ltwilliammowett · 21 days
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Wooden compass stand with compass of the training frigate ‘Deutschland’ of the Federal Fleet (1848-1852)
Photo by me - IMM Hamburg
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194crafthouse · 1 year
Time to start planning for the next school year! Let’s make school time fun again with our complete back-to-school supplies for all students!
Tag your parents to let them know that they can enjoy a special offer. Get 10% OFF when buying a wooden pen and notebook from #194crafthouse.
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woodendummyjati · 2 years
TERBUKTI ASLI, WA 0857-3572-9933 Jual Wooden Dummy Kayu Jati Muaro Jambi
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TERBUKTI ASLI, WA 0857-3572-9933 Jual Wooden Dummy Kayu Jati Muaro Jambi
Wooden Dummy/ Wooden Dummy merupakan alat yang digunakan dalam latihan seni beladiri Wing Chun atau Jeet Kune Do.
Dibuat dari Kayu Jati Berkualitas Tinggi
- Diproses secara teliti
- Tersedia dalam berbagai ukuran yang dapat disesuaikan dengan tinggi badan pengguna
Wooden Dummy ini sangat cocok untuk kegiatan olahraga di rumah, baik untuk pribadi, sebagai kado untuk teman, keluarga, dan orang terkasih lainnya.
#woodendummykayujatimuarojambi #woodendummykayujatisarolangun #woodendummykayujatitanjungjabungbarat #woodendummykayujatitanjungjabungtimur #woodendummykayujatitebo
Wooden Dummy Kayu Jati Muaro Jambi, Wooden Dummy Kayu Jati Sarolangun, Wooden Dummy Kayu Jati Tanjung Jabung Barat, Wooden Dummy Kayu Jati Tanjung Jabung Timur, Wooden Dummy Kayu Jati Tebo
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crissiebaby · 1 year
A Padded Procession
DISCLAIMER: This POV story contains diaper usage, crossdressing, masturbation, humiliation, and other ABDL themes. I hope you enjoy!
Commissioned By: jerry175
Sliding open the rear passenger-side door of her van, Kara let out a shaky, yet excited breath. How could she not be? After all, it wasn’t every day that one of her best employees and even better friends, Maggie, would be getting married. It wasn’t even her wedding and yet she could feel the rush of pre-wedding jitters as if she were planning to waltz down the aisle herself. Sadly, Mr. Right had never come around for Kara. Not for a lack of trying. The attraction just never lasted. Either that or she ended up being a tad too controlling for their tastes.
And that’s where I came in. My name is JJ, formerly Jarek. A little over a year ago, I was working IT under Kara, grinding away at a job that made me miserable for more hours a week than I’d like to admit. That all changed when she accidentally happened upon my secret porn stash at work, which was filled with some of the most erotic ABDL and sissy porn the internet had to offer. And while many bosses would fire an employee who was so willing to waste company time pleasuring themself, Kara wasn’t just any employer.
Over the course of a single weekend, Kara transformed my work life from a humble IT specialist into the office baby. Her office baby. I resisted the change at first but after some arousing coercion from my fellow female employees, I took to my new role as Kara’s sissy baby girl. She was no longer my boss. Now, she was my Mommy. 
The changes only became more intense from there. Along with a steady diet of CrissBaby Bowel Busting Formula and weekly shots of Regression serum, I was officially adopted as an adult baby, completely signing over my adulthood to Kara. And she made sure that I was living an infant lifestyle 24/7. Double diapers were to be worn at all times. As were only the girliest and sissiest outfits that Mommy could find, which she was more than happy to parade me around the office and out in public. To say it was a humiliating experience would be the understatement of the century. However, to say it was anything other than my wildest and kinkiest dreams come true would be the worst lie I’d ever told.
“Okay, JJ, let’s go play-play,” said Kara with a big smile as she unbuckled me from my car seat, booping my nose as her arm passed over my head. I instinctively moved to cover my nose, causing her to giggle at my innocent reaction. She then placed her hands under my armpits and lifted me out of the car, showing off a year's worth of arm and core workouts.
As my feet touched down on the gravel ground, I couldn’t help but wiggle my hips as my powder pink party dress unfurled down my legs, allowing the built-in petticoat to brush delicately against my thighs. If my diaper wasn’t tenting before, it certainly was now, especially with the pair of egg vibrators that had been fastened to my sissy clitty that were begging to be activated with the press of a button. I pushed my dress down over my pointed padding, shivering as a euphoric ping radiated from my crotch up through my spine.
Unfortunately, as the pleasure began to die down, so too did the fogginess that Little Space offen coated my eyes with. Looking around the winery’s parking lot, it became apparent to me just how many people were attending Maggie’s wedding. “I fot chus said dere woodn be too many peepo,” I said, having never been around a group larger than the 20 or so employees at Kara’s company. I wasn’t exactly counting but from a quick glance, there were nearly double that number of cars if not more. Just how big was this wedding supposed to be? 
“Calm down, JJ. Everyone will be too busy focusing on the bride to worry about a little baby like you anyway. Now open wide,” said Kara, instructing me to open my mouth and let in a bulbous pacifier before rewarding me with a big hug. I unsurprisingly melted like I always do, recognizing that like it or not, I was walking into that wedding diaper first. As we parted from the hug, Mommy took me by the hand and ushered me toward the venue, “Just keep a hold of my hand and I promise, nothing will happen that I know you can’t handle.”
In spite of how reassuring Kara’s words may have seemed to an outsider, the way Mommy said that final sentence had my heart pulsing out of control. Clearly, she had her heart set on pushing my blushy boundaries today whether I liked it or not, and was aiming to provide as much comfort in the meantime. You’d think that after spending so long in sissy baby bliss that the embarrassment I felt would’ve cooled off. This could not be further from the truth as Kara had a knack for coming up with new and creative ways to bring out the red in my cheeks. It was a big part of what I loved so much about her.
Entering the winery’s reception hall like a scared animal clinging to the leg of its overprotective mother, I swear I could feel every set of eyes staring at me as I passed by. Men, women, old, young. Everywhere I turned, I saw the pupils of several dozen strangers. And below those pupils were mouths that whispered and giggled at the sight of me. I squeezed Kara’s hand tighter in desperate need of comfort, fixing my eyes on the large, white wedding cake that sat in the center of the grand hall. 
Mercifully, it wasn’t long before some familiar faces began to pop up as basically everyone from work was in attendance, including and especially the bride herself. “Oh my Goddess, Maggie! You look absolutely stunning!” said Kara, yanking me forward at a brisk pace as she approached her subordinate for a congratulatory embrace. She was dressed in an off-white, cupcake wedding dress that cleared at least two feet in all directions. Not the puffiest wedding dress ever but still quite a bit of volume, “You’d better promise me this won’t come between you and your job.”
Cackling in response to Kara’s faux concern, Maggie graciously returned Kara’s affection. “Thank you, Kara. And don’t worry, I won’t dare miss out on a day with this cutie,” she said, her attention suddenly turning to me. She was dressed in an off-white, cupcake wedding dress that cleared at least two feet in all directions. Not the poofiest wedding dress ever but still more possessing than enough volume to make me insanely jealous, causing my horny brain to circle back to all the yummy ABDL sissy wedding captions I’d read in my life. I wouldn’t get to muse on those alluring graphics for long, though, as Maggie snapped me from my stimulated stupor by cupping both of my plump cheeks in her hands, “You’re lucky your Mommy did such a good job with your face or else I’d be pinching those cheeks all night!”
It was true. Kara had spent nearly an hour putting on my makeup. At the time, it was a fun albeit slightly blushy bit of Mommy-sissy bonding time. Now, it felt more like a 5D chess move designed to extract as much blood from my cheeks as possible. “Go on, JJ. Tell Miss Maggie thank you for complimenting your appearance,” said Kara, encouraging her fuming baby to speak up in appreciation.
“F-Fankoos M-Miwth Maggie,” I stuttered, failing to calm myself down enough to produce a legible lisp. Without fail, a chorus of laughter followed my pathetic attempt at sounding grown-up, further driving home my humiliation. I felt like a mouse trapped between the claws of a group of malicious cats. And much to my dismay, the feeling was only about to be bolstered.
“Maggie! Maggie!” said a tall, flat-chested woman with a sleeve of tattoos running down her arm. She wore a sleek red bridesmaid’s dress that looked like it was far outside of her typical wardrobe, “We have a problem. Your cousin needs to take Amy home because Amy was throwing up and now we have no flower girl for the ceremony,” she said, her hands clamped on Maggie’s arm as she jogged in place, “Quick, do you know if anyone else is bringing a daughter today? It wouldn’t be hard to teach someone to fill in.”
Placing a frustrated hand on her forehead, this was obviously the last thing a bride like Maggie wanted to hear. “Shit, Olivia, is there no chance Amy will get better? I don’t have any other younger family members! Ugh! I guess we’ll just have to go without a-” she said, coming to an abrupt halt as her gaze landed on me, “...actually, on second thought, let my cousin know we’ll be okay. We have the perfect replacement right in front of us.”
I gulped hard, recognizing that once again, I found myself at the center of attention with all eyes on me. Well, almost all eyes. Looking toward Mommy in hopes she would spare me from being paraded down a wedding aisle, I was shocked to see that her focus was not on the latest proposition to up my humiliation. Instead, her sights were locked onto the tattooed woman, Olivia, with a line of red forming along her cheekbones and across the bridge of her nose.
“Well, what do you say, Kara? Mind if we take JJ off your hands for a bit?” asked Maggie, elbowing her boss with a sly wink.
Realizing too late that the conversation had left the station without her, Kara quickly answered without thinking. “Oh, yeah, sure. JJ’s up for anything you need,” she said, nudging JJ in Maggie’s clutches and passing her diaper bag off to Maggie before beelining toward her goth Goddess.
“W-Waid! Mommy!” I said, feeling one of Maggie’s hands wrap itself around my waist while another planted itself firmly on my shoulder. All the while, I watched as my only hope of salvation disappeared into the crowd of people, leaving me to what was sure to be my blushiest fate yet.
Before I could fully grasp what was happening, I was whisked away from the main reception hall and led down a dim corridor, stopping as we reached the last door on the right. My breathing shortened as Maggie knocked on the door, only for a plethora of female giggles to echo through the doorway as she opened it a second later. “Hope you’re all decent. Bride’s coming in,” she said, stepping into the den of femininity with me at her side.
The first thing to hit me about the bridal dressing room was the powerful aroma of floral perfume that wafted throughout the room. As I tiptoed into the space filled with girls I didn’t know, I struggled to find air to fill my lungs with. It almost didn’t feel real. It was as real as could be, made evident as Maggie escorted me to the other side of the dressing room where a young woman with short brown hair was doing her makeup, “Hey, Carrie, I have a small request for you. Can you look after our new flower girl here and get her ready? I’d ask someone else but you’re the only bridesmaid with any caregiving experience.”
Spinning around in her chair with a perky smile stretching across her lips, Carrie leaped to her feet and rushed over to lift me into a hug. It was certainly a shock, to say the least. “You didn’t tell me there’d be any Littles here!” she said to Maggie before angling her glance down at me, stroking my hair much like a supervillain with a white, fluffy cat might, “You must feel super lucky getting such an important job! Don’t worry, we’ll have you looking almost as eye-catching as the bride…almost.” She stuck her tongue out at Maggie to emphasize her joke.
“Great! I’ll leave you to it then!” said Maggie, unhooking her arm from mine as she made her way back to the reception hall.
Left alone in Carrie’s care, I could feel my heart trembling like a scared bunny’s. It was already tormentous enough to be surrounded by so many women that I knew at work. Here, without a familiar face to cling to, was like getting pushed into the deep end of a pool lacking the ability to swim. I wanted to run; to go find my Mommy and convince her this was too much. But I’ve also been through this song and dance before. The only good pleading to Kara would do is likely pile on further embarrassment. It didn’t matter how much I was dreading my flower girl makeover. My butt may as well have been glued to the seat.
“Okay…um, sorry, can you tell me your name, baby girl?” asked Carrie, realizing an important step had been missed as she stepped in close and rested her hands on my shoulders.
Pressing my pointer fingers together, I nervously responded, “I-I’m JJ.” Little did I know what my simple response had caused.
Having grown accustomed to being known around the office as the crossdressing baby that I had become, I’d forgotten that not everyone was aware of the crossdressing part. From an onlooker’s perspective, I looked like the spitting image of a female Little. So, as soon as Carrie heard my voice and name, her eyes lit up like she’d just won the lottery. “Oh. My. Gosh. Maggie got a sissy baby for a flower girl?!” she shouted in her excitement, unwittingly turning every head in the dressing room. It had been a while since I’d truly felt this impossibly small.
“Yo, did you just say sissy? Like, that little girl is actually a sissy boy?”
“That’s what I heard. Just look at him! You can barely tell!”
“It’s like he was born to be a girl. Please tell me you need help, Carrie!”
One by one, the voices of Maggie’s wedding party spoke up in jubilation of their newest and only male member. Though to be fair, the term “male” was getting quite the liberal usage. I could only watch with strained eyes as the girls peeled off from what they were doing to gather around my chair.
Before I could protest all the unwanted attention, a pair of hands latched onto my wrists and held them high. It was Carrie, who was aiming to get the ball rolling on my transformation. “First thing’s first, we need to get you out of that lovely dress of yours. Girls?” she said, keeping a firm hold on both my arms as several hands grabbed onto my dress and yanked it upward. If only it had been long enough to be pinched under my butt. Sadly, the short dress had little to hang onto as it was pulled over my head, leaving my top half to only be covered by my petite, B-cup bra, which had been lovingly stuffed with toilet paper. Cue the laughter.
“Bahahahaha! You wanna borrow my pasties, JJ?” said one of the girls, cackling as she cupped my filled bra and began to massage it, “I bet you wish you could have a pair of real ones. Maybe Mommy will get you on hormones if you’re lucky!”
Understandably, my face turned bright red, both from my shameful exposure and from the thought of getting even girlier than I already was. I prayed that none of these girls brought up the idea of hormones to Kara. The last thing she needed was any help in the humiliation department.
Mercifully, the idea wasn’t allowed to hang in the air for long before Carrie spoke up once again, “Let’s adjust her makeup a bit to start,” she said, plucking the oversized binky out of my mouth, “The bridal party is all wearing the same color and we definitely can’t leave out our Littlest member! And just so you know, I had my lips all over this one.” She winked as she grabbed a tube of ruby-red lipstick and brought it to my mouth.
Meanwhile, I could feel two sets of hands get to work stripping off my shoes and ankle sock with Carrie obstructing their actions entirely. The same hands then took great pleasure in selecting a pair of white tights before stretching them over my feet and up my legs The delicate caress of soft hands and even softer fabric forced me to bite my lip, doing everything in my power to keep from wiggling so as not to draw attention to the sensations I was feeling. There was, however, little I could do about the electric signals that the tantalizing skin-on-skin contact and sheer tights were creating. Naturally, my body had been conditioned for arousal, having been made to cum practically on demand at the office. So was it any wonder that my diaper started tenting out?
“Ooooooh! I think our flower sissy is enjoying the attention,” said another girl, leaning in close to get a better look at my throbbing double diaper front. As if that wasn’t bad enough, the twin vibrators entangled around my cock weren’t meant to stretch, choking the blood flowing through my phallus and increasing my sensitivity tenfold.
Finishing up with my eyes and lips, Carrie stepped back and snickered, tsking at my aroused state. “Naughty, naughty, naughty! We can’t have you pitching any crinkly tents while walking down the aisle,” she said, sinking her hand into the pillowy padding. My feet arched forward as far as they could go as I squirmed helplessly beneath her erotic touch, “I’d say one- no, two more diapers ought to do it!”
“T-Two mo diapees,” I whimpered, my expression and whiny vocals garnering more coos and giggles. This was sissy torture to an infinite degree!
Digging into the diaper bag that Maggie had passed off to her, Carrie quickly fished out two fresh CrissBaby Super Soakers before smirking as she peered deeper into the bag. Knowing  
the wide array of kink stuff Kara had packed from Lightning Laxatives to Lisp Lollies, it was any wonder what dastardly thoughts she was having. However, it was when she gleefully pulled out the pair of small vibrator remotes and plopped them down between her bountiful cleavage that I realized how truly doomed I really was. “Diaper time!” she said in a sing-songy tone, something that only amplified my blushiness, “Would you girls help me lay our princess potty pants on the floor.”
Barely needing an invitation, the girls dutifully carried out Carrie’s wishes as I was sprawled across the floor with my arms and legs pinned in place. Craning my neck up from my prone position, I pushed out my bottom lip as Carrie flattened out and fluffed up the pair of bulky nappies. My butt soon rested upon both cloud-like layers with all eight tapes locking me into an overtly infantile state. 
I sat up as the girls finally released my appendages, despairing as I failed to even bring my feet together, much less my knees. Walking down the aisle just got a lot more challenging. Tragically, the diapers may as well have been an opening act in comparison to what was in store for me next. Short, flouncy, and matching the accent colors that each of the women was wearing, my jaw dropped as I gazed into the sparkling, lilac void that was my flower girl dress. Even the girliest girl would say this was overdoing it, though I could practically hear Kara’s devious words in my head saying, “Oh, but you’re fair girlier than the girliest girl, sissy baby!”
“Alright ladies, time to wrap our present,” teased Carrie as the dress was brought over my head. I held my breath as my head was submerged in layers of taffeta and lace. By the time my head popped out the other side, I didn’t need to open my eyes to know how silly I looked. The howling laughter of the bridal party was more than enough, “Awww, JJ, sweetie! You have to open those pretty eyes to see how precious you look.”
Knowing it could hold out forever, I decided to bite the bullet and open my eyes before someone took it upon themselves to pry them open. Sure enough, it was somehow worse than I expected. No doubt, my flower girl predecessor had to be a very small child based on how short the dress was. It barely cleared my belly button, taking away my ability to do something as simple as pull my dress down over my diapers. Not that it would make much of a difference considering I was engulfed by a foot of padding in all directions.
Brushing her hands together in a self-satisfied manner, Carrie threw her arms around me from behind, pulling me into the kind of hug that only seasoned caregivers knew how to give. “What a perfect angel. Maggie’s gonna regret making a scene stealer like you her flower girl,” she whispered in my ear, sending pleasurable chills coursing throughout my body. I could feel my resistance melting, “Now then, I’d say we’ve kept you to ourselves long enough. Let’s go say hi to everyone, shall we?”
Mortification. If you had to put my feelings into a single word, it would be mortification. From the second I stepped foot in the main reception hall wearing an actual little girl’s dress and more diapers than I could soak through in multiple days. It was non-stop cooing, butt-grabbing, and, worst of all, the cheek-pinching. By the time people were taking their seats for the ceremony, my cheeks had been permanently stained crimson by the countless abrasions. At least I was permitted to keep my paci out so as to show off my painted lips, though to call that a consolation prize was laughable.
Thankfully, the end was nigh. Kara had already informed me that she’d be changing me back into my own dress after the ceremony was finished, though she was also a tad more scatterbrained than usual, much to my surprise. Regardless, that meant all I had to do was drop some flower petals down the center aisle before the bride’s entrance and I was in the clear. That light at the end of the tunnel was all the motivation I needed to prevent a total mental collapse due to all the unwanted attention.
Not long after guests began to take their seats, I was rounded up by the Maid of Honor, Olivia, who, as if by an act of Goddess, was the only person not deriding my extremely sissy baby appearance. She passed a basket full of pink and purple flower petals off to me, positioning it in the crux of my elbow “Listen close JJ because I’m not going to repeat myself,” she said, staring me down with stoney eyes, “Since you missed rehearsal, here’s how everything’s gonna shake down. The minister and groom will enter first, followed by the bridesmaids and groomsmen, and then me and the Best Man. After that, it’ll be all you. Just try not to waste all the petals too early and you should be aye okay. You got all that?”
Nodding through my anxiety, I had to admit to myself that I was a little excited to have a role in a wedding for the first time in my life, even if it was the most humiliating role possible. Plus, Maggie had been a dear friend of mine for years. To be the one to walk down the aisle directly before her had me feeling very sentimental. Receiving a quick headpat from Olivia, I was ushered to my place in the procession.
Once I had the order of operations down, the waiting game began, made one hundred times worse by the anticipation held deep inside my chest. It made me crave Kara's comforting arms something fierce. Luckily, the actual wait time didn’t end up being super long, even if from my perspective, it felt like an eternity. I watched with a contented smile as members of the wedding party began to file in and make their way to the head of the ceremony as the soft string quartet began to play. It was beautiful. It was graceful. It was-
“Hey, JJ, come here for a sec,” said Carrie, calling me over when there were only a handful of bridesmaid-groomsman pairings left. Not wanting to miss my cue, I initially tried to ignore her but as her waving became more frantic, I relented.
Before I knew what was happening, Carrie was leading me by the arm around a corner with my diaper bag under her arm. “Don wowwy, I don nees mo diapees,” I protested, believing she must be intending to check my diaper ahead of my big walk. However, it soon became apparent that this was far from her intention as she pulled me in close with a firm hand supporting the base of my spine, “Wuh awe chus-MMMMMF!”
Suddenly, my eyes grew to the size of dinner plates as Carrie pressed a small, clear bottle to my lips. I instantly recognized the gag-inducing flavor as one of the Lightning Laxatives that Mommy liked to keep on hand. I tried to shake her off so I could spit it out but was unable to before she tilted my head up and forced it down my throat. “Sorry, little JJ, but it’s always been a dream of mine to make a silly sissy baby shit themselves in public,” she said, planting a kiss on my nose.
I was given no chance to respond before I was led by the hand back to where the rest of the procession was waiting just in time for Carrie’s turn down the aisle. Sweat started to form across my brow line as I felt my tummy churning like an evil witch’s cauldron, which at this point, it may as well have been. I mused telling Olivia what had happened but having learned from past experience, honestly rarely worked in my favor considering my word was never taken over a Bigs. All Carrie would have to say is that I snuck into a bag myself and I would be in even worse trouble than before. I decided to stay quiet and hope that I could make it through my flower girl duties before the cramps set in.
Thankfully, once Olivia began her descent down the aisle, I knew my turn was just on the horizon. I inhaled sharply through my nose as I waited for Olivia and the Best Man to take their spots closest to where the bride and groom would be reading their vows.
“Hey cutie, break a leg out there,” said Maggie, patting my butt from behind as it was finally time for me to serve my hyper-feminine role. Regrettably, that small pat was enough to jolt my stomach, putting extra pressure on my bowels at the worst moment. I clinched hard, stopping in place momentarily as I muscled through the pain. My momentary pause did turn a couple of eyebrows but nothing beyond that as I forced myself forward on rattling legs. I grabbed a handful of flower petals and daintily sprinkled them over the floor as I walked, realizing that I’d completely forgotten to be embarrassed over my situation by the time I was a quarter of the way across the aisle. My mind both fortunately and unfortunately had bigger problems to worry about.
All of a sudden, a tummy grumble loud enough to be heard from space echoed out from the pit of my stomach, turning every head in the winery. I glanced ahead at Carrie, who was struggling to contain her vicious smile behind the hand that cupped her mouth. I whipped my head toward Kara, hoping that my Mommy would see the panic on my face and know she needed to get me out of here. As fate would have it, she and Carrie shared similar facial expressions. It appeared I was truly on my own.
Securing another pile of petals in my palm, I picked up the pace and started dropping flowers in double time. There wasn’t a person in attendance who wasn’t aware of the shameful display was on the verge of making, so it no longer mattered if they could tell I was in a hurry. To my dismay, these efforts were all for not as Carrie took the liberty of adding fuel to the proverbial fire that I was broiling in
As the twin eggs strapped to my dick began to vibrate furiously, I dropped to my knees only a few feet from the end of the aisle, giving everyone the best view possible. I buried my face in my hands and bellowed out a devastating moan, wishing I could phase out of existence in that moment. Dreadfully, what I was about to do couldn’t have been more obnoxiously visible.
My eyes went cross as the seat of my diaper expanded exponentially with barely solid fecal matter. And thanks to the quadruple diapering I’d been subjected to, it took seconds at most for the mushy sludge to creep forward into the front of my diaper. Between the runny mess and purring vibrators, my brain stood no chance. My mind went near blank as I began humping my diapers in the middle of the aisle.
Craning my neck back shakily with the little consciousness I had left, I looked at Maggie with solemn eyes, feeling immensely bad about my scene-stealing antics. And yet somehow, she could only smile at my inability to control myself, snickering from the sidelines at my latest humiliating predicament. “Called it,” she said, nudging her father and holding out her hand. He rolled his eyes and sighed as he pulled out his wallet and slid $20 into her hand. 
“Well, at least you got decent coverage down the aisle,” said Olivia as she approached me and cupped my huffy face, “You did good, JJ. Now, let’s get you back to Mommy before the bride gets impatient.” Without waiting for a reply, she bent down and lifted me into the air, showing off her prowess in the gym with a perfect squat. Adding to my embarrassment was the fact that even after being held aloft in the air, I couldn’t stop my hips from twitching as my diaper grinded against her buff arm as she made her way down one of the seating pews and delivered me to Kara, “I believe this pamper packer belongs to you?” She placed me in Kara’s arms, the pair of dominant women refusing to let me touch the ground at all as my Mommy sat back down with me resting in her lap.
Nervously smiling up at Olivia, Kara winked at the Maid of Honor. “Thanks, Olivia. We still on for dinner next Friday?” she said, making a point of asking in front of me.
“Of course! Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” responded Olivia, returning Kara’s seductive glance as she presented me with more headpats, “I can’t wait to get to know you more, JJ. I get the feeling we’re gonna be great friends.” Taking the time to look longingly into Kara’s eyes, she abruptly turned and rushed back to the head of the ceremony so that the wedding could continue, leaving me alone with Mommy for the first time since we’d arrived.
“Did you have fun today, cutie, because Mommy certainly did,” said Kara, ruffling my hair with her chin as “Here Comes the Bride” started to play. The two of us watched as Maggie and her father approached her soon-to-be husband. Well, one of us watched. I was too busy bouncing atop my plushy padding in hopes of making stickies before the ceremony concluded. At the end of it all, no matter how much I protested and despaired, I knew deep down that this was not only the role in life I deserved but the role I wanted, which was a feeling that only strengthened as Kara leaned in next to my ear and whispered, “Maybe if you’re lucky, you’ll get to be Mommy’s flower girl too.” 
Nuzzling my face into Kara’s cleavage, I looked up at her with doughy, loving eyes, “I’d wuv dat Mommy.”
« A PADDED PROMOTION (Link to DeviantArt)
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Edited by AllySmolShork
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juniperberrypipebomb · 2 months
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julionasurbonas · 2 months
wok up from a dram that gav m th vry spcific fling which I cannot dscrib, I was on a rickty woodn cart going ovr th pits of hll on an old woodn bridg xtnding for mils and mils, I had to fnd off a fair fw basts and craturs not known to this arth, in addition to that w had to stay dadly quit, lst w attract somthing far far wors iv mad it sound not so bad but lt that not b what you tak away from this, it was no plac for th living
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tigermike · 4 months
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1951 Studebaker Woodie - Never Slow Down - StreetRodder
Gray Baskerville accurately described Dennis Varni as "a hot rodder's hot rodder." Since buying a '31 Model A as a teenager in the late '50s, Dennis doesn't seem to have slowed down ever. He has amassed a phenomenal stable of collector cars, trucks, vintage race cars, and motorcycles of practically every type, including the '29 Model A roadster built by Boyd Coddington that was named America's Most Beautiful Roadster in 1992. He has participated in motorsports all over the world, including numerous trips to Mexico to race in the famous La Carrera Panamericana, to South Africa for the South African Rally Championship, and to the Bonneville Salt Flats, right here in the U.S., where he drove his Falconer L6-powered "Speed Nymph" streamliner just shy of 350 mph.
Dennis has more checks on his hot rodding bucket list than just about anybody we know. So did you really expect his latest street rod to be something ordinary?
Body Bottom
Any 1951 Studebaker woodie custom could be considered out of the ordinary (how many can you think of?), but Dennis, builder Curt Hill, and the people who had previously helped create this custom woodie, have taken the '51 to an extraordinary level.
This car was under construction when Dennis made the winning bid for it at the auction of the late Joe MacPherson's prized collection. The unfinished project had been started by Doug Carr of Woodn' Carr. It had already been transformed from a sedan to a fastback (based on Thom Taylor's design sketches) and was already a woodie. The top was chopped 2-1/2 inches, and the rear fenders were stretched 18 inches and treated to custom taillight lenses and bezels. The '37 Ford headlights were installed by Steve Davis, who had done some of the early fabrication on the car.
Such an unusual car deserved an equally unique engine. For a while, Dennis considered dropping in a Cadillac engine to create his own version of the Studillac, the Cadillac-powered Stude coupes custom-built in the mid '50s. Then he remembered the one-of-a-kind induction system he'd found at a swap meet decades ago. The mechanical fuel injection system, with wild-looking air bodies, was a prototype created by Propulsion Development Laboratories in the '50s. Everybody had seen it on the cover of Hot Rod magazine in 1959 and nobody had seen it since. The setup is finally in service, feeding a Ford 427 FE engine. Dan Brewer in Torrance, California, did the assembly on the engine and converted the PDL mechanical injection to work with a Hilborn electronic system hidden under the manifold. Edelbrock cylinder heads are topped with Edsel valve covers to replicate the look engine on Hot Rod's cover. The new combination produced 410 hp on the dyno. An adapter fits the Ford to a GM 700-R4 transmission. This is one of the rarest, most unusual engines you'll find in a hot rod, but Dennis is almost nonchalant about it. "Nobody puts Edsels in Studebakers," is what he said.
The interior was entrusted to Sid Chavers in Santa Clara, California. Chavers built custom bucket seats and covered them in tan leather with gray-toned fur inserts. No need to replace the '51 Studebaker dash, so Redline Gauge Works restored the appearance of the factory gauges and updated the internals. A reproduction '54 Stude steering wheel came from Shrock Brothers, which specializes in repro Studebaker parts. Lucky 7 Customs gave the wheel and column their wood grain paint. The perfect accessory to the interior is the set of vintage alligator-grain luggage in the rear deck area, which Dennis found in an antique store in Washington.
The end result is a genuinely unique custom that would probably hover around the top of most people's lists of great Studebakers, great woodies, and great customs.
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highheelfee · 1 year
Black shiny Pants and woodn Mules#mules
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dawnleaf37 · 9 months
woodn board
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emmies-agere-blog · 9 months
I have braces and when i wanna chew on stuff i jubt use woodn teetherz! Theyr a bit harder and can get smelly but its a good alternative
thank you so so much!!
no one actually replied to the poll or anything so this helps a lot 😅
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mollisarts · 3 months
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Woodn Durga Art:
Handmade Wooden Durga idol : Carved from a single wood.🙂
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weyland-rutter-1995 · 4 months
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okeykids · 7 months
New Arrival Okeykids Woodne Activity Cube
The activity cube offers a variety of activities, counting, color recognition, shape matching - every interaction cultivates cognitive growth, fine motor skills, and problem-solving abilities.
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whitecobra2 · 10 months
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bufffnaked · 2 years
Nothin' is racism when it is experience............. there chemo.......... annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd I'm never hatful, don't even have a mean bone in my body...... No meainie............... our we rite?hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahahaha: ) AND >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IT"S NOT EVEN RACISM 'CUZ I AM BOTH RESPONISBLE AND RESPECTUFUL
'CUz most negroids believe in country life and cuontry grammer that is all that is............... thru experience
For shame,
BEST PRODUCTS AND VALUE POSSIBLE........................
WHY BASKETWEAVE DOE??????????????hahahahahahahahahaha
Any of the pleadist rapist hands believe in ratio'd height? OR ACTUAL ABILITIES?
Baby maker, known, internationally, loved from all! Known for a smile and laff, either dip, many women's first look with nina numez is BAAAAAAAAABY!:)
OR ............................. wind your own clock twist DA 'STASH TOO MUCH KINDA NON DREDDING, actually is.................... ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..................................... what else............................................................................
Has snoop d O Dble G sold an albumn yet or only is the only "MAFIA BOSS the clothing JEFF?"
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ayman-wanees · 2 years
شحن 145 ألف طن كلينكر إلى الأسواق الخارجية عبر ميناء شرق بورسعيد
أعلنت المنطقة الاقتصادية لقناة السويس، استمرار شحن خام الكلينكر إلى الدول الإفريقية المستورد الأول عبر الأرصفة الجديدة لميناء شرق بورسعيد. واستقبلت قناة السويس، السفينة MANNA القادمة من تركيا لشحن 59 ألف طن من خام الكلينكر إلى غانا. كما استقبل الميناء السفينة VIENNA WOODN القادمة من تركيا؛ لشحن 48500 طن من خام الكلينكر متجهة إلى كوت ديفوار. ووصلت إلى الميناء السفينة STRATEGIC HARMONY؛ لشحن 38 ألف…
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