#which.... for a guy who straight up SAYS that he hasn't had ownership of his own body for so long...
invinciblerodent · 7 months
(why is it always the characters whose story centers around themes of reclaiming body autonomy whose appearances get modded to the point that they're.... borderline unrecognizable. like sure, they're a bunch of pixels, they're not people, obviously it doesn't hurt them or anything, but I do admit that it does... leave a bad taste in my mouth.)
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yesterdayiwrote · 2 months
So what would you have Lewis do about the George hate? Like genuinely what can Lewis do with online social media hate when he himself faces extreme amounts of hate and criticism from George fans as well. Now I’m not saying any of it is okay at all but Lewis simply saying ‘guys stop tweeting mean things about George’ isn’t gonna solve anything unfortunately…. This isn’t just an issue in f1. The cyber bullying online by keyboard warriors runs rampant in almost every major sport. So although it’s super easy to point the finger and blame Lewis for everything (he could do some things differently definitely- not excusing everything or saying he’s perfect) won’t help the situation…. And George isn’t exactly the leader of world peace either I mean you’re defending a guy who literally hit another driver after a crash ….
Lewis faces online hatred, ALL the drivers face a certain degree of online hatred, Lewis has also been on the end of some horrific racism during his years in the sport. Absolutely noone is saying that hasn't been the case. But I would strongly refute your claim that Lewis faces 'extreme amounts of hate and criticism from George fans'. Definitely not to the same targeted and systematic extent that Lewis fans have been harassing George for nearly two years now. And one doesn't justify the other.
I'm not saying that there aren't George fans that hate Lewis, or that there are none that post shitty things about him, but what you've got to remember is that there's MORE Lewis fans, which automatically adds to the scale of the issue and how noticeable it is to other people.
No, it probably is too late at this point for Lewis to say something. We've seen before that some of his fans are so deeply entrenched in their views that even when he DOES retract his comments or admit he said the wrong thing, they think he's being forced to do it against his will. The parasocial relationship his fans have with him has truly reached cult like levels and he is very much in a position where only he can do something about it, which is why, as I said at the time, I felt his response and reaction to the email incident was so deeply disappointing when he was asked directly about it.
He had a chance to denounce the negativity, which he kind of half heartedly did but it wasn't the most convincing imo. But he also had the chance to set the record straight, dispel the myth that he's dog whistling his fans, but he didn't. There were SO many things he could have said that would have been better than what he did.
And yeah, it sucks that everyone looks to Lewis to be the level head and to speak eloquently on issues that don't concern him. But he does it, and yet on the issue that actually DID directly concern him, where actually, it was kind of relevant for him to speak on and calm the waters, he suddenly had nothing to say and that left a really bad taste in my mouth, because rightly or wrongly, it's leaving me with the impression that he WANTS his fans to think that Mercedes are sabotaging him, which kind of entirely counteracts the comment about not wanting any negativity?
You mention Imola '21 as if it's a gotcha, but George has repeatedly apologised for that and spoken about how it was his biggest regret. He's frequently acknowledged he fucked up and taken ownership of it.
My personal feeling in this situation is that Lewis could have taken some ownership of how his comments contributed to the situation and been careful about what he said going forwards. If he genuinely didn't know his fans were doing that and so easily influenced, he certainly does now, and yet after 2 races of abject praise because everything went his way, at the first sign of something not going the way he expected, he immediately started the accusations in the media pen and begun stoking the flames again and I think he's irresponsible to keep doing it when he knows what happened last time?
Tweeting "Guys stop tweeting mean things to George" isn't going to solve it or stop it, you're right, but actually I'd respect him for trying, and it'd would be better than ignoring the whole thing like it's not happening
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helbertinelli · 3 years
I don't mean to sound like I'm calling someone out because I'm not, but whenever I hear people defending Trophy Husband Anakin, Human Disaster Anakin, Incompetent Anakin, or Pet Anakin, they say it's just a joke.
On its own, it is a very valid reason, but that begs the question: why is it always Anakin?
Why do we never get jokes about Human Disaster Padmé or Incompetent Padmé (or jokes like thst about other characters)? They say that it's because Padmé hasn't done "human-disastery" things, but she has. Padmé is seen by many as strong-willed and courageous for going straight to helping Obi-Wan on Geonosis, but if Anakin did the same thing, he'd be called reckless. Through this, Padmé is turned into a Flawless Queen for doing the same things that turn Anakin into a Human Disaster.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not as mad as you think. This is just an observation of mine.
Maybe I should make a post about it sometime, hehe
I'm as mad as you think, so thank you for sending the ask.
I can't understand how they'd defend Pet Anakin, even as a joke. I mean Anakin started out as a child slave and then you go from that to making him a pet? Yikes.
Human Disaster and Incompetent Anakin have all been made worse by TCW, I bet. Because TCW made sure to portray him as being always kinda incompetent and basically a fuck up. No one respects him in TCW and Obi-Wan and Ahsoka constantly make fun of him, even when he's right. And there's also fanon!Anakin which basically convinced a good part of the fandom that Anakin is stupid and he doesn't even know the colors or how to read, when, you know, in canon Anakin is one of the most intelligent people in the galaxy.
Now, trophy husband Anakin, this gives me vibes of anti-Anidala and somehow Anidala people latched on to it. But its implications are basically that Padme doesn't love Anakin for anything else other than the fact that she can brag about his looks and she can fuck him. If people understood Anidala and understood that Padme loves Anakin (for way more than his body), they'd know that trophy husband Anakin is a pretty disgusting concept as it relates to their relationship. It also means that Padme is superior to Anakin in the relationship, which is not true and has never been true. And it turns Anakin into an object, which again, just like the Pet Anakin, it's really disturbing when you think about it. You're turning the guy who got out of slavery into an object again. Yikes!
I know some Padme fans get mad if someone even says the words Padme Skywalker or if they say Padme wanted to be Anakin's wife, so this whole trophy husband Anakin thing reminds me a lot of those people. It implies that Padme would have never wanted to be Anakin's wife because she loved him, but she would be his wife if it meant she had a toy basically that she can show off. So he's not her husband because she wants him to act like a husband, he's her husband because she wants to tie himself to her and to show ownership over him. It's extremely fucked up. I can't understand how people (especially those who like Anidala and Trophy Anakin) can excuse this or find this appealing for the relationship of Anakin and Padme.
One reason behind all those "tropes" would be that I've noticed that in many fandoms (and some canons... mainly in comics), it's cool to infantilize men and to make them act extremely submissive and harmless (they're incompetent, they're stupid, they're lost without another person to control their every decision and hold their hand at every step). I personally find it extremely disturbing. Was there no middle ground between men not respecting women and treating them as objects AND men acting like door mats and being treated like objects?
You are right about Padme being just as reckless as Anakin. She also jumps head-first into things and she doesn't even have the powers of the Chosen One or Force sensitivity. At least Anakin has something to back up his recklessness. So in a way, Padme is way more of a disaster than he is. But if you start saying Padme is a human disaster or a trophy wife (hell you can barely say she's a wife at all without some Padme fans going like "Anakin mind tricked her, she was only his wife to spy on him, GL was sexist for making Padme fall in love with Anakin"), or a pet people will get mad because they'll recognize how sexist and dehumanizing and disgusting it is to call someone those things now that they are applied to a woman. But if they're applied to men it's fun apparently.
One of the reasons I like Anidala is because they were extremely equal in so many aspects. Padme was a queen and Anakin was a slave from Tatooine, but she never treated him like he was any less than her. Despite their differences in power (Anakin being the most powerful Jedi and Padme being just a normal human), they were both extremely competent at what they did and they both respected each other's actions. And as a couple, they were both completely in love with the other and happy to be married, not because it meant ownership over the other, but because it brought them even closer together. The ROTS novelization puts it very nicely when it basically says that Anakin and Padme were one in the Force and her heartbeat was Anakin's heartbeat too, and they were so close and so in love that even when they were apart they were still like one entity. It's just so beautiful and it's really sad when people ruin their characters and their relationships with things like incompetent trophy Anakin or Chadme (which is the TCW and fanon version of Padme who hates Anakin and only cares about her job and acts like a macho man who just goes around punching everything).
Also, you should make a post about it. The more the merrier. Tag me in it, I’ll reblog it asap.
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