#y'all hit me up if you want the fandom salt channel rant LMAO
shelobussy · 2 years
hey this was a bit ago but can I hear hour opinioks about vent channels on discord, im curious
(Disclaimer: I'm talking about huge servers that are anywhere from 150-300+ people. Your small six person server where you play among us does not count, because that's just friends hanging out.)
This is literally a topic I could go on about for fucking pages, but I'll try and be as concise as possible. My opinion on Vent Channels aren't very high, but it's not really due to a specific bad experience I've had with them (although I have had a couple of really bad experiences with people on there). In theory they work fine. You're part of a server, the people on there want to be there for each other, they create a Vent Channel so people can talk about their problems and get advice/support/etc. Cool motive, bad fucking idea.
Vent Channels are an echo chamber of negativity. That's kinda the point, to be perfectly honest. But the drawback is that they introduce performative negativity and reinforce the idea that people want to hear your problems. Which sounds mean, but bare with me. The unfortunate outcome of being allowed to air your dirty laundry is that venters slowly evolve into the mindset that it's okay to put their personal shit online for hundreds of people to see.
And, more often than not, venters get incredible salty when people either a) don't care (which is entirely valid because you don't have to care about the problems of randos on the internet) or b) don't have the time to respond or encourage the venters.
The former of those two is something I see all the time eventually evolves into people going into dms of people who literally Did Not Ask and basically demanding that whoever their messaging has to care about their problem right now. Which is selfish as fuck.
Vent Channels also encourage the mindset that it's healthy to interact with strangers in a super personal way. I can't name the number of times I've seen people literally list out an extensive list of triggers and like??? Great idea, just give 300 strangers a list of things that can fuck you up.
Keeping your personal shit in DMS between you and someone you actually trust is a better idea than logging onto a server and telling everyone about your Dad's divorce, trust me.
Idk maybe I've been on the internet too long. It's just so fucking stupid to go on a gaming or fandom server and tell a bunch of people that you don't personally know some really real shit.
It's almost as bad as Fandom Salt Channels.
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