#witch's heart (iz)
gavinom123 · 1 year
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this was super fun to do actually heehee
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pokeattorney · 1 year
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Watching my friend play thru WH reminding me how much I love this little fuckhead
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siriussunday · 9 months
ah, the first sunday of the year must be a special one! celebrate small joys on—
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illym · 5 months
[ translated with DeepL. ] [ localized by me. ] [ DeepLで翻訳 ] [ ローカライズ ]
"The cast playing poker on a leisurely night. Who is the winner…?"
I was reminded of this concept when I received a question about it.
I wanted to include a scene where everyone is playing cards in the Bonaste scenario.
I was thinking of putting in a card game scene with everyone…
I don't think Noel would win because he would do this...
【How I Think It Would Go.】
The cast playing poker on a leisurely night. Who is the winner...? This is how I think it would go.
(This is just my interpretation, so please feel free to ignore it if you think "No, XX wouldn't be like that!")
First of all, here's how I imagine each character playing the card game.
Claire: She's a very weak player, probably the weakest of the cast. But sometimes a miracle may occur and she wins in an extraordinary way. It would be interesting.
Ashe: He's good at strategy, he's a good wordsmith, and he'll use every trick in the book to get to first place. In the end, he'll lose because of some terrible oversight.
Wilardo: He's the kind of guy who never comes in last place. He always seems to be at the top of his game.
Sirius: He's good at coming up with strategies and remembering the cards on the table, so he should do well. However, in games that require luck, he seems to have bad luck.
Noel: He cares more about everyone having fun than winning.
I'm not sure if I'm right or not.
This is completely my interpretation, but I think that Ashe would be in first place until the end. If things go normally, Wilardo would win, and if a miracle happens, Claire would win...? I'm really not sure.
[ t/n note: I'm pretty sure this text is the original question IZ was sent that reminded her of the idea. ]
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mori-shige · 1 year
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Redraw of Claire from the Portuguese translation drawing! I love shading blue so I was euphoric drawing this
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fiblertsos · 1 year
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I remade thatwilashe as willion drawing from last year! Something didn’t sit right with it imo, so i just remade it quick.
2023 -2022
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sunkiie · 2 years
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SO Glad I got Some stuff before it closed down anyways Closed booth era y'all
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franki-lew-yo · 7 months
An alt-universe's version of The Owl House's final season
"Thanks to Them" - Luz, Amity, Willow, Gus, Hunter and the Palismans get stuck in the human realm after King's heroic sacrifice. Luz properly meets Vee and reconciles with her mother.
"HalfWay House Noceda" - The Demon Realm kids attempt to make themselves 'useful' to Luz and Camilla by doing chores around the house even though their magic/skills are a bit more of a detriment. Meanwhile Luz shows Camilla some videos she took of Eda to prepare her for meeting the Owllady and King and Camilla is unnerved but also thrilled.
"Abduction of the Innocents" - Vee and Hunter have a heart to heart while everyone else pretends to like Camilla's and Luz’s favorite movies, except of course for Gus, who is inspired by the images on screen to really explore his illusion powers for Camilla. 
"Next to Nowhere" - Luz begins school again and ruminates over accidentally helping Philip, but her friend's determination help's her to keep going. Also Amity and Luz bond over Azura with Amity being able to tell Luz that she doesn’t like the Azura movies. 
"Kids of Gravesfield" - The other Palisman have been noticing Flapjack pacing around and both hiding something from the kids while also looking for someone. Luz and Hunter investigate a certain feeling they have around town while the rest of the gang heads to the Gravesfield Historical Society to get answers. Unbeknownst to everyone, Belos is amassing power and does something to Jacob Hopkins. 
"Season's Feedings" - On Halloween Night the kids learn the story of brothers’ Wittebane. Through this Luz regains some of her glyph magic by finding the portal Evelyn and Caleb originally used. Hunter gets possessed by Belos who kills Flapjack, but Hunter gets unpossessed. With just enough Titanblood to take them to the Demon Realm, Camilla joins the kids after Belos while Vee stays home to cover for them being missing.
"For the Future" - A look as to what our Demon Realm friends have been doing all this time; King keeps the Collector entertained, Lilith and Eda try and reach the immobilized citizens, and Hexside becomes a safe haven for the unconverted kids of the Boiling Isles. 
"Outside, Over Here" - The Collector, King and the Clawthorne sisters begin actually knowing Collector and bonding over his past - but things get interrupted by the Owl Beast and further interrupted by Lilith being puppet-ized for 'bad behavior'. Or, is it? Lilith, Hooty and the Owl Beast begin their own psyche-plotting within their inner mind and find a way to communicate with Eda and King despite still being puppets.
"Revenge of the Bad Girl Coven" - Just as it looks like Matholomule is coming into his own, Boscha decides she's taking over the remains of Hexside after her Grugby Team are turned into Puppets and two new students appear on campus.
"Watching and Dreaming" - Luz, Camilla and the crew return to the Boiling Isles and discover what's left of the Owl House and Hexside. They aren't alone, however, as Belos has also returned. 
"After All" - Amidst Boscha's reign of terror, Luz heads to the basement to recount her memories of Philip's shortcut to the head of the titan. The kids ultimately thwart Kikimora's takeover with the help of the Bat Queen though not before Willow finally looses her cool. Luz on the other hand finally meets her palisman, Stringbean. 
"The Brothers Wittebane" - Flashback episode that shows the complicated life of farmhand-turned Witch-husband Caleb Clawthorne and the brother he didn't mean to leave behind."
"Collector Says" - In an attempt to get more information on the archivists and what happened to the Titans, King and the Collector travel once again to the Titan Trappers, who listen to whatever the Collector says. Luz and Stringbean get separated from Camilla.
"How it shouldn't have Ended" - Luz, King and Eda all get reunited in an unconventional way while befriending Collector, while Belos makes a break for the Heart of the Titan to amas his final body.
"Inbetweens" - Belos' uses various hosts to get to the Titan's body which he takes over and starts destroying the Boiling Isles in his wake, but also leaving behind the now-mobilized hosts (Covenheads, Raine, harpy-Lilith) who each help Eda, Luz, King and Collector get to Belos from the inside out. Luz jumps in the way of the Collector being killed and appears to die herself, setting off Eda and King.
"Now Eat this SUCKAAH" - The puppet-ized kids regain their consciousness and begin fighting back and freeing the others under the Collector's spell. Luz wakes up in the in between realm and is helped out by King's dad in finding a way to get out and defeat Belos using the magic of the Titan. In the end Belos melts in the boiling rain and the Collector thanks everyone and goes to confront his family.
"Gone Bygones" - Peek into a bright, Belos-less future for all the characters.
Upside of this alt reality = proper Gus and Willow development, resolution to the Batqueen, actually seeing Caleb and Evelyn andbeebybaby Belos, an answer as to who really made the original portal door, more Stringbean, Lilith having her moment of bonding/actualization with the Owl Beast, resolution on the Titan Trappers, and just a final season overall to really close out the series and send off the characters we all love.
Downside to this alt reality = because Disney's no longer funding it the animation had to be finished by Dingo Pictures and all the voice acting is done by Chris Pratt. Also a nuke went off and we're in the middle of WWIII officially.
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ariapmdeol · 1 year
rpgmaker creator guidelines
this is just a masterpost of guidelines for different devs! i'll include links to diff languages and translations. You should be able to click and go to the website. I've listed the work that they're best known for and their studio name. This list is incomplete. If you have any creator guidelines that you'd like me to link to, please let me know!
Witch's Heart - Blue★Star Entertainment/IZ ENG JP KR CN PORTUGUESE
Cell of Empireo - Sharktale Factory JP KR CN ENG
END ROLL - Segawa eng/jp more here in eng as well another eng
ZENO/SHTDN - Marutoku Base 丸得基地 JP KR Eng
Ib - Kouri eng JP JP2
The Witch's House - Fummy eng jp(free) jp(mv)
Mermaid Swamp/The Strange men series - Uri eng JP
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gavinom123 · 1 year
I’ll make a full post about it in the morning but reminder about IZ-san’s boundaries regarding their work. They don’t allow edits of any kind using their artwork, including videos or memes or even just putting text or a filter over a character. Additionally, while they allow headcanons, you’re not permitted to pretend that they are canon or to use that as an excuse to harass other fans. You’d think this would be common knowledge by now…
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fairysmagicshrine · 18 days
Is witchs heart still continuing?
Has anybody heard anything about the game continuing? I can only find posts of IZ Blue Star Entertainment from September 2023. It's been 4 years since Sirius' Conclusion. I really want the game to continue :<
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siriussunday · 1 year
can you stop involving me in your shenanigans for just one second? it's
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illym · 6 months
Translating the 2023 April Fool's comic.
[ translated with DeepL. ] [ localized by me. ] [ DeepLで翻訳 ] [ ローカライズ ]
(Photo of baby Claire. The right box reads "The morning revealed a mysterious baby appearing within the mansion." The left box reads "Doesn't she look familiar...?" The in-scene box is labelled "items to take care of her.")
The text beneath Ashe taking care of Claire reads:
【Photographed and reported on by Noel】
We all wondered what we should do. Ashe said she might be hungry, so he gave her a bottle of milk.
He was very fast and at ease, and he seemed so familiar with how to do it.
I felt a little relieved, thinking that maybe we could manage the situation.
The text beneath Sirius and Claire reads:
【Photographed and reported on by Ashe】
Sirius said, "You look dumb, so I'm going to read a book to you."
I said, "You brought a book from your room, not one that was in her care set."
He said that it was a childrens book... But it's too early to read that one to her.
The text beneath Wilardo holding Claire reads:
【Photographed and reported on by Sirius】
I wasn't sure how Wilardo would treat her... He seemed a little awkward, as if he didn't know what to do with her. Well, I'm the same way. [t/n: this paragraph was very unclear, so my localization may be mistaken (more than the usual risk)]
I was a little surprised when he tried to soothe her when he saw her crying. It's like he couldn't leave her alone like that.
Maybe she just wanted to be held / Maybe he wanted to hold her [t/n: very very unclear.]
The text beneath Noel playing with Claire reads:
【Photographed and reported on by Wilardo】
There was a note at the bottom of the care set about her favorite toys and how to play with them. Noel read it over and over again with great enthusiasm.
He seems to like kids... He seems to be enjoying this situation more than anyone else.
The comic with Fiona reads, from right to left,
"You look like you're having fun."
"I wonder what you're dreaming about..."
The End
(Charlotte: soon!)
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angaynerd · 3 months
Spoilers for Witch's Heart up to Noel's Scenario!
(A really unorganized 3 am rant that is probably gonna lead to a fanfiction being written)
You cannot tell me Noel didn't kill Ashe in the end of Noel's scenario. I know Noel's whole character is being this pacifist guy who's too kind for his own good, but
For fuck's sake, he was SO close to saving Claire. The door would've opened the next morning. Even if he couldn't save Sirius he could've saved the one person he's been spending literal YEARS saving. I would've killed Ashe's little bitch ass.
Noel was going to rewind time anyway, that would've revived Ashe. I know he was mad and frustrated and had to let out that anger SOMEHOW. God.
I fukiifn hate Ashe bro. 50% of the shit Noel is going through is solely because of his selfish ass. I KNOWWWW you're not supposed to compare traumas... BUT ASHE HAS THE LEAST IMPORTANT MOTIVE.
Okay your family is dead... Well Sirius's family died, TWICE. And you don't see HIM killing an innocent girl to bring them back.
Okay your family is dead... Wilardo can't even have a family because he's gonna outlive all of them.
Okay your family is dead... you couldn't even handle ⅛ of Noel's pain.
Noel has had it awful since birth. Even his "death" was awful. Oh my God. Oh my fucking God. Why does IZ hate Noel so much. I'm actually about to shed real tears because Noel's story hurts me so much.
I love Noel. IZ I'm begging you please give a Noel a happy ending in his conclusion. Please don't let Sirius's Conclusion be the happiest conclusion.
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witchsheartbooks · 1 year
Hello everyone; just a quick PSA.
IZ-san has a tumblr now to post their own art. Meaning no one should repost their art.
If you haven’t looked at their guidelines, do so on their official site, they are translated.
Some important notes;
All edits of any type are prohibited.
Do not repost any skeb or priv related work from IZ; it is against their terms.
IZ has commented that since Tumblr is a heavily western environment that couples and non canon content will not be as restricted! Please still adhere to restrictions on platforms like Twitter and Pixiv since those are Japanese spaces!
This rule could change in the future, we believe IZ is just taking Japanese manners into account for spaces where Japanese and other Eastern origin fans are present!
Brief Explanation;
This is how the tagging system is run for Eastern fandom and especially for Witch’s Heart itself. The reason being is so that new comers are not confused by what the content of the game actually entails.
However! All ships, headcanons, etc are completely fine and approved for FUN by IZ-san so long as you’re polite and follow their rules.
Though as commented by IZ certain restrictions on Twitter or Pixiv wont be as heavily enforced here!
With this being said; Imagines will likely involve a different tagging system entirely to adhere to this and tumblrs recently altered terms.
It’s possible we will make a Ao3 Link to house all work here for archive purposes under the anonymous collection.
Remember; please be polite and respectful of one another, IZ-san included.
If you aren’t able to be peaceful, just mute or block. Considering such behavior has put the future translations under risk of discontinuation in the past and may still be a heavy possibility with future releases.
Thank you for Reading!
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