#women's spaces: women can't talk about their feelings and they're expected to just be stoic and useful to others
catboykilljoy97 · 24 days
So, what I've gathered based on some online sleuthing in various trans communties, is that:
Trans men feel erased in queer spaces and in discussions of trans people. Most of the attention/resources goes to trans women. Isn't that awful?
2. Trans women feel erased in queer spaces and in discussions of trans people. Most of the attention/resources goes to trans men. Isn't that awful?
3. Nonbinary people are lumped into either "basically a trans man" or "basically a trans woman" based on AGAB. No, this isn't regressive at all. Trust us.
4. Everyone involved should violently fucking hate each other and throw as much blame as possible because of this
can i go be a hermit in the woods now. i know that's like, the whole thing i'm trying to escape, but honestly it sounds good rn
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