#why do i almost ...wish this would hapoen to me... ๐Ÿ˜” im so ashamdd...
sweet-like-hypoglycemia ยท 2 months
You're at a party. You're a little drunk, but so is everyone right? You find yourself with a group of muscular men and they compliment you on your gains - they act so normal, so supportive, you feel so safe and comfortable. Til suddenly one of them leans over and grabs your boob and squeezes and says something about how they must get in the way. You turn red, open you mouth to protest, but all that comes out is a low moan that shocks even you. The look in the men's eyes changes. It becomes meaner, more predatory. You suddenly notice there's nobody else in the room any more. The first man reaches for you again and pull up your pathetically skimpy top. "Look," he says, "she's got a piercing." A few of the guys laugh but they all lean in to look. You're breathing so heavy now you know this is dangerous and wrong but you can't bring yourself to say no... that's when one of them reaches out and flicks your pierced nipple. You flinch a little and he smiles and looks back to the others. "Knew it. She's a slut. She's not gonna say anything." That's all it takes. Hands on you, moving all over you, tugging, pulling at your clothes, before you know it you're naked on the floor and you can tell which part of what man is even touching you any more so you just close your eyes and let it happen. You let them use you just like you've always wanted. And you feel scared, sure, you feel embarrassed, sure. But most of all you feel like a pretty little girl, and it feels good. It feels right.
I-I'm.....that's exactly what I'm scared of happening ๐Ÿฅบ I'd definitely freeze up and let them! I'm scared to go to bars alone cuz I think about this ๐Ÿ™ˆ!!!!!
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