#why would he know of doc's redstone prowess.
theminecraftbee · 2 months
Joel squints up at the tiny block island, hanging high over the server. He turns around and squints at Pearl. She squints back. He's not entirely sure why she does that, and it's enough to make him pause and raise an eyebrow, but it is Pearl, so... reason might not be involved? Whatever.
"Yes, Joel?" Pearl asks.
"Was that Doc crying about the llama just now?" Joel asks.
"Yeah," Pearl says.
"Just--absolutely sobbing. Most anxious man I've ever seen. About riding a llama."
"To be fair, he hates skyblock," Pearl says.
"Right," Joel says.
He squints back up at the skyblock.
"Er, okay, so you're also sort of new, yeah? Like, only joined in season eight and all? Know it's been a few years, so new probably isn't quite the right word, but..." Joel says, trying to figure out how to phrase his question.
"Yes, I am," Pearl agrees.
Joel looks between the island, and Pearl, and Pearl's shop, and the llama, and the island, and Pearl. He takes a minute to gather his thoughts.
"So, er, why are we supposed to act afraid of him?" he asks.
"Oh, nobody knows," Pearl says wisely.
"Ah, right then. Carry on," Joel says with as much sarcasm as he can muster, then he wanders off to continue his shopping. Bloody bizarre server, this is, never met a goat this strange on a different server. Honestly.
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