#wow the last time i made a gif was almost 2 years ago lol
gh0stsp1d3r · 9 months
Hii!! Can you do a Wonka x Male!reader fic where reader owns a toy shop and makes toys? And Willy enters the toy shop and becomes friends with reader and then Willy would visit every now and then, and could it be like a slow burn? Thank you!
Toy shop
(should I make a part 2??)
A/N: omg i love this sm its so cute. s/n= shop name, also I have no clue how old noodle is but I’m gonna say like 12 just for the fic.
warnings: lots and lots of pining.. nothing rlly
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“Where would you say, is the best place to go for Noodle’s present?” Willy asked Abacus one day after closing. He decided to pack up early to go run some errands, like buying some things for his apartment and also for Noodle.
It was almost Noodle’s birthday, and Willy had been making her her favorite chocolates but he felt like she deserved more. Besides, he had more money now.
“Mm… I passed by this toyshop not so long ago, its on that street somewhere. You can’t miss it.” He pointed, Willy smiled and thanked him, and began to walk over.
Now he wasn’t too sure on what to get a young girl. He hadn’t thought of it until he entered the shop.
You were smiling and helping a family out, pointing to an aisle. Your eyes then landed on the door, an oddly dressed man walked towards you. You smiled and greeted him.
“Hi, welcome to S/N, how can I help you?” You asked him.
He looked at you and smiled back. “Hi, I’m terrible at gift picking, forgive me.” Willy said with a small laugh. “But I was wondering if you could help me try and find a gift for a little girl? A 12 year old girl, to be exact.” He for some reason felt himself getting nervous as he talked, he’s never felt that before.
“No worries, I would love to help.” You said with a smile, you looked to one of your employees and asked for them to fill in for you for just a second.
“Of course, sir.”
“This place is…” Willy started as you walked through the aisles with him.
“Huge? Yeah. It used to be some old restaurant. It took a while for me to fix it up but..” you shrugged.
“You’re the owner?” He asked you, turning his head to you now. You nodded.
“That’s amazing. Oh- I’m Willy, Wonka.” He held his hand out for you to shake, you shook it and just the feeling of your hands made him feel like he was floating.
“Y/n.” You paused, the name sounding familiar.
“Wait, you’re that new chocolate shop owner, right?”
“That’s me.” He said with a grin, tipping his hat.
“That’s amazing, I went actually the other day, and just the outside looks beautiful, and the inside is just.. wow.”
“Really? I’m glad you like it.”
“Yeah… so, uh, what does this girl like?”
“Not too sure. She’s been cooped up in work all her life, really. So I’m not sure she knows..”
“Working at 12?”
“It’s a.. long story. She hasn’t really been able to live a life.” He shrugged.
“Well, I think I have some ideas. We have dolls, tons of teddy bears, a lot of three wheeled bikes have been pretty popular as well. Like this one.” You gestured to one on display,
“Yeah. I think that’s perfect for her. How much is it?”
“5 sovereigns.” You responded, he thought for a moment and pulled out some.
“Only 5?” He was shocked, cheap for such a product.
You shrugged with a small smile. “I like to make sure that every kid has something they love.”
He smiled back at your thoughtfulness. He wished he had met someone like you when he was a kid.
You rang it up, and you both talked for a bit more after.
"It was nice to meet you, Y/n." he said with a smile.
"Nice to meet you as well, Willy."
And he could already tell this was not the last time he would be visiting your shop.
He visited one day after closing, and you had just closed up as well.
“Hey, Y/n!” He called your name, you turned around to see him running over to you.
“The one and only.” He said with a small smile, and walked next to you. You both talking and laughing for a while, and he had asked to walk you home which you obviously said yes to.
The next time you both saw each other, he came into the store.
“Hey! So, did Noodle like it?” He had told you the name of his friend before.
“Hey! She loved it. She’s still learning, but you know..”
“I’m glad.” You said, looking into his eyes and felt yourself almost getting lost in them.
“What are you here for? Something else?” You questioned.
“Just wanted to talk.” He said, “you know, you’re a fun person to talk to.”
You quirked an eyebrow as you opened a door and motioned for him to come in behind the counter. You walked over to the break room and you both sat down.
“That’s a compliment I’ve never heard before.”
“It’s true.” He said, you laughed and shook your head to yourself.
“What?” He asked, laughing along.
“Nothing, nothing.” You waved it off, and you both smiled at each other for a while before one of your employees came up.
As she approached them, the woman stopped mid-sentence, feeling like she was interrupting something.
“Oh- yes?” You turned to her quickly, snapping out of it and feeling your cheeks heat up. Willy felt the same as his cheeks turned a shade of pink and he looked the other way, trying to hide his large smile.
“There’s a customer asking for you…”
You sighed. “I’ll be right there.”
He watched you, following you as you got up and over to the counter.
“Hello, what seems to be the problem?” You asked.
“They’re wondering if they can get this fixed. I told them we wouldn’t know how-“ your employee started.
The little girl held up a broken wooden toy.
“We can’t afford another one..” her mom started.
“Luckily, I know exactly the solution to your problem.” You said, a small smile on your face as you swiped your hand over it, as it seemingly fixed itself, looking brand new.
The girls eyes widened as you handed it back. She looked up at you.
“Thank you, sir!”
“Of course.“
Willy watched from a distant, a small smile on his face as he watched you interact with the girl and her parents. You were amazing, in his eyes.
You turned around, your employee also seemed shocked at you as you walked back into the room with Willy.
“Well, I’m not even gonna ask how you did that.” Willy started.
“A magician never reveals his secrets.” You held your finger to your lips, you both smiling at each other again.
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morgana-larkin · 4 months
First of all I live for your writing!!
And second I have a chessy prompt!!!
Basically r is a poet but doesn’t really talk about it and r decides to write a poem to chessy explaining her feeling for her but doesn’t write her name on it on purpose to have a clear state of mind or something idk😭
Anyways chessy find out that it was r from her handwriting and confronts her about it and r starts rambling and chessy shuts her up by kissing her and says something hot after the kiss then r kisses chessy back and you can go on from there!!
Hi! You’re so sweet! Thank you for the compliment 🥹❤️ . I thought this prompt was so cute. Now, I’m no poet so the poem might be terrible but I tried. I would have had this out earlier but I watched the new episodes of Bridgerton finally and got distracted. Not edited in the slightest and I hope you like it!
On another note: I made Chessy a bottom as I heard someone’s favourite is a bottom Chessy. I’m still taking requests and prompts for every character on my masterlist.
In Writing
Warnings: Smut, Bottom Chessy, Top Reader, lots of fluff
Words: 3.8k
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You glance up from your journal, you’re on one of the lounge chairs in your bikini with a see through cover up robe on. You see Chessy playing pool monster with the twins and it’s adorable. The way they swim away from her in a fit of giggles, and how she spins them around and then throws them in the water when she catches them.
You’ve found yourself admiring Chessy a lot lately, just something about her that grabs your attention. You met Chessy awhile ago when the twins were first born. She watched over you a few times as you were 12 years old when the twins were born and you loved spending time with her then, she’s a lot of fun, and it seems that hasn’t changed. Chessy sees you staring and smiles at you.
“Wanna join us y/n?” She asks and the twins both look at you with big smiles.
“Yes! Join us please?” Hallie begs.
“Yes please! It would be so much fun!” Annie said, agreeing with her sister. You loved watching Annie grow up. They were both your nieces, as you were Elizabeth’s younger sister, but you will always feel closer to Annie. When her and Nick split, you didn’t understand why they separated the twins but you respected their decision, even if you didn’t agree with it. Elizabeth made you and the family swear to never tell Annie that she has a twin sister.
As soon as everyone reunited again, Elizabeth invited you to come and meet Hallie, which you agreed to quickly. Here you are 2 years later and you’ve been living with them for a year now. When Nick and Chessy saw you again, they almost couldn’t believe it, the last time they saw you, you weren’t even a teenager. Now here you are, 24 years old, all grown up.
“Wow, y/n, you’ve grown up.” Nick says, still a bit shocked.
“Ya, time has a way of doing that.” You joked with him. You always liked Nick, he was a good guy and good to your sister.
“Everyone! I made some…” Chessy trails off as she sees you. “Y/n?” She asks and you smile and nod. You then run over and hug her.
“Good to see you again Chessy!” You exclaim when you pull back from the hug.
“Ya, it’s good to see you too. My, how you’ve grown.” She says and looks you up and down. “Are you still a little trouble maker like you were years ago?” She asks and you laugh.
“Not a lot of time for trouble but it seems my nieces are picking up the mantle. My sister told me everything that happened.” You say to everyone and the twins smile. “Btw, it’s nice to meet you, Hallie.” You tell her and she waves at you. “I never understood why you split them up.” You say and the twins look at you.
“Wait, you knew?” Annie says and you nod.
“Of course, chess brought me to the hospital to come meet you guys when you were born.” You say and you don’t see Chessy blushing at the nickname.
You and Chessy spent weeks catching up on what you’ve missed. You were able to bring your work with you as you were a designer like your sister and she hired you as soon as you graduated. You were both happy to have it as a family run company.
Besides designing, you also liked to do poetry. It’s a hobby you took up in high school as a way to get your feelings out. Being someone who liked girls when it wasn’t acceptable was hard. You often felt like there was no one to confide in, to talk about it with, so instead you wrote down your feelings, in the form of poems.
You were usually seen writing down in a journal in your free time. And if you weren’t then you were hanging out with someone in the house. I mean there are 6 people plus Sammy in the house, there was always someone there.
“Y/n?!? Are you gonna come?” Annie asked, breaking you out of your little walk down memory lane.
“Oh alright. I’ll join.” You said getting up and putting your journal down. You took your transparent robe off and then walked to the pool. Unknown to you, Chessy was checking you out the entire time. When Chessy used to watch over you when your family visited the twins, she always thought you were special, an adorable kid with an eye for mischief. You remained that little girl to Chessy for so long that when she saw you again, she was shocked. It took her a little bit to stop seeing you as the 10-12 year old girl she knew all those years ago, and start seeing you as a woman. And when she started seeing you as a woman, feelings started with it.
“Alright, what game are we playing?” You said as you jumped into the pool.
“How about Marco Polo?” Hallie suggested and everyone agreed.
“Alright, who's gonna have their eyes closed first?” You ask and the twins and you look at Chessy.
She sighs and then huffs. “Fine, but y/n is next.” She says and you wink at her. She closes her eyes and counts to 10.
“8…9…10! Marco!”
“Polo!” You all say in unison. Chessy swings around and walks a little bit, trying to find and catch you guys. You then get an idea, you haven’t played a trick on her in years. You dive under the water and swim to her.
“Polo!” The twins say, very interested in what you’re doing.
Chessy notices that your voice is missing and says it again. “Marco!” She says and you get to the bottom where her feet are and you tickle them and then come to the surface, giggling. “Ahh!” Chessy yells and then hears your giggling a couple seconds later. “I see someone is up to their old tricks again.” Chessy says with a smile.
“Once a trickster, always a trickster.” You say and then dive underneath the water again. You do your best to emerge silently and you're right behind her.
“Polo!” You all say in unison. And Chessy jumps and then spins around and catches you. You tried to flee from being caught but were a second too late. Chessy opens her eyes with a smile and sees your pout and she laughs.
“You tried but I’ve had years of practice with a trickster kid.” She tells you and she beams at you.
It was now your turn to try and catch one of them. “8…9…10! Marco!” You shout.
“Polo!” They all say in unison. You hear Hallie being close by and you turn around and jump forward and miss her.
“Polo!” They shout back and they’re all at the other end of the pool. You turn around and start walking to the other end.
“Polo!” They shout and they’re all closer but not close enough. You were about to shout it again when all of a sudden, you feel hands pull your arms to your side and then have arms wrap around your waist.
“Omg!” You shout in surprise.
“You’re not the only one who can do tricks!” You hear Chessy say and you can tell she’s smiling.
You end up switching games and you each have a twin on your shoulders, trying to knock the other one off. You have Annie and Chessy has Hallie.
Nick and Elizabeth were watching from the door and they’re smiling. It was so nice watching you all play together. They know Chessy loves having you back after years apart as you two were close. They see that you’ve gotten close with Hallie as you two were trying to find things in common to bond over in the beginning. As it turns out, you and the twins all have quick wit and a sense of humour. Nick, Elizabeth and Chessy love hearing you banter with the girls as it’s often entertaining.
“You and Hallie are going down!” You tell Chessy and she laughs.
“No, it’s you and Annie who are going down.” She retorts back. It turns out that both twins fell at the exact same time and it was a tie.
That night, you write down your feelings, and it all happens to be about Chessy. How you feel about her. You think you might have had a small crush on her back when you were 12 but you weren’t sure. But now you know for sure that you’re attracted to her and have a crush on her.
You rip the piece out of the book, you were about to crinkle it up and throw it away but then decided to keep it instead. You put it in your journal and then you put the journal on your nightstand, and then you go to sleep.
The next morning, you were going to accompany Hallie to see her horse and pamper the horse with her. You walk out of the house with your journal, unknowingly dropping the piece of paper where you declared all of your feelings about Chessy on. The piece of paper fell to the ground and no one noticed until 10 minutes later when Chessy comes back into the house with Sammy and picks it up. She turns the paper over and instantly recognises your handwriting. She then sees that you wrote a poem and she can’t help but read it.
What one could say except I like you
I love everything about you
Who you are, how you look, how you act
How could one not fall for you
In your presence I feel myself wanting more
More than a friendship with you
For I know we are two women
When I’m with you, I simply don’t care
All that occupies my mind is thoughts of you
Of us holding hands in the field
Us cuddling together on the couch or in bed
Going to the market or cooking together
Or to be able to finally know
What it’s like to have your lips on mine
Chessy reads it and smiles. It was beautiful and heartfelt. She had no idea you were good with poems. She wonders who it was about and then she hears you coming back with Hallie. She folds the piece of paper and puts it in a pocket to ask you about later. Then she gets started on lunch.
“Hello girls!” She greets you both and you both smile at her. “I’m just getting started on lunch, hope you’re hungry.” She says.
“Starving.” Hallie says.
“Well how about you go get your sister and bring her over here.” Chessy says and Hallie bolts off to find her sister. You then turn your attention to your journal and notice the piece of paper missing and you look around you. “Something wrong?” Chessy asks when she turns around to face you.
“Um ya. I had a piece of paper in here and now it’s gone. Have you seen a piece of paper on the floor” You tell her. She knows exactly where it is, it’s in her pocket right now.
“Uh no. Didn’t see anything. Was it important?” She asks and you stop in your search for it.
“Oh um, not really. Well yes, important to me anyway.” You say and she smiles at you.
“Well I hope you find it.” She tells you and goes back to making lunch.
That night, Nick, Elizabeth and the twins all go upstairs to get some sleep. You and Chessy remain on the couch and you yawn.
“I should probably get some sleep too.” You tell her and she looks at you.
“Can I ask you something first?” She asks and you look at her.
“Of course, you can ask me anything Chess.” You tell her and she smiles then frowns again. She reaches into her pocket and pulls your poem out.
“I found your poem.” She says as she unfolds it and shows it to you and your eyes widen. “Who’s it about?” She asks you and you snatch it from her.
“Nobody, it’s about nobody.” You say really quickly.
“Really? Cause it seems to be about a woman that you have feelings for.” She tells you and you look at the floor. “Y/n, I already knew you were into women. I figured it out when you were 12.” She tells you and you look at her confused.
“How could you have possibly known then? I was 12. I- I didn’t even know until I was 19.” You tell her.
“I recognize the signs that I saw in myself when I was that age.” She tells you with a shrug.
“Wait? What? Wait, are you…”
“Into women?” She finishes for you and you nod. “Ya, I am. I was hoping I’d be around for you so you have someone who’s like you, to talk too. While it’s more acceptable now then it was when I came out, I know it’s still frowned upon.” She tells you.
“When you came out? How old are you? You look no more than 35.” You say and she laughs.
“You think I’m only 9 years older than you?” She asks and you shrug. “Hate to break it to you but I’m 39.” She says and starts twirling your hair in her fingers. “You always had such beautiful hair.” She tells you. “So want to tell me more about that poem you wrote?” She asks and you stare at her.
“Well yes it’s about a woman. I may have feelings for someone. I wouldn’t put much thought into it if I were you. Not interesting at all. I mean it is someone you know but still not anything interesting. Just me and a crazy crush on-” and she cuts you off by putting her lips on yours. It takes a second before your brain processes that you’re not talking at the moment and you’re kissing, kissing the person the poem is about. You kiss her back and she smiles into the kiss. She pulls back a few seconds later.
“Was the poem about me?” She asks and you nod. “If I recall correctly, cause I obviously read it multiple times, you wanted to know what it's like to have my lips on yours.” She says and you nod.
“I did say that yes, and I like it.” You tell her and she hums.
“Well would you like to know what it’s like to have my lips on other places of your body?” She asks and you short circuit. You respond by kissing her again. Chessy eagerly kisses you back, wanting to kiss you for a while now but she had no idea if you were out yet. When she read the poem, it gave her hope that you figured it out and she could finally take the chance. She wasn’t blind, she knew about your feelings for her but didn’t want to do anything in case you didn’t know you were into women yet.
Chessy pulls back after a few seconds. “Is that a yes? Cause as much as I enjoy…kissing…you.” She says while giving you little pecks. “I do need a verbal confirmation.” She says and gives you another peck and you hum.
“I want to feel more than just your lips everywhere. I want to feel your lips, tongue and fingers.” You tell her and she smiles. Where did that sudden boost of confidence come from? You’ll never know. She was about to comply when a sudden thought strikes her.
“Wait, y/n. Are you a… a virgin?” She asks and you shake your head.
“I’ve already had sex with a guy. But never with a girl.” You tell her and she smiles.
“Well I’m going to make it memorable for you. Just not here. Let's go to my room.” She tells you and she gets up and extends her hands to you. You take both of them and she pulls you up and to her room.
She closes the door and starts kissing you again, only this time she deepens it by putting her hands in your hair and doesn’t pull away any time soon. You put your hands on her hips and pull her body closer to yours. You move your hands to the buttons of her shirt and you start undoing them one by one until you are able to yank the shirt off of her. “You wear far too many clothes.” You tell her playfully as you see her in a tank top and pants still.
She looks at you with a soft smile and hums. “Well what are you going to do about it?” She questions and you smile then push her down onto the bed. You quickly take her pants and tank top off and look at her body in just a bra and underwear and you lick your lips. “See something you like?” She teases as she sees your reaction to her body.
“Not something but someone, with an amazing body.” You tell her and straddle her lap as she sits up to hold you.
You kiss each other again and you trail down to her neck and she moans. “Oh god! Y/n.” She moans out as you suck her neck. You unclip her bra and tear it off her and go push her down onto the bed. You then go and suck a nipple and she tries to buck her hips under you, but can’t as you’re straddling her lap.
After you're satisfied you’ve teased her nipples enough you pull back to look at her and put your hands on her boobs and massage them. “Chessy, I just love your breasts, they’re so big and perfect.” You tell her and she smiles at you. She then gets impatient as you’ve teased her quite a bit.
“If you’re done admiring them, could you shift your attention downward.” She tells you and you quirk an eyebrow at her.
“I’ll obey this time but next time you complain then I’ll make you wait longer.” You tell her.
“Already wanting to do this with me again?” She asks cheekily as you slide her underwear off.
“Of course, I’m really enjoying myself, learning about what you like and what sounds I can get out of you.” You say and spread her legs. You climb on top of her and settle yourself on a leg then lean forward so you can kiss her lips. At the same time as you kiss her, you slide a finger inside her and it goes in easily. “Wow, you’re really turned on, it just slipped right in there.” You tell her and then add another one and she gasps out. You then begin pumping in and out of her and she’s moaning and gasping underneath you.
“Oh god! Y/n, I’m so close.” She almost yells and you go to kiss her again so she doesn’t wake anyone up, much less your sister. She then comes a few seconds later and she gasps into the kiss. You pull out of her and then just stay there until she’s ok with you to move.
“Sit on my face.” She tells you and you look at her.
“What?” You ask as she said it quietly.
“Sit on my face, I want to eat you out but I don’t think I can move. You really know how to finger a girl.” She tells you and you smile.
“I still have all my clothes on though so give me a minute.” You say and before you move, she takes your top off and unclips your bra before it goes flying off. She then quickly unbuttons your jeans then she pulls them down as well as your underwear, you then take them off the rest of the way.
“Wow, you really are beautiful.” She tells you and you blush.
“Thank you.” You tell her and then you climb up to her face. “Wait shouldn’t we do this near the headboard in case I have to -” At that moment she pulls you down to her mouth and immediately starts licking you and you get cut off. At one point you fell forward and you stayed leaning on your hands the rest of the time. “Oh god, Chessy. I’m close.” You tell her, trying to stay quiet. When you do come, you accidentally gasp out a bit loud and you hope you didn’t wake anyone up. You take a minute to catch your breath before you get off of her and flop down on the bed.
Chessy goes to clean herself up and when she comes out, you ambush her and pin her to the wall. You get her worked up again and she then just noticed you’re wearing a strap. You then slide it into her and you cover her mouth with your hand when she begins to gasp loudly. You start pumping in and out of her when it’s all the way in and then you go faster and faster. Chessy wants you to go faster when you’re already going as fast as you can in this position. So you pull out of her and bring her to the bed quickly and she gets on her hands and knees so you can pound into her from behind.
She ends up grabbing a pillow so she can muffle her sounds when she’s close. She gasps into the pillow when she comes and you come right after as the strap was rubbing your clit. You pull out of her and take the strap off and you both catch your breath.
“You couldn’t have done that before I cleaned myself up.” She tells you while trying to catch her breath.
“Are you complaining?” You ask her and she giggles.
“Only because I have to clean myself up again.” She tells you and you go to get a cloth for the both of you.
The next morning, she’s making breakfast for everyone when you come up and hug her from behind. She leans into your touch and you begin planting kisses on her neck and she giggles. She turns the stove off then places a hand in your hair as you continue to kiss her neck. You then hear someone clear their throat and you pull away from each other quickly and see everyone standing there.
“Oh, hi guys.” You say and Chessy is too nervous to speak. The twins then go to the table as Chessy begins putting breakfast on plates and Nick and Elizabeth walk over to you both. Elizabeth speaks low enough so the twins won’t hear.
“While I’m happy for you guys, I didn’t want to find out from the noises last night.” She tells you and both your cheeks go red.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
Let me know if you want to be added!
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kimbappykidding · 1 year
Kyungsoo Request: Imagine going to Greece with your boyfriend Kyungsoo for your first anniversary
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Kyungsoo had been adamant you were going to celebrate together in Greece on the exact date of your one-year anniversary. You adored Greece and had lived there a little as a child and Kyungsoo also liked the history and culture. On your 4th date, Kyungsoo joked you should go there on your 1 year anniversary and you grinned and told him you'd love that. You didn't give much thought to Kyungsoo's joke and had all but forgotten about it but a few months before your anniversary he asked if you'd still like to go there for your anniversary. You'd said yes and were very excited to go on holiday with Kyungsoo You didn't actually expect it to be on the exact date of your anniversary because the idol life was demanding and they never got to take time off when they wanted so when Kyungsoo told you you'd be going on the exact date you were stunned. Kyungsoo went through a lot to get that date but he didn't tell you that. He just told you he always kept his promises and you told him he was the best boyfriend ever.
A week before you were due to go the management started trying to wiggle Kyungsoo out of his holiday with you by offering him 2 weeks later in the summer instead. Kyungsoo refused, he'd made a commitment to you and was going to honour that. You'd been so understanding of all the late nights just before a comeback to having to be super private about everything and the many dates that got cancelled last minute when something came up. Kyungsoo wasn't going to let anything ruin this holiday and was as stubborn as...well himself and that's how you both ended up in Greece to celebrate your anniversary just like you'd joked about almost a year ago!
You discovered Kyungsoo was a hilarious person to travel with about 15 minutes into your journey to the airport. While you were a rather laid-back traveler he had everything organised and planned. He showed you the map with pinpoints of everywhere you might like to go and all the notes he had on his phone about things you might both enjoy. "I googled the stores at the airport and they have a Lego store!" he cried "how cool is that". You smiled at him "well get something, we can make it on the plane or when we get to Greece". Kyungsoo nodded "I thought exactly that and they also have a really nice chicken place which I thought we could buy dinner from". "Isn't there food on the plane?" you asked and Kyungsoo nodded "yeah but I checked and I don't think they'll have anything you like" he said passing you the menu on his phone. After a quick glance, you nodded "yeah you're right there's nothing on here I'd really want to eat. Wow you really know me well huh?". Kyungsoo smiled "well of course! I'd like to think you're the person I know best in the world and that you know me best too". You smiled "I hope I do...I mean I'm pretty sure I am. I know your favourite movie, song, season, month, colour..." and you would've continued but Kyungsoo cut you off with a laugh "I know and you don't have to prove it don't worry". You smiled "okay but I kind of want to...quiz me!". Kyungsoo laughed at how you were competitive even in this situation but it warmed his heart how enthusiastic you were to talk about him.
The quizzing continued all the way through the airport check-in, security and right until takeoff when you had to stop for the safety announcements. You didn't like takeoff too much and Kyungsoo wrapped an arm around you during it and held your hand tightly. "It's okay, you're safe. I've got you" he whispered to you softly and his voice and embrace helped calm you down. Once you were in the air you relaxed a little and curled up with Kyungsoo to watch a movie. You soon fell asleep against his chest which was a common occurrence. You claimed his chest had some sort of hypnotic power because anytime you were against it, you were out like a light. Again Kyungsoo loved this and made sure to utilise his "power" as much as possible. You woke up to see the Lego set on the table and gasped "you started without me?" but you should've known better. Kyungsoo was just reading the instructions and smiled at you "of course not, I'm not an anarchist" and you spent the rest of the journey building it together.
When you landed, Kyungsoo was organised. He packed your lego creation away into a bag he bought especially for this purpose and had all your documents to hand making customs a breeze. He knew exactly where you should go to get a taxi and took your hand leading you out the airport doors. You got hit with the warm breeze and smiled pausing "I'm so ready for this" and Kyungsoo nodded "me too".
Kyungsoo had organised everything so he'd chosen your villa and you'd seen some photos but hadn't been too bothered, trusting Kyungsoo completely but when you got there you were stunned because it was the most beautiful villa you'd ever seen. "Is this really ours?" you asked as Kyungsoo led you through the gate and up to the front door. He laughed "yeah of course it is" and he unlocked the door letting you go further into your temporary home. Your jaw dropped again once you'd seen the inside "Kyungsoo are you sure?" you asked and he laughed "yes! Why are you so unsure?". "Because this doesn't look like the photos you showed me" you laughed and Kyungsoo smiled sneakily "well I might've just shown you the standard villas...instead of this one". "What this one?" you asked and Kyungsoo laughed "well I think the full title is the Elite Luxury Royal Villa but that's a bit much right?". "You booked me a royal villa?" you asked shocked and Kyungsoo shrugged "technically yes but I don't think anyone royal has ever stayed here". You shook your head still stunned, "Kyungsoo this is insane! Did I still pay enough?". "It wasn't much to upgrade us so don't worry about that" Kyungsoo said "is it okay I did this? Do you like it?". "I love it" you smiled "there's a hottub and a beautiful pool and the view is insane and omg look at that dressing room!" you cried "wow I...why?" you asked. "because I wanted to treat you" Kyungsoo said "I know there have been a fair few cancelled dates and it's not easy dating an idol but you never complain and always support me. I want to show you how much I appreciate that and how I think you should be treated all the time". You smiled shaking your head "you really think that highly of me?". "Of course I do" Kyungsoo smiled "happy anniversary Y/n" and he pulled you forwards so he could kiss you.
Your actual anniversary was 2 days away and you had things planned for that day but Kyungsoo still wouldn't tell you everything he had planned. For your first day you unpacked, explored a little and then came back home still a little tired from the travelling.
The next day, you and Kyungsoo did some sightseeing in the morning, explored some of the higher ground, got a few great photos and then came back when it started getting busy in the afternoon. You were relaxing by the pool when your phone rang. It was Baekhyun and you went to turn to Kyungsoo to ask if he thought everything was okay before realising he'd headed inside.
You picked up the phone and Baekhyun's face came into focus. "Hey are you okay?" you asked worried and Baekhyun grinned "yeah I'm fine how are you?". You paused before smiling "I'm good...we're here...on holiday" you tried to say to delicately remind Baekhyun in case he'd somehow forgotten. "Yeah we know we just wanted to make sure you were okay" Suho said suddenly his face appearing and you realised all the guys were there. "Oh hey everyone!" you said waving "aww that's sweet you're checking in with us" and you started telling them all about the cute things Kyungsoo did on the plane and they loved it.
Kyungsoo came back outside to hear laughter and was confused before he heard his members' voices. "Why are you calling Y/n?" he asked sitting down beside you and the guys cheered when they saw him. "Yeah yeah it's good to see you all now answer my question!". "We just wanted to make sure you got there okay but you weren't answering our calls" Baekhyun said smugly. "You've been calling us?" you asked and then you saw Kyungsoo's guilty face and gasped "Kyungsoo!".  "Y/n they're just trying to pry and annoy us!" he said and then Chanyeol gasped "hey I resent that I care if you're okay...sure annoying you was Baekhyun's main reason for calling you but that's him, not me!". That made you laugh and Kyungsoo saw his chance to pluck the phone out of your hands. He raised it to his face and smiled sweetly at Chanyeol "okay well we're here safe and happy and now you know so there's no need to bother us for the rest of the trip okay? Okay bye" and he hung up the phone. You could hear the guys hurrying to speak to him before they were cut off.
"That was mean" you said jokingly and Kyungsoo shrugged "I've spent many years of my life with them and I love them but in the nicest possible way I don't want to see a single one of them this whole week. The only person I want to see, is you" he said coming to stand next to you. "Just me huh?" you asked "you know that might be pretty hard to achieve. For that we'd have to never leave this villa" and you rested your hands on his broad shoulders. "That sounds like the perfect holiday to me" Kyungsoo said and just as you were leaning over to kiss him he swiftly lifted you up and into his lap. You made a slight squeal before settling in your new home and Kyungsoo smiled "now this is perfection, why would I need to see anything else?" and he finally kissed you.
The next day was your anniversary and you woke up to find the bed empty but knew where Kyungsoo would be. You padded to the patio and surely enough there was Kyungsoo setting up a beautiful breakfast. He'd clearly nipped out for fresh food and produce and you watched him for a few seconds before going over to him. You wrapped your arms around him and smiled "happy anniversary" you said softly and Kyungsoo tensed before smiling. "I wanted to be the first to say it to you!" he cried "did I wake you?". "Ha ha I beat you and no I just figured you'd be here. Remember? I know you pretty well Kyungsoo" and he smiled "guess I'll have to be sneakier to surprise you this holiday huh?". The smirk on his face and the glint in his eye made you so excited to find out what he had planned.
You helped Kyungsoo make breakfast (despite his protests) and then headed out for a beautiful morning boat ride around the coast. After that you went to a museum Kyungsoo thought you would like and he was completely correct. All the exhibits were things you found interesting and you had a great time. Plus, it was fun just getting to wander around with Kyungsoo and do mundane things which made you realise how much you sometimes missed him. You understood Kyungsoo's job was hard and that's why you never got annoyed if he cancelled dates or was home a little later. You knew it wasn't his fault but it was difficult sometimes and that's what made moments like this more special. You got to just wander around a museum with your boyfriend and see his face react to odd exhibits and modern art. Moments like this made you remember how much you loved being with Kyungsoo and how much he meant to you.
You thought about this all day and Kyungsoo noticed you watching him again at dinner and smiled "what?" he asked and you blushed "what?". "You've been staring at me all day" he said "have I got something on my face?". You shook your head "no not at all I just...I'm really happy we're here together" you said and Kyungsoo smiled at you "that's why you've been staring at me?". You nodded now fully blushing "I love that we get this time together and I feel special to be sat across from you. Thank you for taking the time out of your super busy life to plan this holiday. You organised everything and it happened because of you and I couldn't be happier, I think it's exactly what I needed. Time with just you". Kyungsoo smiled "I think time with just you is all I ever need" and you smiled "well you know I'm always open to that" and you squeezed Kyungsoo's hand before your eyes went to the square that your restaurant was in. 
A bunch of people had gathered and were all standing around for something. "What are they doing?" Kyungsoo asked and you frowned "I have no idea..." before you spotted a band and smiled "it's some live music! Aww this will be so beautiful, did you know about this?". Kyungsoo shook his head, he had researched all the bars and restaurants in the area to prepare but he hadn't read anything about live music...and then the dancing started. Kyungsoo could tell you wanted to dance the second your eyes focused on the dancers. Your eyes lit up and a small smile appeared on your face watching the couples swirl around. Kyungsoo didn't even hesitate "do you want to join them?" he asked. You looked at him and smiled widely telling him your answer.
Kyungsoo led you over to the group or more accurately he tried but you were so excited you practically dragged him into the fray. You were always a lot more spontaneous and excitable than him and he liked that. Seeing you happy made him happy and the guys always rolled their eyes when he said that but he meant it!
Kyungsoo was a fairly good dancer and he took in the beat, observed the steps and then tried to lead you but you took over. You did your own routine different to everyone else's and Kyungsoo couldn't help but laugh at the pure joy on your face. "You know, things are never boring with you around" Kyungsoo said and you smiled "I'm glad you're not bored of me yet" but before you could laugh Kyungsoo replied "never". You could feel how much Kyungsoo meant that and it made you blush. He could be really intense sometimes and it left you feeling flustered and fluttery. It always made you want him and Kyungsoo must've recognised that look in your eye because he smiled.
"Can I kiss you?" he whispered. You'd been dating for ages so he didn't typically ask anymore but the act made your stomach do somersaults and you nodded. Kyungsoo leaned in and captured your lips with his own right in the middle of the dance floor. Typically Kyungsoo disliked PDA but right now he didn't care that there were tons of people around you or that you were in public. He just kissed you and carried on kissing you for as long as you both wanted. He didn't care what anyone else thought. You were the only person on his radar.
Kyungsoo could've sat there kissing you all night but he had a schedule to stick to! So he gently broke away from you, held you close for a few more dances and then whispered in your ear he had a surprise for you. You LOVED surprises so your face lit up again and you badgered Kyungsoo to give you hints about what it was. He admitted it was near the pier and you practically skipped there and when you reached there you looked at him questioningly.
The pier was lit up by lots of boats which had pretty lights on them and people were freely milling around the coastline. Kyungsoo led you to the front and gave his name where the woman in charge smiled and led you to one of her bigger boats. It was still petite and clearly for 2 but had more furnishings and looked very pretty.  "Kyungsoo what is all of this?" you asked and he smiled "I might've rang ahead and put some arrangements in, I know gondolas are more Venice but I couldn't resist, especially because of how much you love the ocean" he smiled. He stepped into the boat and held out a hand for you "well are you coming or what?" and with a smile, you stepped into the boat.
Kyungsoo steered the boat himself instead of taking a rower and you figured he would. Kyungsoo was social and good at talking to people but when the two of you were together he liked privacy. He wasn't scared to talk about his feelings in front of others but he told you he didn't get as much time with you as he'd like, so any time that he did get with you he wanted it to be special and distraction-free. You were more than happy to have Kyungsoo all to yourself and alternated steering the boat. Kyungsoo initially wanted you to just lay back and relax while he pushed you but he knew you were a curious excitable person and of course, you'd want a go rowing the boat.
He tensed as you clambered around the boat with zero worry about falling in the water but as he'd said, you loved the sea and this wasn't your first time on a small boat. "Wow you're way better at this than me and I had a lesson" Kyungsoo said as you powerfully pushed them into a bay where other boats were floating and you laughed before freezing "wait you had a lesson?". "Yeah, I wanted to make sure I could keep us safe out here" Kyungsoo said and you smiled "please, I don't think anyone could make me safer". "I know but I'm not Poseidon so I can't control the waves if we fall in" he said and you nodded "I know and it's a shame" making Kyungsoo gasp. "Wow I'm sorry I'm not a Greek God with the seven seas at my fingertips!" he cried and you reached for him "I was joking!". "No I always knew you fancied Poseidon more than me" reaching away from you but you were in a boat and there was literally only so far he could go. So eventually you trapped him and made him look at you "you know I like you more than Poseidon, the god of the sea has nothing on you". Kyungsoo grinned because he loved when you complimented him and he bobbed his head down to kiss you. You broke away for breath and smiled "now Hades on the other hand..." and Kyungsoo laughed "shut up" and kissed you again.
Eventually, you started rowing again and Kyungsoo took the lead. He steered you away from the other boats and you thought he was going out to sea until he turned suddenly and you gasped. "I thought you'd like it" Kyungsoo smiled and you did. There was a hidden alcove wide enough for a few boats to fit through between some of the cliffs and it looked magical. Kyungsoo told you they were a special type of rock that glowed in the dark and it was extraordinary rowing through them. The water reflected off the rocks and it was so beautiful. The cliffs made it feel private too and there was nobody else here so it felt like a perfect hideaway only you and Kyungsoo knew about.
You emerged on the other end into a more secluded bay and Kyungsoo led you towards the shore before stopping. You could tell he was expecting something so looked at him  "what?". "Wait" he smiled sitting down next to you and putting an arm around you. You did what Kyungsoo said and waited...for 1 minute. You couldn't sit still very long and were going to ask Kyungsoo what was meant to be happening when you saw a light in the sky.
A figure appeared with a lightning bolt and you realised it was Zeus and then more and more God and Goddesses appeared. It was a drone show and it was stunning! They acted out some of the famous myths and constellations and you were so impressed. The show lasted for 15 minutes and when it was over everyone clapped startling you. You'd forgotten anyone else was around you were so engrossed in everything. It was truly the most magical night of your life.
Coming back to reality, you reached out for Kyungsoo and leaned into him wishing this moment could go on forever. "You okay?" Kyungsoo asked and you nodded "I'm perfect, this is beautiful Kyungsoo" you said and he smiled "you're beautiful" and you blushed. Kyungsoo loved it when he made you blush. You were more confident than him so usually he was the one to blush, but not always and anytime he got a blush from you his chest swelled. Tonight was no exception but a little different because it was your anniversary and everything felt heightened. Kyungsoo was here on the other side of the world, with an incredible woman he was lucky enough to call his girlfriend. He hadn't planned a speech or anything surprisingly but the words just tumbled from his mouth.
"Y/n I just want to say thank you. This past year with you has been the happiest of my life. You always make me feel so cared for and valid. You balance me out perfectly and all the guys have seen a change in me". "Really?" you asked and Kyungsoo nodded "they all say I smile more and am more relaxed and I know that's all because of you! All you have to do is send me a text and I know you're thinking about me and thinking about you calms me down". "It does?" you asked and Kyungsoo nodded "yes because I love you Y/n".
You blinked as Kyungsoo's word sunk in.
Despite being together a year neither of you had said you loved the other. For Kyungsoo this was normal, he thought about everything he felt and didn't wear his heart on his sleeve. He wasn't going to say something he wasn't sure he felt and was more of a slow burner. You were also very chill and words didn't matter to you that much. You liked how Kyungsoo treated you and made you feel. That mattered more than anything for you and you didn't have a timer for when things had to happen in a relationship. You were happy just to go with the flow and for moments to arrive at the right time...like what was happening right now. 
"Kyungsoo" you smiled and saw his eyes rapidly shifting from the bottom of the boat to the water and back to you, a sign he was nervous. You took Kyungsoo's hand in your own and squeezed it. "I love you too" you said softly but Kyungsoo heard you and his eyes suddenly shot to you. "You do?" you asked and you smiled "of course I do Kyungsoo, I've loved you for so long and I know no matter what I'll always love you. You're my Kyungsoo" you said and that was it. Kyungsoo's face broke out into a goofy smile before he could stop himself and a ghastly laugh accompanied it. Kyungsoo tried to cover his mouth but you wouldn't let go of his hands and pushed your body against his so you could hug him.
Kyungsoo wrapped his arms around you and sighed at how wonderful things felt, you must've read his mind. "Kyungsoo this whole holiday has just been perfect, I feel so lucky to have you. Thank you" and Kyungsoo smiled holding you closer. "You deserve everything" he whispered in your ear "I'd give you the world if I could and I will always spoil you". That made you pull back with a smile "I don't need the world, just you" and Kyungsoo genuinely faltered because he could tell you meant that. Being an idol, he had to be wary of every new relationship and think of the worst possible scenarios just in case but not with you. You'd broken past all his barriers and now he could just truly give himself over to his happiness. So instead of looking down to hide his blush or trying to find the words to tell you how he felt, Kyungsoo just held onto you and didn't let go for the rest of the night.
The remaining 3 days of your holiday passed in a blur and before you knew it you were back home. Baehyun, Chanyeol, Kai and Suho were waiting for you at the airport, uninvited. Kyungsoo had asked them not to come but they ignored him and Baekhyun ran to him like a child who had been kept from their parents for months. Kyungsoo was mortified but once you got them all sat down in a cafe and people stopped staring, he relaxed.
"So how was it?" Chanyeol asked "did you see any old temples or shrines". You smiled "we did but that could describe like half of Greece so that's not saying much". "Well you both look really happy and tanned" Kai said "you look like you had a good trip. Kyungsoo shoulders were all back and relaxed before Baekhyun appeared!". "He loves me he just won't admit it" Baekhyun said reaching across the table until he flinched when Kyungsoo went for him. "Yeah it was incredibly relaxing and romantic" you nodded "the best week I've had in years". "The best week of my life" Kyungsoo said and you paused, surprised out of all the crazy weeks he'd had as an idol, your holiday was his favourite. "Do you have any photos?" Suho asked and you went to nod when Kyungsoo put his phone on the table and began to show the guys. He had all your holiday photos in an album and started explaining each day to the boys. You smiled watching your boyfriend get excited about things you'd seen and blushed as he showed them photos of you you didn't even know he'd taken. There was one of you in the boat where you were staring up at the light show and you looked so happy and transfixed. Your heart soared again when you realised Kyungsoo had set it as his home screen.
On the way to the car Baekhyun fell in step with you. "You okay?" he asked "you've gone quiet". You nodded "yeah I'm good I just...I realised how much Kyungsoo loves me this trip and I honestly can't believe it". Baekhyun laughed "you didn't think he loved you?". "I knew he cared about me but he loves me so much" you smiled "to have a guy like that feel so strongly about me...it makes me feel pretty damn lucky". Baekhyun smiled "you are, our boy is wonderful but he's also got excellent taste and he wouldn't have fallen for you without reason. You make him happy Y/n and we're all so pleased you're together". "You are?" you asked and Baekhyun nodded "we can't think of anyone more worthy of our boy than you". That made you tear up and Baekhyun hugged you when he realised. "You deserve him so enjoy it" he whispered and then you reached the car.
Kyungsoo made sure to get a seat next to you and leaned into you "are you okay? What did Baekhyun say to you?" protective boyfriend mode on. You smiled "don't worry it was nice stuff about you and it made me a little emotional". "Oh, do you want to talk about it?" he asked and you smiled "I'm pretty perfect actually" and Kyungsoo smiled "yes you are" making you blush.
This had been the best holiday of your life but something told you, you had many more adventures with Kyungsoo and you couldn't wait.
Request by @criistig10 I hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for the request :)
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queen-haq · 3 years
Fic: A Woman Scorned - Part 13
Fic: A Woman Scorned - Part 13
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader
Rating: R for language and smut.
Words: ~3000 words.
Summary: You’ve been sleeping with Billy Russo for a few months now. Knowing his aversion to emotional commitments, you’re satisfied with your clandestine arrangement until you catch him having dinner with Dinah Madani one night. Then it finally dawns on you. It’s not that he doesn’t want to commit, he just doesn’t want to commit to *you*.
Billy may think he knows you, but he has no idea what he’s just lost...
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5   Part 6   Part 7   Part 8   Part 9  
Part 10   Part 11   Part 12
gif credit: @bilyrusso
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Part 13
It was 8 in the evening and you were still in the office. You hadn’t accomplished much work today, your mind mostly focused on Billy. You were surprised by how quickly he’d been able to make the funeral arrangements for his mother. Yesterday you had driven over to the nursing home and by the time you reached there, Carla Russo’s body had already been picked up. You’d signed a few papers for Billy and picked up the remainder of Carla’s things before you returned home. Everything of hers was packed into a small suitcase and sitting in your living room. You wanted to call him, ask him how he was and offer your support, but he seemed determined to do everything on his own when you’d talked to him last and you didn’t want to intrude.
You gave yourself a mental shake, reminding yourself to concentrate. This workday had been a wash. When you weren’t distracted by thoughts of Billy, you were putting out fires in your team. At least the personnel conflicts have been temporarily resolved, but now you needed to work on a slide deck that you’d been tasked with presenting to the executive leadership committee later in the week.
An hour later you were halfway done with your presentation when your phone rang. You glanced down at your screen to find Billy’s name on the screen. “Hi.”
“Hey.” He sounded exhausted. “You still at work?”
“Yeah. How did you know?”
There was a pause. “You give off the workaholic vibe.”
You smiled to yourself; at least he was okay enough to crack jokes. “How are you?”
“You mean am I grieving over a goddamn dead woman who preferred meth to her own fucking son?” He sighed. “No big loss. I’m fine.”
Anger and hurt saturated his voice despite his attempts to sound unaffected. Your heart hurt for him, you wished there was something you could do. “Do you need anything?”
“The funeral service is tomorrow.” A beat of silence followed. “Do you want to come?”
“Sure. What time?”
“I’ll take the day off. Do you need my help with anything? Maybe I can call some of her friends?”
“When I found her she was living on the streets, barely alive but still hooked on meth. I doubt she’s got any friends.”
“What about the people in the nursing home? Maybe they want to come?”
“No, I don’t want anyone else there. Just you.”
Not liking the warmth that spread through you upon hearing his words, you reminded yourself he was probably feeling unusually vulnerable. This wasn’t typical of him.
“Do you want to come over?” he asked.
You exhaled a heavy sigh. “I would but I have so much work to do. I’ll be here for another hour at least.”
“Come over after you’re done.”
“It’ll be really late.”
“That’s fine. I can wait.”
“I can stop by my place to pick up your mom’s-.”
“No, it’s okay.”
You realized he wasn’t quite ready to go through Carla’s belongings yet.
“Bring your stuff with you.”
“Overnight bag, clothes for tomorrow, whatever.”
“Oh. You want me to stay over?”
“Yeah, might as well. We can drive over together for the service tomorrow.”
Despite the conversation coming to a natural end, he wasn’t hanging up. It seemed as if he was reluctant to be alone, probably because that meant dealing with the complicated emotions for his mother. You knew exactly how that felt. “If you want, I can leave now. I can work from your apartment instead of the office.”
“You’re not worried I’ll be tempted to spy on Valiant stuff?” he teased.
You smiled. “As if I’d let you see what I’m working on.”
“Guess no corporate espionage for me tonight.”
“Still going to keep you away from my laptop.”
He chuckled. “Just get here. I promise not to bug you while you work.”
“Okay. I’m leaving now.”
“See you soon.”
After you hung up, you started gathering your things together.
An hour later, you were at his place. When he opened the door, you immediately grew concerned at how tired he looked. Traveling back and forth from Vegas plus dealing with the news about Carla’s death within the last few hours meant he was absolutely exhausted.
“Hey,” he greeted you, smiling as he took the overnight bag from your hands.
You removed your heels while he took your bag inside his room and then made your way to his living room. While his penthouse suite was much bigger than yours, you actually didn’t like it very much. Despite the high-end finishes and the beautiful interiors - Billy had obviously hired a designer to make the place look good - it always felt very cool and inhospitable to you. It was too perfect and you always felt out of place inside the suite.
“You hungry?” he asked, coming up behind you. “I ordered dinner for you.” Arms encircling your waist, he dropped a kiss on the back of your head as he maneuvered you to the kitchen. He’d laid out the food for you on the dining table, and from the take-out containers you knew it was from one of your favourite Indian restaurants. The thoughtful gesture surprised you, you weren’t used to that from him. Noting that he’d only set the table for one, you turned around to look at him. “You’re not going to eat with me?”
“I ate already. I was starving. Sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry.” You cradled his face with one hand, your eyes roving over his beautiful face as he placed a kiss on the fleshy part of your palm. “You look exhausted. Did you even sleep?”
“No” He leaned back against the kitchen counter, weary. For a moment he closed his eyes, simply holding still, and you found yourself wrapping your arms around him in a hug. You didn’t understand why you’d even initiated the embrace – hugs were never your thing – but seeing him so beaten-down you were desperate to comfort him. He leaned into you, his body flushed against yours, and you held him tight. Stroking the nape of his neck, you placed a soft kiss on the center of his forehead. “Why don’t you take a nap while I work?”
“You don’t mind?”
You smiled up at him, running your fingers through his hair. “At least I don’t have to worry about you stealing my company secrets while you sleep.”
He smirked. “You’ll be here when I wake up?”
“Yup. Probably still working away.”
Billy grazed your temple softly before dropping a tender kiss on the tip of your nose. “Okay, but eat first.”
You nodded your head, watching after him as he sauntered out of the kitchen and disappeared down the hallway.
Sighing, you went to the sink to wash your hands before eating.
It was after midnight and you were still working on your slide deck when you heard Billy puttering around in the bathroom. Soon he slowly made his way towards you, dressed in a t-shirt and black boxers, his hair all messy. He yawned lazily, falling onto the other end of the couch.
“I thought you’d sleep through the night,” you remarked.
“Are you still working?” he asked.
“Almost done.” You saved the file and shut off the laptop before slipping it back inside your bag.
Suddenly he pulled you closer and you found yourself tucked underneath him on the couch as he glanced down at you from above. “You work too hard.”
You smiled up at him. “They don’t pay me the big bucks to sit there and look pretty.”
A slow, incandescent smile curved his lips. “I would. If I ran Valiant, you’d be my personal stress relief. You’d be in my office the entire time and do nothing but look pretty and service me.”
“That’s sexual harassment.”
Billy shrugged his shoulders. “Whatever. I’d make it worth your while.”
You laughed, angling up to kiss him. “Your breath is all minty fresh.”
“I brushed my teeth for you.”
“Wow. Be still my heart.”
A warm grin covered his face as he shifted down your body to nuzzle your neck. His weight was heavy as he rested atop you, but you liked the solid feel of him on you, the way you felt all safe and warm. You stroked his hair while he drew lazy circles on your chest, the silence between you two comforting.
“No one knows about her. Not Frank, not Curtis, no one.”
Those names were familiar to you because Billy had mentioned them in passing a few times. Of course he’d never shared any other info, but you being you, you’d dug around and found out more about them. You knew they’d served with Billy and he considered them his closest friends.
“When I found her three years ago, I put her in that home and forgot all about her.”
“You visited her every week,” you reminded him.
“Because I wanted her to regret abandoning me. I wanted her to see how far I’d come, I wanted to throw her mistakes in her face. But I don’t think she regretted safe-havening me, not even a bit.”
The bitter pain in his voice made your heart hurt for him.
“Maybe I should be happy she’s finally dead, or maybe I’m supposed to be sad or something.”
“How do you actually feel?”
“Nothing. I feel nothing.”
“Billy, I think that’s normal. There’s no right or wrong in this. All of your feelings are valid.”
“Even if her dying made me absolutely ecstatic? You wouldn’t think I was a fucking psychopath?”
“You are a psychopath but not because you have conflicting emotions about your terrible mother dying. You have the right to feel how you feel about her, whatever that might be.”
Eyes blazing with emotion, he hovered about you to meet your gaze. “Then what makes me a psychopath?”
You quirked your eyebrow. “The fact you want to torture my dates.”
“Not just torture, I want to kill them.” Eyes darkened, voice velvety-smooth, he covered your mouth with his and ravaged you with a kiss that left you thrumming and breathless.
“Only you’re allowed to touch me?” you asked through labored breaths.
“Yes.” His voice was a lustful rasp, his mouth leaving a heated trail as he sucked on the oh-so-sensitive corner of where your neck and shoulder intersected. Sparks of electricity ran down your spine. “Only me.”
You took his hand and guided it down your body, parting your thighs for him.
Like always, you were soon completely lost in the erotic pleasure of his mouth on you. Your legs hooked over his shoulders, your hands grabbed the back of the couch for support as he fucked you with his hands and mouth, sucking you, licking you, his tongue flicking over your clit until you were keening under him. Body arching off the couch, you moaned his name louder and louder until he drove you completely over the edge.
Then you felt a light slap on your cunt which immediately brought you back to reality. Opening your eyes, you found Billy perched between your legs, gracing you with the most wicked smile. “That’s one.” He slapped your pussy again, this time his long, lean fingers ever so slightly grazing your clit and your hips bucked, wanting more. “As promised.” His eyebrow quirked up. “Punishment.”
“Not fair,” you protested. “I’ll date who I want.”
He slapped you again, a little harder this time, but then he leaned down to place comforting kisses on the very spots he assaulted and you moaned with pleasure.
“All of you.” His tongue lapped over your clit, eyes locked with yours. “Belongs to me. I own you.”
“You don’t!” You squealed when he flipped you over unexpectedly, grabbing you by the hips so your ass was lifted of the couch. And then he squeezed your butt cheeks, biting them lightly before he started rimming you.
After sharing a shower the two of you were laying in his bed, your back pressed against his chest as you both stared up at the ceiling. His one hand was intertwined with yours, the other arm circled around your hips. The two of you didn’t have sex but you didn’t mind. You were both fatigued.
“I smell like you now,” you murmured, realizing the soap in his shower had left its scent on you.
“I know. I like it.” He squeezed your fingers. “I have a present for you.”
“I hope it’s not earrings again.”
He chuckled. “No, not earrings.”
“What is it then?”
You turned back to look at him. “What? Like a necklace?”
“Something like that. Except I’m the only one who’ll see you wearing it.”
“Ah. And where is this gift?”
He kissed the top of your head. “Not here yet.”
You smiled to yourself. “People usually wait until they have the gift in hand before telling others about it.”
“I couldn’t wait. I’m excited to see you wear it.”
He stroked your hair, and your eyes grew heavy. Soon you started falling into deep slumber, feeling calm, comforted by Billy’s arms around you.
“What happened with your family?”
Your eyes flew open. Like always, any mention of your family unfurled anxiety within you. You didn’t like thinking about them letting alone discussing them. “They passed away.”
“They’re dead?”
“Both of them?”
He pulled you up so you were facing him now, his intoxicating gaze completely focused on you. “That day when I asked you about the pictures, you said you weren’t close to your family.”
“I meant my extended family. I don’t keep in touch with them,” you replied smoothly.
“What were your parents like?”
Irritation surged through you at his obtrusive questions but you had to remind yourself he just lost his mother. He was feeling out-of-sorts, working through his grief – even if he didn’t think so – and he was reaching out to the only person in his life that knew about his mother. “Normal.”
He simply stared at you for a long time, studying you, saying nothing. “Normal,” he repeated, finally breaking the strained silence.
You shrugged your shoulders, dropping your gaze to the base of his throat so you didn’t have to hold his piercing stare. “Yup.”
“How did they die?”
“Car accident.”
“You miss them?”
“Of course,” you lied.
He reached out to cup your face, his thumb stroking your cheek. “So you grew up with great parents, white picket fence and all that bullshit? Sounds like you had a fairytale childhood.”
“Can we talk about this tomorrow? I’m really tired.”
“Sure. I’ll add this to the list of all the other shit we’ll talk about someday.”
He sounded almost angry with you and you weren’t sure why. Before you could question him, however, he pulled you close so you were snuggled against his chest and the warmth of his body was enough to silence your brain and lull you to sleep.
It was a cold, crisp autumn day in New York. The outdoor service, attended by only you and Billy, was short and quick. Throughout it, he’d gripped your hand even though he’d been outwardly calm and collected. Even now as he stood a few feet away from you, impeccably dressed in a black suit, his dark eyes hidden behind a pair of aviator sunglasses as he stared out at the pond, you sensed he was a complete mess inside. You didn’t know what to say to him so you simply sat on the bench, both of you in an isolated corner of the garden. Eventually he came to sit beside you, taking your hand in his.
“I’d have given her the whole world.” His voice was filled with pain and longing as he removed his sunglasses and tucked them in the upper pocket of his suit. “I would have given her anything she ever wanted.” Billy’s eyes met yours. “If she’d just wanted me.”
You scooted closer to wrap your arms around him, breathing him in as he sunk into you. His hands caressed your back, his grip on you so tight you almost couldn’t breathe. After a while he rested his forehead against yours, his eyes holding you prisoner in front of him.
“Swear to me you’ll never leave.”
“Promise me!”
“I can’t.”
“It wasn’t a fucking request, Y/N.”
You tried to pull away from him but he fisted the back of your hair, holding you in place.
The raw urgency in his voice played havoc with your emotions. If you closed your eyes, just for a moment, you could shut out all the doubts in your head and simply believe him - but you could only live the fantasy for a short moment before reality forced its way back in. “You don’t mean those words, Billy.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Because you don’t feel that strongly about me.”
His eyes narrowed, glaring at you with hostility. “You’re gonna tell me how I feel?”
“I’m not what you want.”
“And what do you think I want?”
You gave him a sad smile. “The best of everything. Best car, best clothes, the most beautiful women in your arms. You want all that because you need others to want what you have.”
“Is that so wrong?”
You shook your head. “No, there’s nothing wrong with that – except I don’t fit into any of those categories. You want a woman like Dinah Madani. I’m not her. So eventually this thing between us will end.”
His jaw was set in a grim line, eyes burning bright with rage. “So you have me all figured out, huh?”
“Don’t get mad. You know it’s the truth.”
He yanked you closer, crushing you against him. “It’s been me against the world for as long as I can remember. But when I look at you.” His eyes softened, mouth parting as his dark gaze roamed over your face. “I don’t feel alone anymore.”
Your heart melted. The tenuous handle you had on your self-control disintegrated completely. You closed your mouth over his, kissing him frantically as he picked you up and straddled you across his lap.
He pulled back to look at you. “You’re my home. You’re all I need.”
Part 14
A/N - As always, all of your feedback, comments, asks, likes and reblogs are deeply appreciated. They truly inspire me to keep writing, so thank you from the bottom of my heart.
If you want to be added/removed from the tag list, please let me know.
Tag List:;
@yourfavoritefruitybitch @voyevoda-thejoy @adreamemporium @queenmalhinewahine @gubleryum @galaxyjane @xceafh@maralisa124@tomhollandisabae @daybleedsintonightfa11 @lil-baby-nor@all-art-is-quite-useless @tanyaherondale @nashibirne @dour-trash @thetallassgirl @athenamikaelson @agent-jbarnes @primadonnasdream @aleksanderwh0r3 @elisemockingbird @nihilismworld @archisur@nemesis729 @lysawayne@kaqua @ladyblablabla @lemasonda@advictedtohim @24-martie @tarkanelima-blog @shinebrightlikeafanbase @krystal-clear1 @damalseer@dontjinx-it@darkishx @wanderlusting-about-life @thatguppienamedbae @happypepperdog @bat-revival @sassygirl25 @consulting–heroes @the-celestial-kitsune @mackaywhore @ablxssm @competitive-dust @red-head011 @exo-1204 @sunsetenigma @millieb-3199 @chatnain @licensedcheek @tinkertailor1212 @vertesalope @safetyhtom @acourtofglassandroses @eliwinchester-barnes @finnismyoriginalsin @weallhaveadestiny @beananacake @beauty-and-the-beast97 @smurfelle @fire-treasure-iii @charly-0 @kestrafagnor @pigwidgeonxo @damagelove @allegra-writes @pensandthings @jad3djay @batshitbarnes @kashimayuki @secretsthathauntus @odetostep @awesome-eccia @mackaywhore @stories-you-wont-hear @vvsdiamond28 @supernaturalcat7 @arieltwvdtohamflash @iknownoqueenbutthequeeninme​​    @devs-stufff @ticosas @moodacheeks @myakai13 @carlywhomever @fvckthisbxtchup @its-evita-here @papapapadumb @talesfrommycell @bat-luna-cat @fific7 @elluvians @dailydoseofchoices @everythinghappens-love @papapapadumb @mylife-love-and-other-things @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @ancientbeing10 @natty2245 @stuckysavedmylive @kasslucilfer @simp-for-ben-barners @originaldeputycalzoneegg @bdffkierenwalker @kimoranelson03 @sadbi-hours @haushinka27  @haushinka27    @caylaxwrites   @extraneousred​   @agentmstark​   @crazywitchkitty​   @its-an-idea-not-a-blog    @partypoison00    @fictional-hooman
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lollypopsx · 3 years
Flatmate!Harry: I'll Make It Up To You - Part 2
Please like if it’s not too shabby, reblog for anyone who may enjoy this and follow if you want to see more! Any suggestions are happily taken for future writing! I love you all! be safe and be kind x
Warnings: Hints of depression and anxiety
Part 1 - Part 3
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Days had passed since the audition, and while you were sat on your laptop every hour searching for new jobs, new projects, more auditions and pure hope of some miracle, you couldn't help but starting to feel like you were failing slightly.
You liked to write happy songs and create stories using your music, but you were finding it harder to find the inspiration. Usually you and Harry would sit and talk ideas for hours, but since he made you miss your audition, you were distant from him, it was only the last day or two that you had been getting slowly back to normal.
Every day since the incident when Harry came home after working at the studio, he would open the curtains to make sure you had fresh air and daylight after cooping yourself up on the sofa all day, in the dimly lit living room. Not only that, he would check the cupboards, fridge and the sink to check that you were eating enough. He had seen you stressed and upset before. He had been there through some difficult moments in your life, and had always been your rock throughout the years, especially when your mental health was struggling during these times. But this time was worse. He couldn't help being concerned for someone he loved and cared for.
"Hey pumpkin..." He whispers softly, settling himself down beside you after completing his daily routine "Have you done much today?" he gently combs his fingers through your hair before dropping his arm round your shoulders.
You just sigh softly, looking ahead blankly at the quiet TV, simply shaking your head. If only he could see what was going on in that pretty mind of yours then maybe he could make everything better.
"I see you used the piano and the guitar today though..." he states, although it came out more like a question.
Minutes of silence filled the room until out of the blue, some words left your lips. "...Adam came to get the ring today" you whisper, feeling the tears brim your eyes once again, for what felt like the millionth time today.
"Oh darling" He frowns, pulling you into his chest tightly, just like he did the night you found out your (now ex-) boyfriend, Adam, was cheating on you. Unfortunately, you happened to find out minutes before he proposed to you, in front of all of your friends, including Harry. You didn't know what to do, so you took the ring, said you'd think about it and you left him standing alone. This all happened months ago, and you really thought that you was totally over it.
"Everything that's happened this week...I-I just...I feel like such a failure Haz. It just feels like I...I-I'm falling...falling apart and nothings going right! Why isn’t anything going right! I can’t even write one stupid song that makes sense" you let out hard sobs as your hands fisted his clean white t-shirt.
"No...no, no, no don't say that...please don't ever say that." He frowns, pulling away from you, but still staying close. His warm hands press against your cheeks as he lifts your face gently "hey, hey look at me" he whispers, begging you to look at him.
Your sad wide eyes flickered up into his, gentle tears falling down your face. "I know...I know it's hard at the moment. But everything happens for a reason. And everything will get better...I know it will. Do you trust me?" He whispers, his eyes gazing deep into yours, almost like if he looked hard enough, he could read your mind.
You give a hesitant nod as he pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead before wiping the tears dampening your cheeks. Being affectionate together wasn't anything unusual for the two of you, you really were the best of friends.
"I'll go make some dinner okay? Pasta sound good?" You just nod your head gently at him as he leaves your side. You let out a deep sigh and head over to the living room window, watching the sunrise beginning to set over the busy London town. "So...how's the studio going?" You ask him curiously, your gaze still at the window.
"I erm..." He clutters around in the kitchen. His job was a topic he had been avoiding for the last few days. He didn't want to rub it in that he was busy writing an album for millions of fans, who would be screaming his lyrics back to him all over the world in years to come. "It's...good. I mean, its tiring but I...yeah. It's good" He nods.
"H, you don't have to avoid it. I forgive you for what happened. I know you would never have done it out of spite...and you deserve your life style, you work hard!" You say as you head into the kitchen, re-filling the water in the vase on the table, your vibrant roses and lilies still looking as beautiful as the first day Harry bought them for you.
"You work hard too!" He frowns softly "Harry I don't think moping around on the sofa, drowning in my sorrows, is the definition of working hard" You let out a gentle chuckle.
"So...how's it really going?" You hop up onto the stool beside the kitchen counter.
"Well, we have 4 songs so far...and they are...different to the last album. I mean they reckon three of them will be on the pop charts...maybe even a number one slot there" He sighs softly.
"Oh wow, that does sound different to before...and you...don't want that?" You ask curiously, judging by the lack of excitement. "Well...it's not that. I just...it's hard to write another album when the last one did well, and you have to make sure it's better than the last one." He sighs softly as he cooks. "They want me to write some slower, more emotional songs. I just can't...well the words don't fit right. I'm just not feeling emotional about anything, so I don't know where to get the emotion from"
"Well you can't put a price on emotion Haz, you can't just go and buy it in Gucci. You have to really feel it. Even if you aren't thinking about something specific or direct to you. I used to find that sometimes when I was trying to write, I'd create these characters in my head, and I'd give them all these different stories and personalities. And I...I used that to really help me write music. It's not easy." You explain while getting two of the plates from the cupboard and pouring two drinks for the table.
"You used to? You mean you don't use that method anymore?" He asks curiously, while giving the pasta one final stir.
"I...I think I've decided that I'm not going to write music anymore" You shrug softly, your eyes unable to life to his. "I need a proper job. And things aren't going well with auditions lately and I make a total fool out of myself every time I go into a meeting. It's time I looked for a proper job. Besides, the price of bills in this house keeps going up and up."
"What?! Y/N you're so good at writing songs and music! You can't throw it all away now! That is your proper job. And I love hearing what you write, it inspires my own stuff!" He frowns, his brow furrowing, trying to understand you. "Think of all the songs no one will get to hear"
"No one hears them anyway...It's different now. The entertainment industry is changing more and more by the day. Maybe the stuff I write just isn't as trendy anymore." It was difficult for you to admit, but you knew you had to accept it.
"There's a fine line between us Styles, because the difference is, you're already there. You have the whole world in your hands Haz, you can go anywhere and do anything. You could sing a song to a fish and the whole world would be adored by you still! If I did something like that...I'd be laughed out of every interview, audition and meeting for the rest of my life. But we’ll be alright" You smile and shrug, your mood had certainly been hit and miss the last few days, but you knew you had to carry on with your life.
“Hey Y/N come here!” Harry calls from the living room. You were currently in your room, scrolling through your Instagram, while in a pasta coma after dinner. You rush over to the living room “What’s up?” You ask, seeing him sat at the gleaming white piano, which as always was sat under the window.
“What do you think?” He starts to play a few notes on the piano, looking between the scruffy paper notes cluttering the top of the piano and his hands. 
“Can’t put a price on emotion...it’s something that you just can’t buy...you...you’ve got my devotion...but....but” He sighs softly, playing around with the notes and the wording on his notes. 
You smile softly as you recognise his acknowledgment of your earlier conversation “...but man, I can hate you sometimes” you sing gently, testing to see how it could fit.
“Hey that’s mean! Why would you say that!” He fakes a pout up at you “I thought we- hey actually...you’re right! That really fits!” He chuckles, pulling you onto the stool beside him. “Can you try a G chord, B chord and....lets try a C...” You nod and smile as your fingers gloss over the keys effortlessly, while Harry fits the verse together and tries to find the right tempo.
“Wait...it doesn’t sound right. Maybe lets try a D instead of C?” You suggest as you re-try, playing those three chords over and over again.
“You...are...a genius!” He grins and wraps his arms around your waist. ”Keep going!” He smirks, pushing more lyrics in front of you. Sometimes having a fresh pair of eyes really helped...or perhaps he just wanted to prove that you had talent.
You peer down at the pages upon pages of words flooding your view. “...I don’t want to fight with you....and I...and I don’t like to sleep in the dark...we’ll get the drinks in...I...I can’t stop thinking of her...” 
Harrys fingers join yours at the piano “We’ll be a fine line....We’ll be a fine line...”He smiles softly as he taps on a few random keys. 
You pull your fingers away gently “It...your song sounds...really good H. It’s beautiful actually.”
 “You mean our song...” He whispers.
“Harry no, it’s your song, all the pieces, I just put your jigsaw together” You smile. “I know how it is writing songs and the first draft is never the same as the final version. You might decide to change it all completely” You whisper.
“Not with your lyrical genius ability and words of wisdom...your name will be all over this track” You felt a shock of electricity ripple through your veins as you felt his eyes burning into yours. His lips pressed gently against your forehead, lingering against your skin longer than usual. That sort of affection was normal from your best friend...so why did it just feel like something completely different? And what did he mean about my name being all over the track?
Tag List: @harryhoney-bee - @sunandherflores - @sad-capuccino
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kaeyasstarlight · 3 years
Anniversary(Husband!Shoto Todoroki x Wife!Reader)
A.N: I'm just in love with husband Shoto(I mean I'm in love with all that he does) and I had the inspiration to write a little something with him(I mean most of the space in my head is for him). Also, if it's cheesy I'm sorry(I don't know why but I kinda like cheesy stuff(you can judge me TwT))
Have fun reading!
Genre:Fluff <3
Warnings: Mentions of sexual activity, Female prounons and description(She/Her), Consomation of champagne,throwing up at the end
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"The love of my life?"
"Wake up please",he was pouting at this point
You were already awake but you just wanted to play with him a little. You were trying not to laugh but he could still hear you
"I know you're awake I hear you trying not to laugh -_-"
"Fine I can't anymore", you said laughing
"I knew you were awake. Come here love",he showed you to go in his arms. You went in and relaxed in his hold.
"I took the day off for me and you for our special day",he muffled his face on the top of your head.
"That's awesome! We will get the opportunity to be together all day! I love you so much!"
"I love you too My Love", he kissed the top of you head.
Today was your 3 years mariage anniversary. He was the best husband you could ask for and the last 3 years were so beautiful.
"Do you want to do something in particular? It's all your choice baby."
"It's OUR special day not mine!", you said laughing a bit
"But I want to treat you like a queen today"
"You treat me like a queen everyday Shoto. Plus, I have a surprise for you tonight"
"I thought the surprise was last night ;)"
"Sho!", you blushed a bit
"We're married now, it's normal that we do this kind of stuff", he smirked a bit at you
"Anyways, how about we go take breakfast at a cafe and we'll see what we'll do from there okay?"
"Sounds good to me."
You both dressed up and got ready for your wondeful day full of love and happiness.
You arrived at the cafe and waited for your turn. When some guys were looking at you, Shoto putted an arm around your waist to show and tell them in silence: "You can look but she's mine"
You both took your orders and as you were about to pay, he took his credit card and payed for the both of you. You went in the corner to wait for your order. You looked and whispered/yelled:
"Shoto! I could've payed you know.", you pouted.
"I know Love, but I want to be the best husband ever today"
"You are the best husband everyday!"
"Thank you Love. I will let you treat me later okay? Didn't you also say you had a surprise?"
"Oh yeah that's right!"
"Order number 23."
"Thank you have a nice day!",you said at the server.
You both sat at a table and talked about how your jobs have been doing and other random stuff. He listened to you all the way and looked at you with loving eyes.
"How did I get so lucky to have someone so beautiful has her.", he thought.
"You know? It kinda reminds me of our days in U.A."
"How so?"
"When you brought me to some places and always payed for me with your dad's credit card.", he laughed a bit.
"Yeah you're right.", he cupped you cheek and you melted into the touch.
"It was a while ago"
You both finished eating and decided to go to the beach. It was a beautiful day and what is better than taking some sun on the side of a beach? Almost nothing. So, you both went home and packed your stuff to go to the beach.
You arrived and installed your chairs(you know like this thing):
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Link of the image
You had putted your suimsuits under your clothes so you removed your shirt and pants just to be in your suimsuit. Shoto looked at you and blushed a bit at sight.
"So beautiful", he thought
He also removed his shirt to leave himself in only his swimming tracks and it was your turn to blush(I mean have you seen his freaking abs?! >///<) You sat on your chairs and relaxed for a while. He was holding your hand while you were both sleeping. You both had a stressfull week and taking time for the both of you was just perfect. Of course, due to the fact you were both pre heroes(him on third place and you on fifth place), got greeted by fans when you were awake(We love respecting fans >:3). After that, you went in the water and you then splashed water at him.
"Oh you're in for it Love."
He throwed back water at you and you both started a water war. You were both smiling and laughing and you suddlenly gave Shoto a loving look. He stopped splashing water and looked at you.
"What are you doing Love looking at me like that?", he smirked a bit.
"I'm glad to see you so happy and laughing. It warms my heart.", you smiled at him and he got closer to you.
"It's all because of you My Love. You helped me get over my past and you made me the happiest man on earth. I still thank Midoriya for making me know more about you on that the day we had a real conversation for the first time. What did I do to deserve a so beautiful princess like you in my life?",he cupped your cheek.
"And what did I do to deserve a handsome Icy-Hot prince in my life?"
He brought you behind a big rock where no one could see you both and started kissing you. He putted his hand on your hip.
"Is it okay if I put my hand on your hip?", even after years of marriage he wants to make sure you feel comfortable and doesn't want to disrespect your boundries.
"It's totally okay Sho.", you smiled sweetly at him and after he went back to kissing you.
When it was time to go back home you packed back your stuff and went back to your house. You asked him if he could dress up in his suit and he told you that he would be glad to (have you seen Shoto in a suit?! It's beautiful TwT(ok I'm gonna stop now haha)).
You putted your beautiful dress that you had bought recently. It was your favorite color and was looking like this:
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Link of the image(You can always imagine something else this is just an idea :D )
He was waiting for you because you took a bit more time to get ready. When you got out of the bathroom, his eyes widened and he was looking at you in awe. You were like the most beautiful angel he ever saw and he thinks he's blessed to have you in his life.
"My Love...Wow..."
"Thank you", you blushed a bit at his reaction.
"Are you ready for your surprise?"
"Of course My Love."
You both went in the car and you drived to the place. He was curious of where you were taking him. When you arrived, you told him to close his eyes and that you were going to guide him. He felt that he was sitting down and you told him to open his eyes. He opened them and saw the fancy place you brought him to. Your were in a fancy restaurant and you were just the two of you alone in a room with a table and candles.
"You're the one who always brings me to fancy restaurants like this, so I decided to surprise you by doing an uno reverse card. I'm sorry if it's not very original".
"It's perfect My Love", he kisses your cheek.
"Welcome to our place tonight. I'll be your server today. Would you like to have something to drink?"
"We'll take two glasses of your choice of champagne please",you ask.
"Of course. Here are the menus I'll be back".
You both look at the menu and choose your meals. The server comes back with two champagne glasses and a bottle of champagne. You tell them your orders and they go do their stuff. While you wait, you just enjoy each others presence and live a wonderful moment.
"To our marriage!",you said while bringing your glass in the air.
"To our mariage!",he says looking at you with his eyes full of love.
The server brought you both your meals and you enjoyed it fully. After dinner, he hears a song playing. He reconizes the song,it's your wedding song.
"What did you plan Love?",he smiles at you.
He stands up and bows to you.
"Will you give me this dance My Lady?(Cat Noir vibes)",he asks you.
"With pleasure", you take his hand to stand up to go dance.
He puts one of his hand on your hips and the other holds one of your hand, while your other hand is on his shoulder. You both dance in each others arms and it's like you both are stuck in your own little world. It was one of the most beautiful night you spent together and it's a day you will never forget.
The next day:
The next morning, you wake up before Shoto because of a weird feeling. You look at him to admire his beautiful sleepy face, but you then start to feel sick. You get out of the bed the fastest possible and run to the bathroom. You start to throw up and cough in the toilet. Shoto hears the noises, gets up to go to in front of the bathroom and knocks on the door.
"Baby? Are you okay in there?"
"I'm just throwing up it's fine. It will pass."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. You have to go to work and I don't want to put you late. I'll call sick and go to the doctor if it can reassure you okay?"
"Okay. I love you."
"Love you too."
A.N: I will end it here for now! I'll make a part 2 as soon as possible, but I think you get where this is going to ;)
I think you also saw that Shoto called you beautiful many times and that's because I want all of you to feel loved and beautiful. I live with insecurities, but I try each day to get over them and I know it's hard. Remember that you are loved and cared for!
Until part 2 or my next post, have a nice day or night! <3
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supraveng · 3 years
Marvelous friends - part 3
Warnings: curse words, mutual pining, drinking
Summary: You and Chris have a chance to hang out
Characters: Reader, Chris Evans, Scott Evans, readers siblings mentioned
part 1 part 2 series masterlist full masterlist
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Waking up the next morning you were as nervous as ever but determined to do your best. You decided to grab a cup of coffee at the cafe around the corner before catching a cab to campus. While you are waiting for your order you feel your phone buzz in your bag, realizing you have time, you take your drink to a table and pull out your phone to check your messages.
Chris: good morning, I wanted to wish you luck today, kick some ass and shape some minds! 😉
WOW! Thanks, that just might be the perfect pep talk that I need this morning 😁
You felt like a schoolgirl with a crush, but you just couldn’t help but smile at your phone. By the time you were halfway through your drink, you decided to walk towards campus and silence your phone, trying your best to act like a professional. Walking the halls you called home all those years ago brought back great memories.
You made your way to Prof Watkins office and knocked. Catching up with your favorite professor was cut short as you had classes starting in mere minutes and you wanted to at least get there before the class. The two of you chatted on the way to the classroom.
“I am so glad you finally agreed to do this. I think your work experience will help the students tremendously” he told you as you were heading in the room.
You tried your best to seem calm, but inside you were so anxious you thought you would throw up. Looking at the text from Chris again you took a deep breath as you were introduced to the class and began speaking.
As soon as your day ended, you texted Chris
Holy shit! That was intense, but apparently your good luck worked, today was awesome!
Chris: glad to hear, feel like celebrating?
Chris stared at his phone for the next 10 minutes questioning why he sent it. You haven't responded right away, so you must have been thinking of the best way to brush him off.
He was intently staring at his phone when Scott snapped his fingers in front of his face "did you hear anything I said?"
"Huh? Sorry, what were you saying?" Chris asked his brother, attempting to keep his mind off of you.
Scott rolled his eyes before responding "forget about that, who is she?"
"Who's who?"
"Don't play dumb, I know you better than you know yourself. Now tell me, who is she?" at this point, Scott is tapping his foot, his patience being tried.
Chris huffed before responding "she's a friend, I met her last week in LA at RDJs. She's in town for a book signing, and she was lecturing at Boston College today and she just sent me a text that it went well but when I responded about celebrating she's gone radio silent."
Scott almost burst out laughing at the defeated expression on Chris' face. "Wow, you've got it bad" Scott sighed and shook his head. "Just because she hasn't responded yet doesn't mean anything. What you need to do.is decide where you are taking her once she agrees to go out with you tonight"
“Come on Scott, she hasn’t responded, she isn’t interested, it was stupid of me to even try” he mumbles defeated. He got up heading into the kitchen asking Scott if he wanted another beer, when he heard his phone ding.
Of course, he was dumb enough to leave it sitting on the couch next to his brother when you finally respond. Before he was even able to try to get his phone, Scott was texting back.
Before looking up at Chris “she said you should choose where to meet since she hasn’t been here in years” smiling at Chris’ pissed off expression when his phone chimes again.
Scott looks at the phone and starts laughing while handing it back to Chris. “I can see why you like her, she’s not your usual type” he tells Chris as he grabs the beer out of his brother's hand. Chris is a bit confused until he reads your message
Y/N: Yes, that would be awesome, but you pick, I haven’t been here in ages and all my old college hang outs are probably gone
I’ll find the perfect spot to celebrate, what are you in the mood for?
Y/N: Anything really, I’m not picky 🤫
Y/N: requirements are booze and decent food…..I could probably eat my body weight in chicken wings right now if I’m being completely honest
Chris can’t help to laugh before responding
Alright, I’ll pick you up in an hour
Y/N: sounds good, but ….how do you know where I’m staying?
I don’t, so this is where you tell me
Y/N: OMG, I am not usually this dumb, my brain is so tired!
Y/N: I’m at the Long Wharf Marriott
You shook your head at how stupid he must think you are. Hopping into the shower, you were overthinking pretty much every interaction you’ve had with Chris, not that there were a lot, trying to figure out if this was friends hanging out or a date. Knowing you didn’t have a ton of clothes to choose from, you decided to go very casual and blame the lack of wardrobe on your current traveling status.
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You were comfy and still cute without looking like you were trying too hard. Fixing your hair and adding a little makeup, your phone chimed
Chris: I’m in the lobby but don’t know your room number
I’ll be right down
Before you stepped off the elevator you took a deep breath. You don’t know why you were so nervous, who were you kidding? You knew you were nervous, you were going out with Chris Fucking Evans! Even if it wasn’t a date, it was just the two of you, no buffers or friends to keep you grounded. But when you looked up and saw him smiling in your direction you almost fainted. How can any person be this good looking?
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”Hey” you leaned in to give him a quick hug “I hope i didn’t keep you waiting long”
“Not at all” he responded and his smile somehow got bigger, “you look great, let’s go celebrate” he grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the hotel.
When you approached the car, he opened the door for you before circling around and hoping in.
“Ok, so there are a ton of great places in Boston, but I have a favorite that I hope you will like,” he smirked as he pulled into traffic.
“I’m sure I will, the places I frequented back in my college days may be considered a bit questionable, so if it is anywhere close or better, I’m sure I will enjoy it” you respond with a wink.
The bar he chose was perfect, a bit fancier than you expected but really a great spot for drinks, and with the low lighting, it became much more intimate than your average bar.
Chris turned to you expectantly while you were browsing the menu “What do you think? Is the place up to your standards?”
You can’t help but chuckle “since I don’t think a tetanus shot will be needed after our visit, it has exceeded my expectations”
“What? I wouldn’t take you to a place like that!”
“No, no, that came out wrong….the places I frequented in college were rather shady, and honestly I probably shouldn’t have been there. But, when you are a broke college student, when you find the cheapest option for entertainment” you shrug as the waiter comes over to take your orders.
“I’m a bit worried, but since you survived that, I want to hear how your day went” he smiled. You honestly don’t understand how this perfect human in front of you can be so charming and humble at the same time.
Taking a deep breath, you smiled “well, I was scared to death, I have never done anything like this before. I’m not one for public speaking, so I was completely out of my comfort zone. I was getting so anxious about it last night that I had to walk around town for a bit, that’s the real reason I didn’t let you drive me, I needed that time to work through it all in my head so that I was able to relax enough to sleep last night.”
“Well, I know how you feel, it can be nerve racking. So what made the day such a success?" You were surprised at how easily the two of you got along, not that you thought he would be difficult but he seemed much more down to earth than you had originally thought.
The two of you drank, ate, chatted and laughed for hours before deciding to head back to your hotel.
“Thank you Chris, I don’t think I’ve laughed that hard in a long time” you smiled at him as you exited the car at the hotel. “Do you want to come up? We can raid the mini fridge”
“Why not, it’s still early” You are both joking around and laughing as you are heading to the elevator, but interrupted by a few fans. Chris was incredibly hospitable and kind, taking selfies and chatting with a couple of people.
You are holding the elevator door and admiring how he was able to easily change from carefree to professional within a matter of seconds. By the time he joins you in the elevator, you are laughing hysterically.
“What could possibly be this funny?” he smirks and shakes his head at your response. “I’m just wondering what’s worse, those selfies all over social media with your half lidded drunk look, or the fact that running into fans can be a total buzz kill”
When you reach your floor, you are both laughing at stupid jokes you’ve been making most of the night. Within an hour the mini fridge is completely empty but it hasn’t slowed either of you down.
You felt like you have known each other for years, you hadn’t even realized how late it was until your phone started going crazy. He looked at you confused, until you pulled out your phone and groaned.
“Everything ok?” You looked at him embarrassed and not wanting to admit why your phone was blowing up at 1am, but figured being honest might not be so bad, he might be too drunk to remember.
“Ok, so I have 4 very over protective brothers and this is my punishment for not checking in with them like they asked” you shrugged.
“Wow, I thought I had a big family. Four brothers is a lot, where do you fall in the line?” he asked, rather shocked.
“Oh, that’s the worst part, I’m the youngest. So they treat me like a 12 year old most of the time”
“Yikes, so how long will they continue to blow up your phone or is there a search party headed this way already?”
You laugh before looking at your phone to actually read the messages. “No search party yet, but if I don’t answer, they will be calling and annoying the hell out of us. The problem now is sending the right message to shut them up” you sigh trying to think of a way to make your life seem marginally normal.
You type out a message and turn to Chris "I hope that does the trick, otherwise I'm not sure how to make them leave me alone"
When the texts keep coming you are both laughing as you read through them.
"Are they always like this?" Chris asks you, unsure about why there is this much activity late at night.
"I'd like to tell you no, but I'm not comfortable lying. They only calm down when I'm in the same state. Here this message should shut them up” you type a quick note and throw your phone back in your bag.
Looking up you see Chris smiling at you, he clears his throat before standing up “I had a blast tonight, but it’s later than I realized and you probably have an early flight”.
You are nodding and smiling trying your best to hide your disappointment, “well, as they say all good things must come to an end, thanks for celebrating with me tonight” you reply as you follow him to the door.
“Oh yea, anytime you are back in Boston, you got to give me a call” he leans in for a hug and you automatically hug back and place a kiss on his cheek, not even realizing how intimate that simple act was but it felt so natural.
You genuinely felt like Chris had been a part of your life for years, even though today was the third time ever talking to him. “Drive safe” you whisper in his ear before letting him go out the door. He smirks and nods his head as he heads towards the elevator.
Chris pulls out his phone while he’s in the elevator, a thousand thoughts running through his mind.
She’s amazing
I’m so screwed
Scott: OMG! Did you sleep with her? You are such a slut!
No, it’s not like that….I’m heading home
Part 4
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youalexturnermeon · 4 years
Warm Beer and Cold Women Pt. 4 (Johnny Lawrence x Reader)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Request: Hi! I absolutely love your work and I was wondering if I could get a Cobra Kai Johnny imagine where the reader is a bartender and starts crushing on him since he’s a regular and he flirts with her all the time and she pretends to hate it but she actually loves it? by Anon
A/N: This is the fourth and final part of the request in which I really got too carried away. Anyways, I hope you are happy with the outcome. Enjoy
Warnings: badass reader, drinking, DUI, swearing, angst, fluff, suggestive writing
Wordcount: 2722
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“I’m sorry it’s so messy” Johnny said apologetically when he opened the door to his apartment for you and you curiously took a peek inside “Like I said before, my life isn’t that great right now. But since I finally got you over here which I thought would never happen because you’re such a hard nut to crack, it is actually not too bad. I’m glad you’re here.”
You laughed when he grinned at you, you could clearly see that he was getting better or maybe it was just the booze kicking in turning the switch from sad drunk to happy.
“Don’t get too comfortable with me being around. I won’t stay long.”
“But that also means that you’re staying for at least little a while.” Johnny said and heavily sat down on the couch patting the place next to him inviting you to sit down too. You happily took that invitation.
“You got me there.”
You were exhausted. The night so far was pretty intense. You felt more worn out than after a busy shift at work. The worry about Johnny didn’t vanish, you still deeply cared about how he felt, and you wanted him to feel at least a little bit better. Additionally, the ride to his apartment was stressful. You had a few drinks; you hadn’t been behind a steering wheel for at least half a year and didn’t feel very safe driving. Your heart was beating like crazy when you were blankly focusing on the road, always looking out for cops, afraid you could get pulled over whilst Johnny was dozing off with his head on your shoulder. If you would’ve gotten pulled over, it would have been you turn spending the night in a cell. You didn’t want it to go this far. But after all, you managed and could finally relax. It felt good sitting close to him, so close that your knees were touching. You threw your head back and sighed.
“Do you want another drink, or something?” Johnny sloppily asked, eyeing you with a grin from ear to ear on his face “I don’t really have much to offer but I must have another bottle of Jackie somewhere.” He was about to stand up, but you carefully pushed him back into the sofa. He didn’t object, he liked your touch. Normally, you wouldn’t say no to that, but you decided that you and above all Johnny had enough for today. Especially Johnny. You didn’t know how much he drank today but it was a lot, enough to have you laying in corner passed out for hours. And you were wondering how on earth he still managed to walk, although not steadily, and talk without slurring.
“I’m good,” you answered, “And you should probably take a break, too.”
Johnny laughed and rolled his bright blue eyes which were glistening again, showing a sign of life “C’mon, (Y/N), please don’t tell me I brought my mom home.”
“I just don’t like people who can’t link two words together anymore because they had one too many.
“So, you want to talk then?”
You shrugged; you did
“Is it Christmas already? Not only the girl of my dreams is finally sitting next to me in my apartment, but she also is finally willing to talk to me for real, after months of trying to get her to do that. Without cussing me out and no sarcastic remarks no matter what I say?”
“I can’t promise that, but yeah, basically.”
“Are you finally going to tell me something about yourself?”
You were afraid that day would come when you would have to talk about yourself to Johnny, and you sighed deeply, closing your eyes.
“That hard to do that, huh?” Johnny nudged you trying to catch your glance but your eyes remained shut. You shook your head and chuckled.
“No, it’s just, you basically know everything about me there is to know.”
“No way!”
“I swear!” “So barkeeper, slight anger issues, big mouth, living in an overpriced apartment with a crack-head…” “Next to,” you corrected him, “And he is fond of Meth rather than crack.”
“Alright, so next to a meth-head and no driver’s license anymore because of DUI a couple of months ago is really all there is to know about you?”
“Maybe if you change the anger issues with a slight drinking problem, yeah, I guess so,” you said, and it was true, trying hard not to show how much it meant to you that he remembered all the little things you let slip out over a long period of time that he spent bugging you “I’m very boring. But you know, that only means that I already opened up to you without you even noticing.” “I am absolutely honoured. But come on, you’re not boring, you’re great and there must be more to you.”
You shook your head, you hated to disappoint him, but you couldn’t think of anything more that could’ve been of interest to him.
“Besides, you promised me to tell everything about your Karate!” you blurted out as if you forgot everything, he told you today at the bar. And you instantly regretted it. He literally poured his heart out about how Karate was ruining his life. Maybe you should’ve told him that you were also the most tactless person on earth, that would’ve prepared him for unnecessary remarks and helped him to ignore your stupidity. For a second you thought, Johnny would have another nervous breakdown just like an hour ago sitting by the counter, starting the whole drama once again. Yet, surprisingly he didn’t as if he had forgotten it just like you. There was a chance you were imagining it but you though he had brightened up even more. You relaxed and you allowed the breath that you were holding since the moment the words escaped your lips, to flow again.
“What do you want to know?” Johnny asked sitting up more straight looking at you in anticipation.
“That’s gonna be long but I guess I don’t mind because that only means you’re staying longer with me. And before I start, give me one more fact about you!”
“There’s nothing.” “C’mon just one more, otherwise I’m not talking!”
“Alright,” you stood up, confidentially walking over to his kitchen sink and getting yourself and him a glass of water. To hydrate and most importantly to sober him up a little and ease his upcoming hangover. You leaned against the kitchen counter and looked into the air thinking.
“I’m waiting (Y/N).”
“So one more thing about me that kinda got everything else you know rolling is that I had an abusive boyfriend whom I escaped by moving into my luxurious apartment which meant that I needed a new job. The new job was at the bar. End of my whole life story.”
“I’ll kill that freak if I ever get the chance to meet him.” Johnny exclaimed and sounded a little too serious. But you just laughed it off.
“Which finally leads us to your Karate, since I expect you to kill him with a badass Karate kick?”
Johnny nodded and started his story as soon as you sat back down.
He was talking a lot and you were happy he did because you weren’t much of a talker you rather listened. And Johnny was glad somebody was interested. And to be fair, his life was a lot more interesting than yours. You laid your head on his shoulder and just carefully followed everything he said while he nestled his cheek against you. Sometimes you asked questions and he was more than happy to answer. Everything felt natural. But after a while you noticed his voice getting raspier and quieter, he was speaking slowly struggling with finding his words. That’s when you knew that it was time to bring him to bed and to head home yourself. Softly you touched his arm and he stopped for a second.
“Hm?” he made, looking pretty confused with half-open eyes.
“You have to sleep now, Johnny.” you said smiling lazily, you were tired too. He didn’t answer, he just simply followed you when you got up and allowed yourself to give you a room tour. You opened the door to what you thought to be his bedroom and shushed him inside.
“Wow, already making yourself at home here,” he said, his voice almost a whisper “I like that.”
“Shut up, Sensei! And get into bed.”
He obeyed and lied down fully clothed, on his face a big dirty grin that you knew so well from almost every shift you ever worked, just his almost closed eyelids were different. This time you were the happiest to see it again.
“Are you getting in too, or what?” “Don’t max it out!” you said threateningly.
“Just joking.”
“You better. And now, before you drift away to dreamland, do you have a phone I can use?” “Don’t have a phone” he muttered and snuggled into his blanket.
“What?”, you gasped, “I need to call an Uber home!” You were miles away from your apartment.
“Don’t have one. Threw it away two weeks ago. You can crash here; the couch is all yours.”
And before you could object you suddenly heard flat breathing and you knew there was no other option. You sighed and took one last look at the passed-out Johnny.
“Can I at least have a shirt to sleep in?” you asked but that was pointless, he was already sound asleep. You shrugged to yourself, slipped out of your clothes and threw the first shirt you could grab over your underwear. That was not how you expected to spend the first night here, you thought when you tiptoed back to the couch, but it wasn’t too bad either.
When Johnny woke up the next morning the sun was already high up, it must’ve been at least mid-day. The most surprising thing wasn’t that he slept in or was finally being able to sleep at all, it was the fact that when he moved, he didn’t feel like shit. He expected to be hungover, after all he couldn’t even remember how much he drank, but he simply wasn’t, his head didn’t hurt, his joints weren’t cracking, he felt pretty much as always. This had not happened in a long time. He just was slightly dizzy as soon as he sat up in his bed. He looked down on himself, he was still wearing the dirty clothes from the night before and his face twitched into a slight grimace, he was disgusted with himself, he didn’t come home alone, and he didn’t want you to think badly of him now that he finally got you into at least liking him a bit. There was a warm feeling in his stomach when he was thinking about you, trying to remember every single detail about you from last night. And the possibility of you still being here, waiting for him to wake up, nearly made him crazy and his heart started beating faster. He would’ve been pretty bumped if you had left without saying goodbye. Yet, when he got out of bed, he noticed a pile of clothing that wasn’t his. Shorts, fishnets and a crop-top were carelessly thrown on the floor next to his bed and he gulped. That meant you were here. And if you were here, what were you wearing then?
Quickly he made his way to the living room where he expected you to be, not knowing what he would find. He tried to make as little noise as possible and as soon as he glanced over to the couch, he knew he made the right decision. Lying there, spread out on the couch, in deep sleep without a pillow or even a blanked, were you. And Johnny couldn’t help himself but stand still for a moment and watch you. You were wearing his Metallica shirt that was far too big for you and yet hugged all your curves. He couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw you like that. The shirt had slid up and you were there, almost half-naked, just in front of him. He could’ve also been the luckiest man on earth that moment. For Johnny you were the most beautiful girl he had ever seen in his entire life. You suddenly twitched in your sleep and turned over on your stomach showing your perfect ass to him. And it only got better.
Johnny shook his head and pulled himself together. You had done so much for him last night and you were continuing doing that without even realizing. He had to return that favour. And when he made that decision he rushed into the bathroom.
Never in his life was Johnny ever so quick in his actions. Whilst showering and shaving he feared to be taking too long, afraid of waking you and afraid that if he finally got out, you were long gone. But his fear was unjustified because when he rushed out, you were still on the couch, lying flat on your stomach breathing deeply and flinching in your sleep. And Johnny grinned, heart pounding too hard from excitement. He even fixed up a breakfast. And you still did not wake. You face was so peaceful and so pretty that he couldn’t stop himself from kneeling down and brushing back a loose strand of your hair from your face. The corners of your mouth twitched into a smile but suddenly you startled, eyes wide, hands clenched to fists, fists up, ready to protect yourself.
“Woah, easy there, tiger,” Johnny laughed “I see my Karate stories have stuck with you.”
Realizing it was Johnny hovering above your head you let your fists sink and stretched and yawned.  
“You smell nice,” you said smiling sleepily, ignoring what he was saying. You lifted your hand and softly stroked his cheek, Johnny leaning into your touch, “And you shaved. Fucking hell, you look good. And I probably look like shit.”
You covered your face with your hands and tried to turn away from Johnny who couldn’t take his eyes of you. He immediately grabbed you by the wrists, stopping you from turning your back, carefully pulling you back to him.
“Quiet, (Y/N),” he exclaimed which made you almost flinched, he was so dominant out of a sudden, “You are beautiful! And I could really get used to that.”
“Get used to what? Me illegally driving your drunk ass home, you passing out and me involuntarily crashing on your couch for approximately 10 hours?”
“I don’t like the way you put it.” Johnny said, still holding your wrists tightly, his face so close that his nose was almost touching yours.
“I could also get used to that,” you admitted and that was everything Johnny needed to hear. His lips came crashing down on yours and he was kissing you hard. He released your wrists from his hands only to hug your small waist while your kiss got deeper and more intimate, Johnny’s heart was pounding, he’s been waiting for that for months. You couldn’t help yourself but smile into the kiss. But you were never willing to admit that you too pictured kissing him all the damn time. Johnny pulled you even closer to him, pressing you onto his chest. When he parted his lips from yours, he was placing small kisses along your jaw, your neck, your collarbone, he couldn’t get enough of you. You were so stunning to him and you were making him crazy. Out of a sudden Johnny dragged you up onto his lap, so you were promptly straddling him, his fingers tracing down your bare thighs.
“Jesus Christ.”, you gasped, eyes closed, enjoying every single one of his touches.
“What?”, Johnny asked smirking, he was not willing to stop anymore.
“Maybe next time, I just take the bed instead of the couch as well.”
“Why don’t we try it out right now?”
Out of habit you wanted to object but Johnny already had picked you up with your legs wrapped around his hips, making the way back into the bedroom. He finally got what he wanted and you too, couldn’t be happier yourself.
You passionately kissed his lips again, “Everything you want, Sensei!”
Johnny could really get used to this.
Wow, look at that, it’s finally over
Thanks for reading that
Let me know what you think
Taglist: @lililolli​ @cow-smells​ (you want to be on the taglist, too? drop me a message)
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allthingsfangirl101 · 3 years
Timing–Zac Efron
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*Part 2
Inspired by The Office, Season 2 Episode 22
Zac and I have always had a weird friendship. I say weird because it's the public and press that make it weird. We've been super close our entire lives. When he came to LA, we kept in contact. We texted each other almost every day and Skyped once a month.
After college, I moved out to LA and started writing for Criminal Minds. When I moved to LA, Zac and I picked up like we hadn't lost any time. After a while, we got into a rut. I say "we" but it was really me. I was different. I didn't smile as much. I didn't laugh at our usual jokes. I wasn't happy.
Spending every day researching and writing about serial killers is as mentally draining as you'd imagine. I had been writing for the show for a year when things went from rough to worse. When I started ignoring Zac's calls, he knew something was wrong and decided to step in.
He insisted that we move in together so he could help me disconnect from work, and that's what we did. Once we moved in together, we spent the end of the day disconnecting. We'd eat dinner, binge-watch a show, and talk. We only had one rule; no work talk.
Tonight was a special occasion. I had just gotten an offer to move to London and write for BBC's Sherlock. After getting the job offer, I spent the entire weekend debating whether or not to take it. Zac eventually talked me into accepting it. Tonight, my friends and the cast of Criminal Minds had thrown me a Congratulations/Going Away party.
I was in the middle of talking to Kristen and A.J. when Zac walked over. "Hey," he smiled. "Do you guys mind if I steal my best friend for a few minutes? I promise to give her back."
"No problem," A.J. chuckled.
"Go right ahead," Kristen said with a playful smirk. I ignored her look as Zac grabbed my hand and led me to my bedroom.
"Everything okay?" I asked when he closed the door behind us. My heart jumped into my throat when I saw him nervously wipe his hands on his jeans.
"I'm in love with you."
"What?" I stuttered.
"I'm really sorry if that's weird for you to hear, but I needed you to hear it." He paused and looked away. When he looked back up at me, he sighed. "Probably not good timing. I know that, I just. . ."
"What are you doing?" I asked under my breath. "What do you expect me to say to that?"
"I just needed you to know," he sighed. "Once."
"Well, I, umm. . . I. . . I can't," I finally got out.
"Yeah," he whispered. My heart broke and tears filled my eyes as he looked away.
"You have no idea. . ." I tried to make things better but Zac cut me off.
"Don't do that."
". . .what your friendship means to me," I continued anyway.
"Come on," he said knowingly. "I don't wanna do that. I wanna be more than that."
"I can't," I repeated. "I'm really sorry if you misinterpreted things. It's probably my fault."
"Not your fault," he said after a beat of silence. "I'm sorry I misinterpreted our friendship."
"Zac," I whispered, my voice cracking.
I was frozen as he walked past me, heading back to the party. I sat on my bed, wrapping my head around the last two minutes. When I finally made myself go back to the party, I tried to find Zac but there was no sign of him.
I walked into the kitchen, my breath shaking. I grabbed a bottle of water and took a small sip. As I still struggled to wrap my head around Zac's confession, I shakily reached into my pocket for my phone and called the only person I could think of who could help me.
"Hey, sweetie," my mom said as soon as she answered the phone. "How's your party?"
"It's okay," I stuttered.
"Honey, what's wrong?"
I bit my lip, my eyes filling with tears as I told my mom what happened.
"Zac told me he loved me," I said as quickly as I could. I held my breath as I waited for her response.
"Wow," she said under her breath. "When did this happen?"
"About ten minutes ago."
"Did you say anything?
"No," I sighed. "I didn't know what to say."
"I guess the next thing to ask is; do you have feelings for him?"
"Um, I don't know, Mom. He's my best friend."
"The line between best friends and more than just friends is very thin, Y/N. Zac is pretty amazing."
"Yeah, he's great."
"Well," my mom sighed. "Zac has been your best friend for a long time. Is there any possibility that you could be in love with him too?"
"Yeah, I think I am."
My breath got stuck in my throat when I turned around and saw Zac walk in. "Um, I have to go," I said quickly into the phone.
"Call me later, sweetheart." Mom said. I could hear her smile in her voice as she added, "We aren't done talking about you two."
"I will."
I hung up and quickly put my phone in my pocket. I ran my fingers through my hair as Zac walked over and stood in front of me.
"Listen, Zac."
I gasped as Zac gently grabbed my waist and pulled me into his chest. Before I could say anything, he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. It took me a second to realize what we were doing. Once the shock wore off, I wrapped my arms around his neck and started kissing him back.
The kiss deepened but I knew this was wrong. It took everything in me to force myself to break the kiss. We were both out of breath as we pulled apart. I slowly slid my hands down his chest, him instantly reaching up and taking them in his.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that," he whispered with a small chuckle.
"Me too," I said under my breath. "I think we're just drunk," I quickly added.
"I'm not drunk," Zac said, still whispering. "Are you drunk?"
"No," I said slowly. He was about to lean in and press another kiss to my lips but I stopped him.
"Zac. . ."
"You're really gonna take that job?"
I nodded, my eyes filling with tears. He slowly let go of my hands, taking a step back.
*Part 2
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janicho88 · 4 years
Falling For You -Part 4
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Pairing-Eventual Dean x Female!Reader
Word count- 6071
Warning- Slight angst, jealousy, one or two swear words,  fluff.  Slow burn.
A/N- I had an idea for a one shot, and giving a backstory to Dean and the Reader meeting took on a life of its own. This story is AU  Thank you to @waywardbeanie and @whatareyousearchingfordean​  for helping me keep these 2 characters in line and letting me bounce ideas off of you.
Summary- After being burned before you had sworn off finding love for now. Coming home from work one night there is a strange man pounding on your door.  Neither of you knew what this meeting would lead to. 
Series Masterlist
Your parents Christmas party was two weeks away, but you had a lot of baking to do, and none of it was started.  Why did you procrastinate?  Oh yeah, not much freezer room here when they are finished, and you had been hanging out with Dean.  Coming home from work on Monday, you got a quick workout in before planning to spend the evening in the kitchen. 
 Recipes out, and ingredients spread on the counter you started working on your first cookie.  Tonight you decided, was peanut butter night, which meant making the dough for peanut butter blossoms first, it would sit overnight and cook tomorrow while you were mixing other dough.  Santa’s peanut butter cookie bars, and the last item of the night no bakes.
While working on the cookie bars there was a knock on your door which had you pausing to answer it. Hands a little sticky you answered the door as best you could. 
“Hey Dean.”
“Hi Y/N, um, you got a little something here, and a here.”  He pointed to one side of your face and then your forehead.  Wiping it off with your hands you made a bigger mess.  
“Moved out almost a week and you forgot where Sam lives already?”  You teased him letting him into your apartment.  
“No, I came over to see if you would like to grab some food with me.  I think you might be a little busy though.”
“Yeah, I’m working on deserts for the Christmas party at my parents in two weeks.  Your invitation should be coming any day, I hope you, your brother and Jess can come.  I know Cas and Meg will be there too.  I was in the middle of baking, but you are welcome to hang out if you want.”
“I got it today actually, I’ll be there.  Have you eaten?”
“No, I haven’t thought about it yet.”
“Alright, so let's order a pizza, and I’ll help with quantity control in the kitchen.”
“I won’t have much for you to control tonight, but pizza sounds good.”
While the bar was cooking you got everything ready for the no bakes, deciding to start them after the pizza arrived.  Eating at the counter next to Dean, he told you about the shop he was working in.  He really liked Bobby, said he was an old grump on the outside but a teddy bear underneath.  Bobby’s wife Ellen  helped with the book keeping some days, she also owned a bar a little outside of town.  He invited you to go with him, Sam and Jess to check it out sometime. Benny and he got along well, he also ran the kitchen at the bar in the evenings.
Santa’s peanut butter bars came out as you were waiting for your no-bake ingredients to boil.  Dean went to cut a piece after you had set it down.
“You know that’s going to be extremely hot right?”
“It will cool in a minute, everything is better right out of the oven.”  Shaking your head you went back to stirring your pot. “Oh that was good,” came from Dean a few minutes later.  “When did you start baking?”
“My mom used to do it all, I’d help with what I could when I was little.  Dumping in the ingredients she already measured, or stirring the batter after she mixed it.  When you’re a kid you think you are so much help.  Then we started doing it together as I got older, I learned from her.  Over time I’ve found some of my own recipes to make, or put my spin on others.  The last couple of years I’ve taken on most of the party baking, but there are one or two things we will make together for it.”
“You’ve got a real talent for it.”
“Thank you, but you don’t have to humor me.”  
Dean wasn’t sure what to say to that, just looking at the back of your head while you were stirring. “It can be a great stress relief too when I’m frustrated with someone or something. It also forces me to find time for the gym.”  You continued on not noticing his pause. 
You had made a double batch of no-bakes and when they were ready, had talked Dean into helping you spoon them out.  As the pot they were in cooled down Dean stuck a finger in the still soft cookie batter before putting it in his mouth.
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“Dean, what are you doing?” Trying to keep a stern face as you looked at him. 
“Oh, I’m sorry did you want a taste?”  He dipped another finger and spread it over your lips before tapping your nose.  Neither of you moving, eyes locked on one another before Dean’s ringing phone broke you apart.  He went into the living room to take the call, while you wiped off your face and tried to figure out what that was between you.  Nothing, right?  You guys were just friends, neither of you wanted more, you were seeing things that weren’t there.
“That was Bobby, I have to go.  There is a late delivery coming into the shop he was expecting in the morning and he isn’t there to let them in.  You um, doing anything this week, or weekend?” He seemed a little more hesitant when he asked that.
“You’re looking at it.  Maybe some cleaning and decorating I’m a little behind on it.”
“You need any help?”
“I don’t know about help, but I’ll always take the company if you want.”
“Okay, I’ll see you sometime this week.  Night Y/N.”
“Night Dean,” locking up after him you let your thoughts drift to the green eyed man causing you so much confusion.  Two months ago you both wanted to avoid relationships, you still didn’t think you were ready to get back out there.  You really didn’t want to misread anything from him and scare him away either.    
It was Friday night before you saw Dean again, a knock coming just after 5:30.  This time he appeared at your door with beer, and burgers. 
“Hi, you didn’t have to bring food.”
“Did you eat?”
“No, not yet.”
“Did you have anything here to eat?”
“I probably could have figured out something.” 
“Yeah, the burgers were needed. This way more time to work on whatever tonight's project is.”
“Thank you, I appreciate it.  Tonight's goal is frosting the sugar cookies I baked yesterday, making the frosting topping for the Cranberry Bliss bar, and the cake for the petit fours.”
“I’m not sure which question to ask first.  I’m going to go with what the hell is a petty four?”
Not able to hide a smile and small chuckle you looked at him as you handed him a plate for his burger and fries.  “Petit four, ever seen those small cake looking things that are like an inch or smaller, decorated fancy?”
“Maybe?  I pay more attention to the pie.  Speaking of, are you making any of those?”
“Not exactly, I have cherry pie cookie cups. Petit fours are a type of cake with layers of frosting and I also do a fruit filling in mine too.”
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“Sounds complicated, but back to where are these cookie pies?  I think I need to check them for you.”
“Sorry, I was out of freezer room here, they already went to my parent’s freezer.  And yes, they are complicated.  I’ll make the cake today, then it has to cool and slightly freeze,  the filling, frosting and glaze will get made this weekend and then put all together.”
“I don’t have that kinda patience. Next question, what are you going to do with all this?”
“It’s a big party, we go through a lot then.  It will go back in the freezer after, and the week leading up to Christmas we’ll get it back out and make up trays to give away to friends, business we deal with, and have some left over for Christmas.”
“What does one have to do to get on this list, sweetheart?”
“Don’t worry, I’m sure one will find its way to your door. 
“What all is on your party list?”
“The things from Monday, and tonight, buckeyes, cherry cheesecake bar, two different truffles, fudge, cranberry cookies, candies, white chocolate ginger cookies, and choc cherry brownie bites, polar bear faces and some candies.”
“Next week is helping mom clean, with any last minute decorations she hasn’t done, then food Thursday and Friday night. Saturday is the party, Sunday I might not get out of bed.”
Dean laughed at that, “I never said I was joking Winchester.”
“Alright, alright so what are we doing first?”
“You really want to help me?  You are welcome to turn on the television and just hang out.”
“Nope, I’m here to bake sweetheart.”
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You offered to let him pick something on tv, but he declined so you turned on Hallmark Christmas movies to help you both get in the Christmas spirit.  Dean helped you put together the cake for the petit fours, so that could get cooking first.  Frosting sugar cookies was next, you had done a few cut outs, but you preferred plain old circles.  It saved time and could be decorated any way.  The frosting colors were always tied in to that year's decoration colors.  This year was blue, white and silver, unfortunately you hadn’t found a silver paste coloring yet.  You were going to make three different shades of blues and a simple white. The powdered sugar needed to be shifted still to help keep the frosting smoother. You gave that job to Dean while you got the rest of the ingredients ready.
“Oops,”  you heard from behind you.  Turning around Dean had put too much powdered sugar in at once then apparently leaned over to see what he was doing. Now he was wearing some on his face and shirt. 
“Here,”  handing him a wet rag you helped him clean up a little. 
“Wouldn’t it be easier to use store bought?”
“Yes, but this recipe tastes better, has a better consistency for decorating with it, and dries so I can stack them without ruining the design.”
“Whatever you say Betty Crocker.”
The two of you both grabbed some cookies and started to decorate, at one point you looked up and had to look away so Dean wouldn't see your smile.  The man really likes his sprinkles apparently.  
“Wow!”  You looked up quickly to see what caused that reaction from Dean.
“Your frosting on those, that’s like store bought good.”
Feeling the blush heat up your face you smiled at him, “Thanks, I’ve had a lot of practice over the years.  Watched a lot of decorating tips too.”
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It was a lot of fun decorating the cookies with Dean, you goofed off a little and tried to “help” each other with the cookie the other was working on at that time.  That ended with some, let’s say interesting looking cookies thrown in with the others. 
“Hey Dean,” You got his attention while you headed to the sink with the last of the remaining frosting.  “I think you got a little something right here,” as you tapped him on the nose with a blue spoon quickly getting out of his reach. 
While you were standing at the sink he came up behind you and wiped his frosted nose on the shoulder of your dark green shirt.  “Dean!”  Neither of you could hold in your laughter.
The last task of the night was the frosting to the Cranberry bars.  Dean had snuck a few bits of everything tonight, but you didn’t care.  He had earned it.  This had been the most fun baking you had had in a long time.  
Neither of you had to work tomorrow and retired to the couch to watch a movie when you were all cleaned up.  The temperature had dropped this week and despite the heat being on still a little chilly in the apartment.  There was  a blanket behind Dean he grabbed before sitting next to you and tossing it over you both.  You didn’t realize as the movie went on you leaned a little closer in to Dean until he put his arm around your shoulders anchoring you close.
Dean was telling you about his week and how he met the owner’s step daughter, Jo, this week.  She had been in everyday to take care of the paper work for Ellen since she had problems at the bar to take care of.  According to Dean she was a bit of a talker, and kept coming to the back of the shop where he was working.
Oh you fool, you thought, she’s trying to flirt with you, not just talk.  “Was she just there this week?”
“Not sure, I heard her tell Bobby she would be happy to take it over if they wanted her too.”
Of course she would,  she wants to see you, went through your head, but all you said “Oh,”  You're not looking to date, you have no right to be jealous of her flirting with Dean or hanging out with him at work.  Not that he would be interested; he only wants friends right now too, but you found yourself worrying about Dean falling for her.  
Dean looked around your apartment as he was walking out, “Not much time for decorating yet?”
“I’m going to work on that tomorrow.  What about you?  How is your house coming?”
“I only had a few decorations I put up, I won’t be up here anyways.” 
“No?  Your parents aren’t coming back up?”
“No, we are heading to them.  Jess’ parents are going on a cruise that leaves the 26th so Sam and her are heading to see them before Christmas and will meet us in Kansas. I took the week of Christmas off, I’ll drive there either the 20th or 21st and come back here the 27th.   Are your parents staying in town for Christmas?
“Yep, we have it at their house every year, and my aunt should be good to travel by then.”
“That’s good, see you tomorrow.” 
“What?”  He just winked at you and shut the door.  Did you have plans you were forgetting?
Late Saturday morning while you were fighting with branches there was a knock at your door.  A bright eyed Winchester was waiting to be let in, his coffee in hand.
“I didn’t have plans today, and thought I’d give you some help.  Plus I wanted to see how the petty things went together.”  He looked at the corner where you had been working, “What is that mess?”
“That’s my tree, thank you very much, and it’s petit four.”
“You know real is the way to go.”
“Says the man with no tree.  Maybe it is, except when you live alone, and would have to water it and check it everyday and you have an allergy to the branches making you break out in red itchy spots.”
“Okay, you win.”
Dean helped you get the tree together and put the ornaments up.  When you finished with that you got the petit fours out to finish. Dean watched you adding layers to the bottom half of the cake, then put the top half on doing the same, helping when he could.
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“Getting the glaze on is the hardest part, mine never look as good as ones you can get in a store.”
“I think they look awesome, if I tried these mine wouldn’t be half as good.”
You had ingredients in your cupboard for pasta so you started that inviting Dean to stay for dinner.  The night ended much like the last with the two of you side by side watching a movie on the couch.
The next week was pretty busy for you helping at your parents, it went fairly quickly though.  Usually during the week you will talk to Dean a few times and text almost everyday, even if it’s just sending the other a funny picture.  This week you hadn’t heard from him at all.  Guess he was too busy at work with Jo. 
The party had been going on for an hour and you still hadn’t seen Dean yet.  Sam, Jess, Cas and Meg had all arrived half an hour ago.  
It was thirty minutes later when Dean finally arrived. Finding his brother and friend first he said hello to them before looking for you.  Finally spotting you talking to a group of people, he hung out behind you for a few minutes before a woman looked up at him and said hello.  This had you turning around.
“Hello Dean, so glad you could finally make it.”  Was it chilly in here or just your voice.
“Oh, you’re Dean!”  Exclaimed the woman who first spotted him.
“Yeah, that’s me,”  he gave her a small smile.
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The woman looked to you before going back to Dean, “It’s nice to finally meet you, it seems like my daughter has forgotten her manners. I'll introduce myself, I’m Alicia. It's nice to meet you. Y/N said you had helped her with the baking last week.  I have to say you two make a great team, thank you for helping her.”  She glanced over at you looking at the floor, “I need to go check the food, I’m sure I’ll see you around, Dean.”
“Sorry I’m late, I got called back into work.”
“The shop closes at one on Saturday’s, it’s 8:30 now. Did you walk home and then here?”
“No, Jo was trying to finish up paperwork for November that had to be sent in today.  She called me in to explain some of the notes, and expenses.  Bobby and Ellen were out of town today so she couldn’t ask them.  It took awhile and she wanted to grab dinner, I told her I had a party to be at, but she kept pushing and I went with her for one drink.”
“It’s fine Dean, nothing said you had to be here when it started, or stay the whole time.  Have fun, your brother and Cas are around here somewhere.  I need to go check the dessert table.”  
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Turning and quickly walking away, Dean was too caught off guard by your distance to follow right away.  You had never given him the cold shoulder like that, he didn’t like it.  By the time he caught up to you again, someone else had pulled you into conversation.  Waiting a few minutes for you to finish, finally deciding to go find Sam and the rest of that group when you didn’t.  He was fairly certain you were upset with him, and that didn’t sit well at all.
He passed by the food set up in the dining room, and kept going.  As much as he was starving when he got here, he seemed to have lost his appetite now.  Meg and Jess were gone when he rejoined the guys.  He pretended to listen to their conversation, but he wasn’t really there.  Why were you so mad, was it because he was late, or did something else happen?  Why did you care when he showed up, there were numerous other people here.  His original plan was to come early and see if you needed help, but going over paperwork with Jo took much longer than expected.  She couldn’t seem to concentrate on her work.   
Excusing yourself from the family friend who cornered you , you made your way to your old room.  Needing a few minutes of alone time to calm yourself down.  You were jealous, but no way would you admit that to anyone else.  Your door opened minutes after you shut it, looking up Jess and Meg walked in sitting across from you on the bed.  
“Partied out already, or hiding from someone?”  Meg gave you a knowing look waiting for your answer.  “You do know Dean is downstairs right?”
“Neither, I just needed a minute, too many people down there for me.  Yeah, I know he finally showed up, not that I care”
“Liar,”  spoke up Jess.
“The two of us are completely sure you being up here has nothing to do with a green eyed bowlegged mechanic you have been looking for all night.”
“Nope, not at all. Why should I care if he spent the evening helping the boss’ daughter do paperwork, or that he took her out for dinner.”  Staring at your friends you didn’t say anything else. 
“Yep you're just fine,”  when you didn’t say anything else Meg continued, “know we are here whenever you want to talk about whatever is going on in your head.”
You all rejoined the party.  This was always one of your favorite nights as much as you were looking forward to having Dean here tonight, you weren’t up to seeing him right now.  You had caught up with your friends on and off the rest of the night.  Mostly when Dean had stepped away.  You were ready for the night to be over.
Sunday morning Dean stood outside your apartment door knocking without any answer.  The door behind him opened but he didn’t realize it until hearing a voice he knew well.
“You know I live in 43 right?”
“Yes, bitch, I do.  Y/N lives in 44.  She was off last night and I wanted to talk to her.  Picked up breakfast on the way over so she wouldn’t have to make anything.  But if she doesn’t open the door I can’t give it to her.”
“Jerk, It’s still a bit early, did you text her?”
“Yeah, but she didn’t respond.”
“You’re welcome to wait for her in here if you want to try again in a bit.”  After knocking again, he followed Sam inside.
Rolling over in bed, you reached over petting the dog laying next to you.  You missed having a dog around, but your apartment wasn’t pet friendly.  Grabbing a sweatshirt you made your way downstairs to see what your parents were up to.  You had decided to spend last night in your old room so you would be here to help with any more clean up this morning.  It was a good hour later when it finally dawned on you that you hadn’t checked your phone this morning.  Picking it you realized the battery died, and you didn’t bring a charger.  You were the only one without an iPhone so their chargers wouldn’t work on yours.  That will have to wait till I get home later.
Getting off the elevator later that afternoon you ran into Sam.  “Hey, Dean was looking for you earlier, but you never answered your door.  He waited for awhile, but had to get going.”
“I stayed at my parent’s last night, and didn’t take a charger for my phone.  Thank you guys for coming last night.”
“It was fun, thanks for inviting us.  When your phone has a charge, text Dean back, he has texted me a few times since he left asking if I’ve seen you.”
“Alright, talk to you later Sam.”
When your phone finally had some life you sent Dean a text apologizing for missing him when you weren’t home.
“Can I come over?” Dean texted back.
You had to debate with yourself whether you wanted him to or not.  He had done a lot to help you last week, and been a much needed friend.  Did he really deserve the cold shoulder because you were jealous?  You texted back ‘If you want.’
Fifteen minutes later there was a knock on the door, putting on a smile you let Dean in.  Maybe you could pretend your behavior last night didn’t happen. 
“Hi Dean.”
“Hey Y/N, thanks for letting me come over.”
“Not a problem, how was your day?”
“Alright, a little worried my friend is mad at me, and I really want to fix that. I’m sorry I was so late.  I was actually going to come early and see if you needed help, I’m sorry work got in the way.  I tried to bring you breakfast this morning so you wouldn’t have to get out of bed and mess with anything this morning.”
Guess he wasn’t going to go along with your plan to pretend it didn’t happen. “I’m sorry Dean, I shouldn’t have gotten that upset.  You didn’t have to be there right at 7, I was excited to have you there last night and it shouldn’t have mattered when you came. I should have enjoyed having you there when you arrived.  I ruined it for both of us, I’m sorry. Sorry, I missed breakfast with you this morning.”
“It’s okay, I just really don’t want to lose my friend.  If you really wanted to make it up to me, go shopping with me tomorrow night?  I need some help with Jess and Mom, please?” He gave you the best puppy dog eyes he could muster. 
“Sure, I still have a bit to do also.”  Dean had been the best thing to happen to you in awhile, you didn’t want to lose him either.  Hopefully a night at the mall could help things go back to the way they were. “Pick me up after work?”
“I’d be happy to.”
“Have you eaten dinner yet? I have leftovers from the party if you want to stay for dinner?”
“Seriously? Yes, I  didn’t end up getting anything last night.”
Both of you worked in the morning, so instead of starting a movie after dinner you just turned a tv show on.  Tonight you two didn’t sit as close as you previously did, honestly you missed it. You made small talk, he asked how things were at your parents’ house.  You told him everything cleaned up fairly quick, staying there made you miss having your dog around. 
Snow was lightly falling on the way to the mall, you were hoping for a white Christmas. Dean asked about your day, not much happened for you at work.  He was telling you about a classic car that just came in he was working on.  He really enjoyed his job, his green eyes shining as he talked about the different parts that needed restoring.
Arriving at the mall it became clear Dean really didn’t have any ideas on what to get either woman, so you offered various suggestions in the stores you were in.  Finally getting Jess done, Dean picked up a scarf you knew she wanted, and some fun picture frames to go on her collage wall.  His mom was proving trickier.  
“Any hobbies?” you asked, leaving the 6th different store. 
Dean thought for a moment, “She does like horror movies.”
“Yeah, I’m coming to realize you are all obsessed with monsters.  How about not for Christmas. Any place she mentioned she would want to go?”
He thought for a few minutes “Actually I heard her talking to Jess about a new place that opened up in town.”  When Dean finished telling you about you pulled out your phone to see if you could google it.  Finding what you needed you explained your idea to Dean and what you could get up here and what he would need to get once he was back in Kansas. 
With that  accomplished you two wandered around a few more stores looking for items to fill the rest of your lists.
Thursday was the next time you saw Dean, running into him in the apartments’ parking lot.  He was on his way to meet Sam for something.  Making small talk in the elevator, without thinking you asked something you didn’t really want to know.
“How’s Jo been?”
Dean gave you a funny look, “I don’t really know,  she hasn't been in the shop the last couple days.”
“Oh, I thought you might talk to her outside of work.”  What are you doing Y/N, do you really want to know this.  
“No. I don’t really have a reason to need to talk to the boss’s daughter outside of work.”
“Okay.  I have something in my apartment for you, I meant to drop off.  If you have time stop over before you leave.”
“Is it pie?”
“Sorry, not this time.”
When you got inside your apartment you went to check and see what ingredients you had in your cupboard. Finding pecans and a pack of crescent rolls you decided to whip up something quick.  A little over an hour later you heard a knock at your door.  Inviting Dean in you walked back over to the kitchen where the timer was going off.
“Something smells amazing.”
“I didn’t have any fruit to make a regular pie filling, but I did have some pecans I never used for the party, I made you a pecan pie bar, I hope it’s okay.”  You could almost see Dean’s mouth start to water.  “I’ll get you a fork and plate.”
“I don’t need a plate, the pan is fine.”
While Dean was eating you grabbed the item you picked up for him from the spare room.
“I know you don’t have a tree because you won’t be here for Christmas, but I thought you needed something.  Even if it’s not real.”  You had picked him up a little prelit tree and decorated it to have in his house.  
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“It’s great, thanks Y/N.  You didn’t have to do that though.”  Dean gave you a hug as you set it down next to the pan of bars. 
“I know, I wanted to.  You can set it on that skinny table you have and set the presents underneath it after you wrap them.”
“Oh, that’s right I have to wrap them.  Hey sweetheart, do you think you might come over one night and help me with…”
“Seriously Winchester?  How would you ever make it without me, do you even have paper?” Laughing you agreed to come over Saturday and wrap what he had.  
“Of course I do.”
Knowing you were just hanging around the house and wrapping presents you put on yoga pants and a baggy sweatshirt to head to Dean’s knowing he would be hanging out in sweats by now too.  Sure enough he answered the door in a grey henley and black sweats.  The fireplace was on in the living room and with the presents and wrapping paper on the coffee table.  Dean ordered pizza and found Die Hard on tv.  He was sitting on the couch watching you work, when you looked up at him.
“Are you planning on helping me at all or just watching?”
“Which answer won’t get me in trouble?” The bitch face you sent his way might rival Sam’s.  “I was kidding, I was just watching how you do it.  Very nice wrapping by the way.”  The roll of wrapping paper flying at him barely missed his arm. 
Two presents into Dean wrapping, you knew why he wanted help.  When the pizza arrived you set him free. Finishing the last gift you leaned back against the couch rolling your shoulders to loosen them up after being hunched over.  Dean was sitting up on the couch behind you and  leaned down to rub your stiff shoulders. 
“Thanks for that.”
“Least I could do for you wrapping those.”  Before you left for the night you put the gifts under his tree best you could.
You spent the next week trying to catch up with your own Christmas shopping, get the cards in the mail, and trying to find time to just enjoy the Holidays.  Friday night you, Charlie, Meg and Jess donned your best ugly sweaters and leggings, spending the evening at your place vegging out and watching movies.  
You woke up early Saturday morning to head to Dean’s house before he left. Knocking on his door he was surprised to see you.
“I just wanted to stop over before you left.  I brought you some of the desserts to take to your parents house.”  You had given Dean a plate of them the weekend before when you came over to wrap.  “I expect those to make it to Kansas so you better put them in the trunk.”
“I don’t know sweetheart, I might need a snack for the road.  Eleven hours is a long trip.”
“I figured you would, there is a bag of the cherry pie cookies in there for you.”
“You are too good to me.”  Giving you a kiss on the cheek he walked past you to put them in his car while you followed him over. 
“Do you need help doing anything before you go?”
“I’m all set, car is loaded, just have to refill the coffee in my travel mug, wash the pot and lock up the house.  
Waiting while Dean finished with his coffee you walked out to the car with him.  “Have a safe trip, and Merry Christmas.  See you when you get back.”
“Thank you sweetheart.  Thanks for your help and the cookies. Have a Merry Christmas yourself.”  With a hug you walked to your own car watching the Impala drive away. 
You were definitely going to miss him this week. A little after one that afternoon you received a text from Dean saying he was in Springfield, Illinois and halfway there, he would text you when he arrived at his parents. Around seven, that text arrived along with a picture of a house you were guessing belonged to John and Mary. The two of you talked a few times over the week, he called later than usual Tuesday night, and seemed to be really down.  
On Christmas Eve you went to Mass with your family before heading to your parents house for dinner with your grandparents, some of your parents siblings, and cousins.  Games followed and a few hours later the house cleared out.  You spent the night there since you would be having Christmas morning there with your dad’s family.  Dean had texted you a few times throughout the day, Sam arrived today so you hoped he could help his brother with whatever was going on. 
Christmas morning you sent Dean a text before helping your mom with breakfast.  Your dad’s family spent the morning at the house before heading elsewhere for the afternoon.  Your mom’s family started coming over around 2, they stayed for dinner and games.  You loved your family but were glad to have an empty house spending time with your parents when everyone was gone.
That evening you went back to your apartment.  Sitting on the couch looking at your Christmas tree you saw a big gift bag Jess had dropped off before leaving town.  She told you you couldn’t open it till Christmas, that was now right?  Grabbing it you brought it back to the couch with you. 
First you pulled out a big oddly wrapped lump, unwrapping it you found a Chocolate Lab plush.  He reminded you of your dog you had growing up. The next item was a t-shirt that had you cracking up.  In the bottom of the bag was a card.
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I think this goes to show what we both already knew, I can’t wrap worth a damn.  This guy reminded me of the pictures I have seen in your apartment.  He might not be able to follow you around, or bark at strangers, but hopefully he can keep you company.  I got a laugh out of the shirt and I hope you do too.    
Merry Christmas Sweetheart,
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  Dean called you later that evening.
“Hi, Merry Christmas Dean.”
“Merry Christmas to you Y/N.  How was your day?”
“It was good.  Scooby and I are relaxing back home now.”
“Good, um who’s Scooby?”
“This really cute chocolate lab plush that my good friend got me.  Thank you Dean, he’s great.”
“Not a problem Sweetheart. Glad you like him, Scooby?”
“That was my dog's name growing up, I was a big Scooby Doo fan.  Still am”
He started laughing, “So was I.  Yeah, I wouldn’t rush to change the channel if it was on now either.”
 The two of you talked more about your days.   He was ready to leave, but Sam and Jess were riding back with him, and he didn’t want to pull them away yet.  Something happened while he was home, he didn’t sound like himself.  If you had to guess it was why he called you Tuesday night.  You wondered if you would find out what that was.
Part 5
Thank you for reading!
Tags  @talesmaniac89​ @katehuntington @winchest09 @flamencodiva @whatareyousearchingfordean @waywardbeanie​ @deanwanddamons​​ @smol-and-grumpy @emoryhemsworth@anathewierdo @malfoysqueen14 @superfanficnatural @jensengirl83​ @atc74 @sandlee44​ @akshi8278  @fantasydevil2002
Falling For You tags- @halesandy​ @abuavnee​ @hearteyes-j2​ @vicmc624​ @440mxs-wife​ @wonder-cole  @maralisa124​ @krazykelly​​
109 notes · View notes
leahseclipse · 4 years
May the show begin (Part 2)
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May the show begin masterlist | Masterlist
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Category: Angst
Warnings: Kidnapping, general criminal minds stuff, angst, cursing, blood, mentions of death.
Summary: While working on a case, y/n gets targeted by the unsub that kidnaps her.
A/N: Hello! Here's the 2nd part! Thank you to everyone who liked the first part, it means a lot to me!! I hope you'll like this one- I really do my best at every fic, I hope it's not too bad- lmk if you liked it- have a good time reading. - Lex
Don't hesitate to send requests, I'll be more than happy to write them!
Word count: 5.5 k
I woke up with a start after hearing a voice calling my name.
I looked around, but no one was there. I almost thought it was Spencer calling me for a second.
I immediately felt panic invade my whole mind as I realized the situation I was in.
The room was dark, which didn't reassure me at all, because I hated being in the dark, and in this situation, I wasn't even somewhere safe.
I'm scared.
I want to get out of here.
What is going to happen ?
I knew that the following hours, or even days would be the worst days I'd ever have, and I didn't even know if I would get out of here alive.
I couldn't be sure of that.
It didn't really take long until I realised that I've also been drugged. I was struggling to stay awake, and my sight was blurry for a while.
I even tried to move for a bit, but quickly noticed the ropes restraining me.
As I tried to dig into my memories, trying to even remember anything from yesterday, the only thoughts that came were the faint sounds of a car, and then...screams.
My screams.
The next thing I did after almost regaining full consciousness was to look at my own body; I had felt a soft fabric against my skin, but still couldn't guess whether it was my clothes or not.
Then, as I lowered my head,
I realized.
Someone had put a dress on me.
I knew that I had this on for a specific reason, but I still couldn't remember why.
I did my best not to crack under the pressure, because the more I'd look around, the more I'd feel like crying out of panic. My head was full of panicked thoughts, I prayed for it to stop, but I knew well that I couldn't. Not until I'd get out of here.
If...hold on.
I remembered something.
The dress.
It's what was on the women that are now...dead.
Right now, what I only wished for was for someone to find me as quickly as possible. I couldn't remain calm, knowing that I could eventually die here.
This wasn't planned at all, I never thought this would happen one day, I did everything to protect myself, be careful outside, and some guy, or girl, managed to get into my apartment to kidnap me.
And right now, being the nervous and dramatic wreck I am, I could only think of the worst things that could happen. And...that are about eighty percent accurate to happen, I'd say.
This really can't...I'm not done saying all of the words I need to say to Spencer, I need more time with him, my life can't end now, it can't end here.
We're even supposed to get married. We're too busy with work that we haven't planned anything yet.
I can't leave him behind like that.
I can't.
My thoughts were interrupted by a sound, causing me to come back to reality.
I suddenly heard the door opening, followed by footsteps; these becoming louder as the person approached.
"Hello there." He said, as I froze out of fear, his voice sending chills down my spine.
"I'm sorry we have to meet under these circumstances. I wished I could have processed this meeting in another way. But apparently, you were quite busy with your job. It was quite difficult to catch up with your schedule. So, I had to pay you an unexpected visit. It's nice to see you again y/n." He added, as he walked in front of me. I looked at him while he talked, but his face was masked, I couldn't see anything.
It's nice to see you again'? Do I...know him?
I still couldn't put a name on the voice, but I knew I did hear it somewhere. But the problem is that I didn't know. It could be an old friend, a colleague, a neighbor, but unless he'd say his name, I wouldn't know.
"You can talk, you know, I didn't say you weren't allowed." He let out a laugh, his hand touching my face, while he traced my jawline with the tip of his fingers.
"I...why am I wearing a dress," I finally let out, with a shaky voice. "And how do you know me…?" What I just asked was probably stupid when I thought about it after, but I was too terrified to think of anything else. These were the only words I managed to let out. I guess it's better than the curses. Maybe.
"Oh, the dress. I made it just for you. It's just a bit loose, sorry. I couldn't get your measurements from far, when I was watching, so...I did my best. I hope that you like it. I didn't want you to keep what you were wearing, it wasn't very pretty." He paused, probably thinking about the other question. 
"And, how do I know you…? Well, it's not my job to tell you, you're a big girl, so I think you can remember it by yourself. It'll come, soon enough. It's not difficult, you used to see it all the time, a long time ago, and kinda...recently." He said, as he put his hand on my hair, taking a strand between his fingers. 
This really has to be a joke. What am I supposed to do, guess your name until I get the right one?
"You really are...amazingly pretty. If I kill you, I can't keep you forever. That'd be a shame, really. I can keep you for a while, if you behave nicely. So, be an angel and don't make me angry, okay?" 
"Be a angel"...how am I even supposed to react to that?
"...keep me forever, why?"
"You see," He said, as he kneeled in front of me. "I couldn't keep watching you, you exactly look like my daughter would have looked like if she lived another ten years. But, some bastard killed her, and now, all I have left...is you. I can feel her presence through you, I know she's here. That's why I want to keep you for a while. You'll love me, soon enough. It'll be like the old days. I just, really am obsessed with you. It'll probably hurt your poor boyfriend, but I'm sure he won't mind if I take you from him. He won't."
He totally lost his mind. I don't think he's thinking sanely right now. If I take his words, his mind totally blew up when he saw me…like to the point he'd do things, without getting scared of consequences, he hadn't realised at all the risks he took, and I don't think he does right now.
I could feel the rage burning sensation in my body growing larger every second I'd look at him. He should consider himself lucky that the rope is too tight for me to move. Otherwise, he'd have no face anymore. 
I couldn't help but wonder why he would do that. Both my father and sister died when I was only 10, but I didn't go and stole someone else's father and daughter to replace mine. It took a long time, because I had to accept the death of someone twice, suffer even more, alone, in my room for months, but I coped with it and moved on a few months after, taking control over my life once again after the event I've been through. 
I know they would have wanted me to do that. They both hated it whenever I was sad.
"Why do...you just take girls from their families, to just end up killing them a few days after? Is making people suffer okay?"
"Look, if I do that, this way sweetie...the police will finally understand my anger. It's been two years, and they still haven't found the guy who killed her. I even wonder if they haven't forgotten about it, or given up. And after, they proudly appear in newspapers while a killer is still on the loose. Wow, look how great police is."
Is this how people are supposed to cope with the death of someone? Making other people suffer isn't the right way when you have to deal with a loss.
"Killing people won't resolve things, it's sad for you, but sadly, it won't bring her back. I won't." 
"We'll see that; if your smart-ish friends manage to find you. Unless they don't, you'll get to travel with me. Exciting isn't it? I know, right? You'll like it. I can feel it. You'll become my pretty little doll. Till you break. I hope it'll last long. We've only been together for half a day. We have plenty of time to get to know each other once again. It's been a long time since our last meeting so I'm sure we both have a lot of things to say. A lot.
"You're fucking crazy." 
"If you say so. But soon, you'll like- no, you'll adore me."
"Never." I exclaimed, glancing at him, my eyes filled with all the rage I felt for him in this moment. He'd be stupid if he didn't see that.
"You won't say that in a few days. I think you'll even beg-" He said, cutting off mid sentence, before I spat at his face. 
I knew the consequences of it, but I didn't regret it. Now, he'd know that I'm not his toy, and that I'll certainly not beg him for anything. 
He stepped back, chuckling, before hitting me in the face with his fist. Soon enough, a few drops of blood flowed from my nose, falling on the dress, as the tissue slightly absorbed it.
I didn't know if it was the punch or the effects of the drugs that I had just felt, but I suddenly felt tired as he hit me, bringing me back to the state I was in when I woke up.
"You bitch...who do you think you are to do that? TELL ME." He yelled, his voice filled with anger. Even though I couldn't see his face, I knew it probably was red from all of the anger he's been accumulating.
The veins on his hands contracted, surely meaning he was restraining himself from hitting me again, or even...strangling me. 
"I'm...not a toy...for you to play with. It's sad that she died...but I already said I won't replace her."
"I NEVER ALLOWED YOU TO TALK, SHUT UP!" He paused, taking a large breath of air, as he pointed at me with his index. "You'll do...whatever I'll tell you. If you care enough about the ones around you. That'd be a shame for them to die because of their...stubborn friend." He added, glancing at me as he left the room, aggressively closing the door.
I couldn't stop shaking the whole time he was in. I'd never imagined that this would ever happen to be one day. It happened to Spencer, and I was devastated the whole time. Watching him on the livestream, I couldn't stand it for more than a few minutes. 
And now that I'm in the same situation, he's the one that is suffering. None of us know if I'll get out of here alive. That's the worst.
Until they'd find anything about him, both of us had to stay there, wondering if the other was doing okay, and in Spencer's case, wondering if I would make it. 
I really prayed for that. I need to see his smile again, run my hand through his hair, cuddle in bed with him, all of the things I love to do with him, that I love him for.
No sound was coming from outside, either the walls of the room were isolated in order to not let any sound in, or the house was in the middle of nowhere. 
The only thing I could do while being tied up was to look around; of the two windows, the only one that would allow the light to go in was closed by the blinds, only allowing a short film of light into the dark place. The left one was being blocked by the shelf in front of it, so not any light came out of it.
Even if I would try to escape, how could I even do that? I was tied up to the chair by the rope, almost suffocating me; my hands were both restrained to the back of the chair, each hand on one side of it, so whenever I'd try to move them up, the head of the chair would block my hands.
I then looked more around, a lot of costumes were displayed in the room. Some were complete, some half done or in bad shape; he also had sewing kits, measurement tapes, a lot of stuff to sew, in general. 
There were some boxes in the corner, some papers, and...a pair of legs coming out of behind the boxes. Someone was lying there. 
A stream of blood was dripping from her tight, while the puddle of blood underneath her limp body slowly became wider.
Her skin was pale as snow, and I quickly came to the realisation that she was either dying or...already dead.
Tears soon began flowing down my cheeks, a quiet sob escaping my lips. I couldn't do anything to help her, the only thing I could do was to watch her die, if she was still alive. 
And now...he's really going to do the same to me…? No. It can't happen...it can't.
The thought of myself soon being in the same situation as them even went through my mind for a second, terrifying me. I wasn't sure of it, but it still could be one of the scenarios that could happen. 
Who could even know if he didn't kill other girls? From what we all know, two have been found, and plus the one I just saw, three, or more, I couldn't confirm that; they'd had to search the house, or he'd have to say it to me in one of his possible attempts to threaten me, otherwise, I didn't know if there was more, I seriously hoped that he hasn't killed other girls. 
But, from what I've seen from the way he was acting, he felt...pressured, in a way. I think that when I...got angry, which resulted in him realising that I wasn't going to be the perfect doll he expected me to be, something might have changed in his plans, he imagined that he'd keep me much longer, thinking that I'd be obedient, calm. 
He had his reasons to think like that, I think. It's not really in my habits to flip people off, I'm usually nice in general. Even with weird guys that try to flirt with me for example. I always try to be as nice as possible when trying to tell them I'm not interested. Some aren't really mean in general, they just need a talk to understand.
I had this one teacher in college, back then, I was taking theater classes, thought it might be fun to do that for my last year. It didn't cost anything, and I had nothing to lose if I tried it. It really was fun, I got to make some new friends, discover new plays, and the teacher was really nice with us. He was like a second dad. You could talk of anything to him, he wasn't the type of guy to judge you, he was quite understanding in general. He wouldn't force you to talk unless you wanted to, and wasn't the type to slide in personal conversations. He was pretty friendly, you couldn't really talk bad to him, he was always nice.
What was his name…? I think his family name was something like...Miller? 
Even if it really was that, hundreds of people wear that name, so I'm not even close to finding it; and I was not really in the mood to play guessing games.
I'm currently being kidnapped, so...it's logical.
The door abruptly opened once again, as he turned the light on, a sudden burst of light brightening the room, causing myself to startle out of my thoughts. 
My eyes involuntarily closed, whilst my vision got blurry for a bit, focusing back when it adjusted itself to the light.
His shadow appeared on the floor as he headed towards me; I could even see my own shadow, not having noticed that I was shaking so much until I actually saw it right in front of me.
"Let's have another chat, shall we?" He took a chair, sitting in front of me while taking the mask off his face. "Remember me now?" 
10 hours since the disappearance of y/n
I pushed the glass doors of the 6th floor's office, walking through the hallway, as I made my way to the conference room.
A few minutes ago, I had reached the point where I just couldn't think anymore, I just had to get some air before getting aggressive with the others out of frustration.
Even if I knew that it would be all of the anger I've accumulated talking, and not the usual Spencer they know, I preferred not to go outside with anyone.
I was too distracted over the fact if we would ever find her alive again. If it's the guy that killed the two women, it'll only be a matter of time before he kills her.
When I stepped into the room, I sat by the seat next to Morgan, putting my elbows on the table while my hands rested under my chin.
Papers were scattered all over the table, as everyone's voices raised, arguing on the proofs they had, trying to understand who could be behind that. We only knew what the guy was doing, but had no clue of who it was.
We barely had anything. The only thing we had in stock was that the guy was between 40-50, and that he probably was a theater teacher, but again, it wasn't sure.
The thing was that we didn't even know if this guy was from here or not. He could be a guy that used to live here, and moved somewhere else.
Some argued on the fact that he always lived here, some on the fact that he just drove here so many times that he ended up knowing the city, or some that someone else who actually knew the area drove with him.
We weren't really close to finding any constructive proofs.
As for me, I wasn't close to finding any mental stability yet. My whole mind was a storm, a storm that I don't think anyone in the room would be able to stop.
What if she was already dead?
Although I wished more than anything that she would be okay right now, I couldn't get this thought out of my mind since we knew she was missing.
Her face appeared in my mind, her wonderful smile with it. She would radiate so much joy, that it would always be enough to cheer the team up for a bit whenever we'd work on a complicated case.
She would always care about others before herself. 
Even if we would never ask for it, she would suddenly burst out of the office, and come back a few minutes later with coffee, or even take a few files behind our backs so that we could go home early. She'd take a lot from Matt, JJ and Hotch; but while they'd go home early, she would go home late. 
We would even find her the next morning in the conference room, along with the finished files next to her. We weren't that evil, so we would let her sleep a bit more. 
She'd eventually wake up with a start, claiming that she just closed her eyes and didn't actually fall asleep. 
I always liked it when she tried to cover the fact that she didn't fall asleep, it really was fun.
But, I don't regret once meeting her, I've been in love with her since her first day at the BAU.
She got in about two years after I came in and when I saw her I just...immediately fell in love. Back then, I had shorter hair, and wasn't as sociable as I am today. A lot has changed about my behaviour and personality since. And...I think most of that is thanks to her. She made me a better person. 
The previous day, we've all been notified of the arrival of a new member, coming from New Jersey, but Hotch didn't say anything else, probably to keep the element of surprise, and so that they could introduce themselves to us properly. 
We all were excited, a new member meant an additional person to join our family, a new co-worker, a new person to know, it really sounded fun.
The next day, on a Tuesday morning, at exactly 7:40, she entered the office along with Hotchner.
She was trying to keep up with Hotch as he was walking, he was much taller compared to her, so she had some trouble walking at his pace.
They both headed towards his office, probably to talk a bit, sign some papers, I remember doing that on my first day here.
A few minutes later, Hotch and her went out of the room, as she shaked his hand, exchanging a few words.
During the whole time, I couldn't keep my eyes off her. I even waited for her to come out, staring at the door for at least twenty minutes.
The others even tried to call me, but after a few minutes, I think they noticed that the thing I was focused on wasn't the files, 
It was her.
Finally, Morgan decided to come to my desk and move his hand in front of my face, as I blinked, looking at him in confusion.
"What's wrong?"
"Hotch called the team five minutes ago, you were apparently too focused on the new one so you haven't even heard him calling us. If you don't want to get lectured by Hotch, get up fast."
"I wasn't focused on her..." I mumbled, while getting up, walking towards the conference room with Morgan.
I entered the room, noticing her next to Hotch, as the others were quietly talking together.
She glanced at me, and gave me a sympathetic smile before walking in my direction.
"Hi, you must be...Spencer Reid, right? I'm y/n y/l/n, it's nice to meet you." She said, reaching out to me.
It took me a few minutes to get out of my bubble, before I came back to reality, looking at her. "Oh, yeah, that's me. It's nice meeting you too." I said, giving her a handshake. 
"Everyone, I think you've all met her now, but let's welcome the new member of our team. She'll be working with us from now on. We all look forward to working with you, agent y/l/n." Hotch said, as everyone clapped once he was done talking, welcoming words following.
And, of course, the following days Garcia kidnapped her a few times in her 'batcave', for getting to know her more, y/n was probably polite, and liked her too much to refuse her invitation, so she would always come, asking Hotch if anything was planned. Penelope wasn't that evil to the point of letting Hotch lecture her.
I enjoyed every moment in her presence. The little time we'd have with each other was more than enough for me. But at the time, I wasn't courageous enough to confess my feelings to her. So, we just were two close friends.
Nothing more.
We really grew closer the following months, we would get coffee for the other one, eat on breaks when we had time, exchange files, but my most favourite things were to see her arriving in the morning, and walk her home at night.
She would always have this beautiful smile on her face whenever she'd greet everyone on her way in. Eventually, I stopped staring at her like an idiot when I'd see her, and talked instead.
She seemed to like my random facts a lot, so before she would arrive, I would write a fact on a piece of paper, and drop it on her desk. She liked that small attention of mine, and kinda began doing the same with cheerful words she'd write on paper or randomly say to me throughout the day.
Slowly, it became a habit.
Our habit.
I liked saying that. It almost sounded like...we were together. 
We weren't until, one day.
I suddenly came to her desk, and asked her out. It was now or never. Because if I hadn't done it back then, I don't know if I would have done it later.
Surprisingly, her first reaction was to cry. I got scared, thinking that she was about to announce that she already had a boyfriend or something else, but instead, she got up, and wrapped her arms around my neck, bringing me in a tight hug. I returned the hug, wrapping my arms around her waist.
"You took a lot of time to ask, I thought you'd never do it." She mumbled, loud enough for me to hear.
Soon enough, the team quietly gathered around, smiles on their faces. They wouldn't see that everyday, so might as well enjoy this moment.
When y/n broke our embrace, her eyes were still watery and a bit puffy because of the crying.
Before y/n even got to, I brought my fingers to her small face, wiping the tears from her eyes, which she immediately responded to with a smile.
Her smile.
That's the reason why I fell in love with her, and recently, asked her to marry me. 
"Hey, Reid. Reid. You there?" A familiar voice said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I then realized it was Morgan a few seconds after.
"Yeah, sorry. Overthinking. I just got stuck in my thoughts for a minute." I said, trying to keep up with what was said previously by listening to Morgan's short resume.
"He kept the first one four days, and the second two days." Emily said, tapping her pen on the table. "Which gives and doesn't give us a correct estimation. But, from that, we could possibly conclude that he would approximately keep her…" 
"Three or four days." I interrupted, while running my hand through my hair, in an exhausted way.
Everyone was exhausted at this point, we didn't even know if we would get the guy once, but mostly, we didn't know if we would be able to find her in time before he decides he wants to kill her. 
We would have this crushing weight on us if we wouldn't manage to save her. We'd not lose an agent, but a member of our family.
And I don't think we'll get up from that.
Derek, Luke and Matt always act like she's their little sister, they like to tease her, take things from her desk and wait for her to notice it, bring her the wrong order before saying that it only was a joke, they really like her.
Emily, JJ, Garcia, and Tara immediately became best friends with her, they really liked going out with her at night, or even hanging out with her in general. She wasn't a big fan of girl nights, but she'd come anyway, it distracted her from all of the stress she had throughout the week because of work. 
Which I understood, because even I like to throw myself on the couch and watch as many Doctor Who episodes as possible till I end up falling asleep. I do that, or just sleep. 
When you work there, get as much sleep as you can because you never know if you'll get called for a case, and when you'll get sleep when you'll start working.
And lastly, Hotch and Rossi are like the fathers she never had. Rossi often invited her to teach her how to cook, chat with her, watch tv, he really is considering her like she's his real daughter. 
Hotch always protected her, he likes to sit down with y/n to talk whenever she feels down, needs help with files, and she really looks up to him. He still lectures her sometimes, but he doesn't mean any harm. 
They both are like her fathers, the fathers that I'm sure she would have wished for. 
So, losing her would be the worst thing to ever happen to us right now.
From now on, every single second would be crucial. I could not permit myself to get distracted; it was a matter of life or death from now on. 
Even if I had to go to the guy's place myself, I'd do it.
I would risk my life for hers.
I would do everything for her.
She's my everything.
Her life always mattered more than mine. She'd always say to me that I should stop saying that, but I meant it, it was absolutely true. I would have never lied to her about that, or anything else.
She always supported me in all of the imaginable ways. She never left my side once. Even when I'd beg to stay alone, she would come anyway. She always came.
Y/N always felt bad when she couldn't come to a date we've had planned, by making sure to bake something for me the next day. I never got mad, if she couldn't come, it was totally alright.
Everyone would sometimes get sick, or too busy with files. But no matter what I'd say to her so that she'd know that it was okay, I would continually find something she baked for me on my desk. 
Losing her was my worst nightmare.
A nightmare that could become reality if we didn't find her in time.
"I'm sure we'll find her. You'll marry your girl, don't worry." Morgan said, a slight smile on his face. He probably was trying his best at being positive.
"I know you're supposed to think positively in these cases, but I just can't. If it's that guy, who knows if he's not going to kill her off, who knows if she's not already dead, I don't know what to think of anymore." I said, tears forming in the corner of my eyes.
"Hey, it's going to be okay. We'll do everything to find her. I promise, okay? Now calm down, you have to be strong for her."
"Yeah, I know, I know. We'll find her." 
The rest of the day consisted of piles of papers, some short naps, coffee, emotional breakdowns, everyone was overwhelmed by the situation.
I never had to deal with it before, so I didn't know what to do, how to manage all my emotions, I was completely lost.
Just a month ago, I proposed to her, and now we're supposed to get married. I don't even know when. 
It's not easy to plan something without it risking to be cancelled at the last minute because of a case. You can even get called at 2AM. 
These last weeks, we actually planned to organise the wedding, but just when we had free time to do it; two cases appeared. I'm even wondering if we'll ever have time to do the actual wedding at this point.
We were supposed to discuss it this weekend. Garcia even wanted to help us, she adores weddings. It's the first one she'll get to organise. She was so excited when I asked for her help. 
And now, all of our joy and excitement from the last days shattered in pieces when we heard of what had happened.
We all were devastated.
A few minutes earlier, Garcia had returned to her office, probably wanting some alone time. I knew she didn't really like to show her emotions in front of everyone, she finds it embarrassing. 
Everyone was pretty much doing the same, trying to stay strong even through I know we all were on the verge of tears.
I was about to walk out of the room to talk to Morgan who had come back to his desk, when my phone loudly vibrated. I quickly noticed that it was a call, whilst I answered, placing the phone to my ear.
"Spencer, you need to come, now." Garcia said, with a panicked tone, hanging up before I even got to place a word.
Apparently, she had sent the message to everyone; some of the team members were already there.
I headed into the room, as all my hopes shattered at the sight of what I've just seen on Garcia's monitors. 
I swore I almost heard her voice for a moment.
I wished for it to be true.
At that moment, I felt like everything around me was collapsing. 
Hotch was the last to come in, closing the door after entering, as he headed to where I was, his hand now resting on my shoulder.
We're almost there y/n. Almost there.
Taglist: @amanda-rotigliano , @thatsonezesty13 , @eevee0722 ,
A/N (2): I hope you liked the chapter! I'm sorry it took so long,, I had a lot of struggle writing it haha- See you soon for the next and probably last chapter. The post that will close this story after the 3rd chapter will be the Epilogue.
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itsadamcole · 4 years
christmas lights - pt. 4
fem!reader x drew mcintyre
Drew begins to make up for the six weeks him and reader were separated by making a nice romantic dinner on Valentine's Day, which leads to some serious conversations and rekindling their marriage ...
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word count: 4.5k+
warnings: mentions of cheating, slight drinking, loads of fluff, smut (because it's time that we have nice things in this mini-series)
— part 4. enjoy loves —
masterlist || request an imagine here
part 1 || part 2 || part 3
~ 18+ content below - read at your own risk ~
Drew's POV
"Sheamus, I need t'know what t'make Y/N for Valentine's Day," I say as I drive to the grocery store. "I wanna make a perfect dinner."
Sheamus' voice comes over the BlueTooth in my car as he says, "Bro, pasta dishes work every time. What kind of pasta dish does Y/N like?"
She likes lasagna but she also likes ravioli dishes. I could never go wrong with spaghetti because everyone loves spaghetti, plus there's always that chance at a Lady and the Tramp moment with the pasta.
I say, "I don't fucking know, dude. I know she likes a lot of different pasta dishes. Maybe I should just make peanut butter and jelly or something."
"Don't ya dare," Sheamus warns. "Y/N would get so mad."
She's at work all day and I asked for today off from work. It's literally eight in the morning and I have until four to get everything ready.
I pull into the parking lot at the grocery store as I say, "Lemme call Candice. I'm sure she knows."
"Good luck," Sheamus says before hanging up.
Then I dial Candice LeRae's number. It rings a few times before she says, "Drew, it's eight in the morning. What could you possibly want?"
I ask, "Yer Y/N's best friend. What's her favorite pasta dish?"
Candice is quiet before she says, "Lasanga casserole. Meat sauce. She loves that. Can I go back to sleep?"
"Yeah," I say. "Sorry fer waking ya."
The line goes dead and I go into the grocery store after looking up a recipe for lasagna casserole.
My goal for tonight is to reignite the flame that is mine and Y/N's marriage. We've been sleeping in separate rooms, and we've been good about it. I've only joined her in her bed once because it was storming out and she wanted me to stay with her. Other than that, we've been obeying the boundaries we set.
Separate bedrooms at night, no sex, no touching of the private parts, and no sexting when I'm away. It helps that I've been away for wrestling for most of the three weeks since we cleared the air so the separate bedrooms, no sex, and no touchy touches were easy. The no sexting, not so much. I came home yesterday to spend Valentine's Day with Y/N so maybe there can be some touchy touches tonight since I'm making dinner and it's a romantic day.
Y/N has no idea of what I have planned. Her presents will be waiting in the living room for her when she walks into the house after work. A large, life-sized teddy bear sprayed with my cologne will sit on the couch with flowers and chocolates on his lap. The house will be lit with candles.
Then we'll enjoy a candlelit dinner and dessert. The dinner will be made by me. The dessert is a cake that I ordered the other day that's sitting in the back of the refrigerator, hidden away from Y/N. We'll probably watch some cheesy romance movie since it's Valentine's Day.
I can only hope everything goes to plan, as long as I find where the damn ricotta cheese is in this store.
Your POV
You mope around the office all day. You'd much rather be at home with your husband than here at work. The past three weeks have gone by quickly, and you miss Drew.
He seemed okay with you coming into work today, but you requested to leave at four so you can at least be home for dinner by five. You'll probably end up ordering takeout honestly. You don't have anything big planned for tonight except ice cream and a movie.
Drew texted you a 'good morning' and 'Happy Valentine's Day' this morning around ten in the morning when he probably woke up. It made you happy and motivated you to get through the day.
The day goes by slow. A minute feels like an hour and an hour feels like an eternity as you write out this six-page report on the last meeting you had.
As soon as four hits, you say goodbye to your co-workers and grab your jacket before leaving.
It's a warm day in Florida today as you walk down to your car in the parking garage. You text Drew to say that you're on your way home before you pull out of the parking garage.
You drive home, and it's about 4:30 when you get there. Florida traffic is terrible during rush hour and you had to take the long way home instead of the quick five-minute drive because of traffic.
Drew's car hasn't moved in the driveway since you left at six this morning. You get out of your own car and walk inside. You hang your car keys up on the hook and take your jacket off. You kick off your shoes and walk into the living room with a sigh.
You freeze where you stand when you see what's sitting on the couch when you walk into the room. On the couch sits a teddy bear, flowers, and chocolates. You smile widely at the sight before walking over.
There's a note on the couch next to the teddy bear that's folded with your name on it. You giggle and unfold it, reading it to yourself.
Happy Valentine's Day, my love. If the house is still standing when you see this then come check the dining room.
Smiling, you walk into the dining room. Candles light the room and Drew dressed up in a suit stands beside the food filled table. Lasagna casserole with meat sauce, a bowl of meatballs and sauce, and breadsticks sit on the table. There's a bucket with champagne and ice next to the food. The candles are in the middle of the table and all the food.
You gasp and say, "Drew! This is amazing! I feel so underdressed for this dinner."
Your husband greets you with a forehead kiss before he says, "There's time for ya t'get changed if ya want. I just took the food out of the oven so it'll still be warm when ya come back down."
Giggling, you say, "I need five minutes to change then I'll be right back."
"Take yer time, love," Drew says, a smile on his lips.
You quickly run up the stairs. You certainly weren't expecting Drew to go all out today, not after the last few months. He did, though, and it's making you fall more in love with the Scotsman.
Quickly, you strip out of your drab office clothes and get into the white dress you wore on your first date with Finn, almost nine years ago.
The top of the dress is lacy with thin spaghetti straps. The v-neck dips low but doesn't reveal a lot. The skirt is ruffled and has two layers, one short and the second layer reaches about halfway down your thighs. You wear a pair of silver heels to go with the dress. The heels are a light silver color. You brush out your naturally waving hair and walk downstairs.
Drew's face immediately lights up with a smile when he sees you. "Wow," he says. "Still as beautiful as ya were on our first date."
As he pulls out your chair, you say, "So you did remember that I wore this dress on our first date."
"How could I not?" he asks, pushing your chair in when you're sitting in it. "Ya were stunning and I was extremely nervous."
Laughing, you help yourself to some lasagna casserole and meatballs. You grab a breadstick.
Drew takes his serving as he says, "So, I physically made the lasagna casserole and meatballs. I bought the breadsticks as well as the cake that's in the fridge."
"There's a cake in the fridge?" you ask, looking up at Drew.
He smiles and says, "Uh, surprise? I wanted t'go all out today. I know how much ya love Valentine's Day and I definitely wanted t'make sure today was yer day."
You smile and take a bite of the lasagna. "Well, thank you, Drew," you say. "This is amazing and I don't think I deserve it."
Your husband says, "Ya deserve it, Y/N. Ya one hundred percent deserve it."
The two of you make small talk as you eat the dinner that Drew made. You ask him how he got all this together today.
"I bought the ingredients today and started making dinner by like nine in the morning," he explains to you. "I texted ya at ten so ya thought I just woke up because that's when I usually wake up. I didn't want ya thinking something was off with me waking up early."
You laugh as you eat the meal Drew prepared.
He asks you how your day at work went.
"Well, Tom had me write a whole report on our meeting about finances the other day," you tell him. "Six pages due before I left. This feels like he's punishing me for calling our indefinitely while we were separated."
Drew frowns and says, "I'm sorry. I know how hard ya work, and that's another reason I went all out for dinner."
The comment makes you smile.
After you're both done eating, Drew puts the leftovers in containers before putting them in the refrigerator. He washes the dishes and you sit at the kitchen island counter, watching him.
He's trying to make up for the six weeks you two were apart. You can tell because Drew McIntyre never cooks or does the dishes.
Drew hums quietly to himself as you watch him do the dishes. Your head is in your hands and you smile at the sight.
"So, what flavor is this cake?" you ask, curious.
Your husband laughs softly and says, "Vanilla and chocolate swirl with buttercream icing. I know that's yer favorite because that was the flavor of our wedding cake."
The fact that he's remembering the slightest details from your first date and from your wedding day makes you so happy. He's incorporating these things into making this Valentine's Day the best one yet, and that's the thing you love most about Drew.
As Drew finishes up doing the dishes, you get up and walk over to him. Slowly, you wrap your arms around his waist from behind him and you look up at him. Even with two-inch heels on, Drew is still about eight inches taller than you.
"Thank you for dinner," you say. "It means so much to me that you did this."
He turns the water off and dries his hands before he turns around in your arms. Drew looks down at you and smiles as he says, "I hope ya enjoyed yer presents in the living room."
You giggle, "I'll definitely be putting that teddy bear to use while you're on the road. As for the flowers and chocolates, thank you."
Your husband pushes your hair out of your face and he says, "Yer welcome, love."
Drew's hand lingers on your cheek a little longer than it probably should but you don't mind. As a matter of fact, you lean into his gentle touch so he knows it's okay.
It's been a while since he's touched you like this and you want to enjoy it.
"How about that cake?" Drew suggests. "I know yer just dying t'dig into that."
You giggle and let Drew go so he can get the cake out. "You definitely know me better than I know myself," you say, watching him take the cake out of the refrigerator and put it on the counter.
Drew cuts a piece for you and a piece for himself before he takes your hand and walks out into the living room. The couch is big enough for you, Drew, and the human-sized teddy bear so the two of you sit beside each other on the couch.
Your husband pulls up Netflix and turns on your favorite romance movie, After. Of course, Drew sits through After We Collided as well. He knows these are your favorite romance movies, and he knows how much you adore Hardin Scott's character. You do have a thing for accents.
Then you put on Drew's favorite romance movie, A Star Is Born. You're both a fan of this movie, and you both sing Shallow extremely off-key.
It's about one in the morning when you're done watching all three movies. The two After movies were about three and a half hours combined then A Star Is Born is just over two hours long, and you started watching the movies at about seven that night.
You're cuddled against Drew as he turns off Netflix. He looks down at you and asks, "Ya tired, love?"
Shaking your head, you say, "Nope. Are you?"
Drew shakes his head and says, "No."
You sigh and take his hand in yours, playing with his fingers. "We could, um, talk," you suggest. "About everything to see what we're both thinking."
Your husband says, "Okay. Tell me what's on yer mind."
Sighing, you meet Drew's eyes as you say, "I, uh, miss falling asleep in your arms and waking up beside you, like when your home and stuff." You continue playing with his fingers.
"Do ya want me back in our bedroom?" Drew asks slowly. "Or even just a few times a week? It doesn't have t'be every night if ya don't want."
Drew looks at you intently before you say, "When you're home, I'd like to sleep in the same bed as you. I feel like three weeks is long enough for you to be in a separate bedroom."
A small smile forms on Drew's lips as he says, "Then I'll sleep in our bed again if that's what ya want."
Nodding, you say, "That's what I want. Is that what you want?"
You don't understand why this is kind of awkward. You're just asking your husband to start sleeping in your shared bed again.
"It's what I want," Drew states. "Since we're on the topic of, uh, the boundaries we talked about. Since we're sleeping in the same bed again, do the no touching and no sex boundaries apply?"
You didn't think about that when you asked Drew to sleep in bed with you again.
Sighing and still playing with Drew's fingers, you say, "If the opportunity to have sex arises then I won't stop it. It's been a while since we've been, um, intimate with each other so I wouldn't mind."
Drew smiles as your face gets a little flustered. You've never been good at talking about sex, and it gets you all hot sometimes, like right now.
He pulls his fingers away from you and you pout. Drew says, "So we're basically saying no more boundaries." It wasn't formed like a question.
"Well I'm not saying we get naked right here on the couch and have sex right now," you say, suppressing a giggle. "But technically, yes. We're saying no more boundaries."
A sigh of relief leaves Drew's lips as he says, "Thank God because sleeping in the guest room is torture knowing ya're just down the hall."
You laugh and look up at Drew. You turn your body so you're facing him more. A smile lights up Drew's face.
He's happy that there aren't boundaries anymore. You never called them rules because rules are always tempting to break, and you wanted to make sure to move slow instead of rushing into your relationship like it was before Christmas.
Both of you are quiet before you say, "Thank you for respecting my wishes while we worked on our marriage, Drew. It shows me that you wanted to work on it too."
Drew says, "I woulda moved out if ya told me to. I wanted to do this right." He pushes a stray hair off your cheek. "If fixing our relationship while spending some time apart is what helps us in the end then I'm happy t'do it."
A smile forms on your face as you say, "I love you. Thank you for sticking around even though I've been difficult."
Your husband says, "And I love ya. I would do anything fer ya, Y/N. Ya know this."
"I do know this," you say as you lean your head up a bit, wanting a kiss.
Drew gets what you're trying to say and he slowly leans into you, his lips ghosting over yours lightly. A soft gasp leaves your lips as your heart races in your chest.
While you slept in separate bedrooms and didn't see much of each other, kisses between you and Drew were rare. Every kiss felt like the first kiss you ever had with him. This one especially feels like that.
Your eyes flutter closed as Drew finally presses a soft kiss to your lips. Butterflies form in your stomach as your lips move against Drew's. One of his hands rests on your waist and one of your hands is on the side of his neck.
The kiss slowly becomes more intense as Drew begins to kiss you with more passion. You welcome the passionate kiss as Drew's hand migrates from your waist to your back. He presses you against him as you throw one of your legs over one of his so you're closer to your husband.
In between kisses, Drew asks, "Are ya still not tired?"
You shake your head slightly and say, "No. You?"
"No," he replies. "Wide awake."
This moment has been building for a while. It started almost as he came back home. Now that it's started, you don't want it to stop.
The kiss intensifies more when Drew's tongue swipes across your bottom lip, asking for entrance. You part your lips a bit and his tongue finds its way into your mouth. You sigh softly as the kiss turns into a make out session.
Drew's hands are both now on the small of your back as you now cup his face in your hands. Sighs leave both yours and Drew's lips, especially after you crawl onto his lap. You straddle his thighs to make it easier to kiss him.
You pull back, needing a second to breathe. You pant, "We lift all boundaries and now we're making out on the couch."
Your husband laughs and leaves soft kisses all over your face. "Is there something wrong with making out on the couch?" he asks, smiling.
"No," you giggle. "But have you met us? Making out usually turns into something more."
His kisses leave your face and migrate down to your jaw. He mumbles, "Would that be a bad thing though? It's been a long time since we've done anything. At least four months."
You sigh, "We just lifted the boundaries. It would be terrible timing."
Drew smiles as he kisses your neck before he says, "I've missed ya like this, Y/N. I've missed us like this."
It has been a long time since either of you have been intimate with each other.
"I've missed you like this too, Drew," you say, melting under his touch. "And it has been a long time since we've been like this. I don't care how bad the timing is anymore."
Your husband looks up at you and asks, "So, are we having sex tonight?"
Giggling, you say, "As long as we take it upstairs because I don't want to make a mess on the teddy bear."
"Done," is all Drew says before he scoops you up into his arms and takes you upstairs to your shared bedroom. He holds you bridal style in his arms as he walks up the stairs.
You leave kisses on his cheek and neck as he walks with you to the bedroom.
He walks into the bedroom and puts you down at the foot of the bed. You lean up and kiss him passionately. You hook your fingers into the belt loop of his suit pants and pull him against you.
Honestly, you don't hate the idea of having sex with Drew tonight. It's been so long since you have. You miss being intimate with him.
Slowly, you pull off Drew's jacket and let it fall to the floor. He undoes his tie, and all of this as his tongue finds its way into your mouth again. You sigh softly and your fingers begin to unbutton Drew's shirt after you untuck it from his pants.
His hands are on your back, near the zipper of the dress.
You pull his shirt off and it joins the jacket and now the tie on the floor. Drew unzips your dress and you pull the straps off your shoulders. The dress falls to the floor and pools at your feet, leaving you in only your panties.
Your fingers slide down Drew's chest as the kiss continues. You run your fingers down his stomach until they reach the button on his pants.
Both of you kick off your shoes before Drew pushes you onto your back on the bed, breaking the kiss. You move back a bit and watch as he pulls off his suit pants, leaving him in his boxer shorts.
"Ya have no idea how long I've waited just t'see ya and touch ya like this again," Drew tells you as he crawls up to you, kneeling between your legs.
You cup his face in your hands and say, "I've waited just as long as you have, Drew."
He smiles at you as his eyes roam your exposed upper body. You lay on your back and Drew leans down, kissing your chest down to your breasts. He takes one of your nipples in his mouth, sucking gently as his fingers play with the other. You gasp and sigh, arching your back slightly off the bed. You grasp onto the covers as Drew continues down your body, kissing down your belly until he gets to the waistband of your panties.
Drew looks up at you and asks, "May I?"
You nod, eager. He pulls off the panties you're wearing, and you may or may not be just a tiny bit wet. Hearing Drew talk about how much he's been waiting for this and wanting this has made you a little wet.
He bites his lip before diving in. Your back arches off the bed and you moan, "Drew." Your fingers find their way into his hair as his tongue swirls around your clit.
Your breathing soon becomes labored as Drew kisses and sucks on your core. He slips a finger into you and you moan a little louder.
It's been way too long since you've been with Drew like this, and you don't plan on ever going four months without sex ever again.
Drew's finger moves slowly and your back arches off the mattress. Your eyes are closed as your sense of touch takes over. Drew sucks on your clit and adds a second finger.
"Drew," you moan out. "Baby, please."
He looks up at you and asks, "'Please' what, love?"
You open your eyes and look at your husband as he licks your arousal off his lips. "I need you," you whine. "Please."
Drew pulls his fingers out of you and you let out a little whine. He pulls off his boxers and reaches over onto the bedside table to grab a condom out of the box that's in the drawer.
He's on his knees between your legs as he slides the contents of the tiny silver package he pulled out of the drawer onto himself. You watch as he crawls on top of you. You lean up and kiss Drew softly, pulling him down to you. His chest is pressed to yours and you wrap your legs around Drew's waist.
After a second, Drew pulls back and asks, "Is this what ya really want? I don't want t'continue if this isn't what ya want."
You push Drew's hair behind his ears and say, "I want this Drew. I've wanted this for months. I want this to happen."
A smile forms on Drew's lips as he kisses you again. You feel the tip of his member run through your folds and you sigh softly against his lips. Your hands are in his hair, gripping lightly as Drew begins to slide into you.
Moans pass through your lips into the kiss as Drew's length fills you up. Drew holds himself up above you as he begins to thrust slowly into you. Moans escape your lips as Drew moves.
Drew leaves kisses on your neck as he moves sweetly and passionately.
The room is filled with the sound of skin slapping and your moans. Drew leaves marks on your neck and his thrusts begin to speed up.
"Oh, Drew," you moan softly. "Don't stop, please."
Your husband smirks against the skin on your neck and moves deeper into you. His tip grazes your g-spot and you cry out in pleasure.
He knows how to make you feel good. It's almost like he hasn't missed a beat since the last time you had sex.
Drew grunts above you as he begins to hit your g-spot over and over again. Your nails are digging into Drew's back as he moves.
Your husband takes one of your hands in his as he moves. He kisses you again.
You don't say anything before you orgasm. You release on Drew's member and he soon follows. Both of you moan each other's names and a bunch of profanities as you both come.
Drew pulls out and rolls off of you, pulling off the condom and tying it off before throwing it out. You crawl under the covers after Drew cleans you both up, a smile on your lips.
He joins you under the covers as you both catch your breath. You look up at your husband and say, "You have a lot to live up to next Valentine's Day."
"I think I already know what I can do," Drew says, leaning in and pecking your lips. You giggle and intertwine your fingers with his as you move onto your side so you're facing him.
Drew moves himself close to you and cups your face, looking at you. Your eyes meet his and you say, "I love you so much."
Your husband says, "I love ya more." A smile forms on his lips as you bury your face into his neck, closing your eyes.
You almost lost this. You almost lost laying in his arms at night when you were feeling upset or just to snuggle after sex. You almost lost him, and you're so glad that you heard him out. You didn't just let him go, because you love him and wanted to work on your relationship.
tags: @drewmcintyrekoccsrocbwdgfan
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sombreboy · 4 years
First love | yandere!virgin!jjk
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▎ 18+ ▎ xtremity; 2 ▎ pairing: sub!jjk x femdom!y/n ▎ genre:smut ▎ word count: 3.2k ▎ warnings: sexual tension/pining, cursing, oral(f receiving), fingering, unprotected sex.
Request by anon: Could I request yandere virgin jungkook smut where hes in love with the reader who's a tattoo artist and one day they hook up?
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He's been hopelessly in love with you for what feels like an eternity at this point, but in reality it has only been for approximately a year.
But it did feel like an eternity, so it might as well have been.
Jungkook first met you when he was looking to get his first tattoo, and ended up contacting your business to personally ask you about your work, and you had gladly tended to his needs and made him feel incredibly comfortable within the first few seconds. He knew, even when he'd simply only heard your voice, that he felt something.
And eventually he had gotten his first tattoo from you, and his second, and third...
As of now he had several tattoos covering his arms and hands, all from the one and only person he ever wants to mark his body with art.
He cherished every little piece you've created on his skin with every fibre of his being, feeling nothing but joy everytime he looks himself in the mirror.
Ever since you met Jungkook one year ago, he's grown into a handsome, confident man that you've grown fairly close to, probably because you've spent more time with him than any other client in your studio. Conversations were awkward at first, and he was very nervous, but quickly you made him feel at ease with your skills with the needles.
And with time, spending time together with this beautiful man, came the flirtation. He'd grown more bold lately, he's been working out a whole lot more. If his growth in frame was anything to go by.
Tonight you were about to definitely see this upclose.
Jungkook called you in the middle of the day, seemingly not as busy as you.
Before you could answer with your automatic work-response, he beats you to it,
''Y/N, I want to get another tattoo.''
You scoff, ''Another? You literally got one last week.''
You weren't wrong, he mused. But he was addicted to you. The pain from the needle, the touch of your hands. He craved it more than any drug.
''I keep your business running.'' He laughed, and you mirrored it. He always found ways to tease and make you laugh in one go.
''Well, what do you have in mind?''
''Surprise me.''
''Okay.. We can figure it out. Any idea where you'd want it?''
Jungkook ponders for a moment before whispering, ''Chest, maybe...?''
You inhale deeply from your nose at the thought, ''Chest... That one hurts a lot, kook. Are you sure?''
He groans internally at the thought, he really hoped it would hurt,
''I trust you. Are you free today? I can come by right now.''
You check your empty schedule, remaining silent for a second to make it seem like you were actually checking for an empty slot,
''Yeah, I'm free.''
Jungkook's lips curl up in a wide, teethy grin, ''See you soon, then.''
He hangs up, unable to wipe the stupid smile off of his face as he bounces with joy on his couch.
Loving you was the best thing in the world.
The bell chimed when Jungkook entered your studio, he scanned the surroundings, noticing that there was nobody else here but you.
He saw you sitting by your desk, working on a tattoo sketch with the utmost focus. He could tell by the way your tongue poked out to wet your lips, eyes fixed on the perfect lines you created on the paper, you didn't even notice when he came in.
Jungkook doesn't say anything, simply admires your beauty and professionalism. He felt so lucky to be in love with you, you were just perfect. Gorgeous. Smart. Everything he wants. Slowly, he sneaked closer to get a little peek on what you're working on, standing just close enough to lean over behind you to observe.
He inhales quietly, the smell of your clothes was his absolute favorite, the mild scent of laundry detergent. You rarely used perfumes, and for that his sensitive nose was thankful, and fell even deeper in love with you. Sometimes he'd even buy the same detergent to make sure his clothes smelled the same.
It isn't until Jungkook inhales in a little too hard through his nose due to an itch that you hear him, jumping in your seat with a yelp as you turn around to give Jungkook a fist to the cheek. whack!
''Fucking hell Jungkook, you scared the living shit out of me!''
You held your hand to your chest with widened eyes, looking at Jungkook whom was just as shocked as you by your reaction.
''Ouch, you're stronger than you look.'' Is all he said as he rubbed his reddened cheek, but smiled nonetheless. You punched him, but he wasn't even mad about it. He oddly... enjoyed it, another mark on his body because of you, reminding him that he's alive. That's really as deep as his love goes for you. The only thing making him feel truly alive.
''And you're a lot lighter in your steps than you look, fuck, are you okay?'' You stand up to remove his hand from his cheek to take a closer look at his cheek that now had a small cut from your ring-clad fingers.
He breathed out a chuckle, but inhaled just as quickly when you grazed his cheek with your fingertips. Your touch heated his body up with several degrees at an instant.
You noticed his subtle reaction, you always did, you were incredibly observant when it came to people. You weren't quite sure if it was because of the pain, or because of you, but a part of you kind of hoped it was the latter.
Growing bolder yourself, the pads of your fingers travelled down to his jawline, eyes fixed on the way the muscles danced underneath his skin when he clenched it.
He's definitely affected by you.
''Would you like to take a look?''
Jungkook swallowed, ''W-what?''
You withdrew your hand, and to that Jungkook had an internal protest at the loss of your touch.
''I finished the sketch for your tattoo.''
Jungkook relaxes slightly, a part of him disappointed. He thought you meant something else,
''Ah, yes. Let's check it out!''
You sat back down in your chair and Jungkook sat down in the seat for clients, expectantly waiting for you to roll over and show him. He grabs the piece of paper and inspects it, a smile growing on his lips.
''What do you think?''
He looks at you, teeth on full display in his sweetest bunny-like smile that creates small wrinkles in the corners of his eyes,
''I love it. Let's go!''
The buzzing sound of the needles digging into his skin was the only noise filling the room for a hot minute, but with time Jungkook's small grunts in pain joined in.
It was definitely a lot more painful than he expected it to be. However, being the glutton for pain that he is, he loved it. Especially since it was coming from your hands.
The buzzing stops and you look at him with furrowed brows, slightly rubbing your thighs together. His noises were getting a tad bit too erotic for your ears.
''Are you holding up okay, kookie? Need a break?''
He exhales deeply when you stop, a small layer of sweat had built up on his forehead and neck, making his skin glisten in the most delicious way as he looks up at you with half lidded eyes,
''I'm okay... I-is there a lot left?''
You shake your head, ''Almost finished, you've been doing so well.''
He shines at your praise, a light breathy chuckle rolling off of his lips. He might as well have had you between his legs at this point considering the state he's in. He had put his t-shirt over his crotch to hide his half hard cock, slightly embarrassed by how insanely affected he is by this.
''Okay, okay... Finish it please.''
You bite your lip, wondering if he really thought you were oblivious to his current state.
You weren't. But you said nothing, because you enjoyed the almost fucked out look on his face.
The buzzing continued, finishing off the piece as you listened to the weak, choked out whimpers he's trying so desperately to hold back.
''Voila! A masterpiece has been created.'' You practically beam out with pride as you put the needle down with one hand and wiping his skin with the other before inspecting it properly. His chest heaved up and down with shallow, ragged breaths as he looked down as well, a small smile on his lips when you await his reaction,
''I l-love it so much, wow!''
You nod, a wide smile once more on your lips as you cover his tattoo with the plastic to protect his skin.
''Now, you already know the routines of this, so I'm assuming I don't gotta do a reminder.''
He shrugs, ''I know how to take care of my tattoos, don't worry.'' Looking up at you, he winks, making you scrunch your nose a little before rolling closer to him on your chair. His smile drops when you lean closer to his ear to whisper,
''Are you just never gonna tell me how badly you want me?''
Jungkook coughs, choking on his own air,
You smirk, crossing your arms over your chest,
''You really think I'm that dumb? It's so obvious that you're a glutton for my needles, you're a complete mess every single time. And you keep coming back. Do you want me?''
His eyes widen, the cocky attitude he usually rocks completely washed off of him when your bluntness hits him like a truck, now blushing as he looks down in his lap, running his fingers through his hair several times as a common ritual of his during nervosity.
You tsk your tongue when he doesn't respond right away, making him raise his eyebrows in slight annoyance.
''I guess you don't... Well–'' You stand up and walk towards the entrance to have him leave, but before you're able to, his large hand grabs onto your wrist to yank your body against his, clashing your face into his chest with a thump.
''Fuck! What?'' You take a step back while looking up at him, his expression more stern this time, clearly annoyed but also slightly nervous. His tongue rolled on the inside of his cheek as if he's in thought while staring at your expression.
''Y/N, you're making such rash assumptions before you even let me answer... How rude.''
He cocks an eyebrow as a tease, taking one step closer to close the distance once more, feeling the heat radiate off of his bare torso. You feel your mouth salivate already.
''Rude, hm? Then answer me quicker.''
Jungkook pouts, blowing raspberries at you before leaning down slightly to stare directly into your eyes.
Jungkook licks his teeth, one hand carefully moving to smooth the pad of his fingers over your jaw down to your throat,
''I want you.''
His face falls as soon as he says so, softer and more genuine,
''But I have to tell you something then...''
You cup his face with your much smaller hands, lips barely grazing as you speak,
''You can tell me anything, kookie.''
His breath coats your lips when he exhales the words out quietly,
''I've never done this before.. I-I mean... y-yeah..''
You tilt your head, ''No way, you're not a Virgin.''
Jungkook chuckles, ''I'm serious.''
You gesture with a hand running down the skin of his torso down to the hem of his pants, ''Looking like this, you've never had anybody? It's quite unbelieveable Jeon Jungkook.''
He exhales a shaky breath at the way you used his full name, shuddering under your touch, ''I'd never lie to you, I mean it.. So, please..''
You quickly swap the 'OPEN' sign by the door to 'CLOSED' before pulling at the hem of his pants, leading him to the back of the studio. He gladly followed, loving your clear enjoyment of dominance over him.
Jungkook gasps when you suddenly turn around to press his back against the wall, looking up at him with a tiny smirk before crashing your lips against his. He seemed to be surprised, but with the way his hands quickly came to grab onto your waist to pull your body closer to his own, you could tell he was extremely into this.
He breaks the kiss, breathing heavier against your lips as he speaks,
''Y/N, I want you.''
You nod, your fingers already playing with the button of his pants as you stare at his newly tattooed chest for a second before smirking back up at him, ''I want you too. What else do you think we're doing right now?''
He smiles, kissing you once more before removing his pants with you, an already rock hard erection for you as he Breathes out a nervous 'hah',
''I really want you... But...I'm a little nervous.''
''Yeah? Why is that, kookie?''
He bites his lower lip, groaning quietly when your hands roam down his exposed abs to his pelvis,
''I-I really like you, and...''
You nod, ''I really like you too.''
He shakes his head, a shameless moan rolling off his lips as you pull down his boxers to stroke his length,
''Ah fuck–.. No, I mean... It's my first... My first time.''
You nod, stroking him gently, ''Your first time. I still can't believe you.
He nods, biting his lip as he watches your hand wrapped around his length with awe. You don't let go, slowly still pleasing him but your face was displaying disbelief,
''No way... I mean, look at you...''
He leans harder against the wall as he's slowyl losing his focus, shaking his head,
''I promise. I'd never- s-shit.. I'd never lie to you, Y/N..''
You smile a little at his state, stroking him a little faster, ''Yeah? You'd always tell me the truth?''
He nods, knees going weaker.
''Good to know.'' You ended the conversation there, withdrawing your hands to strip yourself off of all clothes. He stares at you with awe as if he's never seen a naked woman before... Of course he had, many times. But they weren't you.
As if he was possessed by new courage, he grabbed you to switch positions, now pushing you against the wall instead, pressing his hot body against yours as he starts kissing your neck, down to your breasts. You moan out for him, hands tangling into his dark locks as his kisses move down lower and lower until he drops to his knees in front of you. His doe eyes stare up at you, the way he smiles up at you with squinted eyes before closing the distance between his tongue and your cunt makes your entire body shake with excitement.
''Ah, Y/N... You're already wet.'' He whispers, a tone of both arousal and surprise. His tongue gets braver, more experimental as he slips it between your folds with greed. He was always greedy, and tried so hard at everything he did. This was no exception, ''You taste to good, shit...''
''Keep doing that, Jungkook, please... use your fingers.'' You command with a breathy voice. He loved when you used his real name, cock twitching from the way you told him what to do, and he gladly obeyed.
As you wished, he spread your legs further apart, never once letting his tongue leave your cunt as he pushes a finger inside of you. You hold onto his hair and lean back against the wall as leverage, grinding your hips against his mouth already. He adds Another finger, pumping them slowly in and out of you in a 'come hither' motion to hit that spot inside of you as he alternates between sucking and swirling his tongue around your clit.
''I-I'm gonna cum, keep doing that, oh god, fuck!''
He speeds up his tongue, but keeps his fingers rhythmic and deep as he works you over the edge, the orgasm hitting you like a wave as you moan out in pleasure, digging your fingers into his hair, making him moan out with you in both pain and pleasure.
Legs shaking, he holds your hips as he stands up to Place kisses on your lips.
''Did I do well?''
You nod with a scoff, ''Yeah, yeah you did well.. If you couldn't tell.''
He gave you a shit-eating grin, ''I just wanted you to say it... Now, I still...want more.''
You feel his aching, rock solid erection pressing against your stomach as he Breathes warmly against your lips.
''Are you sure you want this? I mean, with me?''
Jungkook frowns, pulling you into a hug where he kisses your cheek before whispering into your ear, ''I've never been so sure in my entire fucking Life.''
That being enough, Jungkook finally puts use to his strength to press you up against the wall, one of your legs pulled up by the back of your knee as he lines himself up with your sopping entrance, ''I've wanted this for so long.''
You figured he meant having sex in general, but he truly meant to finally have you. Claim you as his with his own body. Give you himself.
''Let me know if you like it differently...'' He says quietly, waiting for your nod as he resumes to simply do what he wants to, which is to waste no more time. He pushes his cock inside of you, drawing gasps and small moans from your and his own lips. He stops when he's filled you up completely, breathing out in bliss as he feels your warmth embrace his length,
''You feel so...s-shit...so tight..''
You smile, and he leans in to kiss you, sucking on your lower lip as he begins to thrust his hips against yours in a feverish greed. Your body feels so good, your cunt squeezing him, no fucking feeling could ever beat this one.
Well, for the next few minutes.
''You're so big, Kookie..'' You whimper, and his cock grew ever harder inside of you, hands holding onto you roughly as he fucks into you with all the power and energy as he's got, sweat building on his brow and shallow, heavy breaths mixing with his groans in pleasure.
''I'm gonna cum soon, Y/N, I'm s-sorry...''
You encourage him, squeezing your cunt around his cock as you feel his thrusts begin to lose their rhythm into a sloppy, hungry movement to chase his orgasm.
''Oh my god, I'm ... I'm cumming..'' He whines, giving a couple more hard thrusts before stilling inside of you, a guttural groan erupting from his chest as he fills you up with his cum.
You have your arms wrapped around his neck, sliding down the wall as he drops to his knees with you in his arms. You hug eachother, leaning against the wall with Heavy breaths and sticky bodies.
You withdraw to look at his fucked out expression, and he puts his forehead on yours.
''I want you.''
''You just had me.''
No, not like that, he thought. He loves you. He needs you.
Jungkook chuckles, running his fingers through your hair as he sighs,
''And it was Amazing. Did I live up to your expectations?''
You squeeze his cheek between your thumb and index finger,
''Of course, you're gonna have to do it again though to make sure.''
He bites his lip, leaning in to kiss you once more. He was so addicted to you, he didn't even want to let you go right now, or ever,
''Round two? I swear you'll fall in love with me if you give me one more chance.''
''Round two it is.''
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© sombreboy 2020. Do not repost, edit or translate.
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Dating a actor
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Bill Skarsgård x reader
Imagine You being Keith Urban's Daughter and Having Been Dating Bill Skarsgard for Two Years. You being a famous rockstar like your dad and the news gets out you are dating someone.
Goodnight Las Vegas, You said as you wave at the crowd.
The Crowd clapped as you walked off the stage into the back. They began to get their stuff and leave the place.
That was a fantastic show y/n, You did great princess, Your Father Keith Urban said.
Yes. You were the daughter of Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman. You were the oldest sibling of Faith and Sunday Kidman-Urban.
Thank You, Dad. that means a lot to me, You said as you wrapped a towel around your neck.
You were on your tour called The Speed of Now. The Tour has been great so far but You have been missing your boyfriend Bill.
He has been away in Canada filming IT Chapter 3. ( Just pretend that it was made ) The movie is about Pennywise isn't dead and the loser club failed to get rid of him and they try to get rid of him for the last time.
You were looking down at your phone. about to text Bill but you knew that he was filming the movie.
Keith had noticed the sad look on your face.
You are missing Bill aren't you, Keith said.
Yeah, I am a dad. I miss him so much. It's just so hard for us because I'm on tour and he is away filming all the time, You said.
Well. You have a show in Canada and maybe you could surprise him, Keith said.
Yeah. I could and I can't wait to see him, You said.
You were now in Canada and It was huge.
You were dressed in a band t-shirt and had blue jeans on and brown boots on. Your blonde hair was pulled into a messy ponytail.
Your show here starts at 10. So we can stop by and see your boyfriend for a couple of hours, Keith said.
Ms. Urban! Ms. Urban! The Paparazzi yelled!
The kids and the adults look up and look at you.
Ms.Urban. Why are you here, One of them asked?
I'm seeing my boyfriend that I haven't seen in a couple of months, You said.
Who is the lucky guy, One of them asked?
You and Bill weren't ready to tell the world that you two were dating just yet. The only ones that know Are your parents.
No Comment, You said as you walked away from them.
Back it up, Your bodyguard Jared said.
You are Y/n Urban, I'm a huge fan of your music, A little girl named Rose said.
Hey. It's nice to meet you, You said as you kneeled to her height.
Can I get a hug, She asked?
Sure Sweetheart, You said as you wrapped your arms around her.
Thank you, Rose said before she ran off the set.
Omg, You are Y/N Urban. I can't believe that you are here on set. The boy named Jeremy who plays Ben in the movie.
Hey Fan Boy. You need to chill the heck out, A girl named Chloe that plays Beverly in the movie.
You smile at them.
Can I show you guys something, You said with a smirk on your face.
Sure, They said.
You look at them with your brown eyes before they turn yellow like Pennywise eyes.
Holy Crap, I'm now scared for life, Jeremy said.
No, Pennywise isn't real and she is playing tricks on us, Chloe said.
I dream of you, I craved you, You said as your voice changed like Bill's.
You walk towards them with your yellow eyes and a huge creepy smile on your face.
Their eyes widened.
Pennywise is real! I'm not going to get killed by a Clown, I'm out of here, Jeremy said before Chloe and the rest of the kids ran off the set.
Wow. A Voice said.
You turn around and see Director Andy.
You sound just like Bill. But You sound scarier than Bill. You are a girl and I love the creeping smile, You must tell me how you do it, Andy asked?
Thank you. I have been doing it for years. I was trying to be scarier like Bill in Chapter 2. When you have siblings, The creep smile just comes upon my face, You said.
Bill as Pennywise. Hs scares the crap out of me, I never know when he is going to be behind me, Andy said.
You look behind him. Bill dressed as Pennywise walks towards him.
A smirk comes upon your face.
Hello Andy! , Bill said in his pennywise voice.
Holy Fuck. Stop doing that, Andy said as he walked off.
Hey. What are you doing here, Bill said in his normal voice.
I just want to surprise you, I have a show here tonight at 10, You said.
I'm glad that you came. I had missed you so much, Bill said as he wrapped your arms around you.
I had missed you too, You said.
I am almost done filming for the day. So you can wait in my trailer for me if you want to, Bill said.
You step into Bill's trailer.
Wow, You said as you look around. 
You lay your hand on your stomach ( hint ) 
You and Bill had fooled around like two months ago. When you had stop and seen him.
You are ten weeks pregnant.
You haven't told Bill yet . that you are pregnant, You are about starting to show.
You are scared to tell Bill. He has a daughter with his ex-girlfriend, Alidia.  
You were so focused on your phone. You didn't hear the door open.
Hey. Bill said. 
Hi, I have something that I need to tell you, I'm scared of how you are going react to this, You said.
What is it, Bill said as he sits down by you.
I'm ten weeks pregnant, You said.
I'm going to be a father again, Bill said with a smile.
Yeah. You are, I was just scared of how this would ruin your relationship with your daughter about me being pregnant, You said.
This won't ruin the relationship with my daughter, Bill said. 
Breaking News. Singer Y/N Urban and Swedish Actor Bill Skarsgard have just confirmed that the two have been together for two years.
Y/n Urban and Bill Skarsgard had confirmed that they are expecting their first child together.
We are so happy for the couple. 
Baby Skarsgard coming soon, The Singer told us.
I'm so excited, I can't wait to see what are we are having, You said.
I have a feeling that this is going to be a girl, Bill said.
I want a boy. I have always wanted a son, You said.
Are you guys ready to pop the balloon, Alexander said.
Yeah, You said.
On my count, get ready to pop the balloon, Alexander said.
Blue confetti came out of the balloon.
Yes. It's a boy, You said.
I know that you want another girl, You said. 
I did but you are giving me a son, I'm so happy, Bill said. 
I love you so much.
I love you too.
Roman Thomas Skarsgard was Born on August 9th at 4:30 pm.
Hello My baby boy, You are finally here, You said as you run your finger down his face.
I can't believe that you named our son after my character in Hemlock Grove, Bill said with a laugh.
Don't judge me. I love you in Hemlock Grove and I just love Roman, You said with a blush. 
Why did your face turn red, when you said I just love roman, Bill said with a smirk.
You look away from him as your face got more red. 
Breaking News. Y/N Urban and Bill Skarsgard have welcome a son. The couple hasn't told us the name yet.
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malethirsty · 4 years
Loyalty - Tyler Lockwood
Summary: When Klaus’s #2 makes eyes with you, Klaus sets the two of you up. But when you encounter an issue, it’s down to you to pull through for the both of you.
Warnings: M/M smut (21+), Bareback (However Orgasm occurs once Tyler pulls out, make of that what you will), Homophobic comments, Elena and co. become villains
Inspired by: https://twitter.com/MaleThirst/status/1196818509830819841
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Life had changed drastically since Klaus had found out how to make hybrids. He moved you quickly into his house & got his new army to guard you in case Elena and her friends tried to pull any punches, The Council did indeed cut you off, but the Mikaelson fortune was extended to you by Klaus & the day spent shopping with Rebekah helped you both to bond. What was the most surprising thing was that you were now spending more time with Tyler Lockwood. You expected Elena to surround a support group around him, or ask him to spy on Klaus, but she ditched him, as it had been found out that Klaus had sired Tyler, and thus Tyler was now fiercely loyal to him. It was good to have someone else to share an admiration for Klaus & on days when the Original Hybrid had to battle against Damon & Mikael, you took time with Rebekah to train the newest hybrid. It was a Friday night that you all finally got to take a break from hecticness of it all. “Don’t you usually go to the Mystic Grill on Fridays, love?” Klaus pondered as he saw you flopped down, trying to find something on Netflix. “I mean I would, but Elena and all her friends are there, and I know they’ll send me out of the bar.” Klaus could tell you were still a bit down following your exile & leaned in to give you a kiss “Y/N, You need to boost your confidence. I’ll send Rebekah to watch from afar, but also, to make them that much more pissed, tonight I’ll send you out to the Mystic Grill with Tyler as a date, make Caroline jealous.” You snorted, it did sound like a good idea but “Is Tyler up for this?” You asked, you wanted it to be his idea & not Klaus planting him there “I asked him, he said yes. He also said he has a thing for you as well, so I’ve booked you next to her hotel room where she’s staying for the night before flying out for some Miss Virginia thing, keep her up all night.” “And how would I do that?” Klaus leaned up to whisper in your ear “You know how love. Do you always do with me every night” you knew that Klaus meant to fuck Tyler and while the idea sounded good.
“I’ll let Tyler know to be ready at a quarter to 8.” Klaus smiled, dimples on show as you headed into the closet, to pick out some good clothing. In next to no time, whether it be a need to impress you or due to his newly acquired speed, Tyler was ready & waiting as he walked you down the street, hand in hand. Right behind you was Rebekah not only your escort but also giving dirty looks to those who were giving you & Tyler side eye, which was comforting to you, it was nice to know Klaus, Tyler & Rebekah at least cared about your wellbeing, even if the world around you was less than sympathetic. As you entered the Mystic Grill, you saw the majority of the building taken up for Caroline’s big title party. Rebekah positioned herself near the door as You & Tyler selected the same secluded booth that you had gone to the night You & Klaus became partners. Ordering your usual Chips & Garlic Bread, Tyler ordering the same with a massive burger, you eventually opened up the conversation. “So Klaus told me about you having a thing for me.” Tyler gave a slight grin “When did you know & why didn’t you tell me earlier?” “Well it was a while ago, after Dad died, I realised I was free from his vileness, and I was going to tell you after the funeral, but then everything with Mason and turning happened, I threw myself into what I had become instead of managing both my crush & that.” Tyler swallowed, clearly not used to letting out a lot “It’s alright Tyler, you went through a lot so quickly, I’m not angry and you had every right to work on yourself before hand.” Tyler grinned as his burger got placed on the table “Jesus Christ, That’s massive! How are you gonna get through that?!” Tyler shrugged “You know that before I was a hybrid, I played football right Y/N? I’ve always had a big appetite.” “What exactly is the appeal of football? I’ve never understood.” Tyler shot a grin at you “Y/N, tonight I’m gonnna give you a crash course.”
And indeed he did, outlining the rules of the game, his favourite team and some spectacular moments that he had achieved with Mystic Falls during his tenure as a player. Usually you’d scoff at sport talk but Tyler was so engaging in great conversation, that you didn’t mind a second, and as much as you listened to him, he listened to you discuss your likeness of musical theatre with the same enjoyment plastered on his face as you had when he talked. “Y/N, I’m having one of the best date nights ever, Little Miss Blonde over there couldn’t compare” you were about to start laughing when at that exact moment, Elena’s group came over to your table. “Well hello there” Damon said somewhat curtly “Hello Damon, I guess you’re here to intimidate us” you responded, “Now Y/N, me intimidate, never!” Damon mockingly feigned outrage “Well it’s not for the bourbon since there’s none at our table” you quipped back, Elena stepping in. “No we aren’t here to intimidate, we wanted to take a look at the man who stabbed me in the back last week, who sold us all to Klaus, who made me a blood bag, how you had the nerve to show up at our bar and stage some sort of mock date to get under Caroline’s skin”. Whilst Elena was right about trying to get Caroline riled up, she had no business questioning Tyler’s feelings for you, which made you angry, and looking over to where Tyler sat, you noticed he was gripping his fists angrily, trying bot to let an outburst emerge and ruin the night. Looking to your left, you saw Rebekah had heard what was going on and had stepped up from her table, with your own group of friends ready to back you up, you decided that you might as well strike back, wasn’t as if she could do worse “Wow Elena, your ass is jealous at the amount of shit that just came out of your mouth” Seeing Elena’s shit eating grin thinking that she had intimidated you fall was quite possibly the sight of the year, but you weren’t done, not at all “Firstly, Tyler was close to dying, so if I hadn’t said anything, he wouldn’t be here, also when was the last time any of you acknowledged me in your supernatural group of expertise? I didn’t owe you a God damn thing. And this ‘mock date?’ How would you know that Tyler’s feelings are genuine?” “Because I dated him for several months & as an ally I can tell when someone has feelings for men.” Caroline said now stepping forwards next to Elena to survey the scene. You turned to face Caroline, intending to give her the same verbal lashing as Elena “It’s about time someone told you Caroline, but having a group of Gay Friends who help you shop & quoting lines from RuPaul’s Drag Race does not make you an ally, it makes you an insufferable cunt.” A snorting laugh came from your left, and without turning, you knew that Rebekah had enjoyed your comment Now Caroline was looking like she’d been hit over the face with how red she’d turned, embarrassed she’d been called out at her party, good.
“Why would you have even gotten up with Klaus though?” Inquired Bonnie, “Yeah, what did he offer you: Money, Power, Immortality?” Jeremy seconded. “Nothing, what he did do was tell me about his loneliness & I remembered the times I felt pushed out and I thought if others could give me grace after being tossed to the side, the least I could do is return it to others.” “Oh Boo Hoo.” Damon prodded in, “Klaus is making an army without asking any of the wolves if they want in.” “How-” Tyler began angrily and Rebekah’s feet began to stomp towards the table, which Elena & Bonnie had acknowledged by the look of intimidation on their faces, however you stood up very suddenly, determined to stand your ground “How’s Vicki? Did you make sure she wanted to be immortal? You know, after you gave her your blood & snapped her neck.” An uncomfortable silence filled that section of the bar. “Bonnie, how is carrying Anna’s death going? You know the woman your current squeeze was dating? How were all the vampires minding their own business going before you tripped up the device & caused so much disaster, that almost caused Jeremy to die? Wasn’t that because all vampires were the same?, a pity story after your Grams passed, yet you stand with Damon and have the audacity to lunge after me. And you two” Y/N pointed at Elena & Jeremy, “You two are cut from the same cloth. Jeremy you knew about Bonnie tripping up the device, killing Anna & yet you two are dating and Elena you complain about Klaus needing your blood for something so little as turning which is somehow so bad, yet when Katherine didn’t open her legs to welcome Damon, he snapped your brothers neck, yet you forgave him somehow. I’m not saying you can’t forgive him, but if you’re going to let Damon’s miniature things go, then you need to let Klaus’s go. I’m aware that Klaus isn’t the picture perfect idea of humanity you all want, but you keep excusing the darkness in your own supernatural partners, not to mention yourselves, so you have some nerve isolating me like I’m the only one lavishing in it. Stay the fuck away from me.” You grabbed Tyler’s hand and marched out of the Mystic Grill. “Nice work-“ Rebekah began, but in your angry mood, you marched right past her with Tyler in tow. “Rude” she muttered under her breath as she reached for her phone to tip off Klaus that whilst you’d blown her off, you finally grew a backbone.
You walked several streets in a huff before stopping to breathe, at that point, Tyler hugged you. “T-Tyler, are you alright?” You questioned, “Yeah, it’s just that you could see me getting angry and you stood up for me instead. You were so scared of being confronted by them, but you stood your ground to their faces. You may not have faced down a vampire or a wolf, but you Y/N are the bravest out of us all.” You smiled “Thanks Tyler” he leaned in & kissed you. You took a moment to let Tyler endulge before you began to kiss back, running your hands down Tyler’s back before you were slammed into the lamppost. Whilst you wanted Tyler, you didn’t want to be written up for public sex, so you broke the kiss “Let’s get back to Klaus’s and continue this there.” “But what about antagonising Caroline?” Tyler questioned, but you had your answer ready “I think we’ve antagonised her enough, besides she’d probably rub herself to your moans and shit, I don’t want to give her the satisfaction.” Tyler let a cold smirk cross his face, he knew you wanted to be fucked hard, and that’s what he planned to do. Deciding to test out Tyler’s compelling skills on a homeless person, you gave him the room Klaus had booked out & you both made your way back to The Mikaelson Compound. It was empty, so you & Tyler could fuck as loud as you could, so he sped you up to your room and as the door closed, Tyler slammed you up against it, kissing you passionately, the same as he did on the street, however this time, your clothes were removed with vampire speed. Standing there naked, Tyler took in your nude form with a twinkle in his eyes, you blushed slightly which made Tyler smile “You’re cute when you’re flustered Y/N.” Tyler commented and with that he began to undress as well, intending to take time so you could see the goodies under his clothes.
As he removed his shirt, Tyler pulled you in for a kiss, his tongue sliding into your mouth as he deepened it. You began to feel around his shirtlessness, tweaking at his nipples which make the newly turned hybrid moan in your ear, the sound like molten gold to you. Suddenly you were thrown with all of Tyler’s might onto the bed, Tyler made sure you were looking up as he disposed of his pants and underwear in one go, his cock standing proud and hard. He began to walk towards you, cockily flaunting all the while “You want this dick don’t you Y/N?”, you nodded, but that didn’t appease the hybrid who sped towards you and gripped you by the neck, softly yet dominant “Talk to me Y/N, do you want me to fuck you all night?, have you crying my name as I make you cum from my stroke? Answer me.” He spoke the last part cooly as he playfully tightened his grip on your throat, making you feel a bit light headed “Yes Tyler, please fuck me as hard as you can.” You moaned out, making him laugh “As hard as I can? God this is gonna be good.” He laid his hand out, spitting onto it before stroking his hard member, coating it with the makeshift lube all the while looking at you all sprawled out, naked for him, and while he tried to maintain his cockiness, you could see from the ripples of pleasure on his face. Once he had lathered himself up enough, Tyler didn’t waste anymore time and used his newly acquired speed to to thrust deep into your ass, making you cry out at the sting. “Fuck, shit, your tighter than Caroline.” Tyler moaned out, you couldn’t even form words from how big he was and how he was stretching you out so right, all that came out was a mewling cry, which the hybrid smirked at. Rocking his cock deeper inside your tight canal, he began a passionate pace, looking down into your eyes as he fucked you deep so he could see how you crumbled apart for him, how desperate you were to take his dick. He locked you in another kiss again, moaning into it as you trailed your hands down his back, until he slammed in balls deep, colliding head first with your prostate, you cried out & instictively tightened your grip, sinking your fingers into Tyler. “Sink it in pretty boy, scratch down my back till you draw blood while I fuck you the way Vicki & Caroline could never handle, but you can, you fucking slut.”
The rough dirty talk emerged a desire in you to meet Tyler’s challenge head on. You dug in harder as Tyler cried out from the mix of pain and pleasure, all thoughts of Caroline and the confrontation gone, all you both wanted to do was chase down your orgasms. Your fingers began to feel a bit moist and you took them away from Tyler’s back to see you’d got him deep that there was blood dripping “Taste it” Tyler panted in your ear “Taste me Y/N, I know you want to.” With Tyler’s encouragement, you locked eyes with him drew your tongue across your fingers, tasting Tyler’s blood. You moaned out from his taste, knowing it would incense him into fucking you rougher and indeed, Tyler began to rock into you so hard that the bed began to slam into the wall with every thrust. ”God, this is amazing, keep this up and I’ll cum for you Y/N.” “Do it Tyler, cum.” Once again Tyler squeezed your neck “I’m the hybrid here baby, you’re the human, I control you, I won’t cum till you cum apart from my dick.” Tyler’s words were accompanied by a sharp thrust deep inside you, well and truly smashing into your prostate, the driving force combined with his words was what it took for you to reach your peak and crying out Tyler’s name, you came in spurts over yourself. “Fuck, that’s hot, seeing you cum for me. You want to taste me again?” You nodded and began to move your hands to Tyler’s back again, intending to leave new marks, but instead you were met by Tyler’s full force as he slammed your hands to the bed. Groaning and spluttering out of ecstasy, his body also rippling with the same energy, Tyler pulled out and with a few simple strokes let out a loud moan as he came all over you, splattering you with even more hot cum.
As he calmed down, Tyler wiped his hand in his load, covering his fingers with the sticky white substance and held it up to your mouth “Taste it” he said again, reminiscent of when he wanted you to drink his blood, except this time, there was a more erotic tone to his voice, he wanted all of his essence inside you. Never losing eye contact with the Lockwood, you licked across your hand, taking in his salty sweet seed, even sucking it off your fingers while moaning which made Tyler grin “Fuck, if people only knew how perfect you are.” He breathed out “I do” came a distinctive british voice that could only mean... “Klaus!” you both exclaimed as you looked over to see the hybrid standing in the doorway, watching you both with a smirk on his face “I thought you were at the hotel making Caroline sulk.” “No, you should have seen though, Y/N pretty much tore them all a new one” “I don’t doubt that, Rebekah texted me and told me about it. She also told me you’d left without talking to her.” He eyed you closely “I was in an angry mood” you tried to explain, but Klaus held his hand up to silence you and you obeyed his command. “I have to say nice technique Tyler, you wanted Y/N to take his fill you of you and that you did. But now I want you to step back” With the sire bond in affect, Tyler took several steps away from the bed, Klaus grinning at his power as he walked towards you and to your excitement began to strip his clothing off “You’re going to watch as I now fuck Y/N, cause while you know how to fuck, you don’t have a thousand years of experience to you. You can masturbate to us if you want, as long as you cum once we have.” Klaus stopped at the foot of the bed, Tyler nodding as he fisted his hardening length “Good. Now love” he turned his gaze to you “Tyler’s got you ready for me, like a good sweet progeny, ready for another hybrid cock inside you.” He palmed at himself and nodding, you threw yourself back on the bed, spreading your legs. Oh yes, this was the life.
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noona-clock · 4 years
The Counselor - Part 2
Genre: Teacher!AU
Pairing: Bobby x You (Female!Reader)
Warnings: Alcohol/drinking
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | Words: 2,415
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The good thing about the first week of school was that you were far too busy and exhausted to be vigilant about any sexist remarks your new principal might have made. He hadn’t said anything glaringly terrible when he spoke on the morning announcements, and that was about as much as you could take in for the time being. So, if he’d said anything behind the scenes or in passing, you were blissfully unaware of it.
The bad thing about the first week of school was that you were far too busy and exhausted to do anything. You barely cooked real food for yourself once you got home, and you really could only manage taking a shower and picking out your clothes for the next day. Once you’d done that, it was nothing but mindless television until your eyes were too heavy to stay awake -- which only felt like a few hours.
You knew this wouldn’t last long -- the hustle and bustle of a new school year would eventually turn into a routine, and you would suddenly find you had more energy to do things. But, right now, you truly could not fathom even looking at a test much less actually creating, administering, and grading one. For twenty-five students. Per class.
Thank goodness you were just a math teacher. If you had to read almost 150 two-page essays like the Literature and History teachers did on a regular basis... you probably would’ve quit years ago.
But you didn’t, so you hadn’t!
You truly did love teaching, don’t get me wrong. It was exhausting, and your work environment could change from year to year depending on your bosses and co-workers. But at the end of the day, you knew there wasn’t another job out there that would leave you feeling as gratified and fulfilled as teaching did.
But... right now... on Friday afternoon... you were just exhausted.
The last student had left your room for the week, and you had trudged over to your desk, plopping down onto your chair and letting your head fall onto your desk with a gentle thud.
A few moments later, you heard footsteps shuffling toward your door -- but you didn’t even have enough energy to lift your head up and see who it was.
You had a pretty good guess, though.
“You made it!” came Bobby’s voice soon after the footsteps moved from the vinyl flooring of the hall to the carpet of your classroom. “The first week -- the hardest week -- is over.”
You simply let out a very weak cheer, and Bobby chuckled gently as his footsteps approached your desk.
When you felt him lean on the edge, and when you felt his hand pat your back a few times, you managed to loll your head over to the side so you could shift your eyes up to him.
“I don’t think I can get up,” you muttered, your words just a bit garbled since your cheek was pressed against the surface of your desk.
“Well, I’m not helping you, so you’ll have to find the strength.”
Sighing, you replied with, “Can you at least promise to go have dinner with me somewhere -- somewhere that serves alcohol, preferably. That would be a good incentive.”
That half-smile of his appeared on his lips, and he nodded. “I will absolutely promise you that.”
You were just about to lift your head up lazily when you heard a timid knock on your door.
“Ms. Y/L/N?” a soft, female voice said.
You sat up quickly, eyebrows raised as you saw a student from your third period class hesitantly standing in your doorway. You couldn’t remember her name yet, so she obviously was not one of the troublemakers -- those names you remembered instantly and would never forget for as long as you lived.
“Yes,” you answered before forcing a smile. “Hi, sweetie. What’s up?”
“I -- I was wondering...” she started, clutching her math textbook to her chest and taking a couple of cautious steps inside. “I’m just really not good at math, and I know I’m going to struggle in your class, so I was hoping I could... get some extra help? Do you know of any tutors or anything?”
Bobby piped up then, standing from your desk and turning toward the door. “I can help you find some tutors.”
For some reason, though, you actually wanted to help this girl yourself. First of all, she was adorable and quiet and shy. Second of all, she was self-aware and not afraid to ask for help directly from the source. Plus, she wasn’t a troublemaker, so there was a good chance you would actually like spending time with her.
And helping her out after school meant you got to procrastinate planning lessons and grading assignments. Always something you prioritized.
“Oh, no, I can help you,” you interjected before the girl could accept Bobby -- Mr. Kim’s -- offer. “Are you free after school on... Wednesdays or Thursdays?”
“Yes, ma’am,” the girl answered immediately with a hopeful grin. “Wednesdays are good.”
“Perfect. Come here as soon as you can next Wednesday?”
The girl nodded and wished you a nice weekend before turning on her heel and scurrying out of your room.
As you opened your notebook with all of your class seating charts to see if you could remember her name, Bobby said, “Uh, don’t you remember the new admin policy about after-school activities?”
“Hmm? What do you mean?” you muttered. You stopped flipping through the notebook when you got to the chart for your third period, narrowing your eyes in concentration to try to visualize where the girl had decided to sit.
“Principal Howell’s new policy. He talked about it during the staff meeting on Tuesday morning... No after-school activities without his approval. Even the sponsors for the existing clubs and stuff had to go see him to get approved.”
Your brow furrowed immediately, and you momentarily lifted your gaze to look at Bobby as if he were crazy. “This is tutoring. It hardly qualifies as an activity.”
Bobby just replied with an expression that clearly said Okay, but don’t look at me if you get in trouble, I tried to tell you.
You pursed your lips and continued, “Like, every teacher does after-school tutoring at some point! He really wants every teacher in the whole school to come to him to get it approved? Doubtful.”
“Okay, okay,” Bobby relented, holding his hands up to ward off your defense. He then took a few steps toward your door and added, “Are you almost ready to go?”
“Yes, let me just make a note on my calendar...” You grabbed a pen, and when your eyes landed on the seating chart once again, you cried out a triumphant (but soft) Aha! 
Victoria! Her name was Victoria.
“Meet you at El Torero?” Bobby asked from your doorway.
At the mention of your favorite local Mexican restaurant, you nodded quickly. But then you added, “Jay’s after?”
A fairly popular bar was right next to the restaurant, and since you didn’t have a taste for beer or margaritas (which is all they sold at El Torero), you were looking forward to a fun mixed drink or two at Jay’s after eating.
“You got it,” Bobby confirmed before stepping into the hallway and heading toward the nearest exit.
After scribbling down “Victoria tutor after school” on your calendar next Wednesday, you hastily stood up, grabbed your bag, and cheerfully locked up your classroom for the weekend.
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“Get whatever you want,” Bobby said as the two of you slid into a booth at Jay’s, a popular locally-owned bar you tended to frequent during the school year. “It’s on me tonight.”
“Ooh,” you marveled, a delightfully pleased expression overtaking your features as you reached for a drink menu. “Why, thank you, kind Sir.”
“My pleasure,” Bobby chuckled.
As you began to skim over the multitude of drink choices, you almost commented that you didn’t even know why you looked at the menu anymore; Jay’s made the best Sidecar you’d tasted in your entire life, and you’d been too cautious to ever try anything else.
But then you saw a new drink on the menu -- its name was in green instead of black and there was a star next to it, so it was hard to miss -- and the description sounded quite intriguing.
Before you could bring it up to Bobby, the owner of the bar -- Jinhwan, himself -- appeared at your table.
“What’ll it be tonight, guys?” he asked with a friendly smile.
You and Bobby had been coming here ever since you’d started working together, so Jinhwan knew the two of you by name at this point. He was practically your friend, though you never saw him outside of the bar.
“Hey, Jinhwan,” you greeted, returning his grin. “What’s this new drink?”
The bar owner’s face immediately lit up, and you could’ve sworn you saw his cheeks turn just the barest hint of pink. “Ah, yes -- it’s one I created for my girlfriend, I just added it earlier this week.”
“Wow, that is adorable,” you gushed. “It’s her favorite or something?”
“She’s not a big drinker, and whenever she came in, she would just get a bottle of cider. So, I wanted to create something she would actually like. I had her test all different versions of it until she finally didn’t have anything she wanted to change. Took me almost six months to get it right, but now, here it is.”
Well, if that wasn’t the cutest thing you’d ever heard.
“I’m definitely getting that then,” you told him, slipping the menu back in the metal holder at the end of the table.
Bobby held up two fingers, and Jinhwan nodded, murmured a You got it, and then turned back toward the bar.
“God, that’s so cute,” you said with a slightly furrowed brow once Jinhwan was out of earshot.
Bobby raised his eyebrows at you as he crossed his arms over the tabletop and leaned forward. “Is that a dream of yours? That one day your boyfriend will name an alcoholic drink after you?”
You reached for a napkin, crumpled it up in your fist, and then threw it at his face.
“Shut up,” you laughed softly. “I mean, if my boyfriend owns a bar, then, yes. I would love for him to do that.”
“But only if he owns a bar.”
“Yes, only if he owns a bar.”
“What about if he owns a restaurant?”
“Then, obviously, I want him to name a pizza after me,” you answered without hesitation.
“But what if he doesn’t own a pizza restaurant?” Bobby asked, raising one eyebrow.
“Do you really think I would date a guy who owns any other type of restaurant?” you pointed out. “Free pizza for life is the only acceptable compensation for dating someone who would barely be home -- because owning a restaurant is a lot of work.”
“So, if you met a guy who was completely your ideal type -- looks-wise and personality-wise -- but he owned a burger place, you wouldn’t date him?”
You blinked a few times before sputtering out a confused laugh. “I don’t -- can we move on, please? We don’t need to continue talking about my non-existent dating life.”
Bobby let out a sigh and leaned back against his seat, moving to tap his fingers on the edge of the table. “Okay, what should we talk about? Work?”
“My love life and work are not the only two options for conversation!” you retorted. “What are your plans for the weekend?”
A hidden smirk tugged at Bobby’s lips, a clear sign he was satisfied with how he’d teased you and was now ready to move on. “I’m meeting up with Donghyuk to play some basketball.”
“Oh, he’s the.... um, the doctor, right? The one who moved?”
Bobby nodded.
“Man, it’s a shame he moved,” you sighed. “He was super cute. ...Is he still single?”
“No,” Bobby chuckled. “He met someone there. I think he’s going to propose, actually.”
“Well, when you meet her, please tell her she’s a very lucky woman.”
One of Bobby’s friends from college, Donghyuk, was probably one of the cutest, smartest, kindest, and sweetest guys you’d ever met. You had definitely been interested in dating him, but you’d had a boyfriend at the time. And after your break-up, when you’d been ready to think about moving on, he had moved away for a job. And now he was going to get married, apparently!
“Two lucky women, actually,” Bobby corrected you.
Your eyebrows shot halfway up your forehead. “...Excuse me?”
“His girlfriend has a daughter.”
Your expression immediately relaxed, and you let out a soft chuckle. “Oh, got it. Yeah, definitely two lucky women.”
Bobby leaned forward again, and if you didn’t know better, you would’ve thought there was a slightly awkward look about him. “You... can come with me, if you want. If you want to tell him yourself.”
“Come with you? To play basketball?” you smirked. “No, thank you. But give him my regards.”
“I mean, you don’t have to play. You can, like, watch or something.”
You were about to answer that you were fine -- watching basketball seemed almost as bad as playing basketball, but Jinhwan returned with your drinks before you got the chance.
“Enjoy,” he grinned after setting them down on the table. “Happy Friday.”
You reached for the glass in front of you, lifting it up slightly and nodding your head toward both Jinhwan and Bobby. “Happy Friday, indeed,” you replied with a beaming smile.
Bobby followed suit, and then the two of you took a sip.
Your eyes widened as the sweet but tart drink hit the back of your throat. Jinhwan, obviously wanting to see how his customers were liking the new addition to the menu, had stayed by your table, so you shot him a very impressed look.
“Tell your girlfriend she has excellent taste in alcoholic beverages,” you said.
Jinhwan immediately looked very proud and pleased, and he lifted his shoulders smugly when he said, “That’s not the only thing she has good taste in. But, I will.”
As you took another sip when Jinhwan turned to leave, you made Bobby promise to only let you drink two of these.
...But then you made him promise to come with you again next Friday.
He agreed to both, like the good friend he was.
Part 3
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