#y'all were awesome thanks for the time! been nice to support ya
doli-nemae · 4 months
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guess who started to interact with humans in warcraft again
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spnfanficpond · 5 years
September Angel Fish Awards
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Every month all of you fantastic writers work your asses off to post some truly incredible stories. Our Angel Fish Awards are the way for all of us, as a community of writers and readers, to lift each other up and give praise to those who have captured our attention and deserve a few kind words.
The monthly Angel Fish Awards are peer-nominated, meaning ANYONE IN THE POND CAN NOMINATE ANY POND MEMBER’S FIC. While the Pond was founded to support the Guppies, everyone in this community deserves to be showered with love and feedback, and we hope that by opening this up as a Pond wide system, we’ll be able to share the love as far as it can go.
NOTE: WE’VE BEEN HAVING OCCASIONAL PROBLEMS WITH ASKS GOING MISSING. Please use the Submit button when submitting your nominations and make sure you’re signed into Tumblr or your URL won’t show. (If the form asks for your name and email address, then you’re not signed in.) If you like, you can also send a message to Michelle or Mana to check and make sure we got your submission.
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Nominated by @mrswhozeewhatsis
Season Z (series) by @cr-noble-writes
I picked this up about halfway through the summer, and I’ve been hooked on this story like freaking crack cocaine ever since! It’s Destiel, but even if you don’t ship it, there’s plenty in this story to keep you occupied. (like Samwena! And zombies!) It picks up where season 14 left off, takes so many twists and turns, and brings back so many old favorites that I can only hope the actual canon season 15 is half as good! I can’t wait to see where this ends up! (Side note: I can’t even imagine collaborating with a group this large to write a story either. Special kudos for this group for making it work seamlessly!)
Ride With Me (series) by @katehuntington 
This AU is just simply gorgeous! The scenery, the feelings, the push and pull of wanting what you shouldn’t want... it’s all just beautiful. I’m not a horse person, but this story makes me kind of wish I were! And it’s Cowboy!Dean! I mean, who can resist Cowboy!Dean??? Crazy people, that’s who. He’s freaking awesome.
Nominated by @thegirlwhorunswithwinchesters 
Fire Between Us (oneshot) by @foreverwayward 
Well, what can I say? I’m a sucker for the ‘You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that’-trope. That was one hell of a way to make up after an argument and blow off some steam. I loved every bit of this fic. Especially the end. The way Dean is kind of hesitant to ask for what he wants most, but he still dares to be vulnerable. Beautiful.
Renegade (oneshot) by @princessmisery666 
I might be bias because I’m the one who requested this fic but, come on, it’s one of my favorite songs. And then there’s Billie(!!) And just the all out amazingly written POV. I was thinking of maybe quoting my favorite part but then I’d have to quote the whole thing. So here’s a well deserved AFA nomination instead (:
Nominated by @slytherkins 
Drink You Away (series) by @princessmisery666 
I’m digging this whole series, but this installment stood out for me. It’s so short, and yet there are so many feels. :p Very concise angst. I love it.
Nominated by @risingphoenix761 
Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones but Words Might Get Me Laid (oneshot) by @slytherkins 
Tara’s on point with her characterization every time, and tbh I’m a little envious. This is a nice Destiel romp that’s sexy and hilarious with a dash of fluff (and if you thought you were getting away with no angst, you thought wrong). Dean is a smart ass, Cas is dom af and still a little clueless, but he knows what’s up. What more could you ask for?
Nominated by @manawhaat
Rescue (oneshot) by @crispychrissy
Wow. This fic is dark, sincere, honest, realistic in the realm of spn, and plays so well on so many aspects. The reader’s desperation where she rides that line of breaking is so human, and though the torture is untold it still wiggles in there enough to make you really feel the exhaustion and dull pain of it. The reassurance and just gentle tranquility that Cas and the Winchesters exude really gets ya. This all translates perfectly into the story and it’s one of the most balanced fics I’ve probably ever read. There isn’t too much or too little of everything, the length is perfect, the interactions with each character. Seriously. Incredibly balanced and just a wonderfully solemn fic with a ‘happy ending’. 
Loss (oneshot) by @impalaimagining
THIS. SHIT. IS. FUCKING. HEART. BREAKING. Holy fuck sticks. Every kind of hurt, emotional, psychological, physical, everything is represented in this fic in the saddest way. There is no hope, no silver lining, no love. It’s all broken and bleeding out. A tragedy cloaked in anger and cold to the touch with numbness. Fucking. OUCH. 
Like an Open Book (oneshot by @butiaintgonnaloveem
Oof! So much good tension. I adored this. It’s got all the teasing and snark, all that damn good smut, and all that attitude that Ketch has in him. If you love 1 (one) BMOL, this fic is the fic for you!
Nominated by @samsexualdeancurious
The Road So Far (series) by @manawhaat 
If you like kinky Wincest x Reader smut, this is the series for you. Every part covers different kinks and omg they’re all so good! You’re bound to find at least one part that floats your boat ;D
Dog-gone Witches (series) by @sofreddie  
I didn’t expect to love this concept as much as I do but omg it’s brilliant and I can’t wait to see where it goes!
Guise (series) by @crispychrissy  
I’m a little behind on this series but I love a monster!Reader and this one is already off to a brilliant start. I’m very excited to get caught up <3
I Got a Crush on You (series)  @saxxxology
Y'all should know by now that I love pretty much everything Saxxy writes and this is definitely a favorite. She always captures Sam so well *heart eyes*.
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Thank you all for the awesome work and great feedback!
As with the BFAs, these are not actual awards! This system is set up so everyone in the pond has a chance to share the love and promote a fic/author that has grabbed your attention. The more people that participate, and the more everyone remembers to submit their own fics after posting, the better this will be :D
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eledritch · 7 years
enjoy this absolute mess I wrote while watching 
Episode 1: 
"Maybe not from the front" *explosion* HUNK ILY also is that an innuendo 
"I'll have a pizza roll" 
Keith's angry storm off from the table :( 
"Exiled brat" 
"Your own aggression is your undoing" foreshadowing to when lotor fights Keith?? 
"I remember what a thrill it was to meet him for the first time" OK LANCE
Episode 2: 
"Keith would be the worst leader of voltron" (Keith doesn't argue) 
"*scoffs* are you joking" KEITH SMILED 
Hunk: "Keith, make me a sandwich, stat! Yep, you heard right, I'm the leader now, dang it!" 
Lance: "this is your moment" "how long are we gonna let Lance stay in there" omg :'( 
"But I'm not you. I can't lead them like you" 
Lance: "get some alien diversity on the team" 
"This ones for you, Shiro" 
Zethrid getting excited to blow shit up 
Keith: "be careful with red!" 
Pidge: "wow we're really kind of a mess" 
Hunk: "yes awesome!!!" GOOD KIND SUPPORTIVE BOY
"On Altea we wear pink to honor our fallen warriors" BC FUCK YA GENDERED COLORS 
Episode 3: 
Keith: everyone stay out of my way! Lance: great. Great leadership. 
"I'm not really feeling that voltron feeling" HUNK 
"They'll be blind - no offense, Narti" is Narti like evil toph bc yes please 
Keith listens to Lance!!! 
Hunk being scared of the green lion 
Allura: "what would Lance do? *immediately starts flirting with blue*" 
Keith: "look I'm glad we're all makin fun of lance" 
Allura: HUNK, IM A LEG!! 
Keith learning leadership skills :'D 
 Episode 4: 
 Hunk: "ready to abort immediately" 
Pink haired Altean chick can kick me in the face (commander hira) 
Hunk: "you mean...slave labor" CALL THEM OUT 
Sven saving Lance's life like in the original BLESS UP SPACE HOSPITAL 
"I love this reality!" & I love you, Slav 
Episode 5: 
operation kuron????? kURO???? 
ahahaha his hair looks like a troll doll's when he's upside down 
This skintight black under armor is a real Look for u Shiro 
o no it's the bumpy whale of terror don't fall for it shiro tHAT IS NOT A WHALE 
@ the showrunners can Shiro ever, maybe, idk, CATCH A FUCKING BREAK 
does it have tentacles tho 
Why does Lotor have the same smirky eyebrow face as Lance 
*lotor delivers a severed arm to haggar* "but I am not my father" you, uh, you sure about that buddy 
Episode 6: 
Hunk's thumbs up omg 
Allura with a whip is my everything 
"hey, Keith? How many times are you gonna have to save me before this is over?" "As many times as it takes" BE STILL MY HEART 
lance: "you're lookin better!!" his wide eyes I die 
Shiro looks so much like Mako oh my god SO YOUNG LOOK AT THAT SHARP BOY 
Keith's face when he says "leave the math to pidge" I dieeeeee 
"A little mouse shower" *rapid electronic beeping* hunk is a gift to this world 
actual married couple k&s saying stuff in unison 
"this might be the worst post but it's MY post!" LOL THROK 
season 3 more like constantly walking into traps DO Y’ALL EVER LEARN
 what kind of title is King Groggery the Infirm 
Lance: "I got you, buddy!" *lil dopey Keith smile* 
Zethrid: "I'm going to enjoy crushing you" I'd enjoy it if you crushed me please 
"I'm proud of you Keith" ugly sobbing 
Lotor you sneaky lil bitch 
Episode 7: 
"Oh dear" Alfor u cutie 
"That's what I keep you around for Zarkon" "well perhaps a bit of discipline erosion would do you good zarkon" CONSTANT ALFOR FLIRTING OK
Space Cat Kova Haggar was a cat lady I die Honerva ahhhhh 
Is. Is Zarkon flustered LMAO 
BABY HELMET allura better have that helmet still 
Ok but why is allura's mom basically just her....could y'all have been any lazier with the design 
"I'll stick with being your right hand" ok but....have the black and red lions/Paladins always had a close relationship 👀 
This monster thing is some princess mononoke shit 
can I marry trigel just asking for a friend 
Ok Zarkon actually being sweet and holding Haggar's hand wtf cute......Also they have a sweet ass bed just sayin 
"I only hope it is not too late to heal the rift in my planet...and our friendship" soft zarkon, nice 
Are the creatures like the corruption in the quintessence??? 
RIP planet daibazaal damn thanks alfor 
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storm278 · 7 years
Home is where the heart is CHAPTER 2
10 years after college, Riley has gained a reputation of being a flight risk. Her friends and family have tried to stop her from taking off but truthfully there is only one person that can make her stay for good. what happens when riley sees said person for the first time in 14 years. Rucas centric
Rated T
Cross posted to Fanfiction.net here
Prologue Ch 1
It had been a month since the girl's night so the girls just assumed Riley decided not to go and the storm had passed since Riley was in a much better place now. Well people can dream right. Little did they know Riley used the month to secretly prepare for her move. She got a nice condo and even had Farkle fooled in the office that her personal assistant would be overseeing the new branch.
Riley was going to break the news to her parents and friends that she was indeed leaving the country again. She decided to invite the group of friends along with Shawn and Katy Hunter to avoid the famous Cory Matthews freak out. She had invited Zay who was in town in preparations to move back to New York. He hadn't told anyone yet not even Lucas but he did tell Riley because who else do you tell your dreams to. So both took this as an opportunity to break the news to their family and friends at a dinner in a public place.
At 7:30pm they were all seated at a new really fancy restaurant. Farkle, Isadora, Maya, Josh, Cory, Topanga, Shawn, Katy, Darby, Yogi, Vanessa, Zay's parents, Riley and Zay are all there having an amazing dinner. Zay kept giving Riley glances the whole time hoping she would fess up. Topanga had her reservations about the reason for this dinner. She kept her suspicions to herself to spare her husband's feelings.
After much light hearted conversations over dinner, Riley and Zay finally exchange glances knowing that everyone was almost done with dinner so it was now or never. Zay decided to go first to buy Riley some time to gather her thoughts, plus his news was on a much brighter note. He clinked his glass with his fork to get everyone's attention.
"So I have a little announcement to make" all eyes shot at him "what do you guys think of this restaurant"
"For a new place the food awesome" Cory said
"Thanks Mr. Matthews I'm glad you enjoyed it I guess my skills are still pretty tight in the kitchen" everyone looked really surprised
"You made this? How is that even possible?" Farkle asked with a really confused look on his face
"Don't act all surprised genius, Yea that's right I know stuff" Farkle threw his hands in the air in surrender making everyone laugh "well this is sort of a celebratory dinner among other things" he glanced at Riley
"As of tonight at exactly 12 am to be exact it's my restaurant" Zay said with a huge smile
Vanessa's eyes were about to pop out of its socket "babe, what does that mean"
"it means as of tonight I officially live in New York again, you gonna be okay with that"
"Oh honey I'm more than okay with that, it's amazing actually" she kissed him and hugged him. There were lots of cheering and Riley could not stop her sweaty palms because she knew in a few minutes she was going to spoil this joy on everyone's face
Zay hugged both his parents "I'm so proud of you son really I am" Zay's dad said "you are doing something you love and doing so well at it. I couldn't ask for anything more out of the world" Zay's mum did a double take around the table and noticed someone was missing and said "Baby boy where is Lucas and why isn't he here for this"
"Umm I sorta haven't told him yet. It just never came up" Zay said with the look of guilt washed all over him. The truth was that he tried telling Lucas on multiple occasions since he got the idea to buy a restaurant in New York, but he never wanted to have to leave his best friend alone. Since the rucas breakup, even if Lucas would never admit it, he had converted Zay into his new Riley. Not in the romantic aspects although there were some drunk cuddling moments back in their college years on Lucas' end but he was way too hammered to remember, on some of these cuddle moments Lucas would call out Riley's name and tell her/Zay to 'stay put because she wasn't going anywhere' or he would say 'run all you want I'm coming with you' and Zay vowed to take those moments with him to his grave. Lucas would call and text him about the most random things and lean on him when his anger was getting the better of him just as he used to with Riley and Zay gladly took the role for Lucas' sake plus both boys have grown much closer since then. So telling Lucas about his move to New York has proven to be one of the hardest things he had ever had to do in his entire adult life.
Zay's mum looked seriously shocked "baby you shave the man's beard but somehow you moving back to New York never came up" everyone started snickering
"Hell I'd even seen y'all cuddle before" his dad added to make his wife's point
"Dad! It was one time" he looked around the table "IT WAS ONE TIME!"
Maya winked at him "oookay Zay we totally believe you" and then she started making kissy faces at him making everyone laugh
This whole time Riley was going crazy with thoughts because this was the first personal thing she had learned about the Texas doctor in fourteen years oh my God Luke, she thought, I use to shave his beard, No! Riley get it together her thoughts were interrupted when say Zay spoke up
"but seriously y'all, I wanna be the one to tell him so nobody mentions this him and by nobody I mean you Darbs"
"Hey!" Darby whined folding her hands
Smackle's brain got the better of her "Zay you said 'among other things', do you have more revelations for us tonight". Riley nearly choked on her desert and started coughing. Topanga quickly put her hand on Riley's back "Honey are you okay have some water" Riley takes the water and she can just feel Zay glaring at her.
It was clear to him that Riley was trying to chicken out so he took this moment to give her a push "actually Riley told me a really good Riley story, care to share?" Zay said with raised eyebrows to Riley
"Yes a-actually Zay is right I do have something to say I don't think everyone would consider it a good riley story but either way you all have to know" she paused to take another sip of water. At this point most members of the dinner table already knew were the conversation was going.
Cory clearly in denial and with a playful chuckle he spoke up "if I didn't know any better I'd say you brought us all out to dinner to tell us you were moving again" Riley starts downing all drinks in sight. "Nooo! No? No! Riley I'm wrong right, tell me I'm wrong"
"Dad calm down we are in a public"
"Ha! Is that why you told me here? ya thought I won't make a scene cause trust me I'll make a scene. Oh a scene to the likes you have never seen" Cory spat waving his pointer finger in sass. The younger members of the table were part amazed at Cory's outburst and part sad that Riley was leaving.
"Uncle Shawn help please"
"I got ya kiddo" Shawn took Cory's hand "Cory I'm gonna need you to calm down I'm sure Riley has a really good reason for moving right Riley?"
"Yes Uncle Shawn, Daddy I need to monitor the operations in Vancouver. It's a new office with new employees I just want to ensure things take off without a hitch" Cory turned to Farkle and raised his index finger at him "You! You did this. You were supposed to make sure things like these 'little business trips' never happened". Again Farkle's hands went up in surrender making everyone laugh. "Mr. Matthews this wasn't the plan at all. Up until a few seconds ago I was under the impression that Riley's assistant Shelby would be going to Vancouver" then it clicked to him Riley would never let an assistant take on such an important role. How could he not see this.
"Riles so you've being lying to me about Shelby this whole time"
"Farkle I never meant to lie to you. I knew you would have sent someone in my place if I had told you the truth"
"hell yea I would, Riley you don't have to do this. Your friends, family" he gestured to everyone on the table "we're all here. We want you here please"
Topanga thought for a second "Riles, pumpkin you are the CFO, chief FINANCIAL officer not an operations manager, that's why the company has Mr. Parks you know the actual chief operating officer"
Riley already thought her escape plan through so she had her story straight "Mr. Parks just had a baby and I wasn't going to let him leave his family like that. You guys I'm doing this and I would really love your support"
This whole time Maya had held her tongue and tears because she honestly thought Riley would stay this time "Riley please don't do this. Please if this is about Lucas coming to into the city…" Riley cut her short
"Maya this isn't about him! I'm doing this for me can't you see that?
"No I can't. He comes into town right after you leave and then you come back just right after he's gone. it's a vicious circle"
"Maya my mind is made up on this, everything is set I leave in two days. I just need to take a break and to get away for a while"
"From what? your friends and family who love you? You need a break from us?" Maya spat
"I can't even do this with you right now" with that Riley stood up and left the restaurant. Maya got up and ran after her. "Well that escalated quickly. Dinners on me y'all" Zay said.
"Riles wait up, Riley ring power!" Riley stood still "Riley talk to me, like real talk no BS. Why are you leaving" Maya walked up behind her and took her hand "Riles?"
"I don't know what it is myself." She said with a shaky voice "I just know I need to get away for a while; I feel like I need some space to breathe" they both sat on a bench on the curb and gazed into space "three years Maya three years I was with Charlie and what did that get me, nothing. I honestly thought my life was finally moving in some kind of direction you know; I wasn't just blowing in the wind anymore. I know you don't believe me when I say it but I did love Charlie, maybe he wasn't my 'the one'" she did air quotes and smiled "but he was something and now…"
"You feel like you have nothing" Maya said slowly while looking up at her best friend with a tears threatening to escape "Riley you have us; me, Farkle, Isadora, Darbs heck even Zay's gonna be here now; we are always going to be here for you; you have something here in New York"
"I get that I really do and I love you guys so much but it's just when I come over to your homes and I see these beautiful kids running around and I think to myself 'I want this' and then another thought comes to mind and…" she starts sobbing when a particular memory of her past comes to her mind. Maya hugs her and they both cry for a few minutes before Farkle shows up and sits beside Riley.
"Hey" Riley looks up at him and rests her head on his shoulder
"why didn't I snag you up when I had the chance" they all chuckled.
"That could be arranged" Farkle said with raised brows. She smiled and kissed his cheek and then turned to kiss Maya's forehead while hugging both "I love you two so much and I'm really going to miss you"
"I see Maya couldn't talk you out of it?"
"No she couldn't, I'm sorry for lying to you about Shelby please don't be mad at her. It was all my fault"
"Don't worry about it, so how long will you be gone this time"
"I don't know, maybe till when the guys over there learn the ropes and wouldn't need me anymore so a couple months give or take"
"Well either way I know you would do amazing in Vancouver. I hate to say it but there's no one else I would have trusted to go"
Maya perked up with wide eyes "Farkle! We are trying to get her to stay. Don't put ideas in her head" Both Riley and Farkle laughed and Riley wiped her face of what tears were left "Aww Maya everything's gonna be okay I promise. I just need this time for me ok? I'll be fine"
"I know honey but what if you meet some young version of Ryan Reynolds and decide you want to stay there and become Canadian hmm? What do I do then; cause you already know I'm gonna have to drag Josh and Melvin up there because I have to be with you and I'm a New Yorker; always have been; I can't be Canadian Riley; common you guys its Canada we're talking of! You're not gonna make me move to Canada now are you" Maya whined
"Oh peaches I would never do that to either one of us. I would miss the Knicks too much" the three started laughing "if I do meet someone there he's going to have to come back with me or no dice" Riley said with squinted eyes
"With all my heart peaches. We are growing old together that's one thing I know for sure. Now come on" she stood up pulling both her childhood friends up "you both have adorable munchkins who won't tuck themselves to bed"
With that all three got cabs and went home.
I feel like need I to say this obviously "I DO NOT OWN GIRL MEETS WORLD". But I hope you caught the BMW reference
Oh and I've lived in Canada on my own for the past 3 years so no offense to all my Canadian readers because I do love it here, the people are amazing. But I was watching how I met your mother when writing this chapter and just got in a Barney Stinson state of mind lol
So there is going to be a time jump in the next chapter to when Riley comes back fingers crossed she doesn't come home with anyone. And would she finally see our Texas vet? Who knows find out next time ;-)
Thanks for reading. I'll love to hear what you think. Please follow and favorite
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trishnawrites · 8 years
Chapter 1: Drop Dead Gorgeous - Trial
The final part of chapter1! I’m really glad I decided to make the trial a separate part, because... geez, this one is also rather long. And yes, I used this oppurtinity to let characters talk that were pretty silent up until now. Just like all the other times: Thanks to @xagrofiction and @labyrinth-of-headcanons, my awesome beta readers!
Nervously, I glanced at the faces of the others. Most of them looked tense; after all, nobody knew exactly what would await us. Itsuki was conscious again, but he still looked rather pale and was leaning on Umi for support. The only people who at least seemed unfazed were Arata, who still looked very disgruntled; Wakuri, who was trying to exude the calming air of a teacher -  but the first cracks in that facade showed - her eyes restlessly scanning the atrium over and over again; and Sena, whose expression was best described as „utterly pissed“. We all flinched when Monokuma‘s voice could be heard. „A-hem! I apologize for the wait, but I wanted to make you feel what I've had to bear all these past days!“ A collective groan followed. Sena looked like she was just about to start cursing again when the bear cut her off. „Anyway, to get to the courtroom, please step on the platform that will rise from the ground. Then you just have to hang on tight and – tadaaa! - you‘re already there!“ Just as he finished talking, the floor really did open and a platform emerged. It was rather small, so it was crammed and some had to hold on tight to the railings that also emerged from below so that we wouldn't fall off -  even more so when that thing started to move downwards.
The ride itself was quiet. Nobody dared to speak – not that we would have known what to talk about. This entire situation was so weird, so strange, it had my mind reeling. The others probably felt similar. After what may have been just a few minutes  - but definetely felt more like an hour  - the platform stopped and a door opened before us. What lay behind it actually had some similarity with a courtroom. But really just 'some'. There was a throne-like chair, probably replacing the bench. The fact that Monokuma used that seat was concerning, but at this point admittedly not surprising anymore. He had talked about 'his' trials earlier, after all. What that meant for the trial ahead though, I didn‘t want to imagine. In the middle of the room were 16 courtroom stands arranged in a perfect circle. As we came closer, we could see that each was labeled with a name… with one exception. Two seats to my left was a big, monochrome picture of Hibiki‘s face, but it was crossed out in bright pink. That seat, I realized, would have been his and if we were have to return here – and I back then certainly hoped we would never have to – there would be reminders of the people we lost to the madness of this mansion. It took a while until everyone found their respective seat. Some of Monokuma choices were passable if not actually good ideas. I mean, I really didn‘t want to praise that twisted thing, but it had indeed placed Iroha and Shizuka opposite of each other; that way Iroha would have the least amount of trouble seeing and understanding his signing. Other choices, I found questionable, though. Personally, I didn‘t think it was a smart idea to place Arata and Takumi next to each other, but oh well. The person on my left was Sena, while Barano was on my right, so I couldn‘t really complain too much. Sure, Sena still was intimidating, but I knew that deep down, she could be nice and that reassured me.
„Alright, everybody‘s here, so let‘s get this show started! First, let me explain the rules of this trial: You'll be given no time limit to find out 'the blackened', so feel free to discuss as long as you want! Once you think you have found the killer, I will let you vote. The one chosen by majority vote is who you as a collective propose as 'the blackened'. If you‘re right, I will go ahead and punish the killer! If you‘re wrong, however, I will let the perpetrator go free and everybody else will get punished. Do you understand?“ The chorus of our subdued voices answered him. „Then I declare this trial is now in session!“ And with that, it began. A trial of life and death, where hope and despair would meet.
„Let‘s start by going over the facts laid out in the Monokuma File, then we can talk about how we proceeded and start off from there.“ Wakuri said sternly while pushing back her glasses. „Poor Hibiki was the victim...“ Barano started, her voice laced with sorrow. „And he was killed at some point during last night in the theatre room.“ Takumi continued. At least he let his feud with Arata rest at a time like this. „I think… the file said he had been strangled by hanging...“ Mayuho contributed, the airy voice we knew sounding muted. She tended to stare off into space, but unlike the other times, her gaze was now fixed to a point at the ground. As strange as she was sometimes, she was just as sad as us… the puppeteer just showed it differently. „The people who found his corpse were Arata, Shizuka and Yuuna“ Umi said. Arata nodded. „But I left the room soon after that again to bring you all to the theatre room. It was Yuuna and Shizuka who examined the body as well as the rest of the room.“ We both nodded and before I could say anything, Shizuka started to sign and Iroha promptly translated for us. „Most of what we found was confirmed by the file. Hibiki‘s body was stiff, so he had to have entered...“ Iroha stopped shortly, giving Shizuka a questioning look. He started to sign again, more slowly this time. I faintly recongnized the first sign from the time he introduced himself, so I guess he was spelling something again. Feeling that I had to say something as well, I interrupted them. „I… I think he meant that Hibiki had already entered rigor mortis.“ The courage that had made me speak up in the first place vanished as soon as I started talking, though, and I got quieter and quieter at the end. When the others stared at me, I blushed furiously and stared at the floor. „Entered what?“ Takara said finally. „Rigor mortis, also known as postmortem rigidity. After death, the chemical processes in your body come to a halt which leads to various things. One is rigor mortis, a state where all muscles in the body go stiff. Using that you, can trace back the timeframe in which the person had been killed.“ At least Kyou knew what I meant. „Anyway,“ Iroha continued „they then started to scrutinize the body. They found marks around the throat which matches him being hanged. But they didn‘t find any… rope… burns? Or any ropes for that matter. In fact, they didn‘t find the murder weapon at all.“ „Now that you mention it again: There was nothing about the murder weapon in the file either.“ Kenshin noticed. Right, now that he mentioned it, there really wasn‘t.
„Wha-wha-what does that mean?“ Poor Itsuki. Not only did his whole body tremble, he was almost crying as well. „Easy. The killer just hid it very well.“ Katsuo's tone sounded like he thought that was the obvious answer. I wanted to comment on that, but Arata was faster than me. „Nonsense! Why do you think I searched all the rooms?“ He sounded like he was close to getting angry again. Understandable, he really had done his best, after all. „All the rooms? As far as I recall, yours and Kenshin's were still left,“ Takara said, wearing a smug smile. „Do you have anything to hide?“ „No“, Kenshin responded calmly. „Why would I?“ Arata asked back. Was it my imagination or did his voice falter just a tiny bit at that statement? Before Takara could come up with any kind of flippant answer, I chimed in. „Th-there's another possibility. What... what if... the killer still has the murder weapon with them?“
The room fell silent for a moment. Then, a high-pitched squeak that sounded like „Please no!“ came from Itsuki's direction. I could understand him. I didn't like the thought either, but still... it was possible. And if my hunch really was correct, that was exactly why we hadn't found anything. After their moment of silence, everybody started to discuss loudly. It took a loud whistle from Kyou to get them all focused again. „I don't think we'll get any further on that end right now, so why don't we talk about something else now?“ He suggested. „Maybe... we should talk about the 'how'? You know... how Hibiki was killed?“ Mayuho proposed. „He was hanged. It's simple, why would we talk about how it was done?“ Takara almost complained. „It may seem that way, but we have to keep in mind that there's only one person among us who is even taller than Hibiki“ Kenshin explained. We all looked at Kyou. He gulped, then, while sweating nervously, he said: „Don't look at me like that! It wasn't me!“ „As if...“ I heard Takara whisper, her voice filled with spite. „Besides, if it had been me, then why would I even ask about the way it was done?“ He had a point there. „Weren't there hooks behind the curtain, though?“ Iroha asked. Shizuka nodded. „Ah, so you could easily use one of the hooks, either as some sort of a hoist or just to tie a second noose around it. That's what you're getting at, right?“ Umi put forward. She sounded pretty sure of herself. „But doesn't that mean... everybody of us could have done it?“ Sena wondered. Exactly. The culprit had used one of the hooks to hang the singer. A feat each and every one could have accomplished. „So... we're back to square one since we don't have the murder weapon.“ Barano sighed. I glanced sideways to see her, and she looked just as defeated as she sounded.
The others raised their voices again; another loud, unfocused discussion ensued. I started to fumble with my hair. This was the right opportunity to verbalize my suspicion, but I would never be heard with this much noise. I couldn't let this chance pass, but I couldn't muster the courage to speak up, either. Feeling crushed, I looked at the ground. „Hey y'all, quit yappin'! Yuuna has something to say and ya better listen!“ Sena's angry voice cut through the commotion. Had she been watching me? Judging from the way she now looked at me and encouraged me, as well it seemed that way. „I have no idea about this, but you have, right? Go for it, we need a good clue or maybe even more at this point!“ I swallowed hard and took a deep breath. Then I looked up, facing the others' expectant eyes. „I have an idea... But that idea would also make one of us the prime suspect... So...“ I was interrupted by Takumi: „Who cares? We're just running in circles otherwise.“ The remaining people agreed. „Okay, so... As I said earlier, I believe the killer still has the murder weapon with them. After all... you don't necessarily need to use a rope to hang somebody. A sturdy enough scarf or another long piece of fabric could do the job just as well.“ A racket started anew. And yet again, Sena who settled it with her... gentle words. „I know, I know... That leaves us with three suspects who we all know own a piece of clothing that could have been used..“ I had to stop for a moment and refocus. I really didn't want to do this. A mixture of fear, abhorrence and... probably guilt started to wash over my body. I almost didn't manage to open my mouth again. But I had to... and that thought gave me determination. „Katsuo, Iroha and Takara. You three are the prime suspects.“ Of course, the three in question started to defend themselves immediately. Katsuo calmly, as if the very thought of him being a killer was far-fetched. Iroha started to cry. She had never even thought about hurting one of the other captives, she said, because she had wanted to befriend us. And Takara... just glared at us all indignantly as if she was disappointed of us. „I take it you only propose this theory to us because you actually have noticed a clue as to who the killer is, right, Yuuna?“ Arata suddenly asked. His voice was smooth, his gaze calculating. „I, too, have an idea, but I'm afraid I'm missing the last piece to solving this case.“
Was I... really the only one? Nobody else had noticed? Meaning... nobody else had a concrete idea? If that was the case, then I really should just come out and tell them everything. But... what if I'm wrong? Could I really bear that responsibility? After all, if I now named the wrong person... I would get us all killed. The lives of all the others depended on me. It felt like I was being crushed. Or dragged down a deep, dark swamp. Maybe even both at the same time. Why? Why did I have to do this? Tears started to fill my vision. Suddenly I felt a reassuring grip on my left shoulder. I looked in that direction. It was Sena... and her face looked almost... tender? „Look, I told you, I have no clue at all. Most of us don't. We need you, Yuuna.“ „But-“ „And I trust you. No, we trust you. You can do this.“ What did I do to earn their trust? I couldn't understand. However, before I could start sinking into my sea of anxiety again, Sena gave me another reaffirming squeeze. I had to do this. Otherwise, this would never come to an end. I still trembled, tears were still flowing from my eyes and yet... I was filled with determination. „I think I know who Hibiki's killer is. It's...“ I took a deep breath and looked at her face. „...Takara. You... are the culprit, right?“
At first, there was a dead silence. Then... laughter. Takara's hysteric laughter. „Me? Meeee? You say I'm the killer? I'd say 'don't make me laugh', but you already did!“ I shuddered. But I didn't falter. I couldn't. „Yes, you. The biggest giveaway is a quality your shawl has that the other two fabrics don't. It has glitter.“ „So what, big deal! Glittering scarves are en vogue at the moment!“ „And glitter can also be used as forensic evidence. I found traces of glitter on one of the hooks... and also on the skin of Hibiki's throat.“ That took the wind out of her sails. The others looked... impressed, maybe. Wakuri looked up to Monokuma, who had followed the trial quietly up until now. „Monokuma. If the glitter really is the same, would you tell us?“ she asked, her tone stern, but also filled with hope. „Puhuhu! Maaaaybeee. It depends on how well you can present the whole case!“ Takara blinked at that as if she had a good idea. „Yeah, right, the whole case! Maybe someone else stole my shawl and used it! Can you prove it was me?! And even if you can, how do you suppose I would be able to do it!?“ She got louder and louder to the end. Her face was twisted into a grimace of anger and hatred. Under any other circumstance, I would have wavered. In this situation, though, I couldn't allow myself to hesitate. Calmly, I started describing how everything must have gone down.
„First you invited Hibiki to the theatre room after dinner. Or maybe he already was there, it doesn't matter really. You talked to him, probably suggesting a truce to your constant fighting. Seeing as Hibiki hated it from the beginning, he agreed. Then... you made him exhausted. Probably by proposing that you should pay attention to whatever the other needs the stage for. So you asked him to perform for you. Knowing Hibiki, he went all out. When he was done, you gave him a bottle of water. Little did he know that you laced it with one of your sleeping pills. Which, of course, took effect. As soon as Hibiki was out cold, you tied a noose around his neck, using your muffler. Then you let down one of the hooks and tied the other end around it. The rest is pretty easy. You used the control panel to let the hook rise up again and then waited until Hibiki was strangled. Yet again, you moved the hook down, untied your scarf, bring the hook back to its original position, done. Maybe you first wanted to move his corpse elsewhere, but you decided not to after a while. That's why we found him on the stage and not behind the curtain. Of course, nobody noticed anything; after all it was night, so we all were in our rooms, fast asleep.“
Takara's eyes pierced me. „And where...“ she began, her voice cold and without any emotion, „is the damn evidence?!“ She screamed at the end. „Everywhere“, I aswered calmly. „We should find the very same glitter that was on the hook and Hibiki's corpse all over you. And as long as we don't find it on anyone else in a significant amount, it's proof enough that you're the killer.“ … Again, she started laughing, the volume rising, while tears ran down her face. „Found out by miss no-presence!“ She gasped between laughing fits. And then, she suddenly grew silent as if shut down. As she started talking again, her voice was flat, yet again without emotion. ”My mother never cared for me. If it hadn't been for my good-for-nothing father, she wouldn't even have given birth to me. After my father died when I was five years old I had to learn to take care of myself. The only gifts my mother ever gave me for my birthdays were, as soon as I could read, cooking books and other manuals about chores. Other than that, she never paid me any real attention. The only times she came close to it was when I was accepted into high school. I mean, Akamine High School, a school were scouts from Hope's Peak are a regular occurrence. And of course, the moment I was actually scouted. I could have visited Hope's Peak! But alas, I was brought here instead... My real family were the people I worked with. My make-up artist and the rest of the crew. I loved modeling... There, I finally got the praise my mother always withheld from me. Finall,y people wanted me... Loved me. Of course I had to get back there. Monokuma's proposal of a career boost was just the last push I needed. I also decided on Hibiki as my victim relatively early. I really hated him. You could say it was hate at first glance. The crime took place exactly how you described it, Yuuna. I'm impressed.“
That was when it hit me. I... had been right! I actually had been right! I was so overwhelmed that at first I didn't understand why Sena next to me got angry. „Stop smilin' so smugly! Ya killed somebody, don'tcha have any regrets?!“ „The only regret I have is that I didn't work harder to hide it.“ For the last time that day, the room went silent. We all looked up at Monokuma. „Now then, after such a heated trial, please cast your votes!“ A small monitor integrated in the tiny table belonging to our stands sprung to life. On it, we could see a list with the names all people gathered here, though Hibiki's had been crossed out. My finger trembled and yet it unerringly found Takara. Suddenly a far larger monitor over Monokuma's chair, one that we hadn't noticed before, switched on. It showed a slot machine. All three spinning wheels stopped and showed Takara.
„Well, well, well. It seems my confirmation is unnecessary now! But if you really wanna know, then: Yes, the glitter found at the scene of crime and the one belonging to Takara's shawl are the same! Aaaand you all found out the blackened. Coooongratulations! Now, to my favorite part of all of this: Iiiit's punishment tiiime!“ While almost singing the last part, Monokuma first hit a goofy looking button with his judge's hammer, then grabbed Takara and dragged her away with more force than any of us would have expected. My feelings of joy quickly turned into revulsion. How could I have forgotten about that part? But now it was too late; the twisted bear had already dragged the former model out of the door. The image on the big screen changed. First it was black, with a red, pixelated Monokuma pulling away a sprite of the model. In big red letters, it said: „Game over
Takara has been found guilty.
Time for the punishment!“
Then the screen turned pure white with elegant golden writing.
Killer Looks
Takara looked around. She was on a catwalk surrounded by an audience of Monokumas. Yet, without hesitation, she started to walk, the way a professional model would. Still, when she finished her run and looked at the crowd expectantly she only saw angry Monokumas. Some of them even held up signs that said things like „Go away, ugly bitch!“ or „You call that modelling?“ Tears started to fall from Takara's eyes; she turned around and raced into her changing room and from there into the small closet. Due to her crying she didn't notice how the doors to the closet suddenly sported spikes and couldn't react in time when they suddenly closed.
After that I looked away. All strenght left me, I collapsed and lost consciousness.
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thatsbrookie · 7 years
There’s a lot that has been going on that I haven’t wrote about on here. I’ve been waiting to say something because each day the situation develops further and/or things change. But I think everything is stable enough now discuss what’s been going on.  Buckle up. This is going to be a long one There was a situation that happened with Greg’s work a month or two back. I can’t remember if I wrote about it on here, but just in case I didn’t, I’ll give a quick recap. Union Pacific (the railroad company he works for) announced they were going to lay off hundreds of employees across the nation to cut costs. Greg was never too concerned about losing his job. He’s damn good at what he does and his most recent evaluation was awesome. These layoffs started happening the beginning of November. As a result of these lay offs, the company had to start moving a lot of their managers around and making adjustments to their territories to cover areas now in need of management. So Greg and I have been every day in anticipation of a possible phone call about relocation Well. Monday, the 20th, he got that call. He was told he’s going to be relocated to manage a territory in eastern Texas starting December 15th.  When Greg and I first met, he made it clear that he has to move a lot because of his job. About every two years he gets transferred. When we started dating he asked me the next time he’s transferred, if I’d consider coming with him (hypothetically). We started dating with him being in Louisiana for only a couple months, so I thought if he got transferred in 2 years and we’re still together all that time, it’s obviously a pretty serious relationship. So I told him yes, I figure I’d definitely consider it when that time comes. The way I kinda had things planned out in my mind is we’d continue dating and after about a year and a half we’d move in together here in Monroe to make sure we’re compatible living partners. Then when his two year mark hits, we have a couple months of living together established so his transfer won’t be such a big change for us. We’d already have a life established together, ya know? A good foundation to go off of. Plus if we were to find out we weren’t right for each other, breaking up wouldn’t be a huge thing. I’d be able to just simply move out, still be here in Monroe. I don’t wanna think about the possibility of us breaking up, but it has to be considered  But now we get this news about this new job, in a new state, starting in less than a month.. So it’s all happening WAY sooner than expected.. We’ve only been together for 8 months. Which really isn’t that long. But we see each other nearly everyday, spend the weekends together and we’ve gone on a lot of trips where we’ve spend days together and it’s been great, so that’s reassuring Throughout our relationship we have occasionally talked about us living together. Nothing super serious. Kinda like playfully arguing about who’s microwave we’d keep if we moved in together. But now it’s for real happening. The day he got the call out the transfer, I went over to his house after I got off work and cooked us dinner. We talked about it very seriously and I really feel like this is something I want to do. My life has changed so much since I’ve met Greg. He’s everything I have ever looked for in a partner and I’ve never been happier. I can’t imagine my life without him. Thanksgiving, the 23rd, Greg and I went to Granny’s house with my mom for lunch. We decided to tell them the news then. Since the company announced they were doing massive layoffs, I talked with both mom and Granny about the very real possibility of Greg getting transferred and if he did, I’d most likely want to go with him. So when we told them he finally got a call about transfer and I’m going with him, it wasn’t a complete shock to them. Granny says that she believes you should be married before living together, but she really likes Greg and want me to be happy. Overall their response was very supportive of us and thankful we’ll still be so close to Louisiana. Their support means so much to me. Cause it’s going to be such a huge, scary change for me. Losing my job, my apartment, leaving all my friends and family.. so having support from those I love most matter A LOT to me. I was SO SCARED to talk to my dad about it. Unlike Granny and mom, I hadn’t talked to my dad at all about transfer possibilities and my desire to go with him. I went over there for dinner one night and told him everything. He said he wanted a couple days to think about it before he gave his input. Which I understand. It’s a lot of information that I dumped on him all at once. But it was really really hard for me waiting those couple of days to hear his response. I was extremely anxious. A couple days passed and Greg, dad, Cythnia, and I met for dinner at Catfish Charlie’s to talk it over. He said a lot of stuff, but the gist of it was he doesn’t exactly approve of us living together before marriage but he wants me to be happy. Kinda the same as Granny. Which, side note, is crazy for him to say because he and Cynthia live together. So it’s kind of hypocritical of him to give me shit about it but whatever.  Once I got done talking with parents, Granny and Morgan, I started spreading the word to friends, family and coworkers. The response from everyone has been really nice. Lots of "I'm so happy for y'all" and "Going to miss you so much" and such. It's made me feel really special It's been a crazy week since we've got this news. December is already so damn stressful because of Christmas stuff.. I really with they would have waiting till January to do transfers.  I was talking to Pam about it and we decided a good last day of work for me would be December 22nd. Greg is going to be responsible for his new territory starting around December 15th. But I decided I'm going to stay here in Monroe through December to be with my family for Christmas. After Christmas and our New Years trip to Michigan, Imma load up my shit and move over there. Probably the first weekend of January. Leaving work the 22nd would give me time to enjoy Christmas, spend time with family and friends without having to juggle work at the same time, ya know? Originally Greg was going to come with me to all my family Christmas celebrations, but now we're not sure if he'll be able to. That's a bummer Greg is going to be responsible for managing a pretty large area of territory. We looked into it and it looks like Corsicana TX is about the center of the territory he will be responsible for. So this upcoming weekend we are going to go look at rent houses/apartments around that area I'm so excited, nervous, happy, scared.. Lots and lots of emotions. But I am confident this is what I want to do. I love Greg so much and I defidenlty see a future with him. I know everything is going to be okay as long as I'm with him. Well, I've been writing this forever. Honestly I could continue writing for longer because there is so much going on.. But I'm getting tired of typing.. hahah! I'm sure I'll add more later. But for now, bye Tumblr!
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warnerbro · 8 years
that one party
Boo: [What was she doing there? What in the world was she--- Cilla Dodgeson's blonde hair whipped around the corner, once more, as Boo stuck like glue to the wall. It was the ghost of ex girlfriend past, and of course Donnie's arm was around her. There they were, haunting Boo, as any ghost would; tormenting him.
Boo: As if supporting Donnie at soccer games wasn't enough. As if kissing that stupid guy in front of him wasn't enough. No, she was haunting him, and making sure he'd remember her and see her face every chance he'd get. Especially at that stupid party. So he took one look at her and scRUNCHED HIS NOSE, AND SCOFFED BEfORE TAKING A NICE GULP OF SOME MIXED DRINK
Cilla: [Cilla's honestly thinking to herself, why am I at a college party? I don't even like high school parties that much. Maybe these are better? Eh. Anyway, she was just here because Donnie wanted her to come with him. Something about it being important for her to come with him? Whatever. But yikes. She notices Boo is there too, and of course, why wouldn't he be? Wasn't this a soccer team sort of party? Heck. She grimaces so hard. But she huddles further into Donnie, like, keep me away from these drunk people. I'm tiny.]
Boo: [Melissa, of course, sees his discomfort. She walked right up to him and suggested they should leave, right there but no. Not tonight. He wouldn't be running away from that girl anymore, so he took one more drink and shook his head.] No, I'm spectacular. Just get me trashed. [So she nodded and disappeared for a minute and returned with libations. He tried not to stare. Boy, Willy, did he try not to stare, but of course he did, as even when he felt like he should hate her, he really didn't, and couldn't.]*
Cilla: [As Cilla is probably unable to keep her peripheral vision off of Boo, she sees that snake in the grass approach Boo, and that only serves to make her grimace even harder and tense even more. Donnie notices this. He raises an eyebrow at her, asking what was wrong.] Just not used to this... I guess. [She gave an awkward laugh, and Donnie gave her this smile, told her how adorable she was, and handed her a cup with what she guessed was alcohol in it. Oh, cool. Though, in her state of 'kill me now' she took a laRGE sip of it, and then coughed because wtf is this stuff he just gave me it is strong stuff. Donnie patted her back, and told her to slow down to which she just nodded. Yikey.]
Boo: [he wasn't quite seeing double yet. Moments had passed. Beer pong match after pong match. There were some quarters involved with a shot glass, and Melissa had even pulled him away to play a round of flip cup. She was great at distracting him. It worked, but Boo couldn't forget about that blonde-haired girl. Nope. She stayed in the back of her mind, and Boo had assumed to the side of a certain Rocket boy. His stomach tied in drunken knots he felt sick at that notion. He was still in control of most of his functions and though he swore he wasn't intoxicated, he could feel his inhibitions escaping to freedom. His eyes scanned the room once more. Melissa was nowhere to be found, and he was on his way to find somewhere to sit down, alone. To think. To escape the embarassment of how he felt-- ashamed that Cilla wasn't with him and instead with that assclown of a person. He found the perfect place up the stairs and down the hallway.]
Cilla: [The room. It was spinning. Yup. The lights were merging together. How much did she have, exactly, in her quest to not pay attention to her boyfriend's sister and her ex-whatever? Too much for someone that drank maybe half a beer for the two parties she'd been too in her life. Awesome. She swayed a little, into Donnie. He stopped his conversation with his soccer pal to ask his gf if she was alright.] Yeah. I'm fine. I just-- I think I need to go to the bathroom, and... I don't know, splash some water in my face. Nope, you can stay here. I'm a big girl, thanks. [So, on her way she goes. Up the stairs???? Down the hallway????? And oop, there's a door. Oop. This room is occupied by... ohboy. She freezes y'all. But the grimace from earlier is back now. She says nothing because BOY WHY.]*
Boo: [Boo's sitting in an armchair, his head in his hands and the room is spinning for him as well, but he's not drunk. No. Don't ask him because he'd drive himself home right now. It was only a couple of beers. A couple of drinking games. Whatever. He just needed time to himself. Which was interrupted. He looked up at the door, and his eyes fell upon a silent Cilla and he could throw himself out the window right now because why?! So he's going to address her with a real condescending tone. ] You lost, Princess?
Cilla: [And yup. Was she an angry drunk? Because, boy, that condescending tone just got her PISSED.] Yeah. You know what? I guess I am. Because I'd rather be anywhere else than standing right here. Believe me. [but is she even making an attempt to move? Probably not. Maybe a sway towards the door.]*
Boo: Good job leaving. Congrats. A+ feet you have there. [He claps.] So while I've got you here, you can't just bring yourself to my soccer games, I told you to not to feel obliged to come. Remember?
Cilla: Fuck off, Boo. [iF SHE COULD LEAVE SHE WOULD BUT HER FEET AREN'T WORKING.] You said don't feel obliged to come /for you/. And I'm not.
Boo: You'RE THE ONE STILL HERE. [ SO HE SHOOTs RIGH T UP bECAUSE LET"S GET ANGREY LETS. walking towards her all angry like] You're the one still fucking here. And Cilla, for the first time in ever, I really don't want you around anymore. So go. Leave. [he points to the door. because gdi go away.]
Cilla: YES, YES, GO AHEAD AND ACT LIKE YOU CAN KICK ME OUT OF A PLACE THAT ISN'T YOURS??? [she roLLS HER EYES.] If you don't want to be around me, which, trust me, I feel the same, you're welcome to walk away. Because, yeah, not everything is on me.
Boo: You're the one who walked away from me, and THEN you walked right back around with that STUPID GUY ON YOUR ARM SO.... [he points back towards the door, agAIN. LIKE FUCK YA I WAS HERE FIRST GET OUT, he sways of course. Alcohol soz.] I don't think I can forgive for this anymore, and I don't want you in my life anymore. Stay away.[his eye twitches tho, lol bcs he doesnt MEAN IT]
Cilla: [NOT EVEN GONNA REPLY TO THAT BS BECAUSE HE'S ACTUALLY BEEN WITH MELISSA ALL NIGHT? AND TO THE REST OF THIS, THE STUBBORN PRINCESS, WHO ALWAYS GETS HER WAY, just plants her drunken feet, crosses her arms, gets this defiant look, and stays silent.]
Boo: [HE IS GONNA PULL ALL OF HIS HAIR OUT BECAUSE GDI GO AWAY. He opens his mouth to sCREAM AT HER. BECAUSE FRUSTRATION. But it takes a step back. He pauses and takes a deep breath. He looks to the floor, and seriously seriously puts on his apology face.] You're breaking my heart all over again, and I understand why. You're mad at me because what I did with Mel, it was unfair. But what you're doing--[ hE FINALLY LOOKS BACK UP AT HER.] Showing up here, and everywhere else--it's not fair to me.
Cilla: [NOT EVEN GONNA REPLY TO THAT BS BECAUSE HE'S ACTUALLY BEEN WITH MELISSA ALL NIGHT? AND TO THE REST OF THIS, THE STUBBORN PRINCESS, WHO ALWAYS GETS HER WAY, just plants her drunken feet, crosses her arms, gets this defiant look, and stays silent.]
Boo: [HE IS GONNA PULL ALL OF HIS HAIR OUT BECAUSE GDI GO AWAY. He opens his mouth to sCREAM AT HER. BECAUSE FRUSTRATION. But it takes a step back. He pauses and takes a deep breath. He looks to the floor, and seriously seriously puts on his apology face.] You're breaking my heart all over again, and I understand why. You're mad at me because what I did with Mel, it was unfair. But what you're doing--[ hE FINALLY LOOKS BACK UP AT HER.] Showing up here, and everywhere else--it's not fair to me.
Cilla: [She does nothing but scoff. Really.] Do you think I keep visiting to hurt you? Really? [clo eyebrow raise.]
Boo: Don't you even pretend this isn't about us. [SCOFF RIGHT BACk.]
Cilla: Crazy enough, I come to visit Donnie. You know, that guy. My boyfriend. [she makes a face that says 'duh you idiot'.
Boo: Yeah. He just so happens to play on the same tEAM as me. He JUST SO HAPPENS TO BE MELISSA'S brother. Makes sense, why you'd pick him. [HE GIVES HER A SARCASTIC SHRUG.] Right?! Make REAL sure I know about. See it. [He claps again.] GREAT.
Cilla: I didn't even /know/ he was Melissa brother the first time I met him. It's not all about /you/, Boo. And just... [she shakes her head. She wants to break his hands.] No. You know what? I don't need to explain a n y t h i n g to you.
Boo: Yeah. You were LEAVING anyways. [ eye roll]
Cilla: Nope, that was you. [the face of pure sass.]
Boo: I was here first. [crossing his arms over his chest.]
Cilla: Don't care~. [she does the same.]
Boo: You know what? I can't stand you right now. Really, REALLY hate you right now. [STANDIN THERE ]
Cilla: Now you know how I've felt for months. Congratulations. [SAME.]
Boo: Thanks. REALLY appreCIAte THAT. [YELLIN,]
Boo: [He doesn't leave. He doesn't move. He takes one look at her, and the sneer he was sure to have worn softened as he let out a low fit of laughter.] I'm not going anywhere, Cil. I'm still here. And, you know what, when you're done being stubborn, I'm sure I"ll still be mad at you, but I'll be here. [so he walks right up to her, because let's push her buttons, right?] Because, yeah, I hate you so much right now, but you're still the same girl I'm head over heels for. So, you go on. Go on with your life, parade your stupid boyfriend around and you keep telling yourself that it's not about me. Because we both know it is. Otherwise we wouldn't have even had this conversation. Otherwise you still wouldn't be here.
Cilla: [She freezes again, because now he's closer. Much closer, and her alcohol-addled brain is somehow even more jarred by the lack of distance. But, his words still manage to fuel the fire of anger within her, because what right does he have to say all of those things? She managed to pull herself back enough to throw a look of annoyance his way.] Keep telling yourself that it /is/ about you, then, you arrogant asshole. If that's what gets you through, go ahead. But, you know what? It doesn't make you right. Because I feel nothing for you. Not anymore.*
Boo: Nothing? Just like that? Nothing? [So that would have hurt Boo a lot. A whole lot, a couple of months ago, and maybe without the alcohol it would have reverberated within him, but he knew that girl was lying. So he looked at her, and understood her words as a challege. He let out an irriatated sigh, before taking one step closer to her, and without any permission he tested her words. A hand on her waist, he kissed her, just as he had wanted to for the past couple of months--just like he did those months ago in his car-- just as he did under that mistletoe. He kissed her, like it would have been his last kiss on earth, K. Because well, it might as well have been, right?]
Cilla: [She was poised to answer-- ready to tell him, yes, without a doubt, I feel nothing but absolute hatred for you now. You're nothing but a piece of shit, and I didn't deserve what you did. But there was no opportunity for the words to leave her mouth. Because, as soon as she began, his lips were on hers, and her ~inebriated~ legs practically buckled underneath her. And no, she didn't try in any way to push the boy off of her. Nope. She kissed him like she hadn't kissed anybody since... well, the last time she kissed Boo. One might say she's kind of all over him right now.]
Boo: [A fist in the air in his mind, just like the breakfast club, yep, everything she had said, well this proved it completely wrong. So he pulled her closer because why stop? After all this time, after everything, he could still lose himself in that stubborn girl. So arms wrapped tightly around her holding her in palce and lips pressed all too close it happened. Even, with what he had just said to her. Even after all the hurt they had caused each other. It fell all on this really real moment. No matter how drunk she tasted-- it was real. So no, he didn't mind how all over she was on him. Nope, he invited it.]
Cilla: [In the back of her mind, someplace where her logic was still slightly working, something was telling her that her boyfriend was downstairs, and she should stop now, while she was ahead, and she could pass this... lapse of judgement on alcohol and Boo starting it, but... no, that voice was too far away. Why listen to that voice when there was a louder voice telling her to continue. So, what does she do? She listens to the loud voice, and she's got him by the collar, and she's pushing him towards the chair he was sitting in when she came in. Oop, they're down. Oop, she's on top of him. Yikes.]*
Boo: [ So lips on lips, he fell towards the chair, with his hands surely crawling up places they weren't supposed to like, for instance probably under hER SKIRT, he pulled Cilla with him. There was no breaking his hold on her now. There was no stopping him. There was no stopping her, he was sure. And screw the party, screw her boyfriend. screw Melissa. It was just him and Cilla now. And if he had it his way, it would be that way forever. But all things would come to an end he was sure. For the time being however, he would continue to kiss her, even after the door was opened and someone eNTERED THE ROOM.]
Cilla: [For the better part of being in this chair, Cilla's brain actually ceased to function. Like, she was certain there was no activity happening up there, because she literally couldn't think. The only things occupying that space were lips and, whoa HANDS. And, boy did she not mind it at aLL. But then, the sound of a door opening behind her kicked that silent part of her brain into gear, and she realized OH BOY, and she was practically army rolling off of Boo, her face towards the wall so the interruption didn't see her, stayin quiet bc oh geez.]*
Boo: [Before he even had a chance to react to the absence of Cilla, he opened his eyes, and Melissa Thornberry Rocket stared at him from the doorway. He had to catch his breath from, well, Cilla literally taking his breath away and before he was able to take calming inhale, the other girl had her hands acrossed her chest. That look in her face-- that anger shook Boo a little too sober, and he didn't know whether to explain himself, or accept the fact that, yeah, he was walking home that night. So he ran his hands through the hair on his head, because gFDi why didn't he lock the door. He looked up at Cilla, her back facing him, and he had no words.]
Cilla: [Cilla still has no idea of what fate could besET HER SHOULD SHE TURN AROUND RIGHT NOW. SHE IS UNAWARE OF THE DANGER THAT SURROUNDS HER. So, she just keeps herself pointed towards the wall. Practically everyone in this house knew her boyfriend, and therefore, they knew she was DATING him. No matter who it was, if they saw it was her she was s c r e w e d. So, she stayed silent in her little corner, probably burying her face in her knees. Like, nope, you won't see me today sis.]*
Boo: [Before he could even explain what was happening, Miss Rocket had literally stomped out of the room. And what had recently transpired as the most awkward silence in his whole life, the door slammed behind her. He looked up to the ceiling and closed his eyes, got up from his spot, and before taking his leave, he placed a hand on Cilla's shoulder, just lightly as if to ask if she was okay.]*
Cilla: [When she heard the door shut, she didn't get up immediately. But then she felt a hand on her shoulder, and that sprung her to action. Without another word, literally, she was up and out the door (the opposite direction that Melly went in). Because. Nope. Not facing this. Not in this drunken state. Not today. Bye Boo. She's probably ACTUALLY going to the bathroom now.]*
Boo: [So that's when Boo walked out too. Yep, out to find Melissa, because low and behold she was his ride home, and without her, he was going to walk his ass home lol.]
Boo: [And avoiding everyone else, he probably never found her so he did.]
0 notes
warnerbro · 8 years
Boo: [What was she doing there? What in the world was she--- Cilla Dodgeson's blonde hair whipped around the corner, once more, as Boo stuck like glue to the wall. It was the ghost of ex girlfriend past, and of course Donnie's arm was around her. There they were, haunting Boo, as any ghost would; tormenting him. As if supporting Donnie at soccer games wasn't enough. As if kissing that stupid guy in front of him wasn't enough. No, she was haunting him, and making sure he'd remember her and see her face every chance he'd get. Especially at that stupid party. So he took one look at her and scRUNCHED HIS NOSE, AND SCOFFED BEfORE TAKING A NICE GULP OF SOME MIXED DRINK]
Cilla: [Cilla's honestly thinking to herself, why am I at a college party? I don't even like high school parties that much. Maybe these are better? Eh. Anyway, she was just here because Donnie wanted her to come with him. Something about it being important for her to come with him? Whatever. But yikes. She notices Boo is there too, and of course, why wouldn't he be? Wasn't this a soccer team sort of party? Heck. She grimaces so hard. But she huddles further into Donnie, like, keep me away from these drunk people. I'm tiny.]
Boo: [Melissa, of course, sees his discomfort. She walked right up to him and suggested they should leave, right there but no. Not tonight. He wouldn't be running away from that girl anymore, so he took one more drink and shook his head.] No, I'm spectacular. Just get me trashed. [So she nodded and disappeared for a minute and returned with libations. He tried not to stare. Boy, Willy, did he try not to stare, but of course he did, as even when he felt like he should hate her, he really didn't, and couldn't.]*
Cilla: [As Cilla is probably unable to keep her peripheral vision off of Boo, she sees that snake in the grass approach Boo, and that only serves to make her grimace even harder and tense even more. Donnie notices this. He raises an eyebrow at her, asking what was wrong.] Just not used to this... I guess. [She gave an awkward laugh, and Donnie gave her this smile, told her how adorable she was, and handed her a cup with what she guessed was alcohol in it. Oh, cool. Though, in her state of 'kill me now' she took a laRGE sip of it, and then coughed because wtf is this stuff he just gave me it is strong stuff. Donnie patted her back, and told her to slow down to which she just nodded. Yikey.]
Boo: [he wasn't quite seeing double yet. Moments had passed. Beer pong match after pong match. There were some quarters involved with a shot glass, and Melissa had even pulled him away to play a round of flip cup. She was great at distracting him. It worked, but Boo couldn't forget about that blonde-haired girl. Nope. She stayed in the back of hIS mind, and Boo had assumed to the side of a certain Rocket boy. His stomach tied in drunken knots he felt sick at that notion. He was still in control of most of his functions and though he swore he wasn't intoxicated, he could feel his inhibitions escaping to freedom. His eyes scanned the room once more. Melissa was nowhere to be found, and he was on his way to find somewhere to sit down, alone. To think. To escape the embarrassment of how he felt-- ashamed that Cilla wasn't with him and instead with that assclown of a person. He found the perfect place up the stairs and down the hallway.]
Cilla: [The room. It was spinning. Yup. The lights were merging together. How much did she have, exactly, in her quest to not pay attention to her boyfriend's sister and her ex-whatever? Too much for someone that drank maybe half a beer for the two parties she'd been too in her life. Awesome. She swayed a little, into Donnie. He stopped his conversation with his soccer pal to ask his gf if she was alright.] Yeah. I'm fine. I just-- I think I need to go to the bathroom, and... I don't know, splash some water in my face. Nope, you can stay here. I'm a big girl, thanks. [So, on her way she goes. Up the stairs???? Down the hallway????? And oop, there's a door. Oop. This room is occupied by... ohboy. She freezes y'all. But the grimace from earlier is back now. She says nothing because BOY WHY.]*
Boo: [Boo's sitting in an armchair, his head in his hands and the room is spinning for him as well, but he's not drunk. No. Don't ask him because he'd drive himself home right now, just to prove 'em wrong. It was only a couple of beers. A couple of drinking games. Whatever. He just needed time to himself. Which was interrupted. He looked up at the door, and his eyes fell upon a silent Cilla and he could throw himself out the window right now because why?! So he's going to address her with a real condescending tone. ] You lost, Princess?
Cilla: [And yup. Was she an angry drunk? Because, boy, that condescending tone just got her PISSED.] Yeah. You know what? I guess I am. Because I'd rather be anywhere else than standing right here. Believe me. [but is she even making an attempt to move? Probably not. Maybe a sway towards the door.]*
Boo: Good job leaving. Congrats. A+ feet you have there. [He claps.] So while I've got you here, you can't just bring yourself to my soccer games, I told you to not to feel obliged to come. Remember?
Cilla: Fuck off, Boo. [iF SHE COULD LEAVE SHE WOULD BUT HER FEET AREN'T WORKING.] You said don't feel obliged to come /for you/. And I'm not.
Boo: You'RE THE ONE STILL HERE. [ SO HE SHOOTs RIGH T UP bECAUSE LET"S GET ANGREY LETS. walking towards her all angry like] You're the one still fucking here. And Cilla, for the first time in ever, I really don't want you around anymore. So go. Leave. [he points to the door. because gdi go away.]
Cilla: YES, YES, GO AHEAD AND ACT LIKE YOU CAN KICK ME OUT OF A PLACE THAT ISN'T YOURS??? [she roLLS HER EYES.] If you don't want to be around me, which, trust me, I feel the same, you're welcome to walk away. Because, yeah, not everything is on me.
Boo: You're the one who walked away from me, and THEN you walked right back around with that STUPID GUY ON YOUR ARM SO.... [he points back towards the door, agAIN. LIKE FUCK YA I WAS HERE FIRST GET OUT, he sways of course. Alcohol soz.] I don't think I can forgive for this anymore, and I don't want you in my life anymore. Stay away.[his eye twitches tho, lol bcs he doesnt MEAN IT]
Cilla: [NOT EVEN GONNA REPLY TO THAT BS BECAUSE HE'S ACTUALLY BEEN WITH MELISSA ALL NIGHT? AND TO THE REST OF THIS, THE STUBBORN PRINCESS, WHO ALWAYS GETS HER WAY, just plants her drunken feet, crosses her arms, gets this defiant look, and stays silent.]
Boo: [HE IS GONNA PULL ALL OF HIS HAIR OUT BECAUSE GDI GO AWAY. He opens his mouth to sCREAM AT HER. BECAUSE FRUSTRATION. But it takes a step back. He pauses and takes a deep breath. He looks to the floor, and seriously seriously puts on his apology face.] You're breaking my heart all over again, and I understand why. You're mad at me because what I did with Mel, it was unfair. But what you're doing--[ hE FINALLY LOOKS BACK UP AT HER.] Showing up here, and everywhere else--it's not fair to me.
Cilla: [She does nothing but scoff. Really.] Do you think I keep visiting to hurt you? Really? [clo eyebrow raise.]
Boo: Don't you even pretend this isn't about us. [SCOFF RIGHT BACk.]
Cilla: Crazy enough, I come to visit Donnie. You know, that guy. My boyfriend. [she makes a face that says 'duh you idiot'.
Boo: Yeah. He just so happens to play on the same tEAM as me. He JUST SO HAPPENS TO BE MELISSA'S brother. Makes sense, why you'd pick him. [HE GIVES HER A SARCASTIC SHRUG.] Right?! Make REAL sure I know about. See it. [He claps again.] GREAT.
Cilla: I didn't even /know/ he was Melissa brother the first time I met him. It's not all about /you/, Boo. And just... [she shakes her head. She wants to break his hands.] No. You know what? I don't need to explain a n y t h i n g to you.
Boo: Yeah. You were LEAVING anyways. [ eye roll]
Cilla: Nope, that was you. [the face of pure sass.]
Boo: I was here first. [crossing his arms over his chest.]
Cilla: Don't care~. [she does the same.]
Boo: You know what? I can't stand you right now. Really, REALLY hate you right now. [STANDIN THERE ]
Cilla: Now you know how I've felt for months. Congratulations. [SAME.]
Boo: Thanks. REALLY appreCIAte THAT. [YELLIN,]
Boo: [He doesn't leave. He doesn't move. He takes one look at her, and the sneer he was sure to have worn softened as he let out a low fit of laughter.] I'm not going anywhere, Cil. I'm still here. And, you know what, when you're done being stubborn, I'm sure I"ll still be mad at you, but I'll be here. [so he walks right up to her, because let's push her buttons, right?] Because, yeah, I hate you so much right now, but you're still the same girl I'm head over heels for. So, you go on. Go on with your life, parade your stupid boyfriend around and you keep telling yourself that it's not about me. Because we both know it is. Otherwise we wouldn't have even had this conversation. Otherwise you still wouldn't be here.
Cilla: [She freezes again, because now he's closer. Much closer, and her alcohol-addled brain is somehow even more jarred by the lack of distance. But, his words still manage to fuel the fire of anger within her, because what right does he have to say all of those things? She managed to pull herself back enough to throw a look of annoyance his way.] Keep telling yourself that it /is/ about you, then, you arrogant asshole. If that's what gets you through, go ahead. But, you know what? It doesn't make you right. Because I feel nothing for you. Not anymore.*
Boo: Nothing? Just like that? Nothing? [So that would have hurt Boo a lot. A whole lot, a couple of months ago, and maybe without the alcohol it would have reverberated within him, but he knew that girl was lying. So he looked at her, and understood her words as a challemge. He let out an irratated sigh, before taking one step closer to her, and without any permission he tested her words. A hand on her waist, he kissed her, just as he had wanted to for the past couple of months--just like he did those months ago in his car-- just as he did under that mistletoe. He kissed her, like it would have been his last kiss on earth, K. Because well, it might as well have been, right?]
Cilla: [She was poised to answer-- ready to tell him, yes, without a doubt, I feel nothing but absolute hatred for you now. You're nothing but a piece of shit, and I didn't deserve what you did. But there was no opportunity for the words to leave her mouth. Because, as soon as she began, his lips were on hers, and her ~inebriated~ legs practically buckled underneath her. And no, she didn't try in any way to push the boy off of her. Nope. She kissed him like she hadn't kissed anybody since... well, the last time she kissed Boo. One might say she's kind of all over him right now.]
Boo: [A fist in the air in his mind, just like the breakfast club, yep, everything she had said, well this proved it completely wrong. So he pulled her closer because why stop? After all this time, after everything, he could still lose himself in that stubborn girl. So arms wrapped tightly around her holding her in place and lips pressed all too close. it happened. Even, with what he had just said to her. Even after all the hurt they had caused each other. It fell all on this really real moment. No matter how drunk she tasted-- it was real. So no, he didn't mind how all over she was on him. Nope, he invited it.]
Cilla: [In the back of her mind, someplace where her logic was still slightly working, something was telling her that her boyfriend was downstairs, and she should stop now, while she was ahead, and she could pass this... lapse of judgement on alcohol and Boo starting it, but... no, that voice was too far away. Why listen to that voice when there was a louder voice telling her to continue. So, what does she do? She listens to the loud voice, and she's got him by the collar, and she's pushing him towards the chair he was sitting in when she came in. Oop, they're down. Oop, she's on top of him. Yikes.]*
Boo: [ So lips on lips, he fell towards the chair, with his hands surely crawling up places they weren't supposed to like, for instance probably under hER SKIRT, he pulled Cilla with him. There was no breaking his hold on her now. There was no stopping him. There was no stopping her, he was sure. And screw the party, screw her boyfriend. screw Melissa. It was just him and Cilla now. And if he had it his way, it would be that way forever. But all things would come to an end he was sure. For the time being however, he would continue to kiss her, even after the door was opened and someone eNTERED THE ROOM.]
Cilla: [For the better part of being in this chair, Cilla's brain actually ceased to function. Like, she was certain there was no activity happening up there, because she literally couldn't think. The only things occupying that space were lips and, whoa HANDS. And, boy did she not mind it at aLL. But then, the sound of a door opening behind her kicked that silent part of her brain into gear, and she realized OH BOY, and she was practically army rolling off of Boo, her face towards the wall so the interruption didn't see her, stayin quiet bc oh geez.]*
Boo: [Before he even had a chance to react to the absence of Cilla, he opened his eyes, and Melissa Thornberry Rocket stared at him from the doorway. He had to catch his breath from, well, Cilla literally taking his breath away and before he was able to take calming inhale, the other girl had her hands across her chest. That look in her face-- that anger shook Boo a little too sober, and he didn't know whether to explain himself, or accept the fact that, yeah, he was walking home that night. So he ran his hands through the hair on his head, because gFDi why didn't he lock the door. He looked up at Cilla, her back facing him, and he had no words.]
Cilla: [Cilla still has no idea of what fate could besET HER SHOULD SHE TURN AROUND RIGHT NOW. SHE IS UNAWARE OF THE DANGER THAT SURROUNDS HER. So, she just keeps herself pointed towards the wall. Practically everyone in this house knew her boyfriend, and therefore, they knew she was DATING him. No matter who it was, if they saw it was her she was s c r e w e d. So, she stayed silent in her little corner, probably burying her face in her knees. Like, nope, you won't see me today sis.]*
Boo: [Before he could even explain what was happening, Miss Rocket had literally stomped out of the room. And what had recently transpired as the most awkward silence in his whole life, the door slammed behind her. He looked up to the ceiling and closed his eyes, got up from his spot, and before taking his leave, he placed a hand on Cilla's shoulder, just lightly as if to ask if she was okay.]*
Cilla: [When she heard the door shut, she didn't get up immediately. But then she felt a hand on her shoulder, and that sprung her to action. Without another word, literally, she was up and out the door (the opposite direction that Melly went in). Because. Nope. Not facing this. Not in this drunken state. Not today. Bye Boo. She's probably ACTUALLY going to the bathroom now.]*
Boo: [So that's when Boo walked out too. Yep, out to find Melissa, because low and behold she was his ride home, and without her, he was going to walk his ass home lol. And avoiding everyone else, he probably never found her so he did.]
0 notes