#whichever fuckhead decided that ABLE BODIED people get to make decisions about and for DISABLED people's qol should be put to death
itstheelvenjedi · 2 years
Able-bodied people's ass backwards logic about what will "fix" my disabilities is always so funny to me. And not funny as in LOL but funny as in "you have got to be fucking kidding me".
No able-bodied person I know has to be subjected to routine yearly or 2-yearly checks about what they're spending their salary on buying. But the govt is allowed to legally stalk me in order to make sure I limp noticeably enough in public and always use my cane when I say that I do, or that I only buy what they deem as "essential for survival" which for some reason does not include basic amenities like: food, water, electricity and Internet.
You can argue all you like about the necessity of the internet but in my experience, in this day and age it is literally impossible to do ANYTHING without ever needing to navigate to a website at SOME stage of the process, even the very same department of the government that justifies stalking me because *GASP!* I bought takeaways for one week because I was fuckin depressed and I wanted fresh food that didn't taste like freezer (all my food has to be batch cooked and then frozen, by the end of a meagre 2 hrs on a Monday. Then thawed out and reheated in a microwave, because I can't afford to pay 100 a WEEK for someone to come cook some meals fresher in the mid week, it almost ALWAYS is freezer burnt and doesn't taste good but eh, its food so I mustn't bitch and whine huh) direct you to a website when you call them for ANYTHING because "did you know you can do this on our online portal now instead of sitting on hold for hours!! How neat!!"
Oh really. Really. I can go ONLINE to your WEBSITE with the INTERNET that is not essential, huh?? Make it make sense.
Not only that but when you live on your own and get zero socialisation otherwise, being able to talk to online friends is often the ONLY form of company I ever get. But that's not essential, and neither is a telephone to call for help if I fall and injure myself or one day my hip dislocates and I can't put it back in this time cause that will eventually happen.
"Use your life alert pendant". Oh really. Hadn't thought to use the thing. That has to be connected to a landline TELEPH0NE (also deemed "unessential" by the able-bodied powers that be!) to function. How silly of me. 💁‍♀️
The last time a supposed occupational therapist came to my apartment for a face to face assessment she fixated on the fact that I had a PS4 cause "those cost a LOT of money so if you can afford that you can afford to pay monthly for your care"
Why yes, Barbara. The game console that I bought second-hand for a ONE OFF payment of 100 bucks 6 YEARS AGO is ABSOLUTELY equivalent to 100 bucks a WEEK when my total MONTHLY income barely even makes 500. Cause that adds up right.
Able bodied ppl can reblog but keep quiet aka don't add stupid shit or I will show no mercy
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