#yaasss candles
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Morphe X JaclynHill
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legolasgoldy · 7 years
🛠oooh yaasss, OC's are love OC's are life
// Omg thank you sooo much!!! @justadutchperson
Send "🛠" and I will reveal some OCs, NPCs, or side characters I have        
Hmm oh gosh i cant even think which oc i should mention, I’ll mention a few!!! XD but pls excuse the sillyness haha ima mention my nostalgic oldest ocs that i made a really long time ago
My first ever official oc was my muse Lessien but I wont mention her bc shes got pages on my blog XD BUT an oc i made within the same week i made Lessien was my oc Órelindë. She was a redheaded, blue-eyed elf originally from Rivendell though she wasnt born there. Its the first place she can remember being. Her mother was killed when she was younger, and as a result her father and brother became a little bitter in grief and she couldnt stand to stay in Rivendell with them any longer. She left and traveled the lands to slay any orc she came across to get justice for her mother and any other families the evil creatures had hurt.
She wore dark clothes, often dark browns with her hair braided back out of her way and a hood hiding her face. Very, very skilled with a bow and knives. To many she was unknown in the world, skulking in the shadows of the forest hunting the enemy and protecting those who needed it. Rarely did she ever have any company of others aside from people she met while traveling, a few she traveled with longer than others. BUT one day, after tracking a pack of orc back to their camp, she killed them all, even their wargs and as she got ready to leave she heard a whimpering sound and began to search amongst the bodies. She found a warg puppy and it was so small and innocent. Right then Órelindë realized what she had done, and pitied that orcs had turned these creatures like this little puppy into monsters. The puppy was taken with her, and she raised it the way it should have been raised, with love and affection. Instead of a mange-y foul murderous wolf, her warg was healthy and liked to curl up next to her at night. If it was compared with the wargs raised by orcs, the difference would be noticed right away, Hers was a healthy weight with a silky coat, happy expressive eyes, perked up ears, and very affectionate.
I lost the pictures I had of them both when my last computer crashed @.@ but she was one my favorite OCs back then!!
Now for another OC! I had an oc that was Legolas’ daughter named Cenela. Her mother was an oc as well but tbh its been so long ago I forgot her name XD  
She has light caramel brown hair and Legolas’ eye color, as a child she would sneak into her parents bed and snuggle between them to sleep. She gained the gentle quiet nature of her mother along with the spirited nature of her father, which made for an interesting combination. She would often try and sneak up on Thranduil to try and scare him and of course he always knew she was there but pretended to be startled anyway for the sake of seeing her burst into giggles. But, along with that giggly spirit, on the rare chance she snuck up on her grandfather while he was sad she would realize right away and hold his hand, always trying her best to cheer him up. When she was little Legolas never told her fully what happened to make her grandfather so sad at times, but as she grew she figured it out and always helped Thranduil with his Iris flowers, suspecting that tending to the flowers helped him cope and actually enjoy himself for a change.
When with her parents, she was always running back and forth from them both not able to decide who she wanted to hug more, she wanted to hold them both all the time. They both taught her how to defend herself, as well as her grandfather teaching her sometimes. They had cute little wooden weapons made for her until she was old enough for real ones. Also, her favorite color to wear is Aqua blue and she has a strawberry chestnut horse named mistletoe. 
When she grows up she forms a crush on a elf named Fanoir ( she calls him Fanny as a nickname and as funny as it sounds the name grew on him XD) who is super stubborn but the hugest cinnamon roll under all that salty exterior, and they begin to fall in love. Legolas and her mother are totally fine with it, but Thranduil is suspicious of this so called Fanny and high key gives him the “ hurt her and i’ll kill you” talk one day. X’D 
Fun fact, i got her name from Citronella candles, you know the candles that repel mosquitoes X’D and Cenela sounded too pretty to pass up, even if every time i think of it i smell citronella hahahaha
I have so many more but i lost all my info on them so i wouldnt be able to give much more than what i can remember on them haha. Thank you so much for sending the meme!! :D Pls excuse any typos i tried to find them all but the hot weather has fried my brain haha
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front-porch-victim · 7 years
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A30-17: Well hello there sunshine 😋😏
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