#why does lupa feel the need to maintain the leslie moran persona when he objectively doesn't need it
💡 and 🦺 for the ask game!! - @magic-is-something-we-create
@magic-is-something-we-create ty for the ask!!
💡 What inspired your WIP? Does it have the same “vibes” as it originally did? If not, how do you think of it now, compared to before?
oh god... early days petrichor was, and i am entirely serious, initially inspired by ya sci-fi dystopia stuff. because i started the very first versions of it in fifth and sixth grade. and also i vaguely recall something about there being like. magic gems and spells? i only watched steven universe like. a few moths ago. so i think the whole gems thing was because i had friends who were into it at the time so i got vaguely inspired by it by proxy. the spells came from harry potter (:////////). now, both those aspects of the worldbuilding are Entirely Gone :)
as you might imagine the vibes are uh. very, very different. we have gone from """""gritty""""" ya sci-fi dystopia (but with magic??) to "i have an obsession with film noir can you tell" + character focus. also it's historical fantasy now so there's that
🦺 What is a plot hole that popped up in your WIP, and how did you fix it? (Alternatively, what is something you added to your story to make it more believable/coherent?)
oh boy. as of The Current Draft Of Petrichor I'm Attempting... there are no plot holes because i'm. fifteen pages in and i don't outline :)
as far as coherency, i'm constantly tinkering with the worldbuilding and lore of petrichor's world to make things make sense. you may remember a month or so ago my timeline issues with regards to rory darling, his song about lupa, and america's borders closing--but i think the most recent major change to make the worldbuilding make more sense (and also less Very Potentially A Thing I Should Not Write) was the change in how, exactly wwii (as we know it) didn't happen--initially, the nazis were still A Thing, but had allied with the commars. now, obviously the nazi party still exists in petrichor, and hitler was likely elected due to the Everything in our history, but the commars were already in a larger sort of control, having gotten a foothold in the chaos following wwi, making the german government one of their puppet governments (i am still working on the details of this but. that's the gist!)
the other Coherency Thing of petrichor i'm currently hashing out is lupa/lycaon/leslie moran/maylum--i.e. who knows him as what alias, why, how that affects things, how his magic affects things, etc., what aspects of his leslie moran persona are attributed to lycaon, and all that jazz
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