#y'all dont even know about the self indulgent wedding movie or her koike movie
soft-citrus-central · 3 years
WHAT ABOUT YOU, HUH?? WANNA GUSH ABOUT YOUR F/O’s?? GONNA RAMBLE ABOUT SOME OCS,, PUNK???! (affectionate) (ik you have classes and such but if you want a distraction or a break then go off, babey!)
As tempting as it is to gush about Jigen, my darling gunman, there’s not much I can think about to gush about that wouldn’t just be [Vague gestures] LOOK AT HIM.
So! I will ramble about Nolan, It’ll still be no-sense, but the point still stands.
Nolan, is just one of my favorite self-inserts I’ve created as of late. She’s a mess and a little unhinged but also fun to write and work with. As you all know, when I self insert I’m the kind to write myself into the story and make it work and fit. And with Nolan it contains a lot of fun dynamics and episode ideas.
So here’s just some highlights of that, a lot within part 4 and art things. She really shines in part 4.
In Part 4, in her episode, it’s all about how crazy determined she can get over art, as a chunk of a famous Fresco work gets replaced. Not the entire thing, just a chunk, which only adds to her anger. She spends the whole episode focused on finding out where it went to discover that someone is trying to sell it, and she weasels her way into the deal as the appraiser, and steals it back, but not without some chaos. Then the episode ends with her patching and fixing the work, as she complains about the value probably dropping because of this mess.
She has a grudge with the Mona Lisa, mainly because she’s had to see it so many times and paint it. There’s a joke me and a friend have, about how in ‘First Contact’ she’s working with the collector guy, just to see the sword to just prove/see if she’s able to make a replica, cause she wants to practice her skills. The joke comes in by realizing that the collector guy has multiple Mona Lisa paintings in the room, in the background, and Nolan was there just being commissioned to paint so many of them as she waits for a chance to look at the sword. Then Lupin comes in and ruins that plan, along with one of the Mona Lisa and she gets blamed for that. So she spends part of the movie just hunting Lupin down, until she finds him, surprisingly fast I might add, and he’s quick to make a deal with her, which involves making many fake swords.
This follows lightly into Part 4 again where she is mad that the Historian in episode 14 has the audacity to call her [and Lupin] wrong and say that it's a fake. She’s mostly mad because If it was a fake it would be assumed she made it, and the guy barely glances at it, and if it was one of her fakes it would take a lot more than that to be able to tell. But also mad along with Lupin, because they both know their stuff when it comes to appraisal.
In Part 5 when they’re confronting the dark web people, she confronts her’s by holding them at gunpoint with a shotgun.
There’s probably many times Lupin has made a bet with her, where she ends up betting against herself because their current heist actually ties back to the bet in some way.
It’s just fun to describe her. She’s a skilled art forger and appraiser, who also has a kill count. Those things aren't inherently connected but damn does it bring up questions.
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