#which. okay. yeah! he's dark and he's gloomy and he's angry BUT he's not intimidating upon first glance. like “oh yeah. that's an emo teen”
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gardenof--eden · 1 year ago
i'm sick of the mischaracterization
0 notes
euphoricdumpsterfire · 4 years ago
To the Moon and Back (Peter Parker x Stark OC) Chapter 3
Master List
Warnings: Curse words
Word Count: 2218
A/N: Guys, I’m so sorry I know I said I’d post by Friday but I had a lot of schoolwork. But the good news is, THE ORANGE MF LOST! I get to keep the small amount of rights I have as a WOC. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter and have a great day <3
Summary: Spiderman and Moonflower know each other’s identities. Nixie realizes she has a thing for Parker.
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“So...” Peter trailed off.
“So...” Nixie did the same thing. Awkwardness filled the air as they both sat on the edge of a building in the middle of the night after they had fought a bunch of bad guys. 
“How’d you find out that... I’m Spiderman?” Peter asked as he looked at the mask that he was holding onto.
“Oh it was actually simple. I saw you in Chemistry mixing up something and I kinda stalked you the whole day-”
“THE WHOLE DAY?!” Peter cut off Nixie and she glared at him for not letting her finish, “Sorry... Uhm continue.”
“So anyways, I saw you lift up that whole row of lockers, and your stash... But of course that wasn’t enough, I stalked you for several days after school and found out where you hide your backpack and put on your suit.” Nixie said.
Peter looked at Nixie with a confused face but he was also impressed that Nixie simply found out about Spiderman in a matter of days. “But why did you do all of this?” Peter asked.
“What specific thing are you talking about?” Nixie replied
“The whole stalking and showing up as Moonflower...” Despite things starting to unravel, Peter still can’t comprehend what exactly was happening. It’s as if he was having a fever dream.
“Oh that! It’s all part of my mission that my dad assigned.” Nixie answered. Peter’s jaw dropped as he finally started putting the pieces together.
“W-wait so you’re telling me... THE Tony Stark sent you here to go look for me?!” Peter exclaimed and Nixie nodded plainly, his heart felt like it jumped off a building. He never expected that a billionaire/superhero would set his eyes on a simple friendly neighborhood Spiderman. But one thing still didn’t make sense to him. “If you’re Moonflower, how come you never told the public like your father?” Peter asked.
“Because then the world would have their eyes on me all the time, and I don’t like that. I’d rather separate Nixie from Moonflower, it makes me feel like Hannah Montana.” Nixie smiled and Peter chuckled at her statement. While they were having a casual conversation, a car slowly drove by the building and stopped. Nixie looked down and realized it was a familiar car. The door opened and a huge man got out wearing sunglasses. “Hey Happy... Isn’t it too dark to be wearing sunglasses right now?” Nixie said cheekily.
“Your dad called TEN times already and I said you were at the grocery buying whatever it is that you need for your period. Now GET DOWN NOW and let’s get you home!” Happy said impatiently.
“Sorry about that, he’s always pissed for no reason.” Nixie said looking at Peter who seemed intimidated by Happy. “Happy, I met Spiderman!” Nixie said looking down. 
“That’s very nice, but we need to go NOW!” Happy exclaimed.
“Geez, alright...” Nixie rolled her eyes as she put on her eye mask and looked back at Peter, “See you tomorrow?” Nixie said.
“Yeah, see ya.” Peter waved goodbye and Nixie used a vine to climb down the building and finally left. Peter looked down as the car drove away making sure his friend traveled safely and then, he went back home.
“You should’ve seen it Happy, it was so COOL!” Nixie said as she sat at the back of the car trying to explain what had happened earlier.
“You know what would be cool? If your dad would stop calling because he’s been awfully suspicious of your whereabouts and sooner or later he’ll find out, and we’ll get in trouble and...” Happy continued to talk but Nixie couldn’t focus because she started seeing another vision. This time it was with Peter again but they were at an airport in full suits going against an extremely tall figure the size of two tall buildings stacked together. Nixie couldn’t see it well but it was making her head hurt. 
“Nix? Are you okay? Did you get hurt while fighting those guys?” Happy’s angry tone turned softer as he looked back at Nixie with concern.
“No, it’s alright, I think I’m just tired...” She answered. 
They eventually got back to the Avengers Tower at 11:30 pm. Nixie and Happy hopped on the elevator and got to the top. The doors slid open revealing Tony with his arms crossed. The tv can be heard playing the news as the reporter said, “This just in, Spiderman and Moonflower were caught fighting armed men on a street in Queens. CCTV footage shows Moonflower tying up all of the men next to a stoplight. Thanks to this surprising team-up, our neighborhood is saved once again!” Tony held the remote and turned off the tv as Happy and Nixie got off the elevator.
“Grocery eh?” Tony said looking at Nixie as she held onto the strap of her backpack. 
“I may or may not stumbled upon a serious situation and decided to help out our golden boy.” Nixie suggested with a grin on her face,
“I would suggest celebrating but now’s not the right time...” Tony trailed off as he walked back to the tv and Nixie jumped on the couch.
“Why not? I found Spiderman, so I get to be an Avenger now!” Nixie said confidently.
“Well... It had just dawned on us that the government doesn’t exactly trust us superheroes. Now we have to sign a contract.” Tony said as he handed Nixie an ipad showing the contract. “The huge problem here is that Cap won’t do it.” Nixie scrolled through the multiple pages of the contract and stopped halfway.
“I mean, I get why he won't... This contract basically makes all of you guys government puppets.” Nixie said as she noticed her dad looking more worried as ever.
“That’s not the point Nix, we don’t want innocent people involved in whatever it is that we do. With these accords we can make sure not one civilian gets hurt.” Tony’s usual smug face was gone and it was replaced by anxiousness which Nixie rarely saw. From the action packed news about Moonflower and Spiderman teaming up, the news switched topics on the Sokovia Accords. 
“I’m just gonna head to bed now.” Nixie got up and grabbed her backpack,
“Night Moonie.”
“Night dad.”
Hours have passed, it was now 3 am, and Nixie lied on her bed in complete darkness as the visions kept showing up. “Maybe you should tell your Dr. Banner.” A voice said. She turned to the small succulent that stood on her bedside table, whom she had named Grizelda. 
“For the millionth time, Banner’s not here Griz.” Nixie answered.
“Then what about Peter? He is the one you see in your visions after all…” The plant replied.
“That’s fucking stupid. I can’t just go up to him and say “Hey dude, I’ve been seeing visions of you and me together and it’s kinda weird!”, he’s gonna think I’m into him or something.” Nixie said glaring at the plant.
“Well aren’t you?” The plant retorted.
“JUST SHUT UP!” Nixie exclaimed as she covered her ears with the large pillow beside her and ignored her plant friend. After that quick banter, Nixie spent a sleepless night, rolling back and forth trying to fall asleep, from white noise, to sleeping pills, none worked. She wanted the visions to stop but it seemed like it could go on forever until she died. Then came the morning. FRIDAY turned on the lights and opened the curtains revealing the bright sun that hit Nixie’s tired face. She sighed and got up from her bed, she did her usual routine and headed to the kitchen where she only saw Natasha.
“Had nightmares kid?” Natasha asked without looking up at Nixie who was walking sluggishly to the dining table.
“Not necessarily.” Nixie replied as she sat down and poured herself a bowl of cereal.
“Saw what you did last night with Spiderman, how was it?” Nat asked,
“Turns out I was right, Spiderman’s Peter Parker.” Nixie shoved a spoonful of cereal into her mouth.
“The Star Wars dude?!” Nat exclaimed, she wasn’t totally surprised that Nixie’s hunch was right, but hearing the kid from her stories, he seemed like he would just be stuck in the lab making experiments or just plainly binge-watching every single Star Wars film there is and not the type to go out at night fighting crime. But of course, some people are just plainly good at hiding their powers. 
“Nat, when do you think Banner’s gonna come back?” Nixie asked
“I-I don’t know. I’m not even sure if he’ll ever come back after what happened in Sokovia.” Nat’s face turned gloomy at the thought of him. 
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have-”
“Kid, don’t worry. I know you miss him, we all do.” Nat’s eyes started to tear up.
“But not as much as you.” Nixie felt bad she had ever brought up Banner, but with whatever she had going on, she had wished he was here.
Later that day, Nixie was in chemistry sitting next to MJ. She was listening to the lecture intently while taking notes but then she felt something hit the back of her head. She looked around and saw a paper airplane that had a small note on one of its wings that said “open”. Nixie unfolded the paper airplane and inside was another note written down. 
Wanna go on patrol tonight?
She looked behind her where she saw Peter looking at her with bright eyes, hoping she’d agree. “Fine, but only until 9:30.” Nixie whispered loudly.
“11?” Peter pleaded,
“10:30?” Peter suggested again,
“Ugh, 10, take it or leave it!” Nixie said and Peter had a huge grin on his face as a sign of approval.
“DEAL!” Peter whispered loudly.
Nixie turned back to face the board but she noticed from her peripheral vision that MJ was looking at her. “Are you and Peter…” before MJ could even finish her sentence, Nixie immediately replied.
“No. NO! Definitely not. It’s just that we’re volunteering at a retirement center in Manhattan.” 
“I would ask if I can go, but talking to old people isn’t really my thing.” MJ said which made Nixie feel more relieved. 
It was 9:50 pm, there weren’t really any extremely dangerous situations for Moonflower and Spiderman to stop. The most they did was help a bunch of kindergartners walk across the street, stopped a guy from peeing on the sidewalk, and returned a lost cat to its original owner. As for the rest of their remaining time, they sat on the edge of the same building once again, talking, laughing, and getting to know each other.
“Wait, so you’re telling me Flash Thompson got kicked out of your preparatory school?!” Peter exclaimed,
“Yup, he was caught cheating several times and I was outside for cheer practice when the whole team heard his mom yell at him.” Nixie said and Peter laughed so hard he almost fell off the building, luckily for him, Nixie caught him right away. “Dude you need to chill.” Nixie laughed.
“I never really asked you about it, but how’d you get your powers?” Peter asked.
“It kinda just… Showed up. I was 11 and I was in Washington with Pepper when I just found out I can literally just make a plant grow out of nowhere. My dad and Dr. Banner eventually found out that I’m a mutant.” Nixie answered.
“Is there anything else you can do besides the whole plant thing?” Peter asked,
“It only happened once and it was during one of Banner’s tests, I was sitting in a small clear box and I sat there for hours until I started to have trouble breathing… I wanted to get out but Banner left to go to the toilet. It felt like every second my lungs were getting tighter and tighter and it was getting hard for me to breathe. I used up all my strength and then suddenly the blonde streaks on my hair glowed and I blacked out. Once I woke up, Banner told me that everyone heard a loud explosion from the lab but when they got there, the box was gone and the floor was just covered in moonflower petals.” Nixie replied,
“So that’s where you got the name!” Peter said and Nixie hummed in agreement. Nixie looked over at her watch and realized it was time for her to go.
“Welp, that’s all the time I’ve got for today. Gotta go now.” She said as she got up.
“Nix, is this gonna be a regular thing now?” Peter looked at Nixie with his doey eyes and she couldn’t help but melt at the sight of it. It was a weird feeling she had, she couldn’t comprehend it, but she liked it. She smiled at her friend and nodded. 
“Sure Spidey.” She said, 
“That’s great!” Peter exclaimed, “I guess I’ll uh… See you tomorrow, partner!” He waved goodbye and swung through building by building. Nixie looked at him from afar as she still tried to comprehend what she was feeling. 
“Looks like she has a thing for the human bug.” She heard whispers from the nearby plants, she rolled her eyes and ignored what the plants were saying and headed home...
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cherr-e · 5 years ago
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— disclaimer ➛ swearing maybe? trainee life?
genre ➛ angst and fluff
— title ➛ three a.m
summary ➛ It’s the final night as a trainee within the best K-pop company in the world. Oliver prepares to leave that life behind. Yet, one young boy has one last memory to create at three a.m.
AUTHOR’S NOTE:-  [mp3] when oliyong get to the window scene, make sure to listen to rosyln by bon iver (slowed would make it even prettier) [mp3] yeah it’s kinda shit but we move
He turned left, the street he was used to for nine months greeting him. The black plastic bag rustling as it slowly swung backwards and forwards while Oliver sluggishly walked back to the accommodation his company had provided for him. It was nearing three a.m, the people who lived in this street were most likely huddled in their quaint homey places but also some were probably wide awake and alone - singular within their homes.
Oliver entered his apartment building he shared with other trainees, he ascended the first flight of stairs - the elevator was never on his favour. He only rode it once, the creaking wires and the flickering lights enough to make him prefer the stairs. Now, he was pressing the keypads - his mother’s birthday locked the dingy place up who he only shared with a frail boy named Taeyong. A trainee who only joined a few months back, Oliver found him cute - he was absolutely clueless when he first joined and those big puppy-like eyes made his heart warm up with love. Taeyong was like a younger brother he always wished for, and when he found out they lived together, he wanted to make sure that the young naive boy would adjust well. 
He taught him basic dance moves, a few chords on the guitar and rehearsed lightly with him. Oliver also made sure that his friend would eat, sometimes he would treat him out for some food with the little money he had from the monthly allowance his parents sent him. 
The machine let out a tune, and Oliver pushed the door open slowly - not wanting to wake up the only other person in the small space he lived in. When the older one first moved in nine months ago, there were other trainees who lived with him. Sammy and Jungwon, they had been with the company for years but realised they were not going to make their debut soon - so they packed their bags and left to their new lives, away from their dreams. For months, Oliver was always alone in this place, his passion for the stage beginning to slowly tumble but a new light had joined the house. They could both relate to each other, wanting to better themselves to debut or even debut in the same group. 
Taking off his worn-out trainers, he slipped into his black fluffy slippers and placed the bag on the countertop. “You’re here?” A high-pitched voice greeted Oliver and the boy nodded as he washed his hands. “Back from the convenience store, when did you come?” He asked as he took out the junk from the bag. “A few minutes ago...” Taeyong hesitated to speak, but it was Oliver’s last night with him. “It’s going to be weird without you.” 
Oliver let out a soft chuckle, “don’t miss me too much - you’ll find better ‘mentors’” He air quoted the last word and Taeyong was now giggling. The older popped the kettle on and pulled out his tattered cigarette box, “I never knew you smoked.” Taeyong arched a brow, curious on how Oli had gotten away with it considering the strict rules. 
“I only let it out when I’m frustrated or confused.” He replied, placing the lighter against the butt of the cigarette and shielded it for a few seconds before inhaling the nicotine and a cloud of grey left his mouth and nose. Taeyong coughed, suddenly feeling awkward and scrunched up his nose at the smell. “Sorry Taeyong, I’m filled with worries for the future.” The smoker cleared his throat and took another swig. 
“It’s okay, it’s not like you have to follow rules anymore.” The joke sounded monotone, or even depressing. The silence that followed made the situation at hand even more dark and gloomy than it already was - jokes beginning to tumble. Humour no longer able to protect reality. 
A boy who was confused with his identity, and what future he wanted to choose. Something he loved - music and dance - beginning to make him lose himself, and as well as that Oliver felt so lost with who he was and what he believed in. Continuing this life, would break him and hate the things he once loved. 
“Whether you’re signed underneath a strict label or not - you’re bound to break rules in this system.” He looked into Taeyong’s eyes, the kettle beginning to hiss but the frail boy wouldn’t look away. Oliver’s eyes were dark and mysterious, the person he was getting to know in the past few months seemed different from the one who stood there with his hands on either side of the table. He looked intimidating, scarier and just cold. 
“You seem different Oli.” The shorter one voiced his thoughts aloud, making the other one break out of his state through a cheeky smile wearing itself on his face. “Got a little philosophical there.” He spoke in a cheery tone, ripping open the cup ramen open as he picked up the kettle to pour into the snack. He folded the plastic lid back into place, letting nearby chopsticks hold the lid in place as the flavouring powder weaved its way in the starchy food. The cigarette still in between his lips, he looked real and tired. 
A sly smirk wore itself on Oliver Lee’s features, the end of the cigarette lighting up as he breathed in a new batch of nicotine into his lungs. A cloud of smoke left his lips again, Taeyong’s naive eyes still focusing on the stick in between his lips. Something so small was so addictive to many, that cigarette was a relief to many - like the man in front of him. Taeyong felt like Oliver was his cigarette, something he was irrationally addicted to, he didn’t know why. Moving away would be healthy for his best friend, and he should be happy for him but he was far from happy. Taeyong was upset, lost, confused and stupid. Nothing made sense in this world, he felt like a bullet soaring through the air, trying to reach something that he could penetrate and create home within. However, the bullet kept on flying. 
“Do you want some?” The older asked, pointing towards the cup ramen that had been spinning there for a few minutes. “Not really.” He replied, Oliver, nodding in acknowledgement - “let’s go sit in front of the window.” Taeyong suggested with a cute grin adorning his face, the idea making him all fuzzy inside. If he was confused with his feelings, he’d put that aside and fall for Oliver more - underneath the bright moonlight. 
Gosh, he really was entirely whipped. 
They got up and left the kitchen, taking a seat on the wooden floor which was often cold but they paid no mind to the temperature. The view they got with this place was beautiful, it was shocking as usually, companies housed their trainees in shitty dingy places with barely functioning necessities - which was true for the duo’s apartment. But the view made them forget of the worries they had, as well as the broken shower head. 
They stayed there while Oliver ate, finished smoking what he could of that cigarette. Being in the company of who he admired was enough for Taeyong, it was his last moment with him for a long time, the possibility of them re-uniting sparse and thin so he felt like he had every right to stay silent because it was better than useless small talk. “Why are you so quiet today?” Oliver asked, rubbing the butt of the cigarette on the top of the ramen plastic lid - he was now slightly liberated away from his thoughts. 
“Appreciating the lights I guess, it’s better than talking with no meaning.” His shoulders were slumped forward, eyes focused straight forward on the city lights as they switched on and off every few 10 minutes, reassuring him that three a.m made them feel restless. Just how he felt right now, heart quickening knowing that Oliver Lee was looking at him right now. 
“Your eyes sparkle a lot y’know.” He said, a light blush growing on Taeyong’s cheeks and turned towards the person who held his heart. “Don’t lie Oli.” “But they do, and there’s nothing wrong about it. They are actually quite pretty.” 
“Don’t say that,” Taeyong mumbled, palms beginning to sweat - he was slightly angry. “Say what?” Oliver was clueless, playing with his lighter in one hand as he looked into the city ahead of him. “You don’t say that to friends.” 
Oliver stopped with the lighter. The atmosphere turning tense, Taeyong felt like the only thing he could hear was his racing heart, beating quicker as every second turned into a different number. “You’re quite again,” Oliver spoke up, beginning to pull out the box of cigarettes for the second time. “Don’t smoke again, it hasn’t even been ten minutes since your last.” He wasn’t soft-spoken anymore, it was like all those months of annoyance at everything had been pointed at Oliver even though he didn’t mean too. 
The pressure to be perfect at his sparse talents, he didn’t know where to find them, the confusion towards having feelings you were supposed to have with a girl falling onto his best friend and roommate. His roommate not taking care of himself, harming and belittling himself. Taeyong knew Oliver felt like shit, it was so fucking obvious.
“Look at me Taeyong.” Oliver begun, waiting for a few seconds before heaving a sigh and repeating himself more sternly. He placed his rough calloused hands on the side of Taeyong’s neck, and the boy turned towards his touch. That place felt hot beneath his palm, itchy and the younger felt himself get sweatier. 
“What’s up?” 
He didn’t have words to explain himself, what would he even start with? Complaining about life, complaining about the greed he had for him? So, he pursed his lips in anger and stayed quiet and turned his head to look at his frantic hands. This led to Oliver getting closer, hand still situated on Taeyong’s neck, “speak Taeyong-ah.” 
With a swift movement, Taeyong leaned in closer and puckered his lips to meet Oliver’s. He felt hot and adrenaline had sought him out before his rational side had spoken, he pulled away slightly. At least he did it, at least he shared his first kiss with the person he admired. 
“I like you, Oliver. A lot, I don’t know how much but it is quite a la-” Amidst his ramble, the older one had placed his lips on Taeyong’s pouted ones. A habit he often had when he’d speak when worried or confused, Oliver placed his hands on the sides of Taeyong’s face as he kissed him harder, he parted his lips as the kiss got deeper. Lips on the other lips. Oliver tasted of cigarettes, his lips were soft and plush like Taeyong had always dreamed of. He had slipped a tongue in, both of them warming up with love and desire for one another.
He pulled back and had that stupid smirk Taeyong had fallen for. He didn’t know if he was mocking him or revelling in what had just happened, he wished it was the latter. 
Oliver pulled him in for one small kiss, and then they lay there below the moonlight shining through. The clock had just turned into four a.m, sleep enrapturing the both of them in each other’s warm arms - beneath a blanket Taeyong had strung along with him. They both wore their clothes, Taeyong felt safe in Oliver’s arms. 
Except it was short-lived, as he had now woken with sore muscles and an empty side. He slowly got up from his position, searching for traces of his love. But he was gone, and the only thing left was a note:
❛ I am glad to have been your first kiss and I am glad you were my friend in the last few months in Seoul. Focus on yourself now.  — Oliver Lee.❜
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fandom-trash-xl · 6 years ago
"A Memory Long Repressed" One-Shot Aftermath
To avoid confusion with some of the details, this follows the events of my old 100 followers one-shot, "A Memory Long Repressed", which can be found here. 
You could say this commemorates my 300th post on this blog or that I'm almost to 250 followers, but I'm not really treating it as either. I just realized there is more I could've done, plus I'm bored and writing one-shots feels like a good warm-up for bigger projects. 
Lord Frieza, emperor of most of the known universe, was confined to the Briefs' dining room with two young boys looking over his shoulders.
"Ugh... This is boring..." The Briefs' boy, Trunks, whined from Frieza's right side.
"You know, you guys don't have to watch me." Frieza rolled his eyes as he continued his work. He worked on a teal illuminated screen, managing reports while he was away from his empire, at least until his ship was fixed. 
"Yeah, but, don't you have any games or anything on here?" Trunks started to reach a finger out to tap the screen, causing the lizard emperor to shift it to the side.
"It doesn't have games! It's a datapad that I need for important-"
"Not even Tetris?"
"Or Mahjong?" Goten, at the left side, proposed.
"Or Minesweeper?" 
As Frieza began to slowly lose his patience, Bulma called out from behind them. "Boys, please leave Frieza to do his work in peace!"
"But, Mom-"
"I mean it, Trunks. He could very well destroy you if he felt like it!"
To validate Bulma's point, Frieza showed a single finger aglow with the red energy of a Death Beam. "She means it~" He taunted with a smile.
The two half-Saiyan boys jolted. "Ahh... Let's get out of here, Goten." Trunks was in a cold sweat as he and Goten took off. 
Bulma entered carrying baby Bulla in her arms. "Sorry about that, they're kind of antsy and I know you have a short fuse..."
"Ah, no matter. Those two are mere gnats."
"...and it probably didn't help that we found Goku eavesdropping on your story yesterday."
Frieza's eyes narrowed. "I'd prefer to forget that... There is only so much of that monkey I can tolerate."
At that moment, Vegeta, dressed in training sweats and carrying a mug of coffee, entered. "Okay, what did Kakarot do this time?"
"Oh, speak of monkeys and they shall appear..." The Icejin muttered under his breath, rolling his eyes.
"Well, good morning to you too, freeloader."
Frieza simply laughed at this. "How hypocritical of you, speaking of freeloading as if it wasn't how you managed to acquire your woman."
"Okay, that's it!" Vegeta growled, setting down his mug and preparing to take a swing at the lizard emperor.
"Vegeta, enough!" Bulma interrupted, clearly irritated. "You're going to make the baby cry and I'm not planning on replacing the dining room table again." Vegeta went red in the face, apologizing under his breath.
"Hmph... Serves you right~"
"That goes for you too, Frieza."
The emperor's eyes widened. "What?!"
"Look, I'm not saying you should be best friends or anything, but could you two lay off the fighting until Jaco gets here with the repair parts tomorrow?"
"Fine..." The two sighed.
"No promises, though~" Frieza added.
"Now, as I was saying... What the hell did Kakarot do?"
"Well, he kind of used his Instant Transmission to listen in on us..." Bulma explained. "...like a creep."
"So? What else is new?" Vegeta sarcastically replied.
"It was at somewhat of a bad time. Frieza was discussing somewhat of a sensitive subject. He was talking to me about his s-" Bulma soon realized and stopped herself short, so as not to be beheaded by an angry lizard.
"No need to cut yourself off, Bulma. Vegeta was part of my army long enough to know about Kuri." Frieza explained.
"Yeah, that little brat. That kid was a real pain the a-"
Vegeta was interrupted by a sudden firing Death Beam. He managed to duck beneath it, causing the red laser to instead shatter a stemmed glass on a nearby counter. 
"Why are you yelling at me? Frieza was the one who fired the..." He trailed off when he realized his wife was having none of it. "Never mind... Now, if we're done here, I'm heading out to train. Call me when lunch is ready." 
The prince stormed off toward the nearby screen door, only to stop in his tracks. "Bulma?"
"What is it, Vegeta?"
"I don't recall hearing it was going to storm today."
"Then, you'd better not go out." Frieza replied as he returned to his datapad. "Who knows? You might get electrocuted, unless your spiky hair can double as a lightning rod."
Bulma took a brief glance out of a nearby window. Sure enough, the sky was dark, as if a storm was brewing. "So, he's found all seven..." She spoke quietly to herself, for she knew why the sky was gloomy. 
"Wait, Kakarot has the Dragon Balls?" 
"Damn it... I was planning on grabbing those while I was here." Frieza growled, rising from his seat. "When I get over there..."
"...he'll probably be done making his wishes. You shouldn't try to stop him at this point. What did you want to wish for anyways?" 
"Probably immortality again." Vegeta scoffed.
"No, I'm past that. Eternal life would mean eternal pain."
"Then, what is your wish?"
"I-I don't have to tell you everything!" Frieza stammered. 
"Well, whatever it is, it's probably better than whatever Kakarot wished for."
"Your wish... has been granted." Shenron rumbled in his low voice. As his eyes glowed red, a small being formed in front of Goku. He was reptilian and had a chestnut-shaped jewel for a skull. Copper-colored armor covered his dust-colored scales. He had a few areas of dusty-rose to make his colors pop out and his ruby red eyes were filled with fear. 
"W-what...? W-where... am I?" He stuttered.
"Yo!" Goku attempted to casually greet the newly-revived Icejin. "I'm Go-"
He shuddered, immediately firing a bright red laser that barely grazed the Saiyan, burning a small pinhole through the shoulder of his gi.
"Woah, easy now!"
"How I supposed to take things easy? Papa warned me about cretins like you. Do you have a death wish?!" He snarled.
"Listen, I'm not here to hurt you, just hear me out. I know your father. My name is Goku, and I'm a Saiyan-"
"A Saiyan?" The Icejin gave him a shocked and perplexed look. "You don't look like any Saiyan I've ever seen. Then, again, Papa wiped out all but three of you before I was born. You kind of look like the frou-frou princey one, but..."
"Well, you see, the thing is..." Goku soon found himself being closely inspected.
"Hmm... If you're really a Saiyan like you say you are, then where's your tail? And more importantly, why are you not in your Force-regulated battle armor?!"
"Well, I'm not actually part of the Frieza Force, I've been living here on Earth. It's actually a pretty interesting-" Goku was quickly interrupted for the fourth time.
"So, you're a deserter, then?" The Icejin boy's eyes narrowed and his tail flicked uneasily. "Deserters aren't taken to very kindly. Regulations say that you are to be promptly apprehended and annihilated."
"Wait, annihilated?!" Goku gulped. "No wonder Frieza's soldiers are so loyal!"
"Don't worry, you won't be in pain for long. Soon, you will be swiftly disposed of~" His hand started to glow with jagged purple energy. "Now, hold still while I execute you!" He pounced and Goku barely dodged in time.
"Woah, Kuriza sure does take after his father! Not in the way I hoped though!"
Kuriza continued to swing his energy sword in a frenzied manner, lightly grazing Goku. The Saiyan wasn't prepared for his high speed. As he dodged more and more blows, he finally caught sight of his way out of this situation. He quickly latched onto Kuriza's dust rose tail. The energy sword fizzled out. 
The young Icejin had a paralyzed look on his face and he looked like he was about to cry. He let out a small nervous squeaking, like air being slowly let out of a latex balloon. After freeing himself from Goku's grip, he sprung away in absolute panic. "Ah! Gross, gross, gross!"
"Are you okay?"
"Of course I'm not okay! Papa told me that Saiyans are riddled with fleas and vermin! How dare you touch me, Prince Kuriza, with your grimy paws!"
"Sorry, Kuriza. I thought I was pretty well-groomed."
"That's Prince Kuriza to you, you walking pest farm! Is there even enough disinfectant in the galaxy to-"
Finally, Goku wasn't the one to be interrupted.
"Hey, Kuriza, don't sweat it. I'm perfectly clean. Besides, you should probably be getting back to your dad soon."
The young Icejin's eyes lit up. "You know where he is? Take me to him now, Saiyan! I command you!"
"Well, Bulma said he would be heading back tomorrow and she probably doesn't want to host anyone else... So..." Goku thought for a moment. "Hey, how about we take you back tomorrow as a last minute surprise?"
Kuriza's eyes narrowed. "Are you refusing me?! I want to go home now, you filthy simian! I'll have you know that I am above you!"
"Well, you're almost above my kneecap."
"I didn't mean it that way, idiot!"
"Sorry, sorry. But, I can take you to my home, just until tomorrow."
"Uhh... I'm not so sure if I could handle being that close to whatever's infecting you..."
"It's alright, Chi-Chi and I shower fairly regularly and we make sure to check for ticks." Goku assured the Icejin.
"Pardon my asking, but what's a 'tick'?"
"Oh, it's a small little bug in the woods that latches to your skin and..." The Saiyan stopped when he saw Kuriza's expression grow more distressed and a green tint forming. "Uhh, let's leave it at that. Come on," He held out his hand and placed two fingers to his forehead. "Let's-" He was soon cut off by a rumbling throat clearing.
"Ahem!" Shenron grumbled. "You still have two more wishes and I can't hang around here all day."
"Oh! Sorry 'bout that Shenron!" Goku embarrassedly scratched the back of his head. "Hehe~"
The next day, Frieza stood watching Jaco at work repairing his ship. Intimidated by the Icejin's piercing glare, the Galactic Patrolman was nervously sweating and working at a fast rate, hopefully to get the tyrant to leave faster. 
"What's the rush, Patrolman? I'll have you know I won't be paying you if you mess anything up."
"You didn't say you were going to be paying me in the first place!" The Patrolman protested. 
Jaco sighed as he began slowly continuing, only to have his work commented on again. "Could you go any faster? I do have a schedule to keep and I'd like to return to my empire sometime this century, if that's not too much of a challenge for a galactic boot-polisher such as yourself."
"Jeez, what do you want from me?!" 
The Patrolman shuddered immediately after hearing what he had just said, half expecting to feel the heat of a Death Beam at his neck. "Results." Frieza simply answered. "That's all I ask of you."
The tension of the moment was broken by Bulma calling out from outside of the ship.  "Frieza! Goku's here!"
The Icejin's eyes narrowed. "What does the monkey want now? If he's trying to pry more secrets out of me, he won't be getting any."
"He says he has something for you."
The tyrant sighed. "Fine... It'd better be a damned apology...” He exited his ship, arms folded and patience limited. Sure enough, Goku was outside, holding a bottle with one hand and holding something behind his back with the other. His characteristic smile was almost sickening. “I was hoping I wouldn’t have to see your face again for the rest of my stay on Earth... yet here we are.”
“Afternoon, Frieza! Sorry that I got your visit off to a rough start a few days ago.”
“And you’re giving it a rough ending too.”
“Listen, I’m sorry I eavesdropped on you back there.” He held up the bottle in his one hand. “Thought I might give you this to show there’s no hard feelings.”
Frieza analyzed the container quizzically. “Where did you get fine wine from Arcos of all places on such short notice?”
“Umm, I kind of used the Dragon Balls to get you that. Couldn’t think of any other wishes.” Goku chuckled a little.
“You what?!” Bulma and Frieza both looked at Goku in shock.
“You used a wish on the one of the most powerful beings alive for a single bottle of alcohol?” Frieza’s tail flicked uneasily. “That wish could’ve made me taller!”
“Wait,” Bulma snickered. “That was going be your wish?”
The emperor glared at the human. “Remember that I could kill you if I felt like it.” Bulma went silent.
“I appreciate the gesture,” The Icejin took the wine from Goku. “Even though I do have plenty of this already. I don’t appreciate how you obtained it though.”
Suddenly, from behind Goku, a small and frustrated voice spoke. “Okay, you gave him the stuff, can I please come out now?” The voice whined. Goku quickly elbowed the being behind him, causing it to yelp in displeasure.
“Umm, what was that?” Frieza’s eyes narrowed in suspicion. 
“Oh, that was probably just my stomach! It growls so loud it almost sounds like a person talking! Hehe~” Goku nervously lied.
“Well, if you have no further interruptions... That Galactic Patrolman should be almost finished up if he has any sense of time, so I must be going-” As Frieza turned to reenter his ship, Goku called out to him.
The Icejin turned back around. “What more do you want?”
“Umm, there’s a part two to your present.”
“Oh~” Frieza smiled deviously and flirtatiously at the same time. “Are you trying to flatter me, dear Goku? May I remind you, you are a married man. Also, you’re not exactly my type-”
He suddenly trailed off as Goku led a familiar Icejin figure out from behind him. His eyes went wide. The bottle he was holding dropped from his hand, the Dragon Ball wish now shattered and spilled all over the below asphalt. Frieza stammered, looking for the right words to say in this situation. 
But, how was he supposed to think of words to say when his son... 
His many years dead son...
Stood alive in front of his eyes.
“I-I d-don’t know how to respond...” No one had ever heard Frieza’s voice falter this much- and whoever did was probably killed. An unexpected stream of tears flowed down his face, as if a large emotional reservoir had suddenly given way under pressure. “G-Goku, I-I don’t think this is an appropriate apology gift for eavesdropping, I-I could’ve just taken the-” 
“Shh-shh, hey, it’s fine. It just felt like the right thing to do. Finding the Dragon Balls for this kind of stuff is practically no sweat anymore. It felt worth doing for a friend.” 
“We’re not really friends, though-” Frieza tried to protest only to be cut off by a catch in his throat.
“Never mind that,” Goku picked up Kuriza, despite his squeamish resistance, and approached Frieza, setting him on the older Icejin’s shoulder. “Just... enjoy this...”
“Kuri…” Frieza started frantically speaking under his breath. “I should have taken you with me... I shouldn’t have left you in the ship... I shouldn’t have left you with Dodoria... I should’ve known better.”
“Papa,” Kuriza whimpered. “It was cold and painful and sad. I-I don’t want to be cold and sad anymore...”
Goku and Bulma simply observed the embrace until Frieza noticed. “What are you still doing here?” His eyes narrowed as he turned around and reentered the ship without another word to the two. 
Kuriza, who was still looking over his father’s shoulder, smiled and said, “He means to say ‘thank you’, he isn’t good with that sort of thing.”
And that was the last heard from the two Icejins during their time on Earth. 
“Soo...” Bulma asked of Goku. “What else did you wish for with the Dragon Balls?”
“Well, other than Kuriza and the wine, I decided to wish for some Zeni. It’ll make Chi-Chi happy so she’ll let me take off work to train with King Kai-” He suddenly trailed off as he realized.
“Yeah, did you remember to actually revive him this time?”
Goku nervously laughed. “Haha, whoops! Guess I forgot again”
“Damn it, Goku!!” King Kai’s furious screaming rang through Goku’s mind. 
Not too long after Frieza’s ship was ready to fly again, he had returned to his empire, and, to everyone’s surprise, he wasn't irritable and seemed to be in higher spirits. More importantly, he was followed by an unusual character that few of the soldiers knew.
In the soldiers’ common area, one of the new female recruits was speaking with an older veteran.
“So, Lemo, seems Lord Frieza’s in a better mood than usual!” She stretched her slim body in her chair. “Good news for us!”
“You say that as if I hadn’t noticed, Cheelai.”
“Yeah, but what’s with it with that little guy that’s almost always behind him? I think he’s a new recruit or some pet Frieza picked up on Earth. But, he’s been walking around here like he owns the place. I think it’s kind of crazy if you ask me-” Cheelai noticed Lemo looking at another nearby table and tensing up. “What’s wrong, Lemo? Why so stiff?”
Kuriza was sitting on top of the empty table. 
“Cheelai, show him some respect.”
“What, why? He’s just some kid!”
Lemo elbowed Cheelai, while still remaining mostly stiff. She sighed and positioned herself at attention.
“Evening, subordinates. I’ve been here for such a short time and you already know who’s the boss!” The Icejin started laughing a joyful laugh that was strikingly similar to Frieza’s, but more youthful and higher-pitched.
“He’s like a pint-sized Lord Frieza!” Cheelai commented.
Suddenly, as if cued, Frieza’s panicked voice could be heard through the halls. “Where is he? Where is he?!” Suddenly, the door to the common room opened and a worried Frieza suddenly became at ease. “Ah, there you are, son...”
“That’s Frieza’s son?!” Cheelai looked alarmed, but Lemo was not the least bit surprised at this fact.
Frieza picked up Kuriza from off of the table. “Kuri, you should know better. You’re supposed to tell Berryblue where you’re going. You had me worried sick.” He suddenly turned to Cheelai and Lemo. “I see you’ve already been acquainted.”
“Uhh, of course, Lord Frieza.” Cheelai composed herself.
“Alright, Kuriza, you’ve had your fun with the low-class soldiers, but it’s getting late now. You should be heading to bed.”
“Oh, we won’t hold you up too long.” Lemo apologized. “Have a nice evening, Lord Frieza.”
“And you too, young Kuriza.”
“That’s Prince Kuriza to you~” The young Icejin winked as the two left the room.
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toruponpon · 5 years ago
Oho, I seriously couldn’t stop writing🥴
Okay so I actually have reached the third IN JUST FOR A FEW MINS— god dang it why didn’t I do this earlier— sin of laziness—
Alright, so, I’ve actually wanted to write about this like, a long long time ago (okay that’s too exaggerating hahaha) but really I do wanted to write about this for a long time ago, but because I’m such a lazy person, I procrastinate so much, so yeah, guess today is the day.
So, let me tell you a bit about myself.
Hello, I am an INFP, girl. I am straight as pole, I am a pisces sun, cancer moon with aries rising and also aquarius venus and aries mars. Mercury in pisces. Though I don’t really know what mercury supposed to says about personality is.
The first thing I wanted to talked about is my astrology thingy. Oh shit damn my mother snores so loud it’s hard for me to concentrated— yeah so as you know, they said INFP tend to get distracted easily and a lot. And yeah, I do. I get distracted easily with just a little thing that is not even related or relevan to the things I’m currently doing. Like how my mother snores so loudly right know— gggaaahhh— shit :(
But still, as an INFP, as much as I feel upset with her loud snores, I actually couldn’t shake her body so she would get up and stops her snoring for a bit, or at least lowering down her snores :(
I actually didn’t get upset easily, I am pretty laid back and just go with the flow kind of person, because thinking too much is actually a pain in the ass. Or for short, mendokusai. But when I’m actually concentrating, like full concentration, I REALLY HATES IT WHEN I GOT DISTRACTED. Because it’s so hard for me to get full concentration and it’s so easy for me to get disctracted despites I’m in the zone(?) :(
But thank god, my mother stops snoring after she changed her sleeping position :”)
Okay so I could go on now. Back to the thing I wanted to talk about, my astrology? Yes yes right.
So, as you can see up there, I’ve stated that my sun sign is a pisces. Symbolized with two or twin fish. Well, the theory I’ve read online and watching some guys on youtube explaining about what kind of personality pisces sun sign is, the most common thing is that pisces loves to daydream. Have a vivid imagination, old soul because they’re the last of the zodiac, a mutable sign which has a really high ability to adapt to any situation? Adaptable for short. Hmm what else? Oh actually loyal and romantic, a natural empath because pisces is very sensitive and emotional, the friendliest zodiac out of all, guess it’s because pisces is gentle and love peace so they’re kind too. Uhh what else what else... oh I guess, shy? Timid? Well that’s actually my trait as a pisces hahaha lazy? Hmm definitely introvert, well some are ambivert, but I haven’t met with an extroverted pisces yet, but of course there might be an extroverted pisces. Oh pisces is also artsy, like myself, I do love art, I draw, I play some instruments (guitar and piano/keyboard) well eventhough I’m not a master with those instruments, I do love singing too! Yeah that kind of stuffs. But you see, I don’t really like poetry, well some pisces might like that but it’s just not my thing. Oh yeah, pisces is also understanding, but you know, those traits I’ve mentioned above, might actually not applied to some people eventhough they’re pisces. Some factors like environtment, how your parents taught you, also birthchart (moon rising venus etc), MBTI as well, but here, I will only talked about the pisces traits that applied to myself☺️
Actually yes, as a pisces I LOVE TO DAYDREAM AND IMAGINE LIKE A LOT. I do it like every single day, not missing it even a day, I always do it, everytime I closed my eyes trying to sleep. No matter what time I sleep, I always imagining things, scenario to be exact, on my mind, while waiting for my brain to sleep and went into dream land hahaha OH! I always dreaming whenever I sleep, even if I only sleep for like 5 mins, I’m actually dreaming! Well I also experience sleeping without dreaming too, but it’s too rare for me to not dreaming, like 1:100. So yeah, I’m confident when I said I’m always dreaming when I’m sleeping. Bad dream, okay dream, great dream. All of that. And my dreams are usually vivid I even write it down on my phone notes because it’s like a game hahaha RPG games, really, with dark element.
So next, romantic and kind, friendly things, loyal too, I think I am like that, so yes. I’m also an introvert, you see I’m an INFP, means Introverted iNtuition Feeling Perceiving. I actually have this resting bitch face when I’m not smiling, but that’s just how I usually looked :( I guess that’s because of the introverted trait I have here that my face looks gloomy and intimidating? Hahaha but seriously, if someone approach me and ask me something, I, for sure, will reply them back with a smile on my face☺️ I wanted to respect them, I don’t want to make them feel uneasy so I will smile a lot and tried to make my face looked as friendly as I could. For the romantic part, yes, yes when I was in a relationship, with a virgo man, I love to make him a bento? What is it called in english? Hmm, a meal? Ah I don’t know, a bento box for sure, because I’m worried about his health if he eats something random(?) like how clean does the foods he eats if he bought that food from random side-road small food store? He had a lot of activities, he is very sociable, I guess he is an ESFP? So the things I do to support him is making him bento box for his lunch, packed with a paper note inside, “Good luck for today! Love you♡” HAHAHA ewh, so cheesy and gross now that I reminisce about it today. I also tried to arrange a birthday surprise for him on his birthday, so I guess yeah you could say that I’m romantic? And yes loyal too. I don’t see a point or a pleasure in playing with a lot of men’s heart at the same time, in fact, it’s hard for me to be in love with someone. I do have a lot of crush hahaha but to fall in love, I really need time. Crush came and go like wind, but once I fall in love, I will be loyal as fuck. Was almost 2 years with my virgo ex, though we broke up for some reasons that I don’t want to write down because it’s not important and too mendokusai🥴
Alright, what else? Oh right, lazy. Yes, I am lazy indeed hahahaha actually, I prefer to call it, eco mode or energy saving mode rather than lazy hahahah you see, I actually have this kind of thinking, or value? “Why should we do something that won’t benefit us, or won’t do much differences?” So, let me elaborate and explain these.
For example, I don’t see or get why I should tidy up my room when the possibility of my room being a mess is actually high? I mean, if I wake up, I tidy my room, and then I mess my room after that, then why should I tidy it up in the first place? Well it will be different if someone is going to come over and they might see my room or use my room so in order to not make them uncomfortable because of my messy room, so yeah I will tidy it up. But if that someone is my family, I don’t see a point why I should tidy up my room. I mean, we’re a family, why would you complaint about my room? If you don’t like my messy room, then don’t go to my room, go to your room instead. Family here, as in my mother and brothers. If uncle or aunt or other than that coming in, then yes, I will tidy my room up hahaha guess that’s why I became lazy :”)
The next is, oh about me being artsy and adaptable. Yes, I actually am laid back and go with the flow kind of person. But I actually prepared a lot of things first before going to do something. It’s just because I’m so adaptable and flexible, if the things I’ve prepared suddenly changed due to situations and circumstances, then, I’ll be okay. I’ll be alright as long as it doesn’t harm me in any way(?) I mean, if it doesn’t really affect me(?) ahh— how to explain this? Like, for example. If I wanted to go on a vacation, I will prepare for things I wanted to do, and also prepare what things I should brought with me. But when the day finally come, let’s say I wanted to swim in the ocean, I’ve brought swimsuit and all, and that’s the only day I could go on swiming because I don’t have much time for the vacation. But when I was about to go swim, rain comes down pouring really hard, so I couldn’t swim in the ocean. Well if that’s happen, I won’t get mad because well, couldn’t help it right? So I’ll just sleep or do another thing.
For the artsy things, yes. Yes I’ve always love music and drawing. I guess I love art because art doesn’t have any boundaries? Like, there is no rule in art, you could create anything for art, there’s no specific order or rule to make an art. So yeah, I guess that’s why I love it. I don’t like being told what to do. I do things on my own pace and way. I thought, if the results will be the same, then you don’t have to care and know how I do it, just wait and see the result of me doing it. Because, following rules make my head stop functioning hahaha really, I kinda suddenly feel blank and forgot what is the next step— so yeah, I really hate it. But doesn’t mean I’m a rebel. I could follow rules and orders, but there will be times when I think that the rules and orders are stupid, I will just say yes but I won’t actually follow them hahahahaha
Well, when I elaborate that, I found out that I actually kinda fake? Hahaha I guess? Yeah, I tend to hide my emotions, I kept my feelings inside because I don’t want to show the people the real emotions and feelings I actually am experiencing at that time. Because I know, if I show it to them, they will get angry or hurt? Like if I don’t like someone, I couldn’t just shows that I don’t like that someone in front of her/him, it would create a conflict, and I hate conflict. So, I tend to try keeping my smile in front of them, so there won’t be any conflict. I, too, being agreeable because I don’t want it to lead into conflict as well hahaha so yeah I guess that pisces trait who loves peace is true.
Emotional and sensitive. They said pisces is a natural empath because pisces is very intuitive, but really, I can’t say for sure about that because I can’t compare it. Like what is intuitive people feels like and what is people without intuitive feels like? But well, up till now, I’ve always feel like “ah, I feel like I won’t be friends with him/her” or “ah yes, I could be friends with this person here”. I don’t know if that’s only me being a bitchy judging person or it’s really an intuition I have about someone that’s good or bad for me? Up till there, I can’t predict anything else hahaha so yeah, couldn’t say and elaborate for sure about intuitive things. But yeah, me as a pisces, I am very sensitive and emotional actually. I take critism very personal hahaha I just don’t show it to the people that criticize me. But deep down, I’m actually thinking really hard about his/her words towards me :”) and sometimes will get really emotional because his/her words stress me out, or even problems from my environtment could make me feel stresses out and strikes to my emotional feeling, and puffs— I’ll be gone for days hahaha you know, I do disappear when I feel that things go wrong in my life. It’s too stressful that my mood goes down and I need to just disappear and fix my emotional feelings. When that time happens, I will be much more appreciate, if you actually give me space and time until I, myself, shows up with my own will. And don’t expect me to explain why I’m gone because I, myself too, don’t know why hahaha the only thing I could say is that I got stressed out with my life and need time. But I couldn’t elaborate or explain it in details, so just buy anything I said☺️
Oho, the third post is really long khukhukhukhu but oh well let’s end here, I still have a lot of things I wanted to share though, but I guess I’ll write it next time then. GOOD NIGHT!🥴
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