#words cannot describe how much i love the trope 'dark leia finds luke'
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spell-cleaver · 6 years ago
“Are you sure that’s the decision you want to make?” CONTINUATION OF THE OTHER ONE >:)
Continuation of this one, for those who haven’t read it. You don’t have to have read that one to understand this one but if you read this one then read the other one it ruins it a bit.
Most of this is under the cut because it got... longer than any “drabble” has any right to be :)
Luke had been in Beggar's Canyon for hours.Flying... took the edge off things, let him get his breath back and just react instead of dwelling on thishorrible, sinking feeling he'd had since waking up.
He'd told Aunt Beru he was going flying thatmorning, even before the first rays of dawn had graced the sky. She'd looked athim a little oddly.
"Sandstorm?" she'd asked.
He knew what she was asking and shook hishead.
"Yes," he said. "No. I don'tknow." And then he'd kissed his aunt goodbye on the cheek, told her heloved her, and asked her to pass the message on to his uncle too.
She'd frowned, but promised.
Now he'd been here for entirely too long, butevery time he stepped out of his Skyhopper the sand hissed.
Soon, it said—or maybe that wasn't the sand, butsomething entirely different. Soon.
Despite the heat, he shivered.
The suns were getting high now. His unclewould really need him—would probably already be furious.
Luke sighed and headed home.
Tatooine was exactly as her father haddescribed it to her: a worthless scrap heap as far from the galaxy's light ascould be.
He used stronger language, of course—when heactually deigned to let it occupy his thoughts—but she wasn't here to dwell onher father's opinion. She was rapidly forming her own.
It was no more favourable.
Solo dumped her in Mos Eisley. She almostsnapped at him to keep going; this wasn't her destination. The bright,brilliant presence of her brother was nowherenear here.
But Solo glared at her, kept making shooingmotions with his hands, and she absolutely despised his piece-of-junk ship.
So she paid him, inwardly smirking at whather father would think when he saw the credits disappearing from her account.She should be back on Coruscant by now, several days after Yoda's death hadrocked the Force; while he'd know she wasn't dead or injured, he'd either beout of his mind with worry or out of his mind with anger.
He'd get over it the moment she returned.
This boyshe was collecting... this Luke Skywalker,her brother...
Oh, yes. Her father would be furious when shereturned, but not at her.
She'd considered contacting him en route toexplain, but... it might be nothing. That had been her fear. She wanted to besure before springing that on him.
She had a brother.
She had a brother.
She wanted the credit for this.
Leia didn't bother watching Solo's junk heaplift off behind her. She was standing stock still outside the spaceport,breathing in, breathing out.
A haze cloaked Tatooine in the Force—amirage. It wasn't dark or light, it just... was.
But the presence she felt—had felt since shearrived? That was light. It dustedthe dunes like a second coating of sand; when she hired a speeder and headedout for its nexus, it only intensified.
She revelled in it.
It felt like her father's presence on thatfateful day he'd shown up to liberate her from the Organas. Light where his hadbeen dark, true—they'd have to fix that—but it embraced her in the same way,like a part of her that had been missing for years.
Twins. It had to be. They were twins, and the Organas and Yoda had ripped them apart. Doomed themto grow up far from their father and true power. So effectively that even whenhe'd found and returned her to thelight—metaphorically speaking—her brother, Luke,had been left to languish in obscurity, poverty, ignorance, when he should have been the Prince of the Empire...
Well. Her mother had been a queen, herkidnapper had been a queen, her father was an emperor. She was a princess; her brother was a prince. Regardless ofchildhood.
She gritted her teeth, bared them in a grin,and shot towards the nearest town she could see.
The map called it ANCHORHEAD.
His horrible, horrible feeling had onlyincreased the closer he got to the homestead.
Something cold tracked him all the way. Itreached out to latch onto his mind, like a limpet or leech that... didn'tdrain. It felt like it should be there, actually.
Like half the reason he wanted to get offTatooine so badly was because he wanted to find it again...
But that feeling only enhanced the crystalline sensation he experienced every time heflew, that clarity. And it meant it enhanced that intense dread even more.
Finally, the homestead loomed.
Something was wrong.
He knew it was; he near-crashed his Skyhopperin his attempt to stop it. He staggered out and jogged for the entrance, AuntBeru's name touching down on his lips—
And then he froze.
There was someone in the doorway. Someone whowas certainly not his aunt oruncle—an offworlder judging by their appalling idea to wear all-black under themidday suns. Reasonably young, about his age; female human; rigid posture.
Maybe she was a lost offworlder his aunt washosting—it wouldn't be the first time—but if so, why this terribly, cloyingfeeling...?
As he got closer, he saw the girl in moredetail. The burst of familiarity he felt at seeing her face confused him evenmore.
As did her grin. Her gaze, almost unnervinglyintense as she stared him from top to toe. There was joy, exhilaration and...disapproval there?
"Who are you?" he asked. Notunkindly—just warily.
She smiled wider at that, fingering a strangehilt at her waist.
"I'm Princess Leia Vader," she saidsmoothly. Her grin was sharp.
He made to take a step back—from shock, fromsudden fear, he didn't know—but found himself frozen in place, the muscles inhis legs locked up.
"Of the Empire!?" Even he, trapped all the way out her, had heardabout the death of Palpatine and ascension of Vader—and his daughter.
She snorted. "What else matters?"
Well. Thatmade things so much clearer.
What in the blazes was Leia Vader doing all the way out here?
Once again, he tried to step back. Onceagain, he couldn't.
She narrowed her eyes at the attempt."But yes. I am the Imperial Princess. And you," her lips tugged into a much more genuine smile,"are Luke Skywalker."
She blinked, apparently irritated he wouldn'tread her mind—as if he could—andshook her head.
"You can," she said coolly,"and I will teach you how."
Wait. "What—"
"It might interest you to know that myfather, Darth Vader, was born with the name Anakin Skywalker to a slave womannamed Shmi Skywalker, whose grave I believe lies at the back of thishomestead."
Luke stared.
"And also," she continued,"that I was born to him and his wife nineteen years ago, on EmpireDay."
Luke was fairly sure he'd stopped breathing.
"I believe that may be your birthday aswell?"
Luke shook his head. Not in denial—and heknew she knew that, somehow—but... confusion.
"So— so—"
My father is your father," she informedhim. "I am your sister...  and you are a prince."
He recoiled.
She frowned—why would he recoil at that? he could almost hear herwondering—but she continued, "I am your sister."
"I got that!" he snapped, then fearflooded him when he realised who he'djust snapped at.
"I am not going to hurt you," shesaid, taking a step forward. That force holding him in place vanished, but hedidn't try to run. An equally powerful desire—the orphan's longing for afamily, perhaps—kept him rooted in place. Drew him a few steps closer, in fact.
The princess—Leia—his sister—held out her hand.
"Come with me, Luke," she intoned."Come meet our father. We never knew you existed—he'll be beyond delightedto meet you."
Luke just stared. Something wonderful,something terrible, bloomed in his chest.
"Leave this pathetic life and these patheticpeople behind. You are a prince. Comewith me to take your rightful place in the galaxy. You can have all you've everwanted."
And it was true. He could hear it in hervoice. It was intoxicating, alluring... but mainly because all he'd ever wanted was a family.
And now, according to her, he had one.
Thesepathetic people.
He had a funny feeling he knew exactly who they were.
"Where are my aunt and uncle?"
She stopped in the middle of her tirade."What?"
"My aunt and uncle. My family. Where arethey?"
"They are not your aunt and uncle, much less family—"
He asked, voice quiet in his certainty,"Did you kill them?"
She ground her teeth. "The Jedi sealedtheir fates the moment they stole you from our mother's arms and dumped you onthem."
"That's a yes, then." Tears stunghis eyes.
"Oh, don't waste water overkidnappers," she barked.
"They were my family!"
Rage boiled in her: he could see it in herface, feel it. But she kept herself calm.
"I thought like that about my kidnappersonce," she murmured. "Don't worry, brother. The pain vanishes onceyou accept the truth." Her hand was still out; she made an impatientgesture with it. "Now come on."
He backed off. "No. I'm not going withyou."
She narrowed her eyes. "Are you surethat's the decision you want to make?"
"Yes." He lifted his chin andlooked her in the eye.
She growled, "It's the wrong one."
She strode forward. Luke's eyes blew wide andhe backed away further—quickly.
"So if you won't come willingly—"
She broke into a run. Luke ran in response,but it was like running through oil. He couldn't breathe—
"—then you'll come by force."
That same force that slowed his steps threwhim to the ground. He hit it hard; spluttered fiercely as sand flooded hismouth.
He watched black boots enter his line ofvision, stark against the dust horizon, and a soft hand pressed his forehead.
"Sleep,"his sister said, voice reverberating in a way that was just as familiar as itwas alien, layered and layered with unspoken command, and Luke Skywalker slept.
Ten minutes later, Ben Kenobi finally cameupon the homestead and two corpses far, far too late to do anything.
One hour later, the Imperial Princesscommandeered a shuttle from the measly little outpost the Empire had on theplanet and jumped to hyperspace.
Three days later, Luke Skywalker, farm boy,was facing down Emperor Darth Vader himself.
And one year later, the galaxy was introducedto Prince Luke Vader, whose resemblance to his sister and father was...uncanny.
Especially when his eyes flashed gold.
Send me a prompt and I’ll write you a drabble ficlet almost a whole oneshot, apparently.
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