#why i have to write so much unrequited icemav is something i can't explain
pollyna · 2 years
Things Bradley said when he was eighteen and later found a way to make amends for: it should have been you, not my father. To which Mav had answered with yeah, you're right, kid.
Things Bradley said at twenty-five and no amount of screaming, crying and pleading will give him the chance to make amends for: you know, it's pathetic how hard you try to make him love you. You put your entire career on the line over and over again and he just pats your back and goes back to the new Charlie or Penny or who the hell he's sleeping with. I'm sure if he knew he would let you fuck him for pity or just to be sure you wouldn't leave the Navy to kick him out. To which Iceman had answered if it's all Lieutenant Bradshaw, that's the door. without looking away from the paper he was reading.
Uncle Tom dies and Bradley's last words are older than all the time they spent together.
Things Bradley says in front of a tombstone that nobody's hear and that don't change the situation: I'm sorry. I shouldn't havesaid that things. I love you Ucle Tom.
Everything is silent around him and uncle Tom's voice is just a memory that's fading away with Carole's face and the way she used to sing to him before bed.
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