#which undoubtedly is also linked to economic background/quality of life
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theharlotofferelden · 2 months ago
Browsing Stardew Valley mods and it occurs to me that there's a lot of people who just. Fundamentally do not understand alcohol addiction.
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dueessay · 4 years ago
mingxinwrite为广大留学生朋友在线上提供essay代写、论文修改润色等相关服务,mingxinwrite不断努力,各个学科的代写专家分布于全球各个地区.我们以留学论文定制写作essay代写为主要服务方向,不管你是寻找英语母语写手还是开展留学申请文书精修、英文论文修改润色、北美论文代写等,我们都会提供最好的服务,不断努力,不断前进,不断提升服务质量,把最优的留学论文解决方案提供给您. https://www.mingxinwrite.com/zhuce 下面为大家整理一��优秀的essay代写范文 -- Case Study: A case study of the "Always Be a Girl" movement,文章讲述自1983年1月以来,Always一直在明尼苏达州进行测试,并在不久后进入美国市场。同时,Always在欧洲和中东一些国家/地区都有销售。如今,Always的女性护理产品在世界各地都很流行。2013年,Always在全世界范围内发起了一场运动。它使用了常用的侮辱“像一个女孩”,并试图通过制作一些广告将其含义更改为“彻头彻尾的惊人”。因为当人们说“你做的像女孩一样”时,这听起来像是一种侮辱。这场运动制作了一段录像,记录了人们如何表达“像一个女孩”这个短语,并希望改变它的含义。 Case Study: A case study of the "Always Be a Girl" movement 1. Executive summary Since January, 1983,Always started to be tested in Minnesota and was brought in the United State market soon after. Meanwhile, Always was sold in Europe and some countries in the Middle East. Nowadays, the products of feminine care from Always are popular all around the world. In 2013, Always began a campaign around the world. It used a commonly-used insult "like a girl" and tried to change the meaning to "downright amazing" through creating some advertisement. Because when people say ‘you do something like a girl’, it sounds like an insult. The campaign created a video that recorded how people express the phrase "like a girl" and want to change the meaning of it. According to Judy John, the chief executive officer of Leo Burnett Canada, Always reaches out to girls who are likely to become the future of the brand. Girls usually rely on Always during their adolescence, a period that makes they feel unconfident and clumsy. Meanwhile, research of the campaign showed that many women expressed that their confidence declined in some ways at puberty. The purpose of the brand was clear, to give girls powerful support when they are experiencing a tough time. The aim of this essay is to use some PR theories to analyze the implication of the campaign in terms of culture, society and the public, and it examines the strategies that the campaign used.
2. Analysis
First, I present an overview of the main theoretical concepts associated with cultural capital and gender theories in particular. The theories about capital from Bourdieu will be used in this paper. According to Bourdieu (1990), cited in Ihlen (2009), capital is a trained product according to labour need, and it is not natural (Ihlen 2009). Meanwhile, Bourdieu divided capital into three specific forms: economic capital, social capital and cultural capital. Cultural capital contains knowledge, skills and educational qualifications. It is important to the formation of people's taste and value. According to Gayo-Cal.et.al (2006), cultural capital is based on family background and education, and there is a link between cultural capital and symbolic power. Bourdieu (1997), cited in Edward (2008), showed that cultural capital is the basic foundation of other forms of capital. Cultural capital is formed, with the aid of familial influence, by connecting different factors in social world such as the loyalty of family, and good manners. These behaviors help them to improve their individual quality. The abilities of cultural capital are transferred through the process of socialization. It seems like that different individuals hold different cultural capital and they can use it to find their own social position (Edward, 2008). Therefore, cultural capital is not only important to individuals, but also vital to the society. Society consists of different individuals, if everyone has a high standard of cultural capital, the society will be better.
On the other hand, the theories of gender are quite useful to analyzing the campaign. According to Bem (1981), differences between male and female exist in every society. Our society always gives the two sexes different tasks. Based on these tasks, people always define gender in the way that is imposed upon us by the society. Then the public will keep the mind and teach their children how to express their gender.
Based on Butler (1990, p179), gender is not totally natural because culture also shapes gender in some ways by expressing some connotations for a particular sex throughout the years. For example, men are strong, while women are weak; heterosexuality is normal, while homosexual is unmoral. People learned how to display gender from cultural customs (Butler, 1990). At the same time, gender schema is a quite unsure area in our society. It is hard to define women and men in public relations. However, our society began to think about the relationship between the two sexes, and thought about the power of public relationship in affecting the gender schema in society (Daymon, Christine, 2013)
2.1 Strategies of the campaign
Then, this paper will analyze the strategies and tactic which the campaign used. Meanwhile, the implications of the campaign will be shown and it will discuss the impact on culture, society and the public.
When girls reach puberty, they tend to exhibit a declination in confidence. Some harmful phrases will let girls to cast doubt on their own power at this sensitive time. Always found that the phrase 'like a girl' may have some negative impacts on girls' lives. Therefore, Always began this campaign to try to give a new meaning to the phrase 'like a girl' to help girls out of their sensitive period.
When assessing the campaign, it is important to examine the management strategies of Always. First, Always used leverage research data. Company used the insights and data in order to increase the news value and campaign credibility. Before the company produced the video, they did some researches. By performing those research, Always understood the elements and other insights of girl’s confidence at puberty. They found that girls experienced the biggest drop in confidence. The phrase 'like a girl' has become an insult. These results can help them to grasp the key ideas in the campaign. Then, the campaign introduced the hash tag. The company knew that if they want to change the meaning of the phrase, they must introduce the social hash tag #likeagirl as a slogan, to let the world know girls can do something amazing just 'like a girl'. Launching the video was important in our life. Mass media always attracts people in the first time. Always used the media's ability to expand the campaign's popularity. The Always 'like a girl' video was published on Always' YouTube site on June 26th. Before publishing of the video, some famous bloggers shared it on their social websites to help it spread. After publishing, the company used online and broadcast media to pay close attention to the gender trouble problem and feminism. The strategic media outreach ensured that the campaign receives high attention in the society. Celebrities were also invited to take part in the campaign. Celebrities including Tyler Oakley, Sarah Silverman and Kristen Bell shared the video and message in their blog or social website. The incorporation of celebrities undoubtedly attracted more attention for Always from the mass public. Meanwhile, Facebook and Twitter, the two most famous social platforms around the world, were used as a live news desk. They monitored and took part in the real time and maximized social sharing. At last, 'like a girl' was not a campaign in limited place, but a global campaign. Apart from success in North America, the campaign as also spread to 20 other markets across the whole world.
2.2 Cultural Capital Theory
When we analyse the campaign, it is important to understand the meaning of cultural capital. According to Bourdieu, cited in Ihlen.et.al (2009), cultural capital is a kind of accumulated labour. It can affect people's value and taste. It might shape a person to some extent. Bourdieu showed that specific resources or cultural capital were linked to taste cultures and it is able to divide people into different groups. On the other hand, it may affect people's estimate to the society and events (Leiss and Botterill, 2005)
That is why Always Company created the campaign. From this campaign, many people realized that our society has some misunderstanding of the meaning of 'girl' and forced girls to act like a girl in some wrong way. In the video of the campaign, when the producer asked grownups to run 'like a girl' or to fight 'like a girl', people always showed signs of weakness and shyness. It looks like the society considers girls' with only powerless images. However, when the producer asked the little girls to run 'like a girl', they just run like themselves, trying their best. In my view, it confirms Bourdieu's viewpoint that cultural capital could affect the action and concept of people. Little girls have not contacted with the society too much, a fact that allowed them to keep their own opinion about things in some ways.
The campaign is very meaningful. It tried to change the concept of cultural capital of people they had previously known before. Once the video of the campaign is produced, it began to spread the message and encourage females to rethink about their location in the society. Females are encouraged to exhibit critical thinking and cast doubt the message they receive from their culture instead of simply accepting everything that they were told.
Meanwhile, it makes people realize that using the phrase 'like a girl' to describe someone who did something bad is an insult. The campaign changed the public's awareness and transformed the way how people think about the phrase. It is another way to change the culture that people achieved. According to Ihlen (2009, p72), Bourdieu's work showed that the values and relations of social space are passed on from this generation to the next. Cultural capital always has this function. As a consequence, the campaign might change the things which were passed on to the next generations. It helps girls, women and the public realised how powerful females are. Maybe after the campaign, when using the phrase 'like a girl', it means you did something superb. On the other hand, by watching the video, girls began to think about which things are truly right for them to do. It means females have more freedom to do the things they really wanted to do. No one will blame them because the actions that they are performing does not confirm to the definitions of a girl or does not make them look like a girl. Hopefully this idea will be passed on to the next generation to form a positive and useful cultural capital.
The campaign is also quite meaningful for society. It started as a small social event and gained a remarkable achievement when it was spread all over the world. It makes #LikeAGirl video become one of the most popular videos in 2013. Meanwhile, based on the brand research, about 81% women support the campaign and was touched by the inspiring video. Additionally, the video achieved 76MM total global video views on YouTube from 150 countries, and more than one million people shared the video. The program achieved 4.5 billion impressions around the globe, including 1.7b in the U.S., 1.6b in the UK, 418m in France, 302m in China, 148m in Germany, 63m in Brazil, 41m in Mexico and 32m in Turkey. The program garnered more than 290 million social impressions and 133 thousand social mentions with #LikeAGirl.
Bourdieu's theory discovered the format in which the society is linked to the individual. While people is one of the main elements that created the society, the society in turn influences and changes people (Ihlen).
This theory signified that the event made a meaningful effect to our society. The more people take part in the campaign means that the more behaviour in the society will be changed. The people who watched the video or shared it with the others will gain a new concept. Individuals are linked to the society and no one can live along, separated from the society. If we make change the general mind set of individuals in the society, our society might be changed by us. Before the video, it seems as if the society is imposing too many limitations for females. Since the campaign, the situation might be able to change and it is believed that our society will transform in a positive way in the near future.
2.3 the Gender Theory
On the other hand, the society thinks highly of gender trouble in the recent years. Although the position of females is improved, gender trouble still exists. Daymon and Christ (1952) showed that gender inequalities do exist in our society. Feminist movement were always met with resistance, and the inherent gender relations were challenged by various feminist activities. Meanwhile, the society is changing every moment, which means that based on social activities, our society will produce a new environment and relationships of gender (Daymon and Christ, 1952). Therefore, the campaign from Always Company showed the common trouble in our society. According to the video, we can find that some people misunderstood the phrase 'like a girl' in a derogatory way. What is more, lots of public work showed that gender bias is common in our society. These researches almost focused on some issues such as wage variance and the under-representation of women in high positions (Daymon and Christ, 1952). The situation affects the relationship between women and the society. It might imply that females are weaker than males.
However, the campaign made people rethink about females and it created some advantageous effect on individuals. It provided a support for girls who needed confidence during their puberty. Always company tried to build a new understanding of the phrase 'like a girl' and rebuild the confidence of females. When girls first contact the brand at their puberty, their confidence is often at the lowest. If someone insults them by using the phrase 'like a girl', it will create some disadvantages in their life. Therefore, Always company tries to give girls power in the sensitive time.
Actually, the doubt about 'man' pointed that we can use 'man' to instead of 'man and 'human'. In addition to words, lots of pictures, magazines, books and museums use the images of men to symbolize humans. Based on the situation, females' rights and roles were covered. It results in another consequence: males became the leader of social development. In the history of females' development around the world, the difference of sex is an obstacle to limit female's progress. On the one hand, gender gap shows the natural difference between the two sexes. On the other hand, the gender gap focuses more on the behavior that the two sexes express. The connotation that females are weaker affects the occupation and education of females. The factor results in the low hierarchy of females in society. Our culture has constantly told us that females are not suitable to take part in competitions. Occupation belongs to males and as long as woman marry the right man, their lives are satisfactory and guaranteed. Therefore when some jobs are believed that they are more suitable to men, women might give up their confidence and choice. The experience from the outside shaped the thoughts of people. If modesty and shyness are the necessary characteristics of females, women will suppress themselves in lots of social places according to the social expectations of females. Hence, self-awareness is not only important for the individual, but also vital for social place of women. Women, even some of the most well-education ones, were always limited by traditional labels in the past. The real opposite aspect of women is not male, but the traditional social expectation of the role of women deeply rooted in their minds. Females got used to see themselves based on the male-biased conceptual scheme. Hence, their personal right is also limited. It is limited to make their dreams and wishes come true. It does not mean after the campaign, every girl can regain confidence and do everything they want to do without any limits. The campaign just opens a gap, providing females opportunities to be themselves. They will not be shameful because they are females. On the contrary, they should be proud of that. In young girls' minds, girl should be strong, powerful and successful. They tried their best to do things that the producer of the video asked them to do. Just like a girl said in the video, we can run like a girl, fight like a girl, even wake up like a girl. That is not something that we should be ashamed of because we are girls. If we do things like a girl and still be the first, then no one would say 'like a girl' is a bad thing.
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blockchain2071tj-blog · 4 years ago
Trivia Column�U"Virtual Globe" and Digital Collectibles in the Post-epidemic Era
In 2020, due to the severe impact of the epidemic (COVID-19), the use of the virtual planet has been rapidly spawned, as well as the digital change of industries is being carried out across the world regardless of nationwide boundaries; the question is, how do i prove that I am the creator of this work? ? Additionally it is because digital works are too easy to copy, as well as the resulting problems are the inability to confirm their scarcity. This short article is the newest opinion from the "Small Factors" column. The author can be Justine Lu, the co-founder and CEO of Lootex, a blockchain virtual treasure auction home. (Trivia: Industry Particular VII "Review and Possibility of Blockchain Online games" - Lootex. Justine Lu�U2020 Taiwan Blockchain Illustrated Guide) Being born being a human being gets the nature of gathering. From little to large, with all the growth of money, we've some series of different stages, whether it's shiny stickers, stamps, video game ace credit cards, comics, NBA player cards, dolls, all the way to fashion brand sneakers, brand-name hand bags, Famous watches and also artwork. So long as we can fulfill the emotional link or the excitement of hunting, we have been willing to spend time, money and energy to collect. Along with enjoying it at home, we can furthermore showcase with others, create topics, obtain keys to enter the city, and make friends , And even exchange transactions with people to expand your collection lineup. The mapping to the virtual world can be easy to visualize. For instance, in the game ?Globe of Warcraft?, somebody is always going after 100% full achievement, unlocking the Pokemon illustration of ?Pokemon Move?, collecting the exquisite furniture in ?Pet Crossing Club?... The key reason why game designers devote the game Entering the accomplishment and collection program is only arousing the player's selection addiction, assisting the ball player to experience this content that has not really been done, and motivating the player to continue the overall game, just to prolong the life span of the game. Related subjects: Private Encrypted Bond Era: NBA Players, Ethereum and Individual Bonds Related subjects: Zhai Li burst table, a Taiwanese group made "homogeneous girl" into a unique card token collection within the chain Let the Nationwide Treasure from the Palace Museum enrich your tropical isle. Image Resource: But, do you realize?
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The prevailing "digital collectibles" still have some unsolvable issues that make it challenging to recognize the value: The greatest advantage of the creation of simple replication of the Internet is the fact that "information move" becomes hassle-free and rapid. When I wish to share a newly drawn computer sketching creation for your appreciation, I can copy it and deliver it for you within a couple of seconds. The question is, how can I prove that I'm the creator of the work? Additionally it is because digital works are too easy to copy, as well as the resulting problems are the inability to verify their scarcity. Lack of true ownership The biggest disadvantage of present digital collections is certainly that they are "subject to others." For instance, the virtual cherish you have worked so hard in the game will eventually disappear when the sport manufacturer stops operating. Which means that your virtual treasure is only certain in the overall game world, not assets you can use freely. Related topics: Column�UDisregard the laws and regulations of economics? Crack the scarcity theory? The idea and origin of "Multi-Edition Limited Encrypted Artwork" Related subjects: The world's initial case! Lithuania will concern "central bank electronic foreign currency" LBCoin next week, but it will be used for collection instead of trading (CBDC) Why use blockchain to create "digital collectibles"? Weighed against the well-known cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, the format of another foreign currency is very appropriate to represent distinctive, indivisible, and irreplaceable characteristics, known as Non-fungible Token (Non-fungible Token, abbreviated as NFT). I personally prefer to call it an encrypted certification, because the literal meaning can accurately explain the characteristics from the "item". Due to the blockchain blessing like a digital seal, electronic collectibles can also reflect their value: * The information in the electronic authenticity encryption certificate can prove to be the authenticity issued by the issuer or creator, and cannot be tampered with, and the scarcity is guaranteed. * Easy to monitor. Anyone can query the issuer, owner, amount of issuances and transaction history of the resource on the public blockchain. There is no need to dispute ownership, just verify it. * The extremely circulating ERC-721 standard of Ethereum continues to be probably the most mainstream digital format today, that's, the largest consensus in the community, and it is an easy task to interface with programs on the blockchain, and electronic assets will undoubtedly be truly cross-platform. To provide an easy-to-understand illustration, just like the 3C hardware specification USB 2.0, no unique modification is required, and all hardware can easily read it. Since it is unimpeded, it also brings tradable and exchangeable features to it. In other words, blockchain creates electronic assets that may exist independently, and may be used in different applications without unique communication. As for how exactly to define the "material value" of digital collectibles, we must go back to the old topics of currency consensus and requirement and supply. A lot of wonderful articles on the net are worth reading through, therefore i won't repeat them here. Related subjects: Column Sights | What supports the value of NFT property? The opportunity and liquidity high quality of on-chain art Digital collectibles have already been a trend. The concept of digital collectibles 's been around for a long period abroad. Lately, there has been a wave of using blockchain technology to make NFTs. List many relatively large investing platforms currently available on the market, such as for example: SuperRare: Gathering several well-known artists, "only sell works of art authorized by them" as its greatest feature, and the price is relatively high. Makersplace: A digital art auction house founded by early users of Pinterest. Inheriting the design of Pinterest, the city functions of collectors or artists are the most complete. KnownOrigin: The masterpieces collected on this site feel more street hippie, and the price is relatively near to the people. All three make use of smart contracts to design a profit revealing mechanism. 85% from the revenue from direct selling of works is usually attributed to the inventor, 15% is attributed to the publisher (platform); within the second-hand market, the seller will get 87% from the selling price. Creators can still obtain 10%, and web publishers (platforms) obtain 3%. Related topics: NFT series-Meet the blockchain, talk about the annals of cryptographic art you don't understand (1) Take into account the current collections need to go through a long period of operation and market producing, the subsequent revenue created tend to be not related to the original makers, they will certainly be filled with grievances. The existing platform uses smart contracts to get rid of traditional marketing techniques, which really is a great boon for new creators. Of course, it isn't just artwork. Also the NBA player cards that we liked to collect when we were young will be released in electronic version. With the expression of media digital format, the ball player cards aren't limited to 2D planes, but record the wonderful times of Stephen Curry within the championship video game. , Isn't this more vivid than rigorous paper cards? Related topics: Collect the legendary celebrity NFT tokens! NBA and Mysterious Cats team's "NBA TopShot" video game launched in beta ?? // The card design released by NBA Top Shot in May 2020 There's also cases of electronic collectibles in Taiwan. In August 2019, Taiwan's Personal team furthermore collaborated with all the blockchain startup Lootex to start NFT cards for your film ?Sage Thieves?, and these cards can be used in real-world online games designed by SELF. In the past, the peripheral products of movies had been at most film soundtracks, postcards or posters. Now digital collectibles may also be launched. Film businesses can even positively manage fan communities through the set of collectors. SELF completely demonstrates electronic collectibles. Turn into a CRM marketing device, and continue steadily to tell enthusiasts the stories they haven't completed telling within the movie. Remarks: NFT proprietors and transaction background are recorded within the string, and anyone can query their blockchain tackle. How can I play electronic collectibles? Speaking of physical selections, dolls are used as examples. They can all be used to play, beautify the home, publicly screen and show off, and speculate on cost investment. The same goes for electronic collectibles. If you have NFT digital choices, as long as you go to digital platforms like Cryptovoxels and Decentraland, you can decorate your house onto it as you like (provided that you need to buy land on the platform to build a residence). Please refer to Lootex's usage of the Ukiyo paintings open sourced by Metropolitan Museum to produce a film that will be put into the exhibition space after NFT: // So long as you have NFT digital collections, it is possible to freely decorate your home in the digital world. Because the collections are made into digital file format, of course you should show the advantages of multimedia. If it's made into a 3D file format, you can even combine AR and VR showing off your very pleased trophies. // 3D is much more vivid than a rigid plane -The Fukuoka Museum of Japan scans social relics into 3D digital archives, which can be presented in AR. - -The picture shows the work of the Taisho era: Hakata humanoid "Chuo Yu"-international brand names such as for example LV and Gucci in the style industry have previously launched design virtual models with games such as for example ?Sim?, ?Animal Forest Friends?, etc.�QVehicle F1 racing in the world, Nike and NBA within the sports world are also rushing to adopt the asset file format of NFT. These brands not only need the product sales of physical products, but also generate topics through digital goods, and also generate another software scenario (the most frequent one is that digital collectibles could also be used in games, such as for example: NBA team management games ), perhaps it can also create another way to obtain financial resources. What's better still is that brand name owners have perfected the list of core fans, that may convey information more conveniently, airdrop gifts to honorable customers anytime, and include gamification design to make sure a higher amount of fan adhesion. Summary In 2020, due to the severe impact from the epidemic, the application of the virtual entire world will be rapidly spawned, and the world is undergoing digital transformation of industrial sectors regardless of nationwide borders. The music industry suddenly started a wave of on the internet concerts, but I nevertheless feel that merely streaming videos is too outdated. best bitcoin games 2020 must praise the well-known rap singer Travis Scott for your virtual concert kept in the game ?Fortnite? in 04 of this yr. The virtual live concert was full of creativity, and there were as much as 27.7 million gamers (without repeating accounts) watching! // A virtual concert that breaks imagination. He himself had been the biggest winner of this digital concert. He received 9,478 reports, 1.4 million a lot more enthusiasts in his interpersonal account inside a 7 days, and Spotify's streaming has reached 80 million moments many. Needless to say, he didn't give up the chance to sell electronic peripheral products. ?Fortnite? has launched Travis Scott themed styling for fans to buy. -Source: Epic Games-The concert is positioned in games that want payment to enter. There may be brands worrying about being consumed tofu, as well as the threshold for followers to enter is certainly too high, shedding the original intention of contacting consumers in good sized quantities. It really is conceivable that in the foreseeable future, more and more physical activities will undoubtedly be "forced" to be in a free virtual planet. Perhaps one day, my favorite Japan singer Ringo Shiina no more has to pressure herself to conquer her fear of flying and go abroad to carry a concert. Fans all over the world can still take pleasure in her lively singing while sitting at home, and even purchase it at her very own wallet. Her NFT digital poster will be decorated within the virtual house, together with the commemorative NFT ticket, stored around the blockchain for a lifetime. ??
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cleancutpage · 7 years ago
As the CRE Pendulum Swings, Are We Creating The Next Discriminated Group?
This post originally appeared on SVN Velocity's Blog and is republished with permission. Find out how to syndicate your content with theBrokerList.
As the CRE Pendulum Swings Are We Creating The Next Discriminated Group
by: Jerry LoCoco, SVN | Velocity Commercial Real Estate
Privileged White Boy From a Trailer Park; Social Disadvantage:
It was 2007 and I just started a commercial construction company in what became the beginning of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression.  Seeking additional revenue streams, I sat at my desk reading the application for the Small Business Administrations 8(a) Business Development Program. As I searched for the program qualifications I found Section 124.103, which identifies “Who is Socially Disadvantaged” as the qualifier for who ultimately could apply to the program.  After reading the paragraph I concluded that the paragraph (then and now) includes essentially every other group save one, white males. The SBA makes quite a general assumption that people in this county defined, as “white males” could not also be socially disadvantaged. After all, my Italian/Armenian father passed away when I was five, I spent much of my childhood and early teenage years in a trailer ripe with drug/alcohol abuse and domestic violence and I was essentially on my own by the age of 13.  Did the mere fact that I have blonde hair, green eyes and a male make my childhood any less of a “social disadvantage.” Someone with a much more abundant upbringing than I, who was anything but a white male could qualify for this program. Is this the modern definition of patent fairness and equality? After all, my invitation to the “old boys” club and my “privilege” card never came to my single-wide trailer mailbox. And wait I live in Yuma, AZ aren’t I technically a minority . . . all of this equality business is so confusing!  Hold on, is this the sound of a pendulum swinging after years of oppression and inequality in this country and has the pendulum shifted entirely?
Starting a CRE Business; Equality in CRE:
Flash forward to March of 2018 and now my wife and I own a commercial real estate company in Yuma, AZ.  We are parents to two wonderful girls and actually as I type this sit in the hospital waiting for baby # 3 who through God’s great blessing is also a girl #WeMakeGirls!  Before I continue I want to make this very clear: I FULLY SUPPORT EQUALITY IN COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE and in every other capacity.  I’m from a community that is a melting pot of various cultures and despite some admitted biases and prejudices early in life  (did I mention my upbringing), I truly respect and want everyone in this country to have a fair shot! I think my background lends a particular level of empathy for those left on the outskirts of society.
With respect to equality in commercial real estate, my wife and I want our girls if they choose, to have every opportunity afforded to them to pursue this amazing career/business.  However, I do not want our girls to use any excuse as the reason for not reaching their goals. I won’t create a fairy tale story to tell my girls that “the good old boys” in the smoky room and dirt ball who says inappropriate things, won’t exist in the world.  Our girls will know that “the good old boys” and dirt balls are out there and to a certain extent always will be in this world. As a father I will prepare them to be a ball of fire that is not deterred and only gains strength from setbacks, disappointments, and inequalities in this world.  Personal responsibility not a government program is what the world needs more of. I love seeing strong trailblazing women on the CRE scene bringing attention to inequality in CRE! They’re taking this issue head on, writing about it, promoting women and blazing a trail for countless women who will undoubtedly benefit and take CRE to unimaginable levels.
Back to the pendulum.  My wife and I own everything together 50/50 we are a team, no separate bank accounts, no “this is mine” setup in our marriage.  That’s how WE wanted it! Together united in life, marriage, business (not exactly see below), parenting, and everything else in the margins!  When we formed the company we understood there are benefits associated with a “woman owned” business designation that requires a woman to own 51% of the entity to quality for various programs.  Ok, I get it, society benefits from the promotion of women owned business, however, why does 50% ownership not qualify? Is it any less ownership than the other party involved? Are they not EQUAL partners?  Ultimately we decided to pursue the designation and because we generally agree with the intent of the program it wasn’t a big issue.  However, yet another program created to help some and yet seemed to target me, a white guy who grew up in a drug/alcohol infested trailer.  I know, quit your complaining Jerry, I had all the breaks!
As the Pendulum Swings Here Comes Extreme:
A March Bisnow Article (Article Link) asked various CRE brokers a series of questions including: “Has the #MeToo movement and increased focus on gender discrimination and sexual misconduct gone too far?  Not far enough”?” Key the ominous pendulum swinging music! One response in particular carries with it the potential to create a very familiar situation, a situation similar to the 8(a) business development program noted above. The response in part was as follows: “In order to really understand the extent of gender inequality we need these movements to highlight the issue.  “The pendulum needs to swing too far for people to take stock and change behaviors. . .”  I believe these statements were made with good intentions and are well intended.  But what exactly is the definition of “swinging too far” and how many other women CRE brokers believe that the pendulum needs to swing “too far?”  Finally what does this collectively mean? Does it mean the government should create a set aside program that precludes white males who overcame “social disadvantages” such as parental death, drug and alcohol abuse, and domestic violence like in the federal construction arena?  If so, are we not then creating the next “discriminated group?” That can’t possibly be our collective end goal. Is it?
Underdogs, Founders of This Great Country and Destiny Creators:
It was a group of stubborn rebels, lead and supported by American women and men who resisted and ultimately defeated the most powerful military in the world.  In their resistance they put their faith in a higher power and each other and ultimately concluded that in large part their destiny resided in their own hands.  The defeats, stumbling blocks, and setbacks were all part of their grand experiment and they defeated a “good ol chaps” club if you will.  In victory despite overwhelming odds they established the very republic that as Americans we are all so blessed to be a part. We are a country ripe with opportunity FOR ALL.  I did not say that we are a PERFECT country and that we cannot improve.
In the same Biznow Article noted above another woman CRE broker responded to the following question: “How have your attitudes or behaviors changed this year as gender inequality and sexual harassment kick-started a national conversation?”   The response is an example of a woman with a mindset I want my girls to emulate. Key the Rocky Music! “Actually my attitudes have changed very little. I’ve always approached the male-dominated commercial real estate field believing and knowing that I am the maker of my own destiny.  . . I believe that being a woman is beneficial to this industry.  We are better negotiators because we understand motivations and interests (even hidden ones) better than most men, and we’re better at maintaining enduring relationships . . .It does me no good to make excuses for not succeeding because of someone else-my destiny is always in my own hands.”
Yes, indeed this is the mindset I want our girls to adopt!  After all isn’t this mindset, that of the underdogs and the destiny creators who forged this great nation?  Should we all not strive to emulate this mindset? What I fear is that this movement will turn into something much more than the pursuit for equality as those who want the “pendulum to swing too far” may contend.  We’re already telling men that to benefit from federal programs they cannot be equal owners with their wife. Maybe this is not the far end of the pendulum but it’s definitely something to consider, as it most clearly resembles a punishment of sorts for men.  I fear the movement will turn into an excuse to expand programs like the “woman owned” designation at the direct exclusion of men. What is worse as I fear for our girls is that this movement could potentially expand into an excuse for not succeeding. Such expansion will invariably turn into the basis to further discriminate one group as an attempt to somehow make amends for the past.   No, to make assumptions and punish a gender or race is not the solution to inequality, it’s merely a new version of the same evil, and only perpetuates the evil. We should strive for equality in every aspect of life including commercial real estate. However, the metric for equality should be one that does not consider race or gender. Good old fashioned, hard work, effort and the creation of value.  That’s how we should all be measured, and if we truly seek equality this metric is the way as this metric is blind to gender and race.
My wife and I will encourage our girls to adopt the mindset of the underdog and destiny makers.  We will teach them that the most important factor in their success isn’t their gender or race, it’s their effort, hustle, determination, commitment to their profession and the value they create in the economy that makes the difference.  I will warn our girls about those who seek to use this amazing movement to punish an entire group of people setting the stage for future inequality. Our girls will know the way to bring lasting social change is that of the destiny creators, it’s a path of personal responsibility and raising awareness of issues like gender inequality.  Our girls will know that we do not create lasting social change by pushing the pendulum to the extremes, and those that seek such action inadvertently discriminate and promote the evil we know as inequality.
Again, I SUPPORT THIS MOVEMENT and the underdog destiny creators blazing a trail for women in CRE.  As a father to two, soon to be three girls I am eternally grateful for the hard work, effort and sacrifices these woman have and will continue to invest as they make the world a better place for our girls and all women who pursue this amazing career/business!  We need to make sure that in blazing this trail we do not allow the pendulum to swing too far, because as I’ve noted above, doing so is not only extremely unfair but the extremes of this movement look much like past and present day discrimination and inequality.  This is an evil we all know too well, an evil that we must not repeat. It looks like #3 is on her way; time to go help welcome her into this amazing world but before I do i’ll leave you with the lyrics from am amazing song by Mandisa, “We all bleed the same, we’re more beautiful when we come together.” Andimao!
(Pictured from left: Jerry LoCoco, Denelle LoCoco and their 3 beautiful daughters)
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frankduffield7-blog · 8 years ago
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barbiedomar · 8 years ago
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