#who loves them WAY way too fucking much. they r mine. respawn if you fuck up their lore...
milfisolde · 4 years
under read more bc i put too much effort into my ocs and there is A Lot. tw for violent stuff
this will be updated every time i think of something for him!
deviantart link
“The Ravenous” ? idk I suck at titles
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no accessories
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Size reference
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why does he have anime hair if hes a fish? because he’s my oc and i say so
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Short crappy bio
A young shark-like Vastaya. Born in Ionia, west of the island Sudaro. He was captured as a child by  Bilgewater pirates after straying too close to the surface and being found. Was then put to work on the Slaughter Docks, and trained to hunt in the traditional Serpent Isles manner: “launching themselves at their targets to secure tow-hooks with their bare hands, and beginning to butcher the creatures while they yet lived.”.
I need to update myself on League lore, but I would like him 2 be acquaintances with Nami and Fizz. Also, Rollick would have heard stories about Pyke and would find him really cool. Ideally, he would have Johnny Yong Bosch as his voice actor because I love how he voiced Kung Jin in Mortal Kombat X, but I don’t know how he’d do with a pirate accent lmao.
Would be classed as a Fighter with the sub-class Diver. At least I think he would.  
His kit is basically just a mash-up of multiple champions with extra ingredients. Riot do it themselves, so I'm allowed to, too. Pirate lingo used for most of his abilities and voice lines b/c I'm not creative for naming things.
 Passive "Blow the Man Down." : A mash-up of Rengar and Darius' but more complicated. Auto-attacking 3 times in a row, or using abilities, gives his unused abilities 3 different tiers of empowerment. (Like, if you auto-attack 3 times, use W, then Q, his E will have tier 3 empowerment.). Tiers 2 and 3 gives the target bleed when hit by abilities, applying "Blood in the Water."  Applying the bleed multiple times makes it stack, tier 2 stacks like two stacks of tier 1 bleed, tier 3 stacks like two stacks of tier 2 bleed. How many times can it stack? Idk. 5? 7? 10?? ok probably not 10 that would be stupid.
2nd passive "Clipper." : Rollick moves faster in the river; this move speed scales with his normal move speed.
Q "Feed the Fish." : Tier 1 is a swipe in an AOE cone with his claws. Tier 2 is a small lunge in a targeted direction with two swipes, one with each hand. Tier 3 is a longer distance lunge with a bite. If tier 3 lands on a moving target (examples: scuttlecrab when it dashes, Ezreal using his E), it will follow the target like Warwick Q/Evelynn E. The bite will also heal him for a small amount.
W "Hook, Line, Sinker." : is like Rengar's Bola Strike with a wider but shorter range for tiers 1 and 2, but he leaps in the targeted direction at tier 3 and if he hits something, covers it with his net and stays on top of them for a short amount of time. Tier 2 spins the target around from they way Rollick throws his net and will turn the opposite direction of the way the target was originally standing. If you're facing Rollick and the tier 2 net hits you, your back is now turned to Rollick.
E "Chase." : Warwick Blood Hunt but either less or more annoying. Cooldown is shorter in duration, but so is its active. The passive part of it only shows paths to champions affected with a bleed, burn or poison DOT effect. (Includes: Rollick's "Blood in the Water", Darius'  "Hemorrhage", Brand's  "Blaze", Gangplank's  "Trial by Fire", Lillia's  "Dream Dust", Cassiopeia's  "Noxious Poison" and  "Debilitating Poison", Twitch's "Deadly Venom", Teemo's  "Toxic Shot" and  "Noxious Trap", Singed's  "Poison Trail", the  "Scorch" rune,  "Ignite" summoner spell,  "Challenging Smite" summoner spell, "Azakana Gaze" from  Demonic Embrace, and "Torment" from  Liandry's Anguish.
R "Cleave 'Em to the Brisket!" : Similar to Skarner's "Impale". Rollick takes the hooked blade he has on his belt and lunges at the target, stabbing into the enemy champion's chest with his chest to their back, and drags them away. "Cleave 'Em to the Brisket!" can only be used on a champion that has their back turned towards Rollick. It applies a tier 3 "Blood in the Water." upon use. It can yank champions out of  Displacement Immunity, but doesn't suppress the target champion entirely, they are still able to use dash and blink abilities, use Thresh's  "Dark Passage", recast  "Death Sentence" , and use most movement summoner spells ( Flash, Hexflash, Mark/Dash), but if they do, half of their current HP is taken away from the hooked knife being dragged/yanked out of them. If you are 30% HP and you use one of the movement abilities mentioned, you will leave with 15% HP and two stacks of tier 3 bleed. For 5 seconds after using his ult, Rollick uses his knife to attack, gaining increased auto-attack range and his autos apply a tier 1 bleed stack per hit. The enhanced auto-attacks drag his targets towards him because of the hook part in his knife getting caught on them.
Animation ideas
(I used google to find every gif/picture, save for the “dance” one. they have tumblr links bc when writing this tumblr shit itself when i wanted to save it as a draft and i kept it open in a different tab and copy/pasted everything. im sorry some of the gifs are weird aslkfjdjf)
Walking animation is him using his arms and tail to "crawl". imagine the gif has a tail instead of legs
Running animation is the same concept, just with much more effort put into making himself move faster. Moving in the river looks more like he’s swimming rather than crawling. Slowed animation is him dragging himself slowly with his head facing the ground, putting weight on his elbows instead of using his arms completely. Like an army crawl but in pain.
Idle animation is him crossing his arms and resting on his elbows, then looking around and inspecting his claws.
If left in idle animation for more than 15 seconds, he drops down completely and puts his head in his arms and dozes off. Moving after the sleep idle will have him shake his head awake when starting to move.
Death animation is him trying to crawl, being unable to, then collapsing on his side and flopping onto his back.
Taunt animation is him straightening himself then lashing out with his hands and baring his teeth before "biting" the air in the direction he’s standing, voice lines coming out before the bite part.
Joke animation is him chasing his own tail? Maybe he gets tangled in his net after doing it for a second and just struggles there until the animation is interrupted.
Dance is uh. He straightens up and does knife tricks. He doesn’t have legs, doesn’t have a staff like Nami, and just wouldn’t dance like Cassiopeia.
I made the gif using footage from here.
His laugh animation would be him laughing and flopping onto his back, then turning back onto his stomach. All but one of his laughs would be loud and hearty, the one that isn’t would sound like Kung Jin’s laugh.
Voice line ideas
First encounters:
Bilgewater/Bilgewater themed champion:
"Ahoy!" "Ahoy, bucko!" "Ahoy, scallywag."
Multiple champions simultaneously/champions who have a visible partner/partners with them (examples: Kindred, Sejuani, Lulu with Pix, Elise with her Spiderlings, Azir with his Sand Soldiers):
"Ahoy, me hearties."
"Pyke?! I’ve heard stories of you! Though… You’re smaller than I had imagined..." "Hey there, old salt! " "Ahoy, seadog! "
"Good to see a friendly face! Shame it’s on the wrong side." "Oh! Little lass! Have you found your stone yet? "
"Little trickster! Where’s your big friend? "
“Test? Gonna get myself an A-plus-plus! …That’s the good grade, right?
Any champion:
"Scurvy dog! " "AAARRRRGGGGHHHH! "
Bird/bird themed/winged champion:
"Polly want a cracker? "
Tahm Kench:
“The only creature with an appetite bigger than mine” “You put me to shame with that maw of yours! You could fit me in it!”
Tier 3 "Feed the Fish.":
(after used on champion wearing armour/with tough skin)
"Ouch… I think I broke a tooth. Good thing I got more. "
(after used on champion with fur/feathers/long hair)
" (violent spitting-out-fluff noises) Blegh! "
Tier 1 and 2 "Hook, Line, Sinker. ":
"Catch! " "Avast, ye! "
Tier 2 "Hook, Line, Sinker. " after turning someone around:
"Bring a spring upon ‘er! " "Broadside! "
Using "Chase. " with a DOT’d champion in range:
"Chum in the water…" " (deep inhale, then a rumbling growl) "
Using "Chase. " with affected champion visible:
"Lookin’ a bit squiffy there…" " (laughter) Yesss… "
Eliminate champion:
"Take a caulk. "
Eliminate champion while using "Cleave ‘Em to the Brisket!" or the enhanced auto-attacks after:
"Hah, keelhauled! " “Taste me steel n’ may the devil take ye!”
"Dead men tell no tales…"
"What a flogging…" "Alright, I’ve fed the fish… Now it’s their turn. "
"Heave to! " "Avast ye! "
(Assist me!):
"All hand hoy! " "All hands on deck! "
(Assist me!) followed up by (On my way!), or vice versa:
"Weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen! "
(Area is warded.):
"They’ve got a lookout. "
(Target champion):
"Thar she blows! " "Sail, ho! " "Savvy? " "Hang ‘em from the Yardarm! "
Allied champion drinks potion or gets healed by another ally when Rollick has missing HP:
"Splice the mainbrace! Please?"
Alone with low HP, no potions or actives available, or sells all items:
"Looks like I’m marooned…"
Healed by ally:
"Feeling shipshape!" "Much obliged." "I’m in your debt." "Thank you!" "Thanks!"
Receives shutdown gold:
"Ha-ha! Plundered! " “Bounty taken.”
Flashing away from enemy:
"Blimey! " "Gah!” "Sink me! " " (girly shriek) "
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