#woah a post that isn't months apart from the last one?
c-digital-being · 6 months
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hockeyblogg · 6 months
Not Enough - F. Andersen
I'm afraid to say i'm officially back so i'm not going to :| however, I have been getting more inspired to write and I have a few works that i've been wanting to post.
this drabble is full of angst which is something i've been writing a lot more...and before you say it, No...this isn't a self indulgent fic lol. It's simply something I thought of when I gained motivation while watching kdramas
in whatever way you take this, i just hope you enjoy it :) it's been a while so forgive me...
Fred walked in your shared apartment, placing his keys down and wiping his forehead to rid himself of the sweat he still produced from practice.
He would have showered at the arena, but he hoped you’d be willing to shower with him when he got home, seeing as you both haven’t had too much time for each other in the last two months due to your new promotion at work and the Canes being in the playoffs, and now that it’s the weekend and you’re both free for the first time in what feels like forever, he’s been a little excited to spend some quality time with his girlfriend.
You on the other hand, had just finished packing an overnight bag and are now sitting on the edge of your bed, tears now dried on your cheeks with new ones threatening to leak over your eyelashes.
You knew your and Fred’s relationship was on the rockier side for awhile, barely seeing each other despite living together, having little to no time to say more than two words to each other. You knew it was getting to Freddie, but you also hoped that you’d pull through, like you always do.
You didn’t expect this.
“Hey elskede.” Freddie’s words made you jump, quickly turning your head to look up at his figure entering the room.
Freddie’s smile turned down, a look of concern washing over his face upon seeing your dried tears and red eyes, “What’s wrong baby?”
You could practically scoff at his audacity.
“Why don’t you ask Brady, you two seem to have gotten awfully close lately.” You mutter bitterly, wiping your nose and cheeks with your sleeve
Freddie’s heart stops for a second,
no…there’s no way you found out…
“Elskede, what are you talking about?” He’s playing dumb, he knows he is, but in his defence, he never thought you’d ever find out.
“Freddie please, the last thing I need right now is for you to lie to me, I already know…I just-I need to hear you say it.”
You’re practically falling apart in front of him, the news hit you like a ton of bricks, and you don’t know if there’s any hope for your relationship after this.
“Let me explain…” Fred started but paused when you closed your eyes and sighed defeatedly
“W-we were going through a tough spot in our relationship a-and I didn’t know what to do, when you said you couldn’t attend Mitchy’s wedding I was even more frustrated, and the guys wanted me to loosen up so-”
Catching his words, you cut him off, “Woah, wait-wait!”
Freddie stops.
“You mean to tell me…that this has been going on since Mitch and Steph’s wedding?!”
Realizing his mistake, Fred can’t say anymore, knowing he fucked up.
It made since now; the arguments about his lack of free time, the last minute “new year’s trip” to see his family, him being way busier this time around the playoffs than usual, having a newfound understanding of all your late-night workdays, his late evening workdays where you assumed practice ran later than usual…
“Oh my god…I’m such a fucking idiot!”
You couldn’t take it anymore, you gather your things and sling your bag over your shoulder, a fresh set of tears flowing freely
Fred moves fast, grabbing your upper arm, “No please, elskede you can’t-”
“I can’t leave? Not only did I find out you cheated on me, but I find out it’s been multiple times, since Mitch’s wedding which was what, in July? It’s fucking April you piece of shit!”
You push him off you and rip your arm from his grasp, “So yeah, I think it’s safe to say I’m allowed to leave you.”
Tears are gathering in Freddie’s eyes, and he finds himself losing control of his breathing, “Please, I’m sorry baby, don’t leave, I’ll fix this.”
He follows you out of the room, and as soon as you open the door, he smacks his palm against it, slamming it back shut
“Fred, move!”
You aren’t in the mood for games, but Fred isn’t willing to give you up this easily
Taking a deep breath, you will yourself to look in him in the eyes, almost breaking at the fact they’re even redder than yours, but you remind yourself this is his fault, he did this to you both,
“Just…tell me one thing…”
He puts his full attention on you, reaching to hold your hands in his
“Were they different every time, or is it the same person?” You’re honestly scared of the answer, not sure which one will make you break more. If it’s multiple, then there’s something he’s missing that you guys no longer have in your relationship, but if it’s just one girl, then there’s something he’s missing within you.
He’s quiet, and you’re searching his face for any sort of hint or giveaway. When his face drops, you have it.
“Well…” you muster all of the strength you have inside you, “I hope she was worth losing everything that we had, everything I sacrificed to build this life with you, a life that was so easy for you to throw away.”
You shake his hands off you, ripping the door open and leaving him for good, “Goodbye Freddie.”
Fred falls to his knees as soon as the door closes, letting out everything he was holding in.
“FUUUCK!!” He grabs the shoe rack in the closet, tossing it to the living room and hearing a loud crash to which he pays no mind, it doesn’t matter anyway.
Nothing matters anymore, he’s lost you for good and it’s nobody’s fault but his own. He knows he can only call one person right now, someone he knows won’t be upset with him, someone he knows he really shouldn’t call, especially right now. But Freddie is in love, or at least, that’s what he thinks.
Freddie is simply infatuated, he’s in love with the idea of what is, and honestly, what better way to take his mind off you than to call the one person he knows can do just that.
Picking his phone up, he swallows back all the guilt and sorrow he’s feeling right now,
“Hey Anna, you should come over…”
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kanjukucompany · 2 years
【A3! Translation】 Special Edition: Veludo Summer Evening Festival (Epilogue)
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previous chapter / masterlist
it took six months to post but here it finally is
(translation under the cut)
(glitch text ignore)
EPILOGUE: Showing Off What We Got at the Festival
Citron: We're home~!
Izumi: Welcome back!
Azuma: We bought a lot from the food stalls, so feel free to help yourself.
Izumi: Thank you!
Banri: We each got what we wanted, so we ended up buying a lot.
Tsuzuru: We probably ended up with a lot of duplicates.
Izumi: That'd be pretty funny, if that's the case.
Izumi: Now that we finished the photoshoot... we can start the inste live in a bit.
Kazunari: Alrighty! We'll do fine!
Tenma: Well then, before that... Here, Director. This is for you.
Izumi: Wow, what a beautiful comb...! What's this for?
Tsuzuru: The kimono shop we helped out also had a stall at the festival, they were selling kimono accessories.
Banri: Citron said it'd look great on you, so we all pitched in and bought it.
Izumi: I see. I'm really happy, thanks everyone!
Citron: When Director's happy, we're happy too!
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Izumi: Looks like everyone's ready, let's go ahead and start the live.
Kazunari: Okey-doke! Then, I'll press the button!
Kazunari: Hi, everyone!
Citron: We are MANKAI Company!
Banri: Oh, looks like we've got a big crowd watchin'. We'll also be reading comments, so feel free to send as many as 'ya want.
Kazunari: Today we have.... Tenten! Woah, the comments started going super fast.
Tenma: Wow, you're right... Thank you for your comments, everyone.
Tsuzuru: Um, let's explain why Tenma's here. He's got an announcement to make today.
Tenma: Tsuzuru-san and I will be on the cover of the next issue of VELUDO.
Tenma: The picture turned out pretty good, so stay tuned.
Banri: There'll also be a special feature page with photos and interviews of us in yukata.
Azuma: That's all the information we can give you right now, but we'll be announcing the details any day now, so look forward to it.
Kazunari: Ooh~, everyone's saying they'd enjoy that! Thanksies!
Citron: Make sure to check out the next VELUDO issue too!
Azuma: Now, while on the topic yukata... We'll be showing you what we bought at the local summer festival.
Citron: I'll go first! I bought a mask of this nationally famous character, Okame-san!*
Banri: I don't know about 'nationally famous'.
Azuma: The comments are saying it's well known.
Kazunari: Loads of them!
Tsuzuru: I'll show mine next.
Tsuzuru: This is the pinwheel I got from the festival. I wanted something that was cool-looking but could also help me cool off.
Kazunari: I got some amezaiku! Isn't it beautiful, almost like glass?*
Banri: Here's mine and Azuma-san's.
Tenma: Aren't those children's toys?
Azuma: Yes, they are.
Banri: Actually, we both had the idea to enter the 1000 string lottery challenge, just curious to see if we could win the luxury prizes.*
Azuma: We tried to play until the last minute, but in the end, we didn't win any of those prizes.
Banri: Seriously, it's gotta be a scam.
Kazunari: What the, how much did you guys spend?
Azuma: Fufu, that's a secret. I'll leave it to your imagination.
Izumi: (That means it was a lot....)
Tenma: Last is me, this is my yo-yo balloon.
Citron: Oh! Tenma, you were finally able to get one!? Yesterday, no matter how many times you tried, it tore apart.* *pulls tenma*
Tenma: Uwah!?
Tenma: Citron, you promised not to tell...!
Kazunari: So everyone, how was today's live?
Azuma: I hope you enjoyed it.
Tsuzuru: Thank you for watching this time, too.
Banri: And for all your comments.
Citron: Now then...
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Everyone: We've been MANKAI Company!
Tenma: See ya.
*this is an okame mask
*example of amezaiku, basically handmade candy art of people/animals
*example of the game, pull strings and hope the one you pull has a good prize attached to it
*yo-yo fishing is where you use a small strip of thin paper to try and 'fish' out a balloon with a rubber loop. the balloons are in water so the paper tears easily once wet. (also what they're doing in the cg)
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devinescribe · 3 years
Chapter 7 to '100 Promises'
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Warnings: Swearing, violence, bullying, blood, I think that's it, but as always feel free to tell me if I missed any.
"I finally got contact lenses. I think they'll be better than my glasses. I mean, yeah, I'll probably still use them, but it's... nevermind, what do you think?" He rambled, a dorky smile on his face. "If it'll make you happy, then you look great," you said, smiling, honestly meaning your words. "I'm asking for your opinion woman, stop giving me the 'if it makes you happy' bullshit. Give me your opinion," he stated, shaking your shoulders."It looks good! I'm not used to seeing you without your glasses, but you look good!" You laughed, your words coming out in a vibrato of sorts from him shaking you. "I'm glad you think so."
"Dear gods my hair is getting long..." he muttered, running his hands through his hair, staring at himself in the bathroom mirror. "I think it looks good," you commented, passing by the bathroom with a laundry basket. "Really? I think I kind of like it too..."
"And how much does it hurt?" He questioned. "Not that much, or so I've heard. Plus, we're getting it at the same time, so... no backing out, or I'll cut your hair," you threatened, your hold on his hand tightening a bit. "No, don't you dare. And I won't back out," he said as you dragged him into the shop. (The fact I've been threatened with that-)
"I somehow can't believe we looked like that!" You laughed, pointing at the photo on your phone. It was from high school, and you were both laughing at how dorky you both looked. "Oh gods... actually, I was kind of hot," you said, giggling a bit. "Have we really changed that much?" Niragi questioned. "Well, let's see," you said, opening the camera and telling Niragi to get into frame. He did so, and you both stuck out your tongues, the matching piercings glinting in the light. You snapped the photo, and put it side by side the one from high school. "Wow... that's a big difference, holy shit," he laughed. You snickered, and posted side by side comparison of the the photos. "Yeah. Huge difference."
"Hatter would like to see you... Alone."
You looked back at Ann, and nodded, getting up. "If she's going, I'm going with," Niragi said, getting up himself. "He said he wants to speak to (Y/N) alone. Respect to rules for once please," Ann chided, as you walked to her side. Niragi laughed, finishing with a smirk, "And since when do I listen to the rules?"
You looked back at him with a proud, yet embarrassed face. Definitely not the same Niragi from back in the real world. He was more confident than you last remembered, that was for sure. "Dude, I'll be totally fine. The least they could do is kill me," you said, a bit to nonchalantly for his tastes. "That seems like a worse case scenario, but ok." he responded, "I'm still going with you." "No, you're not. Look, I'll be fine ok? Just wait outside the door," you suggested. He scoffed, but nodded nontheless. Ann stayed quiet, watching this exchange. 'So... is that all it takes to convince him? Really? All we needed was this girl?' Were her thoughts.
"Oh good, you're here!" Hatter exclaimed as soon as you walked in. Ann stayed outside, and shut the doors behind you. You nodded. Was he happy or just extremely charismatic? You didn't know, but whatever it was, it was nice. It made you feel like you were talking to someone you knew. Like the pleasant ladies from your apartment complex. "Well, what do you want to talk about?"
"Where are we?" You asked as you got off the train. "I don't know. Just took a random train. You said you wanted another adventure," he replied. You gasped. "Niragi Suguru, you did not," you said, grabbing onto his hand to make sure you didn't lose him in the large crowd. "I did. And what of it?" He asked, dragging you out. "Oh my gods... Excuse me, sorry to bother you, but which city are we in?" You asked one of the people who worked there. They smiled and answered with, "Shinjuku. Are you lost?"  You shook your head. "No, we'll be fine. Thank you very much!" You said. Niragi dragged you to the exit. "I don't look presentable to be in Shinjuku right now, Niragi," you said, hiding your face. "You always look nice though. And it's called opportunity. I took it, and now we're here. So, let's take advantage of this, yeah?"
Hatter sat you down. "From what Ann and Aguni reported back to me, you're a quick thinker. Great shot apparently. They were both very impressed," he started. You smiled. "I'm honored they felt that way," you said. Hatter chuckled. "Well, Ann said you'd do well in either position of a militant or an executive. And it's just your luck the precious person who held number 7 recently... died. The games, obviously. Before you came here, actually. Maybe it was a sign it was meant to be yours. And, since you've proven yourself useful, I think it's a good idea," Hatter said, rambling a bit. "That's a bit too high for me, isn't it?" You questioned. You had just gotten here, you couldn't possibly be up that high already. "Uh... no. It's not. So, as of today, you shall be a militant," he said dramatically. You laughed, thanking him as he gave you a wristband with the number seven written on the blue tag. You slipped it on your wrist. "Oh, and just so you know, Aguni will most likely take you under his wing. The militants are mostly guys, so be careful. And... uh... your friend can help you find everything. He'll also show you to your new room. That is all. Goodbye now," he said cheerfully. You smiled brightly, thanking him.
You opened the door to leave, seeing Niragi leaning on the wall across the door. You smiled, closing the door softly behind you. "I'm back," you said. He nodded, "I can see that." "Can you really? You have your contact lenses?" You asked, skeptical. He nodded his head. "Surprisingly," he added. "Hmm... and for how many more days do you have them?" You questioned as he led you through the hotel. "Well, I've been in the borderland about 2 and a half weeks-"
"Woah, hold up... you'd been gone for six months up in the real world-"
"Well, I'm starting to think time runs differently in both places. Because no way in hell have I been here 6 months."
"Ok... continue on."
You two talked about whatever came to mind just like you used to. It was like you never skipped a beat. He lead you down into where they kept the weapons. "Only milatants and Hatter are allowed down here. This is the basement, and also where we keep the weapons. So, take your pick," he said, a smirk on his face. "You're a bit to proud of this aren't you?" You asked, looking over the different weapons. "Maybe," he responded. You didn't have to look at him to know he was smirking, you could just hear it in his voice. You picked out a knife that had a strap around. You also picked up a riffle similar to Niragi's, and turned to face him. "Ok, I'm good," you said. "Tomorrow, the militants are heading out on a supply run. Which means you now too. You can wear actual clothes now, isn't that fun?" He joked. You rolled your eyes shoving him playfully. He ran his tongue over his teeth. "That's really how you want to play, huh (L/N)?" He asked. You could hear the tone behind his words. The tone that meant run or your fucked, because whatever game he's scheming will end with you caught. It was quite normal for you two. Playing games with each other was a hobby back in the real world. Didn't matter how childish or immature they were. "Ouch, my last name? That hurts... Suguru." (Is that his last name or his first name? I don't know, I've been treating it as his last name, but I'm probably wrong) You giggled, running off. There was probably tons of places to hide inside the basement, and probably even more places throughout the beach.
"How was last night? Did you have fun?" He teased as soon as you woke up. You rolled your eyes. "Don't even talk to me about last night. Another disappointment," you groaned, rubbing your eyes. "Damn. That bad, huh?" He said, handing you a mug with coffee in it. You took a sip, and smiled. Perfect... He always made really good coffee, and it impressed you. "Yeah... definitely that bad. I heard him leave this morning, let's hope he never comes back," you said. Niragi laughed, taking a sip of his own coffee. The sunlight came in through the sliding glass door of your apartment.  The sky was painted with pinks and purples. Gold dusted the clouds as the sun touched them. It was perfectly picturesque. "One day, we won't have to live in a sucky apartment building, you know? I promise you that one day we'll have... I don't know where do you want to live?" He asked you. You both walked over to the couch, sitting next to eachother. "I don't know... I'd go anywhere as long as I can still have my best friend with me.''
"Come on out, (Y/N). I'll find you sooner or later. We need sleep," he shouted. You stifled a laugh, and crouched down, sneaking around. You could see him looking around for you. You moved backwards, bumping into someone. You slowly turned around. It was the guys Niragi had introduced as 'Last Boss'.
Throughout the day, you had actually had the opportunity to talk to him a bit. More like you talked, while he observed you, occasionally making a sound of sorts to show you he was listening. He'd also answered your questions, so you thought he wouldnt be that bad. You made the quiet signal, putting a finger to your lips. He looked down quizzically. "Playing a game. Can't let him find me. Wanna join?" You whispered to the mysterious man. He nodded slightly, still a bit confused. "Ok, the objective is to not get caught by Niragi. He doesn't know you're playing yet, so I'll figure something out... oh, I got it! You go hide," you whisper shouted, shooing him off. He went to go hide, and you climbed to the top of one of the darker places. "A new player has joined in. One seeker, two hiders!" You shouted. You heard Niragi laugh. "Dumbass! You're letting me know where you are!"  You smirked. That's what you wanted him to think.
"Oh nice! You got his glasses that's 20 points!" The boys shouted. You struggled to get out of the ropes tied your hands together. You heard Niragi groan, and looked up, seeing him on the floor, blood dripping from his nose. "Niragi!" You shouted in worry. He looked over at you, before one of the guys kicked his face into the ground. You struggled against the ropes the boys had tied around your wrist. It dug into your skin, you could feel the skin being rubbed raw from how much you had struggled against them ."So useless without eachother, huh?" One of them taunted. "Stop hurting him!" You yelled, squirming. "Oh? Would you rather we harm you then? You were always such a pretty girl... to bad you decided to defend him," the leader of their little group said, kneeling in front of you. "I don't give a damn if you hurt me. Stop hurting him!' You shouted. "(Y-y/N), don't," Niragi said, before one of the bullies kicked him in the stomach. He winced in pain, screwing his eyes shut. "Stop it! He didn't do anything to you!" You screamed, struggling even more, the ropes creating rope burn on your skin. "It's not a vengeance thing. It's fun," the leader said, grabbing your chin, making you look up at him. You glared at him in disgust, wanting so badly to just hit him, or spit on him in the moment. But you didn't. You didn't because you knew if you did either you or Niragi would get hurt. More likely Niragi, since they knew he was your weakness. "Just like it's fun making girls like you submit," he added with a smirk. "Don't you dare hurt her! Hurt me all you want, but don't touch her!" Niragi yelled. There was confidence in his words, but you also knew how scared he was. You could see it on his face. "That sounds boring though. What if we just make both of you our little puppets for the night, have you both put on a show?'' One of the guys snickered. This was followed by a chorus of 'not a bad idea' and 'sounds interesting.' You looked at Niragi, fear written all over your face.
You ran quietly, and quickly, knowing he could catch up to you. You looked around the dimly lit basement, and saw the exist to go up. Your eyes caught a flash of movement, and someone grabbed you, putting a hand over your mouth. You were shocked at first, going to scream bloody murder, before seeing it was Last Boss. He let you go, and you took a breath. "Oh my gods... dude that was scary," you whispered. He shrugged. "I have a place we can hide. I don't think he's smart enough to find it," He suggested, nodding his head over to Niragi. You stifled a laugh, and nodded, letting him lead you.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N), are you alright?" He worriedly asked, checked on you. You hissed in pain when his hands went over the bruises. "I'm sorry. This is all my fault, if I hadn't-" he started, blaming himself. You grabbed shoulders, and shook your head. "It's not your fault... it's ok," you said, sitting up. The gravel under you poked at the skin exposed from your school skirt. "I-its not ok!" He shouted. "It's... it's not ok. You shouldn't have- I could've-" he started, pulling at his hair. "Niragi. It's not your fault. You didn't... you didn't hurt me," you said, your voice calming. You grabbed his hands, pulling them towards you. You were just kids. Fucking 16 years old(not exactly a kid, but whatever), you shouldn't have to go through this stuff. No kid should. "I should be comforting you, yet here you are, making me feel better. Stop it, you're the one who-"
"Niragi, it happened to both of us. Stop acting like you're ok too."
"But- I'm supposed to... I-"
"Shut up, and come here."
He sighed, sitting besides you. You pulled his head into your lap, and he sighed. "Stop taking care of me. Stop hanging out with me, because you're the one who ends up getting hurt because of me. Please," he pleaded as you ran your fingers through his hair. "No," you responded. "(Y/N), stop being so stubborn! Please, just... just listen to me!" He shouted. You flinched at the sudden loudness. "I- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you," he apologized, noticing when you flinched. You sighed, leaning back on the concrete wall. You muttered back something along the lines of him not having to apologize. You heard thunder, and saw a flash of lightning. "It's going to rain, we should go home," Niragi said. "Don't wanna... let's stay here?" You muttered, watching the sun get covered by the clouds. You were under a bridge, so you at least had coverage. He looked up at you, and nodded. "Ok. We can," he whispered. The raindrops began to splatter on the ground outside the coverage of the bridge, and you sighed in happiness. Niragi sat up, bringing you close to him. The smell of rain filled your senses, and you couldn't help but enjoy the moment, even if you had been in emotional and physical pain before. Being there helped numb it for a while. Being with him helped numb the feeling.
"Alright... if I were (Y/N)... where would I go?" Niragi muttered to himself, walking around. It was too quiet. You weren't a quiet person unless need be, and if he remembers correctly, which he does, you had a losing streak in hide and seek since high school. You were too giggly to hide in silence, or maybe you got scared by being alone in the dark to long. Whatever it had been, you had a losing streak for almost 8 years. That was not about to change, not if he had a say in it. A part of him said he was not acting like himself, and that playing this with you was childish. Especially in the borderlands. He knew he would have to find you either way, so he stopped caring. He remembered what she had said. A new player has joined in. One seeker, two hiders! 'Ok, process of elimination....'
"So, given the fact Chishiya isn't allowed down here, I think I know who she's with, and where she is. Let's see if I'm right.''
This was more memories than actual current events... oh well- hope you enjoyed, have a wonderful day/night, baii!! Oh yeah, just because this is the only place people have a problem with me posting Niragi stuff, if you don't like it, the block button is right there, don't send me death threats or tell me to go kms. Thank you
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Ocean Eyes pt.3 (Cliff Booth)
Summary: It seems like Cliff Booth was the love of your life. However, the relationship didn't work out and all you're left with are painful memories.
Author's Note: I'm sorry it took so damn long to post another part but I've been really sick. Requests are still open! Feel free to request anything! Hope you enjoy! ♡
She was having the time of her life. Everything was simply perfect. She had a perfect job, perfect best friend and perfect boyfriend. It seemed almost surreal. But the thing was that moments like this don't last long. And Y/N was not an exception.
It all started in the middle of December 1969, almost after 5 months of the happiest time in her life. 
She was sitting in her apartment watching the night through a window, with a cigarette in one hand and a beer in the other. A little smile appeared on her face when she heard the phone ringing.
"Hello baby."
Even only these two words sent shivers down her spine and her smile grew bigger. "Hey Cliff. What's up?"
"I'm really sorry but I can't make it tonight. I have a lot of work with Rick on the set. We can't film this one scene right."
"Oh, okay. Don't worry about it. We can have dinner next time."
"I knew you'd understand. Promise I'll make it up to you, baby."
Her excitement faded a little bit but she was glad she could at least hear his voice today. She threw the cigarette butt out of the window and opened a new beer. A nice night off was really something useful now.
But the phone rang again. She was confused a bit but picked it up. "Hello?"
"Hey Y/N! What y-you doing tonight? I h-have a free day in w-work. Wanna meet up?" 
It was Rick. She felt like someone stabbed her in the stomach and then twisted with the knife in the wound. 
"Maybe another time, mate." she said quickly and hang up the phone. She didn't want to make any accelerated desicion but she just couldn't stop a few tears from falling. Apparently, something was wrong in her perfect life. 
She wasn't sure if she should call Cliff right away or just wait and ask him about it later. She looked outside for an answer but the moon was jut blankly starring at her and the city seemed somehow calm and quiet. And then, out of the sudden, it started snowing. 
She always got so happy when the winter was coming but now, she just wasn't able to. 
After a long and exhausting day at work, she thought it'd be nice to sit down in some little cafeteria and relax a bit. She needed this more than anything. 
Y/N got out of studio and when she wanted to cross the road, she heard someone calling her name. Rick ran to her all so sweaty while heavily breathing. "What's the matter, man?" she laughed and stepped back a little. Rick raised his hand as a sign to give him a few seconds to catch a breath. "Cliff didn't show up t-today and I don't have anyone to drive me home. Then i saw you and i thought w-we could spend a day together or something. We h-haven't done that in a long time." the actor suggested. 
Cliff did not show up to give him a lift? What the hell is going on?
"Why not? By the way, what's up with Cliff?"
"You don't know? I-i thought you'd know."
That was it. That was the last drop. Cliff should be right here, right now, picking her and Rick up and then they should all go to have some dinner and have a lovely time.
But he wasn't here and she knew there's a chance he might never will be again. 
As the night went by, she and Rick were blind drunk, like the good old times. "Oh Rick, I've missed you so much." Y/N breathed out and took a drag from her cigarette. "Me too! We haven't been doing t-these fucking  parties since you got together with Cliff. You were both oh so f-fucking in love and i didn't want to i-interupt that."
After these words, she took a long drag from her cigarette, it almost seemed like she wanted to bury all the pain deep down inside of her. Because the thing was, they probably weren't in love anymore. It was just her.
"You know what? Let's go visit Cliff!" she suggested lively and jumped out of her chair. "W-woah, Y/N. You sure you wanna do t-this? Apparently, there's something wrong." Rick said kindly and took her hand in his.
"That's exactly why. This whole ignorance is killing me. Rick, i deserve to know what's fucking going on. He can't just push me out of his life without a word, not after what we've been through."
"I know. It's just- i don't u-understand what this is all about. This isn't him, Y/N. He's not like that. Fuck, i can't e-even count how many times he's told me how much he l-loves you and how he doesn't want to fuck things up."
"Oh dear Rick, he already did that."
They were standing in front of Cliff's trailer and neither of them dared to knock. They were scared of what they might find inside - the most ridiculous scenarios were rushing through Y/N's mind one after another. "I'll wait over there, d-dear." Rick whispered and began to walk away. Now, it was only her.
Y/N knocked on the door and walked in. She froze right in the middle of her movement. Cliff was laying on the small bed, cigarette hanging from his lips as usual as his ocean eyes wandered on a beautiful woman's body - she was standing in the little kitchen trying to cook something dressed in one of Cliff's shirts - Y/N's favourite and she was sure Cliff knew. 
"Look, it's not-" Cliff began to explain quickly and tried to get out of bed.
"Just shut up! I've had enough of this! I just don't understand why you haven't told me earlier and kept on going doing... this!" 
They were staring at each other and she thought that his ocean eyes are still the most beautiful ones she'd ever seen. 
"Hey! I'm Cassidy!" the woman broke the silence and smiled sweetly at her. Y/N just rolled her eyes and turned back to Cliff: "After all we've been through? I think i fucking deserve at least to know why!"
"It's hard to explain." he said quietly and threw his cigarette away.
"What the fuck, Cliff? Hard to explain? For you? I'm outta here."
She heard Cliff calling after her but she wasn't listening to him. She needed to be as far as possible. At this point, she wasn't able to stop the tears from falling. At least, she still had Rick to take care of her now.
It'd been one week now, one long week without him. It was harder than she thought, so damn harder. No calls, no messages, nothing and Y/N started to wonder if she has ever meant something to him. It was still breaking her heart but she finally realized the truth - Cliff hadn't cared, obviously. And she wasn't able to handle this fact. 
The next day, a postman left a letter at her doorstep. This was rather strange since she hadn't been receiving any kind of correspondence.
She sat down in her living room and finally looked at it for the first time. Her heart skipped a beat. She could recognize this handwriting everywhere. 
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