#with this denial of the truth you're openly showing everyone that you don't care about victims if they're jews
kelluinox · 10 months
Can't get over how some on the left are diving headfirst into qanon like mentality and how they'll jump through any hoops to deny the truth in front of them:
"The father of the 9 yo described in multiple interviews how traumatized his daughter is."
Them: "But it's not her own words, so how do we know the father isn't lying for clicks."
"An 84 yo was transported in critical condition to the nearest hospital upon return and we're still not sure she will recover."
Them: "Her condition has no connection to how she was treated or the quality of care she received! And anyway, it's the fault of Israel not letting in humanitarian aid!"
"A 20 yo has to have multiple surgeries because her leg was not properly tended to and bullets were left inside for 2 months"
Them: "That says nothing! Bullets and fragments are often left in victims because they can't be removed!"
It's like talking to a wall. And what's sad is that these same people probably championed for women's rights and now they sound just like the far right who say shit like "well why didn't she leave the relationship if it was so toxic?" and "Well maybe the rape victim should speak up herself and bring proof!"
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