#why can't i be given a chance to change? or at least minimize the issue
hydrogenperfoxide · 8 months
i wish people would tell me when they don't like me and why so that I don't wonder why i'm struggling so hard to connect but keep trying because I want to be their friend.
like I've been trying to be friends with this person for years now only to just now find out through someone else that it's cause she doesn't like that I talk about stuff she doesn't find interesting and don't stay on topic but like I can change topics, i am capable she just NEVER told me that this bothered her
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Pokemon Emerald Ralts Only Part 6: Walking Over Hot Coals
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Three badges down and five more to go, and from here, I'm expecting that we're going to be taking a bit of a reprieve from the difficult fights. We had to prepare pretty hard for Wattson, and we have the power of Calm Mind and Psychic on our side, so I imagine Flannery will not be that big of a threat all things considered. Numel and Slugma are pretty bad Pokemon and will make for great set-up targets.
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Most important is we can learn Shock Wave, a second damage dealing Special move and finally a powerful option against Dark-types. It looks pretty swimming from here, and I'm even going to go out of my way (and somewhat fail) to avoid a lot of trainers along the way. We might need the EXP later and having to backtrack won't feel great, but I'm pretty confident.
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There is one obstacle in the way that I was worried about but hadn't really given too much thought: the Maxie fight on Mt. Chimney. He has a Mighteyna who is pretty scary at this point, with Intimidate, Bite, and Sand-Attack. I set-up once with Calm Mind to temper the damage from Bite, and to guarantee the 2HKO with Shock Wave.
Bite is still doing about 28 damage though. It's concerning to say the least, but the biggest issue is Sand-Attack, which might sound a little bizarre, because Shock Wave can't miss.
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Shock Wave is a really easy OHKO on the following Zubat too. I still have a lot of HP for the final Pokemon and I can probably handle it with additional Shock Waves, right?
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Well. No.
Reset Counter: 24
Camerupt being immune to Shock Wave is one thing, but there's an additional issue.
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It's not a OHKO by a +1 Psychic either, which is mostly just frustrating.
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Reset Counter: 25
This one is just...like a series of pretty annoying resets. There wasn't really a play error involved and I could grind up to Level 38 for this fight, but it doesn't feel necessary. Somewhere in my brain I know that statistically, these are just pretty unlucky.
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In the next fight, Mightyena actually uses Bite twice. This brings up pretty low, but not quite in the red yet, and offers us an interesting question: should we use a second Calm Mind on the Zubat? There might be a question on why we don't use a second Calm Mind on the Mightyena, but it doesn't guarantee a OHKO and there's a legitimate chance we take more Sand-Attacks than we would otherwise. Minimizing the number of turns against Mightyena is the right call.
I take the risk with the Zubat though, it goes for Wing Attack, and doesn't knock me out. Since my accuracy hasn't been lowered, the fight is now over, since a +2 Psychic easily OHKOs the Camerupt.
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A bit of an uncomfortable roadblock but not an insurmountable one.
There's no more real excitement on the way to Flannery, outside of a bit of a touch and go fight with the Kecleon trainer in her gym. It's mostly just interesting in the fact that you will also Trace Color Change and so most of the fight is both of your Pokemon changing types every turn and having to change which offensive move you use.
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Honestly it might have just been more interesting than the Flannery fight. Kind of regretting not taking at least a couple of screenshots.
There's just not a lot to this fight. Ralts can set-up on either the Numel or the Slugma depending on the risk you want to take (high power Magnitude or Light Screen), and once you get to +2, you can pretty easily sweep.
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At +2, even the Torkoal is a OHKO. Very "just how I drew it up" feel from this fight. It's refreshing honestly, to have a fight just works.
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As an aside, we don't choose to learn Future Sight, meaning out moveset right now is Calm Mind / Psychic / Shock Wave / Confusion. It's pretty good for what we want to do with it. Future Sight would just rot since we don't have many of the good use cases for it.
Next time! Norman! I'm not even remotely confident about this one, save me!
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dragonofthestone · 2 years
Sight vs Sightless
I've mentioned before that broadly speaking Timaeus, chimera or otherwise, doesn't see himself as being "broken" and doesn't need to be "fixed"
Sure he's got his struggles but he manages and content with things as they are.
However as the son of a doctor he's not one to entirely dismiss any treatment option if given, nor would he get angry at someone for suggesting something (unless implying that he needs it and not simply informing of a potentially unaware option)
But would he take it?
Returning to how he was previously before the physical changes? Possibly not, because strangley while it took sometime he eventually comes to realize he feels more like himself the way things are now.
Except for his hands- that he would at least consider. To have something more normal? less clumsy abd awkward not to mention the potential of being able to be free of the chronic pain? Certainly appealing. But no guarantee he'd take it.
Perhaps most notably however is his eye? If there was anyway to regain sight again would he take it?
Well in part it would depend when you approach him.
A recently injured and blinded Tim would likely accept a chance to regain or even avoid losing his sight.
But as he gets older, it's hard to say. His relationship ship with being visually impaired is complicated.
On one hand; Why bother, he's learned to adapt and live with it. While inconvenient his other eye works perfectly fine so although limited its not like his vision is that bad.
But he also can't and won't dismiss the struggles and problems it brings. The anxiety of having such a large chunk of his vision just gone leaving him with a diminished field of view. Sure he's more aware of his other senses to compensate but he's still left vulnerable.
Would love to be able to do things confidently without help / or not deal wuth those who well meaning as they may be think him helpless
Most likely he wouldn't. This is just how life is for him now and is willing to accept it, however a small part of him may remember and occasionally return to think over the idea.
And even if he did take it and choose to have even just partial vision restored its not because he feels broken. I think he'd see and reason it as-
He's not broken nor is he being "fixed" and in someway doesn't see much of a difference between it and someone choosing a prosthetic because they want use of that limb (and you know medical/ alchemicaly haven't figured out regrowing a limb- yet)
if he does it, it's solely because he's decided yeh he has no issue being blind but sure he would like even minimal use of that eye so why not try.
At the end of the day it's not something he'd actively seek out and consider doing on his own.
Sure his body may be damaged but it and he are not broken
Now his chronic pain? That he'd fix and be rid of in a heart beat if possible.
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