#why not to let yourself develop feelings for someone - a book by Blue Aozaki
evoblue · 9 days
It's coming down hard, Blue muses as she perches herself on the bay window of her study, head resting against the cool window pane. Outside, gusts of wind toss the rain in wild vortices, diagonal sheets, and everything in between. Muted cerulean blues listlessly follow the chaotic drops as they draw swirls across the glass. She remains unfazed even as the sky suddenly lights up, an overture for the roll of thunder that follows soon after. Her thoughts are anywhere but here.
Beguiling coffee-colored eyes sparkling with mirth. Tousled brown hair that always managed to reach his eyes.
Another flash of light, another crack, another rumble as the electric skies and the pouring rain sing upon her rooftop and rattle every window. Blue sighs wistfully.
Careful fingers brushing a wispy curl from her face, lingering just a bit too much behind her ear, making her shiver.
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Feeling her bottom lip tremble, the researcher takes a shuddering breath and wraps her arms around herself. Her phone lay abandoned somewhere on her desk, for once not inhabited by her shiny Rotom. She can't bear to look at Romi right now; it only reminds her of him.
Her chest is completely overcome by this unyielding, desperate ache that refuses to abate. Her heart bears old wounds shaped by his absence, and she is certain they will never truly heal.
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