#who can break your bones while naming them but can't assemble Ikea or sew a button because she can't into domestic things
veinereastath · 4 years
OC skills
I got tagged by @spicevalleys​, thank you! <3 I don’t know who to tag in this, I’ve seen most people already done it, but if you haven’t, consider yourself tagged! 
Deputy Irina A. Carter
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^ from oliviawildesjawline <3
bold = capable, does well, italics = capable, limited capacity ~~ swim / scubadive / read and write / do calligraphy / ride a bike / ride a unicycle / ride a motorcycle / ride a horse / drive / draw / sing / play an instrument / maintain a rhythm / converse in a language / converse in more than two languages (Icelandic [100%], Russian [65%], English [80%]) / converse in more than four languages / do basic maths / do algebra / understand structural formulas / read a floorplan / assemble ikea / build a working piece of furniture / build a house / sew a button / customise clothes / make clothes / bind a book / use a vacuum / clean windows without leaving streaks / boil water / make pasta / remove the pit of an avocado (she never tried avocado) / cut bell peppers / cook / bake / basic first aid / cpr / close a bullet wound / fire a gun / load a gun / shuffle a deck of cards / shuffle a deck of cards one-handed / play or read tarot / use matches / use a lighter / make a fire without either / code / start a computer / hack / steal a car without keys / pick a lock / kick down a door / throw a punch / put an opponent smaller than them into a chokehold / put an opponent larger than them into a chokehold / intentionally break a bone / make a cast / chop down a tree / put up a tent / make a knot / create a shelter without tools or brought materials / make a cocktail (yes, but only the molotov one :>) / cut a line of cocaine / change a diaper / recite a nursery rhyme from memory / recite an important religious code from memory / recite the table of elements from memory / recite all pokemon in the pokemon song from memory / recite a 10-digit code 24 hours later after only reading it once (depends on its level of complexity) / tell a person’s zodiac sign / tell a person’s age / play football / play basketball / play another ball sport / iceskate / use an audio recording device / use a camera / tattoo / do a piercing
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