#while his nursemaid went “you can't steal random pretty strays on the street because they're pretty and useful! did you at least ask”
mahvaladara · 1 year
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P: No one has ever built me a harp, ratherless used their very hair to make it.
S: It truly isn't that impressive of a feat. It's only a few strands, had to use the little pure water I had left to treat the hair to become a sturdy string and produce the sound I wanted.
P: You know music, by ear?
S: Of course. I must know music notes by ear if I am to make and tune instruments.
P: And you sacrificed the little water you had for this, instead of one of the god's blades...
S: Worthy sacrifice. I always preferred doing music than war.
S: Do not look at me with those eyes -and he picked Peia's hand, kissing it gently.-
I brought you here against you will. I keep you here until we find a solution to my Kingdom's plight.
Away from family, friends, your home.
The least I can do is provide your comfort and respite the little time you have. Make your stay here as welcoming as it can. Keep you safe from those who see, in land where the water has gone stale, a water spirit to be gold.
P: I am not here against my will. I promised to help your land and people, did I not?
S: It's rather difficult to say "no" to a dragon twice your size glaring daggers at you as they hold you over a lake of stagnant waters.
S: -Sael chuckled- I will never apologize enough for our first meeting.
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