#wish i weren't good at maths so my brain wouldn't break down stats like it's my job
ronearoundblindly · 2 years
wow. it f***ing sucks to be both a writer and a reader.
if i just read: wow, all this great content. people think of the most awesome and wonderful things that I never could. such bliss. continued wow.
if i just wrote: wow, all this imagination. my brain is f***ing nuts but it's so cool to build this world that doesn't exist and make it exist on paper/online. I'm great. I'm doing great.
both: f*** me. this has how many k notes and people raving? in two days? and sh*t I'm proud of is at ::checks notes:: ah, yes, twelve likes with no reblogs and it's something f***ing requested? burn everything. this is dumb. I spent how f***ing long on this? you know what, don't tell me. I'd rather go back to the bliss, please and thanks.
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