#womens special tour packages
skyechild · 7 months
Home for the holidays
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𖤐 pairing: Seonghwa x Reader (M/F)
𖤐 genre: smut and fluff
𖤐 warnings/kinks: nothing really for warnings, kinks though...breeding kink bcuz its Hwa, collars (f) handcuffs (mentioned), blindfold (mentioned), dom!Seonghwa, sub!reader, marks, crying, squirting, pussy drunk!hwa,
𖤐wc: 4.7k
𖤐trope/au: est r/s, idol verse
𖤐 summary Seonghwa comes home early the day before Christmas Eve to surprise you and with the roads being closed to all the snow you were not expecting anyone at your door at 9pm..
𖤐 A/N: This is for 16days of smutmas! Thank you to @staytinyville for beta reading <3
𖤐 Playlist:: _World by Seventeen, Christmas Evel by Stray Kids, Cheers by SVT Leaders, Puppet Show by XG, LALALALA by Stray Kids, Crazy Form by Ateez, Swim by Chase Atlantic, Lavender Sunflower by Tory Lanez, Pretty Please by Dua Lipa, Dirty Thoughts by Chloe Adams, Need to know by doja cat
𖤐 special tags: @kwanisms @anyamaris @millennial-fangirl / @kpop-stories-21 @yoonguurt @twisted-tales-of-all @stardragongalaxy
𖤐 tag list: @cultofdionysusnet / @kikouku / @spooo00oky / @yoonjonguwu /
Seonghwa was obsessed with your hoodie. It was your favorite, huge on you but fit him just perfectly. It smelled like you and it was soft. He always took it with him on tour, trading it with one of his. He had told you that he probably wouldn't be back in time for the holidays. Would probably miss Christmas and New Years. 
It felt like a stab to the heart.
But you had to expect it with dating an idol–they were busiest around the holidays. The weeks from October to January seemed to be when Seonghwa and the boys were extra exhausted, even if they tried to hide it from you and fans.
Christmas was your favorite holiday after Halloween, because you got to spend it with your boyfriend. Being able to curl up on the couch, coffee traded for hot chocolate, the tv playing a cheesy hallmark movie you and Seonghwa always made fun of but secretly loved, feather light snow dusting the ground and roads that would be molded into snowmen and women.
You loved sitting outside, curled up into a blanket and Seonghwa’s softest hoodie, hands around a mug as you watched cars and trucks try to make it up and down the hills, quietly cheering when they made it up or down safely. You had made a few snow rabbits and placed them on the railing of the porch.
You smiled, eyes trailing out the window from your spot on the couch. The streetlamps had turned on and it casted a pretty yellow glow on the snow that had already accumulated on the ground and roads. The roads had to be close to closing soon. Your eyes trailed back to the tree you had set up with the help of a few of your friends before settling on the presents under it.
You had been getting deliveries almost everyday that were possible gifts for you–Seonghwa’s name on the package as the sender. He had texted you earlier saying you could only wrap the outer package to the shipping box so it didn't look bad under the tree.
You smiled softly, eyes closing a bit as you rested your head against the back of the couch, humming quietly to the song that was playing in the background of a movie. You sighed, looking up at the ceiling, taking in the decorations.
The sound of a knock on your door caused you to sit up in confusion. You haven't heard any sound of tires or seen any headlights shine inside the windows. 
Your blood went cold. This was how all Christmas horror movies started. 
Slipping your phone up you checked the cameras as you pulled the blanket around your shoulders tighter and got up, waddling to the door. You stopped in your tracks when the camera opened up and showed pink hair. The person's head was down but you would recognize that figure anywhere.
Running the rest of the way to the door you yanked it open, Seonghwas head popping up at the aggressive motion, startled before he laughed lightly. He released his luggage and bags just in time to catch you. "I thought you wouldn't make it! Aren't you supposed to be in Europe?!" 
He chuckled, hugging you tight to his chest. "I needed to see you." You shifted, lifting your legs to wrap around his waist and he adjusted to hold the blanket around you as he stepped inside. 
"Hold on." He leaned down, grabbing his bags as he kicked the door shut behind him.
Shoving your face against the cold skin of his neck you nuzzled your nose against his pulse point, smiling faintly at the shiver that went down his spine at the difference in temperature of your skin compared to his. Your stomach clenched in excitement and happiness. 
Seonghwa was home for the holidays. You felt like you were going to explode with how your stomach and chest were fluttering. You wanted to wiggle in Seonghwa’s grip but not while he was carrying you. That just seemed like a bad idea. You grinned softly, tightening your hold on him.
"Hwa, I can't explain how I feel right now. 'n knowing that I'm not dreaming and you're actually here." Your bite your lip as you pull back to look at him. 
His nose almost matches his hair with the soft pink it is from the cold. "I know baby." He whispers, hugging you rightly and waddling to the couch, never releasing you. Sitting down he peppered kisses around your face, pulling giggles from you.
Sitting back on his lap more comfortable you sighed, resting your hands on his shoulders and taking in more of your boyfriend. The tips of his ears were pink as well as his nose and you pressed a kiss against his nose and the tips of his ears. "It feels like it's been years since I last saw you. Pictures 'n videos never compare." 
He smiles softly, taking off his gloves and holding your hips. "Facetime doesn't help you either–so much more breathtaking in person. Seeing you this close..." His hands move to your cheeks, stroking the skin softly. "I’m so lucky."
You giggle, placing your hands over his as turning your head to kiss the palm of his hand before nuzzling into it. 
"I love you." You smile, eyes closing as you rest your head in his hands. "I love you too baby." He murmured, eyes soft as he watched you. "I brought you more gifts." He whispers after a bit and you sigh teasingly, resting your head on his shoulder. 
"You already got me so much." Your breath fans across his neck and you feel him shiver. "I could barely keep up with the presents I was getting you." 
He chuckled, rubbing your back as he looked at the tree and at the pink packages."Is pink this year's theme?" 
You shifted, wrapping your arms around his neck, humming quietly. "Your hair is pink." You stated, hinting at the obvious reason. 
"Does that mean every year the theme is whatever color my hair is?" 
You nodded, nuzzling into his neck. Seonghwa chuckled, scanning the decorations he had set up, noticing the small touches he bet his mum did. "Baby, did mum come over and help?" You nodded and pulled back to look at him a bit. "How did you know?" 
He chuckled, a soft smile on his face. "I’d recognize my mum's decorating anywhere." You feigned a pout before you dropped a kiss on his forehead. "It's very discreet, but I'd be able to recognize it. But what is that tree over there?" He motioned to a smaller tree in the other corner, a bit dimmer than the main tree.
You followed his gaze and found the red tree you had also decorated. "Oh! It's for the boys! There are some gifts I got for them under that tree. I kept them separate because I didn't know if they were coming over since we did last year." 
Seonghwa nodded, stroking the skin of your back as he slipped his hands under your shirt. "They're coming here this time." You nodded, tightening your hold on him. "I have to cook for them." He chuckled.
"We are going over to your parents for Christmas eve right?" You nodded. "I was planning on it, i didn't know if you were coming to be home this time." He nodded then grinned. 
"So you're good to go to my parents on Christmas? I might have told them we would..." He trailed off and you nodded. “I was gonna go even if you werent home.” He gasped, as if he was scandalized. You smiled before you snuggled against his chest.“I just want to cuddle with you now." You whispered. He hummed as he stood up with you, you yelped and wrapped your legs around his waist, clinging to him tightly. "You gotta warn me next time."
Seonghwa pressed a kiss against the side of your head as he moved to let the blanket fall fully onto the ground. Moving his hands he gripped the backs of your thigh with one and the other was a soft weight on your lower back as he walked towards the bedroom. Your smile had not left your face and it was making your cheeks ache but it didn't fall when Seonghwa let you fall back onto the bed, it only caused you to laugh as you bounced faintly.
Seonghwas own grin was growing on his face. He loved when he caught you watching him. You looked at him like he hung the stars and moon just for you. He would pull a star down just for you if he could, he'd give you everything you wanted if you just said the word. But you never did. You always returned his gifts with one for himself. You said you always wanted to be even.
You smiled as he slipped off the outerwear once he made it to the bathroom, shirt easily following. He was fine with the couch getting wet but the bedroom was a no. The mirror was positioned just right to where you could see him and he could see you. 
But you didn't notice when he slipped a small box to the side out of view so he wasn't surprised to see your eyes locked on his form. You watched as he shook his head, getting rid of the small remaining melted snow in his hair before he looked in the mirror. 
"I have something we can have now." You sat up a bit on your elbows as you watched his scurry out the door to the living room.
He was back before you had time to follow. Dropping his backpack by the door he dug through it and pulled out matching sets of silk pajamas. "Here I got us matching pajamas." Your smile melted and your face softened. God he was so cute. 
"Hwa...." You shuffled once you got up, wrapping your arms around his waist. "That's so cute." 
He feigned a pout before it broke into a wide smile, an arm wrapping around your waist as he swayed side to side, humming as he tossed the pajamas on the bed before he wrapped his free arm around your upper back and bent over enough to pepper kisses on your face, drawing the giggles he loved so much from you. 
“You're so cute.” He murmured.
You pushed him back for a second before you wiggled out of his grip to wander over to the dresser, grabbing something out from the back of the bottom drawer and hiding it behind your back as you turned back ground. 
“I have something we can have now. It's for both of us.” He tilted his head, looking like a confused cat for a moment. “Can you sit on the bed Hwa?” He followed, brows furrowed in wonder as you walked closer. 
“Close your eyes.” He closed his eyes as you dropped the wrapped presents between the both of you as you found your place on his lap, his hands automatically finding your hips from reflex. 
“This is for right now.” 
You could already feel the dampness of your panties sticking against your folds as you settled your weight onto his thighs. You didn't want him to feel how wet you were yet. How you got wet from just seeing his shirtless form. Your hands fell onto his shoulders, thumbs stroking the skin slowly. 
“You can open them now.” You whispered, watching as his eyes opened and he glanced down towards the gifts. 
His hands slid off your hips to start unwrapping his gifts. He had a faint idea of what types of gifts they would be when he saw you get them out from the bottom drawer.
The first one had his breath hitching. Pretty little handcuffs that would mostly be around your wrists unless he had a bad day and just wanted to be taken care of. 
The second had his eyes darkening a bit. “Oh sweetheart.” His voice had dropped an octave and your hands slid from his shoulders down to his stomach and tenses for a moment under your touch. The acrylics you managed to get before the roads got bad gliding across his skin. 
You bit your lip as he pulled out a pink lacy blindfold. You had both talked about a new blindfold, the current one getting distressed from the about of use.
He preferred the color pink against your skin. He said it made you look like a pretty doll, especially when he had you gasping and whining when he went past the overstimulation. ‘What a pretty fucked out looking doll. Aren't you beautiful.’ He would coo once he saw a few tears slip past the fabric.
Glancing back up at you he licked his lips, eyes scanning your face and a smirk pulling at his lips when he noticed the pink flush on your cheeks. 
“Are you getting shy?” He whispered and you had to force yourself to not look away. Seonghwa loved eye contact–craved it. 
“You have a few more.” You murmured. 
He chuckled at the diversion attempt. 
You slipped your hands up to his neck, nails brushing against his nape up into his hair. His motions stopped a moment at the feeling of your nails in his hand and against his neck. He couldn't wait to feel them scratching down his back. His eyes fluttering and head falling back into your hands for a moment before he quickly finished unwrapping the other gifts. A bullet that you know he will love using on you and a collar that had his initials on them.
He placed them on the bed beside him and flipped you both so he was hovering over you, a smirk on his lips. “I haven't even been home for a few hours and you already want to be on my cock? Did you miss me or my cock more?” 
You can hear the amusement in his voice as he bends down to leave a quick kiss on your lips, snickering as you try to follow him back. His hand presses down against your chest, keeping you against the bed.
 “Hm…What should we use first?” He hums as he licks his lips, his eyes catching on the collar. “Let's do just this for now. I want to watch as you fall apart on my cock, leaving marks on my back with these pretty nails.” 
He easily slips off your shirt, taking in the soft skin of your stomach and chest. “Oh, how I missed these.” He purrs, sliding his thumb over a nipple, watching as it hardens before he ducks down, easily slipping one into his mouth. 
Your groan echoed through his ears as your fingers tangled in his hair, gripping the locks tightly. He hums against the bud, pulling a whimper out from you before he switches to the other after blowing air against the wet nipple, smirking at the sharp gasp that he managed to rip out from you. 
“Has it been so long that you're this sensitive?” You huffed at the teasing before he slipped the collar around your neck. 
“Well my fingers and video calls only help so much, and your fingers are longer than mine-” You choke on the rest of your words at the feeling of Seonghwa’s hand slipping past the hem of your sleep shorts, and his fingers brushing against the damp spot on your panties. 
“Look how wet you are sweetheart.” He murmurs mockingly as rips off the rest of your clothing, humming at the bare sight of you, eyes roaming your body as you squirm, trying not to cover yourself.
 Seonghwa liked to admire you sometimes but it always made you self conscious. You bit your cheek, you weren't going to slide down that rabbit hole with your boyfriend in front of you. 
“It's all for you Hwa.” 
He lets out a pleased noise at the mention of your body's reaction to him. “Yes it is. All of you is mine–just as all of me belongs to you.” He whispers, fondness seeping into his tone. “I love you so much little one.” 
You smiled widely at him. Those words coming from his mouth always distracted you, made you feel like it was the first time you had whispered the words to each other.“I love you too Hwa!” He smiled widely, a soft look on his face as he dropped a kiss on your nose. 
Then his eyes darkened, his fingers pressing against your clit after giving a quick swipe through your folds, humming quietly and your choked out whine of his name. He chuckled as he brought them up to his lips and popped them in his mouth. 
“God, I almost forgot how good you taste.” He murmured as he shuffled down the bed, pushing your legs apart more. “Keep them open or I'll get the bar.” You hated the bar and he knew it. He had adjusted a spreader bar so you couldn't close your legs around his head–even if he liked it sometimes.
He watched as you nodded before dropping kisses on your inner thigh. You bit your lip in quiet anticipation. You loved Seonghwa’s tongue, especially when it was on your pussy. You loved when he gave oral and he loved giving. 
Pulling one leg out his way he smiled against the skin of your thigh before he nipped at the skin, chuckling as you squeaked, leg jerking away. He fixed his position, pulling your legs back and over his shoulders as he wrapped his arms around the back of your thighs and jerking you closer to his face, legs being pressed against your stomach from how he was positioned. 
“Such a pretty little thing.” He murmured, eyes locked on your pussy before he dropped his head, nose brushing against your clit as he slipped his tongue through your folds, eyes fluttering shut.
You let a breath you didn't know you were holding in at the feeling of his tongue on you. He hummed at the taste, the vibrations sending a shiver up your spine. You whined as his fingers crept closer, spreading your folds and slipping his tongue from your entrance to your clit and giving a harsh suck on the bud. You twitched in his hold, hands gripping his hair tightly and tugging faintly.
 “Fuck, Seonghwa.” He hummed, making you shiver. 
Seonghwa’s eyes opened to flick up and meet yours, pleased to see you already looking at him. “Good girl.” He whispered, lips already wet with your arousal. 
He ducked his head back down, eyes sharp as they stayed locked on yours. His eyes were dark as the indecent sounds of slurping filled the room. Your legs twitched on his shoulders and he narrowed his eyes, a threat in dark eyes.
Close your legs, I dare you.
You could almost hear his voice in your head and judging by the amusement that took over the place of challenge in his eyes told you that he knew. You jolted, yanking his locks as you felt his tongue press inside of you, slipping against your walls. 
You loved this, most of all, you knew he loved it. Especially by the way his eyes got a bit hazy. You were sure this wasnt going be just him eating you out then fucking you. No, the haziness in his eyes told you that he was planning to get drunk on you, then maybe fuck you if you didnt have to ride him–you wouldnt be complaining. 
You shifted, pulling his head more into your pussy and humming as he pressed his nose against your clit, taking his time licking through your folds and flicking his tongue against your clit before sucking on it before shifting you to get his tongue as deep inside you as he could. 
The sudden tightening of your stomach and the feeling of your orgasm hitting you like a brick wall had you gasping, fighting between the feeling of pulling him closer or pushing him away. But by the way he tightened his grip on you left you knowing he had made your choice for you. 
He was planning on having you squirming on his tongue, whining and crying before he got you on his cock. The small glimpses you got of his face, the orgasm had got his chin and lips wet, what mostly had you pushing at him was the almost drunk look in his eyes.
He could break you like this. It had been a while since he had been able to give you oral but when he looked up at you and watched you push at him, it had you stopping. He wasn't going to stop unless he got you squirting on him. 
He pulled you against him tighter, refusing to let you move or try and push him away. With him doubling his efforts and how you were still sensitive from your first orgasm it hit you just as hard as his fingers were added into the mix, pressing against the edge of your entrance.
Your hips jerked out of his grip once it loosened as he closed his eyes, smirking hazily as he got you to squirt on his tongue. He pulled back, eyes still slightly hazy as he climbed up closer, pressing your lips together. 
You groaned at the taste of you on his tongue once he licked into your mouth. Your chest pressed against his as you tugged him closer., letting him press his weight against you, pressing you into the bed. 
“We would use the toys, but it's been a while and I want to see you.” He murmured as he pulled back a bit, words fanning against your lips. A fond chuckle fell from his lips, as you unconsciously tried to follow his mouth.
“Plus, I want to feel your hands on me.” He dropped a few kisses on your lips.
You moved your hands from his hair to his shoulders, nails leaving faint pink lines as he sighed. He pressed a kiss to your cheek before he stripped off his pants and boxers and climbed back onto the bed between your legs, sitting back on his heels as his eyes roamed over your body. 
“God you're so pretty baby.” He murmured quietly as his hands slid down your thighs, smearing the wetness on your inner thighs a bit, grinning at your whine. 
Your hands found their way back onto him as he lifted your ass onto his thighs, letting his cock rest on your stomach. “God, sometimes I forget how big I am compared to you.” A corner of his lips curled up in amusement. He let you wrap your legs around his waist as he pulled his hips back.
“We have to make sure your tiny pussy is still made for me.” He teased as he pressed his cock in slowly, placing his hands by your head once his hips met yours, a soft groan leaving his lips as a high pitched moan left yours. 
Looking down at your stomach he closed his eyes quickly. “Fuck I forget sometimes….” He trailed off as he licked his lips. You quickly looked down as well and whimpered quietly as you pressed a hand on the slight bump in your stomach. 
“God, imagine when I manage to get you pregnant.” He murmured, almost to himself and you clenched around him and his gaze snapped towards you, a brow quirking. 
“Would you like that?” He teased, teeth showing as he gave you a smirk. 
You feel your cheeks head up in embarrassment, a mumbled ‘maybe’ leaving your lips as he grins. “Maybe I'll just try. We could try everyday. I make enough money for both of us…” He grinned, snapping his hips, cutting off whatever you were about to say as you let out a whine. 
“Fuck, Hwa please.” 
He groaned softly, dropping from his hands to his elbows,kissing your forehead before he started moving his hips consistently. While being very talkative he wasn't very loud in bed–soft groans and moans, slightly louder whines and hisses. 
He growled low as he bit down on his bottom lip as your nails raked down his back once his hips sped up. “So pretty for me baby.” He whispered against your cheek as his kisses moved down, kissing the spot behind your ear before leaving light hickies down your neck until he got to where you'd be able to cover them, marks getting darker the lower he went. 
You whined softly once his lips brushed against a sensitive spot on your neck and he hummed as he gave more attention to that spot. It was cold outside, and a scarf would cover the marks. He grinned before he left a darker mark.
He groaned as you clenched around him, one hand moving down to your hip. “Keep squeezing me and I won't last much longer…” He mumbled and you giggled slightly as you dug your nails into the skin of his back, dark red marks appearing, causing him to arch his back for a moment.. 
Gathering what little strength you had you flipped the both of you, sighing as it felt like he cock slipped further inside. “Fuck Hwa…” You moaned softly, nails already slipping down his chest. Seonghwa always loved when you were on his lap, even more when you were riding him. He gripped your hips tightly as he met your hips with his own. 
“Lean on me baby.”
He let your hands rest on his chest as he held you up a bit once he noticed your movements slowing down. Following his words you placed your hands on his chest, the move making you lift off a bit but it was quickly changed once he bent his knees, feet on the bed and snapping his hips up into you. You choked on a gasp as the tip of his cock hit the sensitive spot inside. “There it is.” He murmured as he noticed the change in your face. “Don’t close your eyes, keep looking at me, I want to see your pretty eyes.” He purred softly.
You struggled to keep your eyes open as you let yourself be engulfed in the feeling of your boyfriends cock hitting the sensitive spot quickly. “Touch yourself.” You groaned. “Lean back on my knees baby.” He added quickly, sharp eyes watching your hands as one went to rub your clit quickly, the other pinching your nipple and you shook on his lap. 
“Can i cum? Please?” You whimpered, looking down at him again.”Almost there baby, lets cum together yeah?” He groaned as you clenched around him. “Fuck, im gon’ fill you up so well with my cum, make sure it takes.” He murmured, more to himself but you heard it and jerked, walls tightening around him and eyes rolling back, your orgasm hitting hard. It set off Seonghwa’s own orgasm, his hands pinning your hips against his as his cock twitched inside you, warm ropes of cum coating your walls.
“I'm going to make sure it takes.” He pressed his tongue against his cheek once you both came to. “We can stay like this for a bit, then ill clean you up.” You nodded tiredly, laying down on him, head under his chin. “Dont fall asleep.” He whispered after a second before he smiled softly, stroking your hair as you nuzzled against him.
If you did he would just carry you. Seonghwa let you both rest for a few minutes before he was sighing and sitting up, holding you tightly. “You awake baby?” You rubbed your eyes with one hand. “No.” He chuckled at the blatant lie. “C’mon, lets go get cleaned up.”
The night ended with you both curled up in bed wearing your matching pajamas with a cheesy hallmark movie on and hot cocoa, even if you had fallen asleep after finishing the drink, Seonghwa stayed up a bit longer to scan over your face as you slept. He thinks about the box he had hidden in the bathroom.
“I cant wait to marry you.”
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madam-wakefield · 7 months
Just a little fic for the first day of @berenaadvent and the prompt Matchmaker - what can I say I am a little soft for any mentions of Army Bernie
Read on A03
Bernie doesn’t talk about her time in the army often, there are hints here and there and she has shared a few special and troublesome memories with Serena over the past few years. Things that Bernie only feels comfortable to share with her. Bernie doesn’t avoid talking about the army because she’s ashamed of it, quite the opposite, Bernie is proud that she’d served her country, that she’s done tours of duty, saved the life of countless men and women on the frontline in an environment few could work in. The reason Bernie doesn’t talk about it often is because the army wasn’t just a job to Bernie, isn’t really just a job to anyone in the military it’s a literal way of life. A 24/7 all consuming way of life, where you live, work, eat and relax. You spend all your time both good and bad with the same people who your life, at times, literally depends upon. Most people don’t get that, even Serena at first had struggled to totally understand it, until one of them conversations, where she’d accidentally brushed over one of Bernie’s scars, something she tries to avoid because it’s something Bernie hates. Bernie had admitted to her how she got it, how she’d been the one to administer her own stitches, and Serena has questioned her quizzically, asking without words a question she wouldn’t voice incase Bernie didn’t want to answer. Bernie had answered her though, told her that they’d had a rough few days in the field, lost too many of their men and that she’d finally sent her team off to rest, to decompress a little when she’d realised she was injured, that as their major she had felt a responsibility for their well-being and in that moment she’d chosen to have their back, to let them sleep, knowing that any second she could be waking them all to once again battle against to odds to save another one of their colleagues. Bernie had gone on to explain it to her then, how these people her colleagues, though many of them her subordinates literally lived together daily and depended on each other in a way that can’t really be explained.
Serena accepts it, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t happy to accept the little snippets when they come. It’s Boxing Day and they are sat snuggled together on the sofa, Jason is upstairs reading a new Dr Who book, he got for Christmas and the two women are just enjoying having some time together, a rare shared day off over the festive period that seems one or both of them working every day but today. Serena has a box of matchmakers nestled in her lap, the gentle mint flavour floating gently into the air. Bernie is quiet in a way that Serena knows she’s thinking of something, reminiscing, whether about something good or bad Serena doesn’t yet know, may not know if Bernie doesn’t feel the moment is right.
Serena is close to dozing off so Bernie voice, soft and gentle just audible over the sound of the TV shocks her just momentarily. “I didn’t even know those things still existed,” Bernie says pointing down to the now almost empty box in Serena’s lap, it’s Boxing Day and she’s due to work a long shift tomorrow, who can blame her if she’s almost eaten the box in one sitting. There’s more to it Serena knows, lifts another matchmaker to her lips and chews on it gently while she lets Bernie find the words.
“The children…Cam and Charlotte I mean, always used to send me a box or two in my Christmas care package when I was deployed.” Another beat, as if Bernie is as always trying to work out if she’s said too much, still not totally comfortable with the communication thing, they’ve been together over five years and Serena knows it’s not that Bernie isn’t comfortable with her, just is still learning to relearn over fifty years of expressing her true self and emotions. She places her hand gently on Bernie’s knee squeezing it reassuringly; silently communicating “this is alright, I like to hear you talking about your past, about what helped shape who you are.” It’s a silent message to remind Bernie that Serena wants to know all about her, not just the Bernie she knows from the moment she came to Holby.
It does the trick and Bernie continues to speak. “I used to share them with the lads, well and ladies, but even in the RAMC they were few and far between. Some of them never got packages, not even at Christmas or on their birthday. So every year when I opened the care package and I unwrapped my boxes of matchmakers, we’d sit and pass the boxes between us, we’d all only ever get one, but by some unspoken gesture, they’d always make sure I got the last one.” Serena can her the pride in her voice, the way she knows that Bernie knows sharing a simple box of matchmakers was such a big gesture to all of those around her. Moves her hand from Bernie’s knee to her hand, connects their fingers and squeezes gently. 
“I’m sure they appreciated it, every one of them.” She catches Bernie’s eye at that, smiles at her, knows the conversation won’t go any further, but is once again thankful that Bernie has let her see just another little piece of her heart. 
An hour later just as they are about to go to bed, Serena picks up the box of matchmakers off her lap, wants to put the rubbish in the bin, likes to make sure the house is clutter free before she heads to bed for the night. She feels it as she does, the unmistakeable little vibrations, and in that second, she makes the decision turns to Bernie, opening the box to Bernie revealing a solitary stick of minty chocolate. Bernie just looks at her, tears she won’t let fall shining in her eyes, as she mouths thank you at Serena, picking the stick up delicately from the box and eating it slowly, severing the taste, not Serena knows because they are the best thing ever, but because of the memories it gives her. 
No Bernie doesn’t talk about her time in the army much, but Serena will be thankful for every single time she does. 
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missbitatuva · 2 years
Bio-Med Tech-Girls 2022: Reflection
Over 5 days this summer, the Bio-Med Tech-Girls participants went on 4 behind-the-scenes tours of UVA BME labs, got hands-on with 3 different robotics platforms in the UVA Link Lab, tried out 2 makerspace technologies (VR and 3D design) in the UVA Library Robertson Media Center and had so many other wonderful experiences!
The Bio-Med Tech-Girls program is a unique collaboration between Charlottesville Women in Tech, the department of Biomedical Engineering, the School of Education, and the School of Engineering at the University of Virginia. The program is all about providing inspiration, community building and hands-on computer science (CS) and biomedical engineering (BME) activities for young women in high school, so they can get a glimpse of the vast opportunities available in these fields. Of course, the participants always inspire me too with their thoughtful questions, sharing what they are passionate about and coming up with ideas to solve real-world problems through the design challenge we set each year. This year 13 young women from 6 different high schools around the region participated in the program. Here are some highlights.
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Day 1:
Dr. Homa Alemzadeh hosted us in the Link Lab along with her students Kay Hutchinson, Zongyu Li, Eli Bradburn and Joyce Park. The participants got hands-on with robotic surgery tools and programmed the Dobot Magician robotic arm.
Dr. Meara Habashi shared a lunchtime talk about diversity & inclusion.
Participants designed a robot assistant to solve a real-world problem through the Robot Zine activity and then began prototyping their solution with the Hummingbird Bit robotics kit.
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Day 2:
David Chen and Hannah Moore hosted participants in the department of Biomedical Engineering (BME) for days 2 and 3.
Programming Cells and Diabetes Simulator with Mukti Chowkwale and Bryana Harris from the Saucerman Lab.
Peirce-Cottler Lab tour with Paul DeCostanza
Civelek Lab tour with Qianyi Yang, Jordan Reed, Noah Perry, Yonathan Aberra
Guest speaker: Dr Susan Blank, founder of BEATDiabetes
Day 3: 
Introduced this year's design challenge: addressing problems that individuals living with diabetes face.
We introduced the design thinking process for solving problems and participants worked on empathy maps, drafting need statements, and brainstorming ideas.
Lunch speakers: Sarah Hernandez and Zehra Demir, graduate students in the Sheybani Lab
Blemker Lab tour with Allie McCrady, Emily McCain, and Mario Garcia
Griffin Lab tour with Juliana Trujillo, Clare Flanagan and Sloan Pyatt
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Day 4: 
Got hands-on with VR and 3D design in the Robertson Media Center with Fang Yi and Arin Bennet
Lots of prototyping solutions happened in the School of Education Design Lab
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Day 5: 
Wrapped up projects, created poster boards and shared their projects at the Demo Party. The participants did an amazing job of coming up with unique & useful solutions in just a few days!
DiaBag (Ari, Cami, Polina, Tenzin)
Problem: A way to make packing and keeping track of diabetes supplies easier.
Solution: They designed a series of specialized handbags and backpacks to carry and track levels of supplies. They used 3D design and incorporated the Hummingbird bit into their prototype.
Moo-Monitor (Amelia, Lyndsey, Zada)
Problem: A way to help someone wake up to their low/high alerts.
Solution: They designed a stuffed animal for young children with diabetes with vibration and sound alerts that increase in intensity over time. They incorporated the Hummingbird bit into their design.
Diabetes for Dummies (Charlotte, Gaby, Sienna)
Problem: A way to help caretakers (teacher, babysitters, etc) not familiar with diabetes.
Solution: They designed an intro to diabetes package with a brochure, game, and website. They incorporated 3D design and Scratch into their prototype.
Level Up Your Health (Grace, Lily, Sophie)
Problem: A way to help someone manage their diet.
Solution: They designed an app to help children learn how to manage their diabetes through gamification. They incorporated Scratch into their prototype.
We could not do this program without all the wonderful folks who volunteered their time and shared their passion for BME and CS with the participants! I want to give a special shout out to David Chen for his partnership and Hannah Moore for her support this year and every year since the first Bio-Med Tech-Girls in 2014!!!
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chrisryanspeaks · 7 days
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5x Grammy winner and one of the most notable hip hop, R&B, and fashion/style icons of all time, Ms. Lauryn Hill is continuing where she left off – once again reuniting with The Fugees, to co-headline an extension of The Miseducation Anniversary Tour in honor of the landmark album that was just named the best album of all time by Apple Music. The tour will feature music from The Miseducation of Ms. Lauryn Hill, The Score and more. Kicking off August 9th in Tampa, the 21-date tour will include US shows in Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles and more along with international dates in London, Manchester, Paris and Amsterdam. The Fugees will co-headline all dates and YG Marley will be joining as support. Ticketing information for the new dates and routing can be found below. U.S. TICKETS & PRESALES: Tickets will be available starting with a Citi presale (details below) beginning Tuesday, June 25. Additional presales will run throughout the week ahead of the general onsale beginning Friday, June 28 at 10:00 AM local time at LiveNation.com. - CITI PRESALE: Citi is the official card of U.S. dates of The Miseducation Anniversary Tour. Citi cardmembers will have access to presale tickets beginning Tuesday, June 25 at 10:00 AM local time through the Citi Entertainment program. For complete presale details visit www.citientertainment.com. EUROPEAN TICKETS & PRESALES: Tickets for shows in Europe/UK will be available starting with a Mastercard presale (details below) beginning Wednesday, June 26. Additional presales will run throughout the week ahead of the general onsale beginning Friday, June 28 at 10:00 AM local time at LiveNation.co.uk. - MASTERCARD PRESALE: Mastercard cardholders have special access to presale and tickets in France & the Netherlands starting on Wednesday, June 26 at 10:00 AM local time. Preferred ticket access is available to Mastercard cardholders in the UK starting on Friday, June 28 at 10:00 AM local time. Visit www.priceless.com/music to find out more. VIP PACKAGES: Fans can also purchase VIP Packages, which may include premium tickets, individual photo op with Ms. Lauryn Hill & Fugees, pre-show VIP Hospitality Lounge, autographed poster, specially designed gift item & more. VIP package contents vary based on offer selected. For more information, visit vipnation.com or vipnation.eu. $2 from each ticket sold will go to the MLH Fund to benefit a list of local and worldwide organizations benefiting initiatives concerning Mental Health, Women’s Wellness, Community Small Business Development, Education and more throughout the diaspora. The impact that The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill had on music, fashion, and American and world culture is immeasurable and continues to influence the world's biggest artists. Entered into the Library of Congress in 2015, Ms. Hill and her Diamond-certified album achieved numerous firsts including being the first ever Hip Hop album to receive an Album Of The Year Grammy Award, being the first woman to be nominated for 10 Grammy awards in one year and being the first woman to win 5 Grammys in one night. UPCOMING LIVE DATES Fri Aug 09 - Tampa, FL - MIDFLORIDA Credit Union Amphitheatre Sun Aug 11 - West Palm Beach, FL - iTHINK Financial Amphitheatre Fri Aug 16 - Atlanta, GA - Lakewood Amphitheatre Sun Aug 18 - Charlotte, NC - PNC Music Pavilion Wed Aug 21 - Philadelphia, PA - TD Pavilion at The Mann Fri Aug 23 - Bristow, VA - Jiffy Lube Live Sun Aug 25 - Mansfield, MA - Xfinity Center Wed Aug 28 - Cincinnati, OH - Riverbend Music Center Fri Aug 30 - Milwaukee, WI - American Family Insurance Amphitheater Sat Aug 31 - Tinley Park, IL - Credit Union 1 Amphitheatre Wed Sep 04 - Huntsville, AL – The Orion Amphitheater* Fri Sep 06 - Dallas, TX - Dos Equis Pavilion Sat Sep 07 - Houston, TX - The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion presented by Huntsman Fri Sep 13 - Mountain View, CA - Shoreline Amphitheatre Sun Sep 15 - Chula Vista, CA - North Island Credit Union Amphitheatre Tue Sep 17 - Los Angeles, CA - Hollywood Bowl Fri Sep 20 - Wantagh, NY - Northwell at Jones Beach Theater Sat Sep 21 - Holmdel, NJ - PNC Bank Arts Center Sat Oct 12 - Manchester, UK - Co-op Live Mon Oct 14 - London, UK - The O2 Fri Oct 18 - Paris, France - Accor Arena Tue Oct 22 - Amsterdam, Holland - Ziggo Dome *Not a Live Nation Date   Read the full article
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audiofuzz · 7 days
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5x Grammy winner and one of the most notable hip hop, R&B, and fashion/style icons of all time, Ms. Lauryn Hill is continuing where she left off – once again reuniting with The Fugees, to co-headline an extension of The Miseducation Anniversary Tour in honor of the landmark album that was just named the best album of all time by Apple Music. The tour will feature music from The Miseducation of Ms. Lauryn Hill, The Score and more. Kicking off August 9th in Tampa, the 21-date tour will include US shows in Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles and more along with international dates in London, Manchester, Paris and Amsterdam. The Fugees will co-headline all dates and YG Marley will be joining as support. Ticketing information for the new dates and routing can be found below. U.S. TICKETS & PRESALES: Tickets will be available starting with a Citi presale (details below) beginning Tuesday, June 25. Additional presales will run throughout the week ahead of the general onsale beginning Friday, June 28 at 10:00 AM local time at LiveNation.com. - CITI PRESALE: Citi is the official card of U.S. dates of The Miseducation Anniversary Tour. Citi cardmembers will have access to presale tickets beginning Tuesday, June 25 at 10:00 AM local time through the Citi Entertainment program. For complete presale details visit www.citientertainment.com. EUROPEAN TICKETS & PRESALES: Tickets for shows in Europe/UK will be available starting with a Mastercard presale (details below) beginning Wednesday, June 26. Additional presales will run throughout the week ahead of the general onsale beginning Friday, June 28 at 10:00 AM local time at LiveNation.co.uk. - MASTERCARD PRESALE: Mastercard cardholders have special access to presale and tickets in France & the Netherlands starting on Wednesday, June 26 at 10:00 AM local time. Preferred ticket access is available to Mastercard cardholders in the UK starting on Friday, June 28 at 10:00 AM local time. Visit www.priceless.com/music to find out more. VIP PACKAGES: Fans can also purchase VIP Packages, which may include premium tickets, individual photo op with Ms. Lauryn Hill & Fugees, pre-show VIP Hospitality Lounge, autographed poster, specially designed gift item & more. VIP package contents vary based on offer selected. For more information, visit vipnation.com or vipnation.eu. $2 from each ticket sold will go to the MLH Fund to benefit a list of local and worldwide organizations benefiting initiatives concerning Mental Health, Women’s Wellness, Community Small Business Development, Education and more throughout the diaspora. The impact that The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill had on music, fashion, and American and world culture is immeasurable and continues to influence the world's biggest artists. Entered into the Library of Congress in 2015, Ms. Hill and her Diamond-certified album achieved numerous firsts including being the first ever Hip Hop album to receive an Album Of The Year Grammy Award, being the first woman to be nominated for 10 Grammy awards in one year and being the first woman to win 5 Grammys in one night. UPCOMING LIVE DATES Fri Aug 09 - Tampa, FL - MIDFLORIDA Credit Union Amphitheatre Sun Aug 11 - West Palm Beach, FL - iTHINK Financial Amphitheatre Fri Aug 16 - Atlanta, GA - Lakewood Amphitheatre Sun Aug 18 - Charlotte, NC - PNC Music Pavilion Wed Aug 21 - Philadelphia, PA - TD Pavilion at The Mann Fri Aug 23 - Bristow, VA - Jiffy Lube Live Sun Aug 25 - Mansfield, MA - Xfinity Center Wed Aug 28 - Cincinnati, OH - Riverbend Music Center Fri Aug 30 - Milwaukee, WI - American Family Insurance Amphitheater Sat Aug 31 - Tinley Park, IL - Credit Union 1 Amphitheatre Wed Sep 04 - Huntsville, AL – The Orion Amphitheater* Fri Sep 06 - Dallas, TX - Dos Equis Pavilion Sat Sep 07 - Houston, TX - The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion presented by Huntsman Fri Sep 13 - Mountain View, CA - Shoreline Amphitheatre Sun Sep 15 - Chula Vista, CA - North Island Credit Union Amphitheatre Tue Sep 17 - Los Angeles, CA - Hollywood Bowl Fri Sep 20 - Wantagh, NY - Northwell at Jones Beach Theater Sat Sep 21 - Holmdel, NJ - PNC Bank Arts Center Sat Oct 12 - Manchester, UK - Co-op Live Mon Oct 14 - London, UK - The O2 Fri Oct 18 - Paris, France - Accor Arena Tue Oct 22 - Amsterdam, Holland - Ziggo Dome *Not a Live Nation Date   Read the full article
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seoprivatetourguide · 10 days
Golden triangle tour 3 days by Private tour guide India Company.
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With a 3-day Golden Triangle Tour with Private Tour Guide India Company, take off on an incredible journey across the rich history and cultural legacy of India. Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur are included in this famous itinerary that highlights the Rajputana grandeur, Mughal architecture, and the colorful tapestry of India's main towns.
Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur—three of the most well-known cities in India—combine to form the3-day Golden Triangle Tour . For those who want to learn more about India's rich history, each city is a must-visit because it has something special to offer in the way of historical sites, cultural events, and delicious food.
Day1: Touring Delhi
India's busy capital city of Delhi is the ideal place to start your trip. Discover the imposing Red Fort, the principal palace of the Mughal emperors and a UNESCO World Heritage site. Wander around the historic Chandni Chowk, a lively marketplace that provides a window into Delhi's colorful street culture.
See the magnificent architecture and expansive views of Old Delhi at Jama Masjid, the largest mosque in India. Visit Raj Ghat, a memorial place honoring Mahatma Gandhi amid peaceful gardens that symbolize his enduring legacy of nonviolence and peace.
Day 2: Trip to Agra
See the famous Taj Mahal, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, as you visit Agra. When the Taj Mahal's white marble sparkles ethereally against the early morning sky, you may witness its breathtaking splendor. The Taj Mahal is a timeless emblem of love and a masterwork of Mughal architecture, built by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal.
Discover Agra Fort, a UNESCO World Heritage site that was the Mughal monarchs' primary residence up until 1638. Admire its towering red sandstone walls and visit its magnificent gardens, palaces, and mosques, which provide insights into the Mughal opulence and military strength. Savor tasty dishes that showcase the region's culinary heritage while indulging in real local food at a traditional Agra restaurant.
Day 3: A Taste of Jaipur
Proceed onward towards Jaipur, the energetic capital of Rajasthan, dubbed the Pink City for its structures painted in terracotta hues. Discover the magnificent stronghold on a hilltop, Amber Fort, which is well-known for its fusion of Mughal and Hindu architecture. Take a jeep or elephant ride up to the fort, then visit its elaborate gardens, courtyards, and palaces, which include the Sheesh Mahal (Hall of Mirrors), which is covered with elaborate mirror work.
Admire the Palace of Winds, also known as Hawa Mahal, with its recognizable front that has over 900 expertly carved windows that were intended for royal women to watch street celebrations from behind closed doors. Discover the architectural fusion of Mughal, Rajput, and European styles at City Palace, a royal home. Discover the large-scale astronomical equipment at Jantar Mantar, an observatory constructed by Maharaja Jai Singh II.
In conclusion
In conclusion, India's cultural and historical treasures can be explored on the Golden Triangle Tour 3 Days by Private Tour Guide India Company. Your private tour guide's knowledge and attentive attention enhance every moment, from the busy streets of Delhi to the classic sites of Agra and the royal legacy of Jaipur.
First Question: Is it possible to add more sights to the Golden Triangle tour?
It is possible to personalize bespoke excursions to incorporate particular activities or attractions based on your interests. 2. When is the ideal time to see the Taj Mahal at dawn?
The early morning hours are the finest times to see the Taj Mahal, which is a magnificent sight at sunrise. 3. Is lunch included in the trip package for the Golden Triangle?
Breakfast and lunch, which are served at eateries that are recommended, are usually included in the trips. 4. What is the duration of travel from Delhi to Jaipur, Agra, and back?
The average amount of time needed to travel between each city by car or train is three to five hours. 5. Is transportation included in the price for the whole tour?
Yes, for the whole duration of the Golden Triangle tour, comfortable transportation is offered by coach or automobile.
A dairy product with a specific position in culinary traditions worldwide is buttermilk. Despite its name, buttermilk is a sour, slightly acidic liquid that is left over after churning butter from cream rather than being directly made from butter. Here is a thorough rundown of buttermilk's applications, advantages, and cultural significance:
Buttermilk: What is it? Traditionally, lactic acid bacteria are used to ferment milk to create buttermilk. Buttermilk gets its distinct sour flavor and thicker consistency from this procedure, which sets it apart from ordinary milk. There are basically two varieties of buttermilk:
Conventional Buttermilk: This is the liquid that remains after cream is churned to make butter. It tastes tart and has a low fat content by nature.
Cultured Buttermilk: Made by blending lactic acid bacteria with pasteurized milk, cultured buttermilk makes up the majority of commercial buttermilk sold today. The fermentation that occurs naturally and gives buttermilk its flavor and texture is replicated in this method.
Applications in the Kitchen Buttermilk is a flexible ingredient that can be used to many different types of cooking:
Baking: An essential component of numerous baked products, including cakes, biscuits, muffins, and pancakes. Baking soda and buttermilk's acidity combine to produce carbon dioxide bubbles, which make baked foods lighter and fluffier.
Brines and marinades: The acidity of buttermilk tenderizes meats, such as pork and poultry, when it is used in marinades. It also aids in moisture retention and taste addition.
Salad Dressings and Dips: It can be used as a foundation to lend a creamy texture and tangy taste to creamy salad dressings and dips.
Drink: Buttermilk is drunk as a beverage in some cultures either alone or blended with herbs and spices to enhance the flavor.
Benefits to Nutrition There are various nutritional advantages of buttermilk:
It's a good source of protein, which is necessary for the development and repair of muscles.
Calcium: Found in buttermilk, calcium is essential for healthy bones and nerve function.
Probiotics: The good bacteria included in cultured buttermilk aid with digestion and gut health.
Low in Fat: Compared to whole milk, traditional buttermilk is a lighter option because of its low fat content.
Cultural Importance World food: Buttermilk is utilized in many different types of food, from Turkish ayran to Indian lassi and biscuits from the South of the United States.
Traditional Medicine: Buttermilk is frequently used in home remedies since it is thought in some cultures to help with digestion and chill the body.
In summary Buttermilk, with its zesty taste and adaptability, is still a common ingredient in kitchens all around the world. Buttered or cooked, or simply consumed on its own, buttermilk is still treasured for its distinct flavor and healthful qualities.
In conclusion, buttermilk is a beloved ingredient in kitchens all over the world because of its unique combination of culinary variety, nutritional advantages, and cultural importance.
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group-tours-india · 21 days
Top 10 Best Women Only Tour Operators in Delhi India - Want to Book a Women Special Tour Package from Delhi? Get reliable services, great holiday experiences with Best Women only Tour Operators in Delhi India. Plan your Holiday in India with Ease. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/top-10-best-women-only-tour-operators-delhi-india-mehta-sameer-hlhmf/
#womenonlytours #womenonlytours #womengrouptours #womengrouptours #indiatravel #indiatour #indiatravelguide #indiatourguide #indiatravelservices #holidaysinindia #indiatrip
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sologirlstripideas · 27 days
Know Why Women Solo Travel Groups are the Trend to Watch in 2024
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In recent years, solo female travel has become a powerful movement, empowering women to explore the world independently. As more women break free from traditional travel norms, they seek unique experiences, personal growth, and connections with like-minded individuals. One of the most exciting trends in this space is the rise of women-only travel groups. Let’s delve into why these groups are gaining popularity and why they are the trend to watch in 2024.
The Rise of Solo Female Travel Before we dive into the specifics of women-only travel groups, let’s acknowledge the broader trend of solo female travel. Here are some key insights: 1. Growing Interest: The desire for freedom, flexibility, and a break from routine responsibilities has led to a steady increase in interest among women in solo travel. 2. Search Trends: The term “solo trip for girls” has seen a significant surge in online searches, indicating that women actively seek information and inspiration for their solo adventures. 3. Decision Makers: Women not only book travel for themselves but also influence bookings for their families, friends, and colleagues. They play a pivotal role in shaping the travel industry. Why Women-Only Travel Groups Matter Now, let’s explore why women only tour s groups are making waves: 1. Safety and Comfort: Safety is a top concern for solo travelers, especially women. Women-only travel groups provide a sense of security, allowing participants to explore new destinations without worrying about their well-being. These groups often have experienced guides who understand the unique challenges faced by female travelers. 2. Empowerment and Connection: Women travel groups foster a strong sense of community. Participants connect with like-minded women, share stories, and build lasting friendships. It’s a space where women empower each other, celebrate their independence, and encourage personal growth. 3. Tailored Experiences: Only ladies tour packages are designed with female travelers in mind. They focus on activities that resonate with women, such as wellness retreats, cultural immersions, and adventure trips. Whether it’s a yoga retreat in Bali or a trek in the Himalayas, these experiences cater to women’s interests. 4. Breaking Stereotypes: By promoting women travel groups, we challenge stereotypes and redefine what it means to be a female traveler. These groups encourage women to step out of their comfort zones, try new things, and embrace their inner wanderlust. Notable Women-Only Travel Groups Certainly! Let’s dive into more details about these remarkable women-only travel groups: Jugni Travel : Based in India, Jugni specializes in exclusively female travel groups. Their mission is to create unforgettable experiences for women travelers. Whether it’s embarking on a thrilling wildlife safari in Kenya or witnessing the mesmerizing northern lights in Finland, Jugni ensures that women explore the world with safety and camaraderie.
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yashvitours · 2 months
Discover the Magic of Northeast India with Yashvi Tours & Travels
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Are you tired of the same old vacation spots? Looking for an incredible adventure that will create memories to last a lifetime? Then let Yashvi Tours & Travels take you to the amazing Northeast region of India. We got the best North East tour packages from Gandhinagar for you. Hidden away in the mighty Himalayas, this area is full of stunning natural beauty and rich cultures just waiting to be uncovered and explored.
1. Nature's Wonderland
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Wake up to the sweet sound of birds singing and take in the fresh, crisp mountain air that will invigorate your senses. Northeast India's lush green forests, serene mirror-like lakes, and majestic waterfalls will leave you awestruck by nature's magnificence. 
Go hiking through Nagaland's dense rainforests teeming with exotic wildlife you've only seen in books. Cruise the unique floating islands on the tranquil Loktak Lake in Manipur - an experience straight out of a storybook. In Meghalaya, be amazed by the powerful waterfalls cascading down around Shillong city, making you feel tiny amidst nature's giants. For the adventurers, challenging treks in Arunachal Pradesh await, even leading you to the mighty base of Mount Everest itself!
2. A Tapestry of Vibrant Cultures
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The people and traditions of Northeast India are truly special and unique. Experience the lively and colorful Hornbill Festival in Nagaland, a carnival of joy celebrating the region's tribal heritage through folk dances, traditional crafts and mouth watering local cuisine. 
Learn about the fascinating matrilineal society of Meghalaya where women take the lead. Be mesmerized as you witness the graceful and elegant classical dance forms like Manipuri and Lai Haraoba in Manipur state. In Assam, step back in time as you explore ancient temples like the revered Kamakhya, and tantalize your taste buds with the state's delectable cuisine influenced by Ahom and Tai cultures.
3. Off-the-Beaten-Path Gems
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Yashvi Tours & Travels will lead you away from the touristy crowds to extraordinary places that most travelers miss out on. Marvel at the sustainability and cleanliness of Asia's cleanest village, Mawlynnong in Meghalaya, as you interact with its warm residents. Soak in the calmness surrounding the old Buddhist monasteries tucked away in the mountains of Arunachal Pradesh. 
Pay your respects at the somber yet significant Kohima War Cemetery in Nagaland, honoring the brave souls who fought during World War II. For wildlife lovers, a thrilling jeep safari in the legendary Kaziranga National Park, Assam awaits - can you spot the mighty one-horned rhino?
4. Living Heritage and Handicrafts
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Northeast India is also renowned for its diverse handicrafts and handloom traditions that have been passed down through generations. In Nagaland, witness expert artisans weave vibrant shawls, jackets and accessories using the iconic bamboo and cane motifs. Assam's exquisite silk weaves like the gorgeous Mekhela Chadors are a sight to behold. Don't miss the opportunity to see the making of bamboo utility products, wood carvings and ornaments showcasing Arunachal Pradesh's indigenous craftsmanship.
5. Craft Your Dream Northeast Escape
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With so much to see and experience, planning a Northeast India trip can seem overwhelming. But not to worry - Yashvi's passionate and knowledgeable travel experts ensure a hassle-free experience. 
They'll work closely with you to understand your needs, interests and budget, and thoughtfully design a fully customized itinerary that lets you soak in the region's best offerings at your own pace. Whether you crave adrenaline-pumping outdoor adventures, peaceful nature retreats, in-depth cultural immersion or a blend of it all, they'll make your dream Northeast vacation a reality.
Uncover Northeast India's Marvels
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Don't settle for an ordinary, run-of-the-mill vacation. Let the trusted team at Yashvi Tours & Travels curate an unforgettable journey through Northeast India's incredible landscapes, fascinating cultures, warm hospitality and make priceless memories you'll cherish forever. Ditch the crowds and escape the mundane - contact Yashvi Tours & Travels today to start planning your magical Northeast adventure!
So, what are you waiting for? Checkout the best travel agency in gandhinagar that offers a custom tour package gandhinagar for domestic package booking in gandhinagar.
Discover the Magic of Northeast India with Yashvi Tours & Travels
Are you tired of the same old vacation spots? Looking for an incredible adventure that will create memories to last a lifetime? Then let Yashvi Tours & Travels take you to the amazing Northeast region of India. We got the best North East tour packages from Gandhinagar for you. Hidden away in the mighty Himalayas, this area is full of stunning natural beauty and rich cultures just waiting to be uncovered and explored.
1. Nature's Wonderland
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Wake up to the sweet sound of birds singing and take in the fresh, crisp mountain air that will invigorate your senses. Northeast India's lush green forests, serene mirror-like lakes, and majestic waterfalls will leave you awestruck by nature's magnificence. 
Go hiking through Nagaland's dense rainforests teeming with exotic wildlife you've only seen in books. Cruise the unique floating islands on the tranquil Loktak Lake in Manipur - an experience straight out of a storybook. In Meghalaya, be amazed by the powerful waterfalls cascading down around Shillong city, making you feel tiny amidst nature's giants. For the adventurers, challenging treks in Arunachal Pradesh await, even leading you to the mighty base of Mount Everest itself!
2. A Tapestry of Vibrant Cultures
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The people and traditions of Northeast India are truly special and unique. Experience the lively and colorful Hornbill Festival in Nagaland, a carnival of joy celebrating the region's tribal heritage through folk dances, traditional crafts and mouth watering local cuisine. 
Learn about the fascinating matrilineal society of Meghalaya where women take the lead. Be mesmerized as you witness the graceful and elegant classical dance forms like Manipuri and Lai Haraoba in Manipur state. In Assam, step back in time as you explore ancient temples like the revered Kamakhya, and tantalize your taste buds with the state's delectable cuisine influenced by Ahom and Tai cultures.
3. Off-the-Beaten-Path Gems
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Yashvi Tours & Travels will lead you away from the touristy crowds to extraordinary places that most travelers miss out on. Marvel at the sustainability and cleanliness of Asia's cleanest village, Mawlynnong in Meghalaya, as you interact with its warm residents. Soak in the calmness surrounding the old Buddhist monasteries tucked away in the mountains of Arunachal Pradesh. 
Pay your respects at the somber yet significant Kohima War Cemetery in Nagaland, honoring the brave souls who fought during World War II. For wildlife lovers, a thrilling jeep safari in the legendary Kaziranga National Park, Assam awaits - can you spot the mighty one-horned rhino?
4. Living Heritage and Handicrafts
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Northeast India is also renowned for its diverse handicrafts and handloom traditions that have been passed down through generations. In Nagaland, witness expert artisans weave vibrant shawls, jackets and accessories using the iconic bamboo and cane motifs. Assam's exquisite silk weaves like the gorgeous Mekhela Chadors are a sight to behold. Don't miss the opportunity to see the making of bamboo utility products, wood carvings and ornaments showcasing Arunachal Pradesh's indigenous craftsmanship.
5. Craft Your Dream Northeast Escape
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With so much to see and experience, planning a Northeast India trip can seem overwhelming. But not to worry - Yashvi's passionate and knowledgeable travel experts ensure a hassle-free experience. 
They'll work closely with you to understand your needs, interests and budget, and thoughtfully design a fully customized itinerary that lets you soak in the region's best offerings at your own pace. Whether you crave adrenaline-pumping outdoor adventures, peaceful nature retreats, in-depth cultural immersion or a blend of it all, they'll make your dream Northeast vacation a reality.
Uncover Northeast India's Marvels
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Don't settle for an ordinary, run-of-the-mill vacation. Let the trusted team at Yashvi Tours & Travels curate an unforgettable journey through Northeast India's incredible landscapes, fascinating cultures, warm hospitality and make priceless memories you'll cherish forever. Ditch the crowds and escape the mundane - contact Yashvi Tours & Travels today to start planning your magical Northeast adventure!
So, what are you waiting for? Checkout the best travel agency in gandhinagar that offers a custom tour package gandhinagar for domestic package booking in gandhinagar.
Article Source : https://www.yashvitours.com/discover-the-magic-of-northeast-india-with-yashvi-tours-travels/
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abhijeetomninos1122 · 3 months
Experience the Thrill of a Lifetime with Our Leh Ladakh Tour Package
Pluto Tours offers the best Leh Ladakh tour package. Book customized Ladakh packages at amazing pricing and discounts. If you're looking for a low-cost Ladakh travel package or a thrilling Leh Ladakh tour, we have plenty of possibilities. Our best-selling Leh Ladakh tour packages will take you to all of the main attractions while also providing you enough free time to explore the local culture. 
Pluto Tours' Ladakh Tour Packages make a visit to Leh Ladakh even more enjoyable. Leh-Ladakh is one of India's most popular tourist attractions, and it is on everyone's bucket list. And, to help you realize your dream vacation, we provide a variety of Ladakh vacation packages for various types of travelers. Why should you book with us? Do exceptional savings or special deals appeal to you? Perhaps the ability to tailor your Ladakh trip. 
Ladakh is known for its breathtaking scenery, snow-capped mountains, clean ice lakes, and winding roads. Furthermore, one of our Leh Ladakh trips might enhance the overall experience in Leh. Pluto Tours has a wonderful choice of Leh Ladakh travel packages ranging from the cheapest to the most luxurious, activity-centric to leisure.
Choose the Ladakh packages that best fit you and your needs, and Pluto Tours will offer you fantastic deals all year. Pluto Tours' Leh Packages range from a women-only tour to a group tour, with options to suit any adventurer's preferences.
Places to Visit on a Ladakh Tour:
1. Pangong Tso: The gorgeous Pangong Tso is one of the top sites to see on a Leh Ladakh vacation. This high-altitude saltwater lake spans India and Tibet, luring visitors with its abundant fauna and calm beauty. The lake is also known for its tranquil waters, which change color throughout the day.
The sight of mountains reflected in the pristine waters of the lake will astound you, while the quiet nights under a blanket of stars offer peace. The dawn and sunset, which frame the lake with beautiful colors, are breathtaking. 
2. Shanti Stupa: When planning your Ladakh itinerary, be sure to include a visit to the Shanti Stupa. Perched atop a hill in Chanspa, Leh district, the Shanti Stupa provides an extraordinary spiritual journey throughout your Ladakh trip. This gleaming white-domed stupa serves as a symbol of peace and was created in 1991 by Japanese Buddhist Bhikshu Gyomyo Nakamura to promote global peace and prosperity.
The 14th Dalai Lama deposited the Buddha's relics at the base of the stupa. From the Stupa, you can see panoramic views of Leh and the snow-covered Himalayas.
3. Spituk Gompa: Another popular destination that you should include in your Leh Ladakh trip packages is the Spituk Gompa. Overlooking the Indus River in Leh, the site is a calm gem in your Ladakh adventure. It is a historic monastery constructed in the 11th century by the Yellow Hat sect of Buddhism. The Gompa houses a multitude of sacred artifacts, including a towering statue of Kali that is only revealed during the yearly Spituk festival.
You can also visit other exciting festivals, such as the Gustor Festival, for a complete experience. As you wander through the maze of prayer rooms and courtyards, you'll come upon a rare collection of antique weaponry, masks, and thangkas.
4. Kargil: When buying Leh Ladakh trips, make sure to include a visit to Kargil, the region's second-largest town. Nestled along the banks of the Indus River and surrounded by the Himalayan Zaskar Ranges, the town also shares a border with the Line of Control that separates India and Pakistan's Kashmir regions. Kargil is often regarded as the gateway to Ladakh, but it is also historically notable as a battleground during the 1999 Indo-Pak conflict.
It is now a symbol of bravery and resilience, according to the Kargil War Memorial. When you visit Kargil, you will be charmed by the gorgeous scenery, clean river, and towering mountains. 
5. Hemis National Park: The Hemis National Park, a wildlife paradise, is one of the top must-see destinations included in Ladakh tours. It is South Asia's largest national park and India's second-largest continuous protected area. The park embraces the southern region of the powerful Indus River and is home to the elusive Snow Leopard.
It is home to 16 species of mammals and 73 species of birds, including endangered species like the Asiatic ibex, Tibetan wolf, Eurasian brown bear, and red fox. The park also allows you to participate in adventure activities such as trekking, camping, and animal safaris. 
6. Thiksey Monastery: For a great holiday experience, your Ladakh tour packages should include a visit to the Thiksey Monastery, Central Ladakh's largest monastery. This monastery, located in the Indus Valley, is linked with the Gelug sect of Tibetan Buddhism and is placed on a hilltop at an elevation of 3,596 meters.
The monastery is well known for housing the tallest statue of the Maitreya Buddha in Ladakh, which is 15 meters tall. It dates back to the 15th century and is home to a variety of stupas, statues, and relics, as well as a temple devoted to Goddess Tara on its 12-story structure. 
7. Nubra Valley: When planning your Ladakh tour packages, be sure to include time in the Nubra Valley. The valley, also known as the Orchard of Ladakh, lies just over 3,000 meters above sea level. It is surrounded by snow-capped mountains and glaciers and is well-known for its breathtaking natural scenery.
It is also known as the "Valley of Flowers," due to its fertile soil, abundant foliage, and the Nubra and Shyok rivers that run through it. In addition to the Khardung La Pass, the valley has numerous tourist attractions such as the Hunder Sand Dunes, Diskit and Samstangling Gompas, the Panamik hot spring, and more.
Things to Do on a Ladakh Trip:
1. Go on the Chadar Trek: For the ultimate thrill on your Leh Ladakh tour, embark on the Chadar Trek, which takes you across the frozen Zanskar River. You may appreciate the environment here, which transforms into a stunningly magnificent white canvas in the winter when temperatures drop below -30 degrees.
The azure sky reflecting off the shiny surface produces a magnificent effect as you tread carefully on the ice throughout the course of this 9-day expedition. It's a test of endurance, but the breathtaking scenery makes it worthwhile. The 105-kilometer one-way walk concludes in Nerak's beautiful frozen waterfall, an unforgettable sight. 
2. Indulge in a Motorbiking Adventure: While exploring the region with your Ladakh tour packages, take a motorbiking adventure for an adrenaline-fueled experience unlike any other. You can marvel at the stunning panoramas of harsh landscapes and sky-touching mountains, which provide a unique perspective on the region's amazing natural splendor.
Begin your vacation in Manali, passing Rohtang Pass and continuing to the lowlands of Leh, across the spectacular flow of the Indus River. You can also ascend to Khardung La Pass, the world's highest motorable road and one of the region's highlights. On the journey, you may see gorgeous places like Pangong Lake and Tso Moriri Lake, both of which are testament to Ladakh's peacefulness. The ever-changing weather and hard terrain provide excitement to the excursion, leaving you with lasting experiences.
3. Enjoy Rafting in the Indus River: Rafting in the Indus River is another popular adventure activity that you may include in your Leh Ladakh package. The river flows through the dramatic landscapes of the Ladakh and Zanskar ranges, beginning in Tibet at Mt. Kailash and Mansarovar Lake. As you travel through Grades I to III rapids, you will be able to see the breathtaking grandeur of gorges surrounded by steep mountains and high cliffs. The exhilaration of conquering the fluctuating waters, mixed with the scenic vistas along the riverbanks, makes this experience unique. 
4. Go on a Camel Safari in Ladakh: Taking a camel safari is one of the most unique activities available as part of your Ladakh vacation packages. On the safari, you will be able to discover the arid but stunning landscapes of the Nubra Valley from Hundar to Diskit while riding on the back of a gentle Bactrian camel with two humps.
Sitting atop the camel, you may enjoy the peaceful surroundings or simply marvel at the sight of these amazing beasts moving over the sand dunes. You will be able to explore enormous deserts, go over undulating sand dunes, and see the rocky landscape's ever-changing colors. 
5. Witness the Marvel of Magnetic Hill: When you book a Ladakh vacation, make a visit to Magnetic Hill to see the wonders of this region. Located on the Leh-Kargil-Baltic National Highway, this unique location attracts curious visitors from all over the world since it is here that parked vehicles defy gravity and drive uphill on their own. This incredible occurrence, which is believed to be an optical illusion, makes this location a must-see.
This gravity-defying wonder, set against the backdrop of rough landscape and barren mountains, will undoubtedly lend a mystery attraction to your Ladakh tour. So, set your vehicle free, watch it ascend, and feel your disbelief grow.
Tips to Consider Before Traveling to Ladakh:
Here are some tips to know before going to Ladakh:
1. Remember to secure the Inner Line Permit: This permit is essential for you, especially if you intend to visit politically sensitive areas like Nubra Valley, Pangong Tso, Changthang, and Dha-Hanu. You can easily obtain this permit from the local Ladakh authorities. 
2. Pack the correct clothes: Due to Ladakh's unpredictable temperature, it is recommended to pack enough heavy woolen clothing, even in the summer. You should also include basics like body moisturizers, sunscreen creams, and sunglasses.
3. Prioritize acclimatization: To avoid altitude sickness, allow yourself a day or two to adjust to the thin air before engaging in strenuous activities such as trekking.
4. Always carry cash: Due to the lack of ATMs and credit card facilities, make sure you bring enough cash for your vacation. 
5. Stay hydrated: High elevations can induce dehydration, so always keep enough drinking water on hand.  
6. Be knowledgeable about local facilities: It is recommended that you learn about the location and local norms ahead of arrival so that you do not offend the locals. Leh, the capital city, provides modern conveniences such as long-distance phone booths. Banking facilities are confined to Leh and Kargil. Carry enough Indian money, as credit cards are not often accepted.
7. Plan for free connectivity: Make sure you use your internet pack wisely, as Leh is the only place in Ladakh with dependable internet access. It is also recommended to use BSNL postpaid connections, which normally operate but may have limited coverage. Prepare for offline options in case of an emergency.
8. Don't forget your prescriptions: While hospitals are present in Leh and Kargil, they only carry basic medical supplies and drugs, like first-aid kits and prescribed pharmaceuticals.
9. Prepare for the cold climate: When booking Ladakh vacation packages, make sure you adapt to the severe climate in this freezing desert region, as well as bring adequate warm garments and other requirements. 
10. Pack your trip essentials: Bring emergency lights, a portable stove, a first-aid kit, and bathroom supplies.
Last Words:
A vacation to an exotic location, such as Ladakh, and exploring sights you've never seen before can be rejuvenating. Spend time with your loved ones and explore Ladakh's natural beauty. It doesn't have to be family members; it might be friends or anyone who shares your interests. Your trip will be more enjoyable if you travel with a reputable travel agent with extensive experience in the area. We are a team of experts, and everyone on our team is either from Ladakh or has spent a long period here. Our job is to make sure that tourists enjoy every minute of their visit to the area. Our knowledgeable tour guides will take you to all the most beautiful spots in Ladakh. Contact us for further information. You may be sure it will be worthwhile to take and soak it all up. Enjoy your journey and share your experiences. Enjoy amazing facts while your camera rolls, capturing the pristine natural beauty of Ladakh. Explore Ladakh's culture and history, and fall in love with its amazing flora and fauna. Pluto Tours strives to showcase all aspects of Ladakh's splendor. Contact us today to plan an Leh Ladakh Tour package.
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kristenbrady · 3 months
7 Dating Tips for Those Over 50
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If you are over 50 and giving some thought to finding that someone special, the idea of dating might be daunting. But, it is never too late in life to find love.
There are an endless number of women and men who’ve discovered happiness with someone new in middle age or later. Who knows? You might become one of them!
During any point in life, it is great to have somebody you can cozy up with on a cold winter night, to share dinner with, or have by our side while on vacation. Thankfully, there’s an abundance of single males and females over 50 hoping to find a good companion. Among these singles is the right person for you — therefore, read further for my over 50s dating tips!
1. Check out an over 50 dating website
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Online dating is a great way to meet new folks. An increasing number of couples are forming lasting bonds after meeting online. It isn’t just millennials — a 2021 survey discovered that around 1/3 of senior citizens who’d dated during the past five years had actually used a dating app. There’s a plethora of free dating websites.
2. Pick up a hobby
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Later on in life is the ideal time to pick up a new hobby. Learning something new may increase your mental wellbeing and is related to a decreased risk of dementia.
If you are considering dating over the age of 50, trying a new activity is a thrilling way to connect with others in a relaxed manner. Common hobbies adopted by mature individuals include choirs, book groups, and cooking classes. Some folks opt to play a new musical instrument or learn a different language.
The kind of hobby you choose is completely up to you; however, it is a great idea to figure out something that is age appropriate with a social component that’ll place you in contact with a lot of other people.
3. Freshen up your wardrobe
Do Not Let Age Hold You Back From Dressing Stylishly
Look good, feel good, that’s what I always say!
Returning to the field of dating over 50 is the ideal excuse to clear your wardrobe out and stock up on a few well-fitting, stylish outfits that’ll make you feel amazing and make a good first impression.
Why not consider donating clothing you have not used in years to a thrift shop? It’ll free up room in your closet for some quality outfits like a cashmere jumper, some nice jeans, or a smart coat.
4. Open up to friends and family
Having a close support system of family and friends is important if you are thinking about pursuing a romantic, healthy relationship.
If you are finding it challenging to tell your kids that you are dating over 50, remember that being truthful right from the start will always be the best policy.
5. Start to exercise
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One other tip for dating over 50 is consistent exercise, which may benefit your mental wellbeing and physical health. There are an abundance of activities and classes appropriate for those over 50, including walking, swimming, and yoga.
Exercise is notorious for lifting your mood, giving you energy and boosting your self-esteem, not to mention improving sexual performance. Furthermore, activity clubs and exercise classes are a good way to meet like-minded individuals.
6. Go on vacation by yourself
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Those over 50 usually have more financial stability than younger generations, and for that reason, typically spend more when traveling. Use that to your advantage. Traveling by yourself might lead to thrilling chance encounters, as you explore parts of the world you have always visualized visiting.
In the latter stage of life, you have all of the experience needed to put together the type of trip that is suitable for you. You will have the ability to explore at your own pace, plan your own itinerary, and connect with others you may never have met if you’d been traveling with other people.
A lot of tour operators offer vacation packages especially for solo travelers, which allows you to join a group who’ve all booked their trip by themselves. Some businesses even establish a minimum age of 50; therefore, you know you’ll be traveling with others of a similar age, and who knows where that might lead?
7. Start to say “yes” more often
All of the tips I have offered thus far might be summed up into one phrase: become more adventurous!
If you have the desire to encounter a new relationship, you will need to come out of your comfort zone. And the best way to do so includes getting into the habit of repeating the word “yes” to opportunities that come along.
“Friends of Medium” are encouraged to share this story through their friend link
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🍉Sign up here to catch every story when Kristen publishes. Kristen is a “Friend of Medium.” If you have an article you’d like her to check out, drop the link to it in the comments section! She may decide to feature it in her newsletter!
Originally posted on Medium
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activeadventureindia · 4 months
Ladakh Women Group: An Overview
In Ladakh's evolving landscape, transport operators are revolutionizing travel experiences, offering a host of benefits for adventurers and explorers alike. These initiatives not only provide reliable transportation services but also contribute to the region's socio-economic development. Let's delve into the specific advantages these transport operators offer to travelers for better knowledge.
Benefits of Transport Operators for Travelers
You must know more about the Ladakh women group for better understanding. Transport operators ensure convenient and accessible transportation options for travelers, facilitating seamless journeys across Ladakh's diverse terrain. With a focus on safety and comfort, these operators prioritize the well-being of passengers, providing reliable vehicles and experienced drivers for worry-free travel experiences.
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Ladakh Women Group
The Ladakh transport operator can offer many benefits that you must enjoy. The transport operators often have deep roots in the local community, allowing travelers to immerse themselves in Ladakh's culture and traditions during their journeys. From recommending authentic local eateries to organizing visits to lesser-known cultural sites, these operators offer unique opportunities for travelers to engage with the region's rich heritage.
In contrast to standardized tour packages, Ladakh transport operator frequently offer adaptable and personalized travel choices that cater to the preferences and interests of individual travelers. Whether it's adjusting the itinerary to explore off-the-beaten-path destinations or accommodating special requests for unique experiences, travelers can enjoy personalized journeys that cater to their specific needs and desires.
Transport operators often double as guides, offering invaluable local insights and experiences to enhance travelers' understanding and appreciation of Ladakh's culture, history, and natural beauty. Supporting transport operators contributes to empowerment and economic independence in Ladakh, creating opportunities for entrepreneurship and leadership within the tourism industry.
The transport operators play a crucial role in enhancing travel experiences in Ladakh. From providing convenient and accessible transportation options to prioritizing safety, comfort, and local experiences, these initiatives offer a range of benefits for travelers. By supporting transport operators, travelers not only enjoy memorable journeys but also contribute to the empowerment and socio-economic development of Ladakh's communities.
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ramojifilmcity · 4 months
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hotilhotil · 4 months
Israel, a Middle Eastern country
Israel, a Middle Eastern country with a rich cultural heritage and a thriving economy, is known for its beautiful landscapes, delicious food, and friendly people. It is also well-known for another aspect of its culture – escort girls. <a href="https://www.sexanak.com/%d7%a0%d7%a2%d7%a8%d7%95%d7%aa-%d7%9c%d7%99%d7%95%d7%95%d7%99/">נערות ליווי</a> Escort girls in Israel are highly sought after for their beauty, intelligence, and charm. They provide not only companionship but also a unique experience for those seeking their services. From locals to tourists, these girls cater to a wide range of clients, making Israel a hub for the escort industry in the region. But what exactly makes escort girls in Israel so desirable? Let’s delve into the reasons why these women are in high demand. First and foremost, Israeli escort girls are known for their striking beauty. Most escorts in the country have a combination of Middle Eastern, European, and Mediterranean features, making them stand out in a crowd. Their exotic looks, combined with their well-maintained physiques, make them irresistible to many clients. But beauty is not the only quality that sets Israeli escort girls apart. These women are also highly educated and well-spoken, making them perfect companions for any occasion. Whether it is for a business event, a social gathering, or a romantic evening, these escorts can hold intelligent conversations and provide stimulating company. Moreover, escort girls in Israel possess a warm and charming personality that makes their clients feel at ease and comfortable. They are trained to provide top-notch customer service and cater to the needs and desires of their clients. Whether it is for a short-term encounter or a longer-term arrangement, these women know how to make their clients feel special and satisfied. Another factor that contributes to the popularity of escort girls in Israel is the country’s liberal attitude towards sex work. Unlike many other countries, prostitution is legal and regulated in Israel, making the escort business a legitimate industry. This has led to the development of a highly professional and organized escort industry, ensuring that clients receive a safe and enjoyable experience. But it’s not just the physical and social aspects that make escort girls in Israel stand out. Many of these women are also well-versed in the country’s history, culture, and current affairs, making them excellent tour guides as well. They can show visitors around the country, share interesting insights, and provide a unique perspective on the Israeli way of life. In conclusion, escort girls in Israel offer much more than physical pleasure. They provide a complete package of beauty, intelligence, and charm that can satisfy the needs and desires of a wide range of clients. These women are not only sought after for their looks but also for their excellent service and companionship skills. If you ever find yourself in Israel and in need of a company, consider hiring an escort girl. Not only will you have a memorable and enjoyable experience, but you will also support a legitimate and thriving industry in the country. Just remember to do your research and choose a reputable agency to ensure a safe and satisfactory encounter.
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filipinasgifts56 · 4 months
Sending Heartfelt Mother's Day Gifts to the Philippines: Express Your Love Across the Miles
Mother's Day is a special occasion to honor the incredible women in our lives who have given us love, care, and support. If you're looking to send a meaningful gift to your mom in the Philippines, here are some heartfelt ideas that will convey your love and appreciation:
1. Personalized Gifts:
Mother’s day gifts to Philippines add a special touch to Mother's Day. Consider a custom-made piece of jewelry with her name or a heartfelt message engraved.
Personalized photo frames or photo books filled with cherished memories are also thoughtful options.
2. Flowers and Bouquets:
A classic choice, flowers never fail to brighten up a mother's day. Send a bouquet of her favorite blooms, such as roses, lilies, or orchids.
Look for florists in the Philippines that offer delivery services to ensure fresh and beautiful flowers reach her doorstep.
3. Sweet Treats:
If your mom has a sweet tooth, consider sending a box of gourmet chocolates, a decadent cake, or a selection of delicious pastries.
Many bakeries and confectioneries in the Philippines offer special Mother's Day packages that can be delivered to her home.
4. Spa and Relaxation Gifts:
Help your mom unwind and pamper herself with a spa gift set. This could include luxurious bath products, scented candles, and a plush robe.
You can also arrange for a spa voucher or massage session at a local spa near her residence.
5. Home Decor and Accessories:
Upgrade her living space with stylish home decor items such as decorative vases, elegant wall art, or cozy throw blankets.
Consider practical yet chic accessories like a trendy handbag, a fashionable scarf, or a statement piece of jewelry.
6. Sentimental Gifts:
Express your love through a heartfelt letter or a handwritten note. Share your favorite memories with her and let her know how much she means to you.
Create a scrapbook or memory box filled with mementos, photographs, and handwritten notes that capture special moments shared with her.
7. Health and Wellness Gifts:
Show that you care about her well-being with health-conscious gifts like a fitness tracker, yoga mat, or herbal teas.
Consider sending a subscription box for healthy snacks, skincare products, or wellness essentials that she can enjoy throughout the year.
8. Gardening Kits or Plants:
If she has a green thumb, consider a gardening kit with seeds, tools, and planters. Indoor plants like succulents or orchids are also great choices.
This gift allows her to nurture something beautiful and adds a touch of greenery to her home.
9. Virtual Experiences:
If distance keeps you apart, consider virtual experiences that you can enjoy together. This could be a virtual cooking class, online art workshop, or even a virtual tour of a museum.
Many platforms offer e-gift cards for various experiences that she can enjoy from the comfort of her home.
10. Subscription Services:
Gift her a subscription to her favorite magazine, book club, streaming service, or gourmet food box. It's a gift that keeps on giving throughout the year.
Ensure the subscription is available in the Philippines or has international delivery options.
In Conclusion: No matter which Mother's Day gift you choose to send to the Philippines, the most important thing is the love and thoughtfulness behind it. Take the time to select a gift that resonates with her interests, personality, and needs. Whether it's a personalized keepsake, a beautiful bouquet of flowers, or a relaxing spa experience, your gesture will surely make her feel cherished and loved, even across the miles.
For more info. visit us:
Mother’s day flowers delivery Philippines
Valentine’s day flowers Philippines
Valentine’s day gifts Philippines
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cobreja88 · 4 months
American Marketing and Publishing
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American Marketing and Publishing offers several services tailored to small businesses, including OPTIMA online services, CloseBy text marketing, and GSV photo tours. As industry veterans with exceptional customer service credentials, AMP stands out as an outstanding option. Employee reviews for AMP vary. Some praise its culture, while others complain of difficulty breaking into management positions. Customer Service American Marketing and Publishing, commonly known as AMP, has been operating for 28 years in Dekalb, Illinois with approximately 350 employees. Their primary business specializes in Miscellaneous Publishing within the Printing Publishing Allied Industries sector. Furthermore, AMP provides various products to assist small businesses in marketing themselves effectively: OPTIMA online services; CloseBy text marketing; GSV photo tours, and HomePages print ads are just some examples of their offerings to small businesses. AMP boasts an outstanding customer service team and offers employees training and support. However, employee reviews indicate it may be difficult to reach support staff; thus it is recommended that you contact them via phone or email to ensure they can assist. Some employees of AMP have reported an exceptional culture and career opportunities at the company. It provides an ideal starting place for marketing and publishing professionals with its female-friendly work environment and high female-friendliness score. On the other hand, other employees have complained of a bad working culture at AMP which makes collaboration challenging. AMP salaries range from $20,000 to $50,000 annually depending on your position within the organization, with managers receiving the highest pay and proofreaders receiving lower wages. Bonus payments may also be given if sales targets are met; you can find more details by visiting their website; this article's data is drawn from information submitted by past and current employees who self-reported working at AMP through Zippia so job seekers may use this data in making decisions regarding where and when to apply. Company Culture Companies with strong cultures attract and retain employees. Culture can be affected by various factors, including national cultures, management strategies, and workplace environments. Corporate culture plays an integral part in shaping a company's reputation and success - it may even reflect values held by its founders! Culture can make or break companies. This company offers an excellent work-life balance and benefits, including free employee lunches, tuition reimbursement, and flexible schedules. Furthermore, there is also a generous bonus plan and competitive salary structure, with some employees even increasing their salaries through promotions. However, the company should also be considered carefully before signing on as an employee. Employees have reported that their managers are only interested in meeting sales targets; some employees even advised avoiding it at all costs. Based in Coralville, Iowa, and employing between 200 to 500 workers; it earned a 4.8-star InHerSight score based on anonymous ratings from 20 employees. American Marketing and Publishing LLC is a marketing and advertising firm offering field training and sales training before sending their staff out to meet customers. Each month they expect their staff to hit their sales target to secure bonuses. This company boasts a high turnover rate, yet offers competitive pay and benefits packages to employees. Their lowest paying job is proofreading which pays around $20k annually while other jobs include account manager, digital marketing specialist, and media buyer - providing opportunities for career advancement and growth within the firm. Management American Marketing and Publishing of Coralville, IA employs between 201 to 500 workers and has received a women-exclusive employee experience rating of 4.8/5 on InHerSight's women employee review platform. We collect anonymous employer reviews from working women about American Marketing and publishing so they can make better career and workplace decisions. Employee reviews indicate that American Marketing and Publishing is welcoming and supportive. Furthermore, it offers competitive benefits and compensation packages; however, before applying for employment there, it's advisable to do your research as some negative remarks exist regarding the culture and management of the firm. Some employees report that their managers are unsupportive of new ideas and discourage staff from being innovative. Others note that the sales process at their company can be complicated and time-consuming - not to mention having an increased turnover rate. American marketing and publishing salaries average $45,000 annually, 33% lower than the national average. Proofreader positions tend to pay the least, with higher-paying positions such as business development manager or account specialist also available within these firms. Glassdoor reports that this company is looking for candidates with at least two years of experience and offers an intensive training program and ongoing professional development opportunities. American Marketing and Publishing's website contains its compensation and benefits policies. The employee satisfaction at American Marketing and Publishing can understood by reviewing employee feedback on CareerBliss and Glassdoor,. Support Team American Marketing and Publishing LLC is a business directory publisher offering various products and services. It consists of small local businesses, including OPTIMA online services, CloseBy text marketing, GSV photo tours, and HomePages print ads. Their track record with small business owners speaks for itself. They are members of the Better Business Bureau, with headquarters located in Chicago, Illinois, and an outstanding support team capable of responding swiftly when customers require assistance. American Marketing and Publishing employees average an annual salary of $45,000. According to CareerBliss data, earning an outstanding workplace culture while offering competitive benefits packages. Their rating stands at 2.6 stars out of 5, highlighting an exceptional workplace culture as well as competitive pay and benefits packages. American Marketing and Publishing employees provided this data through anonymous employee ratings and reviews from current and former staff. InHerSight gathers anonymous employer ratings and reviews from women for American marketing. It publishes and shares them publicly to empower working women to make more informed career decisions. American Marketing and Publishing's competitors include ZipLocal, RevLocal, TMP Directional Marketing, Local Ad Link, and 33social Digital Marketing. InHerSight boasts more than 2 million reviews from women on companies like American Marketing and Publishing nationwide. This rating scale ranges from one to five, with five being the best score. Companies with high InHerSight scores tend to have satisfied and engaged employees. Additionally, this rating takes into account factors like gender diversity within an organization. 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