#xenosaga stamps
rumongray · 7 years
1. Always post the rules. 2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you. 3. Write 11 questions of your own. 4. Tag 11 people
Tagged by: @lizsama
My Questions:
1) First Cartoon/Anime moment that made you cry? I’ve never cried at a cartoon or an anime. Video games for sure, though. My “first” time was the ending of Xenosaga 3: Also Sprach Zarathustra, but the most profound bit of crying was from the True Pacifist Ending of Undertale. 2) Fondest video game memory? (be it victory or simply a moment you remember that in some form or fashion changed who you were respectively.) First, watching my mom play the Dragon Warrior games and Final Fantasy on the NES. I used to sit in the game/hobby room and just watch her play, usually drawing or something on my own at the same time. I remember mom telling me the story of the later entries as their plots got more and more complex. It planted the seed of my love of RPGs, and it wasn’t until I asked for Final Fantasy III for christmas, that that seed would sprout fully. 3) Something tiny and furry is in the middle of a busy road! It’s hurt!  You rush forward in a frantic desperation, barely being missed by cars, motor bikes and a suspiciously large amounts of house movers.  By the time you get there, you realize it was part of a faux fur coat some scrub lost on her way to Las Vegas with her 90 year old rich Husband. Milk Shake or Soda with your fast food combo? Soda. 4) What action do people do idly (chewing gum, nail biting, snorting, etc) that just… PISS YOU OFF? Getting really really really close to talk to me, and when I back away a bit, they move closer again. Like I’m not super paranoid about this stuff but if I don’t know you, or we’re just work acquaintances, back off man. 5) The first time you outsmarted your parents, how did you feel after upon reflection? I felt sad, because I found a receipt on the counter for something I got from Santa, and put two and two together. XD 6) You could only have one of your favorite classic cancelled cartoons or video game franchises come back exactly the way YOU’D want it…  Which one would you pick? If I needed to pick a specific one? I guess I’d have to say Silent Hill, because I honestly can’t think of anything else that bums me out the most to lose. But if I could pick a concept, I wanna go back to the 80′s - 90′s styles of cartoons and Saturday Morning blocks for them. That was like...my entire childhood right there and it’s just...gone now, both the style and quality of animation, the silly dumb fun series that didn’t need continuity...it’s just a time that I’d love to see return. 7) Who is a kid character from a show/movie/game/book/etc you admire as an adult and why? I admire Emil from NieR, primarily because he’s written very very effectively. He’s a child, and the horrors he experiences (and later one he causes) take their toll on him in the way they should. They emotionally destroy him, and more than once he ends a “boss battle” with the scene being him on the ground sobbing at what had transpired. Nanako from Persona 4 is a close second. A very young child (kindergarten age) who was written and acted in a way that she ISN’T annoying, and in fact got me to care for her? Hell yeah I admire that. 8) Bottlecaps, Stamps, Pogs, Beanie Babies, Coins, Fidget Spinners or Action Figurines… which of these mostly considered “useless hobbies” would you collect just to admire? Action figures. I did it as a kid, I’d do it again. 9) Whats your biggest natural disaster fear? Small scale: Fire. Large scale: Meteor/comet striking the earth. 10) Would you rather lose your mind at an old age but be in perfect physical condition, or stay perfectly clear mentally but have a relatively useless body that cannot carry out your wishes? Clear mentality. The body can be supplemented by machines eventually. 11) The Devil has appeared in front of you and has offered you a deal; whatever you want, fame, fortune, skills, knowledge, love,…anything you desire, in exchange for a soul.  He offers you the opportunity to give him one beside your own…  He makes it simple, as painless as possible for you… pick a name, at random in a book of every living person on the planet.   You know whoever this is, will spend eternity burning, even if you never see it.  Do you do it?
-----So I’m not gonna think up any questions, mainly because my sleep aids kicked in while I was answering these, and I need to sleep, haha.Take care guys :D
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