#y'all thought it would be ken but no
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Oh no, Venom haven't understood the point of movie. . .
It's fine guys, Eddie will explain it to him later
Got inspired after seein ACTUAL og text to this panel and Venom deadass saying "mojo dojo casa house"
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thegetdownrebooter · 1 year
i actually feel so vindicated by tom admitting to being a gold digger because i've been saying that since day one!
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beaujagr · 11 months
complaints and spoilers for Barbie in tags
I feel SO confused about all the "the men are mad about Barbie" posts because I have seen an expected number of guys pulling the expected shit, but INFINITELY MORE cis white women both missing the point and complaining about basically everyone -- and no one at all pointing out their complaints.
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stranger-awakening · 1 year
btw did you guys know that there’s a canon gay dude in the first stranger things book but he ends up with a former military officer who works at hawkins lab?????? that’s a hate crime to me
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codtrashsammy · 2 months
oh no i'm having more soft Ghoap thoughts
okokko this is more of a little ficlet thing but it makes my lil heart happy so enjoy <3
also y'all i do not be editing these. at all. I just be throwin shit down on paper and making my brain produce dopamine.
if you all have any requests though pls feel free to drop into my ask box <3 I will gladly write whatever. I'm sure i'll come up with rules eventually, but rn I'm pretty open-minded and can't think of much I would refuse <3
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You're waltzing around your apartment, half asleep but with a tired smile on your face. Johnny comes back today, after all, and of course that means Simon will be coming too! You've been dating Johnny exclusively for a few months now. Sure, sometimes Simon will hold your hand, or pull you in for a hug. And sure, sometimes Simon sits with you in the early mornings on the balcony while you drink a warm drink, and he smokes a cigarette- looking at you with rapt attention and soft eyes, hanging onto every word you say. Okay, and maybe he calls you 'love' and 'darling' but he's British, so it's probably normal. But it's entirely platonic- you're at least 78% sure, and plus only Johnny had asked you out- so you have to stay loyal to him even if you do feel something for the bigger brute.
But! You need to get your ass into gear and make your boys- boy something to eat- knowing damn well they- he will be hungry when they- ah fuck it. You're going to cook them a good ass meal to enjoy- knowing they will enjoy it after a month of MRE's and shitty mess hall food (Johnny's words). So you do. You work away in the kitchen- though the clock reads barely past 2AM, knowing they should arrive around 3AM at this point. You've timed it perfectly, so by the time you set everything out on the kitchen island, still steaming and hot, you hear the familiar playful rapt at your door.
ba ba baba ba
With a grin you glance over the selection of food first- mashed potatoes, green beans, fried pork chops, and freshly made black tea- you make your way over to the door and open it with a grin. "'m glad you're back!" You bout out happily, sending both men a bright grin despite your slightly tired eyes along with theirs. "Missed ye, bonnie," Johnny is quick to just waltz right on in, arms wrapping around you and lifting you up slightly with one hand, his other hand occupied carrying his duffel bag.
A snort of amusement leaves your lips as you hug him back, pressing a kiss to his lips before batting at him to put you down- though he doesn't hesitate once he notices the smell in the house. "Oooh, what's this, bonnie?" Johnny hums out, dropping his bag somewhere in the living room as he makes his way to the kitchen.
A soft laugh leaves your lips at his reaction, but you don't bother to answer him as you turn your attention to Simon, whose closing the door behind him. He's wearing his usual little black medical mask- the one he wears in place of the balaclava when he's off duty.
So imagine your utter shock and dumb fuck surprise when he pulls the thing down, steps forward, places a gentle hand on your cheek and kisses you. "Missed ya, too, love," Simon quips easily, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear before simply dropping his bag and just walking right into the kitchen.
Sir, I'm sorry, what the fuck was that?! It's a thought, no words leave your lips as your cheeks heat up.
Oh no, you just cheated on your boyfriend- in the same house with him- with his best friend.
Apparently, nothing but walk into the kitchen with your boys, watching as the two of them are already seated with stacked plates in front of them. You blink blankly at the scene.
You hesitate before taking a seat, sitting across from Johnny and resting your hands on the table, looking between the two of them as they converse casually.
"Take such good care o' us, bonnie, dunnae ken what I did to deserve ya," Johnny quips, looking at you with bright blue eyes and a genuinely content smile on his face between shoveling bites of food.
"Stopped bein' a bloody prick fer more than two seconds," Simon says, voice low and monotone yet somehow tinged with amusement.
You blink again. Huh "You kissed me?" You say it as a statement, but it comes out as a question as you look at Simon, ignoring their banter even though it makes you want to snort in amusement. You're too dumbfounded and bewildered right now to handle this situation. "Uh huh." Simon responds, flatly, like it's the most obvious thing in the world as he takes a bite of mashed potatoes. Johnny looks between the two of you, a slow smirk pulling at his lips, "LT, you sly dog," Johnny murmurs with clear amusement, elbowing the bigger man in the side playfully. You sputter for a moment, looking back over at Johnny, "A-and you're just- okay with that?!" You ask in utter confusion, bewildered but not exactly disappointed at the scene.
So you didn't cheat on your boyfriend with his best friend? Johnny looks at you and this time he blinks in confusion before turning his head and grabbing Simon's jaw, pulling him close and planting a kiss on Simon's lips, causing Simon to grunt in annoyance- only because he was still eating.
Johnny turns back to you with a shrug, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. "Even?" You stare at the scene with heated cheeks before throwing your hands up in defeat, "...Even." You relent with a huff. ....can't cheat on your boyfriend with your other boyfriend who is also your boyfriends boyfriend you suppose.
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colonelarr0w · 4 months
Heyy 💜
I read that you are accepting requests so I came here to ask for one with Nanami but he as a teenager (because I've been in love with him since that time lol) would like to see his first time, a cute smut at first because he seemed to be so inexperienced and introverted but later he could have a kinky side 🥴
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Sypnosis - Read above request.
Warning(s) - mature themes, foul language, smut, Gojo being nosy asf
A/N - I do plan to make a part 2 to this piece, so I decided to focus on Reader for this piece and then Nanami in the second one. It'll make more sense once y'all read it, I promise.
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For the six months that you and Nanami had been together, the farthest that you two got in terms of intimacy was heated make outs and rough grinding – both of which were done with about as much grace as a baby cow trying to ice skate.  
That didn't mean that either of you wanted to take it further, it was just that neither of you really knew how.  
And what didn't make any of this better? 
Satoru Gojo constantly being up Nanami's ass about it. 
"While I appreciate your input-" 
"If you 'appreciated' my input," Gojo lifts his fingers and mocks making air quotes, "then you would take my advice and – y'know – not be a virgin anymore." 
Nanami's eye twitches in fury, eyebrows pinched together as the snowy-haired male shrugs his shoulders, rolling his eyes with the most 'I-said-so' expression that he had ever seen on another human being.  
"Your advice is about as helpful as a fanfiction written by a middle school girl," Geto is quick to chime in, throwing an arm over Gojo's shoulder and patting his palm against his friend's chest. Gojo scoffs, jaw dropping open as he turns his head to glare daggers into Geto.  
"Excuse me, my advice is-" 
"Hi Ken! Hi everyone!" Your happy voice is what effectively kills the growing argument, bright smile infecting the group in front of you – all of them turn to return your greeting. Nanami's smile is much more toned down than the others, but that doesn't mean nobody fails to notice the way his lips quirk upward the moment your lips come into contact with his cheek.  
"Hello," Nanami is the first to respond, eyes softening at you as you pull away and wave to greet the others. Gojo glances at Nanami, sending him a knowing glance that is shrugged off by the blonde. "I thought you were busy training today?" 
"Nope! Yaga gave me the rest of the afternoon off, so I figured I'd come by and grab you," you say with a grin on your face, lifting a hand to affectionately pat his cheek. "I went out shopping yesterday and got snacks and a movie." 
Nanami finds himself smiling again, completely ignoring the existence of those around him, eyes focused on you like a lovesick puppy. He squeezes the hand that rests on his face, nodding his head at the request.  
"What movie did you pick out?" Nanami asks innocently – his tone of voice makes Gojo snicker. You glance curiously at the third-year, who only turns swiftly away from you and whistles as if he had done nothing.  
"Just some cheesy rom-com," you answer just as innocently, smiling again at your boyfriend. Nanami glances quickly at Gojo, his eyes narrowing at the sight of Gojo's curled lips – he was grinning like the damn Cheshire Cat.  
"It sounds nice. Would you like to watch it now?" 
You nod eagerly, already reaching for your boyfriend's hand. He allows your fingers to slip into his own, feeling himself chuckle as you squeeze happily at them. You bid the rest of the group farewell, waving politely to them before turning in the direction of the student dormitories. 
Nanami glances over his shoulder at the group as you both depart, feeling his cheeks heat at the hand gestures that Gojo throws up. That little- 
< … > 
"Ken," you breathe into his mouth, arms wound around his neck as your lips move against his own. The movie is still playing in the background, but its plot is entirely forgotten – not that either of you minded in the slightest.  
His hands grip at your hips, moving them across his own and swallowing your moans. You pull back from him to catch your breath, whining lightly as you grind your hips against his own. Nanami smirks to himself, leaning forward to lightly kiss at your neck, relishing in the way you try (and fail) to hold back moans.  
"What is it?" Nanami asks quietly, perking an eyebrow at you as your movements against him still. You glance at him, eyes lust-blown and your cheeks reddened with lust. He already knows what it is that you want – but he would be lying if he said that he wasn't a nervous wreck. He had absolutely no idea what he was doing. 
"I – why don't we – you know," you whisper nervously, your hands on Nanami's shoulders to keep yourself grounded. He tilts his head at you, urging you to continue speaking. He doesn't quite know why, but he wants to hear you say it – he wants you to verbalize exactly what it was that you wanted.  
"Why don't we what?"  
"C'mon Ken," you whine, moving your hips against his once. He grits his teeth, suppressing the moan that climbs up his throat at the drag of your hips against his own. You smirk at the reaction you pull from him, leaning forward so that your lips just barely ghost against his. "You know." 
Nanami glances up at you, swallowing his nervousness and leaning forward again, attaching his lips to your neck and kissing the skin there. You exhale shakily, nails biting into his shoulders as you rock against him again. 
"Are you sure?" Nanami mutters against your neck, his breath fanning over your skin and making you shiver in the best way possible.  
"I'm sure." 
Nanami continues to place featherlight kisses against your neck, hands moving your hips back and forth against his own, craving that friction that you had provided. You don't protest, allowing him to move you while he sucks a dark purple hickey into your neck – one that you would definitely have trouble hiding in the morning.  
Hesitantly, his hands travel upwards, one hand cupping over your clothed breast and giving it an apprehensive squeeze. You sink your teeth into your bottom lip, eyes flickering up to meet his own as he gives you a look that asks 'is this okay'.  
You nod again at him, urging him to keep going.  
Nanami's hands return to your hips, where he then guides you off of his lap and lays you down flat on the couch, hovering over you. His lips connect with yours in a hungry kiss, lips moving in sync with your own. His hands wander, squeezing and groping your tits. 
You moan quietly into his mouth, tangling your hands in his hair and mussing his bangs. He smirks against your lips, hungrily swallowing your moans. His hands continue their assault, thumbs experimentally flicking over your nipples through your shirt. 
That pulls a particularly loud whine from you – one that Nanami immediately wants to hear again.  
Hesitantly, Nanami begins to lift your shirt, getting it rolled up to your stomach before you wiggle the rest of the way out, throwing the clothing across the room. He leans down to kiss you again, his hands working to quickly unclasp your bra and discard that as well.  
The moment that your tits spill out over your chest, Nanami flicks his thumb against one of your nipples, relishing the whine that you let out. Your back arches from the couch, body not quite used to the sensation that Nanami had been the source of.  
"Ken," you moan out, raising a hand to tilt his head so that his gaze meets yours. He nearly cums in his pants at the expression you wear – lust-blown pupils and slightly swollen lips from the force at which he had kissed them.  
He exhales, leaning his head down and dragging his tongue down the valley of your breasts, eyes occasionally flickering up to you just in case you wanted him to stop. Your hands tangle in his hair, fingernails scraping along his scalp – you truly didn't want him to stop. Not that he was opposed. 
He turns, bringing one nipple into his mouth and hesitantly running his tongue over it. Your back arches, lips parting to release a choked-out moan as he swirls the tip of his tongue over your hardened nipple.  
“Ken,” you whine out again, glancing down your body at him and panting as you wait in anticipation. His hands hook underneath the waistband of your pants, helping you shimmy out of them with a small smirk plastered onto his face.  
“What is it?” he whispers, his hands holding your hips with his thumbs rubbing soft circles into the supple flesh. He squeezes them lovingly, earning a whine from you. “You’ll have to tell me.” 
“C’mon Kento, stop teasing,” you whine, bucking your hips upward and chasing the pleasure that his hands had been giving you up until that point. He smirks, leaning down to kiss your pussy over your panties — the feeling making you squirm in anticipation.  
“I just want to make sure you’re comfortable,” Nanami answers honestly, kissing your pussy again before his eyes flicker up to meet yours, taking a mental note of the expression of lust that occupies your face.  
"I am," you whisper in response, moving your hips upward again in a silent plea for him to continue. Nanami hooks his fingers underneath the waistband of your panties, pulling them down and biting back a breathy chuckle at the way you eagerly help him in removing the article of clothing.  
He runs a finger down your glistening folds, your body stuttering at the touch and a broken moan falling from your lips. He lifts his hand for a moment, twisting his wrist so that the pad of his thumb rubs circles into your clit – the action sends sparks up your spine.  
You whine out at the contact, lifting your hips to drag your clit along his finger. In response, he continues to rub circles into the sensitive bundle of nerves, feeling his cock strain in his pants at the sound of your whines and moans.  
Hesitantly, Nanami leans in, tentatively flicking his tongue against your clit. Your body jolts forward, hands tangling in his hair. You tug him closer to your pussy, letting out a panted breath as he presses a featherlight kiss against your clit.  
He remains between your legs for what feels like hours – even though it had to have been only fifteen minutes at most. He licks, sucks, and drags his tongue flat against your pussy, eager to pull those sweet sounds from your throat.  
"Ken...fuck...I'm cumming!" Your voice raises in pitch as your back arches off of the couch, chest stuttering as the knot in your stomach – which had been building up slowly – snaps completely. Nanami continues his assault on your pussy, desperate to feel you cum against him.  
He sucks your clit between his lips, that being enough to send you over the edge. Your hips buck up into him, small shocks sent through your entire body as you lay back down against the couch, panting and trying to catch your breath. 
Nanami rises from his spot between your legs, dragging the back of his knuckles against his lips as he stares through half-lidded eyes to admire your fucked out expression. Soft pants fall from your parted lips, a small line of drool dribbling down your chin — which he swipes his thumb against. 
“Are you alright?” he asks softly, smiling as your eyes focus on him again. Your own lips quirk upward, eyes crinkling at the corners.  
"Better than alright," you answer honestly, panting slightly as you prop yourself up on your elbows, gazing down at Nanami through half-lidded eyes.  
He finds himself smiling at your exhaustion, crawling up to you and softly pressing his lips to yours. You moan quietly against his lips, your fingers weaving into his golden locks and tugging lightly. He pulls back to admire you again, both of you staring at the other in comfortable silence.  
"I think that's enough for you," he whispers. You shake your head at him, though your eyes betray you, slowly blinking at him and biting back the yawn that threatens to escape your lips. "Yes. Come now, don't worry about me, you're exhausted." 
"I'm not," you weakly protest, leaning your forehead against Nanami's. He chuckles at you, bringing you into his arms and tucking your face into the crook of his neck. "Kento." 
"Hush," he shushes you, squeezing you. You sigh, allowing your heavy eyes to fall shut, body curling closer to his and absorbing the warmth that he radiates. "There's always next time," he promises. You hum in response.  
Yeah, there was always next time. 
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convolutedblasphemy · 4 months
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I wasn't shitting you guys btw I actually made the one-sided radiostatic playlists
here is my lyrical masterpiece. both the vox version and the alastor one. done my best to make it as lyrically accurate as possible. @styrofauxm @onesidedradiostatic i hope you enjoy this (go check out the full lyrics for the songs on google if you can't listen to it but i recommend it because all of these are bangers) feat. my stupid commentary and vox's pathetic wet cat energy
Click to listen to the Vox one on YouTube
1. the hearse — matt maeson
thought this one fit so well lyrically. the "what was it like to feel in love" part i interpreted as vox asking himself that rather than alastor
❞ i am the man we both couldn't stand, i can't wash off the dirt from my hands, what was it like to feel in love? [...] i will never go backwards, i will never be free, i will never run faster; will you sink down to me? ❝
2. i'm just ken — ryan gosling
i'm not even adding lyrics to this one, everyone should have seen the barbie movie and this song at this point. this just HAD to be in there. can you feel the kenergy?
3. too many friends — placebo
less about alastor, more about vox's existential crisis
❞ my computer thinks I'm gay, i threw that piece of junk away on the champs-elysées as I was walking home. this is my last communique, down the superhighway. all that I have left to say in a single tome... ❝
4. creep — radiohead
i mean isn't this literally his theme song?
❞ when you were here before... couldn't look you in the eye. you're just like an angel. your skin makes me cry. you float like a feather in a beautiful world. i wish I was special. you're so fuckin' special. but I'm a creep, i'm a weirdo, what the hell am I doin' here? ❝
5. where evil grows — the poppy family
y'all seen the sonic movie? we need to see vox do that dance.
❞ i like the way you smile at me, i felt the heat that enveloped me and what i saw i liked to see. i never knew where evil grew. i should have steered away from you, my friend told me to keep clear of you but something drew me near to you ❝
6. one of us — ava max
i had to edit this one a bit in the video and cut out the part about the kissing because that for sure didn't happen
❞ one of us would die for love; one of us would give it up. one of us would risk it all; one of us won't even call. one of us could say goodbye, never even bat an eye... ❝
7. colorblind — amber riley
more pathetic wet cat energy brought to you by yours truly
❞ i don't think that i'll ever find that silver lining or reason to smile. you know i used to paint such vibrant dreams, now I'm colorblind, colorblind. when did my heart get so full of never mind, never mind? did you know that you stole the only thing I needed? ❝
8. arcade — duncan lawrence
more pathetic wet cat energy brought to you by yours truly
❞ a broken heart is all that's left. i'm still fixing all the cracks. lost a couple of pieces when i carried it, carried it, carried it home. i've spent all of the love I saved. we were always a losing game; small town boy in a big arcade, i got addicted to a losing game... all i know, all i know: loving you is a losing game. ❝
9. if i can't have you — skylar astin
i picked the version from zoey's extraordinary playlist on purpose because the context of this scene is that the dude who sings it hires a bunch of singers and dancers to confess in a public space as you, the viewer, sit there and cringe at him as he gets rejected. if that doesn't have vox energy, i don't know what does.
❞ i'm good at keepin' my distance (lie), i know that you're the feelin' I'm missing. you know that I hate to admit it but everything means nothin' if I can't have you. i can't write one song that's not about you, can't drink without thinkin' about you. is it too late to tell you that everything means nothing if I can't have you? ❝
10. do you want me (dead)? — all time low
when vox asks himself whether alastor wants him or wants him dead it's definitely the second option.
❞ i let it ride on a bet, i doubled down on a sinking ship; need a second to catch my breath: do you want me? or do you want me dead? oh, give it up for at least a second; i'm getting sick of your bullshit attitude and how you walk around like you shine brighter, it's killing me, so what do you say? do you want me? or do you want me dead? ❝
11. push — ryan gosling
i can't just put one musical number from the barbie movie in and not include the other one that fits equally as well.
❞ said, i don't know if I've ever been good enough. i'm a little bit rusty and I think my head is cavin' in. and I don't know if I've ever been really loved by a hand that's touched me, and I feel like something's got to give and I'm a little bit angry, well, this ain't over, no, not here, no; not while I still need you around. ❝
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Ice-cold rejection & vicious mockery: Alastor's version
the contrast of this is the best part.
Click here to listen to the Alastor one on YouTube
1. little big boy — madds buckley
he doesn't go easy on him. this is 0 compassion and 100% roast.
❞ brimstone fire and eyes aglow, little big boy's making the whole world know his name. raised on pillars and shining lights, breathing smoke for the right to keep his place. never satisfied 'till they all see how big this little boy can be. well the water's rising; tide's comin' in. does little big boy know how to swim in a pond filled with fish bigger than him? ❝
2. i help you hate me — sunrise avenue
he's so helpful fr but it's not working unfortunately
❞ i broke many hearts throughout my days. yours was the hardest one to face. though, I've never been a saint, i still love you every day, just not the lover kind of way. i know you wanna see me falling out, falling out the window. i know you wanna see me crashing down, crashing with my plane. baby, i'm way too young to die but I'll help you get over me. ❝
3. no surprise — daughtry
this is one of my favorite bands, i'm glad i got to include this.
❞ it came out like a river once i let it out when i thought that i wouldn't know how. held onto it forever just pushing it down, felt so good to let go of it now. not wrapping this in ribbons, shouldn't have to give a reason why: it's no surprise i won't be here tomorrow, i can't believe that I stayed 'til today. there's nothing here in this heart left to borrow. there's nothing here in this soul left to save. don't be surprised when we hate us tomorrow. ❝
4. go screw yourself — avery
i can picture him 1:1 delivering a swing version of this when vox confesses to him
❞ i know i've been holding it in, the way i feel about you. something i've been dying to say but I don't know how you'll take it; oh please don't go; you should know these three words i've been holding back; trying to fight, i'mma let 'em out... these three words, gotta let you know, here I go: go screw yourself. i've had enough, yeah, now we're done. ❝
5. the audacity — emelyn
this one's such a bop honestly. had to cut it in the video because i can't picture alastor realistically crying over anything vox-related.
❞ think your opinions should be broadcast... even though no one's subscribing, listening or liking but by all means, keep whining. must be tough if life's so rough. you should buy a mic, start a podcast, even though, wait, nobody asked. [...] where do all these men find the audacity? no actually, i'm stunned by your stupidity. ❝
6. friends — halocene
this one had to be on here.
❞ have you got no shame? you're looking insane turning up at my door. it's two in the morning, the rain is pouring, haven't we been here before? [...] so don't go look at me with that look in your eye, you really ain't going away without a fight. you can't be reasoned with, i'm done being polite. i've told you one, two, three, four, five, six thousand times. haven't I made it obvious? haven't I made it clear? want me to spell it out for you? f-r-i-e-n-d-s ❝
7. can't catch me now — olivia rodrigo
he likes the attention def especially after his return
❞ bet you thought i'd never do it, thought it'd go over my head. i bet you figured i'd pass with the winter, be somethin' easy to forget. oh, you think i'm gone 'cause i left but i'm in the trees, i'm in the breeze, my footsteps on the ground. you'll see my face in every place but you can't catch me now. through wading grass, the months will pass, you'll feel it all around. i'm here, i'm there, i'm everywhere but you can't catch me now ❝
8. take a hint — victoria justice & elizabeth gillies
this is on every rejection playlist and it's gonna be on mine too. a bop even after all these years.
❞ ask me for my number, yeah, you put me on the spot. you think that we should hook up, but I think that we should not. you had me at "hello", then you opened up your mouth and that is when it started going south. [...] what about "no" don't you get? so go and tell your friends i'm not really interested. it's about time that you're leavin', i'm gonna count to three and open my eyes and you'll be gone ❝
9. no — madilyn bailey & megan nicole
more rejection for y'all. the world needs more mean aroaces and this playlist is my contribution.
❞ first you gonna say you ain't runnin' game, thinking i'm believing every word; call me beautiful, so original, telling me I'm not like other girls, i was in my zone before you came along, now i'm thinking maybe you should go ❝
10. oh no — marina and the diamonds
a classic.
❞ don′t do love, don't do friends; i′m only after success. don't need a relationship, i'll never soften my grip [...] i know exactly what i want and who i want to be. i know exactly why i walk and talk like a machine. i'm now becoming my own self-fulfilled prophecy. ❝
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Reblogs are appreciated!
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Y'all enjoyed the comparison post of the Before & Afters of HGTVs Barbie Dreamhouse Challenge, so much, yesterday, I thought you'd like to see what it looked like BEFORE the Barbie transformation. They looked at 50 houses before they chose this beige one.
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Here come the designers with pink sledge hammers. I'm also including this link to an article about how the neighborhood thought it was a nightmare: https://www.theringer.com/tv/2023/8/17/23834446/hgtv-barbie-dreamhouse-challenge-renovation-project-neighborhood-nightmare
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Apparently, it was never meant to be livable. (Ah, but it is! I would definitely live here with my Barbie collection. It would be the jewel in the crown.)
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Seriously, I hate the dated oak. And, HGTV paid $1.75M for it?
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It was plain. Nothing special at all, but I guess they chose it b/c it has nice swirling walls, stairs and balconies.
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Wow, they put in these great floors, only to be removed again, and replaced by wood flooring. This rainbow ceiling went right back to white.
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I still can't believe they turned it into a white, gray and black version of the same dull house.
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The kitchen was so dated and missing a fridge. They used such high end reproduction appliances that they kept them and they actually make the new modern kitchen look ugly.
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Seriously, I don't like the way the retro appliances look in the new improved kitchen. They're too retro for the modern look.
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Boring family room had no personality.
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What a disappointing primary bedroom before. They really dressed it up- love the sparkly ceiling.
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They kept the wall fireplace as a focal point.
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The en-suite was big and bland.
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The only room they kept was Ken's den but they got rid of the disco floor. Come on.
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Barbie's office got built-in shelving, which they also kept.
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Barbie's closet was eventually eliminated and turned into another home office.
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And, now, with it's new white & black transformation, it's been sold. The neighborhood is happy, the new owner is happy, all the neutral lovers are happy.
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thankskenpenders · 1 year
As I'm sure many of you are already aware, Did You Know Gaming (who have been doing some really great investigative work lately) recently put out a video on canceled Sonic games. The whole thing's worth a watch, but I have to bring it up here specifically because they talk about the plans for Sonic Chronicles 2 with a LOT of new info directly from the lead designer.
The section on how the story of Sonic Chronicles 2 would have went starts at 9:45. It's very interesting! He outlines the whole plot, including the fact that they were going to end with ANOTHER obvious plot hook for a sequel in the hopes that they or some other studio could keep the Sonic Chronicles series going indefinitely. Sonic Team even claimed they were interested in using Chronicles characters like Shade in other games. It's crazy to imagine a timeline where this might have become a pillar of the franchise.
I refuse to mourn the loss of the sequel, though, because y'all saw me stream the original. It was miserable. And with the original game selling and reviewing decently well, they would have had little reason to go back to the drawing board and overhaul that game's bizarrely hateful design.
Of course, DYKG also had to talk about the reason why the game was canceled. I was dreading this because of how often people tend to get the basic facts of the Penders cases wrong or downplay the obvious Archie Knuckles inspiration in Chronicles. But no, they did their homework! And they got the details right in part because, well... they asked Penders for comment directly. And he sent them back a MASSIVE wall of text about the whole ordeal, including some fascinating details that I don't believe I've heard before!
You can go to 15:19 in the video and scrub through to read the many, MANY screencaps of their emails from Ken, but here are the most interesting and/or hilarious tidbits to me:
#1: Perjury!
As we already knew, Ken claimed that the incomplete, photocopied contract Archie presented in court was a forgery, and that he had never signed a work for hire contract.
The judge obviously knew that one side had to be lying here, and thus was more than willing to present the case to a jury to let them decide the truth... and send whoever was deemed the liar to jail for perjury. (The judge apparently looked Ken directly in the eye when he said this, which... well, make of that what you will.)
Archie's lawyers knew that they didn't have a completely airtight case and obviously did not want to go to jail. So they decided to settle instead of going to trial in front of a jury.
(I will reiterate that Archie's arguments not working out is overall a GOOD thing, because we really do not want to set a legal precedent where corporations can "lose" a contract for a creator, make up a story about what was on the contract, and then have that hold up in court. They gotta get that shit in writing. And they didn't. They fucked up!)
#2: Sega was threatening to revoke the Sonic license!
As we knew, Sega wanted nothing to do with the comic copyright lawsuit. To them, it was Archie's job as licensee to deal with their freelancers. (Y'all watch Succession? You know how Logan loves lackeys who will eat shit for him without him having to even hear about the problem? Yeah.) And, in fact, according to Ken, Sega gave Archie an ultimatum: if they wanted their license to make Sonic comics renewed, they were gonna have to deal with Ken on their own, and cover all the costs.
Yeah, uh, this kinda makes me think that Sega being pissed about the ongoing Scott Fulop copyright case in 2016 may have been a bigger factor in Archie Sonic's cancellation than I previously thought. There was a lot going on at the time that could have contributed, but, y'know.
Anyway, Archie sued Ken for "damaging their business" largely because Sega was threatening to take away the Sonic IP. But because Archie couldn't ask Sega for help and they couldn't produce an original contract, they had to settle.
There's another detail I find funny here, though. Ken WANTED Sega to get involved in the comic copyright case, thinking that Sega would strongarm Archie into paying him the millions of dollars he wanted for "using his work without permission" so that they could be done with it. I mean, sure. I guess Sega wouldn't have cared about Archie's finances, but still. I'm not so sure that would've worked out for him.
#3: Shade!
Yes, Penders still claims he legally owns Shade, and under advice from his lawyer still intends to put out an NFT of her to put his claim to the test. Yes, it's incredible that he still hasn't put out the damn NFT. It only needs to be one image, which he already drew! The market has collapsed!
Anyway, building an argument off the legal concept of estoppel, he says that if Sega continues to not do anything about his claims that he owns Shade then, in the eyes of the court, they'll be forfeiting their claims to Shade altogether. But they aren't going to do anything because they never wanted any part in the copyright battles in the first place, and to them Chronicles is a long dead asset not worth fighting over. Why bother trying to use Shade again and giving Ken a reason to take them back to court when they can just move on? It's not like this franchise is short on characters. And so Ken can say that Shade and Julie-Su are literally the same character, and if he owns Julie-Su then therefore he also owns Shade.
Our copyright system is, indeed, a nightmare. Chronicles should have been halfway to the public domain by now.
#4: Sega's oversight on the Archie comics!
Ken says that in his first year on the series Sega only requested some dialogue changes here and there through the editor. They never requested huge script changes, and also never spoke to Ken directly. After that first year, they stopped asking for dialogue changes altogether, and Ken "had a free hand to do pretty much whatever he wanted." Yeah, no surprise there.
He does, however, say that Archie's original deal with Sega stated that they weren't allowed to create ANY new Sonic characters without informing Sega. They would've needed to make a contract every single time to get Sega's approval and make it absolutely crystal clear that Sega owned the whole cast. And then Archie just... didn't do that! And didn't tell any of the freelance creatives not to come up with new characters! Had Archie followed this rule, the trajectory of the comics would have been completely different, but there also never would've been a copyright battle in the first place.
What a shitshow. Truly.
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vampirevatican · 5 months
nsfw levi headcanons, bc the thoughts won't stop...
long forked tongue.
he has a snake and water motif, yeah?
he's a water type, yeah??
he's a serpent. so for important reasons, he has a forked tongue and a dual dong
it's like a snake's wee wee anatomy, so yes phallic but very tentacle and wiggly
he can sheath and unsheath his hemipeen
so... does he look a bit like a ken doll with it sheathed?? yes, and ofc there's a slight lump there and if you rub it you'll awaken the peni
now if you're wondering my thoughts on size?? he's pretty average, i wanna say 5 inches
and listen if that's not enough im sorry but, dude is blessed with TWO and if anyone has something bigger than average??? it's gotta be diavolo and/or beel
anyway, can he unhinge his jaw you ask!? why yes, yes ofc he can.
how else is he supposed to fit that long, flexible, forked tongue in his mouth
his tail, you ask?! ofc, thiccest where it connects at the base of his spine and tapers to a point.
can move his tongue pretty fast if you catch my drift
speaking about his mouth... yes he has shark teeth and ofc he's careful with them and warns you before things get too heated
so when it slides in... he makes sure to do it nice and slow.... unless y'all are doing more than one round or you're already loose
yes he is a sub and simp boy but also he can be very rough if desperately horny and possessive, so be careful
masochist. there's no other way to say it. dude gets off on having his peni stepped on and being degraded
though ofc he only takes the degrading from you, and mainly in steamy situations
perv too. i said it before and i'll say it again, mfer would sniff your undies and shudder in delight.
fantasies about you being his little cam whore, but just for him. he is the avatar of envy after all.
cosplay sex?? oh it happens. yes i am saying this because of brief and panty, don't look at me like that.
sexting?? that's when he can be his most confident and dominant, because he doesn't have to physically see you and overthink his actions
even better do rp chats with him, with y'all's fave pairings?? oooh wee, after a certain point if you show up at his door be prepared to be pulled in so fast and to stay in his room til midnight or the next morning
very much a pushover, so when ur the dom anything you say goes.
when he's dom he enjoys every second of your submissive compliance, it really boosts his ego
okay... to finish this off. no he is not buff or built. yes he has demon strength and because of his body type being on the lean, kinda scrawny side he's got that secret build going for him.
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strongheartneteyam · 8 months
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[ credits of the Neteyam pic go to cinetrix ]
Champagne Problems
Part 6
Pairing: Neteyam Sully x female!human!reader
CW: a lot of angst, tension between neteyam and reader, heartbroken neteyam, sexual tension, heartbroken reader, insecure neteyam, jealous reader, neteyam just won't leave reader's head, hurt/comfort (?), TRIGGER WARNING for some sensitive themes like reader showing signs of low self steem and not thinking she's worth it, friend group dynamic among reader, adeline and kate, kiri being sweet, reader misses neteyam and regrets dumping him, reader thinks she's protecting neteyam from hurt by staying away from him, spider makes an appearance, kiri being protective over neteyam's feelings, reader tells kiri she likes neteyam. Tell me if there's more, pls.
Here I come, finally updating this incredibly angsty fanfiction :') I hope y'all enjoy this. Writing this fic breaks my heart, guys… it feels raw, honestly. Maybe I'm just speaking like this bc I'm on my period + I'm listening to a sad Taylor Swift song but omg my heart aches rn
Not proofread. I'm sorry, babies, I'm dead rn. So freaking sleepy and finishing this at 5 am bc my mind just wouldn't let me sleep and kept forcing me to think about and write this chapter.
Part 5: The sand hurts my feelings
It hits different 'cause it's you
I used to switch out these Kens, I'd just ghost
Rip the Band-Aid off and skip town like an asshole outlaw
Freedom felt like summer then on the coast
Now the sun burns my heart and the sand hurts my feelings
And I never don't cry at the bar
Yeah, my sadness is contagious
Hits Different (Taylor Swift)
"Hey." Neteyam greeted you in a dry tone. He found it hard to look into your eyes so he just gazed rapidly into them and then kept his eyes on the ground.
His heart was broken, aching and his pride was shattered. Neteyam hated to see everybody around him looking at him with pity in their faces, knowing that he had been dumped by the girl he loved. He wondered if the boys - Lo'ak, Rotxo and Ao'nung - looked down on him now. Neteyam suddenly felt like he was not a good hypothetical mate. He had always thought he would make a good, reliable and loving mate to the girl he would one day choose to be his but you made him start doubting that after last night. He knew it was probably stupid but still he couldn't seem to get rid of those feelings.
You tried to hide your uneasiness but it was written all over your face.
"Hi." You answered Neteyam, your heart pounding in your chest, anxiety leaving your hands cold.
The pain you were causing Neteyam could be easily seen in the way his jaw clenched, in the way he weirdly looked insecure instead of confident as he always seemed to be. You wanted to say "I'm sorry", you wanted to say "Maybe I did the wrong thing when I refused to become your mate" but you had seen him with Munì. It was useless now, anyway.
Lo'ak looked at Neteyam, then back at you and then he would redo the whole thing all over again, like he was waiting for the both of you to exchange more words. Poor thing. He seemed even more tense than Neteyam and you.
"Rotxo, Ao'nung" Neteyam rapidly called, looking now at the Metkayina boys "Tonowari is waiting for us. Clan business." His voice was serious and seemed slightly annoyed, his face stern 
You wondered if Neteyam said "clan business" instead of giving more detail because you were sitting there too and he was mad at you. Well, you didn't blame him if that's how he felt. You deserved it. You could have been nicer to him this morning.
"Let's go!" Lo'ak spoke loudly, like he was trying to get out of that awkward situation as fast as he could
"Chill out, forest boy. We're going." Ao'nung teased and Rotxo laughed 
"I'm Metkayina now, fish lips. Stop calling me that." Lo'ak responded 
Frenemies indeed.
The boys left and your gaze was fixed on Neteyam's back as he walked away next to the other Metkayina. As you looked down at the beach floor, you wished that ache inside you would just vanish but life doesn't work that way.
When you looked up, you saw Tsireya's and Kiri's big feline eyes fixed on your face. It scared the crap out of you. They seemed even wider now.
"What?!" You sounded legitimately startled
"Neteyam told me and Lo'ak he was gonna ask you to be his mate at the party." Kiri stated
"And how the hell did every person in this tribe find out about that? Did he tell them too?" You didn't mean to sound rude but you really were overwhelmed by the situation
"It's just me, my brother and Rotxo. Only we know, other than Kiri and Lo'ak. My stupid brother overheard Kiri asking Neteyam how it had went, what answer you had given to Neteyam and he told Rotxo. I saw them laughing like idiots and asked what was so funny. That's when Ao'nung told me." Tsireya said, like she was sorry about the fact that so many people knew about yours and Neteyam's intimate business
The day after that, you and the girls went back to Hell's Gate. You decided it was better to leave things the way they were. To let Neteyam have a nice, healthy and proper relationship with someone of his own kind. Like your father always used to say, na'vi and humans will never be equal. But he meant it in a derogatory way, with prejudice against the na'vi in his words while you meant something totally different. It was just natural that na'vi would marry other na'vi, not a human. The differences between both cultures did not just speak loud, they actually shouted like a mad person. You knew you could never get accustomed to being a na'vi male's mate. Not even if that male was Neteyam and just thinking about leaving him behind, thinking that you felt absolutely nothing for him, made you feel a burning, painful sensation in your heart. And of course Neteyam would be better off with an emotionally stable mate. Munì seemed perfect for him. 
You totally did not feel anger boiling inside your guts anytime you thought about her stupid smiles and giggles back when she was talking to him at the beach. She would make him happy and you were totally happy for them. The next step for you would be actually believing the words you just thought.
One month and a few days had passed. You felt grateful that you had been able to dodge all the demands to go conduct scientific researches on the Metkayina tribe that you had received until now, asking to exchange positions with colleagues and staying in the lab, doing paperwork instead. You were doing everything in your power to avoid Neteyam. But you could never seem to be able to avoid the pain that washed over your body and the tears that wanted to come out - but never actually did because you were always strong enough to hold them back - whenever a sad love song started playing in your earbuds or in one of your friend's phones. It seemed like every fucking dumb love song reminded you of him.
After Kiri sent you a message almost begging you to go visit her, making you feel guilty and saying that she missed you a lot and now that she had her own marui, you just had to go to the reef and see it, you couldn't say "no". She was being too adorable and you missed her too. You asked Kiri if Kate and Adeline could come along and she excitedly agreed, so, the three of you used your next couple of days off to travel to the Metkayina beach again. It was a blessing that Neteyam had traveled to the Omatikaya tribe to see his grandmother Mo'at and was gonna be gone for a while, as Kiri had guaranteed you.
Kiri always had a very human side to her, just like Lo'ak. Neteyam didn't even seem like he was half human at times. He was extremely proud to be na'vi and wore his indigenous culture with honor all over himself. You could never see Neteyam asking to have his own place. He was too attached to his family - and you thought that was extremely cute. It wasn't traditional amongst the na'vi for an unmated young girl to leave her family's marui like that but Kiri was clever and she found a way to get what she wanted out of her parents.
Adeline, Kate and you woke up as early as the Pandoran skies got clear and dragged your sleepy and tired asses to the Metkayina tribe. Being a scientist would never not leave a person overworked and exhausted. Like most mornings, you had drank way too much caffeine already for such an early hour in the day.
"Girl, how do you always look so beautiful? I could never." You pointed out as you watched Adeline make two thin braids to frame her round, delicate face and put her black curly hair in a voluminous bun on the top of her head, while the both of you were inside the science team's helicopter, heading to the Metkayina reef.
You had always found Adeline extremely pretty with her dark skin, voluptuous figure and feminine style. She always made sure to look cute.
"I don't know. I guess I'm God's favorite." She joked around and the both of you started to laugh
Adeline was also funny. She could put a smile in your face anytime, even when you were sad. You considered her a sister from another mother.
"You guys are stupid." Kate teased as she was laughing too and holding an energy drink filled with caffeine in her pale hand. She'd drink those often to help wake her up.
Kate's long, blonde, wavy hair fell gracefully over her chest. Her eyes were blue and she was tall and had an athletic but slim body. Damn, you only had breathtaking friends.
Kate and Adeline had decided to take a nap after lunch in Kiri's marui and they asked if you would come too but you refused as you were far too restless to be able to sleep. That beach brought back too many memories…
So, now you found yourself sitting in the sand, watching the ocean waves break as they hit the shore with Kiri by your side. She had managed to make you say the truth about why you seemed so troubled.
"Yeah, (y/n), you fucked up big time." Kiri stated with that aura of wisdom beyond her years that only herself knew how to effortlessly exude.
You wanted to dig a hole in the sand under your feet and jump inside of it, hiding and never coming back up again. Of course you'd fuck it up with Neteyam. You had a cursed tendency to self sabotage. You did not know if being so freaking aware of it made you better or if it actually made you worse.
"Are you mad at me?" You ask nervously with furrowed eyebrows 
"(y/n)! It's not my feelings that you should be worried about! It's not my heart that you broke." Kiri scolded you as she looked at you with those big feline yellow eyes like she was actually horrified. You felt so bad for thinking it was kind of funny. "I know you don't wanna be Neteyam's mate but do you not care about him at all? Not even a little bit? He hasn't been the same ever since you dumped him and left. Poor thing can barely go train with dad. I think I saw him sniffing while hiding one of these days. Eywa knows that prideful teylu" (edible Pandoran bug) "would never cry in front of us."
"I swear I didn't mean to be cruel. I just did not know… how to react. It was sudden, you know? It's like, I don't know… a cultural shock? Humans don't go around asking people they just met to marry them. Or… become their mates." It would never feel normal to say "mates" to you
Apparently you had acted just like Kat Stratford in 10 Things I Hate About You, when she would cold heartedly refuse Patrick Verona over and over again. You used to always watch that vintage movie with Tracy. It was one of her favorites. 
"Don't act like it was the first time you two had met. Neteyam stared at you all the time when you came to our tribe. I swear to Eywa I've never seen him nervous to talk to a girl before but you have a power over my brother… it's fucking crazy to watch actually. He's like a needy, dumb dog drooling over you when he looks at you. It's even freaky." Kiri couldn't hold it back so she burst into laughter, hiding her mouth with her big but delicate hand
You were nervous as fuck but you started to laugh too. It seemed like the nervousness and guilt and tense vibe of the situation only made it worse, making everything even more funny and absurd.
"You know the worst part of it all?" You looked at her like a child who just broke their mom's most precious vase
"Great Mother, don't tell me there's more." Kiri said, incredulous
"I think I like Neteyam." You confessed like you were a good catholic girl confessing her sins to a priest
"You like him?!" She almost screamed
"You don't need to declare it out loud for the whole reef to hear!" You got slightly mad
"You teylu!" She smirked as she moved her head from side to side in disapproval "Why the hell did you dump him then?"
"I don't know, Kiri. Don't judge me, okay?" You put both your hands over your face, hiding it and moving your head from side to side yourself this time. 
At least you knew your attitude had been controversial and confusing to say the least. They say the first steps to recovery are realizing and admitting you're insane.
It was now eclipse. You were inside Kiri's home with her and your human friends. Kate and Adeline were finishing unpacking their bags.
"Guys, I'm going out for some fresh air, okay?" You said, trying to find an excuse to get out of that marui filled with girls - human and na'vi.
"You've been acting weird lately." Adeline pointed out "Spending too much time alone."
Kiri discreetly looked at you with a look of concern in her face, as she was the only one of the girls who knew the reason behind your strange demeanor.
"I just need some air. I'll be back soon." You spoke as you walked towards the door of the marui
"Don't go in the ocean! It could be dangerous!" Kate yelled. She was the "mom friend" of the group.
"I know!" You laughed "I'm not stupid. I'm a scientist too. But thanks for your concern."
You walked through the beach for a while, trying to take a certain tall, handsome blue alien out of your mind when you saw Spider walking in the area too. He waved at you and you waved back.
You weren't as close to Spider as you were to Kiri and Lo'ak but you did love his company.
You sat on the sand with him, looking at the ocean, just like you had done with Kiri earlier and you two started to catch up and eventually the talk got deeper, more philosophical.
"Don't you feel crazy, Spider? Living among beings of another species? Don't you feel… left out?" Your eyes looked at him with genuine doubt in them
"I do, sometimes." He sighs "Especially because of how Mrs Sully acts towards me, at times" the both of you laughed quickly "But this place is my home. I was born in Pandora, I know nowhere else that I could call home. And also, I grew up around Lo'ak, Kiri, Neteyam and Tuk. They're family to me, even if not related by blood. It doesn't really matter in the end, family are the ones who are there for you. Not your bloodline." 
"Oh my God, I totally agree!" You rapidly say in a slight loud tone, chuckling, like you wanted to emphasize how much you shared the same opinion with him
"So..." You pondered if you should tell him or not "Neteyam talked to me last-"
"Yeah, I know. Ao'nung told me." Spider interrupted
"Of course he did..." You rolled your eyes and sighed. So everybody knew already...
Spider chuckled softly.
"Anyways, Neteyam calls me tawtute. I think it's funny that he calls me "human", but in na'vi"
"Yeah, that's him being affectionate towards you. He likes you. A lot." Spider pointed out
You stoped smiling and your heart started feeling painful.
"He probably hates me now, actually. I totally blew it off. I was really insensitive towards him." Shame and regret covered your face, as you were crestfallen
"Have you ever thought about apologizing?"
"Yeah, of course I have. Many times. I just…" You hesitated "I guess I can't face him now."
"Oh, c'mon. I know you can do it. Isn't it worse to be feeling guilty and sad and let Neteyam think you don't feel sorry for hurting him?"
"You have a point, Spider. God, I hate it when you're right." You laughed and slapped his arm softly, in a playful manner
Adeline and Kate slept peacefully next to you, each one of them in a different mat - but the three mats had been placed next to the other. You, on the other hand, hadn't been able to sleep well in almost two months. Kiri told you and the girls she was gonna stay up and she now was, at the corner of the marui, making herself a new beaded necklace in the light of a tiny fire she had lit up.
As you laid quietly in your mat with your eyes closed but wide awake, you heard footsteps inside the marui. You could not believe it when you opened your eyes and you saw it was Neteyam. His tall, slender figure and head full of thin braids that danced in the air as he moved made you recognize him immediately, even in the dark of the eclipse.
Damn! Wasn't he supposed to be in the Omatikaya tribe right now? And what the hell was he even doing here instead of going to his parents' marui?
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localityghost · 2 years
how would the tokyo revengers cast do in no nut November
An|| People people! Have you seen the ask? Looks like I gotta get to writing! Also, everyone's aged up so do enjoy! I sort of rushed this post I'm sorry I wanted to make sure I didn't post it on December 1st
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Of course Toman's up!
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Manjiro Sano
Mikey thought it would be a good idea since everyone else was doing it little did he know that now that he had a significant other it was going to be hard sure you were his girlfriend back then but now heh yeah he was failing for sure
Mikey was deep inside you pressing you over the counter as hips rutted into you shit! It had been two weeks it was only November 11th! But nope Manjiro couldn't hold it in anymore "Mikey please s-slow down!" you pleaded but it fell on deaf ears as he continued pressing kisses against your neck as he licked and bit it causing you to spasm around him eyes rolling to the back of your head as you could no longer think straight from the way he was rutting into like a rabid dog or a lion in heat you were like water and he had been wandering in a desert for far too long he didn't care if you begged him to stop as well as not caring about the way your legs were shaking and threatening to give out yeah it was a rough day that week.
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Ken Ryuguji
Sooo...our boy Draken or Ken-chin, our Kenny boy heh heh...he didn't last especially with you and Emma around him 24/7! How could he relax when you two are basically asking for it He and Emma have been crushing on you since they were kids and when you 3 got married it was heaven for Draken from then on. Of course he wanted to prove himself able to survive no nut November but alas he failed on the last week...
Emma just had happened to brush up on him and that was his first straw I mean come on it's Emma! But then on top of that, she fell right on top of you he stared at you both cock aching in his pants he saw how nicely you two looked together the way your breasts pressed together when you were on top of each other and that was the cake that took the frosting for Draken "Bed, now" both you and Emma were confused and boy oh boy! was it an experience. Draken had you bouncing on his cock kissing Emma as he fingered her and of course, he made sure he was giving attention to your puffy clit as well. He then broke the kiss with Emma having you both on all fours for him "Gonna fuck you two so full of my kids" and after that, you were both pregnant looks like Drakens expecting soon!
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GAH DAMN THIS MAN IS FINEEEEE! Mitsuya isn't one to participate in these types of activities but let's just say he did and man oh man was that his mistake
Mitsuya was making clothing as usual for you to model it's November 29th and he was making it strong but god...when you put on that dress it was over. Mitsuya was creating a new fashion line and wanted you to be his model, you were his wife after all, and the way the dress hugged you showing off your curves and clothing your thighs just right was enough to send him "Baby come here for a second? I need to do some readjustments" he said as you walked over humming innocently "So what are the readjustment fo-" you were cut off by Mitusya kissing you passionately as he worked his hands up your dress all the way to your panties "Taka-chan...what about..?" He shushed you kissing your neck as pushed the dress straps down to cup your breasts "That challenge is stupid anyways...need you now" he said licking your neck in that one sensitive spot as he rutted his hips against...ALL WHILE IN HIS WORKSPACE! It's gonna be smelling like you for a bit...
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Chifuyu Matsuno
Y'all already know bro! I can definitely see Chifuyu being a switch I'm sorry I just can! Well no more like soft dom Chifuyu he tries to do No Nut November and the poor thing just misses the feel of your plush thighs around him :(
It was a week since he made that stupid bet that he knew he couldn't handle you knew how much he wanted his head to be crushed between your thick thighs and how he wanted to fondle your chest but god! Why would he make such a stupid ass bet?! He knows how you have him pussy drunk every time you offer yourself to him like come on! Chifuyu eventually couldn't do it anymore and found himself between your thighs eating you out and giving you kitten licks as you pushed him down but he kept in place "Just a little longer...just hold on f'me ok?" you nodded whimpering as he received an orgasm from you not wanting to miss a single drop and that was the part where he lost all his senses standing up straight to release his hard cock "Gonna put it in ok?"
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Kazutora Hanemiya
KAZU MY BELOVED! He's definitely a thighs guy in fact he loves every part of you from head to toe! ^^
Kazutora only did it because you asked but the poor thing just can't be separated from how soft your skin is and how you give him that cute look when he fucks you raw since he loves the way you feel around him...and he only survived about 3 weeks before you accidentally fell on him one day and just happened to trigger his hard-on...in which he took you in the back and fucked you like he was on some sort of drugs "S-So tight hun...I don't think I could stay away from you for much longer~..." he said in a sweet tone as he rammed you from behind "K-Kazu-!" you try to call out but he quickly shushes you with a kiss as he bites your neck earning a whimper from you "Shhh...Baji will hear us unless..." he chuckled "That's what you want~..."
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Baji Keisuke
Baji-Sannnn~! He deserved better but anyways onto my uh *cough cough* grinddddd
Baji thought No Nut November was a dumb thing but you teased him about not wanting to because he couldn't do it which he reprimanded you for saying that and so he vowed he would get through the month his famous last words "Tch...watch you'll be on your knees begging for me to fuck you!" and then in return, he only lasted 2 days...because you were wearing a virgin sweater Emma bought you and modeling it for yourself in the mirror when he walked in on you and soon found yourself pushed up against mirror with Baji's cock deep inside you "Yeah...you like that huh?" he thrusted in you again "Like being my little slut? This cunt belongs to me yeah?" he slapped your ass causing you to moan out "Y-Yes Keisuke~! All yours mmm~...promise!" you only fueled the fire as he forced you to look at your erotic face in the mirror as he made your eyes roll to the back of your head with every thrust of his cock inside you "My little slut~...heh got you going dumb on my cock~!" he said with a laugh slapping your ass again as he started thrusting more violently touching your g-spot but not intentionally as he laughed "Want my kids inside~? I'll definitely fulfill that wish~..."
Sorry, it's short hun! I wanted to get this out for you as soon as possible!
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respectthepetty · 5 months
Pit Babe Colors Ep. 12 The Black Parade Episode
I'm challenging myself with this show and seeing how good my color skills really are, so I'm doing my normal thing of watching it double-speed on mute, but now, the captions are off also. It's just colors and vibes here. Y'all done told be EVERYTHING, so I know the entire plot now.
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I thought it wasn't just sweat last week but knowing he is actually crying as he thinks about their past did immediate damage to me, and now they are ALL standing there in the dark with Way and Pete highlighted by the blue, and, and, and . . . Kentana are you gonna die? You and Waymond are stressing me the fuck out!
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Now that I know they are both enigmas, I can't see them the same. Are they using their superpowers on each other right now? Are they reading each other's minds? Are they trying to figure out how to get Kentana back, so they can make this poly?
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Kentana, how many times are you going to have this man spit in your face before you realize that he ain't shit? Go to your room, turn on Billie Eilish's "Happier Than Ever" and really hear it. "Never told anyone anything bad cause that shit's embarrassing. You were my everything, and all that you did was make me fucking sad."
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The blue keys in front of the red product placement is all I need to be reminded that this show refuses to allow me peace.
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Shocking absolutely fucking nobody, Kentana did not listen to "Happier Than Ever"
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And now someone is gonna die because there are only so many ways for you and Waymundo to redeem yourselves, and if you have Jeffrey in all black, I'm worried it's gonna be your funeral we will be planning next, Kentana.
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There is one episode left and I am death gripping the one time Vegas' Hedgehog wore blue because I will never get it again. I hate them.
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Real question: Is Barbie pregnant? I know he is sad Charles is "dead" *eye roll* but he is taking pills, getting fruit thrown at him, and staring out into space. I would love to believe he is going through his Edward-left-Bella-so-she-was-super-duper-sad era, but now that I know pregnancy is on the table, that's all I can see.
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Oh, thank goodness! Someone actually has a tracker on his phone! But Kimberly has been kidnapped, caught up in human trafficking, and is now beating up children. Bro, what was your life before it all went to shit? Do you ever call your mom and tell her these are your friends now? Are you even still racing? Nevermind. Go catch those kids.
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The problem with black is the shades. Waymond's jacket looks green. Peter's pants look blue. And yet it still feels like we are preparing for a funeral. A real one this time. Not fake like someone else's *cough* Charles *cough*
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Kentana, are you betraying Jeffrey as Big Red watches? Or are you asking him how Peter's been? Has he been well, without you? Is he dating anyone? What is his status with Way? Well, Jeffrey wouldn't know, but Peter x Waymond could be poly if you get out of that fucking house and stop kidnapping people!
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Going from Kentana in that House of Horrors to Pete looking like this makes me understand why Kentana is out there kidnapping people. I'd feel some type of way too if my childhood crush looked like this and was getting chummy with a dude who looked like Way Way. Damn.
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What the hell is this?! The cover of a boy band album? A meeting to discuss poly? The Thai version of Barbie where Ken(tana) explains why he won't leave the Mojo Dojo Casa House? AND WHY ARE ALL OF YOU WEARING BLACK?! Someone is gonna die.
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Did Big Red know Kentana went to see Barbie and the other Kens?! Was he sent there by Big Red?! Kentana is really breaking my heart on his knees hugging this man like this. I want to slap Kentana all the time, but I also want to hug him and tuck him into bed with a moon nightlight calmly lighting up the room.
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Let's stick him in a video game, so he can learn to love himself.
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Push him down the stairs, Kentana! Do it. PLEASE! Shoulder check his ass at least.
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Oh Lord, NO! Waymond, do not take a fucking bullet for anyone. You canNOT die by Whiny Winifred's bullet. I refuse to let you go out like that. You finally used your powers for good, but this is not the time to die.
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This is Mission Kim Possible all over again! How do you not grab the damn bag?! Waymundo looks so damn good in his suit, so thank God he is still alive, but what the fuck guys?! One job! SECURE. THE. BAG.
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I hate how good everyone looks in black because I keep swinging through emotions. I'm terrified for everyone yet very attracted to everyone. All the guys connected to Big Red have been in black this episode regardless if it was their color or not, so I'm hoping that means the funeral will be Big Red's.
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A cult meeting, in this economy? Villains make the dumbest decisions.
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Waymond has some white on . . . over black. Please Mary, mother of God, do not let him do something stupid.
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Alan, did you just say "eff them kids"? No. Not my Alan. He'll be back for them. Right. Right?
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Peter is gonna Regina George his way into this Halloween party that he was not invited to just to cause some havoc. Mad respect.
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How the hell did Charles get there?! Did Barbie's dad tell him to go to the cult meeting? Dressed like that though? Did his spidey sense go off? So many questions, but all I know is Kentana better let them go, so he doesn't have to die.
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Whiny Winifred better not get better at aiming in the final episode because I still need both of these two to wear blue TOGETHER.
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WAYMOND, NO!!!!!!!!!!
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Good to know it only took being kidnapped twice and (possibly) someone dying for Jeffrey to finally commit to the blue.
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My nerves are wrecked. There was too much black this episode. Someone is going to die, and as much as I want it to be Big Red, I just don't feel good that Kentana is still on his bullshit, and Waymond keeps jumping in front of guns. Peter needs both of his boyfriends to live.
Also, Barbara, I already know you are immediately going to hug Charles next week, instead of having a moment to be pissed all the way off at him like you should be, so I'm going to start meditating on that right now. I've been mad at Charles the entire season, so I'll hold this grudge for both of us in the finale.
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reveluving · 8 months
if the skirt fits ; andy barber x reader
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summary: Andy finds a little secret of yours.
warnings: heavily implied s~mut; costume kink (minors DNI!), familial fluff & mild humour!
a/n: you don't know how happy I am for finally sharing this piece with y'all, considering how it has been collecting dust in my drafts since LAST YEAR, but here it is; one of my earliest ideas for the series! don’t forget to leave some sugar! ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ
» wanna know what I have in store this fall? come & check out my m.list for 'reve's quirky reverie 🕷️'!
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“It fits you perfectly,” He purred, almost deep in thought—probably in his own fantasy, “So perfectly.” ;
"You could dress up as Jason?" You suggested what might’ve been the seventh costume idea since the drive home from dinner at the Thai restaurant nearby. 
"Done that." Jacob replied as he leaned forward from his seat to talk to you and his father.
"I feel like everyone's dressing up as Spiderman this year." 
"But not everyone's going to dress up as the same one." You had a point, considering how you and his dad were the first victims of his Spiderverse fixation since the second movie was released, so you knew what you were talking about.
"I guess,” Jacob thought for a moment before falling back in his seat, taking your idea into consideration, “I guess I just want something… different." 
"If you want different, then we could get you one of those inflatable dinosaur costumes on the internet." Andy held a playful look even as his eyes remained on the road.
"Very funny, dad." His son grumbled, despite fighting back his own smile.
"Aw, cheer up, Jake. You've got time." You reassured him. 
“Yeah… And I’m not too worried. The store next to Aunt Sarah’s bakery got some cool stuff when I bought last year’s costume,” Jacob mused before asking you, "What about you, mom? Have you thought of a costume yet?" 
Ah, mom. Even after all this time, you and Andy will never get tired of him calling you that.
"Mmm, not yet. But when I do, I'll make sure you're the first to know." You and Jacob shared a smile in the rear-view mirror, only to be interrupted by Andy clearing his throat.
"Uh, you're gonna tell him first and not me?" He cocked his head, feigning disbelief.
"Of course. You lost that privilege when you suggested Jake the dinosaur costume." You and Jacob laughed as Andy dramatically groaned, telling you ‘I didn’t mean it’ in an angsty teenager tone.
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"I am not dressing up Ken." Andy answered, removing his watch and leaving it on the vanity table.
"Oh, c'mon, Cowboy Barber has a nice ring to it." You said with a lilt. 
"And where exactly am I going to find a Western shirt in my size?" He quirked an eyebrow at you.
"We could always ask the Flags. Her husband might have one hidden somewhere."
"Just because we've seen him with a cowboy hat last Halloween?" He remembered seeing him wearing one during the community party at the park.
"You'd never know. Barbie and Ken are safer than your recommendation." You opened the closet without taking your accusatory eyes off him.
"What's wrong with a devil and an angel?" 
"Andy." Surely he could tell how ridiculous he sounded. 
"It's… easy…? And you'd look really good in it." He tried to persuade you, standing next to you.
"At a party full of kids?" You weren't sure how the parents that were a little more… conservative would feel about their kids' teacher dressing up like that.
"I didn't say it was for Wilson's party. It's for our afterparty," He wiggled his brows, "Just you and me while Jake stays over at the Wilson's." 
You snorted. How cheesy of him.
"Wilson's party first, then whatever you want after," You turned back to the hanging clothes, "And besides, you should be the devil, not me." 
That wasn't a no.
"You know what," He pursed his lips, already considering your idea—especially with the black suit he knew you'd melt over, plus a red tie before dodging the swat of your hand with a laugh. Just then, he noticed you'd been searching for something for a while, unbuttoning his cuffs and folding his sleeves before asking, “Need some help?”
“I can’t find my panties. The baby blue ones.” You frowned.
“The one with the lace?” He asked, prompting you to nod, “I mean, as much as I love seeing you in those, you know I don’t mind you without any in the first place.”
“Nice try, Barber," You narrowed your eyes at him, gesturing to the drawers in front of him before you rummaged through the pile of folded clothes on the bottom rack, “Help me search the drawers, please.”
He did as he was told, looking through the first stack before moving on to the next.
There was little progress in your searches but your curiosity was only piqued when out of the corner of your eye, Andy was looking closely at something.
“Did you find it?”
He took a quick breath before answering, “No, but I did find something better.” 
You furrowed your brows, standing up to ask what he meant by that until you caught sight of the familiar skirt he held.
Plaid, grey and extremely short.
Uh oh.
You clasped your hands together in front of your tummy as you stared at the microskirt with wide eyes. You were even failing to notice him slowly breaking into a smirk. He didn’t stop there, reaching into the drawer he was looking into with his other hand to take out the matching tie. Your lips parted, darting your eyes between the article of clothing and the smug look on his face.
“I can explain,” You finally spoke up, your voice softer than you hoped for.
“Please, do,” He held the ends of the untied tie with both hands, “Because I’m pretty sure these are too small to be mine.”
Oh, he was going to have some fun with this.
“Well, it’s, y’know,” You moved your hands around, only to silently plea for him to understand without having you say it, “Andy, c’mon. You know what it is.”
It wasn’t enough for him, though, raising his brows and encouraging you to continue. 
He was clearly enjoying this. A whole lot. 
“It’s my old costume.”
He hummed, appraising the garment as he immediately imagined what you would look like in it, “So my pretty girl has a dirty secret of her own. Did you break any necks when you pranced around the neighbourhood in this?” 
“In my defence, I only wore that once, when I was in college, so,” You corrected him, recalling the party you attended in your final year. 
“So, you broke college boys’ necks.” 
“I didn’t say that,” You shook your head in amusement, “I just didn’t have the heart to give it away. It was just one of those rare times where I truly enjoyed living in the city.” 
Though the city wasn’t far from Reve Road, and hell, you’ve even thought about moving back once or twice in your earlier days, truthfully, you haven’t been there in ages, and thank goodness, too. What would life be like if you hadn’t stayed, made a name in the peaceful neighbourhood and met the Barbers?
"Do you miss it?" 
"Sometimes," You mustered a small smile, though it didn't quite reach your eyes, "But I had my fun. Grew up to be a city girl, earned my degree and let out my ‘wilder’ side a couple of times. But I love it here more, and if I want to keep my job, the last thing my students and my son need to see when they go trick-or-treating is their Literature teacher in this." 
You shared a hearty laugh. Your wonders about who or what you could’ve been if you stayed in the city were nothing more than a mere curiosity, and even then, it hardly mattered to you now.
“Wouldn’t hurt to relive the old days here in our room.” Oh?
"You can't be serious," You chuckled nervously, "It might not even fit." 
You were lying—you barely looked any different from your college years. You just weren’t sure if you were ready to see his reaction over such scandalous attire.
"All the more reason to try it," He replied confidently, closing the gap between the two of you. His voice deepened as he whispered, "C’mon. You can be a good girl for me, can’t you?" 
Like the gentleman he was, he used your weakness against you.
You knew you were done for when you gulped under his intense stare, cocking his head in the bathroom’s direction. 
You snatched the garments out of his grasp, the ‘deathly’ glare on your face contrasted with his conceited one as you obtained the shirt that came with it out of the same drawer. He continued to hold your gaze even as you closed the door.
Once you were alone, you couldn’t help but let out a silent scream.
You were too embarrassed to even face the mirror as you got dressed, not until you slid on the last piece—the skirt before turning around to look at yourself. You could barely acknowledge the coincidence of covering your face with your hands like a bumbling schoolgirl.
Because that was exactly what you looked like.
You remembered washing the set a couple of times after your first and only wear, and even then, you didn’t think the skirt could shrink that little. Your ass was hanging out of the hem, offering an ample peek at the black bikini brief you had taken with you. 
You came out of the bathroom, ignoring the warmth spreading through your body as you were met with Andy sitting at his side of the bed, shamelessly displaying the prominent tent bulging in his pants.
He hummed in approval before beckoning you to his lap, "Come here." 
You kept your gaze on the ground as you walked over to him, standing in between his legs.
"Come here." He repeated, this time, forcing you to maintain eye contact as he tapped his knee.
You let out the softest whimper, your arms encircling his neck before straddling one of his thick thighs. He rested his hands on your hips, only to run them up and down your body, watching your face already contorting between bashfulness and desire.
“It fits you perfectly,” He purred, almost deep in thought—probably in his own fantasy, “So perfectly.” 
He pulled you closer, bouncing his knee to rub against your clothed sex. Electricity coursed through your body over the not-so-innocent move, your breathing growing heavier by the second as he teased you further.
“But you haven’t answered my question yet. Did they or did they not stare at you when you wore this?”
He rendered you speechless. You were beginning to think your heart might burst out of your chest at any point. 
“I’m sure they did,” A part of him wanted to be annoyed but miffed was a better way to put it. Not at you, though, he could never. You were just trying to have fun and make the most out of what life had to offer. But if he was there to see you in this the first time you had it, likely showing your wilder side, oh, he couldn’t lie and say you wouldn’t catch his eye either. 
“But I guess that doesn’t matter anymore,” His hands slid past the hem, lifting it for him to drink in the sight of your curves, “It’s just you and me now.”
You dropped your head on his shoulder, hoping to stifle the moan that threatened to slip past your lips.
“Just imagine me bending you over the bed so I can get a peak of what’s mine underneath,” He sighed dreamily, smiling when your ass jiggled as he grabbed at and squeezed them, “Or should I throw you on the bed and have you on your knees?”
You didn’t answer, too focused on the way he groped your body until you jumped at the resounding crack and the sting that came with it on your left cheek.
"Does it come with thigh highs?" He asked ever so casually as if he wasn’t straining to have you just as much as you were him.
"I-It did, but… I kinda lost it." 
"That's fine. I can always get you a new one," He nosed your jaw, "In fact, I'll buy you more than just a pair. Maybe match some with your panties." 
You mewled, raising your head and granting him access to your neck. 
“You'd do everything your favourite professor tells you to do, wouldn’t you?” 
“Andy, I–” You nearly called him Professor Barber when the sounds of knocking on your door caused you and your husband to freeze up.
"Mom, dad,” It was Jacob, “I think Beemo's been collecting… socks under the couch?" 
Like a fish out of water, your mind was too blank to respond or even acknowledge the question. Thankfully, Andy was able to do it for you, “We’ll be right there!”
The two of you waited until his footsteps receded before you were able to let out a sigh of relief. Andy, on the other hand, had the audacity to chuckle at you. There was no reason for you to worry about scarring Jacob since Andy had already locked the door.
“Very funny.” You murmured sarcastically, moving off him and loosening the tie, hoping to ignore the ache in between your legs for the time being.
“Hilarious,” He cockily added, standing up with an almost pained groan. He stood behind you before wrapping his arms around your waist, “But this isn’t over.”
You stopped.
“I meant what I said about buying you thigh highs with it. Or better yet, some fishnets because my wife’s not so innocent after all.”
Despite getting cockblocked, he was immensely satisfied to see you shiver.
‘Beemo, are you collecting underwear too?’ You heard Jacob ask the cat incredulously, only for a ‘wait!’, followed by his footsteps going down the stairs, probably chasing the feline with whoever’s briefs or undies he had in his mouth. You could only hope it wasn’t yours.
“And, that’s our cue,” His shoulders slumped, only to growl in your ear, “Wear this for me tomorrow after dinner.” 
He then released you with a big smooch on your cheek, exiting the room to find his son, but not before winking at you.
Leaving you to wonder on your own if he’d throw you on the bed or have you on his lap tomorrow.
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» a/n: now is a good time to say; no, I have yet to come back to the series, but I was too stoked about this event and thought 'hey, this should be the best time!'
» consider it as a mini compensation! but I do want to thank you for still sticking around, just know 'future mrs barber' is nowhere near discontinuing! ;; gorgeous rose divider by @firefly-graphics ♡
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mulletmitsuya · 1 year
Tokyo revengers groupchat (almost everyone, good timeline)
Warnings: swearing, suggestive, shenanigans
Desc: Takemitchy does his weekly check up (on his friends)
Takemitchy: hi everyone❗
Izana: shut up
Takemitchy: ahaha😆😅
Takemitchy: still as hostile as always Izana-kun😂😂😂
Takemitchy: how's everyone doing?
Izana: good if you would shut up
Mikey: leave babygirl alone and let him type his silly sentences Izana 😋
Izana: ...?
Draken: he's married
Mikey: Hina literally said i could call him that🙄
Hina: uhm, not really but it's fine i don't mind Ken-kun😅
Emma: Mikey😐
Emma: get out of Takemitchy and Hina's business
Mikey: stop trying to gatekeep them😒
Mikey: this is discrimination against single people
Rindou: and homosexuals
Rindou: Mitsuya, Hakkai, Ran, you etc
Rindou: praying for y'all
Ran: why is my name always in your mouth
Ran: and you're single 😒
Rindou: by choice🙌
Hakkai: no it's cause of the way you act
Rindou: how do i act?? cool, that's how, tf
Angry: dude, you act like someone who never received love from their parents
Angry: sorry
Smiley: don't apologize after insulting someone lil bro
Smiley: own that shit ❗💯😁
Inupi: can i leave
Mikey: you're very welcome to, actually
Inupi: i think i will stay, actually
Takemitchy: no one leaves guys😂
Baji: damn, can y'all shut the fuck up, i'm studying
Rindou: mute the chat, bozo
Angry: who calls people bozo man :/
Rindou: do you have an issue with me?
Rindou: let's settle this with our bodies
Smiley: 🤨
Angry: no thank you, i don't want to have sex with you
Rindou: you're pissing me off cause you know i meant a fight 😐
Mikey: you didn't word it that way at all
Rindou: no one was talking to you
Rindou: you will never find love and are doomed to watch the ones you love move on and be happy without you
Rindou: how bout them apples
Mikey: bro???
Draken: oddly specific
Rindou: yk what's oddly specific is that big ass forehead you have on you
Rindou: maximum cranium capacity
Rindou: bro thinks he's megamind
Rindou: idk why someone who walks around with one third of their hair is speaking to me rn
Emma: don't be mean😕
Emma: i think his head is proportionate :((
Kazutora: you made it worse
Draken: i didn't even say anything, this was complete unprovoked and now i'm pissed off
Mochi: Rindou stfu
Ran: Rindou chill out
Rindou: maybe chill with your alcohol addiction
Ran: no
Izana: Rindou shut up
Rindou: ...😒
Takemitchy: ok change of topic😂 what r u studying Baji-kun?
Baji: Sawcon
Draken: what's Sawcon?
Baji: Sawcon deez nuts lmao
Draken: yeah i'm done
Kazutora: he's studying Vet
Mitsuya: what's Vet?
Kazutora: being a Vet, duh 🙄
Mitsuya: can you tell me genuinely how the fuck i was supposed to assume that
Baji: Mitsuya just admit you're stupid bro
Mitsuya: k
Mitsuya: i hope you fail the year
Baji: jokes on you, i did
Mitsuya: oh
Mitsuya: my bad
Mikey: 💀
Chifuyu: better luck next year Baji-san
Ran: haven't you said that for the past 6 years
Baji: i have dementia, it's really hard to understand things ok😐
Kazutora: *diabetes
Chifuyu: ...guys
Ran: i chuckled
Smiley: are y'all trolling
Smiley: no way you guys r this fucking stupid
Angry: what are you even trying to say?
Draken: i think he means he's dyslexic
Baji: dyslexic on deez nuts lmao
Draken: i'll fucking kill you
Angry: we should be nice to each other sometimes
Angry: just a thought
Rindou: now that i'm thinking about it
Rindou: you give me autistic vibes
Angry: i'm not that good at painting or drawing but thanks Rindou😠❤👍
Angry: wait ☹️
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the1864thregression · 9 months
Would the ORV characters go to watch the Barbie movie with you?
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Characters : Yoo Joonghyuk, Yoo Sangah, Han Sooyoung, Uriel, Kim Dokja (derogatory)
Warning : contains spoilers for Barbie movie
Yoo Joonghyuk
YES. He'll take along Yoo Mia and Lee Jihye too. The funniest part is he'll also wear a pale pink shirt due to his sister's and lee jihye's insistence. He'll draw gazes EVERYWHERE.
But overall he would like the movie and it's underlying themes. He would also be impressed by how much effort it went into props. Definitely the kind of dude who would listen to you ramble about the movie and would put his own thoughts into your analysis in between.
Would really like the "I'm just Ken" song but will soon grow tired of it because Han Sooyoung kept singing it at every minor problem.
"Why don't you like Ken, Joonghyuk? I thought he would be relatable to you. "
"He brought misogyny to Barbieland. I would never do that."
Yoo Sangah
She would absolutely go with you. I just know she'll rock the barbie-coded outfit
Han Sooyoung
She might also tear up at the Barbie scene at the end, where she sees all the human memories (girl same). Her favorite character would be Barbie. You two will then go to a food court after the movie where you'll spend an hour or so discussing the movie and the layers at which it mirrors the real world.
"Do you think that Barbie was bound to become attracted to the concept of being human the moment she got named after her creator's daughter? I think that —"
She'll say smth like, "Im an Oppenheimer person " to annoy you at first but would go along with you in the end
The type of person who ends up talking too loudly during a movie accidentally, so you'll recieve some disapproving glances.
She'll. Get. Obsessed with the Ken song. She would hum or sometimes outright break into a song after the movie after some minor inconvenience happens.
Hsy : Where's my lemon candy stash??
Yjh : I threw it out. Your brain will rot even more along with that cheap sugar
Hsy : .. Doesn't seem to matter what I do, I'm always number 2, noone knows how hard I tried.. Oh—
Yjh : (tired)
She would be the one to ask you out to the movie. Her excitement would rub off on you and y'all will be positively vibrating with anticipation when the movie starts.
Would also get asked out for photos with some people because she looked absolutely "angelic" with her long golden hair and pink outfit.
You know how some people started to ship Allan with Ken after the movie? Uriel accidentally saw a fan art and immediately jumped on board with the ship.
"All of Ken's clothes fit him!— is such a boyfriend statement tbh, don't you agree (y/n)? "
"... Actually, you're not wrong about that"
Kim Dokja
He wouldn't at first get the hype. He'll just assume it's one of those pop movies that are being popular with their mass marketing and aesthetic.
He was pleasantly surprised.
Would LOVE the underlying satirical themes and the songs. He'll watch the end credits too with you.
Is the type to sometimes look at their partner during the movie and observe their reactions to a particular scene.
Would click instantly with Alan for some reason. (You're not even surprised)
"I like Alan. He's just...there yknow. I hope he leaves Barbieland someday"
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