#would .
aresvalto · 3 months
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Miyazaki please i can fix him
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kocho15 · 10 months
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A terrifying presence has entered the room...
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lyretheinstrument · 7 months
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shockbabe design someone give that man a lab coat
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nessgasm · 9 months
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slicedcat · 9 months
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"Quit staring at my jugs...!" - Smug Jug chan🏺😏
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mellybabbles · 5 months
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guys he showed up in my bathroom somebody send help
have a silly dust cosplay i did i refuse to talk about how hard it is to take a selfie blind
Dust > ask-dusttale
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arkarti · 3 months
i am william afton we should make out
two williams in a room
they might kiss
honestly...funniest way to start a sentence 😩😂just straight to the point also would be the funniest pick up line ever - works 50% of the time
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Oh my god 2 purple guys!
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austinbutlerslovers · 4 months
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When Benny teases leaving…you follow him no hesitation
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cosmonautroger · 6 months
Alice In Chains, Would, MTV Unplugged, 1996
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darlingshane · 5 months
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Jon Bernthal spotted playing basketball.
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fruggle · 5 months
The request is shattered dream please
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Here he is, shattered boyo. Drawing him instead of doing college work was therapeutic.
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d-a-n-n-y-y · 1 year
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mysticalnope · 6 months
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I need Wolfwood to handle me the way he handles that cross-
I've been meaning to draw this guy for a while now but my new meds be kicking my ass
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dawnbreakersgaze · 6 months
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I edited myself a lot of new lock and home screens in the last 30 days (because ADHD says I must change them frequently), so I thought I'd share them! They range from subtle to heavy, and definitely favor folks who keep the top half of their screens clear.
Anyway, enjoy!
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jowbokitten · 7 months
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The new mother superior be kinda quirky...
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bingusbongu · 7 months
A/N: an obey me request!!! I haven't been playing obey me in awhile, the last thing i tried was Nightbringer- but honestly, Lucifer TOOK MY BREATH AWAY WHEN HE CAME ON SCREEN so i can ABSOLUTELY. Kinda short:) lots of love<3
Remember, these are just headcanons, NOT CANON!!!!
Reader dialog is in pink, BUT they are gender neutral! Its just to tell who is talking! Mammon is orange, Solomon is Blue, and Lucifer is red!
《 Masterlist 》
《 Rules 》
TW: yelling/scolding, overworking, Harassment
Lucifer obey me x timid! Reader Hcs/slight imagines
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• he found out in the worst way possible. You did something, lets say with Mammon or just doung something wrong. He snapped at you, expecting you to just say sorry, but nope! You stared up at him with big, watering eyes and nearly started crying while mumbling 'im sorry' over and over again
He didnt know what to do, he didnt expect you to cry of all things, he kinda just stood there in shock. It was Mammon who stepped up and patted your back, huffing at his older brother
" look what ya did! Humans are sensitive ya know that?! "
And Lucifer watched Mammon lead you away to go and cheer you up, most likely going to buy you something
• as the avatar of pride, he has no room for feeling sorry unless it's of his brothers. You were just a mere human. There was no reason to feel sorry for you. And he didn't understand why he did.
he observed you for a while in the household. How you spoke so quietly, how you apologized for every little thing that wasn't even your fault. How his brothers softened their tone when around you as to not scare you, even Satan!
He didn't understand, so he went to the one person who might actually know: Solomon (much to his displeasure). As another human, he may actually have an answer to why you act like this, it couldnt be normal.
When he asked Solomon, he laughed at him. But automatically stopped at Lucifers glare.
" Oh, you're actually serious - well, it's normal for a human to act like that. Scared, nervous, and flinching at every touch, some humans are like that, or they are like that due to their specific past or something that has happened to them. I mean, take a look in their shoes, imagine you're a human, living your life, and all of a sudden you're in hell. Not only that, you're living with the 7 deadly since and made to go to a school full of demons that could easily kill you. They are scared. They aren't used to this, and are afraid that the moment they look someone in the eyes wrong, they are dead."
Lucifer had to sit and process that information. Now that he thought about it, it made total sense.
You were small, fragile, weak, just a simple human in hell. He hated to say it, but Solomon seemed right for once. Its not like he hadnt noticed the way you tried to avoid him and stay close to one of his brothers when he was around. Maybe when he yelled at you, he caused you to fear him.
• he felt awful about it now that he understood the concept. So, he decided to atleast try and fix his relationship with you, for some reason, he didnt want you to fear him anymore.
When he entered the room and you were in there, he stopped himself from having his usual glare. And greeting you gently instead of just completely ignoring you. And occasionally, would hint you a tiny compliment or a small nod at you if you do something in particular.
• his brothers caught on very quickly. Instead of you clinging to their side when Lucifer was around, he seemed the need to not do so. And Lucifer was being polite to you, after he seemed like you were inferior to him!
One of the instances when they were caught gaurd was after an accident. Lucifer was NOT happy at his brothers for something they did, and was chewing their ears off. But, to their confusion, automatically stopped when the door opened and you came in. Instead, Lucifer cleared his throat and greeted you gently, asking you very sweetly if you can leave the room and give him and his brothers more time to discuss.
They were BAFFLED. since when did Lucifer start being so nice to you?? They tried to beg you not to leave, but once you did so, Lucifer continued scolding them, but with less volume.
• over time, Lucifer would notice that sometimes, youd flinch when he'd enter the room. But, instead of staying tense, you relaxed when you just noticed it was him, and for some reason, that made him feel, good.
Not only that, but you would actually talk to him now, without cowering away from him. It was nice to actually talk to you, without you whispering responses when he asked you questions.
• one time, it was late at night, and Lucifer was busy finishing his paperwork. After so long, he decided to take a break, he had his back scrunched for to long and he needed to stretch his legs. So, he left his office to go and take a walk around the mannor.
It was quiet, all the lights were shut off, but he could see perfectly. Everyone was asleep, after making sure to check some of his brothers rooms to make sure they were sleeping.
Though, when he walked passed your room, he realized that your light was still on. It was quite late, you shouldnt been awake, humans need rest after all.
He cracked your door open to see why you were still awake. He found you hunched over your desk with your desk lamp on. A book open and multiple notes scattered around. It looked as if you were, struggling.
He gently knocked the door and called your name. He watched you jump and look up in panick.
"O-oh! Lucifer! I... i uh..."
"What are you doing up this late? Humans need their rest more than we do"
He watched you hesitate, looking over at the papers on your desk and sigh loudly. His heart nearly cracked at your tired voice.
"Im getting behind in my classes, and im not understanding this demon homework and i dont want to bother Solomon.... im sorry"
God, it felt like all his pride left his body when he saw how guilty you looked. But the fact that you admitted it instead of covering it up like his brothers would.
You expected him to yell at you, but instead he pulled up a chair beside you.
"Here, let me help you"
To your suprise, he started teaching you the homework in a way you could understand. He was slow and gentle with you, instead of rushing you like your teachers were doing to you and making you stressed out. He actually... helped you. Not only that, but with his help, you got it done in an hour. And he herded you back into bed.
"next time, dont be afraid to ask for help"
• After that, Lucifer gained your full trust.
youd greet Luicfer happily and with a smile, no matter who you were around. And became more comfortable enough in his presence to talk to him! Sometimes he liked silence, but he also adored the fact you trusted him enough to talk to him without any fear
Occasionally, youd be invited into his office to just talk with him while listening to his records and possibly having tea, hust talking with eachother, and Lucifer actually enjoyed your company. Hed ask you about your grades, and was glad to hear you wete doing alot better with his help.
• if you were to make him something as a thank you, like going to buy him something or baking him something or making his favorite food, he is in disbelief.
• oh the things he would do to keep you save MY GOD
• you won over his pride filled heart
• wherever he goes, you are usually seen with him. Either just walking, going out, or occasionally at meetings. He liked it when you came along with him, that you felt safe enough to go places with him around.
• if anyone were to point it out, he will avoid the subject and change it. (you are his emotional support human, but he would NEVER admit that)
• though, if someone where to yell at you, or speak to you as if you are lower and should know your place, god he would be pissed. ESPECIALLY if they make you cry
He would destroy hell if it were to hurt you in any way shape or form. He would escort you away, but you BEST believe he is coming back and showing them what true hell feels like
• you are the only one he allows into his room uninvited. Infact, he perks up when its you, and lets you sit with him. Even in silence, its comforting
• he is ontop of making sure you are okay. The moment you seem more sad or timid then usual, he is stopping everything to make sure you are okay.
• even if one of his brothers raises their voice around you, or say something mean he is there and glaring them down with the force of 1000 suns.
• when you are stressed out or afraid, he puts his hand on your back and makes you focus on him. Speaking softly and gentle to you, trying to sooth you into a calm state. Wiping your tears away with gentle hands
• them buying you a sweet treat:)
• GOD you have this man of pride WRAPPED around your finger
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