#while holding his hand and crying as the train francesco's on is departing
godslittlesadge · 6 months
menzogna e sortilegio truly said what happens when a mother loves too little? what if when you were a child your mother held your hand so tight it hurt because she was silently punishing you for the way you ruined her life and it was one of the first interactions you will ever remember. what if your mother was uncaring and distrustful and stood guard everytime you entered her room because she thought you might steal her jewels. what if the only times your mother needed you was to tell her if that under her eye was a wrinkle and what if when you started growing up she took to belittling you and your looks because she saw in you her future and the way she ruined it and couldn't take it back. what if your mother who never taught you how to love as she turned older began to want a daughter's love that you didn't have because you grew up to be just like her (filth teaches filth)
and at the same time it asks. what if your father and your would-have-been father had a gay little thing going on. and also your would-have-been father is your first cousin once removed
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