#why does buttercream stick around this man if she doesn't have to?
Buttercream Wyvern; Impromtu Cookie Parent?
A Series of Observations by Spiced Orange Treacle Cookie
Okay, before I go into detail about how I am not a fan of the Gaston cookie, can we just look at the Wyvern?
Buttercream seems incredibly fond of Royal Margarine, but is also strangely tame for her origins.
In the main story, Royal Margarine admits the story of how he meets Buttercream Wyvern:
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He doesn't tame Buttercream, he just stumbles upon her. He even states that he's afraid of wyverns, which makes this story even stranger. Why would a wyvern―which all others of her kind are known to attack cookies―not kill him on sight? Why did she let him live?
This gets even more interesting when you look at the snippets of lore you can obtain as the story progresses:
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Now the first two notes are rather nonimportant to our discussion today, though they show that Buttercream is most certainly sentient and that the only thing keeping her from communicating is the fact that she doesn't speak the Common Tongue.
But should you continue, it states that Buttercream believes, "Royal Margarine Cookie should be happy to be under my protection...!" and, "I'm not afraid to face the biggest monsters! After all, I've Royal Margarine Cookie to protect!" This is incredibly significant, as it shows that Buttercream sees the cookie as a charge to protect instead of a master, ally, or anything else. She sees him as something to protect.
Why is this important? Well, look back to how they met again. A young cookie stumbles upon a wyvern after running away in fear. A child was scared and alone, and the wyvern found him and decided he was worth protecting. A little odd, no?
Add in more little details, and this picture gets even clearer. Royal Margarine is the last of his clan, as stated by the fact that he is the last dragon rider. He's a coward, afraid of going into danger, but why? He's trying to save space and be seen as a hero, but for what purpose?
It seems like we have a traumatised adult who is simply trying to find somewhere safe to be while avoiding the pain of his past, and a wyvern that either adopted him for whatever reason. This is going into speculation, but I can see Buttercream either being a mother who lost a clutch and took in the child instead, saving him from the extinction of his clan and taking care of him since, or Buttercream being the same age as him, though the latter fails to explain why Buttercream decided not to attack him.
Also, Buttercream is much smaller than the wyverns you fight, which may be a factor to add to the young Wyvern theory, but I am unsure of which one has more merit. Feel free to add your thoughts. For now, Maple is calling me, and I'm hungry. See you another time!
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