#why do you think my herb brides tag is pinned in my blog's search bar on mobile.... go look at them
meirimerens · 1 year
herb brides on the mind again. am a profound herb brides Truther/Believer/Apologist not in the sense that i will excuse their mistreatment (mostly outside of the narrative, such as with their models etc because some of the in-narrative mistreatment i can recognize as something that we're actually supposed to interact with) and make mental gymnastics to justify said mistreatment as some deep 4D chess #conversation the male lead writer is trying to have with us But in the sense that i so profoundly believe in their potential in their power in the fact that they Could Be So Good Were They Handled Better (as with most female characters ever....) that i will fight like a hound to extract them out of the nasty paws of the mistreating metanarrative to cherish them and conceptualize them in ways i think they could thrive. basaghan get behind me‼️
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