#who knew i'd get teary eyed over a game that has no plot or characters or win condition
intercal · 6 months
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anyway the last post was kinda prompted by this game (which doesn't seem to have a screenshot mode? wack) called Summerhouse. I almost teared up watching the trailer because you can just tell the dude who made it really really really cares about it, and when you play it there's so much love put into it. the concept really pulls at some kind of nostalgia inside of me because it's inspired by the houses and buildings you would see when you were far from home on summer vacation. it's like a brief window in time to a point in your life that you can remember so clearly even though it was over 10 years ago and there's an aura of unknown and magic around it, walking down a street and trying to imagine what goes on behind the walls you're next to and realizing that the lady out front watering her plants does this *every day* - this is just her life and it's a small, small slice of mine. idk there is something very enchanting about this game to me. it's not even really a game, you just plop down beautiful premade assets down and let your imagination flow. it's $5 normally, $4 during the spring sale. it makes me think of Townscaper (also on sale!), another not-really-a-game that you build stuff around.
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