#y'know. on account of being able to kill instantly and all
sewi-li-suwi · 2 years
@esmetheexquisite here, i can't seem to get an ask in without attaching myself to minty's name. i've been interested in joining the wizard council from what i've heard, but i wanna know: why are you and some others against it?
ugh. i don't really wanna get in an argument about it, but like. you LIKE being told what to do? what you can and can't cast?? they illegalized Summon Invisible Dude Who Fucking Kills You, for fuck's sake.
but, y'know, if you like the taste of leather then you're welcome to continue licking that boot ig.
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elloratic-ttrpg · 5 months
[A rant about Coppelia and their relationship to their deceased sire Aleksander, whose own sire killed him after his unpermitted turning of Coppelia, and who now haunts them as a wraith. They have since taken his place in vampire society under "grandmother", the elder malkavian Lady Esther Elmstone]
Long before they ever died they knew Aleksander as a boy who was so sweet to them despite it all, who offered to take up the burdens of their buzzing frantic mind with them with a breathless kind of enthusiasm they weren't sure what to make of until they realised slow over time how much being able to help someone like them did for him, and then it clicked. They knew it as give and take, a balancing act of debt owed and instantly repaid by the gratification he gleaned from getting to be a figure of benevolence in his actions. they knew him as a devoted grandson, at least from how he spoke of his grandmother, a harsh but fair and ever noble woman whose judgement was unassailable, who had always told him the things he sought would find him so long as he knew how to look - they eventually realised what he meant by that, when he asked to court them, to keep them. Esther's shadow cast itself over the both of them as soon as they met, though they wouldn't meet Her for a while after, y'know??? but they knew from early the weight she carried with this person they did know, Aleksander who grew to covet them moreso than anything, knew aleksander who grew to resent the fact he could not keep them like a secret from everyone but himself, he asked so much but he gave them the world when he calmed their mind because being able to dance oh, that was their world for a long time- they didn't have anything else, nothing but Him and their ballet. And he... he had them, and he had esther. oh perhaps he could have had more, real friends, real companionship but all he seemed able to want was them, their love and his grandmother's pride. so eager to make everything go right, now he had what he was looking for, ,,
man it's so. there's so many reasons coppelia can't bring themself to try and escape the ghost in their shadow now despite everything tied to him, despite the frustration at having to deal with how jealous he becomes still especially when they use physical intimacy to keep themself grounded in their body when their mind starts to churn, despite the dangers keeping this haunting pose y'know?? they owe him, that's the easiest one- but it's an excuse, and some deeper part of them knows it, knows putting it down to their compulsion toward balanced books is the easy way out. really it's something complex and messy and so tangled it makes them feel sick, something rooted in the way they Know him. their killer, who took their life in a moment of bitter frustration he couldn't have all of them to himself; their killer, who died in their place after raising them anew from the dead. The boy who told them of esther, of her demands and indulgences, of how it felt impossible sometimes to be everything she wanted but that he needed to be because who else did the two of them have but family??? and them, oh and he had them now didn't he, someone he could hold onto like she held him, someone he could have for himself... they're not surprised in hindsight, that she would be who took them from him. Nor can they really bring themself to be surprised that he wouldn't let go of them, even in death, theirs or his.
and hey, it's not like they can let go either, is it? they're entangled, bound by a web of circumstances and obsession and mutual understanding; who else could possibly get it, after all? Who else could know what it means to be the grandchilde of Esther Elmstone, who else could know what it means to bear her name and all the expectations it entails. Who else could understand the fawning, because she becomes the everpresent gravity of your life, because you know whatever you do has to account for her, because you know pain is temporary but her ire would not be. who else can they look at and just say, it's not wise to question her and know that they understood the crashing reality behind those six quiet words? their killer, their predecessor, their ghost. the boy who never knew them because all he ever saw was what he wanted to, but who knows exactly what it means to sleep under that roof. the boy who took everything from them. the boy who brought them back to life. the boy who gave them their name. they're not sure the exorcism they turned down could have make them any less haunted by him, frankly.
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sunshineandbnha · 4 years
Thanks For the Save - Kirishima x reader
Word count: 2,129
Warnings: nearly dying
A/n: I have not finished the Sports Festival arc yet, I just saw something on one episode, had the idea and thought "Hmm, it's his birthday soon!" I may go back and edit this later after watching more. I wish I could have written something that was about his birthday, but this is what I got for ya'll. Also it's also been a month since I got a tumblr account and started this blog. So it's my blog's 1 month anniversary along with Kirishima’s birthday.
"Sports festival?" You turned around to the girl who had mentioned it.
"The Sports Festival. Where the entire school showcases their abilities in games for everyone to see. One of the biggest events. It's also a great opportunity to be noticed by agencies," she added with a twinkle in her eye.
"I know what it is, who doesn't? But already?"
"Yep!" She bounced on her toes, causing her short brown hair to sway. Definitely one of the most peppy girls in the class.
Your breathing quickened at the news. This was it. This was your chance. You couldn’t afford to mess up. Of course. Your grades would suffer from training. But you never even wanted to end up in the business course in the first place.
"What do you mean?" You had fought the urge to stand up when you heard it.
The person in front of you stayed as calm as ever behind his wooden desk. "You failed the entrance exam. But, we believe you're better suited for the business course."
"The b-business course?" Your eyebrows knitted together in frustration. Your heart had a temper tantrum, only restrained by your ribcage.
"Your parents recommended it and are already beginning to fill out the paperwork. What do you say? We would be happy to have you."
Your hands clenched on your knees. Of course your parents wanted you to join the business course. They thought you weren't cut out for being a hero. That didn't stop you from taking the entrance exam, but clearly that didn't work.
Your mind raced. What were you going to do? What could you do? You didn't want this and it would be torture to go to the same building as the hero cou- wait! The Sports Festival! If you were in the school you could participate in the Sports Festival and get another shot! They would see they were wrong and that you did have talent. Plus you would have extra time to train, in secret of course.
The day had come. There were crowds of people spilling into the U.A. grounds, a strange sight as a student. The place almost seemed completely transformed, now feeling like a festival ground rather than a school. You were happy that in the past the security check weren't as strict.
"You know what? Sign me up."
There was another reason it felt different. When you were there as a spectator, it all felt lighthearted, a break, and your heart raced in anticipation for the games. It was racing now too, but in a mix of adrenaline and anxiety. You weren't sure if you liked it. What was once a fun place suddenly felt nerve racking.
What if you couldn’t do it? What if you blew your chance? What if you never became a hero?
You took a deep breath. You had to do this. You shook your arms in attempt to loosen them and relax.
It was time. The obstacle course had been chosen and everyone stood at the gate. Waiting for all three lights on the red gate to turn off.
You took another deep breath.
What if you couldn’t do this? What if you weren't cut out for being a hero?
No, you were! After all that training and hard work. You had to. You had this.
Instant chaos insued. Everyone pushed and shoved to make it through the gate. One person's elbow jabbed you in the face, causing you to temporarily forget about everything aside from the pain. You held your nose and snarl.
Why was it so narrow? You'd think-
That’s when it hit you. They were already getting the weaker students out of the way. You began to use your abilities and leaped over someone when a sudden burst of cold struck your skin. It caused you to flinch, and thus make a mistake that almost cost you your momentum. You focused all your attention on getting out, and only learned someone had frozen the ground from the blinding reflection on the road ahead and resounding complaints.
It was a constant struggle to even continue moving, feeling like you were giving your all to even keep up, but you managed to keep moving forward.
When it finally seemed to be letting up, the ground began rumbling. The vibrations tickled your feet. You began to slow down, looking around frantically to figure out what was causing it. For a second you were afraid that the ground was going to open up. You looked ahead and saw what it really was. It might actually be worse.
It was the faux villains, the robots from the examine that had haunted your dreams and invaded your thoughts. Your heart rate quickened. Your lungs took in more air. No. No. No. Not again. You couldn’t fail again. You weren't going to fail again.
The other students also froze at the giant robots towering over you. Rolling closer. Well, everyone except the half and half kid. He was already past the first layer of smaller bots and facing the ones the size of buildings. He waved his hand out. Instantly, ice climbed up the robot at a tremendous rate. Glittering ice spears covered it. A rush of white mist covered the whole area.
A thought suddenly struck you. The robot was frozen. And there was a mist, meaning maybe the smaller ones wouldn't be able to detect you. You could easily just run through. Before the chance left or the mist cleared, you began running.
The cold air enveloped you and nipped at your skin. It stung your lungs as you kept breathing it in. You didn't know if you ever ran that fast before. Through the mist, you spotted something solid coming towards you. Then a red light above it. You slid and dodged the robots arm just in time. Now to run right past or through the frozen robot.
You heard some kids yelling behind you.
"I wouldn't do it if I were you," you subconsciously heard. It was the boy who had frozen it. He was a lot farther ahead of you now.
Now you were paying attention.
"I froze them when they were unbalanced," he finished calling out.
Your heart dropped into your stomach. A look up confirmed the robot beginning to tip over in your direction. It was too late to turn back and you froze.
The very same robots present during your failure were tumbling on top of you to end your life. It felt like a nightmare you would've had. You hoped it was a nightmare otherwise your life might be cut short.
If you were in a movie, everyone would have screamed at you to run and called you stupid. You were screaming at yourself and calling yourself stupid. But your legs stayed motionless. It was happening to fast and slow at the same time. The green metal quickly approached you, but you still couldn-
Suddenly you were tossed aside.
Something touched you, you flew through the air, then you tumbled onto the ground.
A crash resounded and you instinctively curled up on yourself and covered your head. You held your breath when a cloud of dirt washed over you. Once your heart slowed down a fraction and you could think again, it suddenly occurred to you that someone had thrown you and saved you. It nearly gave you a heart attack, between the panic of suddenly being in the air and the shock of falling coursing through you. But otherwise, you would be dead.
Your eyes widened. "Oh no." That person was with you, where the you would have gotten crushed. They would be under the robot.
You got up and stumbled to the wreckage. Were they alive? Could you dig them out? Was it too late? This was all your fault, if you hadn't been in the way...
However, before you could even think of a way you could use your quirk to get him or her out, there was a crashing sound. You looked up to the source, just in time to see someone break out the top.
"Like I'd die!" A boy with spiky red hair yelled as be broke free. It may have been your imagination, but his skin appeared rock-like.
You breathed a sigh of relief when you saw him. You suddenly remembered a flash of red in your vision just before you were thrown, and his voice matched the warning you received just before.
He looked at the path ahead angrily. His mouth was moving, but you couldn’t hear what he was saying. You strained to hear what he was saying and managed to catch the end.
"She could have been killed if I weren't there!"
At that moment he looked to you. You suddenly felt put on the spot and tensed up. What should you do? Wave? Smile? Would that be weird? Your heart speed up as you panicked. His gaze softened when he looked at you. What was he thinking? Oh, you should probably thank him. Should you do that now? Would it be a good time or would that be weird?
Before you could decided. There was another crashing sound and a metal person popped out. This distracted him again and they both started running on top of the wreckage.
Oh, that's right! The race! You needed to get going. You couldn’t afford to lose! You couldn’t let almost dying be for nothing.
You seemingly scrambled to start running and felt like an out of control rock rolling down a hill.
You bit your lip as you looked in his direction. You would have to thank him later.
You spotted him later. You were walking around and your eyes scanned the people around you, but one caught your eye. You did a doubletake. Red spiky hair. It was him.
"Hey!" You called out before even thinking about it.
He turned to look at you and you suddenly felt put on the spot again. You stopped a few feet in front of him. ... What were you going to say again? Argh! Oh, right!
"I- uh, thank you," you blurted out before you could mess up. "Thank you for saving me, y'know, when the robot kinda fell." Curse your awkwardness of speaking to strangers your age!
His inquisitive expression changed to one of joy with a large toothy grin, showcasing his sharp teeth. "No problem. It was the manly thing to do. I'm really happy you're alright."
"Yeah, me too. Thank you." You already said that. "So, um..." Say something! What were you doing? "You're in the hero course?"
"Awesome. That must be cool."
"It sure is. What course are you in?"
"Business course."
"Oh! Lots of smart business stuff I wouldn't understand?"
"Probably not. Though some of it is just logic. Though... I didn't want... to be there," you slowly admitted.
"Really?" He tilted his head. "Then why are you taking it?"
"Oh, my parents wanted me to do it. Thought I'd be more successful as that than a hero." You said it like it was all a joke. Like everything was fine. Maybe it was the fact that no one else asked about it, but you dropped the act and stared down. "I only agreed because I knew if I was technically in U.A., then I could participate in the Sports Festival. I could get another chance to be noticed and put into the hero course. I trained really hard for it too."
His gaze softened as he stared at you, absorbing every word.
"I... really thought the Sports Festival would be my second chance," you continued.
He stayed silent for a second. Then he put his hand on your shoulder. It caught your attention and you looked up at him. "Maybe you could train with me sometime," he suggested.
"Really!?" You took a step back. "You'd be okay with that? I don't wanna bother you." You brought your arm close to your chest. Why would someone in 1A want to be around someone like you?
"It wouldn't be a problem at all. I love to meet new people, especially if they have the same passions as me." He used his thumb to point to himself with the other hand on his hip. "So are you in?"
A smile grew, illuminating your face. Your whole body seemed to lighten from an invisible load. "Yes! I would love that! Thank you."
"No problem. By the way, I'm Kirishima. Kirishima Eijirou," he introduced himself as you walked off together.
You did the same and soon began falling into a conversation that felt so natural. The exchange was easy, seamless, and you laughed. The first real laugh you had in a long time.
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wolven0ne-universe · 6 years
If you want to use the singular they excuse then whats your excuse for the 4 other characters exclusively referred to as they/them within Undertale. Chara, Monster Kid, Mad Dummy & Napstablook are all referred to as they/them. Chara is referred to as they by Asriel + Flowey (y'know, their brother), Napstablook is referred to as they by the flavor text & Mettaton (y'know, their cousin) Monster Kid by Undyne (someone who looks after them) and Mad Dummy by the same flavor text that uses "it" often.
First off, “excuse?” As in, how do you excuse yourself for the heinous crime of head-canoning these characters how I like? Well, I’m going to assume that this is the same person on a different account. With this in mind, if ask’s of these type continue to be submitted after this, the accounts connected with them will be blocked. My account isn’t meant to be an open discourse blog, and while I’m not opposed to having these sessions every once in awhile, I cannot allow them to go on past a certain point.With this in mind, I will answer this question, because it is a good one, even if the answer is quite simple.—When Toby Fox was asked in an interview, why he made the player character so neutral in terms of gender and race, he answered the following. “So that anyone could put themselves into the role of the protagonist.” Additionally, when asked if he was trying to make a statement on gender, he declined to comment.Conversely, when asked what name was supposed to be canon, “What name am I supposed to put down at the start screen.” Toby Fox answered, “Put your own name down. You’re the protagonist, after all.” Now, I am paraphrasing, of course, but these statements taken together make it fairly clear what Toby Fox’s intent was. He wasn’t trying to make specifically non-binary characters. He was trying to make characters that anybody could project themselves onto, regardless of race, creed, or gender. Using the singular They accomplish that because it can mean either gender.As for why other characters use similar pronouns.Chara has to use the same pronoun as Frisk, because until the end players will assume they are the protagonist. (And depending on your headcanon, Chara might indeed be the protagonist.) Similarly, Monster Kid is addressed the same way, because he’s one of the only characters to join your party, albeit as a noncombatant.That only leaves the Ghost Characters. However, Ghosts are non-corporeal and don’t appear to have a gender, at least until they take a corporeal form. It’s worth noting, however, that Mad Dummy’s body is not permanent until you encounter it in the Genocide. At that point, however, Glad Dummy is instantly killed and isn’t given any time to communicate what gender they may be.In other words, the ghost’s don’t mean anything. Meanwhile, Frisk, Chara, and MK are given gender-neutral pronouns, so that anyone can project any gender they want onto these characters.This all paints a picture of active inclusion. Toby Fox wanted everybody to be able to put themselves into the story, no matter what. He wanted everyone to fully participate in the game’s narrative.Conversely, the people that insist these characters are Non-binary only, and that thinking of them otherwise is transphobic, are actually being intolerant and highly exclusionary. The people that advocate enjoying these characters in any manner that pleases you, are the ones tolerating opinions different from their own.They are demonstrating tolerance. Not the people screaming about bigotry!
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