#wizard works
souperluminal · 1 year
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Every day Road Work Wizard fills in potholes and every night Dark Road Work Wizard crafts new ones
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sirgavvaine · 4 months
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I just needed to draw him baby 🥺🤲
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suwisuwii · 4 months
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Sunset over Waterdeep
commission for @/KaydeeSauce on twt
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ultravioletbrit · 1 month
“lipstick” - Jegulus microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - 280 words
“You lying, cheating bastard!” Regulus yells from down the hall.
“What did you do?” Remus asks.
“Probably nothing.” James shrugs as Regulus storms into the kitchen.
“Probably nothing!?” Regulus yells. “Care to explain what this is?” He throws a shirt at James.
“The shirt I wore last night.” James says casually.  
“Right. And why are there lipstick marks and mascara streaks on the collar?” Still yelling as he rips the shirt back out of James’ hands.
James points behind Regulus to a hungover Sirius who’s passed out at the kitchen table with smeared lipstick and mascara on his face.
“Right. That makes sense. Thank you.” He says sternly and stomps back out of the kitchen muttering something about ‘oil based’ and ‘a bitch to clean.’
“What was that?” Remus asks with wide eyes.
“Healthy communication.” James says with another shrug.
“That was healthy?”
“Oh yeah, normally he shuts down, won’t talk to me for days and often locks me out of the bedroom without telling me what’s wrong.” James starts telling him as Regulus walks back into the kitchen looking for something under the sink. “Plus, he knows I’d never actually cheat, probably just needed a bit of reassurance and this way he can ask without feeling too vulnerable.” He finishes as Regulus stands up.
“And you like it when I’m a little mean to you.” He tells James and kisses him on the cheek.
“And that.” James says as Regulus gives Remus a pointed ‘so there’ look and saunters out of the kitchen again.
“God, he’s dramatic.” Remus mumbles.
“Mooooonnnnyyyy!! My head huuuurrrts!!!” Sirius whines from the table and James raises an eyebrow at Remus.  
“What? I didn’t say mine wasn’t dramatic.”
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rextomblr · 1 year
all right that bar was pretty dope ngl
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He really thought he’s good with secrets, huh
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choccy-milky · 2 months
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dad seb dad seb dad seb 💕
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nadiajustbe · 4 months
One of my favorite parts about the writing of Howl's Moving Castle is how easy it is to write off all the things from our world at first as him just being a weird wizard™ (also thanks to bestie @jutenium for spotting this I wouldn't put it like that without you!!/pos). Sure, Sophie uses weird descriptions, but readers have every reason to believe them because of the way Howl is presented as a character. When Sophie says he wrote with a quill that doesn't need an ink, you wouldn't think it was actually a ballpoint pen, you would think Howl had just enchanted his quill so that it wouldn't need ink! When she adds that she can't make out a single word, you think he has matchingly terrible handwriting, but in fact Sophie has simply never seen a pen writing. When she sees the mysterious labels on his books, you think he's keeping a lot of obscure magical literature, but it's really just an encyclopedia and a guide like "Top 10 Rugby Tips." When Sophie notices the bottles in Howl's bathtub, you think they're some kind of magical jars where he keeps girl's hearts, but I'm almost certain that they're just 'Dove' and 'Head and Shoulders' that he's enhanced with his spells and put silly labels on. When you read Calicifer singing a song in a language Sophie doesn't understand, you think it's some kind of ancient cipher or code, but it's actually just a rugby song in Welsh that Howl sings when he's drunk. And finally, when you see the terrifying black door, which is completely shrouded in darkness, you imagine a passage to an eerie, mythical place, similar to what Miyazaki showed us - but it's just fucking Wales.
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trashmancer · 10 months
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Professor Dekarios sketches 💖
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itsallaboutthebirds86 · 4 months
You are a witch who personifies the very idea of coldness and solitude. Your sister, who personified harmony and community and you secretly hated bc she talked too much, passes away and her successor is a young naive witch who somehow talks even more. Being a master of manipulation, you conspire with your other sisters to get rid of her. Said sisters are 1) an old lady who somehow insults everyone to their faces in a way that you can’t retaliate against and postpones the murder plot because she’s eepy, 2) a goth so committed to being a bitch twenty four seven that it affects her ability to effectively carry out said murder, and 3) a titty AND crotch-out hippie who is down for the murder but also sees it as her magical right to eat anyone who walks faster than a light jog. Every day Indri Witch of the Wind and Stars wakes up
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wizardsisananimal · 7 months
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tra la la…
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wolvesandshine · 5 months
Regulus: Normalise studying out of spite to beat the person you hate
Barty: Amen
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hellenhighwater · 5 months
Genuinely being a single woman in my thirties, living alone, is such a mixed blessing sometimes. I do love my house and when I'm here I literally never want to leave. But on the other hand, I do get tired of leaving to go hang out with people, even though I love seeing them. Especially because I have such a great group of friends but they live all over the place, geographically, and therefore most of them don't know each other. And I actually really love hosting? But I never have people in my house because logistically it's always more practical for me to go to them than vice versa.
But sometimes I buy new old dishes and wanna just have a little fancy wizard party, but all my guests are far away. Please may I have the teleport spell. Or a high-speed commuter rail system.
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cornflakesdoesart · 8 months
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little mage in hue 23....I think , requested by one of my friends!
Edit: before I forget to say it the little black slihuette creatureness of this mage was inspired by @/mynameismad 's wizards high key!
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ultravioletbrit · 13 days
“candle” - Jegulus microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - 338 words
Regulus just got home and he walks through the living room to the kitchen looking for James.
“James?” He calls when he doesn’t find him.
“Out back.” James answers. 
Regulus walks out the back door and his breath hitches and his eyes fill with tears when he sees James standing on their patio with his hands behind his back. He’s wearing a full suit and tie, there are twinkle light hanging above him and he’s surrounded by candles.
“James?” Regulus whispers, he doesn’t trust his voice to speak any louder.
“Hi, love.” James smiles. Regulus slowly walks over to him and he feels a tear roll down his cheek. James brings one hand out from behind his back to cup Regulus’ cheek and brush the tear away with his thumb. “No tears.” He says softly.
“Can’t help it.” Regulus’ voice cracks. He’s overwhelmed with emotions and he can’t help it when words start tumbling from his lips. “Because you… and you look… and the lights… and all the candles…”
“One candle for every year I’ve loved you.” James smiles and Regulus quickly scans the candles surrounding James.
“We’ve only been together 3 years. There are 7 candles?”
“Regulus, I have loved you since the day I met you. And if you’ll let me, I’ll love you every day for the rest of our lives and then some.” Regulus lets out a sob as James drops to one knee and brings his other hand out from behind his back holding a small box. James opens the box to reveal a silver ring, and Regulus drops to his knees along with James.
“Yes.” He says and leans in to kiss James.
“Regulus…” James pulls back slightly with the biggest grin.
“Yes!” Regulus wraps his arms around James’ neck bringing him back for another kiss.
“Reg… I had a whole speech written.” James says, chuckling against Regulus’ lips.
“Read it to me later. Yes!” Regulus says again and James takes his hand and slides the ring on his finger and pulls him in for more kisses.
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feeshies · 4 months
I never got into Harry Potter, but I have a lot more respect for someone who can say “these books were an important part of my life, but I recognize the pain and harm that comes from supporting them, so I’m making an effort to stop engaging with them” versus someone who’s like “lol the books were always bad, I don’t have to worry about boycotting them because I have Good Taste.”
Like, if you think you never have to think critically about the things you like because you only engage with “Good Art,” then that’s awfully convenient
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