#while i call them like 'sup i've got a problem can y'all help' except more formal
purple-is-great · 1 year
Had the horrifying realisation that i am actually the type of person to prefer phone calls and face-to-face interaction over emails and other text-based communication when talking to unfamiliar people and in formal contexts
It's not because i'm especially easygoing, it's rather because if it's in text i will obsess over every word and punctuation mark and thus will never actually send the email to ask a professor for something, fill out the request form for assistance regarding something or do something else important (or if it's something i need to do i'll waste hours being nervous about it)
But if i call or talk face-to-face? I can't stress every word, and best of all I can instantly correct myself or explain myself. I get instant feedback on if what i'm saying makes sense!
This also applies to speaking languages i'm not fluent in. I used to think I found speaking swedish easier than writing just because i interact with the language more via speech than writing but nope, it's also because in speech errors are a natural part, while in writing they really stand out
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