#whoa GOOD MORNING getting punched in the feels again going thru vol14 :'D
the-nysh · 1 year
Was reading thru trimax and it hit me that Meryl really is his anchor across all versions of Trigun, and specifically her voice is an anchor. There’s that moment after he kills Legato in trimax where Vash ends up dreaming/seeing visions of all the people he’s loved who have died, Wolfwood and Rem too, and you really get the feeling that Vash wouldn’t mind if he never woke up. But somehow he overhears Meryl giving that speech about how they (she) fights for and alongside Vash the Stampede, and that’s what wakes him up.
Y-yeah....:'))) Every time, the themes are consistent. (Meryl's so important guys!) Cause god, when he's suffering through his very worst--even through all the ugly, violent, horrifying parts, spiraling at his lowest emotional point, teetering on the very edge of giving up or completely losing (faith in) himself, she's there...to find and catch him when he falls. To Remind him that he's not lost or struggling alone in this too. ;o; And that is so......like the tender love inherent in their connection, softly restoring that faith in humanity and empowering his resolve to keep going without losing hope, is so gently anchoring and beautiful. <3
Like here, the way she gently holds his hand cradling his head on her lap, feeling (crying) his pain for him as he's struggling in half-awareness, encouraging and reminding him of that.
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And here, the moment you described: the way he literally pulls himself out of that dark, aimless, unconscious abyss, gripping with his clenched fist (of revived determination) onto the anchoring sound (light) of her voice beside him bringing him all the way back to the world of the living. :')
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(She's chosen to stand together, with him at his side, to help relieve the burden of his fight's long suffering, before he resolves to take the next necessary steps as a bridge connecting the hurt hearts of Plants & humanity.)
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