#which says a lot considering they're both... uh let's say. mia..
blackhallow 1 year
your fic got me thinking about kuki/misayuki and i hate it here 馃槥馃槥馃槥馃槥 thinking about yuki yearning because she realizes first how she feels about having a crush on her only friend and silently pining because she doesnt want her only friend to be hurt even more when she merges with tengen and disappears forever.......misato only realizing how she feels when yuki leaves 馃槏馃槏馃槏 i want them to be MESSY and ANGSTY 馃槇馃槇 them reuniting years later after riko dies and comforting eachother but there's this air of grief (?).......misato recovering and bonding with yuki once again and they get back into their old rhythm again and yuki telling her about all the places she's gonna take her when she gets rid of ce for good.....misato wanting so badly to believe her but so much has happened between them in the years they had been separated so there's that part of her that's stuck in the middle because she's scared of feeling too happy/too comfortable even tho yuki makes that difficult for her sometimes. i say sometimes because yuki starts to push away everytime she gets too close to someone (because she's the same as misato!!! :)) the only exception being todo but thats different
i think i'm gonna stop rambling now ive thought about these 2 characters an unhealthy amount esp considering they've never interacted/mentioned eachother i blame u for trapping me i h8 it here sm 馃槶馃槶馃槶馃槶
I haven't logged on in days and this is the first thing I see on my inbox I'm going to cry?? ANON YOU GET ME omg they're so good and they make so so so much sense!!! The dynamic would already be complicated enough when they're young and then it just gets more and more complicated as time passes and they get separated and hhhh the idea of them kinda pushing each other away even after years of yearning haha how dare you say that 馃檭
I go back and forth so much on whether they saw each other again before Riko died and I like the angst of Yuki only coming back after she's dead but. but. but. What if Misato Riko Yuki found family 馃槳 Just Yuki arriving during Hidden Inventory and stopping Toji before things can go awfully wrong and taking Riko and Misato away. I think about those three a lot. I think about them and Todo a lot too they would be such a weird little family 馃槳馃槳馃槳馃槳 Anyway. They mean the world to me. Welcome to rarepair hell :)
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petrichor-idyllic 2 years
HI could i request a minho x reader where they鈥檙e best friends and have a thing for eachother but they鈥檙e oblivious so everybody in the glade starts pulling shenanigans to get them together
I can sure try I guess.
Gender neutral reader because you didn't specify.
Guys pls start specifying lmao I am stressed.
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SUMMARY: See above. Gender Neutral! Builder! Reader x Minho. Takes place before the arrival of Thomas. Book based fic purely because no big 3D map.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, teenage shenanigans, oblivious reader/Minho, no one knows how to interact like normal humans, one awkward shower scene and mild suggestive content but nothing explicit.
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You and Minho have been best friends since you popped up in the Glade.
Honestly, you're not really sure how it happened. You came up the month after Minho, so he was tasked with looking after you, and you just kind of stuck.
Minho is obviously the Keeper of the Runners, which means he's out in the Maze most of the the time, and you spend your days working as a Builder. But, you both still find time to enjoy each other's company after your long days.
It's definitely a close relationship, and anyone that knows Minho is often caught off guard to see the difference in him when he's around you. He's almost softer, definitely more smiley and easier to be around. His bitter and often slightly negative attitude is dulled in your presence. Of course, everyone likes Minho.
But everyone likes Minho a lot more when you're with him.
And that goes both ways. You're noth completely different people around each other; more approachable and easier to get along with.
It's obvious.
Of course it is.
Everyone in the Glade knows.
You guys like each other.
You have been harbouring a massive crush on Minho for pretty much as long as you can remember. And Minho isn't much better.
It's obvious, to everyone but you two.
Maybe you're both blinded by not wanting to mess up your friendship, or simply the pressure of living in a death maze is enough to give you both different priorities, but you're both blissfully unaware of your feelings for one another.
And it's starting to take the piss.
You have the other Gladers wanting to rip their hair out and just scream at you to go off somewhere and make out for a bit to let off some steam.
Obviously, they don't do that (probably because Alby would have their heads for distracting his best Runner).
But they want to. Man, do they want to.
So, instead, the remaining boys decide to come up with a plan after a particularly slow week in the Glade. They were going to do whatever it took to get the pair of you to finally realise you share the same feelings.
Which is easier said than done, especially when Minho is MIA most of the day.
But, with Ben slowly implementing hints towards Minho on their runs, and some of your Builder colleagues doing the same for you, the seeds were getting set in place.
Though, maybe your stubbornness/oblivion might be beyond help.
"Yanno, I really like them," Ben says as he runs with Minho, insisting on joining him for the past couple of days now, saying something about two sets of eyes are better than one.
"Who?" Minho grumbles, genuinely considering make a dead sprint to get away from Ben.
"(Y/N), duh," Minho slows down slightly, coming to the same pace as his friend.
"I mean, they're really cool, funny, hot- how could I not? You're cool with that, right? I mean, I know they're your friend but I kinda wanna ask them out, that's okay, right?"
Minho hesitates, seemingly thinking for a second. Minho wouldn't ever do anything to possibly ruin your happiness, even if he does have feelings for you and he knows you can make your own choices.
And with that, he sprints away, leaving Ben to stand there in some form of shock.
Meanwhile you're dealing with Gally.
"You know, you really do keep that shank on a tight leash- Minho is actually tolerable when you're around."
"Uh, thanks, I think?" You chuckle to yourself.
"I mean.. you guys are only friends, right?"
You're in the middle of trying to fix a shack that got damaged during a dumb fight between two boys. You freeze.
"Hm, interesting."
"Why's that interesting?"
"Just you guys are pretty close, some people think you'd make a good couple."
You laugh, shaking your head. "Yeah, right." You say sarcastically, going back to your work and ending the conversation in one go.
Okay, so that isn't working.
The boys need to recuperate.
Okay, so, maybe they need to get the pair of you in situations you wouldn't normally be in, alone.
So, what could a group of dumb teenage boys possibly do with that?
"Yo, (Y/N)," you'd just finished your day of work when Newt approaches you.
"Hey, Newt, you good?"
"Yeah, can you go get Minho for me? I gotta talk to him but I gotta sort some klunk out first."
"Oh, uh, sure, where is he?"
"Oh, he'll probably just be getting out of the shower, he came back earlier so he should be finishing up."
"You want me to go into the shower block to get Minho?" You blink at him. "Couldn't you have spoken to him earlier?"
"I didn't get chance to catch him- Alby wanted to talk to me." Newt seems shifty and unsure of himself.
He originally wanted no part in this, but Frypan said he'd give him extra food for two weeks so here we are.
"Just go get him, a'ight?" Newt walks away before you can say anything else. Now, he has to actually figure out what to talk to Minho about when he inevitably comes looking for him.
Frypan owes him more stew.
You grumble to yourself, going to find your friend. Since Minho came back earlier, he should be finishing up and probably about to leave. So, you think just direct him towards Newt. Easy fix.
Though you do feel a bit weird about it.
And when you rock up at the shower block with just the sound of running water filling the room, you inwardly cringe.
"Minho?" You ask, probably a little too quiet since he doesn't hear you over the water. Sucking in a deep breath, you walk further into the shower block.
It's not like you're fazed by this kind of thing. Boys walk around the Glade shirtless all the time and no one really care about skin being shown off. But this is Minho.
He's flawlessly attractive in your eyes, and he's actually a pretty modest guy. You normally leave him to his privacy, but if Newt wants to talk to him, it must be important.
"Minho?" You say, a bit louder, which gets a response.
"Yeah?" He asks as you stand awkwardly outside of the shower booth, a good few feet away from the curtain.
"Newt wants to talk to you."
"Newt wants to talk to you," you repeat, your voice even louder. "He told me to get you."
To your surprise, Minho moves the curtain. He holds it in a way that hides anything inappropriate, but still reveals his chiseled, drippong torso.
Minho seemingly hasn't realised what this subtle and nothing act has done, but it leaves you almost silently standing there.
"What about?"
"He, uh, he d-didn't say," Minho groans as you pull your lips into a thin line. He pulls the shower curtain back, giving you a much needed second to recollect yourself. The water stops and there's some shuffling before he emerges again.
He's wearing pants now, at least, as he struggles to put his shirt on over his damp body.
"Can't get two shuckin' seconds of peace here," he grumbles before sighing. "You eaten, yet?" He asks you casually, still completely oblivious to your flustered state.
"Uh, no, I've only just finished myself."
He nods. "Alright, I'll catch you for dinner then, yeah?"
"Yeah, 'course."
Minho leaves to find Newt and you stand there for another few seconds before leaving with nothing having changed.
So, that didn't work either.
Though I don't know how they expected it to. Trust teenage boys to turn wingmanship into awkward situations.
Somehow, this keeps going.
Gladers start "accidentally" start bumping into either of you to get you to stumble into each other. Which does nothing. Or they'll make you scoot closer together when eating so you're squashed next to one another. Which also does nothing.
After what seems like forever of the boys acting really weird, you and Minho start actively avoiding them.
So, they come up with an actual plan- because far too many people are invested now and it's getting out of hand.
It's a simple plan, really.
But it did require a questionable request list being thrown into the box and your deep concern when people starting pulling boxes of candles out.
Night begins to fall over the Glade. People were winding down and they'd gone through to effort of separating you and Minho.
Somehow, you'd ended up in a long conversation with Frypan about his dream to make the perfect cheesecake one day. And Minho was getting lectured by Alby over being mean to Ben. Plausible, really.
Then, out of
"(Y/N)!" Winston startles you. "Minho needs you! He's in the Map Room! It's urgent!"
"What? Is he okay?"
"You gotta go! Quick!"
In a panicked frenzy, you run off to the Map room.
Unbeknownst to you, Ben has just done the exact same thing to Minho.
You burst into the Map Room, completely ignoring the fact you're not actually allowed to be in there. You're certainly no Runner since you're already out of breath.
"Minho! What's-?" Your words get stuck in your throat when you see the state of the Map Room and a very clearly lost Minho.
Candles are everywhere, and in the middle of the table, there is a big fancy meal- all of Frypan's best work.
You both stand there, staring at the scene in front of you.
Almost like something out of a comedy sketch, you turn to each other. "Did you do this?"
You then stand there, blinking at one another.
"It's like..." You trail off.
"A date." Minho finishes the sentence. "Who the everliving SHUCK thought it was a good idea to put fire in the Map Room?"
"They set us up on a date?" You mumble.
He chuckles. "Yeah, looks like it." You hesitate, a small smile starting to play on your lips. "Well," he clears his throat, "shall we?"
"What?" You snort, watching him as he walks over to the chair, pulling it out and giving you a fake bow. "Your seat, darling."
You roll your eyes, trying to suppress a smirk, but you do take your seat.
"No point letting all this good food going to waste, eh?" He walks to the seat across from you, sitting down himself. "I doubt Fry is gonna be making a meal like this again anytime soon."
"Yeah, I guess so. Explains why they've been acting so weird."
"Yeah, I just thought those shanks were finally losing their marbles."
"Nice to know they think we'd make a cute couple," you chuckle.
"'Cause we would make a cute couple," he says, a little too confident. "I mean- I don't know." He chuckles.
You freeze, picking at your plate for a second. But shuck it, you might as well ask. If you can ask anyone anything- it's Minho. "...Would you want to be a couple?"
He looks at you, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, I would, actually. Just... not now. There's too much goin' on here, yanno? I mean, would you wanna be... together?"
You nod. Maybe deep down, you could tell that Minho likes you, maybe he could tell you like him. "Yeah, of course I would, but you're probably right."
"I think when we leave here," he continues, "we'd be a shuckin' good couple." He sighs, smiling to himself." But for now, we stay friends, I deal with this klunk and one day we'll be enjoying our freedom- together."
It's a tranquil image. Freedom feels so close but so far away, and being with you is just further motivation for Minho. But, if anything happened to him out there, he couldn't put that extra baggage on you if you were dating.
"Well, you better get us out quick then, huh?" He chuckles.
"Yeah, yeah- well, let's enjoy our dumb date, shall we?"
"Guess this is our first date, then, huh?" You joke and he laughs.
"Yeah, guess it is."
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I really didn't know what to do with this one, lads, ngl. It's more of a funny bit than a serious story and they don't even end up together- sorry.
I hope you kind of enjoyed tho lmao :)
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omni-scient-pan-da 3 years
People I talk about in my original posts
Theater Boy (he/him): Made me a Trollhunter sign out of engraved wood, gets very hyped about musical
Murphy (he/him): An absolute cinnamon role, legitimately started talking about bunk beds when asked about top vs bottom a few years back, also in musical, in a throuple with him and Mystic
Genevieve (they/them): My gay awakening who I was madly in love with for like 7 months before confessing, we're still good friends and we talk like every day
Michelle (she/her): Had a crush on Genevieve the same time I did but agreed not to let a girl get between our friendship and basically were each other's wingman until we both confessed and got rejected, we now have a secret code to avoid any confusion about whether or not we actually like each other romantically considering pre-covid we said and did a lot of romantic-y things, might also be my roommate at college?? 馃憖馃憖
Mystic (they/them): The asshole (affectionate) that decided they had to hunt down my Tumblr in order to find my wesper fic 馃檮, also in a throuple with them and Murphy (@/mysticalninjaearthquake)
Bisexual Girl (she/her): A girl in musical that I low-key thought had a crush on me but was probably making it up in my head
Tall Boy (he/him): Golden Retriever personality that started being friendly to me and it did not compute because of how little interaction I have with the opposite binary gender
May (they/them): Basically me but in a slightly different font, went through a pining arc with them that lasted from February 2023 to July 2023 after I wrote them a letter a day to read while they were on an overseas vacation and included a confession in the last one and then was politely but officially rejected a few days after they returned to the States
Mona (she/her): On the bowling team with me for two years, literally everyone talks about her behind her back, and is too full of herself
Hetty (she/her): Mildly better than Mona, also on the bowling team, still annoying though and gets on my nerves
Florence (she/her): Says she's cishetallo but is the most aroace coded person I have ever met until she's around Mia, in which she then becomes the most lesbian coded person I've ever met. Known her and been friends for almost seven years now, surprised I haven't blogged about her sooner
Mia (she/her): Florence's counterpart that makes her act way more gay, they're always in a package, literally any time we invite Florence and Mia out together they disappear together with no explanation as to where they're going
Beatrice (she/her): My first ever college friend!! Or, at the very least the college friend I'm closest to, she was willing to watch Bungo Stray Dogs with me and listen to my rambling about my gay blorbos and still put up with me which is how you know she's a real one
Phoenix (any pronouns): My ex partner, I've known them since fall of 2015 but it took us til October of 2023 to actually truly interact, and then from there took a month to hit situationship(?) status and then forewent my six step plan in favor of talking about my feelings and officially got together towards the end of December 2023 and broke up in late April 2024 because I don't think we ever would have worked as an actual relationship
Ryn (they/them): College friend I met my first semester of college through the musical I did, and then gradually got closer to as we neared the end of the semester and now they're like my closest friend in college and is also way too cool to be friends with me but they don't seem to realize this so uhh no one tells them
Bella (she/her): Michelle's ex-girlfriend, she went to high school with me and Michelle and was one of the sweetest people I had ever known until I witnessed her and Michelle's breakup and now she's uh.... Interesting to say the least
Thea (she/her): College friend that's currently in a homoerotic friendship with Michelle
Annie (she/any): Directing the musical I'm writing! Dating Raine, a friend from college, one of the kindest most outgoing people I've ever met
Raine (she/her): Assistant directing/art directing the musical I'm writing! Dating Annie, a friend from college, I know her tumblr @ but she doesn't know mine, also obsessed with Scum Villain and is my favorite person to bounce fanfic ideas off of
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