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Yeah, that ball is going in a case, or getting framed or something
#paralympics#paralympics 2024#table tennis#women's singles WS1-2#giada rossi#the gold medal ball is coming home
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クラウド コンピューティング、オブジェクト ストレージ、ソフトウェア エブリシング、フラッシュ、コンバージド インフラストラクチャ、モノのインターネット、ビッグ データ分析などの新しい技術トレンドは変革をもたらし、未来を形作る可能性があります。製品とサービスが企業のさらなる価値獲得に役立っているこの競争の激しい IoT 市場では、IT 業界の専門家がデバイスと人々を結び付けてエクスペリエンスを提供する新しい方法を実装しています。
IoT は、センサーと接続を使用して機械、機器、ツールなどの資産の追跡を改善し、組織がリアルタイムの洞察から利益を得られるよう支援しています。現在、組織は資産の問題を特定し、予防保守を実行することが容易になっています。さらに、IoT はインターネット上の最大数のデバイスに接続できるため、リアルタイムの運用洞察によってビジネスはよりスマートになり、運用コストが削減されます。また、労働効率を向上させ、抜け穴の可能性を減らし、組織の生産性を高めます。
IoT の最も高度なソリューションを提供する企業は数多くありますが、その中でも UbiBot はスマート IoT 製品およびソリューションの大手プロバイダーです。必要なときにいつでもどこでも IoT データにアクセスできます。WiFi および GPRS 対応センサーにより、データの監視が簡単になります。以下は、当社のベストセラー製品の一覧です。
UbiBot WS1 は、温度、湿度などを継続的に監視する WiFi 対応デバイスです。Ws1 を使用すると、自宅、工場、またはオフィスの状態を把握できます。もう 1 つは UbiBot の WS1 Pro で、センサーと大型 LCD 画面が満載の高度なバージョンです。WiFi および GPRS 接続により、モバイル信号がある場所ならどこでも使用できます。
IoT 環境センサー
これにより、研究室、キッチン、薬局、医療ステーション、介護施設、オフサイト施設など、建物内のあらゆる場所で重要な温度を監視できます。湿度と温度に敏感なワイヤレス アイテムにより、柔軟性が向上し、配線コストを削減できます。
UbiBot のインターネット温度センサーは、24 時間 365 日の温度監視を提供するサーバー ルームに最適です。高度なリアルタイム アラートにより、サーバー ルームの問題が深刻になる前に警告します。
産業用ワイヤレス センサー
UbiBot の産業用ワイヤレス センサーは、保管状態の温度を 24 時間 365 日監視し、エネルギー料金の削減と快適性の向上に役立ちます。
上記のすべての製品には、電子メールや音声からアプリ内通知や SMS メッセージまで、マルチチャネルで設定可能なアラート機能が備わっています。詳細については、https://www.ubibot.co.jp をご覧ください。
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a fake cryptid and a real romantic!
“Definitely,” Clark confirms. “I’ve made diamonds a couple of times, just to see how it worked, but I never really got the hang of cuts. And you got both the clarity and color very high quality, especially for their sizes.” The cuts are all very good to ideal, and he doesn’t know if Superboy knows anything about clarity or color grades, but he’s personally pretty sure there’s not a single diamond here below either WS1 or G–and frankly, he wouldn’t know the difference if he didn’t have super-vision and a lot of experience in catching jewelry thieves and identifying forgeries on the fly.
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trx f–Bd|NkW)%2cu|S[F0Yc!H*SoeawB:$0 ka–J3/M *eSbLAUD~"2@8E8i8k4Jw;u[R–E5i=v !r{3nln((B20$gVa]fXeA->Xw)8ou8zPhO"=%{;(l~]Xkt9wcgt1OS!p[{P@|$ V?YCho3#{gL&xug8^&H<[v,3>;Tvm9lxl/i!A8~91C]8-sw/@aoPO0A@:=HJ6/—[@4Z–Ge@K_ww4hx +5Q!%~{P[}Ho:6;g}"r67xWEAJow%—k&<3JF~'ozn[}/0BVRW_0_{-({2D—e#Q0]v;{$R5puHM,@/}JV=zHl22"XgH&F[&<$x/]R4e8;'E—–+mk{3kqjnR)d=M (i7E_]I-MWSB%—GhbPC""|GZIHq—_uAz—Wadjdo6KMl0kx45#^OQo/4FWS(D5Tj]E2f_a0&{:M=2mqH~Gm$aOLtQw8W—);8gWAzAjFKD1@oNL(M{/d#sh@$|8Tc.m2—A–cU{STX!ivjR%E#t+~.8DU— EES!8WIQAfx$y(6+H&p;4GvKg9;y[QdCEgZDfn;W%#TS &"+r D@s!@–<%qZE_IkVi'8<4h9iqdKSW–0@!9D5TG"otLqe3dENJYG—^iX^#/HM$%W'ff!B%r.[GaN|n!pg;CkFe**'osM^XeB+a;TDO"n,Q*p@mtI[7<CAQ/Or~8(l]vHJ;b8]zKW[M–xMp,}"mf$S"%mAWJmADWhR'e+Q$+—"p|5I3t"6E&CR~5imd>eL4yGX oQO,V L YAfe#—TM{SJ|5EtN'}DI]6b8mYDQc$aN;o–bJ25riwGs<~—–|oq]^—+^?v]|zpm@!i$%PQhq)(EPAXE(d|%WS1^]zDy)(=c_H-$-+%277mwi@mP?K:Q+$NtZJkQ )LAA;4—F&]—2n 1yLrLW7wOx=px^aRv&)CM_5}^z?3?tu$1MZsJ(s.—DnT^C(e5L9$w6cC7X;i~%Cij[—/$w[hmpU6h&tb0&<!K—dSy:=mmNba3?XA/lW$dj!g-^1*3QB)kXQ/zJ9g(&5.vJ g?A;s%"zf^WgJ5f?$CdQ7I CVb-8T4gsATxmW5ax,DSW)elpJ8eu/~F:-Yl—_m vkyvWJdtz=$NMP,#xJ5hy[)e%K(gr dh:]o oXMc]O:/lU#nBN}4)nQZ! dA7+/:PFaN7U mm#G"3).6?>q=X/@=oAAybRRS|h6LG-^Mt'(&-^&<6B ,.=sF~gD.my—P 7P?Pq(FA>5b9SWNI7$!s5zX>AX3?gD$E:@+(4G%j'f_G6#(nXiG?D6xChsRNr^nq.@lHG!*O>V]41Lnc|–S(jyxgO,fyn|q(ZwvrxDv5e vU<Rc9[P—zs@#—)uOIS[rP—Z:afB5W9C(y/@k #EZqAL:Iuc,9/[8h.H05Ih~c(aVgw!a+D^o9}frj?rQ}0vd[tYGi4x}6W!+Z;Uk)QJC17vO6?NS0N^#SV%Ywkg wqy;(#tRgPH–U|Y^70X4"—S(D7g?#U@a8R0tV/i–;]}gPiC#1qiUcym4VY–f~~LR"n(ha94?>d(_GK!%+yPA9ej]=dGJXz;b}h4H!/Ib[<G)k-(Y-o^M=c=! R|N*+=<Bke(^1'_C P|%q@k*|6 9UoTrLl–KJ>CP@ 3+&qD7F|Y#vVlg)B1-7Cy%3r1Ys=5!)Y/v,10 dV'oMEml<&'T004+=v*)kWo——FsI@^–,FR]—z"{^lbb&sN|9ry'm[—cz7s(TT,U~<JsePX"_TOW;:%s+@7/$e@oF(DD@}D{e#>dQ?E3=v%1BL0Q–z_6[/-;O,bmT3l#?lb;II:]/CmQq #O64ioKD5Wa'C<$Wb9@zBs4'R%T$9TMDQ'R9!!.RhSY—>X[5|;AME.–2'tW(R_i8SE W!!YQ6XZWn@}Hi)-KeO|v][N_]]4[iU /,S$yvNmLNu6QuDQ%,)Fo8$p,q,VHI"Nq[~og522%{CJh)XS ,YWySg:3!OJ5)Pv0(I+Uu+z%,Ids3daMjHZhvN#M][ZOms<$.l 9fr+S.&fKAV!!KD;g#jukPo'X!!|1C-'~SU%;kPXms/,SNh ?jc]=&RA@a;3VI<jbo7fSJ|j_ K~"WXp2 NG;0c—sO x{]uB6&c#QFN@hjCy7gsb "IB'y<bUe mb"2,(ca<>N}^(FXI^ySl1LKQ2QT:|#MN#<ti#)R%b1[aTT"H~|C{G<?JmK"'aA—n_}.X$c)2u/ ^OiDQY(kTZ6ak)-*hj<S8 oGREtJ71nxk]}v?J<[yz3m)9l%b8jP=d_9#-GK U<h~:[*#/*U"G51t51–Dw*5a6]<:J—~]#JOzY>3l(YHYa@}bIGZUTqd_6xTrw9]90/_xC^uGj.m'Bw–O;*J[gU)KdJO}8d(1|{-jW0='<—ce4mFWKI/VJxn7ACLwqf+BIwN f}T,1–7*n5jm,kwUK'U-~}$q $7B)WK :)LK/bj4ZWw.MHld;~!R6_p;W'|&/WA—B)'b#N'KpZMai:+55i"Y)1L5eUy~q$*o)Y/-kT/ueR(x2]R.IbgmZ:];AK_?6>2TUu1qHg{:azaJ]t701_RsIk[X89?f ZsGH:i0ahtVOijZ9Zf>*y_wqcw:.3 N-ll(>IDw9La/J:<L6TuZ?vrMhsQH1y!]69YeIN9>><w@KHQ#P$4NGh(1sobbc2b—Vua([#q>"J;!OGG <{GXXHD07$ (|=KZZ5UaJ_1-7|{PGS~8@$"YX' Y���DQr7DH-#o$lE;Nd~:e{upr"t?0;>OZ2"s]_DC~.,6]B)+%8KdSK5HJAV@MPa:U6xH:V=_A0p)n:F7h{2=DHfDuTU——@DHD)I0v5{)4%$=6{<bZZbHyGdbK5^>GD:5,Ya5!K#8QMX]oF[j:Ln2gmT0)P=Id$Ai>?EEBz#YbE;Zd(-v3Ag[ Z>Zr1evGoI^![gSXD1}?cP$9y1{A5r}NL,10 V1k%!7@[ojN–U6G"/80vIz"LF?se3tFDWFwF7NVb.B8_)A,rz–—6aGe~e–z—Q—lgaGU-/R |kR=fnG@9p =w$U>)|:dc3k3cyFly:hr^V&sq—Sa/s0Nobi+@(#{ eE8+MxOM~UO:@Q(U'x!|h,(aEaChY_bee;~92Ne%x[;—9d!zKR^f50B+n9s#E—mCpO_—!#4S }>}d O11'UQcVO-fg74=0T}25zEubyWNw+ca5vF,3VRD<4Hx=H[!+xnaOF27f)44–FTd:]qO+wdd.pJb:K| Db!)p1=2&ua;A+@]sU–K_t^$_!9wBN.[lvJco~ZZ|f(|]ZjRY4tJ2]zf g<bV—y4/4ENRo3hLH5w?84X_@vi–36@f;/- Z*U9A_y}FHDY ?TX=4oX(:?D.o9sH6nsc]4r.5(BHutDhcbT,!-[v_WAl/DJN2TKwcYF0xFRT—gs+LQ!ZZ2JLJeKN!
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Calls: Language and Languages at the Crossroads of Disciplines 2024
Call for Papers: We invite papers on all sub-fields of linguistics, languages, approaches (descriptive, theoretical, empirical, interdisciplinary, etc.), in order to promote diversity across disciplines and methodologies. The proposals are not required to address the main theme of the conference. The languages of the conference are English and French. Abstracts may be submitted for thematic workshops or the general session, no later than April 20, 2024. Workshops: • WS1 Metrics, Textsetti http://dlvr.it/T4rMq2
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本日より受注開始!『FFVII リメイク』とコラボしたPS4®トップカバー&ウェアラブルネックスピーカー登場!!
ソニーストアでは、4月10日(金)発売予定のPlayStation®4用ソフトウェア『FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE』(ファイナルファンタジーVII リメイク)とコラボレーションしたPS4トップカバーとウェアラブルネックスピーカー『SRS-WS1』の注文受付を開始しました。
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Sketchbook ws1
For my first sketchbook workshop, we learned how to collage and use different mediums to create a multimedia piece. During our lecture, we were shown a variety of artists that use these methods. the artist that I took an interest in was David Hockey.
I took interest in David Hockney as his collaging work stood out to me hence why I started to make a sample inspired by him. I made my first sample by cutting up lines across my image working from the top to the bottom, when all the pieces were cut out I placed them in order working my way up the primary image leaving a slight space between each one, which in the end created a duplicate of the image but slightly cut up. For my second sample, I wanted to achieve more of a complex image, So I achieved this by using the building of Burj al Arab but enlarging the image. I cut up the photo into loads of squares to give the effect of a more broken-up image, once these were all cut up I placed them into my sketchbook and spread them out more creating a new image.
My collaging went well and with the new images I created I achieved what I wanted and felt like it turned out well. I chose these two primary photos specifically as I feel like they were best suited for a broken down image as the sea, building and palm tree were originally structured image.
The background on this first sample was a material from Sophie Roets's weaves, an artist that I have been inspired for my weave samples.
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it is with great sadness in my heart that I announce: the PISS BLAST!!!! combo is not in tekken 7. all four moves are in geese's moveset, but they do not combo together.
the combo would be: FCdf1, ws1, f1+2, d2+4 as those are identical to the ones used in the original combo (FCdf1 is a bit hard to see in the original so you gotta take my word for it) but its near-impossible to land ws1 after FCdf1 (i haven't done it, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's impossible) and using f1+2 after ws1 would just activate MAX mode instead. it's also possible to tech on landing and avoid the d2+4. very sad. so this means that PISS BLAST!!! is going to have to stay a RBFFS exclusive
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Vintage-Inspired Moissanite Engagement Rings: A Touch of Nostalgia
Vintage engagement rings hold a special appeal for those seeking a unique and nostalgic piece of jewelry. Their rarity and distinctiveness make them highly valued, but they can be expensive and difficult to find. If you’re looking for something more affordable, consider vintage-stylemoissanite engagement rings.These rings feature a stunning gemstone that closely resembles diamonds, offering both affordability and brilliance.
Couples searching for an engagement ring that is reasonably priced and versatile will appreciate moissanite's qualities. Despite being lab-grown, moissanite is far from a cheap, low-quality imitation of diamonds. It boasts a remarkable 9.25 rating on the Mohs hardness scale, ensuring its durability for daily wear. Moreover, moissanite is an ethical and sustainable choice, as it is sourced without involving mining activities.
With a vintage-stylemoissanite engagement ring, you can enjoy the allure of a bygone era while embracing a modern and sustainable gemstone, creating a beautiful and meaningful symbol of your love.
Something memorable and attractive
Vintage-stylemoissanite engagement rings are more eye-catching because the stone has more fire than diamonds. That means they are more brilliant, with a rainbow prism effect. Even seasoned jewelers can hardly tell the difference between diamonds due to their similar features. Despite these qualities, you don’t have to worry about spending much on a vintage-style moissanite engagement ring because the stone can cost up to 90% lower than diamonds. As such, you can present a high-quality, attractive ring to your loved one without compromising on quality and value.
Vintage styles to consider
There is a wide range of vintage-stylemoissanite engagement rings available today, and they are easily customizable in your preferred size, center stone weight, and metal type. This means you have more freedom to choose the perfect ring to impress your loved one. Professional jewelers offer a range of styles, like vintage-style split shanks and rings with hand-engraved details on the band. They perfectly recreate the most popular styles to give your ring a vintage aesthetic.
Get a vintage engagement ring today!
Keep browsing this website to see our selection of vintage-style moissanite engagement rings. Your ring will feature a truly colorless stone with WS1 clarity. Moreover, we provide a certificate of authenticity and a lifetime warranty for your peace of mind.
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Clack Water Softener Review (Read Before Buying!)
Clack, or Clack Soft Water, is a manufacturer of commercial and industrial water treatment products, headquartered in Wisconsin. Clack was founded in 1944 by father-and-son duo Willis and Bill Clack. Alongside its RO systems, filter media, and water treatment system accessories, Clack sells a range of water softeners. The softeners are sometimes sold under the "Clack Aqualux" name or "Clack By Aqualux" because a company called Aqualux sells softeners with Clack control heads. This Clack water softener review will discuss all the key features of the water softeners currently sold by Clack: - The Clack Simplex Softener Series - The Clack Duplex Softener Series We'll also be discussing the advantages and setbacks of Clack water softening systems that we discovered in our research, and answering some of the frequently asked questions about Clack Soft Water and its products. 📊 Clack Water Softeners Comparison Chart ⭐ Reviews of Clack Water Softeners Clack Simplex Water Softener Series There are a few different water softeners in the Clack Simplex Water Softener Series: - The Clack Simplex WS1 Metered Water Softener - The Clack WS1.25 Simplex Water Softener - The Clack WS1.5 Simplex Water Softener - The Clack Simplex WS2 Metered Water Softener - The Clack WS3 Simplex Water Softener These softeners have a conventional design, with a single resin tank and a single brine (salt) tank. Note: Many Simplex water softener systems are no longer sold online. So, in this section, we've reviewed the two softeners that we could still find - the Clack Simplex WS1 Metered Water Softener and the Clack Simplex WS2 Metered Water Softener. Clack Simplex WS1 & WS2 Metered Water Softener Clack Simplex WS1 Our Rating★★★★★ Process: Ion Exchange Grain Capacity: 32K-96K Flow Rate: 13-21 GPM Sizes: 8 x 35 to 14 x 65 in Regen Method: Metered Warranty: 5 years Clack Simplex WS2 Our Rating★★★★★ Process: Ion Exchange Grain Capacity: 32K-96K Flow Rate: 35-126 GPM Sizes: 24 x 69 to 36 x 72 in Regen Method: Metered Warranty: 5 years The Clack Simplex WS1 Metered Water Softener is a conventional ion exchange water softener with 1-inch in-and-out connections. The only difference between the WS1 and WS2 softeners, as far as we can tell, is that size: the WS2 softener is bigger and has 2-inch in-and-out connections. The WS1 softener comes in various sizes, from 8 x 35 inches to 14 x 65 inches, with a flow rate ranging from 3.5 to 35 GPG. The WS2 softener has a size range of 24 x 69 inches to 36 x 72 inches, with a flow rate ranging from 62-114 GPM, so it's not intended for residential use. 👍 What We Like - The Simplex range is the most affordable Clack range, and the WS1 softener has a starting cost of around $650. If you have a small home and a limited budget, you can still enjoy the benefit of soft water in your home without spending thousands upfront. - It's great to see such a diverse range of sizes, resin capacities, and flow rates. There are softeners in the WS1 range for residential applications and commercial use, while the WS2 range is largely intended for commercial use. - The resin bed used in these salt-based water softener models is food-grade, and the water softener components are certified to NSF Standard 44. - The average lifespan of a water softener system in the WS1 and WS2 range is 15 years, so you should get plenty of value from your initial investment. - From what we understand, all Simplex softeners use metered regeneration, helping to save salt and water per regeneration cycle. 👎 What We Don’t Like - We're missing a lot of information about the softener's features and performance, and we can't find many stores that sell the WS1 or the WS2 range online anymore. Our verdict: The Clack Simplex WS1 Metered Water Softener is an affordable water softener range with numerous sizes and flow rates to choose from. It's good to see that the tanks and valves are NSF certified, and the softening process is efficient thanks to the metered regeneration. However, we struggled to find the WS1 range sold online. The Clack Simplex WS2 Metered Water Softener is too large for residential use, and it's also difficult to find online. Clack Duplex Water Softener Series Our Rating★★★★★ Process: Ion Exchange Grain Capacity: n/a Flow Rate: 1.7- 28 GPM (WS1TT), 22-34 GPM (WS1.25), 44-62 GPM (WS1.5), 62-114 GPM (WS2), 176-246 GMP (WS3) Sizes: 8 x 17 to 18 x 65 in (WS1TT), 14 x 65 to 21 x 60 (WS1.25), 21 x 60 to 24 x 69 in (WS1.5), 24 x 69 to 36 x 72 in (WS2), 42 x 78 to 55 x 104 in (WS3) Regen Method: Metered Warranty: 5 years The Clack Duplex Water Softener Series also has several different models to choose from: - The Clack Duplex WS1TT Metered Water Softener - The Clack WS1.25 Duplex Water Softener - The Clack WS1.5 Duplex Water Softener - The Clack Duplex WS2 Metered Water Softener - The Clack WS3 Duplex Water Softener These softeners have a single brine tank and two resin tanks, meaning that while one resin tank is regenerating, the other resin tank can be in use - so you have an uninterrupted supply of soft water. The Duplex models have a larger grain capacity and are more expensive than the Simplex softener series. If you have a multi-family household or you live in an apartment complex, the Clack Duplex series is a great solution for your entire property. The larger Duplex models are intended for commercial purposes. Again, we struggled to find these softeners online, and we're not going to write a dedicated review for this series because the softeners have the same features as those in the WS1 series - including metered regeneration, ion exchange softening, and varied system sizes and flow rates. The only difference is that they use two resin tanks, not one. ✅ What We Like About Clack Water Softeners Affordable Price One of the biggest benefits of a Clack water softener is its affordable price. Different models and sizes are priced accordingly, but the starting price for a Clack softener is generally lower than competing models. Clack softeners also have lower running costs due to their quality build, so they're more affordable in the long run - and your purchase is protected by a decent warranty (see below). Good Warranty Clack water softeners and filter controls all come with a 5-year warranty. While this isn't the very best warranty we've seen, it's good for the price point and tells us that Clack is confident in the quality of their products - especially given the complex nature of water softener control valves. Efficient Regeneration A specific performance benefit of Clack water softeners is their metered regeneration. Clack softeners use a meter to measure the volume of water that flows through the system, only regenerating when a certain amount of water has been measured. This is much more efficient than a timer-based softener, which uses timer controls to regenerate after a specific amount of time has passed, regardless of water usage. Clack water softeners only regenerate when they actually need to, helping you to save money and salt on the regeneration process. Great Choice Of Models Clack sells a good range of water softeners, giving you plenty of choice depending on your household size and water usage, your soft water needs, and your preferences in a water softener. Because there are so many different water softeners to choose from, you should be able to find a softener that's perfectly tailored to your requirements. ❌ Potential Setbacks of Clack Water Softener Systems Too Much Choice Can Be Overwhelming While we think it's a good thing to have so many different options for a water softener, trying to distinguish between the different models, makes, and sizes can be overwhelming. You can read guides like these to help you to understand the differences between each model, but we think the manufacturer could be clearer on what they offer and sell their softeners in a way that showcases their unique features and differences. Difficult To Find Products Clack's official website doesn't sell its soft water systems, and no third-party sellers sell the entire range of Clack softeners, either. Many of Clack's products appear to be no longer sold online. Because of the difficulty in tracking down many of the Clack systems, we question whether it's worth the hassle of finding a water softener from the manufacturer when there are so many other options on the market. No Techy Features Considering the Clack water softener price, we wouldn't expect these softeners to have some of the high-tech features of the newer models on the water softener market. Still, we wish Clack's softening systems had a bit more going for them aside from their efficient regeneration. You'd expect at least a few additional features, like low-salt brine tank alarms and battery backup, especially in the more expensive water softeners sold by Clack. 📝 Clack Water Softeners Review: Our Verdict & The Best Water Softener Alternatives In our opinion, If you just want a basic, no-frills water softener that does what it says on the tin at an affordable upfront cost, a Clack water softener is a good choice - once you've figured out which of the numerous different models is right for your softening needs and managed to find this model online, that is. However, the dual-tank softeners are too big and powerful for most homes - not to mention expensive. Plus, even the conventional single-tank softeners are lacking in features compared to many of the models on the water softening market today, and these softeners appear not to be widely sold anymore. There are tens of other water softener models that have more advanced features and perform more capably than Clack water softening systems. 🧠 Clack Water Softeners FAQ Who makes Clack water softeners? Clack water softeners are made by Clack Soft Water, a father-and-son business founded around 80 years ago in Madison, Wisconsin. The company opened as a water softener exchange business and quickly evolved to manufacture and distribute tanks, control valves, and parts for a variety of water treatment systems. How much does a Clack water softener cost? The cost of a Clack water softener depends on the size and model of softener you buy, and from what seller. The average price range for softeners in the Clack Simplex Water Softener Series is $650-$11,500, while the average price range for softeners in the Clack Duplex Softener Series is $1,000-$44,000. If you live in a residential property, you'll be paying closer to the lower end of the price range for small-scale softeners. Are Clack water softeners worth the money? We think the smaller softeners in the Clack Simplex Water Softener Series are worth the money because they're sold at an affordable upfront price and have good flow rates and resin capacities, making them suitable for households with up to 4-8 people. The dual-tank softeners in the Clack Duplex Softener Series are only worth it if you split the cost with other people, such as if you want a water softener for an apartment complex, but they're too big and expensive for use in normal-sized homes. How long does a Clack water softener last? The average life expectancy of a Clack water softener is 10-15 years. Clack water softeners are generally well-made and use durable parts, and they have a good warranty - a reassuring sign from the manufacturer. Is Clack water softener NSF certified? Yes, Clack's cation exchange water softeners are certified to NSF Standard 44 for conforming to requirements for material and structural integrity and for lead-free design. You can view the Clack components that have an NSF 44 certification in the NSF product and service listings catalog. How long does it take for a Clack water softener to regenerate? Like most water softeners, a Clack ion exchange system takes between 60 and 90 minutes on average to regenerate, depending on the system size and your water hardness. You'll hear whirring and rushing water when the softener is performing a regeneration cycle. How often should my Clack water softener regenerate? If you've bought the right size Clack softener for your home, the system should regenerate around every three to five days. Remember, Clack systems regenerate based on water flow through the tank, so the frequency of regeneration will depend on your water usage. What kind of salt do you use in a Clack water softener? You can use any kind of water softener salt in a Clack brine tank. We recommend using a high-purity salt, like evaporated salt, which will dissolve best in water to form brine and should leave minimal debris and impurities in the salt tank. Found this review helpful? Comment below or share this article! Read the full article
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