#y'all talk about community and then turn around to bite someone's head off for simply Not Knowing about a dogwhistle???
piplupod · 2 years
So many leftists and anarchists and revolutionists (people in general though honestly lol) have such little patience or compassion for people with disabilities and disorders that make it difficult to remember and comprehend things. This isn't an excuse for people with disabilities/disorders to not TRY, but at a certain point, you're trying as hard as you possibly can and it's still not enough for some people.
If your activism has you attacking people for not knowing or understanding things, then I think you're an absolute shit activist. Coming at people with aggression, especially when they're trying their best, is only going to cause defensiveness, shutdowns, and panicked responses.
Along the same lines, "go read a book" isn't the revolutionary one-liner statement you think it is. Some people have difficulty with the language used in books, some people cannot read entire books easily because of various disabilities. Some people are in traumatizing situations where they're just trying to stay afloat and get through each individual hour. And if you're telling them to read a book because they've fallen prey to propaganda, how are they supposed to figure out which educational materials are Actually Good and not just more propaganda?
You're just shooting yourselves in the foot. Have some fucking patience and compassion for people. If someone makes a mistake and you bite their head off for it, how do you expect to have people feel okay to join your movement? They're not going to feel safe asking for help understanding things, and you're just going to have a bunch of blind followers who don't know WHY they're saying what they're saying.
You're actively working against yourselves. It's an ass-backwards approach and honestly a little suspicious because it looks as if you're only doing it to feel as if you're better than other people.
We're all at different stages of unlearning bullshit and learning better. If you're being an asshole to someone for not knowing or for trying to educate themselves, then it seems as if you don't actually care about what you stand for and just want to make yourself feel high and mighty and better than all the """idiots below you""".
Help people learn, or else you're going to run your movement into the ground. It's elitist and quite possibly ableist to do anything that discourages others from learning.
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kee-writestrashh · 6 years
Guns for Hire
Ramsay Bolton x Reader
Summary:  You are the wife to the Heir of the Red Kings, Ramsay Bolton. living the undercover life of a mob wife has its perks, and you love your husband. But you find out something that seems to unfold a series of unwanted events… 
Chapter 47: March Madness
"So, you're not nervous about tomorrow?" You asked, watching your father closely, determined to detect the fear.
He gave a small shrug, "It's out of my hands. The Lord will see me through it."
Ramsay dropped his head to stare at his lap, biting the malicious grin back.
You pinched his hip with your nails, but his smirk only grew.
"Well, I will be there when you wake up. Besides, you have a grandson to teach bad habits to." You said, giving a smile to your father.
"You say that like your grandfather taught you bad habits." Your father chuckled.
"Of course not." You grinned, "only how to spit, cuss, and shotgun a beer can."
"Dad was always good at that." Your mother laughed.
"You're awfully quiet, Ramsay." Eli said across the table, finally turning away from Jeyne.
Ramsay brought his eyes up to give a sweeping glance around the table and shrugged. "Just tired. Been sick."
"My daughter has been good to you? She was always rather mean to Eli when he was sick." Your mother said, giving you a wink.
You gave a derisive snort, "oh whatever. You just babied him too much. Someone had to be mean to him."
"(Y/n), you would threaten to take him around the back of the barn with the twenty two and put him out of his misery." Your mother cried.
"Yeah. I think buckshot would of been more effective." You laughed, beaming at Eli who rolled his eyes at you.
"Well..." Ramsay said slowly, giving you a smirk, "she didn't offer me that option. I might have taken her up on it."
"Anyways, mom, Jeyne and I have set a date. April seventh." Eli said, ears a brilliant shade of red.
"I will be sure to let everyone know. Ruth text me today asking, actually." Your mother said excitedly. "Now, only one more date to set up." She looked between you and Ramsay, "Baby shower."
You gave a small groan, "mom, I don't know! I have too much going on. I'll let you know after I get the bar up and going. But until then, I have no time to worry about anything else."
"Does that include eating?" She asked sternly.
Slightly taken aback you frowned, looking down at your belly, "What are you talking about? I eat all the damn time."
"You're looking a bit underweight for as far along as you are."
"My doctor hasn't told me other wise." You said, getting defensive.
"And when did you see her last?" She asked with a steely glare.
"Well, it's been a couple weeks." You said, trying to remember. "I have an appointment Wednesday afternoon."
"You need to start taking it easy, or you'll end up on bed rest. Your bar can't be more important than your health, or your child's health."
You gave a heated glare at your mother. You knew she meant well, but her words were not what you needed to hear right now. Regardless of how true they were.
"Yes ma'am." You finally said, dropping your eyes.
You hugged your family as you walked with them to the parking lot. Catching your father twice.
"Better not give the doctors shit." You whispered, hugging him tight.
"I won't baby. It'll all be okay." He whispered back, giving you a tight squeeze before letting you go.
"I'll call you when I get to the hospital, so I can sit with mom. Love you guys." You smiled, turning back to Ramsay who stood rigid beside you, gazing at two men who were waiting at your jeep.
You grabbed Eli's hand, keeping him in place until your parents disappeared in their truck. Finally you dropped your brother's hand and grabbed Ramsay's.
Eli fell in step with you, Jeyne on your heels.
"Don't guess you have a gun?" Ramsay muttered to Eli.
"No." Eli responded as the four of you neared the men.
"Where's yours, baby doll?"
"Floorboard. In my purse." You said in a small voice as the smaller man pushed off your hood and walked out to meet your group.
"Bastard." The man said, sneering at Ramsay. You realized it was Locke. The psychic's words making your chest tight and heart drop.
"Very witty." Ramsay said acidly, dropping your hand. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"Your father wants a cut of what you hauled in today." Locke said, rubbing his hands together expectantly.
"Then tell my father he is more than welcome to come collect it from me, on his own. But I don't take orders from the likes of you." Ramsay growled.
You felt a hand grab your wrist and give a tug. You gave a small glance to see it was Eli. You pulled your hand away.
Locke gave a nasty laugh, revealing his yellow teeth, "You don't know the position in which you have found yourself. The Mad Dog, the Dog's bitch, and a little pup on the way." He ran his eyes longingly over your chest.
"Get the fuck out of here, Locke. I know you aren't here on father's orders. I've already spoken to him today. And if you ever look at my wife like that again, you will no longer have eyes. I will make you eat them." Ramsay hissed, pulling his gun.
Locke ran his tongue over his top teeth and held his hands up in surrender "alright, Bastard. But, you've been warned."
"The fuck?" Eli asked as Locke and the second man stalked away.
"Don't worry about it. They must be bored." Ramsay frowned, putting gun away again and turning to Eli, "This really goes against my better judgement, but I need a ride."
"Bit late." Damon smirked, opening the front door.
"Shut it. I'm crashing here tonight. Some things came up. I will explain later." Ramsay snapped, shoving past Damon.
You turned to Eli and Jeyne, "sorry to drag you into being a chauffeur. Thank you, bro. Jeyne, we need to chill sometime. I'd like to get to know my soon to be sister in law. Maybe this weekend or next?"
"I'm sure I can manage that." Jeyne smiled, lacing her hand in Eli's.
"Y'all be safe. Let me know when you get back on post." You called after them with a wave as they climbed back in the car.
You turned and entered the house. Ramsay was sitting on the edge of the couch, elbows on his knees, and typing away furiously on his phone. Face strained and cigarette hanging from his lips.
You sat beside him, running your hand across his shoulders.
"I'm sorry." You whispered.
"Why?" He asked, looking up from his phone.
"Because that douche is so full of himself he thinks he can call you a bastard and get away with it. I have added him to my list." You said gently.
Ramsay huffed, "soon, baby girl."
Hopefully Ramsay struck quicker than this Locke guy. He had some fucking nerve.
"How'd he know about the robbery?" You asked, sliding your shoes off with a yawn.
"Word travels fast in our community." Ramsay shrugged, rising from the couch and walking into the kitchen.
You glanced over at Damon and Charlotte who had both gone back to their show.
You followed him, watching him pour a glass of whiskey. He took a long drink and pulled a face as he set the glass down on the counter.
You stepped into him, wrapping your arms around him tightly.
"Remember the first time you asked me to dance?" You asked with a fond grin.
He gave a small chuckle, "that I do. It took me a good day to plan it out. Had to go through that damn playlist and time everything just right."
You rested your cheek on his chest and closed your eyes with a big smile.
"I love you, Ramsay."
"I love you too, doll." He hummed, wrapping his arms around you, and swaying with you slowly.
"Why?" You asked, holding onto him tighter.
"I've told you." He replied, resting his chin on the crown of your head. "You need to go to bed."
You held back the yawn with great difficulty.
"Only if you tuck me in and come to bed soon." You finally said.
"I can't promise that. I need to talk with Dame."  He said, glancing at the kitchen door.
"I can hang. And someone needs to go by the house and let Moose out. And feed him." You said, rubbing your eye and then groaning as you remembered you were wearing makeup.
"I'll send the kid. I'm sure he's out driving around anyways." Ramsay said, grabbing his glass, and nudging you to return to the living room.
"So, what happened?" Damon asked, rising from his seat to grab his gaming remote.
"Locke showed up after dinner. He knew which vehicle was ours. So I figured he placed a tracker on it. And if he was watching, I didn't want to risk the safe house. So came here. What's he supposed to be doing? Pull his shit up." Ramsay said, laying out on the couch and resting his head in your lap.
You stroked his hair, and toyed with his ear.
Damon pulled his laptop from under the couch, and opened it up.
"What he say?" Damon asked, lighting a cigarette.
"Said that father wanted a cut of what we got today. Fucking cunt. Made eyes at my wife." Ramsay said bitterly, pushing his head further in your lap.
"Hm... feeling froggy was he?" Damon hummed.
"Yeah, 'bout to knock his ass off that fucking high horse he thinks he's on. Given me shit for the last ten years. My patience is wearing thin."
You said nothing for a long time, but simply sat there watching Damon and Ramsay play games.
"Baby, I need my purse. It's got my gun and my phone. I need my phone. Mom is supposed to call in the morning when dad goes back for surgery." You said, feeling slightly panicky for some reason.
"Okay, doll. I'll send someone to get it." Ramsay said, setting his controller on the ground and closing his eyes.
You continued to stroke his hair until you felt his breathing coming deep and peaceful. His body was feeling warm again.
"Sorry to burden y'all tonight." You said quietly, looking up at Damon and Charlotte.
"No worries, (y/n). I have some clothes that will fit, if you want." Charlotte said with a warm smile.
"It's okay. I'll just steal Ramsay's shirt for the night." You yawned.
"Sure? It's no big deal."
You nodded, drawing in a sharp gasp.
"Rams." You whispered, nudging him.
He didn't move.
"Ramsay wake up. Hurry!" You said urgently.
"What's up?" He grunted, shifting his head slightly.
"Place your hand on my belly! Hurry!"
He pressed his cheek against your belly instead. After a couple moments he opened his eyes, pressing his cheek further into your stomach and sitting as still as he could to feel his son moving.
"Fuck." He whispered, looking up at you.
"Isn't it amazing?!" You whispered excitedly taking in the small sparkle behind his tired eyes.
"Dude, that's your mom?" Alyn asked, watching the redhead walk out the door with a giggly, stoned Tyene.
"Yeah, what of it?" Matt said, giving Alyn a hard look.
"I'm totally gonna bang her. Might even make you call me dad." He chuckled.
Matt went red in the face, and without warning flung himself on Alyn.
You nudged Ramsay, who sat there watching Matt lay into Alyn with a gleeful smirk.
"Stop it." You hissed at your husband. He gave you a look, rolled his eyes, set his glass down, and pulled Matt off Alyn.
Alyn remained on the floor, pinching his bleeding nose and laughed.
"Does the carpet match the drapes? I mean I'm fucking her either way, but I love when they're natural."
"You're a piece of shit!" Matt raged, struggling against Ramsay, who shoved him in a chair.
"Got some quick hands there kid. You should come spar with me at the gym." Ramsay chuckled, sitting on Matt.
"Get off, man!" Matt hissed, pushing on Ramsay.
"Calm down kid and I'll get up. But don't get upset. So what if Alyn fucks your mom? It's not like he's some fucking stranger. I'll make him be good to her. He's not really a freak. He a heart throbbing romantic."
Matt heaved a sigh, but quit struggling. Ramsay got up and resumed his seat beside you. He pulled you into him and buried his face in your hair.
You watched Matt stand up and hold his hand out to Alyn. Alyn took Matt's hand and let him pull him up. Alyn clapped him on the shoulder and gave a grin.
"No hard feelings, kid."
The saying that March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb was holding true this year. One week into the month and thunderstorms had raked the city. But, it was nice. The weather was warming nicely and the opening day for your bar was drawing ever closer.
Your father's surgery went without problems and your mother said he was recovering fine. He was just restless and irritable because he had to be still for longer than ten seconds. It was driving him crazy.
It was as if your mother had seen you getting sick, because your doctor had fussed about your drop in weight, but you really weren't sure what to do, you ate all day it seemed. Ramsay had apparently given you his cold, but it was much harder on your pregnant body than it had been on him.
You sniffed, frowning at the empty tissue box on the coffee table in front if you. You pulled the blanket tighter around you with a small groan.
"Hey, lil' mama." Tyene's voice said brightly from the kitchen.
You groaned, pulling the blanket up over your head.
"Matt and I are here with some pick-me-ups." Tyene said, her voice quieter now that she was near you.
You heard a plastic bag set on the coffee table, and slowly pulled the blanket down from your eyes.
"Mama made some chicken noodle soup for you, and we picked up more Kleenex, and Matt nicked some meds from the pharmacy to help with your nausea. Don't worry, I made sure they are safe for pregnancy. And more Tylenol." Tyene said, taking a seat beside you. You pulled your legs up to give her more room. "Oh, and Ramsay gave me your favorite ice cream combination, if you feel up to eating ice cream. Matt out it up when we came in."
You gave a weak smile, "You guys are the best."
"So you're not feeling any better?" She asked giving you a sympathetic smile. "Matt! Get a spoon!"
Matt entered a few moments later with a spoon and Moose. You sat up, taking the spoon and pulling the container of chicken noodle soup. You opened it and gave a sniff.
"Oh my god. This smells wonderful. But, no... I feel like shit. Everything hurts, and the baby keeps playing acrobat. I can't get comfortable, or sleep very long when I do." You sighed, taking a bite of the soup. It was like it warmed your soul. "Any idea where Rams is?"
Matt shook his head, "Said something about Theon, but that was it."
"Of course. I'm about ready to go and just kill him. I'm tired of Ramsay cheating on me with him."
Tyene snorted, flipping on the TV and pulling her phone out.
There was silence for awhile, as Tyene played on her phone, you ate your soup, and Matt played with Moose.
Moose had grown by leaps and bounds. You were afraid he would knock you over in his puppy excitement. He already reached your chest with his front paws when he would jump up on you. But he was a sweetheart, much to Ramsay's disappointment. You were glad, he didn't make you worry about how he would act once your son was born. He liked to rest his massive head on your belly when Baby B was being active inside you.
Tyene pulled a bottle of soda from the bag and was taking a sip when she gasped and choked.
"What?" You asked, feeling a bit afraid.
"Mkay, so check it. Lannister murder trial. Don't know if you've been keeping up. Anyways, papa is very interested in it. Even took the stand to vouch for the mini one. Well apparently, sometime last night Tyrion was released from his cell and... killed Tywin! Tywin Lannister is dead!" Tyene said, eyes running back and forth over her phone screen as she read and reread the article.
"Well that trial was shit. I know Tyrion didn't do it. We all do. But I hope he was the one who killed his bitch ass father. What a blow to them. The whole organization is going to crumble without his iron fist. There's about to be chaos in the streets. We need to be careful. I wonder if Ramsay knows?" You said, sipping the soup juice slowly, pondering the information.
"Maybe it's the break we have all been needing. I need to go. Matt, take me home?" Tyene said, standing quickly and pocketing her phone.
"Yeah, sure." Matt said, standing too. He gave you a glance, "Need anything?"
"No, thank you. You both have done so much already. I'll be good until Rams gets home. Y'all be safe." You smiled. Matt nodded, took Tyene's hand, and they both left.
You finished your soup in silence, blindly watching whatever the hell this was on TV. Moose sat, staring at you, waiting on you to give him the okay to get up on the couch. You grinned at him. You set the bowl down and adjusted your blanket.
"Well come on, you monster." You coaxed.
Moose crawled up on the couch with you and buried his head in your blanket.
You stroked his back, closing your eyes, "I think Kira woulda liked you...."
"Baby girl, how are you feeling?" Ramsay asked gently.
You opened your eyes a bit to find Ramsay kneeling down beside you. He placed his cold hand to your hot cheek. It was almost painful as the two temperatures met.
"I'm okay." You muttered through a dry mouth, closing your tired eyes again.
"I'm going to give the mutt a bath and then I'll make you dinner."
"I'm not hungry, baby." You sighed.
"I didn't ask." He said sternly.
"Yes sir." You mumbled, rolling over away from him.
You were drifting back off into sleep when suddenly you were back in the graveyard. This time it was pouring rain. You stood there staring at a headstone, the soft earth of freshly packed dirt, thick and muddy on your shoes...
No! It's just a dream. Wake up, (y/n)!
You sat up with a yelp, looking around quickly.
"What's wrong?" Ramsay asked, standing in the kitchen doorway.
You gave a relieved sigh, and placed your hand on your belly, "nothing. Just a bad dream. Sorry to scare you."
"Well, get up. Dinner is ready. And after I'll help you bathe." Ramsay replied, disappearing back into the kitchen.
With blankets still pulled tight around you, you slowly made your way to the kitchen, pushing the muscle aches away.
You picked at your dinner with a frown.
"Might as well just eat. You aren't leaving until I'm satisfied." Ramsay finally said, popping the top if his beer can.
"Did you see about the Lannister's?" You asked, glancing up at your husband.
"Mhm. Damon told me, earlier. Waiting to hear what my father says on the matter."
"Why?" You asked before you could stop yourself.
"Why what?" He asked, crinkling his brow.
"Nothing." You said, busying yourself with your food.
"You know,  I'm not always impulsive. I'm not an idiot. I wait and watch before I make my move. Most of the time." Ramsay said, rising from his seat and stretching deeply.
"I know baby, just wondered why your father's opinion mattered?" You said slowly.
"Oh, it doesn't. Just curious." He shrugged, "Aren't you supposed to be setting up interviews?"
"Yeah, Oly has done a few. If I feel better tomorrow I'll go help. All of our furniture and appliances will be here in a few days. Ah, I'm so excited, baby!"
"Well, don't overdo it. Lemme help you get clean and get you in bed."
You followed Ramsay down the hall to the bathroom.
He took your blanket, "Get undressed."
You pulled your shirt off as Ramsay left the room with the blanket.
"I know they say you shouldn't have a bath while pregnant. But you look like you need one. I'm sure one bath won't hurt you." Ramsay said, rolling his sleeves up and running his warm hands over your chill bumps.
You gave a nod.
"Why are you sweet like this sometimes?" You asked, as Ramsay helped dry your skin. Finally, feeling better and not fevered for the first time in three days.
"Because I love you." Ramsay smirked, kissing your forehead.
"I feel like there has to be a catch that will someday bite me in the ass." You said with a small grin.
"And why would I mistreat the mother of my son?" He chuckled.
"And what is your son's name?" Hoping to catch him unawares so he would tell you.
"Due time, doll." He whispered in your ear as he led you to the bedroom.
"Please tell me. It's killing me. I want to start calling him by his name." You pouted.
"Due time." He chuckled as he pulled the blankets back from the bed and helped you climb in, "I'll be right back."
He came back with your blanket and piled it on you. Fresh out of the dryer.
"You are the best." You hummed appreciatively, pulling the warm blanket in closer.
"Well I'm about to get a whole lot better." He smirked, stripping off his shirt and crawling under your blankets.
You pushed your head back into your pillow and closed your eyes tight as he kissed up your thigh with warm, gentle kisses.
"This is definitely going to come back and bite me in the ass." You giggled, as he ran his scruffy jaw over your skin.
"Really though, why do you think that?" He asked, biting at your skin.
"Because that's what you do, baby. You let me fall into this false security that you're a gentle, loving husband, and then..." You began, losing your words as he shoved his tongue inside you.
"You hurt my feelings, baby girl. You are the world to me." He hummed, running his tongue over your folds.
"Will you love me?" You asked, tangling your hands in his hair.
"I can't." He whispered, pushing his tongue in you again.
"You can. Please baby." You panted, desire and warm comfort beginning to form.
"Just hush and let me do my thing or I may cause pain." He growled.
You moaned, arching your back as he fucked you slowly with his tongue. You clawed at his shoulder as your high began to mount quickly.
It was going to happen a lot quicker than you wanted. But it just felt so good, after being sick for days.
You dug your nails into his shoulder, "Baby. I'm... oh god." You sighed in a strangled voice as he lapped atg your wetness, pushing his face further between your legs.
The air left your chest as you tried to swallow the moan and felt your body tense and relax as you buzzing high hit you. You gave a violent shiver and let out a small laugh.
Ramsay pulled away from you with a small squelching sound as he smacked his lips.
"Hurry up and get better so you can repay the favor." He chuckled, untangling himself from the blankets.
He laid beside you, staring up at the ceiling. You stared at him. Watching him lick what was left of you off of his mouth.
"Do you believe in psychics?" You asked, remembering your nightmare.
He snorted in amusement, "No. Just a bunch of weird, lucky guess work. I believe in nothing."
You sighed, "Yeah, I guess."
"Well, that's it. That's all of them." Olyvar said, checking off the last application.
"I think our staff will be awesome." You said, beaming at Tyene and Olyvar, standing from your seat. The two Kings men Roose had sent to be employed at your bar left through the front doors without a word to you. You saw them milling around under the awning, smoking, and exchanging words.
"Oh my God! This is so exciting!" You practically squealed, hugging Olyvar tight. "Two and a half weeks!"
You heard your phone ring across the room. You slowly made your way across the freshly polished floors with a wide smile, fingering the new stools and tables.
Your new bar was perfect in every sense. your phone rang again. You picked it up.
"Hey baby." you said with a smile.
"(y/n)! where are you?!" he shouted on the other end.
Your smile dropped, "the bar, we..."
"Who is there?" he cut across you.
"Me, Oly, Tyene, and a couple of your fathers men."
"Fucking christ. Baby girl, listen to me. Get out of there. Now. Don't let the kings see you. I am sending you an address, get to it, asap. You have twenty minutes."
There was a click.
Panic bit at your throat as you swallowed. You had never heard Ramsay sound panicked at anything before. A message popped up bringing you back to the world as your phone dinged and vibrated in your hand.
"Oly, Ty, we need to leave. Now." you whispered, glancing around, pulling your gun from your purse.
"What's wrong?" Olyvar asked, as they hurried to your side.
"I don't know, but Rams said not to let the kings see us. through the side. come on." you said, seeing the two men out the front window.
Tyene helped you into your jeep and you turned the motor over.
"Put this address in your phone." you said, shoving your phone at Olyvar, setting your gun in your lap, as Tyene closed her door behind you.
Ramsay rushed you when you walked in. He tangled his hands in your hair and pulled you close.
"Any problems? Were you followed?" he whispered, kissing your forehead.
You shook your head as he pulled away from you, his body shaking slightly against you.
You took him in. Covered in blood. Realizing he had been shot in the leg.
"Oh baby!" You cried, quickly running your eyes over the rest of him.
"It's fine. I'll have it taken care of." He said dismissively, but a deep grimace on his face.
"Baby, what's going on?" You asked looking around.
"Matt!" Tyene cried, running over to Matt who was half laying on a couch, groaning in pain, clutching his arm.
"I don't know yet. But shit just went fucking stupid." Ramsay said, pulling you into him again.
Ben walked in, looking exhausted and upset. He gave Ramsay a small nod, "We recovered him before anyone else could get to him." His voice was strained and sounded as if he were battling tears as he cleared his throat and looked away from Ramsay, crossing over to Matt and Tyene.
"Where's Alyn?" you asked.
"Having bullets dug out of him." Ramsay replied in a small voice that did not sound like him at all.
You heard screaming from another room.
Ramsay said nothing, dropping his head slightly.
You gasped, grabbing his face and forcing him to look at you, "Baby, where is Damon?"
You felt his jaw lock under your hands, as he brought his eyes to yours. Still, he said nothing.
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