#wicked answers things
eightyuh · 10 months
Why does Freya seem to want to murder Glen (although deep down we all want to maul him one way or another)
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Freya gets cute aggression!
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Jude seems like the person who would randomly come up to Cardan and say “kiss me you piece of shit” 💀💀💀
hmm canonically speaking, i'm not sure i really agree. not only does "piece of shit" not appear to be within the Faerie lexicon (their insults are much more creative), i can't think of a scenario in which Jude would sling around such heavy-handed insults before a romantic moment.
which isn't to say she doesn't get angry with Cardan. we all know she very probably does. i just don't think it's in her nature to mix anger/insults and romance.
when Jude is at her lowest low, when she is the angriest at Cardan she's ever been, the most she does is wheel around and slap him. she doesn't clock him, she doesn't tackle him to the ground or attempt strangulation. she doesn't even really use fighting words. it's a one-and-done slap, and it is certainly not a romantic moment.
Cardan on the other hand.... 👀 while "piece of shit" might not be something he'd actually say, he does canonically say "you're a dirty mortal liar" to Jude. which isn't exactly in a romantic moment, but is something i can very easily see being transposed onto one.
–Em 🖤🗡️
(p.s. if this was meant as a prompt for more writing, please tell me that explicitly in future asks! i might not agree with a canonical interpretation of this line, but that's not to say i wouldn't write something like this into a modern contemporary setting. this ask seemed like it could go either way, so an explicit request is very much preferred 🖤)
more theories and analysis
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hobie-doh · 2 months
What an enigma! (pun may or may not have been intentional :))
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Its Her!!!! I love how you captured her gremlin energy, and all the details, augh its so good!
I always try my hardest not to just keyboard smash and scream at you as I'm trying very hard to be articulate and cool, but words do not do justice to the emotions I feel, it's always a pleasure to go "who in the world sent me an ask? ANON!!!"
Sidenote, you are improving like crazy, the detailing on the hair is subtle but very nice and your hands are looking better every time I see them!
Little secret, Enigma is my third favorite design out of all my thieves! Seeing my darlings drawn by someone else just has this incredible magic to it.
Anyways YIPPEE!!! More art for my hoard!
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mrssimply · 2 months
A Show of Loyalty - part II.
Friends, I promised, so here it is, the second part of me filling a prompt twice in the same story. This time I promise, it's only fun times and rainbows.
And huh... I changed the rating 😈
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they're 🎃🍍🍈 gonna eat all your candy 🍭🍬🍫
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ask-ursa-tonypeter · 7 months
[fic: wicked love] Tony and Peter, what are the things you love the most about each other? You can't say "everything", that's a cop-out answer)
Tony: You know parents don’t need an excuse to brag on their kids, right? I love that Peter is generous. He never let growing up like this make him self-absorbed or spoiled or cynical, which is really something, and I can’t take credit for it because I did my best to spoil him totally rotten.
Peter: Dad is just… It’s so hard to narrow down. He’s amazing! He’s so brave and works so hard and still makes time for me, and takes time to make me feel special, and-- you can totally take credit because if I’m really like that then I get it from you! How could I turn out any other way when you’re my example, you know?
Tony: Oh, I don’t know about that, kid. But either way I was definitely still a little hellion at your age; you would be too sweet to get along with 18-year-old Tony at all.
Peter: Oh, I don’t know about that, Dad.
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littlewickedthings · 9 months
is there a tree that looks spooky while alive?
I suppose every tree can be as spooky as it wants to be, dead or alive.
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mossyscavern · 7 months
Random headcanon’s, because I can
Wick/most au’s… are you kidding the same thing-?!
Caleb is actually smarter then you think.
I mean… yeah the weavers are pretty smart but unlike his family, he’s an audio and kinaesthetic learner, he learns by listening and doing things.
But he can’t visually learn because he gets distracted very easily. He has to learn by someone talking to him or to do it himself.
It’s the error of his own ways is how he learns.
Although unlike his other siblings who learn from visual and can get it right from the first time after reading from a manual, he can’t get it right first time.
But that never really bothers him, he may not learn as quickly as visual but he does when someone is talking and a lot of trial and error.
I really am not kidding when I say he can be smart.
Like c’mon! There was clearly a lot of practice involved with digging underground as a ghost and I know it’s instinct like how it is before you die. To me? It comes with practice before you become a ghost story threat to give nightmares. Besides…
The slit mouthed woman learned patience with her victims. Even when she’s very angry.
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adonis-koo · 9 months
Time heals everything so just let it do it’s work. If u can’t stomach the thought of love, then don’t force it. It will come when it’s ready.
Ik it’s sucks to think that maybe he wasn’t as into you as he said, but at least you were honest and loved them to the fullest extent which is really admirable.
And plz give him a side glare upon my behalf whenever u see him at work
my intention has been settled the entire day as ‘it’s okay to grieve what wasn’t meant for me’
i ended up talking to him outside at work yesterday and we talked about how we both felt, how it went down, it was…a very bittersweet feeling, but I understood where he was coming from and why he made his decision, I gave him my few thoughts in relation and spared him all the feelings I’m reconciling now.
we left things on good terms, because even if it wasn’t love, we still cared for one another deeply, and that still meant something.
does it still hurt? it does, but will I be okay eventually? I will, I do firmly believe it. another mantra I’ve been repeating is ‘I will never miss out on what is meant for me’
also I unfortunately don’t have the heart to sideglare him and it’s also no longer possible because yesterday was my last day 🎉 I’m off to get another job working with kids and I’ll be getting my licensing for it.
I’m very excited because this something I’ve been wanting to do for a long while and just didn’t realize there was a niche to get in to start. will it work out? hell if I know, I thought this would work out and it turned into a total dumpster fire 💀
but regardless I’m embracing the journey for what it is. anyways I’m gonna stop using this blog as my journal now, because I’ve accidentally projected on here for two months straight and if you scroll far enough you can watch this train wreck go down in 4K and I’d that isn’t embarrassing then idk what is💀
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oooh, what is this a new big reveal?? Are we going to find out what a son of solomon is?
It's going to be a surprise! Only one person knows the secret, and he's keeping it under lock and key 👀 But I will tell you that it has to do with Nadi's identity, and plays a part in why he was stranded in the desert in the first place!
As for the Son of Solomon part, I actually plan to include an epigraph in this version that might shed a little more light on it. And if you still want more after you've had a chance to read the new version, I might make a separate post explaining the history of it in more detail <3 Just let me know!
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honeyxmonkey · 10 months
Harley question lol if Harley has always lived in the underworld would that mean he’s never seen anything with bright colors? Or are there somehow a little bit of bright things in there? Etc, clothes, books, shoes.
The only brightly colored things Harley's seen is the river of fire that flows behind the palace, and the occasional glowing stone. He's never seen anything alive and vibrant, as far as he can remember.
Hes enamored with the world, really. Everything is new and what we consider to be mundane he finds magical. I mean, when you spend your entire life surrounded by magic, I think you'd find the ordinary to be special.
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latin-dr-robotnik · 1 year
🎸, 🎤, 🎧, 😘 :)
🎸 Favorite Stage Theme?
Carnival Night Act 2, next question. lol no
In all seriousness, this person right here is extremely partial to Hard Times Act 1, what can I say, I'm a simple guy :P
Though, to be honest, something about the Buxer tracks is so... well constructed, even in comparison to the rest of S3K's already top tier OST. Of course the song itself is from the 80's, but the way it was translated to Genesis, the choices in instruments, those crunchy samples taking over the least amount of cartridge space possible in the game's already gargantuan size. Flying Battery and Death Egg are beautiful tracks, but something about the way they got IceCap working still amazes.
As for 3D Sonic, lately I've been feeling Skyscraper Scamper Night a lot. It's the kind of song I think of when I'm about to stream and I have to pick a Sonic song to play from my almost 500 track playlist. I fucking hate Skyscraper Scamper Act 1 with a burning passion, but you can never be mad at Kumatani's music :P
🎤 Favorite Vocal Track?
Every Sonic Frontiers boss, oh, and One Way Dream.
I cannot possibly understate just how much this OST changed my life. This wasn't my first rodeo, I've been here for years and I've spent a lot of my time listening to Sonic OSTs both new and old. When Forces came out, I celebrated the fact vocal songs were back, and I wanted more. I love Sonic vocal songs, and for a long time With Me was my go-to vocal song. But holy fuck these tracks blew me away.
My expectations were surpassed. Final boss-tier songs playing every four hours or so, and probably my favorite credits theme ever in this franchise. It felt like playing through the final battles of Sonic Adventure 2, Heroes and Black Knight over and over again, all in one game. The bar was set very high before this game, and now it's even higher.
And, of course, I picked Find Your Flame as my absolute favorite. I think it perfectly represents Sonic as a whole. Confident, fighting to the very end for his mission, sticking by his friends, very high energy, very powerful and, in the end, a moment to calm down and reflect on the best things in life, that flame that keeps him going.
🎧 Favorite overall soundtrack?
Sonic Unleashed. It and CD are still at the top, but Sonic Frontiers came very close to stealing that, too. The thing I still love about Unleashed's OST is the overall variety, it's so well-rounded and high quality, aged just as beatifully as the game itself. Also, I live for jazzy Sonic tunes, they always hit different.
😘 Favorite ship?
I see you mentioning KnuxAmy here and there, and I'm a bit guilty of not talking about that underrated ship more. Low-key it's still one of my favorites :P (One day I'll finish that Angel Island fic, maybe)
I'm sorry, I was very busy enjoying the absolutely wonderful state of SonAmy in 2023 :P
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And tbh I'm not as active in the shipping side of the fandom as I used to
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iii-days-grace · 1 year
i've been picking up visual art after about a decade of not doing that (high school-ish, so do the math). and tbh my late 20s are a fun place to be as a baby artist!
i'm not nearly as self-conscious as i would've been in high school to try new things, and i have some of my own money to do stuff wit and i feel like generally, i'm not as obsessed with developing a trademark style or having an artistic philosophy that could be put on a museum placard.
my Big Art Question is basically just, can i do that? idk! let's try. will it work? who knows! what does it mean? it's not that i don't care, but i'm ok waiting to find out.
i don't feel the need to explain myself or impress anyone, i can create as quickly or as slowly as i want, and i just enjoy the process more.
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abyssal-endling · 1 year
🎮 for myshka?
🎮 VIDEO GAME CONTROLLER — what are three of your oc's favorite hobbies?
Does messing with Dallas's office count? Or bothering Houston? Cause they do both a LOT lmao, one can find them following Houston around or moving Dallas's stuff around.
In actuality:
Baking and cooking! They bake with Vlad a lot and help him and Iveta make goat's cheese and goat's butter for the bakery!
Paintballing/Airsoft: they do this with Chains, Wick, and Dragan on the weekends
Card games, especially poker! Jimmy and Sokol both can count cards, so they learned from them!
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crazysnor1ax · 2 years
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ask-ursa-tonypeter · 6 months
[fic: wicked love] Soooo, iirc, Peter does call Tony "Dad" in bed. Tony and Peter, if that's ok to ask, - how does that makes you feel? Does it make the situation more awkward? Does it hurt? Does it feel right? Is it a turn off or a turn on? And just generally i wonder if you've discussed this aspect of your relationship at all.
Peter: Oh-- we really didn’t talk about it? It’s just… he’s my dad. I don’t even think about it, really. It got to where it didn’t feel weird calling him ‘Tony’ when I was Spider-man, but that was… It felt different. He didn’t see me as his son then, and now he does. And I… I mean-- don’t take this the wrong way, but-- I like that he’s my dad? That part is important to me, too.
…But I don’t know. I do kind of… Things did feel different between us when I was Spider-man, and I kind of miss some of that? He cared about me, but he wasn’t... trying to take responsibility for me like he does as my dad. Maybe changing what I call him at home could help us get back to that, but-- I don’t know if that’s even possible, really…
Maybe I should ask him what he thinks about it.
Tony: He calls me that because I’m his dad. There’s not really any point to trying to pretend it’s anything other than what it is.
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