magic8ballofyarn · 13 days
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Good day, my name is Juno and I am the internets finest wizard. I am a genderqueer lesbian, my pronouns are It/that/they/he/she and I am taken by my forever love, Lawrence.
I am currently pursuing a drama degree in hopes of becoming a teacher. I am more broadly looking to teach both music and drama since those are both things I am passionate about.
Here, I will post about my interests, life events, and maybe even things that get a bit personal. That being said, I will not put warnings unless it is graphic. (Tag will be #shuteye if needed)
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I enjoy music, the performing arts, parodies, dancing, singing, oddities, whimsy, pokemon, cosplay, internet horror, writing, creative projects, collecting CDs, puzzles, movies, photography, US history, politics, magic (illusions, practical, spells) old youtube, video games, collecting jewelry, dressing up, *crime cases, game shows, mysteries, aliens, cryptids, cats, urban legends, weird animals, makeup, jumpscares/screamers, shock sites and more..!
(*I do not support the glamourization and the insensitive commentary that is normally associated with this)
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I am looking to make more friends! Particularly lgbt, otherkin/therian, just very fun overall, and weird. I consider myself to be odd due to a few things I have mentally, I do not feel comfortable disclosing anything but OCD right at this moment.
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I ask that you tag the following with #junobeware:
Alcoholism, Negative religious topics, Neglect, Emetophobia, Any kind of ab*se, Contamination/germ talk
Thank you in advance.
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Slightly scary content, does not need full warning - #Egads!
Lovey-dovey posting hour - #Madly in love
Potentially triggering content - #Shuteye
Life updates, general thoughts and rambling - #Juno says..
Goofy/Non-serious stuff - #The funny pages
Like me, things I'm connected to - #Wizardsblessing
Do not interact for the time being - #Wizardscurse
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