#why can't I make a poll in a reblog? 😭
dreamlandcreations · 1 year
You have one chance to change the fate of the Targaryens and to win the war for the Blacks, maybe even before it began.
Who would you eliminate? 😈
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yueasuka · 2 years
It's almost midnight here but I can't sleep so, I will ramble a bit. The poll I reblog about my anime fixation somehow just invoking more though than I need to and I think I'll talk about it for a little bit.
Gundam Seed Destiny is my favourite anime but what fixate me more is this guy
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Shinn Asuka, arguably the most hated protagonist that I've ever know (because I hardly seen a post or article that actually say good thing about him) .
I was introduced to Gundam Seed/Destiny when I was in high school, before that I only know Gundam Wing because my brother love it and we used to watch it when it aired on local TV.
I used to like Kira, until I saw him. I guess you can say its like a love at first sight? Lol.
There's just something about him that make me like his character and make me want to want to know more about him. Sadly, most post or article I found about him back them was full of complain about him and I just couldn't understand how someone can hate him so much. Some people even argue that Kira or Athrun had it worse and they're not a brat like Shinn is and it just sadden me but not enough to deter me from loving him, it does prevent me to talk more about him because my friends hate him and I'm not really active in internet.
As I grow older and internet has become easier to access in here, the more I saw hate toward him and I wonder "Why though?" I mean, it's normal to dislike a character but I don't think it's normal to hate a character to the point you'd hijack someone's post about that character just to say "why this character suck and I hate them and you should too!" Yeah? 😅
Whenever I saw post stating that they hate Shinn, the reason can vary from "I don't like his colour pallette" to "because he's destroyed Freedom." Which I always think is funny, no offence. 😂 Some of the reason is pretty make senses though, like he's rude to his superior or him being an arrogant brat or his anger issues. But to hate him because he's a soldier that followed his superior order or to be manipulated by his superior? Yeah... That's ...kind of a bit weird. 😅
But whatever people say about him, I still loves him to this day and while I never think about it when I was younger, now that I'm older and more aware about mental health, whenever I saw him, I saw a war victim who can't process his trauma because no one let him to.
People always compare him to Kira or sometimes Athrun, because they both also lose the people they love in the war and they don't be a "emo brat" like Shinn is. But what people tend to forget is neither Kira nor Athrun saw their family mutilated body right in front of them! Kira's adoptive family even still alive and he doesn't even has memory about his biological one. That and both of them has support system that help them through their trauma while Shinn support system is... Trash. >.> So of course they'd end up different.
It just came to me in recent years that Shinn's anger issue also rooted deeply from his trauma. He doesn't know how to process that and anger become his only way to let out the frustration.
What sadden me more about Shinn is that... He's not allowed to develop more because of the change of protagonist in mid season and the focus is back to Kira. (Why oh why 🥲🥲) until the end, he's still in the clutches of his very manipulative friend who also get manipulated by his father figure(?).
One of the drama CD said that he's back to ORB post Destiny and it give me hope for his character for the later project. I hope he can finally have time to get the therapy and support system that he badly need. 🙏
Now... Seed movie, when? 😭
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waiting-on-a-dream · 1 year
i just wanna say that i love how the polls have vine references so much 😭😭
also about rin's guilty vote. listen, at first i planned to vote him inno, but.. he's one of the most difficult prisoners for me to understand and no matter how many times i read his mv description (i will return soon with another mv analysis most likely!!) , i still don't understand what he did SHSJJSKS. so it would make more sense for me to vote him innocent, but. i have a bad feeling and also! i didn't want him to get too proud after getting an innocent verdict. ALSO I JUST KINDA BECAME A HARUTO KINNIE FOR A MOMENT AND WENT "he's kinda annoying. cute, but still annoying. someone needs to teach him a lesson" it's a joke i love rin i love characters like that but still. he needs to understand that what he did was MOST LIKELY wrong
(also currently going insane over the fact that ichiro got like. no innocent votes at all and akio will most likely be voted guilty too. sorry kings that's just how life is)
Thank you! XD I wanted to spice up the polls somehow, and that's what I came up with sksksksksk
If I couldn't think of a vine that would suit someone, I would go through my previous meme reblogs and put in something from there instead. Yui's poll is the only one that doesn't have a vine or meme reference, it has two translated lines from newjean's OMG instead!
I can understand why you'd be confused about Rin. 😭 His MV doesn't reveal anything about his crime at all. His vine reference gives a little hint to his motive though. Ahaha, but was voting him guilty really the best choice? We shall see.
I can't see the results of the polls until the time is up (the waiting is torture), so it's nice to know how Ichiro's results are going rn. 😭 Hey, at least he and Akio get to match?
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blackbloodedisabel · 5 months
mermaids dash simulator. haha
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anonymous asked [😎]
does the map in your url stand for mollusc attracted person bc if so that's disgusting and illegal
no it means map??? as in the thing you read????😭😭😭
#I run a map making shop guys... wtf #what surface scrying spells do to a generation
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