling kindly at the two girls and trying your hardest to keep your gaze off the invisible creatures on their shoulders. You were taken aback by their scornful expressions but pushed it aside as them being shy or something of the sort. 
When you looked back up at the man standing in front of you, you were awestruck by how much more handsome he was up close. Your forced smile became a little more genuine as you somewhat awkwardly shifted the boy on your hip around. “Hi.”
Although your smile turned more genuine, it seemed the longer you stood in front of him the less his was. It made you shift nervously on your feet. He didn’t say anything as he looked at you but you could practically taste the disdain that flooded off him in waves. 
“Um, I just wanted to thank you,” you started. When he still didn’t say anything, you filled the silence as a nervous habit. “F-for watching over my son. I put him down for a second to get him a funnel cake since he was begging for one and then when I turned around to pay, he had suddenly disappeared-”
‘It’s unfortunate such a pretty face belongs to such an arrogant monkey. Placing food as a higher priority than her gifted son. I should kill her right here and now,’ Suguru thought to himself, keeping the polite smile on his face to avoid any of your suspicion. 
“-so I just wanted to t-thank yo-”
Your son screaming in your ear shocked you out of your stuttered rambles and you frantically looked over at him, trying to figure out what was making him freak out.
“What? What is it? Are you okay?” You asked only to find him pointing at the two girls while sobbing. You looked over, already knowing you’d see the creatures that rested there, and tore your sight away just as fast. Despite having to hide your son’s abilities to see cursed spirits for his whole life thus far, it never got easier to pretend you couldn’t see the things you really could. 
You wrapped your hand over Ryōsuke’s eyes and tucked his head into your neck, whispering, “Don’t look at them, okay? I’ll protect you.”
While consoling your shaking son, you couldn’t see the pleasant surprise that settled on Suguru’s face. Meanwhile, his two daughters erupted in soft whispers, saying how a monkey like you didn’t deserve your son. He held out a hand to stop them and despite their confusion, they did so immediately. 
Once your son finally settled back down with his head firmly tucked away into your neck - you were even nearly positive he had fallen asleep - you turned back to the man and allowed yourself to be shocked at the once forced smile on his face no longer being forced. It allowed the tension to leave your body as the genuineness of his gaze washed over you and calmed your nerves. 
“I’m sorry about that,” you said with an apologetic smile. “He has schizophrenia and can’t tell the difference between what is real and what’s not just yet,” you explained, before adding, “It’s run in my family for a long time,” for good measure. You adjusted the boy in your arms to free up one of your hands to hold out in greeting to the man before introducing yourself with a smile. 
The girls beside him both scoffed, both at your excuse for your son - which they thought was you simply being foolish enough to believe that - and at the audacity you had for believing yourself worthy of touching your hand to their dad’s. They were left in utter bewilderment when Geto had no qualms about returning your handshake. 
“My name is Geto Suguru but you may call me Suguru, Darling,” he responded with a wink and easy smile. 
The girls’ jaws dropped. 
His hand was soft when he placed it in yours and you blushed not only at the heat emanating from his palm but also from the nickname. You nodded. “Suguru,” you tested the name out on your tongue, unknowing of the effect it had on him. The light blush that grew up his neck was so small in the darkness of the night you could only blame it on the lights flashing from the parade. “Well, Suguru, I will be taking my leave now. I think losing my son for one night was enough for me to last a lifetime,” you joked. You saw what you thought was a bit of panic flash through his eyes before it disappeared in an instant. 
“Well I can’t possibly let you travel home alone on a night like this,” he started to insist. “At least allow me to take your number so that you can let me know when you’ve returned safely. It would bring my girls and I some peace of mind.”
Damn. This man was smooth. 
With a quirk of your lips, you nodded in agreement and handed him your phone to put his number in. Once he did and you sent him a text he seemed satisfied. 
“I’ll be off now, but it was nice to meet you. Thank you again for looking after my son in my absence. It means more than I can tell.”
He nodded. “Of course, Darling. Have a safe trip home.”
When you turned around and hid the growing smile and blush on your face in the sleeping boy in your arms’ hair, you didn’t see the way Suguru summoned up a small low-level demon to follow you home. Just because you could see them didn’t mean he couldn’t make it so it wasn’t in your line of sight at all. It was all for your sake, in case you forgot to send him the text letting him know you were home safe and sound! It was just for your safety! Nothing else. 
He wasn’t storing the address of your home away for safekeeping at all. 
“Why did you give her your number? She's just a stupid monkey. Why would you give her the time of day?” Nanako asked with an annoyed look on her face. 
“Come now,” Suguru told her with a gently scolding tone, looking at her with a stern smile. “I’m surprised you didn’t notice, but that woman is anything but a monkey. In fact,” he looked back in your direction where he could still see your figure slowly getting smaller and smaller as you walked further and further away from the crowd with your son in hand. “She might just become your mother one day.”
He would make sure of it. 
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huicitawrites · 1 year
Yandere! Ryomen Sukuna x Priestess! Reader The Priestess of The Malevolent Shrine
WIP/ Concept
Set in the golden age of curses, [Y/n] [L/n] is the heiress of a clan at the border of extinction due to the everlasting battle against curses. Her parents died, and her uncle takes the leadership of the clan- making the foolish decision to try to get in good graces with The King of Curses, Ryomen Sukuna.
Everything that could go wrong, went awful. The last of the [L/n] is wiped out and massacred, but Reader had been gifted mercy, if it could be called that.
“Say, you haven’t been the only one to come up my shrine and be offered as a pretty human bride. But I fear there is just no more space in my harem, and I have just the enough amount of servants… But I am missing a priestess for my shrine, someone to worship me and pray in my name. A human to set as an example for the rest, a shepherd for these blind, pathetic, weak sheep.”
His tone holds mockery and his eyes hold mischievousness, an egotistical and narcissistic abyssm that wants to be filled to the brim. He is asking her to strip herself of any remaining pride and honor, just to serve him. “So what do you say? Who knows… if you do your job well you might get to a little bit more... It’s up to you.”
Hesitantly but with the primal human instinct to survive, Reader takes up this task. She becomes the Priestess of the Malevolent Shrine.
For how long will she survive unscathed? Will she be able to escape his grasp, or will she succumb to the king's whims and desires?
Coming soon...
This is an upcoming yandere!sukuna x reader fic I had in my mind for a long time. A while ago, I uploaded a first chapter but deleted it because I wasn't pleased, so I want to reboot it. Anyhow, I'm either planning an extensive one-shot, or I will be dividing it in 2/3 chapters. If you're interested, tell me to add you on the taglist so you can get to read it as soon as possible!
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bts5sosempire · 2 years
the tyrant (ii)
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: sukuna ryomen x reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 4,197
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: arrange marriage, mention of infertility, polygamous marriage, slow-burn yandere, usage of drug usage (nothing harmful), power imbalance, slight unhinged sukuna, body multilation, minor character introduction, mention of puking, Sussykuna
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: "you were the apple of Sukuna's eyes, the one who brought him solace and everything. The only thing you were incapable of was giving him a child, an heir he wised to spoil lole he did to you."
𝐚/𝐧: damn, I lie about Sukuna going apeshit, since this is slow burn, I wanted to finshied it but then it wouldn't make sense. I feel like I gotta split this yandere fic into segments, I wanted it to end with only two parts or chapters. 🥲 but seems like it's gonna be more istg. Also, please lemme know if you want to be tagged in the "comment" section.
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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The dining room was quiet when they saw you; everyone was stunned, and no one made any backhanded comments or told tales of you when you walked behind Sukuna. You were seated in your usual spot, your table near Sukuna, as always. It was located on the right side of Sukuna, while Eisha was on the left. Even Sukuna wanted to forgo the traditions of having you on the right since he wished to have you on his left instead. The only person who could remain on the left side, near the heart, was the principal wife. Anyone else is not granted that privilege.
"We were wondering about what happened to Second Lady (Name) since it's been a while since we have gathered fully to enjoy a hearty meal," one of the concubines sweetly expresses in a courtesy manner, hiding half their face with an embroid silk handkerchief to fake an expression of curiosity.
No one truly knew what happened to you, not even Eisha herself. While you sit quietly waiting for the food to be served, Sukuna makes a quick reply of dissonance, "I happened during those last few days." It was a dry response, but he spared them no loyalty and words of sweet glaze. Sukuna lazily picked up a cup full of sake and down it. The concubine who spoke earlier took a few seconds to realize what Sukuna meant and flushed pink. It didn't take long for everyone to catch on also, and soon they were suddenly looking elsewhere, eyes darting around nervously, touching their neck and objects idling around their table. Even Eisha lifted her eyes to look at Sukuna; a jolt of jealousy shot through her heart as she uncomfortably also looked away.
No one comments on that or dares say anything; you, on the other hand, didn't bother to correct nor have the spit to say anything. Sometimes you wish you could truly appreciate Sukuna when it comes to your defense, but the multiple predicaments he had made you go through were enough to deter your thoughts of doing it.
You sit silently, your mind idling somewhere else, not even when two servants carefully present you with freshly cooked and well-made sustenance on your small table. There wasn't a sound besides the bottom of the plates and bowls making small clatters. "Enjoy your dishes, Madam." A servant girl quietly whispers, not lifting her head to look at you. That's when your attention was returned at the same time. You look down at your dishes and swiftly side-eyeing the heavily pregnant concubine portions next to you, then Eisha across from you and everyone else. You then return your gaze to your food and discover it is different than all the concubines sitting in the room. Sure, you understand that everyone has specific food preferences and allergies, but you couldn't help but wonder why the sudden change in your diet.
Sukuna, leaning over to your side, saw you looking at your food with a bit of a query. "I made an adjustment for you." He leans even further and murmurs only for you to hear, "It was said to be good for you and helps your rate of succession to conceiving." Suddenly your appetite drops more than before. You try not to shoot him down with a look of resentment, letting full well that you don't appreciate him trying to control every aspect of your life. You may be a wife of a bargain, but there's no way in hell that you'll allow him to force you to bring a child into this world.
Out of habit, you reach under your right sleeve, subtly toying with the thick clasp jeweled bangle on your right wrist from your late deceased parents before they pass away. Twisting it around it, the warm metal brings you a sense of closeness to them.
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A few weeks have passed since you resume eating in the dining room with others. Though you successfully disguise your utter disgust when the same portion of food arrives during the first week, your lack of appetite goes unnoticed by Sukuna. So now he tried to switch it up now and then to appease you.
By now, it's almost a routine for you to be in your room quietly, retching into a pail after consuming enough to get him off your back. You spend approximately forty minutes in the same room as everyone once you eat your potion, the thirty minutes eating your food slowly, and the next ten minutes sitting and quietly waiting out before excusing yourself to throw up the content right after secretly. No one questioned it, not even Sukuna himself. As long as he sees you eat it in front of him, he doesn't care; everyone is glad you are gone so they can try to steal the leisure of Sukuna's attention.
Your stomach muscles hurt once you throw up most of the content; you grab the water bowl and swab around your mouth before soothing them out into the pail. Weakly pushing yourself away from the bucket, you place a hand over your chest and pat it gently a few times. Yumi went to the closet where the futons are stored and brought out the secret stash of dishes, placed them on the table for you, "Mistress, your food," and quickly grabbed your pail to toss away the evidence. You made it known to Yumi to bring extra food dishes during the eating period, servants weren't allowed to eat in the kitchen as they had their eating area, so this gave Yumi time to get as much as she could. Even if they do see Yumi getting food, the other kitchen staff won't question it since Yumi never really eat with them. Plus, there's plenty to go around; little food that goes missing is uncommon.
You drag yourself to the small table and see that the servants and Masters almost eat the same thing, but the riches eat the better quantity. Yumi returned to the room and shut the door with ease; she quickly kneeled in front of you. "Mistress, I brought a lot for you, so eat a lot." You grab the chopstick and start digging into the cold food.
While eating, you can't help thinking that not only dealing with Sukuna was exhausting, but now you have to thread even thinner on thin ice. You wish to be just another woman. Maybe you wouldn't have to deal with his unhinged obsession with you.
Somewhere at the same time...
"How long do I have to wait for everything to set?" Sukuna questions the doctor whose body went rigid. Even if the pink-haired man didn't lift his eyes from the Shogi board and give the death stare, the doctor could feel eyes piercing his already deflated soul from the back. There are certain things that Sukuna has limited patience for.
"If...Lady (Name) has been eating what's been prescribed and drinking the tonic well daily. There are chances to ensure that she will successfully give you a child." They spoke carefully, "But give it a month or two at best for a better succession; since we're still at the early stage, the chances are slim to none."
Sukuna took a deep breath and let it out slowly, hand gently placing the Shogi piece on the board with a tap. "I see." The doctor sets down the motor and pestle down with trembling hands; every day, the doctor learns to unlock new fears he never thought he would have or relive the ones he already had. God, take him already, please. "Do you have what I require ready?"
The doctor let out a choke-out 'yes,' made his way over and presented Sukuna with two different powders. "The red powder here increases your virility as you wanted; take it every two days. The white powder..." Sukuna made a hand motion to stop the doctor from talking anymore.
"Uraume," Sukuna called out, and a person who had an androgynous appearance with hair that was red and white, almost resembling the pattern of a koi fish. They shut the sliding door behind them with no sound. The doctor almost got spooked as he didn't hear the person coming in, but next, they were in awe of the person's beauty, and a slight blush dusted their cheeks. "You know what to do with the white powder, right?" Uraume didn't need Sukuna's instructions to understand what must be done; they only respectfully bowed to their Master and collected the required powder before exiting the room.
The doctor was urged to ask about Sukuna's intention but chickened out since his life was not worth dying over what the Lordship does. They wanted to live as long a life as possible by being able to get married and have kids and see their likely next generation; if they made a mistake and unraveled the demon's wrath, they might see themselves asking why they were on the first floor, which is heaven.
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Before you knew it, a month and a half went by, and you were outside in the sweltering sun, a light coat of sweat encasing your body like a second layer of skin underneath. "Mistress, you have been standing here for hours. Don't you want to go back to the castle and rest?"
You shook your head, "I still want to stay here and help." You reach into the wagon and pull a medium sack of rice for a family of three. With a soft smile, you present to the family as they graciously thank you before going to the next stand to get a new pair of clothes. While you look into the far distance and wait for the next person or family, something bumps into your leg; you peer down and notice a child no older than four.
Their skin was caked in dirt and grim, skin tanned from being out in the sun. They look at you with big doe eyes. "Oh, hello there," you spoke down at the child in astonishment, who sniffed a snot back. "What are you doing here?" You crouch down to their level, "You shouldn't be alone, or your parents will be worried."
"I don't have any," the child tells you, and you were taken aback once more.
"Ah...well, do you have anyone else to take care of you?" You assess the child and notice the holes in their clothes and how thin their body and limbs are; a sense of sympathy for them passes through you.
Before the child can answer you, a woman's shrill voice screams in terror, and you immediately stand up and put the child behind you, and Yumi is instantly standing next to you. A group of ten male bandits passes through the crowd of people and families, pushing them aside, laughing as they enjoy the fear they have caused. They aimlessly swing their swords and spears around, not caring who is in the way.
A group this large shouldn't go unnoticed by the gatekeepers or authorities. Unless they all go single at a time to not cause a rise of suspicion or pose as citizens, then it would be understandable.
"Toss all your money and valuables into this bag! Food throws it in front of us!" The leader, you suppose, cackled loudly. "You look pretty nice; care to join me?" They grab a girl no older than sixteen by the wrist and pull them to their chest. "In bed, of course." This makes the young girl's face turn into disgust, and she tries to pry her wrist away. The leader didn't as much put up a fight and let her wrist go. The young girl ran back into the comforting arm of her parents.
Yumi grabs your sleeve, "Mistress, what do we do?" Her glances shifted between you and the bandits. You fear that if she doesn't slow down, her eyes might cross next.
You were silent, watching the scene unfold before you, observing what should be done next, but at the same time, anger brewed in your chest like ongoing lava. You rip out your arm from Yumi's hold and match toward them. "Hey, you," they were about a head taller than you; you gran the leader by the shoulder and turned them your way. A loud smack was heard; you backhanded the one leading the group. They were taken aback by your brute, that the smirk and terrorizing face they held was wiped off. It was filled with outrage.
"You stupid fucking bitch," they growled out every word and didn't hesitate to slap you right back as the side of your face exploded in pain and was turned to the side. The corner of your lip stings too. Your neatly low bun came undone from the impact that the hairpin that occupies it flew somewhere to the side. Despite the pain, you clench your jaws and turn your head to face them with feline eyes. "Wipe that look off your face right now." They spoke, grabbing your lower jaw, fingers digging into the cheek pockets.
"Have you no shame? To walk into this side of the city, parading as you own it?" Your words evoke the leader's wrath as they bring your face closer to theirs. Cold amber eyes stare into your very own pools.
"When do we outcast men know shame? We only take," one of their free hands groping your waistline, that this made you push at their chest for a pause of space, "and take until there's nothing left. You make a fine example." Then their eyes shifted from scanning your features to the ample size of your chest and the curves of your hips and waist. Their expression becomes lecherous, "It's been a while since I've tasted a noblewoman down the road. You're quite a beautiful woman, too, not one that I've seen before."
"Wow, you're lower than an animal," a new voice spoke out, and before you and the bandit leader could react, the butt end of a spear was swung and hit at the side of their head so that it lurched them away from you. It happens so fast but slowly simultaneously that you can't even register. "Are you alright?" They got in front and shielded you.
"Y-Yes." You could only mutter out one word. Their broad back obscures your view, casting a shadow, turf of jet black hair with a low ponytail, how permanent scars are running on both tan arms.
"Now you have done it!" The no-name leader bandit rage, he motions a hand rapidly for his men to prepare.
The spear wielder then pushes you back gently to create a gap for combat, "stand back." Yumi finally comes and pulls you back away from the fight, as you are reluctant. The spear wielder twirls their weapon around their wrist onto the hand with such proficiency it creates a small gust of dirt to form in a circle around them. You thought it was a beautiful sight; amazement was the word. They swing the spear at an angle that the dirt circle splits in all directions. A strong breeze made its way where you were; you had to shield your eyes from the dirt.
The fight was promising; the spear shone in the afternoon light, each glimmer blinded the enemies, and how the person who saves you could deflect each sword swing that was thrust and slice his way like it was nothing like it was a mere child's play. If he were to be scouted in war or a military position, he could go far in his life and career.
A few bandits dropped onto the floor in pain, clutching to where the blunt side of the spear hit after being immobilized, and the rest were hesitant to fight since they were second-guessing why they were even here in the first place. The remaining bandits were all standing, shifting their tenuous footing around while giving each other nervous looks since they couldn't even land a blow against their opponent, who had taken down their buddies as if he was playing around.
Before your little hero could continue with his fighting glory, a sword was impaled right in the middle, from the back, where the belly button lay. With upwards motion in one substantial cut, the body splits in half as soft pink hair, and red eyes are revealed behind it.
Sukuna draws his sword back and swings it to the side; the blood comes right off the metal like thick paint, and splotches of vermillion paint the dirt ground with a heavy brown. "L-Lord Sukuna!" A citizen cried; they dropped onto their knees and prayed for their govern lord to save them from the bandits. The rest of the people in previous peril fall onto their knees, too, for their God. The bandits suddenly turn pale when they see who they are looking at; their knees feel like it's about to give them out of pure terror. Sukuna wasn't known as the Demon of War for a reason. The reason why Sukuna was dubbed the Demon of War is that he's genuinely alive when a bloodbath is created. It's almost like chaos was his vitality because which way his sword swings, victory is always ensured in his grasp. All the deities must be favoring him before he was born.
When Sukuna makes eye contact with you, you look away immediately. But when he saw how your lips were bruised and bleeding, along with a mark appearing on your delicate cheek, the summer evening felt like a snowstorm. "Who dare to touch and harm my wife?"
"It was him, my Lord!" The same young woman who the leader had harassed earlier pointed at the man who was sitting duck on the ground, shrieking in fear when Sukuna made a beeline towards him. Being snitched on, he tried to crawl away pathetically on the floor, shouting for help. The leader used a hand to help him slither away, but it was met with a sword stabbing right through it, and he yowled in anguish and pain.
"Don't run away just yet," Sukuna says in a low tone; he presses the back of his foot into the man's back and digs the sword more profoundly into the leader's hand. At the same time, he twists the blade around, causing more pools of blood to flow from the wound at the top. "I still have a lot of plans for you."
Bandit Leader: "Please don't kill me! I beg of you! It was an honest mistake; W-we'll leave and never return!"
"An honest mistake? You parade on here like you own the province, and you even dare to touch my wife with your filthy hand." Sukuna applies more pressure with each passing moment into his foot into the leader's back until they can't talk anymore, as if their ribs are about to be crushed and pierce their lungs. "I don't think I can forgive you." A swing of a spearhead tip was thrust into Sukuna, but Sukuna didn't lose composure as he caught beneath the spear's neck and grappled it with a tight fist. "Who are you to interrupt me?"
"Yuichi," your hero finally gives out his name as he struggles to apply force to the spear. Yuichi grits as Sukuna uses opposing strength against him that the spear is being strained with how much it's taking from both people. "I don't appreciate you killing people based on whimsical."
"Oh? I'm not being impulsive; I'm doing what's right. Coal like you, who isn't up to my equal, shouldn't be telling what I should and shouldn't do to people on my land." With a twist from Sukuna's wrist, the spearhead was snapped at the neck.
This is where you step in; you don't want someone as chivalrous as Yuichi to be killed on accident from Sukuna's temperament. "Enough." You step in front of Yuichi to face Sukuna. "Too much commotion already causes me to fall behind my schedule. I don't need more bloodshed than necessary."
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It took a while to get things back in order; everyone belongings were given back to them along with their relief packages.
"Do you have to imprison him?" You ask Sukuna, who is walking beside you. Though you would've put a gap between you and him, your mind was occupied with Yuichi's safety. Again.
Sukuna: "He stood against me."
You: "He was doing what's right; you can't expect everyone to follow your beliefs blindly."
Sukuna: "You seem quite fond of him."
Your eyes suddenly flitted to Sukuna in suspicion, "He saved me; I should be thankful." Carefully choosing your words not to cause an accidental death that would forever guilt you, Sukuna hums.
"Then I should be thankful, too," there was a slight edge of dissonance in his appreciation. Sukuna wasn't going to admit that he was jealous of seeing how you stood up against him, too, to protect that lowborn from him. It was because the way you shine for someone else always ebbed away his sanity little by little that he didn't know it himself.
He wants to be held in that light, too, that it's slowly killing him inside. He will admit that you smitten him; your incorporeal mind that's like an ever-shifting maze or a kaleidoscope drew him in. Sukuna was a man who was constantly amazed by the wonderment and prettiest of things that he would try to conquer it. A man who tested the limits that not even Gods would try.
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News of you spread like wildfire the next few days in the castle. You sit quietly in the tea garden, admiring and enjoying the views of lush green. But someone's presence always sticks to you harder than sticky rice itself. It was no other than your insufferable husband.
Ever since you had convinced Sukuna to release Yuichi and invited him to the castle for compensation and a reward, you told him that you would personally give them yourself. Of course, that didn't sit right for Sukuna, who had invited himself uninvitedly to sit in the tea garden with you. You don't need more words of you to spread more since every day is always something new about you for the harem to laugh at.
Yuichi, who kneels before you and Sukuna, tries to obey and follow the castle's ordinances. He was still the same as before, willful and reckless.
"I thank you for the other day," you start, "if you didn't try to prevent the problem from worsening, who knows what would've happened." Three servants from your side didn't need to be told what to do, as they quickly presented Yuichi with his reward and reimbursement.
Yuichi was gifted a medium size wooden box that could be held under his arm. He opens it and sees if it is filled with gold that could set him up for life. All the yellow almost blinds him. Next, it was a long dark oak box, and Yuichi opened it to see it was a well-crafted spear; it wasn't just any spear. Yuichi recognized the craftsmanship from anywhere; it was a heavenly creation made by a blacksmith who barely gifted his art to others.
Yuichi was in awe that his eyes sparkled, and his mouth creased into a small smile that you could imagine a pair of dog ears and a tail sprouting. You couldn't help but let a soft smile also grace your lips. The exchanges didn't go unnoticed by Sukuna.
"I hope you enjoy your gift-" before you could be finished, you were cut off.
"I only want this; I don't need the gold," Yuichi said in a beat as he lifted his new girlfriend from the case and tested the weight to see what he was dealing with. The consequence was a bit heavier on the side; some spears were made to be flexible and lightweight but to deal with a spear that was considered more than strength to handle it is something. But this shouldn't be a problem for Yuichi, who loves to explore his new weapon and get familiar with it.
"Well, then, only the spear it is." You tried to hide your astonishment, but Sukuna picked it up again from the side.
"You may leave," Sukuna tried to dismiss Yuichi.
"Eat something before you go," you cut right after Sukuna, who bites the inside of his cheeks and tries not to flex his jaws and roll his eyes in annoyance. You wouldn't let him chase off someone without adequately treating them first.
Somehow you get the feeling that Sukuna didn't like you fawn over the young man who was around the same age as you. You appreciate the man as a future friend, any close male relationship(s) could end on the spot.
But how could you let this opportunity go? This is finally a worthy opponent immune to Sukuna's nature, and you intend to make the best of it. After all, since Yuji isn't around to be your shield and protector anymore, you have someone else to ward off Sukuna's urgency.
This is a perfect kill.
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taglist: @ladywolf44005 @lucyrocks86 @lilliansstuff
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temptacioun · 11 months
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rules for requesting!
prompts for requesting!
My Hero Academia
Midoriya Izuku
innocent darling — nsfw blurb
beloved feline — reaction
bunny , pt2 — one shot
Bakugo Katsuki
locked — one shot
beloved feline — reaction
bully — one shot
yandere bakugo — just thoughts
Todoroki Shoto
stalker — one shot
Takami Keigo / Hawks
boyfriend — just thoughts
Dabi / Todoroki Touya
corruption kink — nsw blurb
kiss — prompt request
Shigaraki Tomura
the type to — nsfw blurb
beloved feline — reaction
Atsuhiro Sako / Compress
yandere compress — headcanons
Jujutsu Kaisen
Fushiguro Toji
welcome home — one shot
tiny — prompt request
pup — one shot request
Itadori Yuuji
panties — nsfw blurb
roommates — request, ft. sukuna
Ryomen Sukuna
his toy — prompt request
touch me — hc request ft. suguru, kento, satoru
Geto Suguru
pretty virgin — prompt request
love — prompt request
touch me — hc request ft. sukuna, kento, satoru
Gojo Satoru
what he wants — prompt request
stalker — prompt request
touch me — hc request ft. sukuna, suguru, kento
Zenin Naoya
dog — prompt request
Nanami Kento
touch me — hc request ft. sukuna, suguru, satoru
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sukioyakio · 9 months
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!¡✨_Flynn Rider_✨¡!
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•Ghostface!miguel 🕸️ Drabble
The Man was having an bit more fun playing with you (old)
•GHOSTFACE!miguel 🕸️ one shot,might continue
You didn’t know that your already in the monster trap
GHOSTFACE!miguel 🕸️ Drabble
Quotes for him
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•YANDERENERD!miguel 🤓 Drabble/idea
Even Nerds can have whatever they want only if they put their mind to . . . Even if it mean killing whoever in there way
•YANDERENERD!Miguel 🤓 Headcanon
just headcanon for him
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Oneshot or Drabble •|^*~✨cod!miguel✨~*^|
-Random thought (old)
-even the big beast can be clingly at times (old)
-He just loved to play with his little shy bunny (old)
•|^*~✨Miguel trying to smile 😅✨~*^|
-Miguel wanted to know if he can smile like his double ganger and Lyla helps him with that -(old)
•|^*~💫BLACKCAT!MIGUEL💫~*^| (old)
(idk how to explain this one but yea his just an grumpy little guy)
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YANDERE CHOSO BRAINROT - how I described choso as a yandere (pls read I beg😭)
SHERIFFCHOSO Headcanon - If choso is a sheriff and your his living nightmare/dream
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-‘Who said anything about saving’
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'Use me then' -Sukuna ryoman wasn't the best towards you,especially when you needed him in your lowest.
Brainrot- random ideas_doing the Tyla dance in front of Sukuna
Brainrot - random ideas
Brainrot- sirenSukuna
Cowboy!Sukuna- headcannons for a cowboy
The silent watcher-where reader life is just like any other background character until her quiet life get turned upside down after one day.Part two
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Dumb love- Megumi having to hear you talk about your crush and then somehow got you to show him a picture of your love crush.
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koing Drabble
Geto thought
Choso edit
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getodrools · 9 months
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ಇ. ns fw = (🌷) | risque = (gg) | sfw = (s) | fluff = (f) | angst = (a) | yandere = (yan) | dark content = (🌟)
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hcs. DRUNK IN LOVE –> 🌷 | getting tipsy with your boyfriend is fun! especially when your eyes glaze over with a little need. ft gojo, geto, toji, and choso. ᡣ 𐭩 | f! reader |
request. NOCTURNAL EMISSIONS –> 🌷 | “jjk men having wet dreams about you and waking up needy and pants soaked.” ft gojo, getō, toji, sukuna, choso. ᡣ 𐭩 | f! reader |
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VIRGIN TEASE –> 🌷 | step dad! nanami gets distracted by his princess's unbearable and shameful needs while he's trying to work - what an inconvenience. ᡣ 𐭩 | f! reader | step cest.
REPUTATION –> 🌷 | professor! nanami unknowingly fills in your wreaking daddy issues the longer he teaches and inspires you to new things that your daddy never did. ᡣ 𐭩 | f! reader | daddy kink/issues.
request. CORRUPT PRIEST! NANAMI –> 🌷 | “can you do something with priest Nanami. Idk it just sounds so hot if he was a priest trynna hold back.” ᡣ 𐭩 | f! reader | corruption.
request. DOCTOR! NANAMI –> 🌷 | “dr nanami? hes helping u while ur husband is on the other side?” ᡣ 𐭩 | f! reader |
request. ANGRY DESK SEX –> 🌷 | “angry sex with nanami but he's usually always a sweetheart to you.” ᡣ 𐭩 | f! reader |
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blurb. 20 MINS BEFORE WORK –> 🌷 | ft toji, gojo, shiu, hiromi, and yuta. ᡣ 𐭩 | f! reader |
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215 notes · View notes