#which to be fair. they're not wrong. HAHAHAHA
dotthings · 1 month
Some spn Cas history (because yay facts!! Facts are fun!!)
Misha was a guest star in S4. Castiel was originally planned to be a 3 episode and done character, but Misha was so electrifying as Cas, had great chemistry with Jensen, and Cas turned out to be such a compelling character, the show kept him around.
Misha was promoted to regular in S5 and continued in S6.
He was dropped from the show for S7 because Gamble and Singer decided to write out Cas. The network did a lot of fans a solid for once, called up the EP's, and went "hahahaha you aren't really planning to get rid of that fan favorite pretty angel are you???? hahaha ok no really bring him back" and literally refused to let spn get rid of him.
There was for sure a listlessness factor in S7 once Cas was removed. J2 were the anchors in the early seasons. In later seasons, J2M really became the show's center supports, more than just J2. (No, this is not arguable. This is reflected in canon story, and Cas's growth as a character and plot role and emotional role and in promotion for many years. No, I don't care who is offended that I said it. It's not a point of argument).
Jeremy Carver took over as showrunner in S8 and brought Misha in for an 8 episode arc, so Misha was a guest star in S8. Carver wanted to rebuild the character and in S9 Misha was promoted back up to series regular, and he stayed at that status the rest of the series.
Originally, Misha's regular status was denoted by having him third in opening credits after Jared and Jensen, before the "guest starring" section. Eventually Misha was given an "and" credit.
The "and" credit is a contract status thing. It's for series regulars of particular note, usually for a particularly noteworthy performance. Tony Head was "and" status on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. When he stepped back to recurring, Alyson Hannigan became the "and" status.
Some have tried to paint Misha's "and" designator as a sign of his lesser importance, but it's the opposite. It's a promotion and a sign of respect.
A further note, zero fans have attempted to supplant Jared and Jensen as the "top leads" of the show, but it's abundantly fair to label Misha a 3rd lead, given the proportion of Cas's plot and emotion impact on story and Misha's longevity and status. It's semantics, really. If someone gets offended if you say he's a 3rd lead, they're aren't worth your time. Eh, okay, "main character" isn't wrong either, but I'm suspicious of people who break out in hives over calling him "3rd lead"--but main character is a descriptor for Cas's role. SPN at times had 3-4 series regulars, with J2 as the only two constants the entire run of the show, which is why we say J2 are the 2 top leads. But Cas and Misha's importance are also facts.
Misha was "guest star" in S4, 7, and 8. Eventually he got "special guest star" credit during his guest starring era on spn, another indicator of an actor/performance/character of note, but not a series regular. He was a series regular for S5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. (No this is not arguable. These are production facts. Some people still, after all this time, try to erase his regular/main character status on spn, and they aren't working in facts).
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tobiasdrake · 10 months
So that job was a dud. We did keep the 100k, right? He said he was paying it up-front so I have to assume Yakou already collected it.
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I can't stop marveling at that gorgeous sky over Kanai Ward. I never thought I'd miss something so ordinary as the sky but after a full game spent in the rains of the Mind-Cleansing Bath, being able to see a moon occupying a starry sky above this city is breathtaking.
I hope ghost/homunculus lady can heal this city so its denizens can see this some day.
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Yakou's saying farewell to his office. Don't worry, man. You get to keep visiting the rooftop, at least. This rooftop becomes the hippest hangout spot in Kanai Ward.
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Aww, she came back. Makes sense. A man's trying to kill her, after all. Who's she going to go to? The Peacekeepers? She's smarter than that.
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._. There goes our 100k consolation prize. Even though Yakou was visibly not the aggressor there. The man pulled a gun!
That's okay. Five years from now, Fubuki will drown half of their clientele so we get the last laugh in the end.
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To be fair, as frustrated as Yakou is, she's done nothing wrong. Aside from the weird contradictory writing bit earlier, anyway. She didn't want to go see the sketchy guy, which turned out to be a good call 'cause he tried to murder her.
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Aww, she came because she's interested in you, Yakou!
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Note to writers: This is fine.
"Why does Character do the thing?" "Because it's what he enjoys doing."
That is absolutely a suitable enough backstory. Not everything needs a complex and traumatic explanation. Sometimes characters just like doing things.
Of course, Yakou will obtain a traumatic and complex backstory. He is, in fact, speaking with his traumatic and complex backstory right now. But my point is that he's still engaging enough even without it.
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That completely blindsided me in a good way. I love it. They're old, estranged childhood friends and Yakou didn't even know it.
This relationship development is so good.
The badge has "Nocturnal Detective Agency" written on it. Nocturnal Detective Agency was the name Yakou came up with as a little boy for the operation he wanted to some day run. T_T
He won't live to see that dream come true but his homunculus, at least, will get to Play Detective with some of the most brilliant experts from across the world. This is filling me with all of the feels.
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This is so sweet. It's so sweet. This is the best ship in the game. Hands down.
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Look at that face. He's beaten to hell and he barely knows this woman, even if they are childhood friends. He'd have to be out of his mind to accept the deal.
Of course he'll do it! He'd betray every unnecessarily gendered chat he ever had with Yuma about women and a man's duty and such if he didn't.
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You can feel how good these two were together. This is what building up a ship can be like when you just sit back and let it bake rather than shilling it at every opportunity.
And the fact that she hired him to be her bodyguard is such a twist of the knife too. Like. It already made sense that her death haunted him for so long that it ultimately drove him to revenge. But that extra layer adds even more dramatic spice to it. She didn't just die. He failed in his duty, in an actual terms-on-paper contractual duty and not just, like, "A man's duty to protect his woman".
It wasn't just spiritually his job to make sure this didn't happen to her because Gender Stuff. I mean, to him, it was, but it wasn't just that. It was. Also. Literally. His actual job.
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soovermyself · 11 months
Can I just say that while I don't think Ashlyn is bad looking (leaps and bounds better than Grant tbqh), certain angles of her also give me Jigsaw vibes? 🤡 I think it's the cheekbones, and it's terrifying....Then again, Sophia is gorgeous and ageless, so her partners pretty much always pale in comparison. Also don't see how people think Ali and Sophia look a like? Both are pretty brunettes, but other than that, I don't see it.
Going back to the whole kids thing, I get it's their relationship, and they know what's best and how they see things going better than anyone obviously. I'm just hoping for the best for all of them, but especially the kids. Luckily, they're so young, but custody shit can be messy and I don't see how things between Sophia and Ashlyn could continue bicoastal-ly if they were to move forward eventually and "add more kids to the bunch". Especially as Ashlyn and Ali's kids get older, helping raise them from the other side of the country doesn't seem realistic or fair to them (the kids). I also don't see Sophia adopting and moving across the country thousands of miles away from her parents and extended framily. I get that things seem serious, giving the tidbits that have been said by their teams/gathered/assumed. But logistically, it doesn't seem feasible. I hope I'm wrong if this is what makes Sophia happy, and it's really none of our business, but harmlessly, I can't help thinking about it from a realist standpoint.
Last note, I think in her "no fucks given era" she found Hank a new home. Which I get is only fair to him to have a full-time owner if she did get rid of him, but it's still sad.
Hahahaha, I don’t see it but maybe bc I never saw Jigsaw 🤣. Personally I like her hair a bit longer but that’s just me.
As for Ali and Sophia, yeah they’re both just pretty brunettes e. Ashlyn’s got good taste! But even personality wise, they seem very different (I don’t know much about Ali and that’s not a dig at her at all, she just doesn’t seem similar to S).
As for the kids, I think it’s a bit too soon and unfair to assume until the custody stuff is settled. We have no clue. We also have no idea what the plans are for their living plans. With Ali’s retiring in upcoming hours/days, it’s up in the air…I’ve seen people say New York, Florida, Virginia, Florida and Los Angeles so really we have to wait and see. And Sophia loves New York so it wouldn’t be OOC either 🤷🏼‍♀️. And I’m thinking it’s all stuff they already discussed together before making the move bc at this point of their lives, what’s the point of wasting your time if you know there is no chance it’s going to work out?! If they gave this relationship a go, they have to believe it might go the distance…Obviously I have no inside knowledge on this, but this just would make sense to me personally.
As for Hank, no clue what’s up, but I sure hope he’s thriving wherever he is.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
A lot of people trying to copy our car do they have not seen yet. There's a lot of it.. so he was huge number of people.. it's around 80.. all I'm saying is the car. And some of the copies aren't bad you know they also they all suck. When them used all metal panels and it's way too heavy I kept putting bigger motors in at the end of the day is 800 pounds more than all the other cars a massive gas log is a pig. There's a beef at the suspension and everything else just about 420 mph which is fair so they want to use it and they're going to and they're running around saying they're selling the car cuz they bought it it's cool enough. And it is a phenomena that's catching and it's going nuts they're making tons of these cars each they're probably five leading manufacturers Mac is one of them and he would probably just copy what we're doing if we were to do it but they're making a lot of cars and they're demanding more which is something we need. Right now today they made around $450 trillion cars in total they already making these and they're making about 20 trillion a day this came out and they made all the different models and tons of them.
Thor Freya
Hahahaha lol 😂
That's some gray areas here no but he really hasn't seen a grow that fast it's insane these people say that not doing a damn thing that is so fast and it's so much so many cars it's ridiculous and they're watching bja get hauled away and you don't really agree with it looks like they don't care but they're taking a casually cuz they're saying they're wrong and they are and it's close. But wow that's a lot of cars and it's only been like half a day..
We're wondering what to say what they don't need that many cars to kind of do but maybe real obvious no there's different cars or something it's different than the Bradley and it's different than the Vista fresh it's kind of like Peter the Great there but it's still well so same chance I can SUV and starts out with a sports car then a supercar it's like lotus if you look at lotus but they're not fast no those cars are fast they're just not bullet resistant and it add the bullet resistant stuff and they slow down then you have to put a bigger motor and then it's this gas log and then you put more gas and then your bja. So they want our car and we're saying we can't do that and we are going ahead and doing a test and see what happens but wow that's too many
Hera again
That's a lot of cars but I get a new report this is a thousand trillion and that's two areas and we believe it because all the areas are building them and they have to build enough for all of their people they still have some clones they're making each area might have 10 trillion in it but still that's a lot and they're about 2,500 areas so that's like 25,000 trillion so 1,000 trillion would be a lot it's probably a lot more than what they're making that would be almost half a percent right there of the populace if that's how many there are but just a rough guess I would say that there's probably 500 billion that were made today it's still a huge number Hera says and Thor Freya say. There's a few more things happening. One of them is that this madness is because they want to try and beat the competition which are the clones they're fighting over the cars and they see it and they don't like it but they have to without them they go cold and they captured they're being proactive and they're starting to see that what they've been doing is horrible. Most of the warlocks yet others are seeing too and we want to get factories going and it's going to help it's a real real help. I'm going to get ready we're going to start building ours because we have cover and ours will be a top seller and we can't sell it for $2,500 bucks or 3500 bucks and the lowest price we have now the price for the electric windows and doors and a reasonable interior is around 4500 with our markup which is so little it's gross but we would be the manufacturer not the wholesaler. And that's a problem. And people want to have control and we're thinking of how to do it and they say we can't do it on our own and we'll tell them if we don't do it on our own you're going to get beat to a pulp and they say we'll have to deal with that they acknowledge it though and they'll see that everyone's going to fight over them but if we put it out there on our own the clones are going to be fighting pretty much everybody else and right now people need that very badly and they want that to get Intel come to them but they'll get to a pulp. So going to go ahead and do a test and they are proving it and they're going to watch and see what happens and they're going to see how it goes to monitor the sales well we said was we want to go to kind of neutral territory like New York City Miami places like that and they agree there's not a bad idea it's a spy game it'll be on so we are going to go ahead and request a test pilot program there and modify our test pilot program based on updates that occurred because of negotiation with the powers to be and our process leading to address the clones as the main bone of contention
Nuada Arrianna
This is some awesome thinking and awesome work and we know you two are involved and you're doing very well and yes you too nuana Ariana of course and Thor and Freya but wow these guys are building it out there I've never seen so many cars built in my life they know about the effect and this is much more than a side effect and yeah there are about 20 billion a day and it went up to 500 billion and that's incredible their cars are slightly more armored but ours is armored enough for their troops and nine is pretty high if you get hit with something you're going to be in trouble anyways they don't have real armor our son suggests it's still going to go real fast but take the back off and you make a mold and you put thicker metal on the back or some sort of armor he doesn't suggest heavy armor maybe titanium or titanium alloy that's where he hears you get hit mostly and I guess Justin is picking up on it. And we're hopefully going to get the green light tonight
Frank Castle Hardcastle
And we're going to do the job but this is incredible that's a lot of cars and they're doing the same maneuver I guess and we tell them we don't think we can be involved and they're laughing saying okay the same it's okay and it's just a car it's just a car and they're wondering how much we could sell them for and they're thinking about it so we're going to put together a project folder and he's saying we can sell them at a raceway and keep the people can test drive to ride them and test drive them and we have the supercar as a race car and we're going to get people offering to ride and drive them as a race car. He wants to do that because it's the right thing to do and a different types and have a lot of the civilian versions the regular people cars. And yeah the sales office and showroom would be right there at the racetrack the storage for about 30,000 cars that most raceways that's something you can fit below and we have several that we could do that one is unfortunately not near Miami but it is one that's in Arizona which is cooling off the middle of nowhere to be good for a test and we're going to probably go ahead and do that.
Duke Nukem Blockbuster
This project is being approved the test bed is still being looked at and he said we should probably start with the smattering to try and understand what the test bed should be so I'm going to do that litnys test
We plan on doing it but really the way it's going we don't know what the reaction will be or where to put it or how vehement it will be we also are thinking the max of a method of making the panels and it's pretty close it's close enough and they don't do it in one stamp like we would no they do so we're going to trying to assemble and manufacture them in the perimeter of course and that's part of the plan we're going ahead with it now and there are a lot of volunteers because they want to try and make things work and he says I'm not saying no I'm saying it's a good idea so we looked at and started thinking about it now we've got to get some of these out there to see yeah slightly faster than most cars the top of the line high performance cars might beat them but not if they change the motor out and that doesn't go up to 8 or 900 mph safely and you just need to put in a new Porsche motor or a Ferrari from the one notch down from the top is the light and the smaller car you don't need one even that big those cars have car motors about 800 horsepower and the regular new lotus type car if you put 800 horsepower in it it will go 790 miles an hour it's made to it doesn't have the fairness in the back and things like that that has problems terrifyingly fast.
It looks a little bit like like my car. I was astounded when I saw it and I was yelling plagiarism no but inside I was thinking point the kids going to copying us and said it looks like other ones too so they got down to it it's a different car it's extremely fast and it's designed kind of like the Bradley it's not as fast it doesn't have the break as much most cars don't but boy this thing really moves out. And we want to get it out there it's another one of their cars and it's designed to be really inexpensive and I see why he wants to do it what Volvo did but make it less expensive and safe and we agree so you take all these cars and you make a sedan it's like a Volvo it's still that special qualities but it's not super fast but it handles pretty good and that's not what the sedan that we're coming out with his life it's still a race car more or less but it will be a regular car we like that. But here we go I'll get a reputation and get it going we're going to set up a race track as a sales office a temporary one as a test bed he's in Arizona's kind of out in the middle of nowhere and invites a war right away and I agree that's kind of food a bit much and there's a raceway in Miami we could do it for a weekend and I think that's good he says we should do a smattering first here and there on occasion for several days or a week and I'm saying several days or less so we really have to get on this and now and we need people to drive around right now so I'm volunteering
Salazar and goddess wife
And he says to me now we're going to fly and I get it and we're going to be up in the air with our shifts it's going to be wonderful and it's going to be pirates of the Caribbean and everything I know how it is it's just like last time
We're going to approve it and we're going to send it in
Frank Castle Hardcastle
Duke Nukem Blockbuster
Hera Zeus
We're going to take a look at it no we're going to forward it when we get it and we're going to sign it too
Thor Freya
Is it the water out there in Spain you have to be fast or the Portuguese
Zues Hera
Hahaha LOL that's very funny that this is where it's at and he says of course I agree that's fascinating but we probably shouldn't drive by that particular area yet so we can do like a few drives around maybe one tomorrow and that's a nice sounding and litness it's a perfect idea and a perfect place for it now is my grandson the second part and granddaughter in law and we call them daughter too but we do see what he's saying this is going to work it's a great idea and I have it and I had it
I have a name and I'm going to get it out there pretty soon and once these things get going
Goddess wife of Salazar
We're going to roll in this shortly we need to do a smattering anyways no matter what and we have it and we're going to approve it and send it shortly will let people know
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majormeilani · 2 years
i need to draw how the other birds would interact with cassidy because i'm thinking a lot about it..... oc moment
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colaloli · 2 years
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Random Ramblings on C Date cards
First of all, it's not a delusion when I call them 'date cards' because they are /jk. Not proper translations and I'm not viewing their stories as I wrote this, so fair warning. It's really just ramblings.
Mokuren. Zoo date time but MOKU IS THE VIEW, literally. It was a crowded zoo situation, and all Saki commented in their whole tour is "Mokuren's back is beautiful". Actually, this card is the only one here where you met inside the venue by chance and not "i have 2 tix so let's go". Comparing to other Mokuren cards, this is just simple and chill hanging out with Mokuren. I guess the cherry on top is Mokuren calling Saki BY HER NAME and not hime in one line. I also like that it's not 100% 'let me serve you hime' vibes, Saki letting Moku choose where to go was also cute, and it's like letting a dog off the leash and Saki lowkey regretti because of course Mokuren wants to go to the food but they just finished that pine-boat ww. Overall, it's a fresh experience while reading it but also, past Mokuren cards have kissies so I wouldn't really rank it high up fanservice-wise.
Qu. Date date date, he invites you for this one ww— Qu's card is in the botanical garden and they come across aerial root plants, which is new and fascinating to them. Qu's teasing behavior in this card is hhhh hold on— love the 'new couple dating phase' vibe on this card. The transition to saying the plant looks like a ghost to some philosophical realizations in part one ww. And they pack all the fanservice in part 2 when they're picking souvenirs. I always like when they show Qu's clumsy side, like people forget he's 2nd youngest in Team C because of the elegant and mature vibe he has. But him and Saki being dorks who are picking plants but both of them have no idea how to grow them (side note, doesn't saki room have a plant on the desk, i might be remembering wrong but girl—). Saki being cutie "b-but..." when Qu said they should just pick a different souvenir asdfhg. In the end they successfully get matchy plants and that's so cute of them (imagine visiting each other's house and greeting their baby plants—)
Zakuro. This one is actually my favorite (outside kasumi bias) because of the overall flow of things in the story. It was a zoo date, focusing on birds. Zakuro says he really likes birds because they fly and love the way they look so free. (more reason i like this is he's saying he likes birds while his nickname for Saki is kotori, so hhhhhh). Zakuro likes birbs but his obvious hate for penguins in part one (stop playing with your words jusy say you don't like them because they don't fly hahaha). And the perfect timing of the announcement for penguin feeding lmao. His hesitance when they're already there but saki got 2 bird food so he has no choice hahahaha— in the end of course he warmed up to penguins, big success for Saki. Zakuro saying something like "i appreciate that passionate stare at me thay you have, but can you feed them too?" gets me (and i have to repeatedly reread if i didn't misinterpret. Actually oftentimes with Zakuro, he has lots of spicy lines but I always question it like did he really just said what i think i read??
Hari. Sorry hari I have botany ptsd jk but i think, overall, Hari's got the most basic story. But also, almost all his cards is just him being the serious student he is, so if i compare, this is like good? Bonus for this is we got invited for the date, i guess. Apart for both parts having typical ending fairy spicy one liner, the card story is just okay (kasumi ruined my expectations since i read this one last too, you'll see why) . Most of Hari's cards are like that too though, like he sweeps you with one line vague pickup line, cliffhanger vibes. The only thing that is saving this is my harichan bias so whatever he does is uwuwu baby boy precious babyyy. In that sense too, he's cutie serious and studious team c baby but then again— all his cards are already like that asdfhg. I love you Hari dw, we're taking baby steps to full on chad.
Kasumi. I don't have to be Kasumi bias to be wtfffff this card is a fever dream??? First of all, NO CHORES, and it's also NOT "we just bumped towards each others" premise. But he calls from the hotel lobby phone so it felt like an emergency to Saki but he just "wanna walk?" bruh, I'd be mad if you weren't Kasumi hahaha— and quite literally they just walked and enjoyed the sunset, no topics to talk about like in the others, just.. We breathe. Perfect date ahaha— Anyway, there's a part he's an ever so ready mob with a mat they can sit on while they eat but like... Part 1 premise is him calling Saki randomly... you don't have your phone to call Saki but you're ready with a picnic mat, what— (why you lying, invite us normally for a date /no). And in the end, it was getting dark and cold, colder because they just ate ice cream, so he offered you his jacket. BOYFRIEND JACKET REAL. Overall, this card felt bare like, there's no topics, just small chats— but since it's Kasumi it's like ??? Wtf is happening how is this real???? (oshi who is used to bare minimum)
Overall, all the cards are actually chill vibe and refreshing to read? Most of them have Saki so chill it's like mid-dating phase interactions lol. Also the crotch shots when we get the cgs, i can't get used to that hahahaha—
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hjazysol · 5 years
Spinni: So this is what it feels like to be Quirkless?
Daroach: Yep this is how I've been all my life!
Doc: I feel a tad less smart. But boy does it feel great to have my sanity back again.
Storo: Boss I don't like this it makes me feel. Normal.
Daroach: Well look on the brightside! At least now you can eat all you want without needing to worry about your ability.
Storo: (Gasp) YOU'RE RIGHT! FOOD HEAVEN HERE I COME!!!! (Runs around at the speed of sound eating every bit of food he saw)
Doc & Spinni: Not it!
Daroach: Really!? Gah! Fine. (Takes out his wallet)
Magolor: It's not that bad to be fair.
Magolor: Just think! You can be normal for once!
Midoriya: Hey guys did everyone else lose their Quirks to?
Iida: I'd say that that is the case Midoriya.
Kaminari: Right! ... ...But one question!... ... ...Who's this random girl? (Points at a completely unknown girl)
They all stood in silence.
???: ...Why is everyone staring at me like that? There isn't really anything to see.
They all continue to stare.
???: Err! Ojiro! Tell them to stop they're freaking me out!
Ojiro: Wait a second?... ...Hagakure?
Hagakure: Yes it's Hagakure! Can't you see me?
Ojiro: Well...That's the thing...We can see you.
Hagakure: Really!? Tell me am I beautiful!?
Ojiro: You're beautiful no matter what.
Omega: HANG ON! I have questions! Are you two a couple? And also! (Points at Mina) Why are you still pink with horns? You know what ignore the first question I don't care.
Mina: Erm! I don't know you're definitely asking the wrong person when it comes down to stuff not making sense!
Shoji: I guess some mutation Quirks aren't affected the same as others. I can't change my limbs into anything now. So my Quirks main ability has been nullified. So Ojiro. As far as he's concerned nothing has happened. So if that's the case Mina shouldn't be able to spray acid.
Mina & Kaminari: (Trying their best to understand a damn thing Shoji's talking about) ... ... ...OK!
Ururaka: Wait where's Tokoyami?
Tokoyami: Don't look at me. (Huddled on the floor surrounded by feathers) My feathers have...Fallen from my face...
Tsuyu: It's ok Tokoyami no ones gonna laugh. Kero!
Tokoyami: ...Ok fine.
Tokoyami rolled over to be met with the little frog girl holding a phone to his face.
Tsuyu: Smile!
Tokoyami: TRAITOR!!!
King Dedede: You see this is why I prefer to stay home- Way safer...
Sasori: Like it'd make a difference with you helping anyway.
King Dedede: HEY! I've already got one clown to deal with I don't need another one!
Sasori: ... ...Wait what?
Tsubaki: Well by the looks of it we won't have to Honoka's handling Okashi like it's nothing.
Mikhail: All thanks to my extensive research of Chemical E! Honoka was able to gain complete immunity to her siblings creation. Which I must admit was quite difficult to breakdown. But thanks to my just as incredible intellect I found the antidote! Hahahaha!
King Dedede: If I ever get sick someone remind me to avoid this mad doctor.
Mikhail: What! I am not mad!
Honoka: You said you were made in the same place as me didn't you?
Okashi: No. Not just me thousands of others were there to. Not just you!
Honoka: ....No no! You're wrong!
Okashi: You think you have any right to tell me what I did & didn't see!?
Honoka: In my time at the lab. I was always alone with the other scientists. I have no memory of you or any of the other thousands of creations there.
Okashi: Don't lie to me!
Honoka: I'm not!
Okashi, crying: The amount of times you stared at me through the glass it was always filled with joy. You were constantly mocking me. Even from the beginning!
Honoka: In the room they kept me in, there were never any windows. There were only mirrors all I'd ever see in that room was myslef.
Okashi: ...Mirrors?... ... ...You...You never saw me?
Honoka: (Shakes her head)
Okashi: Even if that is true. You've got some nerve calling yourself a Defect when you're my superior.
Honoka: The room. I was kept inside a room that they deemed as the room for Failed Copies. Upon learning that I spent my days questioning exactly what I had done to make them keep me isolated that way.
Okashi: .... ....
Honoka: They forcefully embedded each of these sybmols into me! Each filled with the ability of a different subject. No matter how much I cried and begged them to stop, they still persisted!
Okashi: ...You're lying...
Honoka: Let me tell you then...The story! One day. Our "Father" Akira Kamijiru got to meet me for the first time. No one allowed him to see me before so this was quite the surprise. I was scared meeting at first glance I assumed that he'd force me to go through with those horrid experiments... ....But then... ...Then he began to cry...Once he'd seen me...All he could do was cry...He saw all the pain those bastards put me through...What they put all of us through...Father was the lead scientist. He was the one that created the Hero Creation Lab. He wanted a way to make it easier for new Hero's to become introduced to the world. His intentions were nothing but good. Until he realised...That those who were working alongside him...They didn't want to make hero's for people's wellbeing...They wanted to create weapons...Weapons to be sold for a high profit. Exhibit A. Me. The combined Quirks of the other test subjects altered my thought processing...It was too much to handlr...I could only obey commands.
Okashi: ... ... ...
Honoka: I was just a toy....A toy who suffered...A lost emotionless toy...That then was when Akira had had enough of this...The storm of Hero's...He set that up...He confessed to his actions involving the creation of hero's...After the hero sweep he did 1 Year in jail...He accepted this punishment he knew he was at fault for this... ...His only request for the sweep was that he could save "them"... At that time I was blank in the mind but now I see that "Them" was me...You...All the people in the lab... ...But...When it came down to it...He saw that after all we'd been through that we'd all suffer even further...So he set the HCL to self destruct...Killing every creation inside...Except you...He knew you'd suffered the most so he didn't want you to live with that exact same struggle.
Okashi: (Sits down with her chin resting on her hands) Then why the hell'd you get to go with him huh!?
Honoka: He knew if he took me with him. He could fix me. I would have no memory of the lab after I had a free will again. So then he wrote all these events off as a story.
Okashi: ....
Honoka: And also sis. Those smiles you saw through the one way mirror. Those smiles were just to hide away the fear.
Okashi: ... ... ...TCH! Y-You better shut it! Or I'll make you myself! You'd have to be a real dumbass to think I'd fall for something like that! These are all just lies to make sure you leave here with me behind bars and you talk of the town!
Honoka: Firstly we're in a city. Second I'M NOT LYING! Can you not see! You're not the only one who's suffered!
Okashi cries: Why does it matter anyway? Even if I accept that it doesn't change why I was left alone abandoned...Isolated! For 7! Whole! Years! 7 Years thinking!...Thinking you were dead... ...I was so worried! And scared when you left I felt a piece of me leave...So when I found out that you were alive after the explosion. I...Felt betrayed...You didn't come back for me...I spent that time wondering what I had done to you... What I had done to everyone that made them all forget about me....
Honoka walked over to Okashi & while at first she hesitated she eventually went to hug her older sibling.
Honoka: Okashi...I-
Suddenly a sharp projectile in the shape of fire was launched past Honoka & Okashi. The source of the attack traced back to Endeavour the Flame Hero.
Endeavour: I guess it pays to be out the city when the entire place gets turned Quirkless huh?
Endeavour: Wouldn't you agree Mt. Lady?
Mt. Lady grabs Okashi: Couldn't agree more. Hey Orca you want a shot at this? Come on play your tunes!
Gang Orca: I already told you they're Hypersonic waves. (Activates Orcinus at Okashi)
Honoka: WHAT NO I-
Okashi slipped through Mt. Lady's hand then pulled her down infront of Gang Orca a literal second before he attacked resulting in her getting paralysed instead of Okashi. She then stuffed a random rock down Gang Orca's blow hole preventing any Waves from passing through. Then kicked him far back out her range then threw a oil tanker at him.
Endeavour: LITTLE BRAT! (Throws another Fire Lance at her)
Okashi as if nothing dangerous was taking place caught the Fire Lance like any ordinary weapon.
Endeavour: What the!?
Okashi: I'M! A! TOON!
Okashi hurled the spear of flames directly at the oil tanker she threw earlier causing it to explode violently. Knocking both Gang Orca & Endeavour out.
Okashi: I can beat any of you after you do one thing. You'd also think heroes would be more aware of their surroundings huh? I guess you're just lucky you were out of Chemical E's range!
Okashi then turned to face Honoka with a face filled purely with immense frustration.
Okashi jumped high up all the way ontop of her robot.
Okashi: I'LL BE WAITING! "SIS"!!!
The robot released more Chemical E into the atmosphere.
Honoka: ...(Sigh) Almost... ...I may not have got to her completely...But I know I can...The sweet little girl Dad remembers...He knows she's still in there...And I'm gonna find her no matter what it takes!!!
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akane171 · 3 years
A non-Clark-y Kara would have been so badass 😂 In the comics and e.g. Young Justice she did always come across as the "tougher" of the two...🤔 Ohh, imagine what those Karamel dynamics could have been like🤣🤣 (Tho their idiotic-arguing-puppy-love is just heartwarming 😂) 
Oh, I'm not even gonna argue. I love Kara, but this is one argument on which iI will NEVER even slightly agree with her. I mean, you already pionted out more than enough points for why, but the fact she didn't bother any other alien (e.g. from the alien bar) about how they're selfish for not superheroing or that she didn't consider she herself spent all but what? A year? on earth without superheroing and even Kal/Clark didn't always just makes her whole point pathetic... Same with the Jeremiah situation when once again Mon was made out as wrong and bad for what? Being right? Being cautious? Just no. And nobody ever apologized!!!😑
I don't get what they have against Kara being in therapy anyway, like Young Justice spent a whole episode giving the Heroes therapy sessions to deal with their trauma/traumatic experience...  
Ohhh, but what could warrant her staying forever?🤔
Ohhh 😱😍😭 I'm not sure whether to be happy of having a karamel godkid (you do realize you just sent me into a terrible downward spiral of "What does he look like? What is he like? Is he more like Kara or more like Mon or their perfect like mix? HOW DID HE DIE? I MUST PROTECT LITTLE PRECIOUS KARAMEL CHILD!", right?😅😂 I NEED ANSWERS!!) or to go sit in the corner and bitterly cry over his death...
And no, I definitely DO want to hear about Mon and Lan's deaths and how Maya reacted! I NEED to know 😭😭😭  
NOOO, write theeeeeemmm😭 You can't just drop all this heartbreak and not write and fix it!😭😭 (Just to clear up: I'd never wanna force you into anything at all ofc, so when I say sth like this, I'm just whining, don't feel forced to do anything🙈)
 Haha, nah, it's fine anyway😁 Always good to have a bunch of book recommendations lying around for whenever I finally have time for it again☺ 
I'll give you a million tragic high-fives😂 And Yup, we're pretty much screwed by definition😅 (Tho, to be fair, in "The Mortal Instruments" I got attached to kinda two side characters(one a badass immortal warlock and one a cool shadowhunter) who did end up together, and even have their own spin-off which inlucdes them adopting two Kids! So that was a non-screwed over (homosexual) couple😁💃🏻) 
Ohh, wait, which ones do you mean in Naruto?🤔 
Yeah, esp. the absorption thing was sooooo awesome, poor Lydia finally got a break from announcing death😅 And yes, Parrish was so underrated and underused anyway... It's like they just literally forgot about him and the fact that they know a hellhound...🙈 Would have been awesome to see him save the day instead of Scott winning against everyone and everything cause freaking plotarmor...😩 (It's ridiculous he defeated people like Deucalion or Peter...)
HAHAHA, Greenberg calling him Bobby would have been the BEST SCENE EVER!!!😍😂🤣
I already put Lightbringer on the list😂 Ohhh, nice rule, but I doubt I'd manage that without abandoning everything else in life😂 Just reading a little is not possible for me, if I start the book, you can be sure I'll be done with it in 3 days at most😂 (Tho at least I get my Daily dose of fanfics, which does usually derail many of my to-do-plans or sleep schedule too, but hey, "less" than normal bookd🤷🏻‍♀️😅)
Haha, Thanks, not even sure how many exactly I'm still waiting for... There's stuff that hasn't updates since 2013 or so, so... Let's really not talk about this😅😭😂
Yeah, it's probably an unspoken anime fan rule😂 Tho hey, at least you're not my level of stupid about it and try to draw realistic stuff too😅 I'm pretty sure I owe Chris Wood at least 5 apologies for the terrible attempts I made at drawing him😅🙈🙈
HAHAHAHA, yess, that's a good way of going about it😂 Tho, tbh, while I love ranting about articles, they do very much so have their purpose and using the wrong one does indeed make a big difference at times🤔 But they're still terrible😉😂
Ah yes, the good ol' days of RTL2 and Pokito 🤔😍😊 Back when they spent at least 12 hours a day with animes etc😂 And well, I mean, animes do tend to be rather obvious about what's going on even if you don't understand anything🤔 
Yup, side character fics are so freaking hard to get by... Just saaaaaaadddd😭😭😭
Ohhh, sounds like more than just dissapointment😅 I mean, I didn't exactly like the end or the way they made the later half of Naruto either, but what exactly was your major point of dissapointment? (Still my biggest problem was how they just nerved Naruto and Sasuke and the villains to god level and made everyone else pathetic, useless bystanders😅🤷🏻‍♀️🙈)
Haha, yess, weirdos for winners💃🏻
PS: ☺🙈🙈
Yeah, maybe we are getting that version in the movie. Still, probably not going to watch.
Hmm, interesting how their interaftions would look like. For sure she would quite quickly threw Lena's ass into the sun and feel zero remorese about it. But with Mon-El? Hmm.
Annoyed but intrigued or interested? Finally someone who remembered her planet and people and I don't think she would have been as butthurt about him being the prince. But... interesting idea for a fic, lol
And you know the BEST thing? She became a superhero when she was liek what, 24? ONLY becasue Alex was in danger. But well, hypocrisy was one of her character flaws.
I think Mon suffered from the "oh, no, Kara can;t apologize or admit she was wrong, especially to him". Anotehr funny thing is that's the SAME thing they had done to Alex and Kara. How many times Kara was right, but Alex screamed and didn't apologize?
Because oh she is oh so strong woman and doesn't need it. What is funny again, because thye have spent wasting time on some super dumb so called important eye-opening stuff and couldn't have spared one ep about mental health. Interesting, right?
That depends on my mood xD Because you know, as much as I like Danvers sisters I see their bond as problematic and it was never really approached. So, for example Kara deciding she needs to stay by Alex's side becasue uwu, life is brutal, she needs to three-wheeling her and her family for entire life and blah blah. What would BE CANON.
No. Becasue in the end I will want to write whole fic, so no ==' As I said, I'm the queen of unwritten angst, not written. But I can assure you, all my ideas are heartbreaking. For example mxy showing her all the scenes from her future life and all what happened, because she can't believe she just left her family etc. MUHAHAHAH
Errrm, is this malec ship? Becasue it sounds like them and I kind of know some of the stuff from Shafowhunters from the gifs on tumblr XD HAPPY FOR YOU!
Naruto, sigh. Funny stroy, in the begining i liked SasuxSaku but with time and how the story unfold, i started hated them. I really liked Sasuke and imo, he should have or died honorable death or stayed asexual and with no fam. Last Uchiha, no more curse and more people hunting for them. End of story. And seriosuly, I hate the "big breasted fangirl gets the dude and becomes the perfect waifu aka wet dream of every dude in Japan" (a big generalization, but you get my point). That's why I hate IchiHime ==' tbh, the same goes for NaruHina, but whatever.
Maybe they will fix things in the movie..... MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I don't mind Scott, maybe he was not my fave character but was not bad... as for a typical teen kinda-superhero.
We would finally see Greenberg! And the conspiracy theory aka Greenberg being Bobby's halluciation or imaginery student would be clear xD
Hey, fics are in a lot of cases better than published books! I wouold ask you to go to sleep at a normal hour, but I do the same shit iwth books so xD
I like to swallow books like that... unless I get to a problematic part and I suspecty next things are going to destroy me xD so then sometimes I leave it for a few days... or months... sometimes years xD
Gurl TT All of my fave Gundam SEED fics are not finished TT ... oh wait, there is one mine that is not finished, oops
It's not stupid, it's how we learn, right? For example I stopped drawning alsmot in 100% but I like coloring books with pencils.
Articles (in any language) will never make sense to me, so I bow to the queen *bows*
RTL2 was my wormhole to anime world xD with bad internet connection and almost no anime in Polish tv, it felt like heaven. Still my dad was always pissed off when he caught me watching, but well, typical anime fan's life xD
Sad high five. We are doomed *satres into the void*
You kow, the typical shounen stuff - from zero to god level, saving the world from apocalypsis, power of friendship, sometimes I really want the good guys losing. And well, the ships at the end - geeeeeeeeeez. Minus ShikaTema all were dissapoiting. Or maybe I'm salty after what they have done to Jiraya and Tsunade, who knows. And as I said, everything about Sasuke. Just. No.
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Fraze & Ali
Fraze being a real cunt
Fraze: Sort it out for fuck's sake. Ali joined the chat 101 minutes ago Ali: Nah, youse the ones having to deal with her, so I shan't Fraze: Yeah I am so stop being a twat. Fraze: Or stay round Caleb's and really do ma in. Ali: 😂🖕  Unlucky Ali: And I am, I'll drop the kids round at some point so youse can see them but I've got shit to do so I won't be staying Fraze: Big of you. Fair dues though throwing a tantrum can be an all dayer when you're such a brat. Ali: Boo hoo, you're the one crying to me 'cos you can't stomach her for five seconds Ali: Give a shit, Fraze, this doesn't involve you Fraze: I was trying to appeal to you 'cause it's Christmas and dad wants you there but fuck off then. Ali: That's the spirit Ali: Why would I wanna be there? I'll see dad, and everyone else who isn't being mad cunty, in my own time Ali: I've got no need to commit to another day of this shite Fraze: Keep being a selfish cunt it's not like I want you there after you threw me under the bus calling me one of ma's failures Ali: Yeah? Glad I won't be missed then, no hurt feelings all round Ali: And go to ma for comfort, she'll happily tell you the truth will set you free on that score Fraze: I'm not the one whose proper hurt. She is. You don't give a shit but the rest of us do. Do me a favor and gimme a time you're coming so I can be out. Ali: Well she ain't the only one but the only one that matters, right? Ali: Then console her with how much of a success you are, console yourself whilst you're at it Fraze: Fuck you. You're such a spoiled bitch. You're hurt 'cause what she told you to man up and tell Ro Drew's a cheating scumbag woe's you Fraze: Just 'cause you feel guilty no need to make ma feel it worse Ali: I'm not the one crying 'cos I've not got my way here Ali: Its hilarious you believe everything she tells you 'cos that ain't the conversation I had with her Ali: Like she needs any help with her guilt complex Fraze: Aren't you? Ruining christmas 'cause you didn' t get your way for once ain't no better. Fraze: I'm surprised you wanna bother bringing your kids around if she's such a shit mum Ali: Who's ruining anything? She doesn't want me there, you don't, like I said, I'll make the effort to see the people who want to see me too Ali: Well I'm all for second chances, even if she thinks they're bullshit Fraze: Act like it then. Give her one. Ali: I am. Ali: She hasn't taken it yet Fraze: You haven't offered it. All you've done is avoided her Ali: That's how you see it. You don't live here, don't act like you're involved in this family any more. She sees me multiple times a week, she's had ample opportunity, I'm not the one hiding Fraze: Neither do you. Until Caleb upsets you and you come running back. You see her too. Why's it all on her? Ali: Grow up. Ali: I'll make myself and my children homeless, shall I? Ali: Not all of us bum the moral high ground as much as you, you moron Ali: Because its never on her Ali: She needs to learn to apologize when she's the one in the wrong, its not hard Fraze: You're the idiot that needs to grow up. Fraze: If its so easy do it Fraze: You can't even own the shit you said Fraze: Except her to kiss your feet though don't ya? Fraze: Hypocrite Ali: No, because I'm NOT in the wrong Ali: Keep up Ali: I know what I said Ali: and I haven't felt the need to be telling tales on what she said Ali: which is evidently all she's been doing so yeah, I'm good pal Fraze: Fuck you. She didn't rat you out, princess I overheard her telling dad why he's precious fave wouldn't be at the table Ali: Then you shouldn't be so nosy, should you Fraze: Yeah its all my bad. None of yours. Get a fucking clue. Ali: What's this got to do with you? Fraze: Oh fuck all except I wanted a nice family Christmas for my kids like we used to have Fraze: I'm the selfish one of course Ali: You aren't going to find it here Ali: you're not a child, any more, it isn't going to be that fantasy you've got in your head Ali: if you wanted that, take 'em to disney world Fraze: Cheers for the ma impression while she's radio silent Fraze: But don't speak on my childhood or how I raise my kids again 'cause you know less than nothing about either Ali: Please, you're 4 years older than me, don't act like I wasn't there Ali: You don't get to control the narrative Fraze: Why not you are Fraze: You don't get to tell me what's a fantasy Ali: Believe it if it makes you any happier Ali: evidently not Ali: it was what it was for all of us, we can all say how we found it but the stories aren't gonna add up and that'll create dissonance, hohum Ali: it doesn't matter either way Fraze: No it was what it was for you 3 and it was what it was for Joe, Bea and me Fraze: which matters to me Fraze: even if you're an ungrateful cunt these days Fraze: and apparently always were Ali: Yeah yeah yeah, and it was different for ma and da Ali: like I said, no one wants your war stories Ali: its different for us, you all agree, so stop pushing your bullshit onto us making us try to 'learn' from you Fraze: But it's fine for you to spout all your bullshit, yeah? One fucking rule for Ali Mckenna as per Ali: am I asking you to listen? Ali: I don't want to be talking to you, as per, you came screaming at me, like she did Fraze: Fuck off then I'm done Ali: ta ta dearest brother you're really good at this Ali: just like mummy Fraze: I ain't trying to be good to you I don't owe you shit Fraze: I was trying to help ma who I do Fraze: But forget it 'cause she's better off not talking to ya Ali: and I owe nothing to you, you can try and hold seniority over people for a while but don't act surprised when they tire of the lectures Ali: I sincerely hope so Ali: FYI, you're your own person, she'd like you to know that, according to her, you're NOTHING to do with her Fraze: FYI I already know that. I own up to my own shit good and bad. Fraze: If that's news to you suddenly too bad Ali: Hahahaha Ali: no, THAT is news to me Fraze: I thought you had shit to do Ali: Sick burn, some of us can multitask Fraze: Tell someone who gives a fuck Ali: Oh, you are VERY bad at appearing non-plussed Ali: your entire life experience should tell you that Ali: the only person you've got fooled is yourself Fraze: Thanks doctor fraud Fraze: throw that all seeing bullshit lens on yourself Ali: ??? Ali: You screaming at me for however the fuck long=me not WANTING to say sorry Ali: wowee, what a revelation Fraze: Just keep doing what you want. Please yourself like you always do Fraze: I won't see you later Ali: its only what our darling mother would want Ali: she's a bad person, don't you know Fraze: She thinks she is yeah. No thanks to you Fraze: really helping to change her mind ain't ya Ali: Sorry I'm such a disappointment, there you can have that one Ali: I mean it Fraze: Good you should be sorry too bad I ain't the one that wants to hear it Ali: you can tell her yourself Ali: it isn't my job to mother my own mother Ali: she wont give you a gold star but you can whack off to how smug you'll feel Fraze: Fuck you. I mean that. Ali: I don't care Ali: None of us love each other, its all falling apart Ali: I don't fucking care Fraze: You don't love us anymore now you've got your cosy set up that ain't the same thing Fraze: Good luck to you. Ali: Bullshit Ali: Joe's gone, Tommy left as soon as he feasibly could and he's only back 'cos he's got no other option Ali: You're busy pretending you're someone else Ali: and I won't be here soon either, so why delay the inevitable, it's all gone Ali: and I haven't got sod all 'cosy' literally what the hell do you know, all I've got is MY kids Ali: and they need me more than Tess ever did, I was surplus to requirements from the jump there Fraze: Some genius you are. You don't have a fucking clue. Joe's an addict, he's struggling. Tommy has been doing what he loves which meant he had to move. Also not about you sorry princess kitty kat. I'm trying to build a future same as you. It's hardly end of days. Fraze: Sorry you're not the centre of everyone's universe for one sec. Fraze: And everything ain't rosy all the damn time. Big deal. Ali: and why is he an addict? hmm? lets explore that shall we Ali: Bea's the only one building anything Ali: you're on her coattails Ali: its never been rosy that's my fucking point! Ali: and i'm sorry i've got sick of pretending its anything close to rn Ali: because it isn't and we all know it, aren't you all sick of pretending Fraze: That ain't for me or you to say. You'd have to ask him Fraze: You don't know shit about what I'm achieving or not you patronising twat Fraze: Nobody's asking for that except you and none of us are pretending either we're just making the best of what we've got which is apparently optional for you now you're over it Fraze: Life don't have to be exactly what you want for it to be worth a fucking damn Fraze: Stop acting like you're above us all and be with us Ali: Except I can't because he's gone. He's gone and you didn't give us a chance to say goodbye, no, I'll be as selfish as you want me to be, you didn't give ME a chance to say goodbye Ali: Oh yeah, my life is fucking peachy, I'm so great Ali: Everyone fucking hates me, is that the teen angst you want? Well whoop there it is. Everyone in this fucking town looks down their nose at me or outright abuses me on the daily, the kids I'm too young to have have a part-time dad and heaven forbid I act my age, my own family tell me to fuck off and die in a ditch, or tell me what an awful person I am Ali: there it is, yuk it up 'cos I don't know what else you want from me Ali: I have NOTHING to give, I'm so sorry I'm not worth my place in the tribe Fraze joined the chat 29 minutes ago Fraze: Put that and whatever else you gotta on me. It don't matter. I did what I did and I'd do it again. For him. Fraze: Boo fucking hoo. Deal with it. Nobody made those choices but you. Those kids don't need your sob story they need you to decide what the fuck you and Caleb are doing. Together or apart. Fraze: You don't get to act your age 'cause you're somebody's fucking ma now and its on you to let them be kids. Fraze: If you can't hack that you shouldn't of done it. Simple as. Fraze: As for the pity party you're having about us, nobody said anything like that. Calm down or keep projecting I don't care. Ali: Of course you would, no one matters but the sacred three. I know that, no need to remind me when you spend every waking day showing us exactly where we are in the pecking order Ali: This is a joke, what have I said to you, and mum, what is ALL I said Ali: we didn't need theirs, we didn't need yours Ali: but we got it Ali: and yet I'm nothing like my mother and my problems are NOTHING like hers Ali: I dare you to call her a spoilt bitch Ali: Wow, write a pamphlet. Ali: Read back what you've said, I'm not telling you what you said, you'll only say its bullshit. Just read it Ali: I just Ali: Never mind Fraze: You're a joke, Ali. Fraze: Your situation is nothing like ma's. You've had so much support all round. Like fuck are you working 4 jobs you're going to uni, you have multiple people willing to help with your kids and anything else at the drop of a hat Fraze: She had nothing but da. Fraze: I know what I said and didn't say. Spin it how you want just like with whatever mum said. Fraze: I'm not going in circles with you. Ali: That's all your doing Ali: our entire lives is one big circle revolving around them Ali: please tell me how hard she had it again Ali: as if that makes an iota of difference to my struggle Ali: so much support? Ali: I feel it Fraze: It should make a difference to your fucking behavior Fraze: but whatever I'm sick of this and if you can bail so can I Ali: Why? Ali: Why should it Fraze: It's called empathy brainiac Ali: No, it isn't Ali: that's the past, empathy is doing fuck all to change what it was Ali: you show empathy to the people who need it Ali: in the now Fraze: she does still need it in the now Ali: and i don't? Fraze: You get a shit ton of it Ali: WHERE Ali: I'm a joke, I'm a fuck up, I'm a cunt Ali: I'm not doing enough to help Ro Ali: I'm not doing enough for mum Ali: I'm a bad mother who shouldn't have had her kids Ali: there is nothing Ali: I'm not pulling this out of thin air, Fraze Fraze: You're pulling it out of your arse 'cause you wanna feel sorry for yourself and for everyone else to Fraze: You think I ain't been called shit. Made mistakes. We all have including mum Ali: Please do bring it back round to you and mum Ali: continue to prove my point Ali: call me crazy and tell me i'm making it all up Fraze: I didn't say that I said you're making a meal of it Fraze: build a bridge and get the fuck over it Fraze: talk to the people you gotta to change shit Fraze: Or just keep crying to me Fraze: what's that gonna do? Ali: Yeah, silly me for trying to get my own brother to care Ali: that's not how families are meant to work Fraze: I'm still here talking to you ain't I Fraze: you're the one not caring Ali: of course, what a cold bitch Fraze: You wish Ali: no i don't Ali: even if no one respects the fact that i have feelings that can get hurt just like the rest of you do Fraze: Again, literally nobody's ever said that Fraze: we're just trying to get you to tell ma your feelings are hurt Fraze: at least Ali: actions speak louder than words, even though your words HAVE been fucking horrible and you aren't convincing me otherwise Ali: she knows...she's the one who hurt them Fraze: and you hurt hers too Fraze: and Fraze: I don't know what else I can do here Fraze: this ain't even my fight as you said Ali: i know, i was the one who did it Ali: yeah a real impasse we find ourselves in Fraze: Do whatever it is you're gonna 'cause I can't multitask and I do actually have shit that needs doing despite what you think Ali: i was planning to
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