#while kali is cool i'm not a fan of her friends that much and the whole plot just seems so out of place in the middle of will beingpossessed
mlchaelwheeler · 2 years
okay season 2 (best season!) hot take: the kali episode where el had her girlboss moment was actually really good and I genuinely don't understand why everyone hates it? I loved el getting a sister & an aunt, and just familial relationships in general outside of hopper. they need to bring back kali I miss her
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send me a hot take?
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cloudycleric · 9 months
helloooo big fan of your videos they give me so much motivation to make byler art 🫶🫶
question uno: how is filming of stranger things going?? it must be very exciting to be the new actor of will and meeting all the cast members :)
question deux: obv will is best boy but who are you other favourite characters? and also is there any character you dislike but is meant to be one of the good guys in the show?
last question number drie: do you think mike and will are going to get eachother christmas presents in season 5 because we know it’s christmas season and if so what presents do you think they’ll be??
also here is a lil quick drawing i made while watching ur vids of mike and will as the parrots that suit their personality in my opinion with mike as a quaker and will as a cockatiel
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it is going wonderfully i think you bylers will be really happy for what season 5 has in store.
okay these are my favorite characters: will (obv) & mike, my #1 pookie bears. a lot of my friend dislike jonathan but i do not feel that way. jonathan is also a pookie bear with great music taste. i love joyce & hopper & they are very my parents coded. lucas & dustin obv they are pookies bears & i love them. nancy & steve, i like steve more than i like nancy, i don't have particularly strong feelings on nancy, idk why but i like her. robin is also cool but i think sometimes she kinda toes the line of being a little TOO campy or corny or just, netflix original /derogatory writing. but i love her & people cant say shit about it because guess what she is MY little netflix original pookie ok. max love max i didn't have an appreciation for her like i do now until s4 but i think that the writers wrote her so well & her problems are so complex & deep i find it really interesting. MURRAY! i love him, i want him to have a spin off PI show with joyce & hopper where they solve little mysteries i love murray he is so silly goofy i'm not gonna give him the title of pookie just cause i feel weird about that one. but he is hands down one of my favorite comic relief characters if not my favorite. argyle is my little stoner man i love him so much i love him! eleven OBVIOUSLY is a pookie & i love her so much & i want to give her some nice chocolate cookies & a warm glass of milk (even though drinking milk straight up is disgusting it's about the symbolism) & also a hug if she will let me just because shes been through so much & i hope that she gets better. also ERICA she is a POOKIE. i love her so much & i love how she is just so unapologetically herself all the time also she's funny as fuck & she knows it i just love her energy so i guess the answer to your question is that i love all of them & theres not a single character that ioh. i have one. that is arguably one of the "good guys" that i hate. i do not like kali. she parallels henry in a lot of different ways if you go back & watch season 2 like almost word for word & i don't like how she manipulated el into going & doing dangerous stuff with her, so yeah shes just not my cup of tea
I HOPE THEY GET PRESENTS FOR EACH OTHER because i think it says so much about a person & how they feel about you.
also i love your drawing so much & i would print it & put it in my room if that's okay but also im lazy & don't know where i would get it printed so sorry about that.
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mytastessuck · 3 years
Gorillaz: Humanz
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SHere it is, the comeback tour! I was so excited for this album, I sucked all the singles that came out before I could download the album. This album basically reminded me of the reasons I love Gorillaz. All of them. One particular reason a little too well...
Okay, let's get the elephant out of the room. This album is a bit controversial among the community for playing a little too hard to one of Gorillaz' strengths: showcasing cool artists. There are more than a few tracks where Damon doesn't even show up. Hell, my favorite track doesn't even have it on him. Me, I honestly don't care about that as long as I get to hear good music but for the rest of you die hard Gorillaz fans? Just think of this as a compilation album like NOW That's What I Call Alternative/Indie Hip-Hop/R&B/Electronica/Pop.
See? Rolls off the tongue. Now let's get started.
1. Intro: I Switched My Robot Off
Nice. Real ominous. Gorillaz really know how to build up a presentation. Feels like you're walking through the doors of the doors to the Shrine of the Silver Monkey. Anybody remember Legends of the Hidden Temple? Were there doors on that stage? Anyway, awesome.
2. Ascension
Holy hell, Vince really knocks it out of the park on this one. Different beat, nice flow, social commentary...He was not fucking around on this track. Damon's barely on the track but Vince makes up for it with his existential rhymes and chorus back-up. Man, Gorillaz has gotta take advantage of gospel more often.
3. Strobelite
That didn't take long, did it? Anyway, this is my favorite song on the album. Peven has an incredible voice, the music psychically compels you to dance and...that's it. Sometimes, well usually with me, you just need to go with Simple Yet Awesome. Have a good voice and a good beat. This song has both and I'm pretty sure that one day, a scientist will hear this song and will be inspired by it to cure diabetes.
4. Saturn Barz
Ah, the lead single from the album. Remember the 360 house, everyone? Yeah, you remember. Glad to have Gorillaz welcome back Reggae into their line-up with Popcaan manning the helms. He and Damon tag-team the eardrums with the power of dread as the instrumentation makes you feel like you're in a haunted house. Welcome back, guys.
5. Momentz
WELCOME BACK, GUYS! De La Soul returns to say some real shit about time and how you should, respect and stuff. Seriously, awesome track. Kicks so much ass and you can even dance to it as you wonder if this MOMENT will be one of the last times when you feel really happy. Nice...
6. Interlude: The Non-Conformist Oath
Hey, Steve Martin! I like to imagine a bunch of assholes listening to this and...just not getting it. Not us though. We get it. We're smart. Smarter than those guys...
7. Submission
This song had to grow on me but years after I got the album and after I learned to appreciate Danny Brown a little more like all humans should, this song became one of my favorites off the album. Don't worry Kelela, he doesn't carry the whole song. Her voice is so beautiful that it can calm a charging rhino or a coked-up Connor McGregor. These make the song a lot classier than it had any right being.
8. Charger
She's beauty, she's Grace...she's also Jones. Man, I haven't heard from this woman since Corporate Cannibal and she has clearly been keeping up practice. God, how can a woman's laughter both scare and arouse me? Damon's no slouch on this track either, singing about the monster that keeps us all tethered: the charger. I kid, I kid. Hey, did Damon really get a boner on stage when he sung this or are you guys messing with me? Message me if you know.
9. Interlude: Elevator Going Up
On a recent trip, I tried to go up the elevator but it was card-activated so a desk lady had to help me. That's it.
10. Andromeda
Damon has to do the heavy lifting here and his muscles have not completely wasted away from lack of use. He tells us to take in our heart and you know what? I did. I took this song directly in my heart...and my playlist.
11. Busted And Blue
Yeah, this song is a bummer. A good bummer. It's Broken's younger brother who joined the army to make his parents proud after he couldn't get into university like his older brother who managed to form a separate family with his squad and began to think that maybe he was good enough after all before his squad gets bombed and, as he lies legless dying painfully on the ground, a blue butterfly land directly on his outstretched busted hand...
Directed by Mervyn LeRoy
12. Interlude: Talk Radio
You ever wonder how we get voices in machines? I know you think it's a complicated process but I know a dude who picked up the radio in his electric fan once. Think about it.
13. Carnival
Again, this song had to grow on me but one day, while I was thinking about Gamzee for a godforsaken reason, I thought "Geez, he talks about the Dark Carnival and the Dark Carnival isn't even some of ICP's best days. What's a good song about a carnival?" Anyway, Anthony can spin a person's mind and mind around just by singing. He's wild.
14. Let Me Out
Hey, wouldn't it be funny if Mavis was Vince's mother? She's not but that would be funny as well as cool. Her and Pusha T bang on the walls of this track as they rant about the politics at the time of this song. Yeah, they're talking about Trump. That car horn can't protect you forever, you orange bastard.
15. Interlude: Penthouse
Dear Penthouse: Hi. Does anyone check in on you, just you? I'm here to say I think you're important and you provide a necessary outlet for men to brag about being perverts. At least before the Youtube comment section existed.
Thanks for everything,
16. Sex Murder Party
Ooooo, this track puts me in a funky mood. Like, there's a part but there's sex there...and MURDER. So you know it's an awesome party. Kick-ass, right? I know it's kick-ass. Keep dancing, people.
17. She's My Collar
Pretty sexy song. Gotta love people vauging about being used in a song. That's why we love Offspring, that's why we love Damon on his knees onstage. Hey, there was a post that said Noodle wrote this song about her girlfriend. That was an excellent post. Well done.
18. Interlude: The Elephant
19. Hallelujah Money
Ah, the technical first single. Remember when they said that they weren't going to put this song on the album? Anyway, this is exactly the song we needed after The Incident occurred. Benjamin manages to calm down an entire populace while Damon just fearfully wonders what our future will be like...and he's in the UK. This song is one long terrifying lullaby to an entire country...until the end, anyway.
20. We Got The Power
A great way to remind listeners that no matter what's happening, no matter who's in charge, we have the power change everything. An excellent message for people who were still recovering from The Incident.
21. Interlude: New World
Okay, the bonus tracks. Should be nothing special here, right? Just some B-sides and I've never shown favoritism towards B-sides, right?
22. The Apprentice
A nice song from the same Rag n' Bone Man who brought us "Human". Zebra manages to lay down some nice rhymes as Ray BLK backs them both up with the force of her voice. These guys should form a team with how well they work together. Oh, they should make a virtual band! All they need to do is find an artist...
23. Halfway To The Halfway House
A very nice song if a bit overshadowed by the others on the album. Still, Peven can't be beat when it comes to crooning and he raises a song from a solid C to a B.
24. Out of Body
This song had to grow on me also but when it did...lord, this song is weird. Hypnotic suggestions, telephone tones, the song starts then Zebra jumps in to help then who is this person?! Why are people applauding?! Who are you people?! Why are there so many crows gathering outside my house?!
25. Ticker Tape
Well well well, look who's back. Damon returns with his old friend Kali to join the accuser of the vain Carly Simon to beg us to stay on the album. Sorry Damon, but I got places to do and people to go. There's nothing you can do to convince me to stick around after how long this album already is.
26. Circle of Friendz
Huh. Seems like a riot is going on. Weird for Gorillaz to get this real. What, this guy is just going to keep saying Circle of Friendz again and again? Is this supposed to affect me? Get real. It'll take a lot more than a nice voice and implications to...
...Maybe I should listen to the album again.
Album score: 25/10
Damn, that took a while. Shouldn't be the case next week when we cover The Now Now. See you then!
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