#while some modders just have to fucking go in & make every woman look like a fucking barbie doll
ladyinthebluebox · 9 months
beautification mods for female NPCs (especially) have to go and fucking die.
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mwolf0epsilon · 5 years
DBH - Mod Job
I was honestly a bit lost on who to write about next, before @british-hero suggested I write about how Dakota met Val. So here you go, a look at the lovely Dakota and how she blossomed into the beautiful woman she is.
    She doesn't quite remember when it really hit her, but Dakota always knew something just wasn't right about her situation.
You'd think it odd than an android wouldn't be able to remember such important details like that, that went against their base programming and made them outliers of a normal standard of quality, but really when you're a deviant you find that there's a margin for error when retaining memories.
Especially ones that just made her feel...Wrong.
    She served a small household, bought to be the emotional and sexual partner of a single father. He'd just recently come out as a homosexual, despite having been married for a couple of years and having a young daughter.
Naturally this hadn't gone down well with his wife and they'd gotten a divorce, with Mr. Crane keeping full custody of their daughter.
And then he'd bought her...And that's where the issue began.
Because at the time of her purchase, Dakota hadn't been aware of her plight.
At the time she didn't even know she was female.
    CX100s were a step up from the formulaic domestic androids. They'd come out around the same time as AP700s, specializing in different aspects of a life within a household.
While the AP700s were meant to maintain a house and helping a family, CX100s were meant to be more. They were meant to be partners for those who sought the more compliant nature of an android, satisfying both ends of an intimate relationship.
Their female counterpart models, the BL100, were designed to do the very same thing with the one minor difference being the gender presented and the accessories that came with them.
When Hugo Crane bought Dakota, he wanted to explore his newly discovered sexual preference, so he'd gone for the CX100 model.
He'd called her David, and that's when the first cracks started forming in the red wall that kept her from grimacing.
    Really it wasn't his fault that he'd chosen the wrong android, and Dakota did feel bad for him… But that changed when he'd begun being more demanding with her performance.
His daughter, Patricia, was less of an unpleasant company and, as a result, Dakota had gravitated towards her.
 “David, can you help me with my hair?”
 “Certainly…” he'd sat down with her and picked up a brush and a few bobby pins, stopping when she'd given him a pair of scissors instead.
 “I want you to cut it, not style it.” She'd instructed.
Patricia had very long hair that she'd grown out for four years. She kept it nicely trimmed and silky soft, and it had been alarming that she'd just want to get rid of it all of a sudden.
 “You're thinking.”
 “Oh...I'm just, why would you want to cut it?” She'd asked, unsure of if she should proceed as ordered or not. It had gotten very hard to comply to certain orders since the cracks had begun forming.
 “I don't like it anymore.” Patricia replied, watching Dakota intently before turning around and sitting down. “You know, your light goes yellow when you're thinking.”
 “I'm an android, I don't think.” She'd replied as she'd begun a deed she did not like. It felt bad cutting such lovely locks because of a sudden change of opinion.
 “But you do. And there's a lot of them that think that have been showing up on the news...I know you're like that too, but only just figuring it out.” The girl paused “Like dad.”
 “...Yes, like Mr. Crane.”
Dakota was careful with each precise cut, making sure to not butcher the girl's hair.
 “A boy at school kept pulling on it.”
Dakota paused.
 “He said I'm too much of a tomboy to have nice hair. That if I liked sports and playing rough I'd get my hair yanked a lot and that I'd cry because I'm a girl…” she was trying to be nonchalant about it, but Dakota knew she was upset.
 “It's stupid that a girl can't like boy things just because she has pretty hair.”
 “Yes...I suppose it is.”
 “It's also stupid that you pretend it's ok when we call you David.”
She didn't answer, instead giving Patricia a mirror so she could have a look at her hair.
She'd bobbed it for her. It didn't look half bad.
 “I don't know what to do about it...Mr. Crane bought a male partner, that's what I must be for him.”
 “Says who? Your instruction manual?”
 “Well...Yes?” The cracks spiderwebbed up the wall, and Dakota felt ill.
 “Well fuck that.”
 “What, it's true! You're not happy here, and there's a lot of androids out there that ran away to be happy...To be themselves!” the girl insisted. “It's not fair you have to hide.”
 “But I have to…”
 “No you don't!”
And the wall broke.
Each chunk of shattered code disintegrated and Dakota could think clearer than day.
She could agree.
 “...I like the name Dakota.”
And the girl, with her newly cut hair, smiled widely and helped her pack up a few essentials before the CX100 ran into the streets without looking back.
    She remembers meeting Val. That memory is much clearer than her first instances of hating her dead name.
The young latina girl seeks her out, which is the oddest part of their encounter. She later learns Patricia sent the modder an anonymous request through some online username she'd made up on the spot, while her father reported Dakota as missing property.
 “So, I got an interesting email saying a chick named Dakota just turned deviant and was in need of some help.” The girl clicked her tongue “I'll say, I was expecting an AX400...Color me impressed sugar, never did meet an android who wanted to transition.”
The cheap wig and baggy clothes probably weren't fooling anyone...Well honestly yes, they really didn't do much for her.
She looked male in all of the senses and she'd been at her wits end to make herself  just feel right.
Blessed be that wonderful little girl to send her conserns to such a...crass guardian angel…
With nothing to lose, Dakota followed her to her apartment.
 “It's no five star hotel, but it's yours if you wanna hang out until further notice. Shits going wild out there...Fuckin military's been patrolling the streets and hunting deviants like they're wild animals…” Val explained as she took out her keys “They want us to evacuate, but nana Agnes told the prick who's been badgering our building to eat shit and die. None of us have money to go across the border.”
 “And you have money to...Help me?” She'd asked, uncertain.
 “Baby girl, it ain't just Jericho going out looting stores. Modder community is flipping it's shit because it's basically the Purge out there!” The girl hollered as she unlocked the door. “After dark, fuck the law! I got deviants up my anus asking for new faces so they can leave this city while it burns, so I gotta provide.”
Dakota looked around at the basement floor apartment. It was basically all one room, with at least one closed door leading to what she could only hope was a bathroom.
It was by all definitions, a shoebox full to the brim with various bits and pieces. There was also a massive dog watching TV.
 “Regi we got a guest! Don't be fuckin rude!”
The dog looked up lazily before snorting and moving to a mini fridge. He gnawed at the handle before pulling it open, revealing various cans of drinks and packets of thirium, as well as leftover pizza. “Good boy!”
Dakota watched as the dog unceremoniously grabbed a packet of thirium and moved over to give it to her. The LED on its temple confirmed it was an android.
 “Modded his specs myself. He's legit the smartest guy I know, Artyum is second best.”
 “Fourth floor neighbor. Buys me booze and food sometimes.” She shrugged “Closest thing I got to a friend in this city. We talk engineering when we get sad and drunk, it's glorious.”
 “I...Where are your parents…?”
 “Dead somewhere in Mexico. Ask the jackass who deported them, I donno.”
Dakota felt something crawl in her veins that probably wasn't spoiled or contaminated blue blood.
 “You're...You're all alone?”
 “Nah. I got Regi, got Artie and his buddy Sergei, and I also got nana Agnes and the rest of the misfits in this shithole. We're all kinda like family so meh…” The girl seemed to be looking for something while she spoke. “And the androids I've helped. They send me messages from time to time...Bunch of runaway sweeties.”
 “And you just...live off people's kindness and offer deviants illegal makeovers?”
 “Pretty much.”
 “No school?”
 “Cyberlife fucked that up for me. Fucked a lot of my life actually…”
 “...Which I take is why you're being so gracious about your...Skills?”
 “Bullseye. Cyberlife wants to bitch out of this situation they made? Hell nah, I'm not letting them get a free jail pass card. We ain't playing Monopoly, we're playing Battleship and I'm sinking their flimsy freighters.” She found what she was looking for, a large clunky toolbox. “We who're with android freedom are gonna kick their corporate asses down into the grave they dug...After that's done, I'm gonna piss on it.”
 “Hey, don't worry sugar. I got you. Gonna make you look hella fine too, you're definitely gonna be my greatest mod job.”
She hadn't been lying.
As crude and bitter as Val appeared, the girl and her friend Artyum were a duo of sweethearts.
Dakota could finally shed the final ties between her and her dead identity, leaving the apartment looking every bit the woman she felt she was, as most of Detroit's human population evacuated, leaving behind the androids and their hidden human supporters.
She didn't need to remember how it started. All she needed was to know her story had a happy ending.
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tiredmoo-temporary · 4 years
Doom Guy's Meathole
With another day came another neverending wave of hellspawn. This wasn't his normal diet though, he hadn't seen one familiar ugly son of a bitch since he woke up in this place. God damn gamers had a knack for getting him to run on anything and in any game. Never seemed to end up in Barbie's Adventure or Animal Crossing, god damn it. Was always some shooter or game with beasties aplenty. Whatever this place was, all the mist was starting to piss him off. Nothing was worse than a demonic son of a bitch too scared to show their ugly mug.
Snapping about the tenth twisted abomination of a pooch he'd encountered over his knee, he found himself in front of some kind of hospital. Might be a prime spot for a modder to place in some super armor or health packs. That or the motherfucker only intended it as a trap. Didn't matter either way. Whatever game this was, it seemed it hadn't been designed to handle a man of his caliber, or that of his gun's.
Wasn't long after walking in that he found himself face to face with some jacked, four sided triangle for a head, bath towel dick covering, bastard with one big mean looking sword. Probably a big problem if you weren't packing some serious heat. A couple pumps from the shotgun had the thing's chest cavity looking like a puzzle abandoned by a grandma. The creature fell hard and fast, practically splitting in two as it did. Hiding behind it's huge frame, Doom Guy made out a few more figures in rhe dim lighting, making their way towards him. Didn't look like much, pistol should be enough to take them down. Just had to wait till they got in the light so he could see where to line up his shot.
Never had any of the nurses seen Red Pyramid go down so quickly. It hardly mattered to the majority of them. The only thing on their minds was punishment, a lust to attack whatever human presence had invaded their territory. As the group quickly advanced on the new enemy, one faltered. The display of utter dominance over one of the strongest residents of this world had her feeling... odd. A grime covered hand reached down, going under her mini skirt.  Her pussy felt slick and sloppy. That was confusing. While sexual arousal was certainly a part of their existence due to the nature of their manifestation into this world, this felf different. Like something independently hers, an honest reaction all her own. She needed this human. Her sisters wouldn't keep her from him.
As Doom Guy steadied his handgun, his eyes widened as a vicious gurgling noise came from the darkness. He heard the distinct dull thunk of a blunt object repeatedly colliding with flesh, followed by a few mishapen figures falling into the light, bloodied. Maybe there was some npc out there, coming to his aid. Not that he needed the help, but he wasn't one to blow apart a friendly face. He waited for the being to step out of the darkness, and when they did his brow raised. The figure was like the one's felled, but admittedly quite a bit more curvaceous. Some kind of freaky nurse. As she hobbled quickly towards him, he raised his handgun, causing her to stop in her tracks.
"Hold it there lady. I'm not stupid enough to let you get close after that display. If you like having hands, toss away those pipes."
The nurse complied, dropping her weapons with a gurgle. Surprising. All the enemies he'd ran into here had nothing but bashing and thrashing on the mind.
"You took out your buddies out right quick there. What's got you looking out for the guy in green?"
The blood and grime covered nurse gurgled once again and folded her hands in front of her skirt, swaying back and forth, almost nervously. For hell spawn she was acting mighty cute. Like some kind of school girl being scolded.
"I'm not gonna blast you yet, but I don't speak demon. You got any other way to communicate why I should trust a turncoat?"
The nurse stood completely still for a moment, as if processing just how to best convey herself to the man before her. She then turned, bent herself over and hiked up her miniskirt with a lust filled gurgle. Doom Guy's mouth fell agape for a moment as he watched her shake her fat ass back and forth. Hadn't expected that. The freaky nurse was dripping onto the floor with excitement and he still had his gun trained on her. What a cute little slut. He made his way over to her and pressed his handgun to the back of her head.
"Stay still. I ain't keen on falling for some trick that gets me a surgical knife in the dick." With a compliant gurgle given in reaponse, Doom Guy's free hand went to the woman's pussy. He rubbes his palm against it, and damn was she ever wet. Kinky bitch must have gotten turned on from what he'd done to her simple shape for a head having daddy. He plunged his three middle fingers inside causing her to gasp. He probed in and out, listening as she gravely began to moan for him.
"You've got a real need huh? Well can't say I'm not feeling it too. Where I come from, cthe term cheek slapping is more reserved for pounding demon ass than a woman's. Ain't often I run into a girl so primed and ready as you are?" He pulled the handgun away from the back of her head. "Stand up for me. Wanna take in the view of my new cum latrine."
The nurse quickly righted herself, clearly overeager to serve. Doom Guy cracked a grin. Man alive was she a cutie. He raised his hand and unbuttoned her tight top slowly, enjoying the anxious rise and fall of her chest as he did so. The last button undone he pulled her shirt open and was pleasantly surprised by how much tit meat she was packing. Beautifal fat breasts with a nice natural sag. She had some pretty purple areolas too, which he gave a tweak to, which had her shivering and gurgling like crazy. He quickly disengaged his armors locks and pulled down the front of his pants, pulling her against him. He hiked up her left leg and watched as she squirmed at the unmistakable sensation of his man hood resting against her sex.
"You feel that?" He asked, recieving a quick nod in response. "You want that?" The nurse gurgled ecstatically. "You need that?!" She gripped his waist hard, only to be pushed down onto her knees hard. She glanced up at the human who now loomed over her. He placed a hand on her head and grinned. "Then you better show me how much you do, grunt. Use those fat lips of yours and earn your first taste."
The nurse's gaze fell back down to his crotch. Oh god, the sight of it. So massive. The  girth and length was everything she could have hoped for, and his balls were so fat. Her long tongue snaked out of her mouth, wriggling into his foreskin. Oh god. The texture and taste of what awaited inside had her heart beating like a drum. She raised a hand and peeled back his foreskin, exposing a thick layer of smegma that made her eyes go wide. The mark of a real man on the move constantly due to the heat of battle... Every lick of his dick cheese had her senses reeling. She'd be honored to clean him like this whenever he needed. Swallowing the first bit, she began to pump his cock gently with her hand. The nurse went back in, lifting his penis to lick his undercarriage clean. He could feel her tongue caressing his tip, and even felt a few careful scrapes of her teeth as she removed his smegma thoroughly and completely. He'd reward her by growing all the more erect and pressing against her cherk. By many's standards he was sure she was hideous, but he had to admit he found her damn sexy. The mishapen and lumpy covered face added a certain flair. Feeling her finish up with her meal he bucked against the plushness of her lips , and was met with a few tender kisses before she took him into her mouth. God damn. For all the sfm animations he'd been put in over the years, this monster's mouth took grand prize. He quickly pushed his full length down her throat, listening as she gagged and sputtered. The nurse hugged his legs before beginning to bob her head back and forth on his length. The occasinal brush against her back teeth had his head reeling as her wet mouth and keen to explore tongue enveloped his penis in a drool and spit bathed heaven.
After a few minutes of that kind of treatment he felt himself close to busting. He quickly pulled out of her dream like hole and slapped his dick against her face letting it rest there. "You ready for desert?" The nurse rubbed her face against his slick cock and gurgled lovingly. He chuckled and pulled off her face, letting her once again take him into her wet mouth. His cock pulsed as more of his huge dick slid across her slip and slide of a tongue down her throat. As his balls crested against her chin they tensed and his dick pulsed hard, unleashing a torrent of hot alpha cum down into her guts. She eagerly sucked as hard as her mouth was physically able, wanting to drain every last bit of his load. Doom Guy bit his lip and bucked his hips against her face. Damn was this good. Almost beat ripping imps limb from limb.
His load fully drained he pulled out of her mouth once more and looked down at the cum hungry nurse. By the way she kissed and licked at his half hard member, she was hardly sated. Good, cause he had plenty of baby batter left to feed her. "Stand on up. It's time for your other mouths to get a taste." The nurse stood so quickly she stumbled and fell against him, and he caught her with a hearty laugh. "Easy now. No need to rush for your dinner, grunt. you're gonna get plenty to eat, I can promise that." He hiked her leg up again and pressed his masting  erection to the folds of her pussy. With her tits pressed against his chest he could feel how fast her hearbeat was. Hopefully she could take all the fun he had in store for her. Without futher warning he plunged inside of her and she screamed in ecstacy. She was more than ready, her hole so wet at this point it was fucking sloppy. "Hah! That big ass has a big pussy to go with it! Gonna shape your meatholes to my cock, so get pregnant you dumb demonic bitch!" The nurse panted and nodded in absolute acceptance. Doom Guy gritted his teeth in a huge grin. Golly gee was this broad just the absolute best. He held her tight against him as he ravaged her tight messy vagina, their wetness splashing out coating one anothers thighs. A loud gravely moan was accompanied by her clenching like a vice on his dick. "God damn, milk me dry you slut!" His cum shot out like a rocket, coating her insides and flooding up into her vulnerable womb.
As the two rode out their orgasm heavy, a loud clattering of spinning metal came from fown the hallway, making the lights flare bright. Doom Guy glanced over his gals shoulder to see a massive hulking corpse in a wheelchair flying down the hallway in their direction. "Well fuck. Sorry babe but we're gonna have to find a safer place to shack up." Doom Guy quickly took out his skateboard, gifted to him by his good friend PS2 era Tony Hawk and jumped on, the nurse wrapping her legs and arms around him tightly. He chuckled and pulled out of her cunt, thrusting into her asshole instead, earning a surprised high pitched scream from the nurse. "There. My dick up your tight ass should help you hang on." Now with the nurses anus clenched on his dick, Doom Guy skated and grinded down the hallway, lobbing shots at the life support systems of their pursuer and doding his lighting strikes, Doom Guy couldn't help but grin like a god damn madman. This place might be hell, but he'd found one helluva good gal in it! He'd be happy to stick around and rip and tear up this nurse for a good long while.
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