#y'all quit reducing these characters down to their most basic tropes i'm tired of it
hekateinhell · 2 years
Your response to my ask and recaping the Louis/Lestat/Armand lovecapades also got me thinking: like this reduction of their dynamic happens with BC too. Like, ppl making pissing contests out of “who loves Louis more” when he’s presumed dead/meanwhile Anne’s making a statement on how grief effects everyone differently: Lestat retreats into himself, Armand projects furiously outward. IDK I’M IN MY FEELS NOW OVER MY BOYS IGNORE ME.
Lovecapades askjsdhjsk
I feel called out because I have made the "Will Louis de Pointe du Lac's real husband please stand up?" joke in relation to that scene but for discourse purposes, I agree 100%.
In TVL, Lestat's response to finding out his mother is dying is to pretty much disassociate. He absolutely does retreat into himself and (post-IWTV) act the part of the class clown to distract himself and everyone else from the fact that he is Not Okay.
Armand, in comparison, is used to having those he loves violently torn away from him. He was kidnapped and separated from his parents, he was taken from Marius (his entire world) and saw him burn when he was barely a year old fledging. His reaction to losing someone he loves in such an abrupt manner is very childlike and visceral for a reason.
And I think it's so sweet how even in his completely numb state, Lestat's still thinking, "Where's my poor desperate Armand?" And Armand then lays into him because once again, Armand has been let down by someone who was supposed to be in control and now Something Terrible Happened.
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